Superbook - Paul and the Shipwreck - Season 2 Episode 7 - Full Episode (HD Version)

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[Applause] reaches against some people everywhere he tells everyone the Jewish word speaks against the temple in defiance this holy place by bringing in Gentiles yes I saw him earlier with a Gentile from Ephesus it's Caesars name who are you i am paul of tarsus and a roman citizen he brought an unbeliever into the temple it is forbidden stand back all of you paul of tarsus since you seem to have started all this I am placing you under arrest for causing the disturbance [Applause] [Music] [Music] you this is Carol Cooper Action News 4 coming to you from the site of the massive blood that it's devastated at hosts of this small nation donations of food and medical supplies continue to pour in and concern people are flying in from everywhere to help including the gentleman we've just met professor quantum professor can you tell us what you've brought with you that's my family and our friend joy they insisted on coming to help actually professor I was referring to this oh yes well as you know a big problem after any flood is polluted drinking wine but my ultraviolet chloramine based purification system works deep in these wells to produce fresh clean water within hours these mosquitoes are everywhere still not worry joy I believe the snakes legal if they don't drown in all this survived could you bring four more cases of sterile gauze right away this is quantum joy would you please bring another cape antiseptic and more cotton swabs and oh and those searcher kids I'll be right there [Music] joy your eyes are leaking is Chris I just just can't do this any of it I wanna help I really do I felt it in my heart the minute we heard about the trouble here but the bugs and the fun and all of those people who need help I just didn't think it would all be so so hard SilverHawk [Music] I am taking you to meet a man who faced obstacles that seemed impossible yet he never lost sight of his mission prisoners bomb captain preparing to board the prisoners for Rome bring them aboard you heard the captain move it along get another cake to my way there is no need to strike [Music] what are you doing there down to the hole with the rest of the prisoners [Music] seems there is a flaw in this plan [Music] I think these leg irons are giving me a rash your friend is very unusual oh yeah he's definitely one of a kind you okay joy Oh peachy I went from mosquitoes and mud to chains on a prison ship my life just keeps getting better joy during the time I spent in prison I realized God's power is strongest when I'm weak so if he keeps giving me his power I'll gladly brag about how weak I am yes I am glad to be weak or insulted or mistreated or to have troubles and sufferings if it is for Christ because when I am weak I am strong we should all pray for smooth passage to Rome well we aren't going to Rome how exciting I'm on my way to stand trial before Caesar you sound almost happy about that stand trial for what well causing a disturbance it was in Jerusalem I was preaching about Jesus to whoever would listen I was accused of bringing a non-believer into the temple it wasn't true they demanded the Romans put me to death but of course they could never prove their charges several nights later Jesus appeared to me in my cell be of good cheer paw for as you have testified for me in Jerusalem so you must also bear witness at Rome [Music] since then my case has been hurt before two Roman governors and king herod agrippa finally as a Roman citizen I had a right to be tried by Caesar himself and so here I am on my way to Rome all right which of you prisoners wants a little fresh air I need a crew to clean the decks please don't pick me can't get any worse [Music] what about you Christian that's enough captain would it be possible to loosen our shackles just while we are at sea captain Julius you cannot allow this filthy bunch of slaves to unshackle all of them there is nowhere they can escape I'll be keeping an eye on you friend [Music] then I believe there is trouble ahead if we go on chipwrecked blossom cargo and danger to our lives as well you don't know what you're talking about captain we must continue on there are not suitable harbours here it is a poor place to spend the winter the crew knows these waters we should continue further up the coast of Phoenix I beg you to reconsider I must get to Rome safely you have no cause for concern the ship's captain believes his crew knows what they are doing know about the open sea there is in the storm we can't sail according to the current barometric pressure P dilemmas for the church [Music] [Music] thank you pray to your God for us [Music] [Music] do not be afraid Paul you must be brought before Caesar what's more God and His goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you [Music] Parker will be born okay No [Music] then you should've listened to me in the first place in mudlick freaks you would have avoided all this damage and loss but take courage none of you will lose your lives even though the ship will go down or last night an angel of God to whom I'm alone and God in His goodness has branded safety to everyone sailing with you so take courage for I believe God it will be just as he said but we will be shipwrecked on an island so sir his fate never Reapers [Music] jesus said if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain move from here to there and it would move nothing would be impossible favor well as a soldier I've always relied on a sharp sword to move my mountains shallow water that's good right good excellent only 25 minutes gee it's getting showered by the minute we must be there left drop anchor before we hit rocks but captain do what I say yes sir drop anchors drop anchors [Music] see any land that what we should get back the low deck and pray daylight comes sweetly [Music] [Music] please eat something now for your own good [Music] here let me help [Music] cut the anchor loose some others [Music] we've in a survey [Music] coming apart the prisoners escape will be to blame so I say kill them all starting with blackboard there'll be no one killed on my ship least of all this all right I want everyone who can swim to dive in the water and head for Shore those who can't read anything you can find and start paddling [Music] say for the last just as you said all do you think anyone can be accepted by your God Jesus welcomes all who seek Him according to my penis we are on the island of Malta about four days journey from roll up guys looks like we've got company [Music] they are called marshmallows trust me they go great with fish [Music] no doubt this man is a murderer whom though he has escaped the see justice does not allow him to live do not be afraid the snake is not harmed it's impossible truly you must be a God I'm merely a messenger of the one true God I'm on my way to Rome to preach his word your God must be very powerful perhaps he can help our leaders father he is old and very ill [Music] is he okay he seems really sick [Music] you have saved my father I can never thank you enough you may not be a god but you are truly a man of God there is a ship coming in three months time stopping here on its way to Rome and if that is what you wish I promise you shall be on that ship meanwhile you shall be a guest in my home I thank you for your kindness Paul I don't get it I go to Rome why not stay here in Malta these people loves you but in Rome thank you for your concern joy Jesus told me I must bear witness in Rome and that is what I will do unbelievable after everything Paul's been through a riot prison that horrible shipwreck a deadly snake bite seems like nothing can stop Paul from his mission and I was having a hard time with some mosquitoes and a little mud [Music] now where were we oh right you were covered with months we were trying not to laugh [Music] back to work huh does that mean it's not as hard as you thought no it's still hard but I believe God wants me to do it one spot [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] you died on the cross and rose again to save the Lost forgive me now come I say [Music] [Applause] [Music] and rose [Music] [Music] [Applause] change my life and making you help me Lord to live for you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 3,247,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p3xqGe3fVuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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