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okay it's time for supersonic odyssey hello everyone and welcome to supersonic odyssey this game has new kingdoms new collectibles and super speed let's just crack into it and start up a new save file in an alternate reality oh there's sonic and cappy in this like grassy looking land oh this looks really cool my game's lagging a little bit okay there's the cat tower up there but everything's green it looks like the cap kingdom but everything's green this is a ton of new kingdoms a ton of new items and i'm really excited for it we're super fast so we can chase around cappy hey cappy here copy hey boy hey boy oh i beat cappy to the cutscene there's cappy he's holding mario's hat for some reason i don't think sonic has any kind of hat sorry for running away like that you startled me i do startle easy well we caught up with you quickly because sonic's super fast i saw what happened earlier you've been through quite the ringer i don't know what happened earlier oh sonic looks really cool but we're in the cap kingdom apparently we have to go get bowser i don't know what motive sonic has to go and save peach why would sonic want to save peach it doesn't really make any sense will sonic get mario's hat this is gonna be cool to see will sonic get mario's hat oh what's he gonna transform into this oh my gosh not your style how about this will he turn into mario's cap or will he turn in oh no he's just turned into a black cap that still does look pretty cool ah that's epic cappy's now your companion all does cappy work the same as normal i can still throw him there's some uproots here and it's got jungle music nice i can hear his voice lines that sounds super cool i can still use capulet normal i think though oh there's a load of sonic rings oh that's really cool the coins have turned into sonic rings those look amazing those models are amazing let's collect them all whoa okay okay sonic has some serious speed but anyway i think we want to make it up to that tower with that brutal ship you see there's a giant like glowing pillar i'm assuming we want to make our way up there i need to activate the switches and cappy so we can make it across this poison lake nice work thank you cappy what odd little fellows they seem to know you and not like you bro why don't they like me sonic's never met a goomba before maybe at the winter olympics or something he might have met a goomba all there so inside top hat tower we just want to make it to the top here and i think i can still capture the frogs that's mario's cap why is mario's cap there it's oh sonic has gone inside of the frog that sounds an awful lot like mario it's some kind of mario sonic hybrid i guess because it's got mario's cap sometimes rip it rip it you captured a frog sonic has turned to a frog i guess and frogs can jump super super high frogs can jump way higher than sonic can oh the mini goombas are going after me i can shake my pro controller to get some extra hikes so i am playing with a pro controller because pro controllers are better you can't tell me nothing but anyway i think there's also a life of heart in this crate in this chest yes there is now sonic is super stacked so i've got six hp is there anything in these crates no just a coin great brilliant just how fast i am right now is crazy this is gonna make the game super fun it's like full speed running mode i missed the checkpoint great i'm not going back for the checkpoint because i'm too cool i'm out running all the coins i outran all the coins spawning i want to go back and collect them all though because you never know when coins will be useful glide on are you meant to be up here i don't think lydon's meant to be here but anyway we can fight the brutals now i believe it's topper first for this green kingdom hey the boss warned me that there'd be a fellow with a mustache coming along what do you mean there's no fallow of a moustache does sonic have a mustache or is this brutal tripping i think he's gone a bit mad this brutal he's a mad hatter okay let's fight him all i want to do is throw cappy at him a few times and then dive on his head nice and he spawns a load of rings i can get a life apart as well oh my gosh sonic's running circles around him oh i guess that heart did come in handy in the end okay i just want to do the same thing where i throw cappy at him a few times and then oh i was gonna ground pound on his head and be fancy but i missed come on i just need to jump on his head there's literally an arrow pointing there we go you're dead topper and an electricity pot on spawns when he dies sonic let's move on to the next kingdom that looks an awful lot like mario there but it is sonic just me super supersonic odyssey i'm so excited this is going to be so cool smoldering volcano ancient fools can't really see much i'm looking forward to the new kingdoms as well because the new kingdoms in this mod looks super super cool sonic's landing in the dirt he's got a very shiny hat sonic is very shiny it's almost like he's metal sonic or whatever our first power moon oh here we are in this lava land i can get the first checkpoint waterfall basin it looks a bit more like a lava fall now i think this is lava anyway that is lava sonic sounds sonic sounds kind of cursed when he's getting burnt [Music] that's really funny okay we want to capture this chain chomp and then destroy the rock with the first chaos emerald in [Music] there we go there's the first chaos i moved which you can collect these chaos emeralds actually allow us to travel to other kingdoms our first power moon i love all the voice clips in this as well like not too shabby multi