🔴 LIVE Q&A and a 20K GIVEAWAY!

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome thank you everybody for being here good to see everybody in the chat i see we've got a lot of people here today already and i can take off my headphones now that the audio is in fact working this is gonna be fun i've got a whole bunch of stuff today for today's show since we are celebrating 20k on this channel all thanks to all of you who are here and watching yeah i've got the jacket back i brought this back after 10k so i figured it was a good time to bring it back for 20. we will see what what we've got in store today so if you are new here welcome i have i got a whole bunch of uh new people after the last video i posted about the eighteen minutes stand so to today today's show i'm gonna do some q a as well but i do have some special stuff in mind for you to celebrate so we've got i'm going to announce a giveaway i'm going to tell you how that's going to work i am going to give you a little tour around the room here because i've got i realized it was kind of fun to uh to to do that at 10k and things are a little different now so we'll show you uh show you around and what's going on here and i am today using the a10 mini xtreme which is actually from on loan to me from dve store they were nice enough to overnight to me um the other day so this is the first time i'm using it on this stream until the one that i actually bought arrives so i decided i couldn't wait for the iso to arrive so today i am on the regular extreme and oh it's nice i let me just tell you that ahead of time so yeah we got a lot of a lot of stuff all right where are we gonna start uh let me pull up the chat and see if we've got any nice comments in here to show i am going to uh tell you why i am excited about the iso or the extreme as well because it's just gonna make it makes this part a lot easier let me just tell you that uh all right so yes congrats on 20k i'm just going back up a bit to catch up on this and um if you do have a question for me make sure you mention my name at aaron recki in the chat and that way it highlights it on my screen um all right yes i do not know when my extreme is coming in but i do have this one on loan from dve store again thanks to them for for doing that they're the ones of course who are printing who are selling the 3d printed stand here in the us oh thank you keith i appreciate it and look at that my light already changed color to match the super chat i appreciate it keith so was supersource the first or second thing you tried uh definitely the first i am super super excited about supersource and i will show you exactly why i'm so excited about it uh it does a lot of very cool stuff we're gonna talk a little bit about how that works in this stream too because i've already learned some things randy any rumors on whether isa will be available unfortunately i have not heard anything new about that and i haven't i do know that uh people in the netherlands were getting their extremes a lot earlier than people in the us so maybe as soon as we hear some rumors of them getting their isos we will we will be able to know when we'll get them in the us here all right let me scroll back up and um i as usual had to uh you know redo all of my buttons here so things are gonna be a little bit of a rougher than normal because i rewired all sorts of things i've got actually let's see if i can push the right button there's so many buttons on this thing uh it should be that one there we go this is the extreme on my desk cables are a bit of a mess back here because i do not have i did not have time to wire up all the little breakout jacks here for the extreme so i've got my normal four that run into the normal a10 mini pro and a lot of these are just loose dangling messes around the desk in order to just fill up the rest of the inputs uh and you can see the multi-view from it is here and up here and i will walk through that in a bit but yes let's get back to the chat oh my gosh you are all so amazing thank you all so much for the super chat um oh and thanks chuck for being able to join live that's awesome yeah and apologies to all the people in australia and and uh that half of the world because this is a terrible time for a live stream for you i apologize congrats on 20k thank you good to see everybody here let me see if there's any more questions uh okay before we get going sound is sounds good hello from quickback hello from germany oh yes excellent your pk one comes this week um awesome where did you order from steve all right it's going through the intros yeah i do need to change at some point i'm going to do at some point i'm going to do a show at a different time i only think about sundays is looking forward to the show thanks start pouring mimosa i will very shortly believe me what am i going to wear for 50k excellent question uh i might have beamed in i exploded in that was a fun little animation that i made very frantically last night uh 50k pink jacket we'll see got my sandal order in the uk excellent yep uh the i do i was trying to get like a proper order form up for the uk one but they were having trouble with their website so it's kind of weird you have to like just fill out a contact form and then they send you an invoice they are real i promise they're legit i know it's not like a normal purchase button um oh hey how's companion working with the extreme good question so i tried to update companion because they did theoretically add support for the extreme already i couldn't get it to actually update properly for some reason and i ran out of time like i said i got this yesterday like at noon and so what what i'm doing is because it's an atem it all the atem companion stuff does still work and you don't have to it doesn't have to know that it's it's an extreme it just can't do the special things that the extreme has so it can do some things and like can do input switching and all that kind of stuff so um it is until i figure out how to actually properly update it it's at least functional but not perfect i saw a few more super chats in there oh thanks chris are you gonna paint yours white i haven't painted any of my a10 minis white and that's because i actually think they're okay with the dark top even though the rest of my desk is white because these buttons actually uh when i had that little sleeve over it the buttons are harder to see for some reason i don't know exactly how that works but i i don't mind it so i'm going to you know get rid of these black cables and wire them all into this eventually but no i'm probably not going to paint the actual oh i ordered from uk extrinsic awesome well i'm glad you got the shipping notification see it is real it's great okay all right i'm gonna scroll i'm going to try to get to some questions and then we're gonna do a quick overview of what i've got in front of me here congrats on 20k which i provide more support than a comment well that is enough for me thank you have you had any issues with echo on the headphone jack even just playing a single hdmi audio so get reverb sounding audio on headphones no mine worked great i do appreciate having the headphone jack um ironically i'm not using it today for reasons i will explain shortly uh but no i haven't heard any i haven't seen any problems with the headphone jack on mine yet excellent uh okay if i want chroma key preview on hdmi ox must i use either preview program bus for that or another way to preview the chroma key oh good question so if you want to preview the chroma key on the aux out then you you can feed the preview out of one of the outputs which is super cool so one of the really cool things about the iso model is that both hdmi outs are assignable to whatever you want them to be so you can make one a program feed to send to like as a confidence monitor for for the person streaming and then you can make the other one the multi-view or you can make one of them a preview which then will let you do things like proving the chroma key and you you don't need to do anything more than let me test sharing my computer screen to this for the first time you don't need to do anything more than using the little buttons down here to preview so if you choose one of these it will change what's being shown on the preview window and i'm going to show you the multi-view of this which is why i have it wired up this way so you should be seeing the multi view of the a10 mini iso and notice the window up up there called preview uh that one if i if i start pressing these buttons it'll change what's up there right so you can we can preview the chroma key the big window here is what's live but we can preview the chroma key here by doing by using one of the many upstream keyers available which is super cool there's now three upstream keys available so if i if i press this key three button it's kind of small on the screen sorry but if i press this key three button that's going to preview it so you can see it's bringing it into the preview window but i have to choose what to fill it with so i'm going to choose my computer as the main thing and then choose the camera and we're going to do a chroma key not flying key and then we're going to sample and find that green ish this is again not going to be a good chroma key because my background is not set up for it but it's going to do something i mean it's not the worst you can see my computer screen leaking through there right and this is all not live right and then as soon as i want to go live i can just transition and now that is what's live up in the top right corner so yeah totally totally works let me switch back to that so that was a nice little sneak peek of how i've got things wired up here being able to show you that so let me uh talk about that really quick actually what i've got on my screen or on my in front of me here it's the best way okay so sorry for the shaky camera i'm hand holding this today the shaky cam is here so this is the multiview coming out of my iso so that's that's that this is showing me what's on the program stream right so you are seeing a window that looks like this it's going to be a little tunnel vision here up here this small monitor is actually the multi-view from my a10 mini pro and that's the one that's actually streaming today i'm not actually streaming from the extreme because i wanted to be able to show you the multi-view and if you look at the multi-view of the pro sorry for tunnel vision i've got my main camera rounded here again but what i've really gotten here is two hdmi outs from the extreme one's going to the into input four once going into input three so what that means is i can actually decide whether to show you the program from the extreme or the multi-view from the extreme that way i can do things like show you how the buttons work and things like that so that is that's what's going on there um the the rest of the stuff here um i've got i get my computer screen like normal and um my stream deck which is basically doing nothing today except that's how i brought the intro explosion in get rid of the chat um that's how i brought the inter explosion in and then i've got the hyperdeck for playing back the graphics that was doing the countdown as well as the explosion which should be should be right here again yeah you can see it's there it goes and then i'm not really making good use of these two monitors today because i'm really i really just got the multi-view up here so yeah that's a little bit about the setup of what's on my desk sorry for the shaky cam and yeah let me know if you have any questions about that if i forgot anything i'll i'll do more uh more behind the scenes stuff in a bit too okay still got the audio yes so when you use the sony zd1 which is that shaky cam that you saw as my handheld uh on the holy land wireless right now so that's this little rig is the holy land uh 4 or 300 pro and this is the lav mike lav mic which i'm actually haven't turned on yet i'm still going with my overhead mic but that's so that i can walk around and this is the sony's ev1 this battery lasts about i would say 40 minutes not super great so i'm gonna have to change it probably throughout this stream i have the other batteries charging already but it is good enough nearly as many screens and multiview as our buttons i will have to simplify this for users at work yeah so that's a good point the on the multi-view of the extreme which is now what you are looking at here that is that's how many windows you get and there's yeah there's a lot but the cool thing is you can actually customize it so if i go into you can kind of see my computer screen here if i go into this let me make my computer screen bigger by doing that way and um you can actually customize what shows up in the multiview which is super cool so you can decide which windows to put where so you can say like i've got one two three four five six seven eight down here and then this is the program but i can also just reassign it to anything any of these can be reassigned so i can be like oh instead of watching the audio i actually want to see my supersource layout or i actually want to see what's on the media player and you can just reassign these things which is super super cool so that is what's going on there and you can also change they don't all have to be um i don't want to mess it up actually i guess i can let me just let me change this bottom corner so now it's another large block right so if you want to simplify you can actually just show nothing there if you want or make another duplicate of the program you don't need to have all 16 boxes up there but in my case i do want them oh look it saved it that's great okay it came back excellent and now you are seeing now you're seeing my computer screen there we go so yeah that's how i can show you the multi-view and uh myself can you change the multiview layout with a macro this is an excellent question i have not tried it yet actually i am curious to try that yeah it is awesome that it is configurable it is very it makes it a lot more powerful to be able to do whatever you want with it what is the blackmagic device below the dual monitors and how you use it oh yeah so that's actually a lot of the magic of how my setup works here um this is which camera is that i need better labels um so this is it's called an sdi matrix basically it's got 20 inputs and 20 outputs and then you can reassign any of the inputs to any of the outputs and that's what lets me do use more than four sources on my atemi pro where i was able to reroute and on the fly change like oh now i want um now i actually would rather have my my um is my gear still on it is there we go huh it was keying itself out it was weird um so normally i have with the pro just the four inputs i can choose what four of my actual devices are then sent into it as well as sending things back out to monitors so you might notice that i have a ton of monitors around here and that's not what i meant to do my there we go um i've got you know one two three four five right here and then two more over there one as the teleprompter for the camera and one computer monitor over by the desk and it also lets me send anything to any of those monitors so i can say i actu i actually don't want steady cam for this so i can decide actually i don't want that to be multi-view anymore let me change this one so i can say i can go in here and i can say um at small monitor instead of showing me the table camera i actually wanted to show uh the wireless camera that i'm holding and now it's reassigned to that or i can say actually i want it to be the printer camera for my 3d printer or i want it to be whatever right so any of my inputs can be can be routed to any of the monitors and then of course the eight times shows up as monitors two and it is very cool um and now i have to redo everything in order to fit the eight the eight sources that the extreme has why is the multimedia route into the a10 mini pro and not into the extreme i said multi-view right into html pro and not into the extreme so the multi-view of the extreme is set is sent into the matrix which gives me a copy here and it's sending another copy of it into the iso that is streaming that way i can switch to it here so you can see it does video hub also let you decide whether to route audio or not it doesn't let you uh rout audio separately it is it is think of it as like actually unplugging cables so you can say you know you it's like unplugging sci cable from that from there and plugging it back in over here except it's all electronic and you get to copy signals that way too so i can send one i can send the same source to multiple destinations so i've got my my extremes multiview is being sent one copy to my monitor and one copy to the pro that is streaming to you on youtube uh yes you can label the inputs i did label them and i labeled them in a way that is turns out not convenient for what i'm doing which was the mistake uh have i seen the new road wireless go to what is your thoughts i haven't actually used it yet but i have um i saw all the announcements about it it looks great i like the rode wireless go the original one the two looks like a fantastic upgrade to that and you are one of you is gonna get it before me because that is one of the prizes in the giveaway which speaking of let's talk about that for a minute um so here's how the giveaway works there are let me copy this link i'm gonna drop this link in the chat there is there is a link for uh doing the entry for this channel i'm going to link this in the chat right now i'm also going to put it in the video description if you're watching this in the replay so this link is going to give you a bunch of things you can do to to enter multiple times so every action will get you some number of entries towards it and um let me share this is what it looks like so you can go and um this is you know this this giveaway is sponsored by yolo live and holy land and road and aperture and they are giving away these four prizes and we would like you to go and visit and interact with all of these fantastic companies on instagram and a few other secret things that you will unlock by doing these so this is going to be the best way to enter and when you uh when you do this it'll unlock new actions as well some of which are going to be uh uh fun little things like um like where do i see the entries so a couple of um ways you can get even more entries into the giveaway is by actually um posting a photo on twitter or instagram of your own setups and then tag us and then there's a spot to drop in the link to your photo you can also if you um pay attention during this stream you will find a secret code somewhere in the stream i'm not going to tell you where it might be something i say it might be something in the background it might be on my screen i'm not going to tell you where to find that but if you do find it there's a place to enter that code into the giveaway as well i will be doing that again next week so next week during next week's streams i'm going to also include a separate a second code and you'll have to watch the stream in order to find the code and that'll give you even more chances to enter and we're going to announce the winners two sundays from now so on the 21st or i guess 22nd if you are across the dateline and the um that's what we'll announce announce the winners based on a random drawing of everybody who's entered uh the other way to enter is to go to the instagram accounts of these of these companies and go and comment on their posts they all have a post or a story up about this giveaway so you can go to to instagram um what is it yolo let me see if i'm logged in on my computer that would have been a good idea to prep ahead of time and if i there we go so here is me but if you look at not that one here's one from holly land so holly land posted about the giveaway on their insta and go there and comment and that's another way to enter and the more of these things you do the more chances you have to win because we are basically selecting four from the from my giveaway and then one of the comments from