VeggieTales | The Girl Who Became Queen | VeggieTales Full Episode | Videos For Kids

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[Music] a wise man once said not to be afraid of greatness some are born great some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them oh is it your highness the king was wondering if you could make him a sandwich it's three o'clock in the morning ah yeah but he says that he's the king and whatever he says goes well I'm the queen and the king can make his own sandwich I'm the queen oh you wanna bet the king can do whatever he wants he's the king and don't come back don't you think that might have been a little harsh oh no way if she got away with that no one would listen to you well what am I gonna do now it looks like we're gonna have to find you no Queen hmm make me a sandwich this is the story of a great person it's hard to say whether our hero was born that way or was just placed in the right place at the right time and decided to do the right thing I suppose you can be the judge adapt oh and one more thing ah hero isn't a king just an ordinary girl [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not wait I mean I wait a minute I see yeah let me see if I got this yes so your friend steal an apple yeah that's right yeah it wasn't hoist but she took it yep and now yeah I don't know what to do yeah what should I do what do you think you should do well I suppose I should tell her it was wrong in and that she should pay for it sounds like a good answer yeah but I'm I'm too scared esta ya cousin Mordecai how long have I been your cousin well pretty much forever yeah give or take have I ever steered you wrong well no I guess you never need to be afraid to do what's right do you remember that song your grandmother used to sing you mean the one about God being on our side and not having to be afraid yeah I remember that one good but what if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore oh I see you can do the right thing and their problems out there a lot bigger than stolen apples [Applause] [Music] like that one it's Haven that guy hates me like an expanse hello people of Persia is Royal Highness King Xerxes finds himself for reasons that do not concern you in need of a new queen oh I would like to ask ladies please come with me young lady that means you if it's all the same to the King I think I'd rather stay right here I did not ask you if you are interested the King needs a queen get in the wagon I see for your own good you should probably go what but I sir I need to stay here so I can take care of my did you shush me what no I will shush it hey I know you you're Mordecai hello Haman you can call me sir you know we both work for the king but compared to me you are a beam at the G silent it's mad are you calling me looking at no just correcting your pronunciation are you calling me stupid ah no you dented no again you bow to me No [Music] no one except my god and my king you shuts me again no all right Betsy go I'll explain later [Music] she has he oh yeah their cousin Mordecai Mordecai what okay yeah okay sorry about all the sheshin but look Haman hates us hates a whole family if he knew I was your cousin he hates you too and then you could be in grave danger Esther you mustn't let anyone here know that you're part of a family but I don't even want to be here why do I have to be here OSE I don't know the future but God does maybe there's a reason I'll come visit you again I don't understand [Music] hobbies are cuddly puppies are cute [Music] [Applause] ah yes that was contestant number 37 miss neva what am I gonna do with all those dogs now all the way from Babylon go ahead what am I supposed to do again so you're supposed to sing a song didn't you prepare anything I guess I wasn't expecting to get this far well please sing something no making me look bad see remember that song your grandmother used to say okay I've got something [Music] [Music] oh yes we have a new league [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Missy Missy I just weighed the news and you're the queen of all plays yeah yep well you gotta be at least a little excited nobody even asked me if I wanted to be queen oh I see you always did have a mind of your own I always liked that about you oh don't worry there must be a reason but hey tomorrow you'll be introduced to the court boy that'll be fun Oh get some rest Queen Essie my cousin clean up oh yeah no Mordecai the king what's he like oh he's sharp real sharp I think you're really gonna like him do you think she's gonna like me oh you bet she will you're the king everybody likes you under penalty of death well yeah but you know even if I weren't the king say I was one of those guys who cleans up after the camels or a lawyer or something you still think no doubt about it you're big and strong charming handsome like any girl in the whole kingdom would be happy to make you a sandwich [Music] do you really think so oh I know so well alright then bring her in who are you I am big fan yeah I am chef well what are you doing here I don't remember inviting [Music] oh my well that's lovely you made that for me oh