Superbook - The Prodigal Son - Season 2 Episode 12 - Full Episode (HD Version)

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[children laughing & playing] PHARISEE 1: Hmm. What is it that they see in Jesus? PHARISEE 2: He forgives everyone, keeps company with sinners. See the tax collectors? <i>[chuckle] And we know they need forgiveness.</i> [scornful laughter] SCRIBE 1: Notice, the crowds that follow Him keep growing. [sheep baas] PETER: Excuse me, are those your sheep? MICAH: Yes, I am tending these myself. <i>And this is just a part of my family's herd.</i> My father put me in charge. Ooo! Ugh! Me!! [JOHN & PETER laugh] JOHN: Well, if your father trusts you with all of them... PETER: I'd say you might want to go after that runaway. &gt;&gt; Hunh? Oh no! Rebel, come back! Come back! [sheep baaing] <i>PHARISEE 1: Are you Jesus of Nazareth?</i> &gt;&gt; I am. &gt;&gt; They call you a teacher. <i>SCRIBE 1: And a prophet.</i> PHARISEE 1: Yet you dine with sinners and tax collectors. The leaders of the Temple are asking how you would explain that, Teacher. MICAH: Stop. Rebel, you cannot... &gt;&gt; If any of you has 100 sheep, and one of them gets lost, what will you do? Won't you leave the 99 in the field and go look for the lost sheep until you find it? And when you find it, you will be so glad that you will put it on your shoulder and carry it home. [murmurs of agreement] Then you will call in your friends and neighbors, and say, Let's celebrate! I found my lost sheep! In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over 99 others who are righteous and haven't strayed away. ♪ [music] ♪ ♪ It's the Word for all time ♪ The Word for all the world ♪ The Story's forever alive ♪ Superbook ♪ Hosanna, sing hosanna ♪ The Word...Superbook ♪ Hosanna, sing hosanna ♪ The Word...Superbook ♪♪ GIZMO: Here it comes! JOY: Hey! Over here! [laughs] I got it! [effort] CHRIS: Watch this, guys! Around the world, to the moon, a-and back!! Yes! AARON: Ugh! GIZMO: Oooh! &gt;&gt; Thorns are sharp! Thorns are sharp! Need bandages! Oh, oww! Yow! Guys, you didn't see me. [shoes scrambling up wood ramp] [hatch slams] &gt;&gt; Whoa. Did you see that? &gt;&gt; What's up with Aaron? GIZMO: Yes, he usually wears a hat. What? He does! [effort] &gt;&gt; Aaron, open up! <i>AARON: Is my father with you?</i> &gt;&gt; No, why would your father be...Wooah! JOY: Yaah! [hatch slams] &gt;&gt; Hey! What am I, scrap metal? Yaahh! [hatch slams] &gt;&gt; Aaron, why are you hiding from your father? &gt;&gt; Ah, I did something really bad, Chris. I'm gonna be in so much trouble. My dad'll never forgive me. I can never go home again. JOY: What did you do?? &gt;&gt; Chris, how much to rent out your treehouse? Hm, a lot of floorspace. Starting, say, now! &gt;&gt; Aaron, you can't live in my treehouse. &gt;&gt; It's either that, or I go find an apartment across town! Look, I've got birthday money. I'll pay you $10 a week! JOY: This is crazy! GIZMO: Yes, the periscope and beanbag chair alone make it worth 20. I am trying to negotiate here. &gt;&gt; All right, all right. Fine! My dad'll probably figure out I'm living here anyway. Here's a list of things I'm gonna need on the road. I'm running away. <i>Oh, and the 10 peanut butter sandwiches?</i> Can you trim off the crust the way my dad does? I really like them like that. CHRIS: O--kay. Uh, Aaron, do not leave the treehouse. Understand me? Do NOT leave the treehouse. <i>&gt;&gt; Nice chair! I'll go 15 a week. Not a penny more!</i> &gt;&gt; What are we gonna do? &gt;&gt; He likes the chair! I say we go in for the kill. 19 bucks a month, no ups, no extras. JOY: Or we could try to convince him to go home and face up to this thing. &gt;&gt; I don't know. Aaron's been my friend for a long time. If he says he can't tell his dad, then... maybe what he did really IS unforgivable! [Superbook tones] ALL: Superbook!! <i>GIZMO: Oh no, we cannot go.</i> We must stay & draw up a rental agreement for the treehouuuuse! <i>SUPERBOOK: I am taking you to meet a man</i> <i>who taught by his example that forgiveness is always possible.</i> <i>[whoosh]</i> MICAH: Oh, no you don't! <i>&gt;&gt; Whooaaaa!