moon atop the fools we can vaguely see madame brutal up there but we want to make our way up towards her all right let's speed run our way up to the top let's speed up on our way up to madame brudo oh there's a cutscene ah there it is that's what we're looking for a bit more rough than we expected there's certainly an older model all right we want to throw cappy onto the globe what will happen oh i can give it my chaos emerald there we go it's absorbed one of my chaosm roads but i think i need a few more to move on to the next kingdom and to repair it we need to find more chaos emeralds all right monica's a really high ground pound that's way higher than mario's oh my gosh but i think the first moon we can get is by capturing this chain chomp and maybe throwing out a wall maybe it's changed wherever the power moons are or the chaos emeralds no this one's still in the same place so we can collect it really easily chomp through the rocks very nice now all we need to do is get the multi chaos that move at the top i don't know if it's a multi moon or like multicast animals i haven't seen it yet i can just run through here i can run past all these guys i can run past the tank and everything to capture this chain chomp i missed come on and i can break this wall and i think this unlocks our first 2d area i haven't seen sonic and 2d yet so this will be cool to see what it looks like what will sonic look like in 2d oh wow that looks really cool 2d sonic oh wow my jumps massive in 2d bruh i'm on one hp i need to be careful i'm i kind of suck at this game there we go that's i think that's the only threat in here that we have to watch out for and once we get up here we can get the checkpoint which will regen our health i bet you'll get a spectacular view from up at that pole okay i want to go up this pole for a view but i don't know how much of a view we will get because it's all black and foggy we didn't get much of a view but we got a grand heart at least that's very nice and i think we can go and fight madame budo as the first boss and then get a multi moon hey hello madame boodle you big fat rabbit we need to fight you to repair our airship it's quite hard to see her i love this music though it's quite hard to see with all the fog i want to pull back and send it flying back at her right at her face and i can collect all these rings i can be very cheeky and collect all the rings nearby [Music] i can just run away she's not a threat at all i can just run circles around it i can capture him again and then bling him back come on send flying nice just like that and then we just need to do that one more time and she should be dead she's gone very red and angry she's turned tomato face come on easy that was too easy now let's see if the multi moons have turned into multi chaos emeralds oh no they're still multi moons how would a multi chaos animal look though there we go nice that's the first one and then we can move on to the next kingdom [Music] wait that's cool i think there's another chaos i moved up there though yes there is there is i can do a ground pound just to do this because sonic has giant ground pounds for some reason we have all the power moons we need but we've got this extra one just in case just in case a safety moon here we are we can just throw it at the odyssey and there we go there's the five chaos emeralds needed we have six in total now [Music] the odyssey is restored now we can travel to a ton of the other new kingdoms and the next kingdom looks to be in this desert we have enough fuel to reach the puddle canyon all right just select the puddle canyon and press a and we'll be right off all right [Music] what on earth is that what on earth is that why does he have mario's hair oh that's cursed that's really cursed sonic look at me for a second you don't look right this is meant to be like an epic moment of the odyssey first going up it's just been ruined by that weird looking sonic what he looks a bit like garfield why does he remind me of garfield [Music] garfield sonic mario i hate it i hate it so we want to go atop the highest tower and there's a chaos emerald waiting for us up there i just heard sonic stay cold that was kind of funny i can see a few chaos emeralds that we can get straight away this should be pretty easy i want to go to the village to start with i can collect this checkpoint nice this is really similar to sand kingdom but everything is covered in water yes it is cold sonic it is but i can do it make a jump here cap jump i'm really good at parkour in this game i think but there we go we've got the first chaos in this kingdom which is really cool there's another one that we can get by going down this pipe here i love all the music i think it's here if i remember correctly it's here is it here where is it oh my gosh where is it there was just a coin oh my gosh i think it's here then there it is that's a chaosm mode nice i don't know how i forgot where that was i thought i was good at this game i thought i remembered where stuff is i thought i had quite a good memory i played mario odyssey a lot so i should know where stuff is speaking of where stuff is there's a seed here which we can plant and come back to in a little bit there we go in i think about five minutes that should grow up and i can also get another power moon by going under here into the employee only area behind the shop i just whizzed straight towards it that was so quick we wait is that what i think it is is that supersonic can i catch him i can catch him and he turns into a moon bird traveling across the desert i don't think that's a bird i think that's like golden sonic that's what happens when i collect all