each of the brands will be selected into a pool of eight and will randomly draw from the eight in two weeks so i hope that all makes sense um if you don't have an instagram then you know you don't you don't need to you can just enter all the other ways there's plenty of things you can do on the on the giveaway even without instagram and that is totally fine or just go make an account whatever it's free okay it's let me take a look back at the chats joe says just make me a winner 19th my birthday great uh it says my valid email address isn't valid that is very strange um message me later and we will take a look paulo says thank you for all the great content your channel and also cursey for making me want more gear i am sorry i know it's a lot of fun okay let me scroll back up mark says congrats on the 20k i'm proud to say that i've been watching since you set up the original mini so is your stream the iso i'm wondering when they will ship to canada thank you for watching since the original mini yeah that was that was a lot of fun too that was a i mean still is an amazing device frankly but yeah the the uh what i'm using today the extreme is not the iso it is a regular stream dvd store i had some extra ones in stock they didn't actually sell out all their inventory so this is on loan from them thanks to them so again shout out to dbe store and you know they actually might have one more in stock right now so if you do want to get one that you and haven't yet let me just go grab that link and why is it not showing up good question apparently i haven't made the link for it yet oh i think i made the direct link it's probably in this video description by now a-time mini extreme and dve store says in stock not for long so if anybody wants the extreme go order from dve store that link is in the chat now paul thank you for the super chat i appreciate it all right let me talk about oh this is a good question do you do you use the backup stream ever needed it excellent question so the yes i have used it and i've used it in a couple of interesting ways the um the backup stream so youtube gives you two urls to push to uh video two and you can do some really clever things by using it one of the so it's meant to be a backup stream like in case you know one internet connection goes down it will then um it will then pick up you know from your backup stream but you don't have to send the same thing to both streams you do have to send the same frame rate to both otherwise youtube gets mad but it doesn't have to be the actual same content which means you can actually do things like uh you can actually do things like um oh no got a server error signed for newsletter that's bad i'll fix that looks like i messed something up on my newsletter okay well you'll have to come back and subscribe again when i fix that uh that's not something i'm gonna do live so yeah with the backup url cool thing you can do is stream like some sort of generic graphic like um signal is lost and just put on some stock music in case you actually want to stream from a different location so if you only have one interconnection on site and you don't have a way to to stream using a backup internet connection you can stream from a different studio totally different location and stream something this is generic like well you know we'll be resuming the program shortly sorry for the the dropout what that does is it means that your viewers if your main feed does drop it means your viewers will instead of seeing just the spinner they will see some content instead and music and that way they know that you're not just gone and that lets you do um that that means that you don't have to like frantically scramble to reconnect the internet or whatever and i like that um i like that option a lot so i did that with the uh when i did the yolo box stream from the smoke where i didn't know if my cell phone was gonna hold up the whole time so i streamed to my youtube backup url from the studio i just had a video playing on a loop at the studio streaming from my attendee pro to the back of the url so that is one way one cool way to do that um another reason another way that i used it recently was um was the stream that we did with photojoseph and john barker from here to record the three of us that was being broadcast from joseph's studio to restream i o to all three of our channels which means i basically gave joseph a stream key and he was streaming to the primary url of my youtube channel and then i streamed from here to my backup url using the same stream key what that meant is that because if you were watching that show we were having some internet connection problems and at the beginning especially and he actually had to go and like reboot something which meant he was no longer streaming to restream and that meant that i could fill in the gap in my stream by pushing content from here so i i just again had like a splash graphic up with some music but again it meant that while that reboot was happening the viewers were not stuck on a spinner and they were still getting some sort of content so that they knew that you know we were going to be coming back soon so i think those are some interesting ways to to use the backup url but yeah great question all right i i got a server the first time i tried to subscribe i tried again it worked fine okay try that i will fix it otherwise but yes you can um this will again this is not just today so this giveaway is up for two weeks so feel free to come back and double you know subscribe again later the newsletter what that does though is basically it sends out notices when i go live so it sent one out this morning about this live stream 30 minutes before that way since youtube's notifications seem to be pretty flaky you will actually get a notification via email when i do go live and there is a secret code somewhere you will have to just keep an eye out or an ear okay and i see a bunch of you are tweeting at me fantastic can prices be shipped internationally they absolutely can yes um i'm not actually sure the which i'm sure there's a couple of countries that are that are limited because of uh various rules but generally yes it is not limited to the us the original mini multiview video was epic such a long time ago it was such a long time ago that one at multiview that was before the pro was out before there was multi-view and uh that was you know my attempt at creating a multi-view for the original a10 mini mainly to make a point i don't think you actually need it for that i think there's plenty of other uh uses of the mini without multi-view because it was a bit of a hodgepodge of of parts which cameras do you use in your streaming setup so the the camera up there my main camera for the stream is the lumix g7 and that camera is uh my favorite camera for this because of how affordable it is and i'm going to drop a link to this because there it is so favorite streaming camera that is g7 it's 500 including a kit lens kit lens is fine of course you can spend more money on a better lens as well which is a good idea eventually but even with a kit lens it's going to give you far better results than a webcam and it's a lot less cheaper than a lot of the other options for cameras and the one limit on it is when you record internally it doesn't output over hdmi which is why it's my streaming camera i don't record anything on it it's just outputting hdmi into the switcher i also have this microphone run into that camera and that guarantees the audio is in sync so that is i like that setup it makes things very simple and it's relatively affordable it's affordable enough that i can just put it on the desk not worry about having spent a thousand or more dollars on a camera that sits on my desk this lens i did upgrade the lens this lens is the leica 15 millimeter and again this this is my favorite lens it is very uh it can open up very wide so it's a nice wide aperture and that is uh yeah that is my favorite lens for the lens is as much as the camera so don't buy that until you are ready to actually upgrade that okay the do you have tracking on that ptz camera yeah so this is the i can give you a quick room tour with this camera the and you'll see how the tracking goes this is the obs spot they actually sent it out um and i reviewed it or talked about it last week so this is what that camera looks like it might be a little bit out of sync i can't quite tell because now the audio is running through the lumix camera but you're looking at me through the ptz camera but this is an automatic tracking so as i walk around let's see if it's on yeah it's on so it's face tracking and no i gotta switch audio so you can actually hear me as i leave the camera okay we're gonna switch audio to the wireless audio so that's going to be it's going to be this one now there's definitely a delay because the we're now you're listening to me through the wireless hdmi delay sorry about that but yeah now it's tracking me around the room and as long as i can see my face it'll keep following me and this way i can show you what this room looks like from an angle other than how you normally see me which is like that so normally i have my camera so that it's just kind of at an angle and this lens happens to be a lot wider so this is a gesture camera too so when i when i do this it'll pause tracking and now it won't track me around if i get back in the frame and do this it'll track me again and then there's another gesture which i forgot already another gesture for zooming in i'm gonna have to figure that one out again but yeah cool little camera and um obviously the picture is not quite as good as my lumix g7 but hey it's cool uh and that is a link for that camera looks like my keys a little bit off on that chat so yeah let me show you a little bit around the room this is this is the light on the ground that's making that gradient which cut out i see audio still i think it's fine can't tell if the color is different on the obs camera or for the reflections from the jacket color is definitely different look at the gradient here um and then compare it to this camera this camera is a lot crisper a lot smoother of course because it's a mirrorless camera with a very nice lens but uh you know this is pretty decent oh yeah this is a webcam so it is plugged into my computer and this is actually you're looking at actually quicktime full screen on my uh full screen on my computer so if i go over to my computer and oh yeah there's my countdown timer there's quicktime you can see the little play bar on quicktime but quicktime full screen means you can just i can route it into the switcher oh zoom is the l gesture that's right so if i do this and then it should there we go now it's zooming in it just it's just 2x zoom so it's now uh zoomed and i believe it's digital so you'll probably it probably looks a little bit grainier now and then do that again and it'll zoom back out hopefully go go go no come on do i have to do with the other hand there we go okay cool yeah my audio's out of sync let me switch back um that's again because my audio is coming from this microphone now so this should be in sync and the wireless delay is what you were hearing so this is how i can show you around the rest of the room but yeah while i've got this one let me show you behind the behind my desk which is a bit of a disaster but it's kind of fun so normally i've got four of those routed back there i'm gonna have to add another four and then on the back what i've got is a mess of cables that are horribly not managed at all and if you look in there let's see there's the other end of them and they all run into these converters so these are a little sdi converter bi-directional these ones are single directional and i made these little brackets for them these were something else i 3d printed and they're little shelves which you can stack as many as you want and that way they stay more organized this is at an angle this is actually tilted and there's a shim that like makes it vertical again and then that way they actually stack up straight and you can see it's a bit of a mess because i had to rewire things for the extreme and route a bunch a bunch of new stuff the power is a disaster power cords are a bit of a mess down there sorry about that eventually i will fix that but you can't tell from the other side which is all that really matters a couple of ones in here so there's four or maybe six or so i think that feed down into that cable and they are wrapped up in there which comes around into this box which is my last piece to build in the studio inside that box is another pile of converters and in there they break out into you can kind of see on the on on that side it breaks out into hdmi ports on the top so i can plug stuff in over here and this is where i've got my my other monitor which i can again it's routable so i can choose what to show on there right now it's showing multiview from the extreme i've got a monitor under that teleprompter there for the main camera that's how i do all my videos and i also sometimes put another atm mini down here or other devices i'm testing like yellow box or the other switchers the epiphan and then i can feed in signals into the table here from from the main desk uh jose as you can't tell from the other side these cables are aaron's mullet so yeah the cable management is disaster partly because i haven't quite actually finished any of this yet i'm going to finish it i promise at some point but i have not yet uh and now that i've got the extreme i have to redo everything anyway switch back to that audio uh see what other questions we have aren't they overheating the converters um no there's a tiny bit of a gap between uh between them and that seems to be fine uh what is the resolution and frame rate i actually don't know i don't know thanks for the behind the switcher tour it's a bit of a mess but hey it works and the uh thanks to the sdi matrix that has actually made a lot of this stuff a lot more manageable and it's meant that the cable management disaster isn't as bad as it would be otherwise so the normally with the giant mess of cables it would be really annoying because you'd have to be rewiring things and the um when i do so when i do these live streams i have you know i want to have my multi-view on the i i want my multi-view big because that's what i'm showing you and then i want a computer screen but when i do workshops where i'm actually teaching software stuff i want two outputs that i'm looking at on my computer so what i do is i go into my switcher and i say oh now that monitor actually gets to become my uh computer monitor which let me get rid of the camera over there so it doesn't yeah so i can actually say it's now a computer monitor and in a second it'll sync up oops it did that's weird well now it's another copy of my another copy of my my screen but you get the idea you can just reassign it to whatever you want uh my other computer that should have worked why isn't that one working something is wrong one of the problems with the uh bi-directional converters oh no i actually want that to be the multi-view one of the problems with the bi-directional converters is they don't lock into a bi-directional mode so the little black magic sti bi-directional things they are either well they will auto-adapt so grab grab one i i want them to change this i really want them to change but it's got hdmi in hdmi out sdi and sdif bi-directional right so you feed sdi in and it comes out of hdmi you feed it hdmi in it comes out sdi cool great it has another feature where if you only have one thing plugged in if you have only sdi in it'll send it over hdmi out and copy it back out the sdi port same on the hdmi side so it has three modes you can have hdmi in to hmi passthrough and sdi out you can do sdi in to sdi pass through an hdmi out or you can do bi-directional where you're using both both cross converters and the problem is that there is no way to lock it so if it detects a signal is gone it'll switch modes so that's what was happening there is the converter that's feeding that screen i guess the one coming out of the one of the converters somewhere uh was losing the signal and then saying oh i guess i better switch into copy the other signal mode which apparently was connected to my camera and it's i have no idea what's connected to where at this point because i've had to redo too many things but that's kind of that that's kind of the problem there you have a wire diagram for the 20 cable matrix and how they're connected i wanted to get an idea i do actually so the let me see if it's it's probably not a hundred percent uh probably not 100 up to date but let me throw that on the other screen oh and you know what i want to do i want to make a supersource layout to show you this but we're going to do this live because i don't have any super sources uh quite set up yet so i'm going to show you the multi-view of this and you can see my computer 2 over there is what i want to show you in the supersource so we're going to build up the supersource layout source is just like another input so uh for example let's see what am i going to put on i'm going to put this in the background you can choose a background and then you can put in four boxes and the boxes can be cropped resized whatever so and then it just shows up like an input so if i switch to that you will see the supersource looks like i did already set it up it's my computer screen and my camera it's a little bit off i'm a little bit off center so if i go into super source preset the uh or you can you can create the layout box one is the main camera and you can see it's positioned so i can move it it was it was in a fine spot i actually kind of like that it's overlapping a tiny bit but the crop is wrong i want to crop less of the left and more of the right oops and let's add one to that there we go and then i want to scoot it back over so maybe a little more maybe we'll go nine maybe we'll go to eight there we go and then it'll crop right to six now to seven and scoot me back over there so there's that box with my camera there's another box box two is the computer screen and that is not cropped at all because i want to show you the full screen but it is scaled so i can shrink it i can make it bigger i could make it full screen but then it doesn't really mean that's defeats purpose of super source but what i want to do is i want to make it a little bit smaller so that it's side by side and i could even you know make them not overlap at all right by doing that and then in the background you can just choose whatever you want any of your inputs can be the background so i've got that graphic what's in my other media oh i made these borders to test this overlay so let me show you that let me bring this back and then um if you want to put so we've got um we've got background layer coming in from input 8 so that the input called city loop is actually input eight and that is actually coming from the oh yeah i can just switch right the other cool thing about supersource it's not like the upstream keyers where the upstream keyers you have in order to like use them effectively you have to like make macros uh this you can just it is this layout is saved so i can now switch to that and show you there is the little mika spec playing that graphic that one that's just on a loop and then i can just switch to supersource so as soon as i press that button boom now you're looking at the super source layout no macro is needed for that and yeah so that um the background here is i linked to the channel i got it from but it's a it's like a free free animations you can get on youtube it's a really cool channel and uh i color graded it to match my colors a little better and then converted it for uh h264 and uh this is the player that it's on make a spec so yeah so because super source ends up being just another like screen you can still overlay you can still overlay stuff on top so you can still overlay the chat right i've still got my downstream key doing doing the chat supersource rules it sure does it sure does um okay you don't need to see my chat