How to run Hybrid Workshops w/ Remote Guests | ATEM Mini Extreme Setup

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so recently the bible society of australia let me film their weekly devotions that they do in the workplace and see their setup now i think this is a super interesting case study for you to look at if you're interested in running a hybrid presentation or workshop or seminar and what's that you ask well it's when you run one of those synonyms i just said for both in-person and online participants simultaneously where every participant can contribute or interact with every other participant [Music] for making any setup like this i always have four rules rule number one i want this setup to be cheap and reliable this means using the latest gear that helps us achieve these new features plus gear might having lying around now when we do go for cheaper i keep the 80 20 rule in mind we're going to be able to achieve the majority of functions we need at this price but if you want that little extra thing or come up against the edge well then it starts to cost a lot just to get that little bit extra rule number two i want this setup to be versatile you might be able to tell from the title that i couldn't decide what this thing was or what it achieved but i wanted to be able to work for workshops hybrid presentations small scale bible studies whatever you can imagine where there are multiple people in person and online where both are contributing rule three i want the set to be mobile workshops or breakout sessions can happen anywhere or anytime this isn't specifically designed for a main auditorium however the principles will still apply and translate to that context because of rule number two rule number four it needs to be operated by one person at a minimum oh and it should scale up or down easily be user friendly retrofit into existing av systems but those go without saying and we want to be able to use that setup to create four different experiences when i say experience i mean good experience the first two are pretty obvious we're creating an experience for the people in the room and we're creating an experience for online participants so these are guests speakers classes of people joining whatever number three we're creating an experience for the online viewer what what's the difference well you might not need this group but this is like a workshop that you want others to experience by watching they might not need to interact um but this other online group maybe they want to watch and learn in real time as well so this is kind of like an outer experience you you have the zoom people who can all interact and then we're taking this whole workshop to be seen in real time online or after the fact which the fourth experience speaks to the editors experience i not only want this experience to be seamless for the first three but after the fact i want this setup to be able to record everything for posterity archiving or to be repackaged in the editing room at a later date so you can fix any incorrect camera cards [Music] cards you can hide a whole camera you can cut dead air maybe you're even turning that workshop into a product later now that's for style so let's see an example of this so the bsa they have a main office in sydney but they also have other offices in sydney and remote working teams around the country each week they bring everyone together for announcements prayer and devotions and you have segments led by people who are either in person or on zoom they do this by having the presentation run from the sydney office studio and the other groups tune in via zoom then on top of that they live stream the whole devotion on facebook workplace for individual employees who are working from home but don't necessarily need to be a part of zoom phone call in this case they're not re-editing the content but they do record the devotion in a quality that's higher than what facebook records in the live stream so what gear do they use let's start with the three cameras the first a gh5 with an 18 to 45 millimeter lens the camera is on a tripod dolly so that it can quickly be moved around the room and they use a feel world monitor to help focus better the monitor has hdmi pass-through so cables go into the monitor and then back out into the switcher could either be a mid shot or a wide angle for interviews camera number two is a g85 with a 45 to 150 millimeter lens this gets the front on wide shot which can show a speaker and the front of our screen this is actually a really cheap lens but you don't need an expensive lens when you have adequate lighting and you're just using it for the job you know it needs to do and the next g85 the third camera uses a 35 to 100 millimeter lens which is quite a bit more expensive because it has a lower f-stop of 2.0 this is a nicer lens great for other applications but you would not need a lens this expensive to get the mid shot they get side note this is a perfect example of wise investment into a versatile set of cameras you don't need three a cameras the gh5 is an a camera it's a lot more expensive than the g85 but the g85 doesn't need to be the gh5 because both images match perfectly in this situation because they have the same color science and resolution i love versatility that's why my primary recommendation is mirrorless cameras because you can take them out of a studio context or live stream context or this hybrid context and you could shoot amazing content anywhere else you can't do that with a ptz and camcorders aren't really built for that kind of thing and just don't look as good but anyway the studio itself has a couple of ceiling mounted led panels two key lights and a backlight which separates the speaker nicely from the black curtain which is on rails and has racks behind it for storage they've got a lectern the tv is on rollers and they use this to either show an online participant a zoom room a logo or slides if a speaker has one we got those nice practical lights just for a bit and they have some paper rolls as backdrops so in the same studio set they can create a variety of looks for different projects in terms of audio there's a speaker in the room and this is purely