the chaos emeralds i think i might be able to make it on top of that i might be able to make it on top of here and get another ksm quite easily oh they have some 3d world music as well some music from super mario 3d world parkour easy and then we can get the moon up here i don't think there's meant to be frogs up here and i don't think that's meant to be yoshi up here what does sonic yoshi look like oh just like normal but this should help me i'll be it might be able to skip pump some parts of the level using sonic yoshi i might be able to skip this part un capture and then open up the gate from the other side i don't know how much that helps me but it might be quite useful there's a few more moons along here as well or a few more chaos emeralds i should say i should be calling them ksm there we go i think that one you're meant to have a bullet bill to get to but because of how fast sonic is i can just make these jumps i believe there's another one if i capture this bullet bill and then aim it towards this brick and when i break it off that brick there that glowing brick i just need to do it correctly i need to not fail i need to not slip for a second there you go black on black bullet bill with the black cap and then in here there's a chaos i moved nice all right where should we go next i guess we should go up the tower up there to the glowing part oh i can skip this 2d area i don't need to do the 2d area because it's not sonic it shows me as mario even though i'm meant to be sonic there's also one in this crate there's a moon in this crate where's this gonna go to over there okay i just want to make my way back over there we all these jumps are so fun with sonic honestly and i'm sorry if you hear any motorbikes in the background because there's a motorbike race going on like right outside my house at the moment so you might hear some motorbikes going past but literally a few hundred meters from my house there's a motorbike race going on which is quite cool i should be watching it but instead i'm playing super sonic odyssey which is a better use of my time and i think we can go in this pipe and make our way up to the top of the tower fringe mario i don't want to see cringe mario i want to see epic sonic i think there's a power moon down here no no there's just some coins i can use these coins to buy some costumes for sonic we can dress sonic up in a little bit oh my gosh oh that was a pretty sick jump did you see that and then we get another chaos emerald nice here we are we're back at sonic we're at the top of the tower and we can collect this chaos emerald we're getting to the top of the tower and it's the story moon not too shabby true and i think this will unlock part of the map for me i think this unlocks this platform here which will allow me to get to that island over there moon shards in the sand so that's my next objective to get to over there and collect all the moon shards yep you see on the map how it has like an x for the objective i want to make my way over there so i want to ride this platform all the way down i don't think i need it i think i can just do parkour instead i'm too good at this game honest oh will i be able to make it down oh no okay that was kind of close but i made it i did make it nice we can get this move we can get the checkpoint flag and then we can go and run around and collect some moon pieces there's one there there's one here sonic's 2op sonic's 2op and mario odyssey is too fast i can stand on the poison here for some reason where's the last one's up there i think there's one up here can i do it with sonic's super big ground pound can i make my way up oh that was sick you have to subscribe for that jump that jump was too cool and i think yeah the last moonshots up here i got that so fast with sonic's super speed and the super jump there we go another chaos emerald spawn down there can make our way to it very very quickly nice i love sonic's voice i love all these voice lines better than mario in my opinion better than mario okay the door to the pyramids unlocked showdown on the inverted pyramid so we want to make our way to the inverted pyramid and bowser's up there waiting for us and we should be able to make it there quite quickly so if you haven't noticed yet i'm a speedy boy i can run through the desert really really fast rolling around at the speed of sound got places to go gotta follow my rainbow okay i can ground pound here i think yes there's another easy shot moon here lost in luggage whose luggage is this who's taking cardboard boxes and tires around that isn't luggage that's trash but we can make our way inside the pyramid now nice inside the inverted pyramid it has some nice mario galaxy music in here we can capture these bullet bills to make it to the other side as well there's some 2d platforming with gravity flipping here as well i've zipped straight into that pipe i want to wait for this bullet bill and then run run run oh my gosh how did i die there oh man that's embarrassing i didn't die how did i take damage there what's happening with the camera oh my gosh the camera's messing up i want to find a heart somewhere oh i'm on the outside of the pyramid now bro why is the camera messing up so much in the 2d areas oh man i can see inside of the pyramid i don't think that's meant to happen i really don't oh my gosh i'm gonna die because i can't see anything if you didn't see that i can actually make it to the other side of the pyramid using that this hole here i actually forgot about it until i saw the other side of the pyramid using like i really don't think i'm meant to be seeing this i think the camera's meant to be fixed but i think it's messed