as i'm doing this so yeah this is software control um what was i going to show you that's what oh no i was going to show you the the graphics so in my supersource layout i can change box two to instead of having my computer screen of course you know you're gonna as soon as i click this you're gonna it's gonna disappear but i can have it show my other computer so my other computer is where the full screen wire diagram is and that's now the layout ish of uh what i've got in the studio here so as i am see it's gonna work scroll around yeah so this is not updated again for the extreme this is why what i have for when i had the 2a10 mini pros connected but you can see that it's got um zoom it's kind of small for me to see on this i need to fix that there we go uh oops is that now i'm trying to remember how this is wired what are you seeing you're saying okay no that's right um the the yeah so the matrix there's 20 ins and 20 outs and most of these go to converters so a couple of the outputs go to monitors because a couple of my things are sdi out like the two small monitors on my desk or on in the rack those are sdi monitors um the hyper deck is sdi in uh in and out so those are direct but then in order to get into the a10 mini i have to go through these converters so you can see the a10 mini the the bi-directional converters and then again this is not totally accurate but you can see that like this converter is actually being used for two things it's going sdi out but then it's also got hdmi in from some other source and then somewhere i've got these long cables right so these represent the long cable runs to the other table where i've got another monitor the teleprompter other cameras over there like the table camera and the overhead camera also i can plug in a laptop over there so you get the idea um the yeah my main camera is up here going through a converter to run sdi into one of the inputs on the matrix it's it's a bit of a mess uh yeah and oh you are seeing the multiview that's what i wanted to show you i'm sorry that was i forgot to change that a long time ago that's why i was saying that apologies so here is that this is better this is the diagram um anyway it's still small it's still hard to read the it's also not super accurate so don't read too much into it but i'm going to now that i've like decided now that i've decided how to now that i have decided how to um how to use the extreme here in the studio then that is going to be how i i'm going to redo the diagram to match and also redo all my wiring to match okay let me catch up with the chat i am still showing the multiview my bad share the diagram in the description oh you know what i actually can do that because i just i forgot that there is a share feature now in this fantastic software uh if i can get to that page come on okay how do i share this there is the link copy this link anyone with the link can see it okay again not perfect but the link is in the chat is it only one code per stream there is only one code per stream did i put the wrong code in this in this for today i was pretty sure the first secret code i did it backwards i did it backwards oh what am i gonna do i put i put the second coat in okay well today is this is now even more of a puzzle today's stream is put the code into the one that says second code uh what i will do is i think enter the code from march 14th i'm going to change the title that's what i'm going to do enter the code from march 14th enter the code from march 7th i can't change the code otherwise it's going to mess everybody's up but i can change the title of that okay and yes i will link to this again if you missed it the link is in the chat and the uh i will again update the description if you're watching this afterwards so if you are watching this later the link to that should be in the description and you don't have to go dig through the chat okay yeah sorry about the diagram being small i forgot to share my multi-view uh this is a good point simon though i'm guessing you would struggle to push supersource over skype to demo something with camera computer because the heavy webcam compression yeah skype actually does pretty well i was um using i was using i was looking at joseph's multi-view over skype to control his live stream when he did a demo a couple weeks ago and skype doesn't compress it too much so it actually worked out fine zoom compresses it a ton it's not even just compression it's actually scaling down to like 240 pixels that was a bit a bit much so zoom does not work super well but the uh with skype it was it was fine uh joe says make sure you point out the foreground versus background selection good point yes good point the so in the super source let me switch back to supersource and then switch which is in box two back to my main computer so the art tab uh this is basically what's not being scaled right it's just full screen and then you can choose whether that's foreground or background so right now i have it in the background because i have as background graphics but if i hit that you're gonna see the graphic so what that's actually for if you want it in the foreground is if you had some sort of border art so i can actually do this really quick the way i like to do this is if i go capture a still of whatever's in the program so there's that image i wish i could drag them out of here or like export but if i just save the whole thing it'll save that to disk and uh where is my where is my folder of all of the where is my folder of all of the graphics it should be here oops nope not that one don't open that get out of here get out of here today this one so here's what i just captured here's the program then if i just open this up in photoshop what we can do great great freeze frame there uh what we can do though is go draw little borders so i'm just going to go do that and then make a solid color and then get rid of the fill and then give it a layer style with a border centered let's make it like 12 pixels and let's make it a fun color let's make it match my coat okay and then we'll do it again for this one so i'll just draw a little rectangle roughly over that computer screen and solid color doesn't matter what color because i'm going to get rid of the fill and then i'm gonna copy that layer style onto here paste okay now i've got now i've got borders created so if i get rid of that then i can we're gonna need something else to go around the edges too we want something else in the background so let me take my let me take my colored backgrounds where are they or somewhere in here oh my gosh rgb background okay so if i grab this and paste it into the background layer here now we actually do want to get rid of get rid of those there so i'll mask that out and then flip the mask around okay now i don't like the colors because they clash so let me switch it to blue let's switch it to a light blue actually it's usually white let's just do white there we go white border contrast against all the colors okay this is a graphic now with transparency so let me go and push this into the media pool um what was my ip address i haven't even given this one a static ip at 45.73 so i can push this from photoshop we're going to call it super source overlay into slot 10 great now that's in the switcher back to the switcher i can choose instead of fill source city loop i can choose media player let's go load it into the media player here's the graphic in media player two oh yeah by the way there's two media players in this thing now super cool so we can go switch it to media player two use that key it's in the background uh and if i switch to the foreground you should see the full thick borders now yeah so now it's sitting over top of of everything so you can even do like i should have done something a little bit more fun like uh decorative borders like if you do like a wavy line then you can overlay the wavy line around like this video or you know mask it into like something other than a rectangle um that would actually be a good one so if i take if i get rid of that and do like a uh oval shape like this and do that mask and then let's see how do i get rid of that here we need to do i need to get rid of get rid of that that way and then add it back here okay now i've got something a little more interesting let's just overwrite overwrite that super source oval and it's going to actually overwrite it live and it's in use which means now we see it cool so now i've got a pretty unique supersource layout all done with that overlay graphics uh and now you'll see the difference if i move it to the background right my rectangle video from the super source is now spilling over that graphic so if i move it into the foreground oh i mess up the top and the bottom i need to scale my box one a bit i need to fill out that oval there we go tada supersource is amazing that's the moral of a story that's all you need to know all right that was a fun little mini tutorial all right change your ip now oh it's a private ip it's on my network you don't have access to my network morgan thank you for the super chat which hdmi monitors do you recommend my key is definitely off because i have not tuned this yet let me fix that it needs to look more like that nope nope there we go almost which h monitors recommend i have a little output a8 for my teleprompter suggestions for a monitor for the second extreme output is that the is the a8 the 10 inch one the okay so the little but 10 inch one that that um carl used on the the case he built i really like that one i don't have one yet because i just was borrowing that case for him to do the video about it i want to get that monitor though and that that one looked amazing let me see if i can find it again because yeah it was like super bright and super uh sharp a11 that's the one let me grab this link okay oh one of the other things i noticed about the extreme is that it works with some of the monitors that the pro did not work on for me which is super great news so they fixed something all right here's the little put a11 excellent closing that window i'll drag the layer styles from one layer to another excellent tip thank you for that can you get to my super chat question let me see if i missed one i probably did thank you for that scrolling up aha is the way to control sony alpha cameras with companion similarly to what you can do with atem software control in black magic that is an excellent question let's find out so if i my supersource should be set up again yeah if you look at the companion website this tells you what it could control so i can go look for sony and that is not a camera is that a camera i don't know what this is what is sony viska oh it's for their ptz cameras so yes for their ptz cameras you can but it doesn't look like you can for like their regular cameras hopefully that helps but that is how to find out that question and thank you for the super chat uh where can i find that city loop video it is at at the bottom of this description there's a the name of the channel that it came from there's a bunch of other cool synthwave graphics on there too does blackmagic pay you they certainly should uh no they do not and they are however very kindly going to be sending over a couple of things for on loan for me to check out i'm probably not going to buy the web presenter hd myself because i think the atomic pro does enough or the extreme will do enough for me but i am curious to check out the web presenter so they are going to loan that to me for a couple months to check out i'll be able to try it out as well all right dean says open the bubbles i think dean is correct i just realized it's already been over an hour of me just chatting away my wireless camera battery died as expected so what i'm going to do is let's see let's switch over to switch over to the tracking camera nope that one while i my mic is on the camera battery that said and grab the batteries plug this back in do you need to convert all your feeds from computers to the item extreme for frame rate reasons or can you just go straight in uh no you do you can definitely go straight in i'm doing things in a complicated way um because what i'm what what this gets me by doing it this way is the ability to um copy fiends to multiple places so for example my multi-view you can see it back over there and it's over here i can also say that is a computer monitor so if i go like i can say now that's my computer now it's my computer go there it goes okay so now i can just walk over to that table and use it with as a computer with my wireless keyboard and mouse which is also pretty cool and i'm going to make the teleprompter one the multi-view because i want where is it destinations tape uh oh my gosh too many too many outputs there that one is going to be the multiview so i can see what i'm doing in the teleprompter and then we can switch back to this camera which is now charged and sound from that camera and let me bring my keyboard and mouse over to here okay yeah flattering angle there we go and i've still got a nice computer monitor over here and now it's like it's like i never it's like that computer is everywhere and i can go back and see the chat and stuff cool talk about that pink thing over your head instead of pink microphone um it is a pink microphone you can see it up there it is a little movo vxr 10. and that is that's the one you're not hearing it now because you're hearing me on the lav mic but that is what i normally use for all my live streams and that is the oops that is the link oh christian thank you for the super chat and steve thank you for the super chat congrats on 20k and drippydog thank you for the super chat and that is a great on that note it was a great note to open this and take a sip uh paulo yeah that mic i would say it is quite good and especially considering the price it is extremely affordable and it's good enough to uh for me i'm sure there's better microphones but you know it works one of the things i actually like about it is that it plugs uh directly into the camera so i don't worry about powering it separately uh don't take out the lights this time yes the last time i did this i almost made a dent on the ceiling thankfully it did not dent the ceiling but it did uh make quite a noise there we go all right cheers everybody thank you all so much for hanging out with me every week since last april uh it's a lot of fun is this some german sect again it is in fact that is exactly what it is it is schlossberg trucking all right cheers dean thank you so much thank you for your content each week i learned so much from this channel and sorry do my live streaming roll on 50k yeah cheers thank you so much all right let me see if i can oh i should have a ah yes my macro worked from my ipad even and if i redo my which one was i going to use for that i have an overhead camera too so i can show you stuff on this table will be camera five so i want to redo computer two i ran out of inputs already on the on the extreme because i actually do have nine things i wanted to to plug in today where is it what am i sending there right now computer two why can't i find it i'm trying to find let's see how do i get this there we go that worked i am trying to reroute reassign input five oh it's hardwired that's why i can't find it because i can't do that after all so that one is stuck as that oh well my nice overhead camera i apparently ran out of slots to to input but yes i read the extreme gets very hot what are your experiences the um so far so i i think they changed the way the fans work the fan seems to pull in from both sides and out the back and it is uh definitely warm but it doesn't seem any different than how hot the normal normal one got oh how's my audio probably out of sync again right because you're now you're looking at me through yeah you're looking at me through the blackmagic camera and listening to me from the wireless hdmi i should be able to switch that switch the audio around so if i switch my audio to b from the blackmagic camera which is input 11. that looks too quiet that is not enough sound coming in from that so that's not going to work i can why don't i plug in the holy land receiver into the blackmagic camera this audio is coming from the black magic camera but it seems like it's too quiet still how are the how is this sound yeah i was i had audio turned off while i was fiddling with that does this does it sound okay i'm probably in sync but i think it's quiet i think it's too quiet way low does it get noisy if i turn up let me just get my headphones because i gave myself a super long cord hello whoa sounds echoed it does it's not using the lav mic that's why it's just the camera audio probably is nice and loud over here now [Music] aha figured it out i haven't there we go i haven't really done uh audio stuff with the black magic camera yet so the um i forgot that you have to actually explicitly turn like change what audio source the blackmagic camera is using so it was just the camera audio before but now you are hearing much better audio and make sure i'm not clipping yeah okay better the black magic color is it very different it's very good thank you um you are looking at the lut that i made that tries to match my g7 so is it still too low it is still too low one more time i think testing testing testing oh there we go oh too hot that's better sorry i didn't test that ahead of time normally i try to okay yeah the better probably whispered the secret okay let me just check myself no it sounds fine great do you like the gbm light behind me i do it is um it is yeah it's a rgb i did a video about it but i like that it's it just throws a lot of light into the room okay let's plug this ipad in so i don't lose my control have you mentioned how much you've invested in your complete audio video equipment up to date no no i have not i have not i don't think i want to know uh quite a lot is the answer quite a lot have i seen the trendy new elgato sound sound panels i have not seen their new sound panels that sounds very cool thank you for the congrats uh you have all the audio out of sync i guess if you ran inputs of one extreme into the other yeah be a lot i don't know what i'm going to do exactly i probably don't i don't think i want to attend many extremes in the studio but we'll see how that goes atm extreme will be a one me killer probably that tier middle tier needs some updating definitely needs some updating it is not up to par with the rest of the of the gear now what teleprompter and monitor are you using this is let me show this angle zoom in a little bit so this is the it's actually the one that i showed on the stream a couple weeks ago the um what was it let me just search for it the not the podcaster parrot but it was the i don't know why i didn't drop a link to it in my little linky website that's the one per gear mini teleprompter okay that i did have a link to it i don't know why i didn't show up in search so this is the per gear mini teleprompter and then the screen for it is the uh feelworld l uh no feel world little seven inch t7 field world double check that yeah fuel world t7 hdmi t7 hdmi monitor and it happens to fit just just into the little thing there like just barely it's not really made for it you can see that actually the little clamp for holding like a smartphone it's actually resting on top of it it's not supposed to work this way but it does and um it's it you can see it's also a little bit wider like let me just show you like this uh the it's a little bit wider than the teleprompter is so not not perfect but it does do a pretty good job and it means that because it's an hdmi monitor it'll do the image flip itself so i can just send again any signal from my switcher into that monitor so right now it's showing me the multi-view so that i can see what you're seeing on the stream make sure it's levels are right and all that because i've reassigned my computer my monitor this is now my computer monitor instead of multi-view like before that way i can see the chat i could do the other way too i can put the chat up there but then it's a little bit small oh yeah you should