for amplifying the zoom participants audio the speakers in the room because it's small enough they actually don't need amplification but technically you could amplify them if they wanted to now to actually capture the speaker they've got two wireless microphones and two wireless lapel microphones they've also got a confidence monitor for the speaker up the front so they can see what's currently going on pause hey editor alex here if you like this kind of content why don't you like the video it actually really helps out the channel and since it's brand new you can also see that 99 of watches aren't subscribed so no pressure uh but you could do that too if you want but you may as well hit the bell if you're going to because otherwise you'll never see what we do anyway back to the show so how do they do this without getting feedback with it making it seamless so everyone can hear it's actually a lot easier than you think once you understand it and put in the work like i've done for you so hopefully it's easy for you here are all the elements that we need and we need all of this to be live streamed and easily recorded i mean technically you could just record in every camera but that's not easy because you've got to sync them up later this is a terrible task trust me i know there are two cornerstone pieces of gear to make this happen the first is the sound mixer and the second is a vision mixer the sound mixer needs to have mixed minus capabilities so that means it needs to take a number of inputs and choose selectively which inputs go to which outputs for example the whole mix of the sound needs to be sent online but a separate mix without the zoom audio needs to be sent back to the zoom room if we sent back their voice they'll get feedback it's terrible bsa uses the zoom live track l8 zoom zoom yeah sorry don't get confused i'll just call it the l8 so this is a really great portable solution it's got eight inputs and eight outputs it's great value well reviewed and does everything we need to do now if you have a whole band you might need to spend more but for this setup without considerations not sure if this can be beat on the market at the moment and obviously if you already have an audio mixer set up you can work out how to use that for this purpose but for the l8 it gives you a tr ss cable that plugs into your computer jack so this is already mixed minus so you can send a feed of everything you're capturing from the l8 in the room to zoom whilst also bringing back the zoom audio into the l8 which you can then selectively push out into the room and since we don't need application from the front we don't need to include that but we could if we wanted to then to output all the sound together into our stream or our recording for later we want to bring that audio complete mix into our vision mixer we're going to do this through a dual xlr to 3.5 millimeter cable now the second cornerstone of this setup is okay hang on a second sidebar so um bsa have done a great work of this setup i used 90 of it but they created it before the atem extreme iso came out they're actually using both an a10 mini and an atem mini pro together the reason for that is they needed to be able to control what was on the front of house screen so switching sources to turn on or off the zoom show this setup using an additional item mini gave them the second hdm out just for the tv now the extreme actually simplifies this whole setup so that's what i'm going to recommend the extreme has a switcher within the switcher because it has two hdmi outs you can program either of them to do anything you want with one of those hdmi outs we can solve the job of controlling what goes on the front of house screen the second hdmi out we're going to use to show our multicam monitor this will let your switcher know exactly what's on each camera why to switch to each one you could also use this multicam view for the speakers up the front as a confidence monitor one way to do that would be to use a monitor that has hdmi loop out that's just one way to do it so we've got our three cameras they come in via hdmi now you don't need three cameras in this setup at minimum i think you only need two one for someone up the front and one for the room if it's a workshop and we need to see the participants in real time on zoom speaking of which we want to output a hdmi from the zoom computer into the atem so we can capture it there's a bit more to this with zoom but we're going to come back to that the fifth hdmi input is an optional one if a speaker is going to use a presentation now technically it's possible to run the presentation of the same laptop as the zoom laptop but just for ease of use and switching it's better to have them separate with one of the usbc outs we connect to the zoom laptop and this is how we're feeding everything that's coming into the vision switcher into zoom now you remember that we're actually feeding zoom the audio and the video separately from separate sources we'll get into the zoom setup again i'm getting onto that too early the second usbc out is for an ssd hard drive and if you have the atem extreme iso which i suggest when you hit record it will record every hdmi input so your zoom participants your presentation screen and your cameras so at the end of the workshop you'll have a recording with every cut that you've sent to the live stream plus you'll get an edit file that will let you finesse those files because you have an iso or isolated file of every hdmi input and from the atem we're feeding out into youtube live to live stream directly from the box by plugging it into your internet router and that's the complete diagram it'll work with any kind of camera there's so many versions of this but if you want to download these diagrams a kit list plus see some bonus info in writing about how to set it up you can sign up to our email list below and i'll send it to you just click the link in the description below and if you want to learn more about the atem extreme cameras or anything live stream related we also have a complete course that's aimed at small to medium churches who want to get the most out of the limited resources that they have since you're already