</i> &gt;&gt; Did you just...? CHRIS: Uh, fall through the tree? Uh, yes. GIZMO: Weak branches. [chuckle] JOY: Sorry. Did we startle your sheep? &gt;&gt; No. No!! This sheep has a mind of his own. Calm down! &gt;&gt; I'm Joy. This is Chris, and Gizmo. &gt;&gt; I am Micah, and I call this one Rebel, because he's always trying to run away. Were you up in the tree trying to get a better view of Jesus? &gt;&gt; Jesus? &gt;&gt; Yes, He is the reason <i>there are so many people gathered here today.</i> <i>Jesus is a great teacher.</i> I especially like it when He tells parables. &gt;&gt; What's a parable? GIZMO: Oh! A parable is a short story which uses familiar events to illustrate a religious or ethical point. <i>MICAH: You HAVE heard Jesus speak, then!</i> &gt;&gt; No, my internal data frame is equipped with high-capacity quantum memory. &gt;&gt; What?! &gt;&gt; I was originally designed for the... [muffled] &gt;&gt; Uh, we'd love to hear Jesus speak! Lead the way. <i>[sheep baas]</i> Why not just TELL everyone you're a robot? GIZMO: Quit it! JOY: No, YOU quit! GIZMO: No, YOU quit! [CHRIS groans] <i>JOY: The bread is really delicious.</i> You want some? CHRIS: Sure! You know, I've been thinking about what Aaron said. I mean, if he's serious about running away from home, Joy, whatever he did must be something he believes his father would never forgive him for. <i>PETER: Teacher, John and I were discussing</i> what you said earlier to the Pharisees about the shepherd and the lost lamb, and we wondered, why do you speak in parables? &gt;&gt; To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, <i>and they will have an abundance of knowledge.</i> <i>I tell you the truth.</i> Many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but they didn't see it. And they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn't hear it. CHRIS: Joy, what do you think He means? &gt;&gt; I don't know! &gt;&gt; A man had two sons. [slow melancholy flute music] <i>The younger son told his father:</i> PRODIGAL SON: Father, I want my share of your estate now before you die. <i>&gt;&gt; So, his father agreed</i> <i>to divide his wealth between his sons.</i> [grand music with foreboding organ & horns] [slow flute music] [ship splashes through water] <i>A few days later, this younger son packed all his belongings</i> <i>and moved to a distant land,</i> <i>and there he wasted all his money in wild living.</i> [drums and tambourines] PRODIGAL SON: Oof! [crash] <i>VENDOR: Watch where you're going!</i> [drums & tambourines intensify] [vocalizations] [excited cries] [cheers] GAMBLER: Go ahead, throw them again! [coins clink on stone] [vomiting] [slap] &gt;&gt; Augh! [gulp] <i>VENDOR 2: Put that down! Thief! Thief!</i> [punch] [crash] &gt;&gt; Ohh! [wind whistles] <i>JESUS: About the time his money ran out,</i> <i>a great famine swept over the land</i> <i>and he began to starve.</i> [pigs squeal] <i>He persuaded a local farmer to hire him,</i> <i>and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs.</i> <i>The young man became so hungry that even the pods</i> <i>he was feeding the pigs looked good to him,</i> <i>but no one gave him anything.</i> [sobbing] <i>When he finally came to his senses,</i> <i>he said to himself,</i> "At home, even the hired servants have food enough to spare, and here I am, dying of hunger." <i>He wasted everything his father gave him.</i> MICAH: Oh no! He did it again! CHRIS: Micah, there he goes! &gt;&gt; Rebel, Rebel, come back! JOY: Come on, guys, we've got to help. CHRIS: But the story! GIZMO: Yes, we must find out what happens to the prodigal son. &gt;&gt; Chris, if you lost Gizmo, wouldn't you want ME to drop everything <i>and help you find him?</i> &gt;&gt; That is an impossibility, Joy. I'm equipped with a navigation module and would never... &gt;&gt; WORK with me, Giz! It's an "as if." &gt;&gt; An "as if"? &gt;&gt; An "as if." Like a parable. I'm making up a story about you getting lost to make my point to Chris that he should... Oh, why do I bother? &gt;&gt; All right, all right. We'll help. &gt;&gt; Hm! Yes, we will come along "as if" we are helping. MICAH: [gasp] He's run into someone else's herd! JOY: Oh no! <i>How are we ever going to find your sheep in a flock this big?</i> &gt;&gt; Look closely. Rebel has a brown spot behind his ear. JOY: Rebel! <i>CHRIS: Rebel, where are you? Rebel!