BlackMagic ATEM Mini Chroma Key Setup | Corporate Streams

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hey everybody noah from corporate streams in this video we're going to be learning how to take a green screen and key it with your atem mini be seen heard and better understood through virtual gatherings elevate your message with corporate streams the atm mini has a really powerful feature where it can key out a background as you can see in this particular image i am using a computer screen and this is all happening in real time so i can easily drop myself out just focus on the screen i could bring myself in and i could show you what it looks like before the key and i can show you what it looks like after the key so all this is happening through the a-10 mini and the software so let's go ahead and dive in and look at how this works and also give you some tips because if you don't have the setup right it might look a little weird you might have some things that key well and some things that don't so let's go ahead and talk about that now all right so the first tip we're going to talk about is lighting so i do have an extra little light behind me here that's actually what's brightening up the green screen and what you'll notice is there is a shadow i should say on this side from me onto the green screen and so this shadow creates another shade of green so when you're keying something with green screen the goal and the hope is to try to have as even as lighting as possible across your green screen so when you have shadows like this it makes it harder on the key to work and so that's why you may see it may not be working well so let me go ahead and show you if i key this over a white background what this would look like so as you can see especially in this bottom corner here you can see that shading that weird thing happening right that's because the color green is not consistent across the whole background and so when it's not consistent like that you'll see the shading happening is if we go back to the green screen you'll see there is a really dark patch in this bottom corner here and so i've added a light it's not perfect but it does kind of fill that in and and help make it a little bit more even um and you can see up on the top here you'll see there is a little bit here and a little bit on the bottom so keep that in mind that's the first major tip is try to keep your green screen as evenly lit as possible so that the shade of green is consistent throughout the background the second tip i'll give you is the spacing so i unfortunately am pretty much right against this backdrop so i've got about maybe a foot behind me and the green screen ideally it would be about five or seven feet between the subject which is me the thing you're keying and the background another thing that will happen with that key is it allows you to have a little bit of depth of field with depth of field the camera will focus on you and the background will be a little bit blurry and so that will help meshes it all together so that it's cleaner between you and the background so this is what it looks like with the light off this is what it looks like with the light on so that does help tremendously now obviously i'm adding a little bit of light onto me so you got to keep that in mind i'm working in a kind of confined space so depending on your setup you may have to consider adding lights and doing that as well so now that we've got everything evenly lit let's go ahead and jump into the software and look at what we're actually doing for this key to work so here we are in the software i went ahead and put myself down here in the corner so you can see me as i'm going through this the first thing we'll start with is the upstream key so the upstream key lays on top of or is above you know upstream of the switcher and so right now the switcher i have is camera 4. if i switch this to color if i switch this to bars that would show in the larger image and then the upstream key which is me in the small box in the bottom corner that lays on top and to affect these parameters i have to actually turn off the key which is this button right here so we're going to turn off the key which drops me from the lower third and that's what allows me to do the chroma key the fill source is the camera that i want to key from so in this case my camera one i'm going to select one here this is me that's the camera camera one that i'm going to be subtracting from or removing the green screen and again upstream key and then program is underneath so the program feed becomes the background in this case i could also do this little mini-me setup where i have program which is camera one and then my upstream key which is also camera one so that's why you see a bigger me and a smaller me in the same shot here kind of fun okay so here we are again if you change one of these around that will affect our background layer right or layer underneath and then we could if we had multiple cameras that we could key from we could also do that in this little section here for the next few steps i'm going to go ahead and remove myself here so we're going to select chroma sample and what that's going to do is allow us to select the green through our preview window so i'm using a teleprompter for my setup here so i'm going to go ahead and show you what i'm looking at so i have my multi-view here and then in the preview role there's a little box it's kind of hard to see but there's a little box there that i'm going to be using to select the color green so that i can key so for you at home that little box is going to show up and you can basically move that around until you find the right shade of green to key i would suggest trying to find a patch or an area that has a little bit of both the shadow and the bright i kind of met in the middle there and then we can tweak the rest of the settings to try to dial this in okay so now that we've selected a green we could also make it