plug the atom stand yeah it's been sitting over here on my desk so if you haven't figured it out yet if you haven't found this yet i don't know how you would be here if you haven't already seen this uh it's the latest video i did but this is the stand that i designed for the a10 mini pro not the intimate extreme yet because i didn't have it in order to measure it but for the a10 mini the original one which i have sitting over here and this is let me get this camera back into a good spot so yeah this the a-10 mini sits like that and it tilts it a bit up i've got this nice little deck saver cover over it which i made room made sure it had room to fit rather than like the ones that are the little clamps which block the case so this sits here then there's enough room to run uh all the cables out the back you can actually put another atm mini down below it or like a stream deck if you want and then you can attach stuff to it so i've got the small rig monitor mount so i use that monitor usually up here so i was shooting all the video with but you can put a monitor up here you can put stuff on the cold shoe mounts like you know attach your wireless mic receiver or whatever um you can attach one of these hard drive things i just realized when my lights is off let's give you some more light there we go so you can attach one of these hard drive holders over here and then stack a hard drive there it'll also attach on the back so there's more little clamps over here on the back lots of different options and then if you do want to you can also put a small rig cheese bar on the side that's optional accessory you can get and then you get a bunch of screw holes to mount stuff too as well lots lots of mounting options it was a lot of fun to design i learned 3d modeling just to be able to do this basically and that was um it was a lot of fun it was a lot of fun to to learn that i can actually show you how that can i show you how that works i don't know if i have the right number of cables connected to do that uh but yeah on it was basically designed literally entirely on the ipad so that is the thing that i used to do all the 3d modeling i have purchased a pk1 that's the name of the stand how long does it take to print on your design on the person mini plus the mini plus is exactly the right size to print it i'll show you this is the print bed from the mini plus so if you look at the if you look at it it's too big it is too wide for the stand but if you print the parts at a diagonal they're exactly the right size so this top bar fits exactly i actually had to cheat a little bit to make that work and the bottom two long ones if you print them standing up on their side like that right next to each other they'll fit perfectly diagonally so you have to print it in two batches and print the the top bar and the sides in one batch and then the bottom pieces in the second batch and in total it took about 11 hours which is a long time but it works the oh i should probably at this point add the link to the giveaway in the video description in case people are joining late okay so yeah now if you are joining late that will be in the video description i'll drop it in the chat too just because that's all the info about the giveaway and at this point i will tell you that the code has been shown on the stream at some point already probably a few times and yeah so i am going to do a stand for the a10 mini extreme one of the challenges is that this top bar is so it's the width of the a1080 that's the idea is to be able to put stuff on top of it and if i make it the width of the extreme i'm worried it's going to start bowing i don't think it's strong enough at this thickness to not bend under the weight of whatever monitor you put on top once it gets 50 longer so i'm probably going to have to put a support thing in the middle somehow the problem is that all of the ports on oops all of the ports on the back of the a10 mini are pretty close together so i'm gonna have to like get it to go right around the gap there it's gonna be a bit of a challenge and the other part of that is i like i said this top piece is the maximum size that could fit on my printer so i'm either going to not be able to print it myself or have to design it in parts more parts that get assembled in smaller pieces which then starts to add a lot of considerations for how the structure supports itself which will be a bit of a trick how easy do you find it to read the teleprompter screen my eyesight doesn't switch focus well from near to distance i mean yeah this is not a big screen like this is it's a seven inch screen that's sitting five feet away from me so it's pretty small but when i actually show text on it then it ends up being the text is huge right so if i i mean let me go route my little where is that connected to i think it's this one nope i think it's wow my labels got all messed up when i threw everything there we go now i can't see my multi-view so this is what it looks like with text on it see the end of a video i just recorded this is actually coming from that little ipod down there so it's just running hdmi out actually into the switcher so that i can then reassign it into here and that's what it looks like and i can read it fine from here i have no problem reading this it's very large text you can see it's only a few lines on the screen but that's great for the teleprompter and then if i switch that back to the multiview yeah it's a bit hard i can't read the text in your chat message right now i can see i can recognize the name i can read some of the words but i don't need to be able to read the messages at that distance it's fine for me to be able to just uh sort of i know what's on the program feed i know that the audio i can see the audio bars and all that so it's a bit small i have been thinking about getting a larger um a larger screen for it and like a larger teleprompter it gets very expensive and i'm not sure it's going to make enough of a difference to justify the extra i don't know several hundred dollars it would be so this has been working fine russell thank you for the super chat and thanks for the congrats raise the bar and turn the cold shoot brackets into an i-beam bar two bars connected together with a honeycomb shape yeah it's gonna be some engineering work to get this to work i need your old atem mini pro i'm gonna sell one of them i'm probably gonna keep some of them too though i have too many but i'm i don't think i'm gonna upgrade everything to the extreme oh there's your super chat thank you i appreciate it and oh yeah if you do want to print this yourself you can i am selling the stl files as well so you don't have to buy it pre-made if you have a printer yourself everything about that is at the link on my website aaronpk.tv and scroll down there's links for the aten mini stand with links to all of the products and accessories and screws and all of that please do cable management add-on form stressed every time connecting the brittle usb-c converters so i'm i found it difficult to do any kind of cable management built in because hdmi cables are all different thicknesses different heads or different sizes but this bar should give you mounting options for attaching other things to it so i'm curious if you do end up rigging up some sort of cable management system that you could screw into this back thread that could sit over here or over here i would love to see a picture of that so that's kind of the idea of like i can't make this fit everybody's use cases because there's so many different cables and things that connect to it but that's why i put all these different options for things to attach to it yeah strain relief okay cool oh yeah i built a case for the pro in the extreme no problems but the main splug is slightly larger on the extreme i noticed that the power supply of the extreme is 60 watts and it is physically quite a bit larger than the previous one for the pro uh significantly larger like it is it is definitely noticeable and that is yeah if you're if you're making cases and stuff that are tight fit it's gonna require some mod mods probably oh thank you for the super chat looking forward to atem extreme videos i am also looking forward to my atm extreme videos i gave a little sneak peek of some superstore supersource stuff in this stream but i'm going to do proper tutorials on all of that as well smallwork has number of cable clamps to mount a quarter inch holes perfect that's why i put quarter inch holes on this um but yeah i didn't the um i didn't do any photos of the of the smaller cable management parts but i'm glad they actually have some the to bring a guest you still need a streaming bridge and then the guest needs at mini pro yes so yeah the item extreme actually doesn't change anything about how remote guests are brought in what it does change is what you can do with their videos because you get super source now which means you can do four up you can do like the four up layout with your guess which is super cool and you can use four you can do four people side by side with that animated background if you want and that was something that was previously only available to the very expensive models that's what joseph has at his studio photo joseph and that's why he was the one hosting all those group group calls but now i will be able to host them as well which i'm looking forward to and i didn't have to spend five thousand dollars on the switcher can you show the atemi beside the extreme for a size comparison yeah it is quite a bit larger i will say that so let me grab let me grab that and take you over to the extreme so here is the extreme it's kind of hard to tell how big it is you can see it does not fit on my desk right now because i don't have a stand for it but that is the mini over top of it i don't want to set it down because it'll probably push some buttons so it's i would say like 50 larger right it's like deeper it's wider 50 maybe dimensions in both way both uh both directions it's about the same thickness so yeah definitely requires some re-engineering for for not mounting again probably no maybe not um my audio is going through the blackmagic camera anyway yeah it'll require some re-engineering of that stand where was that camera uh i'm not sure aaron is the one to ask about cable management fair enough my the floor is my cable management um it is wider than a macbook yes it is actually in fact wider than the 16 inch macbook pro it does not fit in a sleeve for a laptop yep if you missed a secret don't worry you can just replay the stream later it seems to be a bug on the texas lower thirds but the sides of the characters are transparent uh yeah like i said oh you know what it is it's the ones in the super chat uh the font is different now the font changed to be totally black instead of dark gray that's what happened here's an idea for a video i see as many of us now have two atems it would be interesting to compare the functionality extreme to two for input and companion with stream deck yeah the so i will say super source blows all of us out of the water like i was doing pretty well with the two a10 minis being able to do you know show you the multi-view on the screen as well as get extra inputs in there before i have the sdi matrix then uh but supersource knocks all of that out of the park like no comparison anymore let me just go back over to here and this is now i'm using my computer at the desk again so the the super source because it's just another button i can press to switch to this is what it looks like where i can just show you my computer next to the or show you the a10 software control next to the next to me like this is something you can't do with with the with the a10 mini pro okay you can that's definitely not true you can do this particular thing because if you have two atimity pros you can use the upstream key in each one to get this kind of layout but what you can't do with two of them is add in a third box so if i go and take my let's take box two and oh no let's take box one let me move myself nope not that one uh move myself oh right my overlay let me throw the city loop back in the background okay and go back to my box one so now i can scoot myself up i can make myself smaller and then i can now bring in let's say this camera so i'm gonna go make box three which is oh apparently on the hyperdeck but we're gonna set it to the camera where's the wireless camera matrix 7 and now we can shrink that scoot that over and this is something you can't do with the with two way too many pros because there's not enough sources to do it crop that too so yeah that this is why i'm so excited about the extreme really is the supersource being able to do four boxes with uh where you can resize any of the inputs any of the outputs gives you so so many options for super super cool things that is definitely the main the main difference is super source background if one of the sources or you can have four talents and animated background you can do four talent and animated background so again if i go back to supersource also you get two downstream keys so you can see my downstream key is on with a chat i can also bring that one in which is oh nice uh which is that graphic on the hyperdeck and so two downs from keyers and then you can do four video sources so there's box three i can then say box four is uh that's weird let me bring in the what else do i have oh i have my other um my other my roving camera running out of room on the screen for all this but yeah you can see i've got that box back there now right where i can just move that around um it looks like i can't change the layering order which is interesting uh so i can't i can't tell box 4 to be on top looks like box 4 is on the bottom but yeah i've got four separate screens plus the animated background and two downstream keys can you get the plate that's in the rack next to center the hyperdeck mini it's actually a black magic uh they sell it they sell like a little blank insert and that is the it's this little thing so i of course painted it white where's my focus uh so i painted that white of course but it is actually something that blackmagic sells can you use chroma key on the left image at the same time yeah so the with with um can you super source and upstream key can you do that box one is main but i can't also upstream key it i don't see a way to do that that's interesting i nope upstream key i can chroma key which one i had three set up i can chroma key myself yeah as i know i don't see where you do that i successfully powered my hydraulic studio with the netgear 5 port gigabit poe switch and it's running quietly with the noctua fan i installed oh that's awesome that's the exact same setup i have now so i actually swapped out the power cord to power it from my uh my switch back there my uh unifi switch back there and it is now being powered over poe which is super cool one less power cord going to the ground and the um yeah i replaced the fans which made it basically basically silent did i did i miss a super chat question i'm sorry i'm looking forward to too many extreme videos i don't see it but can you use supersource and the four upstream keys at the same time kind of so there's the limit here is that there are two uh let me get rid of box four that's distracting there are two uh dve thingies inside which are independent of supersource so dbe is the one that lets you do with your upstream key positioning scaling adding a border and all that so here upstream key 2 will grab the matrix 11 which is my table shot and turn that on so this is now upstream key two is doing this box which i can scale and position which is what you get in the atm mini pro so you know that's fine but there are only two of these so and they are independent of supersource so i can turn that on i can go to upstream key one and make it also d2 let's just use running out of sources let's use color bars turn that on so i can do that and i can move that one around independently and that's again independent of super source so if i switch back to this uh they i still you know those are still on air right so that one's just toggling off when i switch cameras anyway i am now out of dbes so if i go to upstream key 4 and try to do dve it's not going to let me choose it because i'm out of them right it's being used by these two something to do with super source though but if i want to change those to all chroma keys i can do that so i can chroma key the chat for example which is going to be black so it's i don't really need to use i can do a chrome let me do a luma key for that let me keep the chat and bring that on air and then uh where's my what's going on i'm editing upstream q2 that's why luma key the chat upstream key yep so i probably want to crop that mask out the top okay and get the idea and i can do this four times i can use all four upstream keyers for luma key there giant mess of a picture but the uh how do i show you my computer screen upstream key four let's upstream key three there so you can see all four are on and technically the super source is also on even though the upstream keys are all covering it up but yeah you only get two dvds but you do get to use all four upstream keyers it would take a lot to actually use all of those effectively in my opinion so you have seven guests and you okay yeah because if i let me shrink my super source of my computer screen which is box two so i shrink that one to make room i can then use two of the upstream keys oh upstream no i still have super source four all right so there's another guest let me just actually make that same one as my face there we go so supersource is making all of those and i can still use two upstream keys with dbe to bring in more guests there's one and there's uh another now i've got one two three four five six yeah four from the super source two from the upstream keys so i've got six windows on top of a background and the background can't be scaled at this point so for the background i wouldn't be able to like you could put a guess there but probably not realistically because they would have to be like way off to the side or something weird so but yeah six people on screen using the two upstream keyers two dvds to scale those and uh and one and two and four from the super source pretty cool pretty cool get rid of that one lynn thanks for the super chat love the jacket watching you for my flight to the east coast wow uh good luck with the flight i have not flown in it has now been officially a year 365 days since i have been on the plane which i now officially miss for supersource 2ds yes it is all me i don't have people calling in today what was the name of the software on your ipad to stream or to design the atm stand that is actually um that one is called shaper3d and that is very cool software let me see if where do i plug that in i plugged in my ipad to this matrix somewhere i did a bad job of labeling these that was the mistake i made i can see it's going into one of the inputs somewhere yeah i need to spend some time organizing all this stuff yep your cityscape background could do with the camera stabilis stabilization that's the point the point is that it's not stable what limitations have you discovered besides eight inputs um i would say the i mean there's obviously a bunch of limits to it one of the things that caught me off guard was the fact that there are four upstream keyers but only two dvds so you can do four green screen layers you can do four luma key layers using the upstream keyers but you can't do four dves with the upstream keyers that was a little bit confusing but once once you understand that it makes perfect sense have you found how to use the logo and sting keys on the extreme so yeah there is this suspicious suspicious little button over here on the on the a10 mini logo and sting so first of all this top row is all about assigning sources to destinations to sources it's kind of like actually like the sdi matrix except it's built into the mini so you can choose you have physical buttons now for saying like what video source do you want to use as dbe one like right