</i> &gt;&gt; No spot there. Hm! No again. OK, this could take a while. Unless! Doggie-Bots to the rescue! [thump] [servos & barking] CHRIS: Rebel! MICAH: Rebel, where are you? Rebel! Rebel! Rebel...oh! Ahh! Unh, unh! Help! Help!! Aaaah! [straining] Help!! [servos] &gt;&gt; Hmph! We are going to need to cover more of this herd faster. Doggie-Bots, to Doggie Saucer! [brakes squeal] [engine whine] [whoosh] CHRIS: Rebel, where are you? <i>MICAH: Chris, Joy, help!!</i> &gt;&gt; Micah! [straining] JOY: Oh, no!! CHRIS: Hold on, Micah! JOY: Grab this staff! [MICAH strains] MICAH: Ahh! CHRIS: We got you! [ALL straining] [whoosh of plane] [electronic twitters] GIZMO: You can run, but you cannot hide, Rebel! [whoosh of plane] Net! Drop the net now! [whoosh of plane] Oh no! Get back! Doggie-Saucer, do not drop the net until I'm at least 10 feet in front of Rebel. Confirm you understand! Get back, Rebel, get back! Back, back, back, back! [plane whoosh] Ohhhhhh! MICAH: I cannot thank you enough, my friends. [sheep baa] &gt;&gt; Don't you think I am the one you should be thanking? MICAH: I can't believe you got him back! [CHRIS & JOY talking at once] JOY: You are one clever sheep, aren't you? CHRIS: Not to mention quick. He doesn't look any worse for wear. JOY: There's the brown spot on his ear. MICAH: In that story Jesus was telling, the son took everything his father had given him, and he lost it all. I wonder what happened after that? &gt;&gt; Come on! If we hurry, maybe we can still hear the end of the story! JOY: Guys, I think we're too late. <i>CHRIS: Wow, that was a short story.</i> GIZMO: Yes, a parable IS a short story which uses familiar events to illustrate a religious or ethical... JOY: Oh, we know, Gizmo. [KIDS talking at once] PETER: Slow down! Slow down! Not all at once! JESUS: Now, what were you saying, children? [KIDS talking at once] Please, sit with us! CHRIS: Jesus, we were listening to the story you were telling the crowd. &gt;&gt; But my sheep ran away! &gt;&gt; Micah, again? &gt;&gt; [chuckles] Yes! But Chris, Joy, and Gizmo helped me find him. GIZMO: So, when we chased off after Rebel, the son had wasted all his money and was working feeding the pigs. CHRIS: Yes, what happened after that? [KIDS talking at once] JESUS: Let me finish the story for you. While he had the job of feeding the pigs <i>the young man became so hungry that even the pods</i> <i>he was feeding the pigs looked good to him,</i> [sobbing] <i>but no one gave him anything.</i> <i>Finally he came to his senses and said,</i> SON: My father's workers have plenty of wheat, and here I am starving to death! I will go to my father and say to him, "Father, I have sinned against God in heaven and against you. I am no longer good enough to be called your son. Treat me like one of your workers." [dramatic organ music] <i>JESUS: But when he was still a long way off,</i> <i>his father saw him and felt sorry for him.</i> [FATHER gasps] <i>He ran to his son.</i> [vocalized panting] [joyful sobs] [soaring trumpet music] [celebratory music with organ and bells] <i>He hugged and kissed him.</i> FATHER: Hurry and bring the best clothes and put them on him. <i>Give him a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet.</i> Get the best calf and prepare it so we can eat and celebrate. This son of mine was dead but has now come back to life. He was lost, and has now been found! <i>JESUS: And they began to celebrate.</i> [cheerful music] <i>The older son had been out in the field,</i> <i>but when he came near the house</i> <i>he heard the music and dancing.</i> [music with trumpets] OLDER SON: What's going on here? SERVANT: Your brother has come home safe and sound, and your father ordered us to kill the best calf. [dark music, heavy slow strings] <i>JESUS: The older brother got so angry</i> <i>that he would not even go into the house.</i> &gt;&gt; Grr! <i>&gt;&gt; His father came out and begged him to go in.