Superbook - The Fiery Furnace! - Season 2 Episode 3 - Full Episode (Official HD Version)

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[Music] yes i'm late for school whoa you gotta find my books pack my bag and i'll uh now if i were chris's books where would i hide whoa that's not a book got them yes you just need pencils a ruler your calculator a notepad this protractor hi chris hey chris uh hey mitch jay what do you guys need i'm late did you study study for what the test test ow did you say test that is correct chris your science test on levers and fulcrums guys i had band practice i forgot fulcrums are like seesaws of course man if i don't get a passing grade i can't go to the amusement park with the class oh chris you are right and the amusement park just installed the most extreme new roller coaster ever screaming awesome i gotta ride screaming thunder but how am i gonna pass that test any ideas well todd said this you might want to check it out hey any of you losers who forgot about the science test i got the answers just enter this code on your datacom 3000 and it'll download but they aren't free you'll have to pay because my dad cut off my allowance [Music] todd's test dancers press here to purchase and download no no chris do not do it no i cannot watch this no [Music] giz a kid's gotta do what a kid's gotta do [Music] is [Music] okay got him and give not a word of this to joy joy chris quantum that's cheating you get caught nobody can help you not me not your parents not even the teacher look i forgot to study i want to go to the amusement park but i can't unless i pass the test as your friends hey i wonder if time travel counts as an excuse very funny chris [Music] i am taking you back in time to meet three men who chose to obey god even in the face of great personal danger it's all mine now chris i win joy you better give me my phone i'm telling you i need a coupon sounds like someone else is fighting too now look what you two started we're not children you see i was right you are courageous yes you make a good point even if it is hard on my head and our guests we have guests hi i am meeshank this is shadrack and this is abednego i'm joy this is chris and gizmo we apologize for dropping in like this but super book doesn't all fall so what were you guys fighting about we weren't fighting we were discussing how the king is wasting money on a statue a statue to a false god one he wants us to bow to but we never will [Music] [Music] awesome amazing and it looks like it's made of gold yes joy it's pure gold but that's all it is just metal our god created everything even the gold in that statue when we pray to him he hears and answers our prayers because he is real so if the statue is not alive what's the harm in bowing to it because our god alone is worthy of worship he commands we not bow to other gods yet if we do not bow the king will only see it as direct disobedience to his authority it is a difficult choice to make but why just do what you want to do if we disobey the king we will be thrown into a blazing furnace behold this glorious creation of mine how it watches over all of babylon my lord the ceremony await excellent today all will worship at the feet of my statue oh chris who knew babylon at 500 bc could be so much fun profile pick [Music] tagged uploaded and we've already received 35 likes really uh no chris are you nuts it is 500 bc computers have not even been invented yet so what's going on today it looks like a celebration yes a celebration for everyone but us i should have reported your insolence long ago you do not value your high positions you secretly disregard the throne and you're standing on my foot oh i am i'm sorry absolutely i know what this ceremony means for you and your god now we say you bow to the king's statue or else [Music] oh oh you're just trying to scare them with empty threats empty threats soldier tell the king namtar reports the ceremony is ready to proceed oh and apsu says so too guys you're making way too big a deal out of this whole statue thing i say just don't go to the ceremony as the king's officials we must attend but if we bow down to this idol we are being disobedient to our god obedience to god is always the right thing to do no matter the consequences [Music] i'm telling you bow don't bow it's no big deal [Music] giz i need your help oh when you push those little buttons in the proper sequence you can speak directly i don't even help with the phone gizmo i need help with chris this is serious chris is totally missing the point about buying todd's test answers and he's missing the point with shadrach meshach and abednego what do you mean they have a tough decision to make giz but they're doing the right thing even though they could be thrown into a fiery furnace for not bowing to the king's statue but joy chris says that furnace is not real and chris is in denial about that test the same way he's in denial about that furnace you mean it is real do we have to bow joy wait people of all nations and languages listen to the king's command when you hear the sound of the horn float sitter fire pop pipes what's happening this is where we make our decision bow to the ground to worship king nebuchadnezzar's gold statue my legs are shaking shadrach what will happen to us remember earlier when you thought you couldn't do this and i said god would be with us when the time came yes he is with us yes god strengthens me even now anyone who refuses to obey will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace gizmo then we stand together yes [Music] okay i'm bowing out guys what are you doing [Music] [Music] what you guys did out there today you know not bowing like that i mean you're gonna lose your jobs with the king right i am certain the king is deciding our fate at this very moment but you're good with that right i mean what you might get a demotion but there's probably you know hundreds of other jobs in the kingdom for guys like you what do you got around here like torchlighters brick players who cleans up after your big statue ceremonies and stuff right yeah you'll land on your feet no problem