oh you shouldn't have it looks delicious why don't you bring me over a piece well you know I was thinking you can come over to eat it well I always eat right here on my throne you can only appreciate the beauty of these confectionery masterpiece hey who's this guy uh I am serious chef I've never seen you I'm new he made me a cake did you invite him [Music] [Applause] [Music] why there a piano on my cake hey I'm Judy peony brothers and most-wanted bees and birds yeah that's right we are and we could have taken over the kingdom if it wasn't for that mega green save my life well actually your highness it was the good guard Mordecai he alerted me it was Mordecai who saved your life oh well Mordecai ah King what should the punishment be for these two dangerous criminals the most wanted bees in Persia who appeared before you uninvited and tried to drop a piano on your head well let's see it should probably be pretty stiff huh what do you think I say the punishment be banishment to the Isle of detailing [Music] [Music] there are two things you don't do in Persian one of them is trying to drop a piano on a king's head the other is appearing before him uninvited the peony brothers found these things out the hard way now it might seem that things are going pretty well for Esther and Mordecai after all they saved the King's life but Haman at something else up his sleeve Oh wherever you see nothing could be worse for Haman that presenta me Mordecai to be on a king's good side if the King like Mordecai more than him it might jeopardize his position as the second in command so Haman came up with his own sneaky little plan with permission your highness it's my duty to inform you and if I'm correct to ignore this great emergency would be neglecting my there are those who can't be trusted oh my goodness tell me about these people sneaky little family who do sneaky little things who stick their sneaky noses into matters of the king [Music] [Music] nope your highness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's where they'll sleep [Music] Mordechai [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's this I see I see Evy how's it Mordechai what is it oh he's done it he's finally done it who done what look what's this it's an edict in just a few days all of us whole family will be sent to the island of Perpetual tickling what who who did this oh oh yeah I think Haman I told you he hates us it's a whole family and and now he's done it he got that King to sign this and we'll all be vanished Oh what are you gonna do that's just it I can't do anything I'm just a guard oh but you you're the queen what do you mean you must go to him you must go to the king what don't you know what happens to people who appear before the king uninvited Esther remember the peony brothers Esther there is no other way you are the only one who can stop this no no I'm not gonna I I didn't even want to be the queen no you're smart Mordecai think of another way Esther there is no other way ah I wasn't even brave enough to go to my friend about the Apple and and now you want me to go to the king even if he doesn't banish me for showing up why would he listen to me I mean Haman is his right-hand man I can't tell you what to do but I can tell you this you wanted to know why you were here why you became queen I told you God must have a reason Esther perhaps he put you here for such a time as this perhaps this is the reason Esther you'll never have to be afraid to do what's right I'll pray for you we'll all pray for you [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] another one of them wise guys once said that in the moment of truth a great person doesn't have to think much about what they're gonna say or do they just speak and do what's right Esther knew what she had to do was right so she figured she didn't have to be nervous all right so she was a little nervous give her a break hi Queen no we're all fit I got the big balls reserved for Friday two more days and we'll be rid of that dangerous family or never good work Haman what would I do [Music] hey by the D Queen the Queen no I don't think I did [Music] but that's okay come on over here Queenie Pooh I don't know if anybody told you but popping up uninvited is generally discouraged around here by death or banishment but my little Queenie Pooh can visit me anytime she wants so what is it you won't just tell me whatever you want it's yours um if it uh if it pleases the King there's something that I'd like to I'd like you and he means you come to dinner tonight oh listen that nurse she's inviting us over for dinner mm-hmm well you bet we'd love to come what time you want is over say 8:00 [Music] she's a keeper now don't get me wrong showing up uninvited before his Highness is a very brave thing to do but telling the king that his right-hand man is a weasel is especially difficult what if he doesn't believe her if the weasel stays well let's just say wouldn't be so hot for our girl no esta was looking for just the right moment to spring the news on him okay this is far the wedgie it's photo-ready make it an easy one walking whoa what's the youngest Jackson I think I know