up somehow secret of the inverted moral nice we only need two more to leave this kingdom and i think there's a multi moon that we get from beating the boss in this kingdom hey i'm back at sonic and let's see if i can make the jump around here because you can actually make a jump instead of using the bullet bill yeah i made it nice and then the bullet bill can just come to me and i want to capture this bullet bill and make it to the other side of this platform i think there's a secret here though a secret through here unless i just get crushed i might just get crushed but i'm pretty sure there's a secret through this wall yes there is i remember stuff i remember stuff there's so many coins here i might be able to buy boxes for sonic or something later i've got 500 i think the boxes are a thousand coins so i want to save up for that but some of the kingdoms coming up look really really cool but the lost kingdom has been replaced with this like snowy land kingdom which looks really really cool okay we're here bowser's up there he's with peach and sonic is gonna go and attack him but first i think we can get a moon by putting cappy on this and i it's glowing and everything so i'm assuming we can yes we can and we've got the ksm ruled now we can go fight bowser wait do we not even get to fight bowsers valves are just bogged off and now we have to fight one of the brutals oh how is sonic not invited to your wedding why would you not want sonic at your wedding i keep on forgetting how fast i am and it throws me off guard each time come on i want to throw the cappy back at it or throw the bombs back at her and then jump on her head easy there we go throw the bomb back at her and then dive on her head what's the point in running you know you i can just catch up with you dead easily there's no point running harry here there we go i've hit a bomb back at her she only needs one more here i've got two hits left so this should be pretty easy hey i think i heard mario for a second i think i heard mario over sonic for a second hey you get to collect the multi-moon there we go showdown in the inverted pyramid and then we can move on to the next new kingdom i think we have enough moons now i think we have plenty enough i think we have like three more than needed no we don't need to go into the hole in the desert the hole in the desert doesn't matter the hole in the desert doesn't matter we can just get out of here [Music] got enough ksm water all going into the other sea what kingdom's next i can't actually remember it might be a split path yeah it is a split path we get to choose do we go to the pink caverns first or the blue canopies i think i'm gonna go to the pink caverns wait sonic can't swim can he i don't think sonic can swim so why are we going to like this lake kingdom what is this i think the camera's messed up here i don't think the camera's meant to be like that i think the camera's in the wrong position let's see if sonic can swim or not cause i'm pretty sure it's canon that sonic can't swim and this is covered in water it's flooded even more brutal's over the lake is sonic gonna drown instantly no sonic can swim in this game and straight away there's a chaos i move that we should be able to get by doing this note moon come here i want to collect all the notes as quick as possible i can use cappy to help me as well i can do a capped spin like this which is really helpful there we go that was easy wait where did that go it just disappeared oh it's gone up here these pink chaos animals are really pretty actually i actually prefer the way the chaos animals look over the moon is there another moon in here behind these crates no there's just a ton of coins which we can use the coins later to buy undies for sonic i believe there's another moon in this glowing spot here which we can ground pound down to there we go easy we're getting so many moons so quickly and i believe we can go straight to the boss over here we should just be able to do a jump from here up to the boss let's give it a try oh that was close i reckon i can do it again i reckon i can do it if i do it properly i want to do that yeah there we go that was just a better execution so i did it nice so i think we're fighting mango first this pink kingdom does look really nice compared to like the normal lake kingdom it's a lot prettier i wish they chose this color to start with oh no no i bunked against the wall so i couldn't hit it back i want to throw cappy out his cat and then jump on his head [Music] i never asked for this that was really sinister did you hear him anyway let's try this again it should be a lot easier this time now that i'm not messing around i'm going to go straight for him easy anger's probably the easiest boss in the game so it shouldn't be much trouble here we are then go down on him nice he only needs one more hit now i think i want to hit his cat back at him there we go i use the cheeky little like homing cap on him so when you shake your controller that kathy goes straight towards whatever attacks near him but there we go he's dead he just fell over the rabbit is dead the big chunky rabbit and there we go we get a multi moon and this kingdom's super short you don't really need that many moons to leave [Music] there we are how many okay we only need three more moons but it should be very very easy oh it's got mario 64 music as well and i think the first moon we can get is actually on dory's back which we can just swim down to quite easily do a ground pound there we are easy dory back rider there might be one up here you see that door up there if we go into that door there should be a barrier with a few moons in which should