now it's camera one that's what it's set to um but i can also say like dbe2 is you set the camera seven there's a button over here called logo which is set to media player two and there's also one called sting which doesn't do anything when you press it as far as i can tell this is a feature coming in a future firmware update otherwise they would not have made a physical button for it so i'm very much looking forward to seeing what their plan is for that button however logo does do something in the software but it is kind of obscure it is in the oh my god i need to fix my super source get rid of box four get rid of box three and let's bring this back size oh i totally messed it up because i have that perfect overlay for it too oh well uh okay well we're not to do the overlay with it just make that a little bigger so logo if you look at transitions when i press the logo button it's going to change what fill source is used in the dbe transition so as i'm pressing the button over here on the menu you can see that is changing this is because i'm pressing the buttons on the atem mini and what that does is for the for the dve transitions which basically means you can like swipe let me see i can actually do it live so i'm gonna cue my main camera and then media player two is that's not a good idea let's do media player one we'll see what happens it's gonna be weird oh i need to actually tell it to use the dbe transition there we go so it takes a graphic and it slides it over the image right which would look a lot better if the graphic made more sense for example if it were if it were just this blue one let me just do this really quick so this is going to be ignore my horrible photoshopping would i i would actually go and do this uh you know with a real tool or something but this is good enough to get the point across let me um make this graphic so we've got a sort of diagonal line right so i'm going to export this to the media pool we'll call it diagonal into slot 11 instead of media player 2. and now when i use that as the fill source oh okay set there we go now i've got my own custom wipe with my own graph my own graphic like i made that in photoshop right i could do uh a lot more fancy stuff there too one idea i had was say what is that what is it called gradient test export i think this should be in here yeah uh this will be weird warning i'm going to take my face and put it in the transition and let's make this a little bit less of a disaster by doing that to uh to blend the edges okay and export this to uh diagonal pre-multiply and now when i go and do the dbe transition get rid of the downstream key now i scroll across the screen which is uh kind of fun uh but no so that is a still image stinger not animated and the so yeah i normally in in like the larger atoms you get you get in addition to the media pool you get a video pool it's well it's like a video clip pool so in in here you get the ability to load in a couple of usually small number of still frames into the into the video pool which will then play all the frames out while it does the while it does the transition so it's not meant for like video playback but it is but it is uh for you know stingers animated stingers so there is no animated media pool in the software yet so i don't know if that means that there is a hardware for in memory in the device that they just haven't written the software for yet or if it just completely doesn't exist and we'll never get it but the fact there's that sting button on there is like what is that what is their plan uh could you do a video singer with a hyper deck you absolutely could yeah so for example let's see i think i've got my little explosion 20k explosion loaded in there so if i go back to here i'm on the transition dvd right and if i change this to the hyperdeck which is plugged into four we're gonna fill we're gonna do pre-multiply it's gonna be not perfect um when i do the wipe now it's going to tell the hyperdeck to play that clip so oh it happened so fast that the explosion didn't go but if i change that to two oh and i should probably hit preview so it changes to something else yeah that animation is so long let's do three seconds oh what happened it didn't play that time and go there it goes so yeah animated stinger using the hyperdeck so that's just obviously i would that is not something i'm gonna do live but you could definitely uh you could definitely create a video stinger along the lines of the photoshop one that i made with you know keyframes in it so that it actually is animated and then load that into the hyperdeck and that would that would totally work i just have that 20k explosion already loaded up which is the only short clip in there that i think makes sense as a stinger it's really amazing people do this with gear in this price category that is exactly exactly true the fact that this thing is a thousand dollars it has all these features in it is completely completely unheard of so this again this is like this this stuff is not new right like these features are not new blackmagic has had the hardware that does this for ages but it's always been four thousand dollars or eight thousand dollars or whatever so yeah i can't wait till next week to see how you arrive we've had beaming in and exploding in so i have to look forward to your latest stinger i have set myself up for a real challenge now of changing how i show up in the live stream now every week we will see what happens we will see what happens could the stinger be a macro call for the hyperdeck stinger then well it's part of the select bus that's the confusing part to me that's why i am confused is that it's part of the select bus not like one of the sources or or layout options so it's it's meant to shut to reassign some input to this whatever the sting function is in in the device which as far as i can tell is disabled like if you look at the software control in this transition there is a stinger tab here it's just grayed out and i can't click it i can choose wipe i can choose dbe i can't choose it but it's there and it's confusing because like oh there's you know super source only exists in some switchers right so they just don't show it to you even grayed out they don't show it in the atemi pro because it's not there but it's suspicious to me that it's here but grayed out so maybe maybe that means it actually is in the hardware and we will get to use it later for a firmware update i wouldn't hold my breath for that but that is that is something yeah that's a that's an interesting interesting possibility two hours stream today sunday is great it has been two hours uh but hey you know what there is this is you know 20k live stream so will the atomic pro support jiffy animations no the hm80 pro probably not now the extreme that's the one that we are thinking thinking might have this it's secretly hidden away in the hardware what software did you use to make your wiring diagram then it's called h2r gear that is the uh it is still in beta it's not live but it is h2rgear.com i'll drop a link to that chat since the landing page is nice now cool uh yeah let me see what else was i going to talk about today oh yeah one of the other uh one of the other really funny things that i notice about the extreme is so because it has two usb ports you can actually connect it to two different computers which i guess makes sense it just weirds me out it just weirds me out and it's cool like you can use it as a webcam on two different computers now but that's what i need the animation for let me queue that up downstream key number one not using it right now hyperdeck okay this might just work yeah okay so let me scrub let's see let me scrub to the where the explosion starts and then hide it and then go back to here and you can connect to two you can connect it to many extreme to two separate computers mind blown you're welcome um how come there's not much delay between you and chat because i have given up scrolling back to the chat and i am now alive and it's streaming in ultra low latency uh definitely too much champagne no actually you know what not enough it's too much coffee that is the problem what are your thoughts on the intimate extreme i mean so far i'm impressed uh it is been fantastic it is pretty much everything i expected it to be so the supersource i am the most excited about and headphone jack is nice having eight inputs so much more flexible the one of the uh one of the things that i was always limiting about my use of you know the pro with four inputs is that it means when i want to quickly switch between like showing you this layout showing a camera showing the you know the other camera all that like it ends up i have to reassign the the inputs using the matrix but now i've got eight so i can have eight things ready to go all the time including one for the chat one for the hyperdeck and those are just always there uh one of the other really cool things is that the downstream key is two of them so i pretty much just i used to have to what i used to do with the other one was there's only one downstream key so if i wanted to use it for graphics i would have to swap out you know hide the chat and then swap what is feeding downstream heat to whatever source the graphics coming in and if i want to show the chat again and swap it back and now i've just had downstream key two dedicated to chat the whole time so if you look at the i'll show you my show my multi-view again if you look at the multi-view that chat window is what's on my computer screen and it's set to downstream key two and it's been like that the entire time i haven't had to turn it on and off at all which is a lot more freeing and now i still have downstream q1 available to do silly stuff like this and of course i can also then you know switch to supersource and still have the chat over top it's just yeah it's so it's so amazing there's so much more stuff you can do with it now which is fantastic can you record the two different usb drives um i don't think you can record the same thing i don't think you can record in parallel it's not like when it shows up as a webcam to both but you can plug in multiple drives it'll then switch recording to one or the other when you like unplug one or or choose which drive you can connect both usb to the same computer but it's buggy for me and i can't assign a separate output from what i can tell yeah i know the usb out webcam out is the program feed like you don't get to choose what goes out over usb it is the program feed and you get two you get two usb outs two webcam outs but they are both program is there a possibility to connect cameras without the cable some wi-fi connection yes that is what i am doing here so this is a this is my rig is starting to break down from all my poor handling of it but this is the holy land wireless 300 pro and it's a transmitter and it's sending back to a receiver that's on the back there and that way i can show you this camera that camera which is the wireless camera is the hyperdex stream being keyed to black does that make the graphic semi-transparent yes it is this is not a perfect that was not by any means a perfect key so if i if i load this up and pause probably in the middle and show you you'll see what i mean oh right when it's it's set to auto play so i'm going to pause it there this is because i have pre-multiply key turned on if i turn off pre-multiplied key you'll see that it is doing a hard edge now and i lose the transparency which is actually looks worse so this looks worse to me than having it be sort of incorrect where i can no longer i can no longer um fully cover the image right so like this is this is almost completely white it should have been solid but i lose that because i'm using pre-multiplied for it's not at all intended purpose the real solution to this is to send two outputs from the hyper deck key and fill where if you look at the supersource config or downstream key config if i ran this second hyperdeck into the into this as well i could send it the key source to the other one so actually let me do that let me which one am i going to eat up matrix 11. so i'm going to reassign matrix 11 to uh there i'm going to reassign it to hyperdeck key oh i didn't i didn't make this video with shoot i didn't make this video with the alpha channel yeah uh this is just a white screen on the on the phil channel but i do have another video that has an alpha not that one this one has an alpha channel okay my countdown timer so right now we're using fill and key as the same which is just the countdown right which is why like the the inside of the numbers you can see here because that's black so it's being keyed out it's actually not quite black but it's close enough that it when in pre-multiply mode it gets keyed out if i switch out of pre-multiplied i can now adjust it so that because i made it slightly above black i can key out the black but keep the numbers visible but if i instead switch key source to matrix 11. now i'm still in pre-multiply mode and now it's doing a perfect key because let me show you the multi-view take a look at the on the screen there's hyperdeck in the i can't really point to it um right most second from the bottom square that's the hyperdeck fill and then matrix 11 is the hyperdeck key and that's got the alpha channel where only where that's white is what you're going to see through it so now it's doing a perfect key and of course it's animated too like i just happen to not be animating the key channel because there are still circles in there but that could move as well and i don't have i don't have the alpha channel on the other graphic like if i show the um so if i show you the where is it oh that's the transporter one fill and key are the same so it's being weird this is the 20k you can see that the fill channel is white so it's showing you ever it's taking over the screen right which is not really what what i wanted for that i just apparently didn't export that with the alpha channel but this one has the alpha channel and that lets you do graphics even better and then you can do detailed detailed transparency uh how do i get back to my that one and let me reassign 11 back to the table camera and turn off the downstream key and what's in my media pool is my dve transition still set up transition dvd media player oh forgot to preview on a main camera there we go okay what are your thoughts on the road caster pro i need some more of this what are your thoughts on the road caster pro with a10 mini i have not used a road caster pro myself however i have heard people who have it really like it i've also heard people who have it think it's overpriced so take that for what your will you will on hollyland road and aperture um i'm pretty sure hollyland posted it so i think aperture may have only done it in a story not on a not in their main feed have they expanded the media pool yet still only 20. i have not done a video on key and phil apparently i should do you think supersource will be practical for youtube production i suspect people who watch on mobile devices would whine about everything being too small yeah i mean if you tune your if you turn your phone sideways it gets to be a reasonable size but i think for uh multi-person shows it's super useful um you know this yeah the screen gets a little bit small when it's when it's shrunk down but for four faces in a grid that totally big enough to see on the phone even i mostly just need the audio for that anyway why can you connect multiple hard drives through a hub but not use the same hub to hook it up as a webcam and a harder at the same time so think of this as um with usb-c it gets confusing because the cables are the same on both ends but if you think back to older usb the cables are different on each end so looking around for a usb cable i don't have one handy the rectangle side the large rectangle side is what you plug into a hub and then the other side is going to be like micro usb or the the large ugly square one and that was intentional like that design of having those be directional that was very intentional design in usb and it makes a lot of sense and then if you think about it you can't plug in so like a a device that is a webcam will have the flat rectangle and then in order to plug into commuter you plug it into the corresponding socket the atem if it weren't usb-c it would have had the other connector the large the large square one or like micro usb which like it the the cables don't they don't line up they can't connect and pre usbc that was a lot easier to understand with usbc they kind of ruined all of that sort of intuition by making all the connectors the same and now it's like well what do you mean i can't connect it they physically connect together why doesn't this work it just doesn't work that way and the reason is because it has to do with one one is acting as a as a controller like hosting the other as a guest and the a time can only do one of the other at a time so a usb port is either going to be a guest to some other device or it's going to be the host of some other device so in webcam mode the atem is the guest to your computer and hard drive mode the atem is hosting the hard drive and it can't do both of those operations at the same time that is the answer you can't end the stream until you finish the whole bottle i mean i'm here for this if you are we can do that are you aware of any extreme isos being shipped to the us i have one on order with dve store i also have one on order for the with 3dbe store and i have not heard of them shipping to the us yet i have the road caster pro connelly without it i have mixed minus on two colors so mixed minus is a very cool feature of the road caster pro a lot of people are happy with it and then roland says anybody who uses it is fell for the hype and overpriced piece of junk uh yeah i don't know this is what i mean like i again i haven't tried one myself and there seem to be very strong opinions about that device so can the studio run completely on 12 volt dc batteries absolutely not i have too many monitors in here to run everything on batteries at some point i will build a mobile rig out of all this stuff though so once i have somewhere to go to shoot something out of the studio by the way the giveaway when we announced the winner on uh on the stream where's my microphone switching back to the table audio still on yes when we announce the winner on the live stream in two weeks not next sunday but sunday after i am going to do that live stream from the yolo box itself and i have not yet decided whether i'm going to do that from the studio here or like go outside so it probably will depend a lot on the weather but i also haven't found a good excuse to go outside for that the excuse i used last time was there was a fire nearby and this air was full of smoke so it was dramatic looking which was kind of fun but without that i feel like i don't know it seems weird to just like go to a park but let me know what you think do the picture color settings work with the a10 mini with black magic cameras or with everything only blackmagic cameras it's actually just a controller it tells the camera to do stuff it's not doing any color processing in the a10 mini so it's actually just an interface to tell the camera to change the colors internally thank you thank you for watching what video editing software and settings to use the export video with alpha channel for the hyperdeck what video format yeah prores 444 oh that's i'm trying to remember yeah i i try to remember why that clip didn't have the alpha channel but a couple programs i use are um apple motion so that one will do it which is actually what i did the explosion graphic in because it had a bunch of pre-made stock graphics or little stock animations and apple motion i've also done it through oh this is what happened when i added the sound i brought it into davinci resolve to add the sound effect because i can't figure out how to add sounds in apple motion it is a terrible interface and then in resolve i did not output 4 4 4 so that was my mistake that's why the apple channel is missing uh the alpha