well uh see you guys later hey chris it's dangerous for us to be here with these guys relax i just left them up there they're fine they're having soup chris they didn't bow today and the king is gonna have them arrested do you guys see any soldiers around here no do you see a big scary furnace with hot flames shooting into the sky no right because soldiers aren't coming to arrest them and that furnace doesn't exist there is nothing to worry about chris except memorizing todd's test dancers joy give me my phone [Music] okay chris my guess is those soldiers who aren't there are taking our friends to that furnace that doesn't exist is it true shadrach meshach and abednego that you do not serve my gods or worship the gold image which i have set up i will give you one more chance to bow down and worship the image which i have made if you refuse you will be cast immediately into the middle of a blazing furnace and who is the god who will deliver you from my hands nebuchadnezzar we have no need to answer you in this matter our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us from your hand o king but even if he does not we want to make it clear to you your majesty that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up heat the furnace to seven times its usual temperature take them now come on tie them up [Music] they're right on the other side of this wall we are on it joy okay chris forest times distance from the fulcrum is equal to the turning force guys what are you doing guys fly us up there now if i do it that way chris will never pass his science test and he will never get to ride screaming thunder what will this smoker do chris this is gonna put us on that wall oh no it's not [Applause] uh giz does the textbook say anything about rotten wood got a plan b einstein giz plan b flies up there now oh no i told them i told them all along but they refused to listen you took the words right out of my mouth we've got to get down there and stop this i have given you every chance but your time has run out cast them into the furnace [Music] oh we're too late they're gone the guards are burned up in the flames you are right absolutely this is what happens when you refuse to obey the king what's he looking at i can't see from here come on did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire look i see four men unbound walking around in the fire unharmed [Music] and the fourth looks like a god who sat in there with them abednego told the king god could deliver them from the furnace it must be god [Music] servants of the most high god come out and come here [Music] and their clothing is not scorched they don't even smell of smoke be the god of shadrach meshach and abednego who sent his angel and delivered his servants who trusted in him they defied my command and were willing to die rather than serve or worship any god except their own i will not allow any person to say anything against their god anyone who does will be dealt with severely oh would you be quiet truly there is no other god who can rescue like this so the king put you in charge of even more things now and we're already making some changes [Music] [Music] what are you gonna do [Music] guys i think we're going back come on joy we're gonna be late for school chris what are you gonna do about the test joy pepper yes passing grade ah chris quantum um not so great but you passed [Music] a lot of kids had the same answers on the test chris and all of them were wrong somebody told me you had the answers too but decided not to look at them yeah i passed on my own but i didn't get a high enough grade to go to the amusement park what do you say for extra credit you try and tell me um what's the earliest written reference we still have today about levers say within oh a couple hundred years give or take uh fifth century bc like around the time of nebuchadnezzar in babylon earliest writings about levers date from around 3rd century bc but i'd say you earned yourself half a grade point enjoy the park you can do that i can because you chose not to cheat that deserves credit too now i've got to take care of a different matter my brother said they were the right answers it's because i gave a different test this year todd now come with me we're calling your parents the rest of you will retake the test later but no park [Music] well i never thought i'd say it but todd was right what todd yeah he said anyone who uses his answers would have to pay and it looks like he's paying for it now [Music] screaming [Music] [Applause] jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost forgive me now of all my sin come be my [Music] change my life my life and make it new jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost forgive me now of all my sin come be my savior [Music] [Applause] my life foreign make it new help me lord to live for you change my life and help me it's the new superbook bible ass it's packed with games activities and super book episodes that you can watch for free [Music] there's trivia a fun daily devotional and answers to your bible questions plus an easy to understand bible the whole family will enjoy you can even create your own super book character it's the new super book bible app free downloads on itunes google play and amazon and i just imagine what can happen traveling through [Music] history [Music] wisdom that's so clear if we have the ears [Music] [Applause] [Music] true [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 295,359
Rating: 4.7352114 out of 5
Keywords: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Nebuchadnezzar, fiery furnace, daniel fiery furnace, bible story, shadrach meshach and abednego, shadrach meshach and abednego for kids, shadrach meshach and abednego bible story, shadrach meshach and abednego full movie, shadrach meshach and abednego superbook, meshach shadrach abednego, fiery furnace bible story, fiery furnace superbook, king nebuchadnezzar and the fiery furnace, king nebuchadnezzar, king nebuchadnezzar statue, babylon, king of babylon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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