here and learning i want to give you a discount by using the coupon that's below now i should talk about the 20 of this 80 20 setup there are a couple of limitations but we can get around them either you can have a boatload of money or we could do a few savvy things one of the limitations is with the zoom participants they're seeing the full program feed of the atem extreme so as in anything that you shoot to the live stream they're going to see because you can't switch to individual channels over the usb c if you want to show the zoom speaker as the primary speaker that means that they're going to see themselves in the zoom room if you choose to show them in the room on the front of house tv or on the live stream they're getting a visual feedback loop and it's unfortunate if they see themselves now if you've got a full zoom room full of lots of people this probably isn't going to be too much of an issue but if you have a high profile speaker they're going to want to see the room and feed off their reactions the simplest way around this is just to set up a phone or another computer to log into zoom and face that at the audience so not a great camera you're not going to cut it into your show but it's just there so that the speaker can see the audience you want to also make sure that the speaker's turned off and it's muted so it's just a visual camera feed going to zoom you don't want to create feedback by having two devices on zoom in the same space if you wanted to as well and you had a camera just for the audience instead you could put a hdmi splitter out of the camera uh and a cheap capture card and another computer connected to zoom so this computer would just see the audience from a better camera and then anyone on zoom will always be able to see the audience in the room now i want to talk about the role of the switcher you've actually got three different switching jobs for this so it will be a muscle that needs to be refined so that you can just have your mind across all of these things so the first way that you're switching is through the camera sources you're switching on the big buttons on the box between the cameras the zoom participants and a presentation this creates your program feed you're sending a program feed out to the zoom participants and also live to your online viewers the second way you're switching is with the mini switcher in the atm extreme for your hdmi out this is going to control what goes on the front of house screen so you might want to switch to just a logo when the zoom room doesn't need to be seen or you might want to switch back to the zoom room or switch to slides graphics animation loops anything that you want to feature that you can through this box the third way of switching is with zoom so the way we're going to set up zoom for this is we're going to make zoom see and think that the atom extreme is the second monitor because it is so whether you're on a mac you need to set up extended displays or the same thing for windows we're not duplicating or mirroring here then in zoom we want to set up dual monitor display this way the switcher can always have a gallery view of everyone there but when someone is speaking primarily the switcher can pin that specific person to the front screen zoom can do a pretty good job of auto switching between zoom participants but if you want that greater control and want to ensure one participant goes up on the front of house screen you can right click on them and pin them to the second screen the second screen is what we're putting into the atm extreme which we can then output again into the front of house you want to select your camera as the black magic design option and to give your zoom audience the best experience make sure in the video settings you select hd and turn mirroring off so the presentations aren't mirrored for audio you're going to make sure your input and output is the live track l8 because as we've gone over that's going to handle all the mixing and the mix minusing since all our microphone inputs are mixed beforehand we can turn off any settings we want you can even turn the option on to turn original audio on so that means zoom won't do anything to your audio this might give your zoom participants better audio but they might not have great audio themselves so they might want to keep that on their side zoom is great because everyone uses it and it's very easy to integrate with a large group but if you only have a few guests and want a bit more control over the ui then there are a few other options you could use skype's creator ndi features studio 6 by vimeo or vmix these are all paid a free one is obs ninja which is open source but does work very well so you're switching for the zoom participants and the live stream at the same time and you're switching for what's shown on the tv it's a muscle it might seem tricky at first but slowly it'll become second nature this setup can be scaled up or down left or right do whatever you want but let us know in the comments what you hope to do with something like this i think we're just beginning to imagine what's possible with interactivity of both people online and in the room usually they've been two completely isolated parties so we're just stumbling upon the future together and i don't think we've even hit the limits of what we can do with this kind of thing anyway that's it for the video don't forget to click on the email list so you can download the diagrams or check out the course if you're interested i'll see you around you
Channel: Digital Ministry Masterclass
Views: 12,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ATEM Mini Pro, Atem Mini, Atem Mini Extreme, ATEM Mini extreme ISO, hybrid workshop, remote speaker, remote guest, zoom, how to use atem mini pro with zoom, lumix gh5 for streaming, lumix g85 for streaming, online and face to face classes, atem mini zoom, zoom webcam atem mini, atem mini conference call, atem mini pro skype, how to use atem mini extreme, hybrid teaching, hybrid learning, blended classroom examples, church online, livetrak L-8, black magic design
Id: OtDj2L0GAec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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