channel should be there in the original so the but yeah the resolve can do it premiere can do it also strangely keynote can do it and keynote is kind of a neat little hack way to do motion graphics it has some basic animation capabilities in it and it is like actually surprisingly useful so let me actually show you that i should be able to go to super source oh wrong wrong camera in box one let's switch this to so this is why i need macros for all this i need macros to reassign all my super source things so okay let me show you keynote in here i've got this is how i make my thumbnails just because i don't know it's easy but i've been experimenting with some motion graphics in here as well so if i for example do oh let's swap that there we go so this is some animated graphics okay so the idea is that it would slide in and then this black is supposed to be transparent and if you go and export slide 51 export movie movie self playing from 51 to 51 resolution 1080p uh custom frame rate 1920 1080. you have to choose prores 444 and then you can do export with transparent backgrounds so if i do this transition now preview knows how to preview it with the transparency did you catch that so watch when it goes out you'll see oh apparently it didn't go out but you can see here it's transparent it's showing me what's behind and if i load that into the hyperdeck it'll show up with the alpha channel which i can then key out in in the atem which is very very cool yeah keynote i think it's a clever hack okay what else what else what else between the atomic stream and tv studio hd which would you recommend for a live production which is not situated at a particular location like on the go you know at this point i wouldn't recommend the tv studio hd for anything it's missing too many of the too many features it's missing the streaming encoder it's missing the scalers it's i it is not i would not recommend it it's not a new device either it's been around for several years i have it i that's why i use for most of my on location shoots so i built into the the fly case for i bring on my bike i guess i should call it bike case and you know it's great but but the a10 mini line just leaps and bounds better now so definitely definitely go with the atm extreme especially with aid inputs which is what the tv studio hd has yes it has sdi but you know what can you do when is the next show with photojoseph good question we are aiming for oh my gosh it's really raining outside just hear the rain pounding on the walls um we were aiming for monthly so we have not yet scheduled it but keep an eye out on the channel subscribe to my newsletter which apparently is broken i will fix that apparently it's been broken for a week i haven't had any new subscribers since february 27th i will fix that and then you can subscribe it's on aaronpk.tv at the bottom we're a fan of the zoom p4 or p8 i agree i agree can't run batteries get a larger ups i do have three ups in here now i have one for my core networking gear which is the router the the big network switch the fiber modem the cameras security cameras i have a second one for my like servers in here like the backup server file server and all that and i want at my desk also which powers both monitors all the sdi the sdi matrix all that stuff it powers that for like i want to say 20 minutes which is definitely enough to get through like the brief outages that happen here which knock on wood we haven't lost power yet here today which is unusual and it is a little bit windy so i hope i'm not jinxing that but yep the road caster pro is somehow emotional and nobody knows why i agree they did a very good job marketing it i don't i'm again i'm not i don't have any opinions on it because i haven't actually tried it myself i've just heard opinions on dramatically both sides of the spectrum if it works for you that's great whatever you know this tech in canada told me my extreme isil ship april 20th i hope that is not true that is a long time from now i have the extreme iso and pre-order order in the uk and no sign of it yep i also use the road caster pro and i love it let me go video pros use atems audio pros use the fairlight fx in the atm yeah i don't know on the atomic stream can you input 4k and we'll down convert or do you have to down convert to 1080 first i haven't actually tested it on the extreme i know in the pro in the regular atmos it does not input 4k i don't think they added 4k inputs otherwise they would have probably mentioned it so i think you still do have to downscale it first thank you for joining i have a video linked down below that talks about exactly this goes through the whole setup but the short answer to how am i getting the chats to show up is it's a chrome extension reformatting the youtube chat window is the av matrix hvs0402u any good it has a couple of cool features i've played around a little bit i still need to do my proper review of it keep an eye out because i will be talking about that more broadcast from outside sounds great i wonder where i would go that is the question can i write a chat for facebook live no i refuse to use facebook i have quit facebook i am using instagram only because i have to i actually made a new instagram account because my regular instagram account got shut down they think i'm a bot and i made a new one for just youtube stuff it's aaron pk underscore tv because true story instagram's terms of service explicitly say you cannot use a domain name as a username which i have a serious problem with i should be allowed to use aaronpk.tv as a username on instagram because it is my website and dots are allowed in usernames so yeah but i can't because i don't want to get my account shut down so yep is it possible to run the whole studio with portable monitors from a car on 12 volt dc it's definitely possible you definitely can make totally portable rigs and the yeah definitely possible to run everything off 12 volts car power or battery power um i want to build a i want to get like a i don't have a car i don't own a car i have no desire to own a car uh but i do have bicycles and i do have the bicycle with the large rack behind it to set stuff on and i want to set up i want to build some sort of case probably rack mount case for throwing video gear onto and use that for streaming although the yellow box frankly makes that idea pretty much obsolete because the yellow box does it all built into one tiny little thing and makes it just a lot easier i expect the atm tv studio hd to be replaced soon i agree i will say i'm going to show this picture again wrong window so here is my thoughts on this where is my super source supersource so again if you look at atem production switchers and you look at the color of the products it's all this dark gray dark gray dark gray dark grey dark gray light gray and then the constellation is the new one dark gray i think these are getting updated first these have been out for a long time they need to be updated they're missing a ton of stuff and they need to be updated with features of the a10 mini some features probably not going to do streaming at this point but i think these are going to update before this tier because this tier is newer and then i would expect eventually something like this to show up with probably the streaming built in we'll see we'll see how it goes it's all speculation nobody knows what black magic has in mind that was the wrong button there we go and i saw a super trackman thank you angelo i appreciate it uh just because you're a good teacher i appreciate it thank you at this point teaching actually is my job so i'm glad to know that some people think that i do a good job of that only time i was important there was a beautiful tea garden stream in tranquility oh that's an idea the job was the chinese garden downtown they probably have some sort of rule about like i don't know not sitting in front of a camera talking to yourself for an hour in their gardens i like the idea there are public parks i can go to that are pretty that would not have those rules i'm hoping dji integrates a live stream function in their drones one day now you need the smart controller for it yeah the didn't their dji pocket too add streaming built into it because if that's the case that's a sign they could definitely do it in the drone itself i do think that the chance the odds of doing it in the drone are probably less because um to do streaming to the internet it needs an internet connection so an internet connection has to be provided over probably wi-fi and a wi-fi signal from a flying object is going to be worse than the specialized thing they're doing to get the video signal down to the controller and i think that i think that the they can optimize better the link between the video feed going to the controller then they can optimize a like a video encoding for the internet stream going from the drone to wi-fi that's probably the reason they do it that way so i don't think it's a bad idea either like you know i could even see the option of them building a smart controller with ethernet built in so that you drop one of the wireless connections one less wireless link did i already reveal the secret code i did several times it is hiding somewhere in this stream if you are just joining the way to enter the giveaway is to go to the link in the description of the video or in the chat that i just dropped and there's a bunch of things to do there one of them is currently broken which is subscribing to my mailing list but it will be fixed later when i can fix it and the it'll give you a bunch of these things to do and each thing you do gives you a certain number of entries and once you do these it will unlock more including things like sending a photo of your rigs to me on twitter and i keep clicking that because it says main and i'm not at that table anymore and uh one of them is subscribing to me on youtube one is subscribing to my email list which i will fix and um one of them is finding the secret code in this video which has now been revealed many times and i'm not going to tell you where it is but it is in here somewhere the i named them wrong but that should be fixed now you should see a prompt that says uh that says enter the code from march 7th and enter the code from march 14th and they're going to be in the wrong order but find the one from march 7th which is today unless you're in australia or watching this in the future enter the go from march 7th and i do see that 79 people have found it already so i know at least some of you have figured it out also go comment on the entries on the posts from yellow live aperture road holly land either their stories or their posts on instagram some of them are up right now some might be coming soon over the course of the next week those are also count as entries can you use the yellow box and not stream live still record yes the recording streaming functions on the yellow box are separate and you can start recording on the sd card without going live you do need an internet connection to um to like start the thing up which is a little bit annoying i kind of wish it was a completely offline thing they expect you to use it for live streaming it's not meant to be just a recorder so normally you have an internet connection it's fine wildfires internet failures power cuts snow drifts now heavy rain when is the plague of frogs do you know what i don't even want to go there for mobile i've decided the jackery explorer 1000 is my friend jackery explorer 1000. what is this i'm guessing it's a battery gigantic battery is a thousand dollar battery that's awesome um that's very expensive what was the name of the 3d program for ipad and it's called shaper3d oh can we see a full tour of your office i didn't actually give you a full tour yet i am i am bad i put that in the title of the video okay we're gonna do a full tour my battery died again rotating through camera batteries okay i am starting a studio tour dropping that in the chat because i want to be able to find this time stamp later when i build the table of contents at some point i'm going to automate the table of contents building but right now it's all manual and i've just given myself quite a job okay charge that battery let me scroll back in the chat so i can see if whoever thumbs down this video stream is odd like the stream yes give this video a thumbs up okay here we go with the studio tour i don't even know where to start so let's start here i'm going to be out of sync but it's fine because i'm not going to be on camera much i'm going to do it pov pov style so this is what i look at normally there's a keyboard and mouse here where i use the computer and i've talked about this but all of my screens are routed through this this matrix so the sdi matrix here lets me reassign any inputs any video sources to any audio sources or video sources so monitor or a10 mini and that means that i've got video sources right i've got like a camera up there i've got a computer i've got a hyperdeck so i've got my computer monitor about through there up into there and i can also make that one my second computer monitor right now it's multi-view so this is where i stream from and then if you can over here this is where i film videos at i realized i should probably switch my switch my giant monitor over here so i can see what i'm doing table monitor is now multiview this monitor takes a little bit to sync up there we go come on there we go now i can see what i'm showing you when i move around the room so this is the mo this is the table i film stuff at it's a bit of a mess right now because i have been filming my a10 mini stand and all the little parts for it all the little small rig brackets this setup i've got my main my main key light and that's it's actually in the wrong spot right now i looked at my last video it was too dark but that's my main light here camera's the black magic pocket 4k with the teleprompter which again that monitor is connected into the whole thing so i can choose whether that's going to be a multiview right now or it can be a teleprompter input or it can be like for uh my teleprompter on my iphone ipod i can make it a computer monitor if i want to to show zoom calls up there and then i've got this other light over here which is usually pointing down at the table for lighting products on here and that ends up giving a pretty decent light for things on the table and then the last lighting thing at that desk if i come around here you'll see up at the top i've got stuff mounted to the ceiling and i've got a light shining backwards which is lighting up my hair at this angle and then the so yeah main camera is the pocket 4k i've got a lut on there that makes it look like the g7 and then the the make sure i can see the chat and then the uh i've got this other camera up here overhead which i actually haven't used on the stream because i ran out of inputs and i don't have my macros set up but you can see it's a nice little top down shot i'm gonna focus a little top-down shot of the table so i can demo stuff at the table or use it to actually film product review videos and stuff like that so those are the two main cameras i have here i've got this tripod over here which kind of i sometimes put a camera on or i'll just set this tripod that i'm holding on the table here to kind of get a shot like that at an angle and i'll use that shot sometimes in these videos so that's that desk and then yeah you know you know all about my uh my streaming table with my my g7 camera this is the little webcam i've been testing out which is kind of fun follow me it follows me around the room and i haven't actually used that on the zoom call yet but i'm looking forward to doing that at this table the lighting and sound the light is this is actually the same one that's on the on the table it's a it came in a set of two so that's the main key light for this shot and then the microphone is the movo vxr 10. in pink they also sell it in black and that is wired directly into the camera oh i forgot to mention audio over here audio over here is um i'm actually pretty pleased with this setup so my overhead camera is mounted on this this boom pole and i was like i had the camera and i also had like this giant arm with the microphone and i was like this this sucks it's too annoying and i was like oh what if i just clamped the microphone head on to the same arm because it's basically in the right spot for it so this is just attached directly to the same pole that's holding the camera and then the cables run along that down below that microphone is connected to this zoom recorder which i know this has been a great recorder the zoom f6 i am very jealous of everybody who has the mixed pre-3 and we'll see if i end up switching to that later because it is that looks nice too um how long can the hollywood wireless hd work with the battery used learned a lot from the channel thank you um the holy land this why this battery has been on the stream the whole time and it is at 7.6 volts it started at 7.9 sorry my audio is probably out of sync the um battery has been on this whole time it has been on so we are currently at almost three hours no problem okay what's next there's that table i've got my little um shelf over here which is partially decorative and partially functional most of the stuff in the top is uh decorative so i usually put the original atm 80 down there just for a show the light that changes colors based on super chat the this is purely decorative at this point i keep considering whether i want to take out the screen and replace it with a raspberry pi screen or try to get that crt working somehow haven't yet done that um i have my stack of boxes from all the sdi converters which i think they're mostly out of the boxes there's a few left on those and then the top is actually mostly storage because it's normally not in the shot but up on the top there's like extra lights also my sliders um it's a bit of a mess and then down below is mostly functional so down below is my printer 3d printer and i have a little light which i turn on sometimes where is it this is where's the switch it's stuck up on there with a magnet there we go so just magnetic and that lights that up i've actually got a little camera down here so i can switch that's again routed into the matrix so i can show you what's printing on the stream i can also just live stream it printing stuff and then yeah that's the prusa mini mini plus and up there is a battery station slash tiny little counter with a cover 3d printed charging station with a whole bunch of short usb cords all in white i've got the rode wireless go charging i've got my camera battery charging other batteries ipads got the little this thing which i'm actually not using today which i probably should have been using today macro controller battery station and then that box ignore that and there's all the filament for the printer uh what else okay that's that shelf this camera is oh the camera i'm using right now to show you around the room is the zv1 sony zb1 the autofocus on it is fantastic which is the main reason i use it for this okay then other features of the room so you'll notice that there's these sound thingies i'm not a huge fan of them i will admit they were the original sound panels i got and i originally just had them in grids of 2x3 on poster board so if you look behind you'll see they're actually on poster board and that is a lot easier to attach to the wall because i can attach a large chunk at a time or hang the poster board on things so i used to hang them on these little stands and they do a good job but i don't like the look of them i just haven't um i haven't done what i really want to do is get panels actually match the design of the shape of the of the space so you might notice that let me see if i can back up into the corner it's a little bit messy but you'll notice that like the paint on the walls is at these angles and it matches the ceiling lights also at those angles and they go to the corner and then i've got this blue going at that angle meeting up at that corner so i want to get sound panels that like actually