that one it's a one-minute Tito yeah Tito nah not ido not Dido no I thought for sure was Tito nope not Dido not eating your highness there's a real reason I asked you over tonight was to was to to see if you have both like to join me for dinner again tomorrow night well it sure wasn't Dido nope not Dido [Music] well hello there I guess there's not much to say hey Mordecai seeing how in two days you'll be waking up in chuckle city you know I just came from dinner with the king and queen and they invited me over again tomorrow night I guess they must like me why don't you like me Mordecai you know you wouldn't be too hard to show me that you like me just a little bow that's all there's no hard who knows I'm a very influential guy I might be able to work something out for you and their family arrogance is not fitting for a fool came and what's less is lying fitting for a right-hand man I'll never bow to you [Applause] [Music] 9:28 a.m. King puts on his flippers and brushes his teeth 9:32 king cuts himself shaving ouch I remember that one how about something more recent you got anything more recent thanks for doing this you know it really does help me sleep 140 King is joined by Haman in the second round I really like it when you read me these records I guess you could say it's the story of me 145 Haman leaves to get Queen 147 ship arrives with wedding cake 150 King stands up to eat cake oh this is a good one excitement drama 151 the King's life is saved by the guard Mordecai 152 wait wait wait did you say Mordechai saved my life he's that little grape with the moustache right Mordechai huh do we ever do anything to thank him for that nope that's a shame maybe I'll to give him a card or something you know to show my appreciation I wish I were more creative with things like that let me ask you something I need a little creative advice ah okay what is it okay there's this really great guy that I really want to thank you know showing my appreciation for something he did you got any ideas I was thinking of a card or something oh no no no clouds are nice but these sounds like a very special guy Oh sounds like the kind of guy who deserves a parade I think this guy should be dressed in royal robes and be marched through the city maybe you should even let him wear one of your crowns yes he is pretty special and one of your most normal Prince's shall lead this man through the streets proclaiming you see Haman you're the creative one around here what would I do without you oh well you're not thank you your highness all those things you mentioned every last one do that for the good guard Mordecai the man who saved my life [Music] and you be the one to go with all that rain okay like down on you lucky thing you got by now what was it you wanted you know maybe you should just ask me tomorrow I'm getting kind of sleepy good night they say that pride comes before a fall it looks like nobody thought at the Haman but if Mordecai Esther and their whole family are going to be saved Esther's got to come through and she's only got one more chance [Music] I wonder where even could be see you're aiming thanks for the parade laughing tomorrow haha and no wait you will oh never mind hi sorry I'm late it's a real reason I caught both of you here again tonight is to is to to remember Esther you never need to be afraid to do what's right your highness if someone is plotting against my family tomorrow my people and I will be banished to the island of Perpetual tickling what banish my queen oh who are dare its Haman I don't know what you talking about crazy it is - can you group us George I'm telling you she's making it up wait a minute that's Monica I just gave him a parade Mordecai is my cousin his family is my family you had me banished a man who saved my life and my old queen for your punishment Haman you ought to be sent to the island of Perpetual tickling along with anyone else who dares scheme against my queen and her family [Applause] [Music] so Haman got what was coming to him and then some and Mordecai this is my favorite part he got Haman's old job the number-two guy in a whole kingdom not bad Esther what a gal he showed more courage and 10 Kings and saved the people now she wasn't born for greatness she didn't go to school for it she just learned that sometimes God has planned so big only he can see him all she had to do was believe yep he was just a regular kid just like you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Animated Cartoons for Children
Views: 2,450,189
Rating: 4.4865265 out of 5
Keywords: veggie tales, veggie tales movie, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, veggie tales songs, veggie tales episodes, veggie tales theme song, veggietales, silly songs with larry, where is my hairbrush veggie tales, barbara manatee, veggie tales jonah, veggie tales bible story full episodes, veggie tales cheeseburger, veggie tales hairbrush song, veggie tales water buffalo song, veggietales where's god when i'm scared, The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
Id: YdxwvjHg2hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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