</i> &gt;&gt; For years I have worked for you like a slave and have always obeyed you. But you have never even given me a little goat so that I could give a dinner for my friends. This other son of yours wasted your money! And now that he has come home you ordered the best calf to be killed for a feast! Grrr! &gt;&gt; My son, you were always with me and everything I have is yours. But we should be glad and celebrate! Your brother was dead and he is now alive. He was lost and has now been found. CHRIS: Wow! I never expected a father to take his son back like that! JOY: Especially after he wasted everything his father gave him. MICAH: Yes, he was welcomed home with open arms and his father just gave him more! &gt;&gt; That is love! A father whose love is unfailing always forgives like that. PETER: Take care of that sheep, Micah. CHRIS: That was an amazing story. MICAH: Whoa! Rebel! Rebel! GIZMO: It's Superbook! &gt;&gt; Looks like we're going home! [whoosh] [whoosh] JOY: I don't know what Aaron did that makes him so afraid to go home. &gt;&gt; Well, whatever it is, it can't be as bad as the prodigal son. Come on. [latch opens] AARON: Hey guys! I wonder what the jungles of Borneo are like this time of year? Nobody'd ever find me in a rain forest. JOY: Aaron, you can't run away from home, no matter what you did. &gt;&gt; You don't know my dad. [electronic chirp] CHRIS: What did you do anyway? &gt;&gt; I skipped school. GIZMO: Yes?? &gt;&gt; And took the ATV out of the garage. &gt;&gt; Oo-kay. &gt;&gt; And drove the back way to the beach &gt;&gt; That's bad. &gt;&gt; Where I accidentally smacked it up against the bottom of the lifeguard station! &gt;&gt; OK, that's REALLY bad! &gt;&gt; And my father will never ever forgive me for any of it! &gt;&gt; Aaron, you know what? I know that's bad stuff. &gt;&gt; Huh! It sure is! [clank] Oh! &gt;&gt; But you know what else? I bet your father's love for you is way bigger than that stuff. <i>JOY: Fathers forgive.</i> [sigh] &gt;&gt; My runaway plans are pretty lame, aren't they? Yeah, I'd better go home and face the music. <i>AARON'S DAD: Chris! Joy!</i> Have you seen Aaron? <i>He skipped school today and I just don't know...</i> <i>Aaron! Where have you been?</i> <i>The ATV is gone and your mother and I have been worried sick!</i> &gt;&gt; I've got something to tell you. &gt;&gt; You come down here, son. &gt;&gt; Dad... &gt;&gt; I'm just glad you're OK. <i>SUPERBOOK: The Lord is compassionate and merciful,</i> <i>slow to get angry, and filled with unfailing love.</i> [Upbeat music] ♪ ♪ Jesus, You died upon a cross ♪ and rose again to save the lost. ♪ Forgive me now of all my sin ♪ Come be my Savior, Lord and friend. ♪ Change my life and make it new ♪ and help me, Lord, to live for You. ♪ Change my life and make it new ♪ and help me, Lord, to live for You. ♪ Jesus, You died upon a cross ♪ and rose again to save the lost. ♪ Forgive me now of all my sin ♪ Come be my Savior, Lord and friend. ♪ Change my life and make it new ♪ and help me, Lord, to live for You. ♪ Change my life and make it new ♪ and help me, Lord, to live...for You. ♪ Change my life and make it new ♪ Help me, Lord, to live for You. ♪ Change my life and make it new ♪ Won't You make it new? ♪ And help me, Lord, to live ♪ to live for You. ♪♪ ♪ [drums and voices] ♪ ♪ [Middle Eastern woodwind] ♪ ♪ [strings, percussion full] ♪ ♪ [strings, percussion intensify] ♪ ♪ [timpani only] ♪ ♪ [music ends] ♪♪ Captioning made possible by The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. [Música alegre] ♪ Cristo moriste en una cruz. ♪ Resucitaste con poder. ♪ Perdona mis pecados hoy. ♪ Sé mi señor y salvador. ♪ Cámbiame y hazme otra vez ♪ y ayúdame a serte fiel. ♪ Cámbiame y hazme otra vez ♪ y ayúdame a serte fiel. ♪ Cristo moriste en una cruz. ♪ Resucitaste con poder. ♪ Perdona mis pecados hoy. ♪ Sé mi señor y salvador. ♪ Cámbiame y hazme otra vez ♪ y ayúdame a serte fiel. ♪ Cámbiame y hazme otra vez ♪ y ayúdame a serte fiel. ♪ Cámbiame y hazme otra vez ♪ Ayúdame a serte fiel. ♪ Cámbiame y hazme otra vez. ♪ Me haz otra vez, Señor. ♪ Y ayúdame a ser... ♪ ...a serte fiel. ♪♪
Channel: Superbook
Views: 4,476,757
Rating: 4.7202239 out of 5
Keywords: prodigal son, prodigal son gospel, bible prodigal son story, bible prodigal son, jesus storybook bible prodigal son, bible adventure prodigal son, bible story of prodigal son, prodigal son bible story, prodigal son bible, bible prodigal son sotry, bible prodigal son sumary
Id: ZpRh8xedMPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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