match that shape better but i don't have those and it takes a long time to build those so in the meantime i was like well if i turn these things if i if i chop off two and turn them into squares and then rotate the squares they turn into diamonds which at least is kind of close and that ends up being better than not having them and less work than actually building proper sound panels so those do a pretty good job the main thing the uh main thing that i am going for here is i want to stop the parallel walls from reflecting sound so the uh yeah the when you have walls in parallel the sound's just going to bounce around so i want this wall to be flat which means i can't cover it with sound panels so i need the opposite wall to have stuff to break up with the reflections and these actually do a pretty good job it's not perfect it's a lot better than it used to be and this um this wall so i'm right at my streaming desk and if i look over there that wall was causing some pretty bad sound reflections and i filled it with those panels as well as these cool shaped ones which cut the echo a lot how big is this room it's about 12 feet by i think no i think it's 12 by 16 i think i can i think i can actually measure it so if i let me set this down and where did my computer go oh elgato sound panels that's not what i meant to do i did not know elgato made sound panels that is very cool um i wanted to switch to that camera while i go try to find the ruler that's what i was going to do so follow me around here almost oh and lost me it's okay i found me again i happen to have a ruler so it's yeah 12 feet this way 19 that way freaked out with my face there we go uh 12 feet by 19 feet so that is the space and then that's my front door i yeah so these panels let me talk about these panels those are some very thin they're a lot thinner than a giant foam and i've heard that they're not fantastic but they're also cool looking and they do do something yes i'm sure they're not perfect i have not yet set up my pegboard that is another project i finally mounted it but i still have to attach things to it i've got a little mirror over here so i can see myself and it's got the little hollywood lights this is in progress project i'm building the little box to replace the mess under the under the desk but i did the first step of that which is gluing this piece of wood on there finish that soon these little drawers i've actually been really impressed with they are there's three of them that's that one's one piece altogether and then um i've started to just put cables into them so like the bottom one here it's all sdi cables that's all my hdmi cables here's all my usb here's my ethernet this is a mess this one is mostly audio things so i've been trying to like categorize them but that really helps clean things up a lot having drawers turns out fun fact um this is where i set my bag down when i come on my bike and i got this shelf to store large bulky things you can see i've got a bunch of sound panels i'm not using that's the stuff that was cut off of the other stuff and then got boxes for things boxes for lights that new monitor i got and some extra sound panels i'm not using this is kind of a mess of a corner that's the other door to the other side of the room i'm not going in there that's what the server closet is back of my desk is a disaster but all of the cables cleanly run into this little sleeve and then run over to the table and then it's clean again for a little while and then it's a rat's nest again so that's the box i'm building to replace this oops which is currently currently this is a disaster of a cardboard box with i need to fix my mount my handheld camera you can see i've got little breakouts on top so those are all going to be in like a real nice looking panel eventually and it's going to be a nice looking box down here with better cable management and yeah oh yeah this rug is actually another part of the soundproofing of the room that was one of the first things i got in here and i made a huge difference again all right what else confused my poor webcam oh ceiling lights so the ceiling this used to be a garage this whole spacious speed garage and everything in here is built up from that so the walls over there used to be concrete bare concrete exposed um the floor used to be concrete floor this was all done from scratch so you can see this little weird little step because the um concrete floors are supposed to be tilted which is good for water draining out that way that was the garage door so took out the garage door replaced it with a wall but then we had to build up the floor and fix the floor so if you look you can see there's a little gap there but it's shorter on that side compared to that side because it's at an angle and i wanted the floor to be straight so we built up this floor and added this wood and then didn't want to raise the door because the door would be is lower than this floor so let this little cut out put tile down there it works fine and then uh yeah so the ceiling used to be a fluorescent light and i took that out and i was like i don't want fluorescent lights i want cool lights so these are led strips that are individually addressable that box i also painted white and that's where the electrical stuff is for the lights power supply and a microcontroller and then it's four strips that run to each corner and let me see if this is gonna work i think the battery ran out battery on the wireless transmitter finally ran out you shouldn't hear me now though um yep let's see if it's the um let's see if it's the transmitter or the receiver this little thing's out but is the is the other one out oh nice receiver's still running receiver's still running so i can switch my capsules okay sorry about that let's switch over to this you should be able to hear me again i think it might be quieter is it quieter for some reason it is check check there we go okay this should be a little better yeah it looks good now how do you stick your sound canceling foam to the wall that's what i was in the middle of saying so nails the secret is nails everything is nailed in so if you look very closely at the center of these you will see a nail one per hex panel and then these are all on there with one nail right mostly up top center and they're hanging from that nail okay let me go back to the chat and see other questions what camera is one for the 3d printer is it good quality and hdmi um is not good quality no it is also not hdmi i can show you what it looks like let me reassign input here i'll show you my multiview while i do this reassign matrix seven to 3d printer camera oh that was 11. fine so this is what it looks like it's not great it is yeah it's i don't know fine it does the job it's not something i would um i'm not gonna like it's it's all bolted in there um those aren't like take it out and point it out my face so you can compare but it's no it is not a good quality camera it is a security camera essentially it's like a little pinhole camera let me go bring this back over oh i don't have audio if i do that so nope i can't do it um no you know it looks like it looks like this it looks like a security camera and that's fine for what it is which is i want to keep an eye on a print when i'm not here or i want to just live stream a 3d print it is actually an sdi camera so it's um it's sdi because a lot of security cameras are sdi which i actually appreciate but i'll drop a link to this in the chat anyway it is called mini indoor surveillance camera yeah i would i i think it's good for what it does it's also like 85 so you know i'm happy happy with that price uh sdi security camera there you go okay there's the link for that you can also use straight pins they don't leave as large a hole they're really slim nails they're not like fat nails they're like the like picture hanging nails um so they're like i don't know probably just a millimeter around is your studio a remote location it is not my house correct i have three 34-inch ultra displays and two 1080. that is a lot of monitors i am a little bit jealous uh thank you for joining patrick i'm sorry this is like going on forever is this a 24 hour livestream no but you all told me i couldn't stop until the bottle's gone speaking of what would you recommend for a fixed drum camera um i guess it depends on the goals so like that camera it's not a good camera but it gets the job done so if you need like a super pretty picture with you know blurry background and all that no that's not the camera for you but it is cheap uh can you switch back to showing the program and also the printer camera again yeah so this is the printer camera i don't know if you can really tell like let me put my hand down there oh yeah it's got like color going on too you can see it's doing color adjustments when i do that no but you know it's actually fine so it could work really well as a drum camera the nice thing is it's very very small it's like this big and uh it can be hardwired in there's no battery option it like requires plug-in power it is uh sdi which actually was perfect for me because i didn't have to eat up an hdmi converter and it's just like a 15 foot sdi cable that runs into this whole box how far is your home from studio uh it's like a four mile bike ride so it takes me like 25 minutes to uh to get here oh i'm still in the multiview sorry oh well i have a more messy studio but thanks a lot um i'm well i'm sorry your studio is more messy because i feel like this one is pretty messy i am trying to organize it but it is yeah it's a lot yes this is still going i don't know why we're still going uh what mic have i meant am i using this is the mobo vxr 10 and i got it ages ago and it's meant for like vlogging but this is um oh vxr10 it's like meant to be a little you know on camera vlogging camera but it's uh it's set about a foot from my face and run directly into the camera it works great i like it i love these longer streams it's been a long time we've been going for quite a while now people are taping it off but we still got a good crowd here thank you all um i just tried signing up for newsletter but i got 500 server error once i stop streaming i will fix that so try again try again tomorrow all right if you want to absorb broadband sound takes mass nothing short of an air gap can compete with mass the rug helps panels help it's still a little bit echoing here but uh yeah you didn't need me room sounds great panels look nice too a little room sound to sound natural unless you're doing this voiceover fair point it's true without any reverb it would sound strange um yeah there's like a little bit i would like to cut out still i can hear it myself even now but i think in order to do that the trade-off is is uh putting things places and there's only so much more stuff i want to cover up here so it's a trade-off don't cycle and drink that is very good advice i will not are we the part of the stream where we shout instructions at you on how to code an arduino yet no arduino coding today although i could try to fix my newsletter code live which is a whole different kind of stream have i done a review on the extreme yet no i have not i'm probably not going to do like a review review um i'm probably just gonna do a bunch of tutorials what is a live streaming experience with lumix and pocket 4k player magic pocket cameras which one is great any heating issues or autofocus um auto focus on both of them is not good i would not recommend them if you need good autofocus so the um this camera is attached to my desk it does not move when i'm here at the table i do not move if i back up i will go out of focus this is by design the lighting is also meant for me to be right here it's it's got little grids on it so that it's here and yeah i am out of the light i'm out of the out of focus i'm out of sound this is optimized for me to stand here it's great for that if i hold something up to the camera it's not going to auto focus on that because i don't want it to because that's not what that camera is for um same with the black magic camera i do not use that for autofocus it has like a auto focus button as in like you can tell it to focus without having to manually dial it but the um it's not going to like change dynamically so on the other hand my zv1 which is what i use for this this camera has fantastic autofocus so if i show you this and then take it away it's like oh yeah i'm happy to do that i'm happy to show you exactly what you meant to be in focus and this camera is great for autofocus so no neither neither the lumix cameras or the black magic cameras have good auto focus so i just don't use them for things that require autofocus um the as far as live streaming goes i actually think they are um they're they're both good the main advantage with the blackmagic one is that it has color grading built in so you can uh load in a lot to make it look like whatever you want so i happen to have a lot loaded into it that makes it look like the g7 so that these two cameras match which is probably a little bit unusual but the but yeah you can you can grade the the camera live for live streaming which is pretty unusual for those kinds of cameras the lumix g7 the main reason i like it is the price that's the main reason because it's 500 with a lens the black magic camera is like 1200 without a lens if you buy a lens on top of that so yeah have another celebratory drink when you get home thank you i don't know if i have enough room left in me for more drinks when i get home but cheers z2 autofocus is even better than the a7s 3 oddly enough yeah this is the only oh no i my overhead camera i forgot to mention my overhead camera is a a6400 sony a6400 and that one is also decent autofocus it's not quite as good as the zv1 but it is infinitely better than the uh lumix cameras and blackmagic cameras and that's the reason i use it for the overhead so that i can hold something up to show it or have it focus on the table thanks for the congrats this has been quite a stream thank you dean oh what is my um oh yeah thank you i also like this jacket it's a bit of a statement uh what is the teleprompter that is the per gear mini do i have a link to it i don't i dropped it in earlier now that i'm thinking about it i don't know if i can find it per year per year mini teleprompter oh i put it in i put it in another video that's why i can't find it still don't know why the search is not showing up this is actually one that they sent me out to review and i um showed it on a live stream a couple weeks ago so eve blog open up the into any pro iso discovered the fpga and there is sold for 1800 1800 what i do not understand i do not understand this statement uh i don't understand how a component inside of it can sell for more than the three times the cost of the device but yeah no seriously the stuff is good like the equipment is very good audio sounds great thank you and keep rocking the bling thank you uh chuck says diffuser project instead of more absorption plus you get to build stuff oh yeah yeah but again it's more stuff on the walls so i'm going for some sort of aesthetic in here i don't want to look like a complete disaster despite what my floor looks like right now so it's always in progress i'm it's it's looking a lot better than i used to oh i forgot to mention these little things most recent addition to the studio is these little bulbs they are dangling from these uh cords and they are connected of course into the home automation system but they are actually led bulbs led edison bulbs and i got them i got led ones because um they don't get hot that way and they use a lot less energy so i thought that was cool let me um grab this link oh the other cool thing about these is they're actually dimmable which sometimes led bulbs are not and um yeah they're fun i think it adds a nice little bit of a look to the especially the shot at the table so on that angle i like having in the background i think my camera got bumped it looks a little bit off it's supposed to be turned a little bit see less of the shelf but yeah here are the uh the edison bulbs and thank you hd croft thank you for the super chat i appreciate it and thanks for joining the stream led bulbs have a nice bioshock aesthetic yeah well and i think it helps that there's like this teal too right which is a nice contrasting color to the the warm orange of the bulbs hypothetical question if you could be ceo of any company what company would you choose i disagree with the premise of the question i do not want to be ceo of any company how long did it get me did it take me to get to 20k the uh answer is depends on how you count because i've had my youtube account for 13 years or more uh but i didn't actually like start trying on youtube until um i had the idea of publishing videos on youtube in 2019 and i have a few videos in 2019 of like trying to do like i don't know youtuber things right of like reviewing cameras or whatever and not cameras i never read a camera that's not true i review the canon camera um but in 2019 like if you look back on my channel i yes i have like everybody privated some videos i can do the super source switch back my supersource to showing this camera there we go nine years ago i left that one other because it has 3000 views apparently people like to just watch an animated line move across the globe which is cool you should all watch this video this is a video of my cat from four years ago this is a very important video we're just the stream okay uh no seriously very important video it is literally an hour of my cat sleeping and she would appreciate it very much if you would watch this video so uh this video has not enough views for how cute she is there is the video um yeah she goes through various positions and uh you know various stages of cuteness that is the second video oldest video on my channel from 2016. but it wasn't really until this one where i started like actually trying on youtube this was the uh this one did great 32 000 views actually and then i did some like home studio tours stuff like that but then i didn't really like actually try for reals reels until um i would say the a10 mini stuff and that's when i was like okay i'm gonna like actually spend time making like writing videos writing scripts filming and actually trying to get some content out more than like once every couple of months so and it turns out the key is the key to growing on youtube is making content especially regularly and then and it worked like it 100 worked so once i finally started publishing regularly it started actually working and people refining the content youtube was recommending the content um so yeah i haven't gone back and updated these thumbnails i want to to go match my new style but it's a lot of work anyway then i was like okay i need to find a better color scheme and now you can see that there's a much more cohesive branding for all of these latest videos but yeah so it was it was like i would say december 2019 which ironically was right before pandemic and that's when i started giving it a real effort so it's been almost a year and a half and thanks for the congrats how do you achieve this iconic s-log color sony no this is literally straight out of the lumix g7 no adjustments this is what the lumix g7 looks like like this is why i like this camera i think the colors look great and then of course lighting this is the bluemix g7 um and i saw uh super chat yes thank you evening and congrats have people been thumbs upping yes people have been thank you all for that i appreciate it there's a lot of likes on this video thanks for the amazing videos because i finally got a blackmagic 6k and the atm pro iso congrats that's an awesome combo i hope you do amazing things with it i got my streaming yesterday one thing to note is that super supersource cannot do border on the boxes any thoughts on that i noticed that i did notice that and uh i'm going to talk about that in a second wherever i say goodbye to scott thank you for joining the stream and thank you for the super chat i appreciate it i know i've been going forever it's probably super late