Superbook - The Last Supper - Season 1 Episode 10 - Full Episode (HD Version)

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[Music] see how his following has grown now they're even claiming Jesus can raise the dead if this rabbi is more popular than you and the other temple leaders that is your problem nation not Rome's but some are calling jesus the messiah the savior of the people you are overreacting if they start calling him king there will be a rebellion isn't that rose problem [Music] [Music] [Music] okay amps and instruments out to the Dan don't forget the speakers and sheet music let's go Chris you were supposed to be in the library an hour ago Chris quantum what are you doing gizmo your job excuse me this but do you have a backstage pass and kids what are you doing oh it is very exciting joy I said letting me be his band manager since my bad qualified for an audition on the mega hit show world's best band I've been just a little bit busy being King King king of what king of rock and roll sounds good yeah it's good to be king as a superstar I have to keep my distance from the lesser band members you understand a little faster gizmo that does it dismal full speed [Music] [Music] joy you don't know who he just messed with I just happen to be the king of [Music] wait I'm gonna be on TV we can't I am taking you to meet a true king the son of God tell us where we are [Music] my Gino sensors indicate we are in Bethany a small town a couple of miles from Jerusalem time the first century and it appears someone is drawing quite a crowd here listen it yes yes gather round my friend a teacher Jesus is the Messiah what's a messiah my database indicates that Messiah is Hebrew for that chosen one a king anointed by God who would one day be the greatest King of all alright this guy hanged with royalty and these are my people your people slow down Chris this is first century Jerusalem we don't know anybody here I've checked the first centuries who's who my info scanner is indexing that man is Simon Peter he is a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus is about to become so famous the whole world will know him cool come on guys as I looked down at the water beneath my feet I suddenly realized nothing was there to keep me afloat here let me help you Peter thank you nope that is when Jesus reached out his hand and pulled me up and I stood with him right there on the water itself you must come and listen to his words he is our way to salvation lead the way Peter and don't worry my people are happy to carry your baskets I can't wait to meet a man who walks on water I can't wait till you lose that audition and get back to being yourself [Music] [Music] come you will meet some of the other disciples who have become such great friends okay maybe not such great friends Sean and his brother just asked that Jesus promise to put them in places of honor when Jesus becomes king and why shouldn't we be in the places of honor because there are more deserving disciples who understand the needs of a king and ruler Judas is correct why you John why wouldn't I be in the place of honor do you really want me to answer that Peter who sank like a rock at least I got out of the boat where was your faith John when Jesus was asking what are you accusing me of he's coming welcome joy and gizmo thank you for helping bring the food [Music] he knew me Jesus knew my name if you want to be great you must be the servant of all the others just as the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many now go tomorrow we will go to Jerusalem [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is amazing they should be making more noise this is assumed to be clean and Jesus shouldn't be riding a donkey a king rides a stallion this isn't what we need if he's going to be king who needs to start behaving as a king what are you doing hey it's good practice for an I'm a real rock star [Music] he is stirring up the people making an entrance like this I've seen worse crowds notice they wave palm branches the symbol for a conquering mirror is Rome ready to have Jesus the Conqueror replaced Caesar Jesus of Nazareth you should call mr. out at once you are creating a public nuisance I tell you that a fees should keep silent the stones themselves would immediately cry out this is great can it stop a rising star [Applause] [Music] [Music] Judis this is getting out of hand No he's going to the temple things will come [Music] [Music] minorities selling animals in the temple there are usually a few vendors selling small animals for offerings and the money changers are here to swap travelers coins for the local currency now I wonder where John and Judas are we were supposed to meet them here with Jesus [Applause] my father's house should be called a house of prayer for all nations but you turned it into a den of thieves outrageous will not get away with this kiss come on that doesn't sound good master these actions will bring us the wrong kind of attention we must go my time is almost upon us and I have much still to do [Music] Jesus is causing a riot in the temple when you get there you'll see when he's been up to I will see what I will see [Music] Chris do you think they will arrest Jesus I'm not sure we've got to distract them long enough to warn the disciples guess get us a free pass to the nosebleed section [Music] welcome aboard air gizmo [Music] okay guess on three [Music] I hate to thrush - but I'd say that just about wraps things up here [Music] Judas Peter Chris where you have to do something Roman guards are on the way I think they're planning to arrest Jesus I told you this was not going as it should they have no cause for arrest Jesus is teaching and ministering to the people he's tired Peter he wants to visit Mary and Martha and Bethany and rest for a while so this is your revolt nation quit wasting my time Mariano's [Music] stop that woman you're wasting expensive oil we could sell that and use the money for the poor leave her alone she did this in preparation for my burial you will always have the poor among you but you will not always have me what does he mean [Music] [Music] I am glad you see things my way how much will you pay for this thirty pieces of silver when will you deliver Jesus when the time is right [Music] gizmo what in the world are you doing oh I have hired the local paparazzi to get Chris's picture with Jesus you know to boost Chris's star power in the tabloids hapara kids no cameras haven't been invented yet yes but these guys do a mean fast sketch send them away now okay boys pack it up [Music] Chris could you please get me a basin of water and a towel sure I can have that for you in sack joy Jesus wants Basin to water in a towel talk to it oh I'm jumping what are you doing Chris yeah we don't jump right Jesus people jump for us Oh have I shown you nothing Chris you well I mean man that big time hmmm this is not the action of a king servants wash our feet when we arrive from a journey not one who would be king I know what you mean this is the opposite of how a star I mean a king should I mean why is he doing this you shall never wash my feet if I do not wash you you do not really belong to me [Music] Lord do not wash just my feet wash my hands and my head people who have bathed and are clean all over need to wash just their feet you call me teacher and Lord and you are right because that is what I am and if your Lord and teacher has washed your feet you should do the same for each other now that you know these things God will bless you for doing them [Music] Chris are you alright he's about to become kingís he's a superstar I mean everybody can tell how great Jesus is but he's in there just washing people's feet most assuredly I say to you one of you will betray me what you do do quickly [Music] [Music] Judas where are you going does Jesus need something we can get it really wheat which is given for you do this in remembrance of me [Music] take this and drink for this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins what is it Chris I don't know nothing no it's definitely something I guess I thought I was kind of big stuff trying to act like a star back home you know you are big stuff Chris you are going to win the world's best band competition [Music] but Jesus is one of the most famous guys ever and all he wants to do is serve and show us a better way to treat one another I really had this being great thing all backwards it's not about me it's about everybody else Chris I think we're going back father I do not ask you to take my followers out of the world but keep them safe from the evil one this is the day the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it [Music] joy I'm sorry for how I was acting before yeah maybe Jesus had it right huh gizmo I treated you awful too bossing you around will you forgive me um sure does this mean that's exactly what it means Giz from now on we asked if we can serve others before we oh man I almost forgot my badge here will let me help with that thanks Chris is it bad I can't feel my hands kidding oh hey guys the real crush is back no more star jerk now that's how a real superstar behaves [Music]
Channel: Superbook
Views: 3,201,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sb_110_english_am_v1_1080p25_hd1080, 6056617292001, Superbook Full Episode, Bible Animation for kids, Animation, Bible Stories for kids, CBN, Bible, Gizmo, Gospels, Jesus Christ, The Last Supper
Id: 9Edfb_faOb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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