larger and this will also help when you have different shades of green in there then we're going to make these adjustments so foreground is going to be me or camera one background is going to be the green so that's how much we select of the green so we'll bring that intensity up and down and then key edge is going to be the in between those two right the edge of the key so you'll have to kind of adjust each one of those layers but if you've made this box larger and and overlapped some of the green there you should be able to key out pretty well so i would suggest go ahead and set your your program to color one and this is going to bring up a white program and then we're going to turn on the key so you can see myself now so you're going to go ahead and adjust the key adjustments go ahead and mess with all of those settings until you get the key the way you want and then once you have that built out we'll go on to the next step all right so i'm locking my key here we went through and looked at the foreground the background and the key edge and then we also have some chroma correction or color correction so with the green screen you have light that bounces off the green screen and can cast a green cast on your skin tones of your subject which is me in this case the spill allows us to kind of make up for that green if we had that completely off you might see a little bit of green around the edges here and because we have a pretty good key it's kind of hard to see that but just trust me in the sense that there is a little bit of that and sometimes you'll even have some weird glowiness here and that's what the flare suppression does in my case i don't really need it for this particular shot so that's totally good and then we're going to work our way down here and we have some color adjustments so we can do brightness contrast saturation red green and blue channels this key actually looks pretty good to me so i'm not going to mess too much with these settings but depending on your camera you might want to spend some time and go through each one of these steps to make sure that it works for you and now we get to the fun part so there's a mask and a flying key settings as well so the mask allows you to cut out an edge or a corner that may not be perfect so if i turn off my mask you'll see in this bottom corner here let me show you what that looks like without my keys so you'll see in this corner there is a printer and on this edge it's the edge of the the green screen so instead of fussing with this and trying to get it perfect what we can do is turn on the mask so let me show you what that looks like here right now it's turned off so if i select this it turns on the mask and so we could basically dial in a crop essentially and by default the right side is 16 so if i bring that down to 14 it'll crop out just that corner now you can do this with the bottom of the top and the sides if you really want to for me i just needed that one corner and now it looks super solid it looks super clean let's move down to flying key now this is where it gets fun flying k allows you to make this key smaller and put you in the corner of the bottom area so i'm going to go ahead and set up an a and a b we'll kind of hustle through this and then i'll build myself out and then i'll show you those moving in real time without any editing on the a10 mini so pretty powerful stuff let's go ahead and get to it okay so the first thing you want to do is set the position and the size and then you can set a or set b so when you hit set a it saves it into a and if you hit set b obviously it sets it into b so i went ahead and set up an a which looks like this and this is moving it again in real time with the atem mini not with software i'll run me to b which is on the right side of your screen so that's pretty cool that i can kind of quickly move to the side here or move to this side here and this moves me in real time whether it's the full screen button into position b or position a so that's pretty cool if you're doing a tutorial or doing something live and you have this all pre-built and pre-set up you can kind of quickly switch between these and make it look really cool so you could also set a colored background like i am doing here this is a light blue that fits within my color scheme of corporate streams you can also get more complicated by importing a photo and having that as the background so let's look at that now what you'll do is go to media at the bottom and then instills you'll import an image just make sure that image is a jpeg so i went ahead and put that into stills one so now i can click on media pool one and then i can bring myself over this image as the background and that's how you can add an image for a replacement behind you speaking of this awesome picture this is what it looks like to be on a full set with corporate streams we have audio video and live streaming and we actually did this same kind of key with an atem 2 me so how crazy is that that the keyer in the really expensive 4 000 version and this 300 model is the exact same so lots of powerful tools at our fingertips now today thanks for watching this one if you want to know if green screen or blue screen works better stay tuned for our next episode on corporate streams subscribe do that youtube thing thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Corporate Streams
Views: 11,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BlackMagic ATEM Mini Chroma Key Setup, ATEM Mini Chroma Key Setup, Chroma Key Setup, Corporate Streams, Noah Sargent, atem, atem mini pro, atem mini, Picture in Picture (PiP), Pip, green screen setup, chroma, chroma key, atem mini pro chroma key, atem mini extreme chroma key, blackmagic atem mini, atem mini extreme, Green Screen Lighting, Atem Software Control, Keying with Atem Software Control, Atem Mini Extreme ISO
Id: 4jnSGlJwXIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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