in most of europe by now but thanks for the super chat and glad you could join um yes let me talk about lack of borders on supersource which is definitely a thing and it also is okay so if we go back to my supersource this is my current supersource layout i've got the i've only got two sources on here but i've got box one box two with a background that's animated in the background and yeah you can't do borders so with the upstream keys for example the dbe you get this border option so you can draw uh what is this one upstream key one so if i turn upstream one on air let me get that out of the way and then if i change the border color you'll see what i mean like it'll color picker so i can choose a bright border and you can choose the size of it cool that's great that's fun you can't do that with supersource but what you can do with supersource is overlay stuff on top of it so it's not quite as flexible because you do have to like do extra work and i earlier made a little graphic here so supersource oval let me load that back into media player one if i no let me do just borders so here's here's a layout i made it's gonna be hard to line that back up but that's in media player one and if i take my downstream key to go downstream key one which is not doing the chat and choose me player one turn that on here are the borders so i have to line myself up again which is actually the opposite way i would do this so normally i would probably uh let's see is there any hope of me doing this right there is hope i think scale is back up and then crop oh i have to go even more and then crop the sides yeah okay this is good let's get in there crop the right until i get under the high end of that border and then take my box two which is the computer it looks like it's about the right size this is in the wrong spot so i'll scoot it over bring it down and it looks like it's a little bit too large so let's shrink it like that okay there we go now i've got borders if i turn that off you'll see the border just sort of covers you know sits on top covers stuff up so yeah you don't get built-in borders but it does mean you actually get more control over the borders because i can do whatever i want with these borders right i can go and where where are the borders i've got what are they called main plus ipad borders that should be in here so if i open this up i can actually do way more stuff with the borders now so i can do uh this is going to be like i don't know a horrible horrible mess but let me just draw stuff so i can do like a wavy border okay probably you would want to have like somebody who does graphic design and do this for you but this will work and if i export this border oh i have an idea then let me make it a gradient border too so let me overlay gradient overlay um we'll pick that on that side and we'll pick some sort of green some sort of teal on the other side and then we'll do zero degrees okay now i've got a nice little gradient border with a little wave export that into the media pool gradient border into slot 12 pre-multiply alpha great now i go back to my software control in downstream key or the media pool my downstream key is already loaded right so i've got my border so let's swap out for the gradient border that's loaded up now back in the switcher i can say go and i've got like a fancy border which you can't do with supersource so this is why i don't mind so i've got my background layer which is the animation i've got my two video sources of supersource and then i've got an overlay with the fancy border i made which again please hire a designer to make a nice border don't use the one that i just used oh my border stayed on let's try that again let's go back to back to that i need to make sure to tie my downstream key on before i do the transition and then it leaves with a transition and this does work with the htm 80 pro you don't get super source but if you if you use your one upstream keyer to position one video source in there you can put a border over it too with the downstream key all right where was i in the chat you can switch background overlay for the supersource itself yeah earlier in the stream i did an example of replacing the instead of using a background for the super source using an overlay for the super source which works also but it's just different but yeah you can scroll back to find that i'm going to go back and add time stamps at some point to this i was almost two minutes behind just caught up i'm with you on the lumix i use the g85 and the video is fantastic for this type of work you're like like a lens is super nice yes absolutely what is the main advantage advantage of getting the iso as opposed to pro besides getting eight separate video recording trying to justify buying iso well iso is supposed to pro there's four if you're talking about the a10 mini yes four inputs but yeah the only difference with the iso is that it records all the inputs that's literally the only difference everything else about both both iso models like iso xtreme and iso pro only difference is the recording ability of each isolated channel and for that it is if you need that feature it is the cheapest and most efficient way to get that feature any other way of getting eight recorders into your workflow is going to be more cumbersome and more expensive so if you need that feature absolutely worth it no questions asked if you don't care about that feature like not needing to uh not needing to record all your sources don't worry about it don't save 300 but also like if you're spending a thousand dollars spending a thousand 300 isn't that much extra so i don't know how are you playing how are you seeing a video as a background in supersource so here's the thing about supersource it doesn't care what any of your sources are got my super nice background border over it supersource like any of your boxes can be any sources and this art is the background i think it's interesting they call it art but i feel like normally they use more a lot more technical terms but this is just the background or foreground so right now it's at the background and it's just one of the inputs so i can set it to media player 2 which is my little weird transition bar or i could set it to my camera which is weird but hey it works i can set it to the other camera uh but what i've got it set to is the mika speck that is playing this on a loop and it's just a video it's just an input um but yeah it works as a media player or as a or as a video it doesn't care it doesn't care what it is you can do whatever you want in the background or in the foreground uh the foreground this is the super source we made earlier of this little transparent overlay and then that works better as a foreground graphic uh get rid of that oh yeah it's still mostly mostly lined up um so that's in the foreground now of course in the background doesn't make any sense but you can choose to place it over or under your super source for up windows let me change that back to city loop in the background what is oh right because the key nice okay and yeah that's it's super cool supersource is amazing i just love it one funny moment from yesterday was let's go back to let's go back to the other layout [Music] there we go oops one funny moment from yesterday was me yelling at my extreme while i was trying to use select bus to change a content in a circle picture in picture then i remembered it was pattern and not dbe yep i know this thing does a lot and it's definitely a lot to keep track of i had to check out for a while but in case phone call meal i should eat speaking of meal uh making progress on this wine though but in case you haven't plugged your atm any risers i saw them on the table in the background yeah i did talk about them earlier it's my latest video also so go take a look at that i talk all about them but if you are somehow just joining the stream now this is the a10 mini stand that i designed to hold an a10 mini on your desk at an angle and give you a ton of mounting options for it and there is a link i believe a link in this video also it's the last video on my channel and i um it's been a fun project it's a 3d printed stand that i designed and is being manufactured now in us uk and australia i forgot to mention that at the beginning as of yesterday there is now an option to to uh buy this stand from somebody in australia who is making it so that is a it's linked on the same product page but yeah if you are anywhere in that region um the anywhere in australia pacific japan whatever um singapore he'll ship it to you and that is um going to be a lot cheaper than trying to ship it from the us or the uk i'm still lining up somebody for the eu i do want to get it manufactured in the eu as well how about using a metal bar for the new mini extreme mount to give it the extra strength maybe aluminum i was thinking about that the problem with if i if i can find a source for like a stock metal bar that people can buy because i'm not my goal is not to like have to put together a kit to sell i want to make sure that it's possible for you to make this thing on your own either 3d printing or buying somebody who somebody's 3d printed parts if i can find a stock metal bar at some pre-cut size i will consider it the problem is i would lose all the mounting options so in my top bar i can make a little cut out for the smaller bar um so you can put your own small rig bar in there but yeah it's a bit of a trick we'll see we will see where can we download supersource templates for one to one talks on zoom or teams calls this is a good question um i you know at this point now that i'm like playing around with this enough i'm pretty sure i'm gonna make some because i having done this now the um being able to like you know creating this layout positioning it doing a little overlays of where's my little overlay doing that overlay there's a lot that goes into it and i can definitely see the benefit of being able to just download some templates both super source layouts with graphics for under and over so i'm gonna try to make some of those available because i think that'd be pretty fun to to have those available to to download so keep an eye out here you will need a rest after the stream i always need to rest after the stream even after an hour it turns out talking for any amount of time without pausing is a lot of work dbe store lists the extreme in stock but can't add the cart they have some sort of issue with the site where when their stock tracker thing doesn't quite talk to the website it gets mixed up um i'm looking at it now and i see that it says in stock but there is no add to cart button i think it may have that same problem that happened with my stand right when we first launched it because they only had like a certain number already made and then the rest are like ordering pre-orders essentially so it must be in the same situation now they must not actually be in stock anymore uh but if you wait two weeks the one i'm using will be in stock because i'm gonna send this one back to them because i'm hoping my iso comes by then or if it doesn't i might have to buy this from them thank you patrick good to see you have a good time running errands ah this is a this is a good question so yeah the a little usb webcam that i'm using the little ptz one that's following me around it's connected to my mac outputting over my second monitor and i tried connecting it to my raspberry pi to not use my computer for this didn't work great i will say that it i had to boot it up in graphical mode of like loading up the full x windows and everything and it was not good it was laggy it was a little stuttery i tried using the fancy thing they have the omx player that my stream bridge solution uses and it did not work i cannot figure out how to get a webcam output over omx player i found several forum threads that uh also resulted in no leads so [Music] not not pleased with that solution i would like to be a solution but no i have not been able to figure that out so yeah um this is running through quicktime in my mac and i do not like it but it does work can you explain how the settings for audio on the headphone output work on the atm extreme yeah i can let me show you how that works the headphone output it's not quite what i wanted it to be but it is better than nothing so the headphone jack if you don't touch anything is your program out so whatever is your main mix you're sending to the stream is what you hear on the headphones if you tap one of these buttons that is what is sent out to the headphone jack however it only lets you press one at a time you can't turn on multiple so whereas like with the program audio i can choose multiple audio sources to go to program which here if i turn these on it'll be a mess of an echo so you're hearing three different microphones now in the room and that is not how it works with headphones so with headphones you can only monitor one or your entire mix so you can't do the mixed minus thing of like sending all but one source for the headphones unfortunately uh but it is better than nothing what was your media player device called it is called the mika spec mika spec is what i'm using to i play that city loop graphic it just takes an sd card it just plays over on the sd card and just doesn't stop it's great there's no like you can you can set it up so that there's no interface needed at all like it has a remote for like selecting what file and stuff but if there's only one file on the card you can go configure it to when it powers on play automatically and not stop so it's perfect for that i'm just like play this file no really just keep playing it i don't want to touch this ever okay we are three hour three and a half hours in i think we're gonna wrap this up thank you for watching you should start a channel absolutely thank you russell for watching um it's been a long stream i do not expect anybody to have watched this whole thing this is the longest room we've done other than the bill with me ones that is true i literally left went and shot an engagement session came back and you're still running that is amazing congrats on being more productive than me can you explain what we use a chromecast for i use it for the chat and any other kinds of graphics you'll be sharing out from my web browser that's the main uh that's how i would suggest using it the trick with the chromecast is you have to run it through an hdmi splitter but if you get the miracast ones go back into my channel there's a video on mirrorcast stuff um those work without an hdmi splitter in the way i should be doing my taxes but this is much more entertaining i should also be doing my taxes i'm so close to being done still still i got a little bit to do uh don't drive on your own after those drinks i thankfully do not own a car and have no desire to drive ever regardless of how much i've had to drink so yes don't worry about it i have a bicycle here which i'm going to ride home eventually after uh i do some more stuff here because i do want to still get a little bit more done today thanks to the stream keep it great work cheers uh dean i am impressed you have watched the entire stream i feel like you should get a prize for that i do not know what the prize should be thanks for the amazing streaming channel gotta go i should have left before i should have left before i'm glad we're all in this together are you gonna drop back to one hour of streams next week or keep any longer and longer uh next week will be a normal stream i'm gonna mention the the giveaway again next week i'm going to drop the second code next week it'll only be in one hour next week i mean maybe an hour and a half um but i i i if i spill over it's going to be a half hour at most but no next week my normal the week after that not totally sure that's going to be the stream on the yolo box from somewhere i may find a park if the weather is nice otherwise i might just hide out here and use the yellow box in here uh but that's where we'll be announcing the giveaway and then the um yeah i'm not planning on making three and a half hour streams my normal thing don't worry sticking to an hour it's still yeah it's not a lot four more hours for 50k you'll do a 24 hour stream no not 50 maybe for a hundred maybe for a hundred uh h2r has extreme live tomorrow if there's man for more very good point go subscribe to here to record on on youtube that is john barker we've done a couple of videos together um yes he is streaming now as well finally got that sorted out so that is um go subscribe he'll be live tomorrow and um thank you for joining thanks for the congrats i hope looking for the secret code and finding you live well it's in here several times now so you'll you'll find it eventually thankfully it's not mentioned only once uh i'm glad you've learned things i've learned things too um i think a lot of people have been on the whole stream i thank you for being on for the whole stream i definitely did not expect anybody to be on for this whole time why don't i make a discord server i've been considering it for now i'm not going to do that however there are two other places you can find me uh forum the forum which is linked down below again it's also at this link i just dropped from the chat that's a great place it's it's a lot of fun you can like post questions you have post uh photos of your rigs and your your streaming gigs that you're doing um i also do hang out in john barker's here to record discord quite a lot that's a great community as well so go check out his stream tomorrow there's a link in his video to his discord i'm not gonna drop the link down in mine but go check out his videos and i do hang out in that discord quite a lot so you'll see me in there all the time and um i actually do have a special channel in there i'm gonna be setting up to uh do like push notification alerts when i do go live so uh that you can make sure you don't miss more live streams as i do more live streams so yeah i think my plan the rest of the day is to stop this finish my bubbly and fix my email sign up so you can get those extra points in the giveaway and uh yeah the champagne no it's still nice and nice and cool it's also not champagne it is sect it is sparkling wine from germany i will see what i come up with and i will try to remember to put the right code in there i can't believe i swapped it around but i fixed that problem now so yes okay chuck thank you for the super chat appreciate reaching out about something i'm working on i am excited to find out what this is um my contact information is very easy to find it is listed on my youtube channel also my instagram my new instagram aaron pk underscore tv because i can't use a dot in my username because instagram's terms of service do not allow that that is my new instagram go follow me there and feel free to send me messages there holy crap a lot of people have followed me today thank you all uh i went from two followers to 500 today on that account so uh thank you for that okay it will be taped under the desk and you need to hack the small raspberry pi camera to reveal it that is an excellent idea and that if i ever do a live stream giveaway for my work channel that is what i will do that might be a little bit not the right audience for uh for for this so yes okay uh with that we are going to wrap this thing up where am i going to end this we are going to end this on we're going to end this on the music from the hyper deck and we're going to end it on the graphics from the city loop so with that thank you all for joining thank you so much i it really means a lot to me that you are all hanging out with me all day on sunday every sunday and i really enjoy the opportunity to help people understand this stuff and help you learn this stuff so thank you all so much and i will see you all in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Aaron Parecki
Views: 17,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NU5_Rj27cTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 37sec (13837 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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