be pretty easy there we go we can go into it and hopefully there's some moons is there anything up at the top oh there's some secret rings there's some secret rings for being smart i might be able to skip a lot of it just by being fast and being sonic i don't need any of these oh my gosh i'm too good at this game i'm gonna say that and die instantly i always end up like regretting saying stuff like that i just want to jump over it go towards these rings and it's got some mario sunshine music playing in the background which is very very cool is this going to raise up yes it is i just want to avoid these fuzzies because i think these fuzzies knock me off so i'll fall into the void if i get hit by the fuzzies i reckon this platform can push me back up and there's probably going to be something at the top it's there yes there is i'm too smart i already know this stuff and there we go oh i almost fell i almost fell but i clutched it jump grab climb some more nice where's the exit oh the exit is just down here there we go i sniped it and that's enough moons we can actually just walk back to the odyssey we can we don't even have to walk back or run back with sonic we run nice one we've got all the chaos animals are going to go into the odyssey make the sail go up we're actually making a balloon we're making a balloon at the top out of these like ring out of the power moons the odyssey is powered off we can now move on to the next kingdom which i think is the wooden kingdom but the wooden kingdoms changed into something else in this mod pack the blue canopies so i think in the blue canopies it's got more water in the normal and i think also everything's blue which looks super super cool you'll have to see it you'll have to see it here we are the blue canopies orange facility okay so i guess the forest is blue canopies and then inside of it it has the orange facility road to sky garden okay i want to go to that glowing pillow up there with the piranha plant oh sonic's blending into the background here i might be able to catch this bunny really quickly yeah that bunny didn't even see me coming and there we go we can get the first blue chaos emerald these blue ksm mods are my favorite so far i love the way they look can i talk to this guy hello greetings traveler and to your hat as well can you answer my video what does the monster want from this kingdom i believe it's flowers it should be flowers you're correct perhaps that wasn't much of a riddle any who proceed yeah that was just a question that wasn't a riddle this sphinx is so dumb in it he's so dumb and we can get some of these cogs here we might be able to spend them i don't know but here we are it's flooded it's not normally flooded like this here we can make our way to the oh what did i just get oh there's poison on the floor there's poison underneath the water i can get this checkpoint flag and then we can make our way up make our way up to the top i can use sonic's opi glam pounds to make it up really quickly as well i don't even need these up boots i can skip just mostly oh my gosh i bumped and fell so cringe so cringe but let's do that again i think i can skip this whole area just by using sonic's omega speed yeah i can oh my gosh it's so easy with sonic let's attack this piranha plant do i look like plant food to you yes you do yes you do there we go we can jump on his head and spawn the chaos emerald yeah oh we just unlocked that p-switch i wonder what that p-switch does i'm guessing it allows us to get up there i think we want to make it into that tunnel and then make it up to the brutals but there might be something round here yes there is before we press this p-switch i'm pretty sure there's something round here yeah there's a nut which we can throw cappy up to or we might be able to just get on top of it by ground pound jumping never mind we can just go toward towards it and collect it nice and now we can go and press the p-switch this p-switch i think it spawns a flower road if i remember correctly yes it does i have a really bad memory so i can't remember much from this game i think there's a nut up there which has a moon in as well though which we can go towards really easy oh no i don't want to fall everything's too chaotic i love the mario galaxy music in this mod pack though it's so cool we can press this p-switch which will spawn another flower road we can i make her jump oh no oh no oh no i almost fell i almost fell bruh sonic's too fast i might be able to just make a jump from here there's a few coins up here for going on top as well so anything special in here yes there is it's another p switch which we can press and make our way up i might not even need these like flower roads i might be able to just get up by doing these ground pound jumps let's see if i'm able to do it oh there's the grand heart there's a grand heart nice this is going to help out our tumor and fight in the bars there might be a moon in here actually yes there is just that's just a random moon hanging out in here in the not planted in the tower is there something else up here i believe there's something else up here you see the shadow there's a shadow and it's rotating so there might be something up yes there is but i'll probably have to do a really high jump to get to it will i be able to get it yes i can nice stretching your legs i didn't stretch my legs i just did a really high jump [Music] brutal fight time i think it's a poison bath this time i think it's that ginger one i forgot his name i think it's spewer it just says brutal on the screen oh my gosh she's so intimidating with your rubber but i think i just want to throw cappy out in him and then jump on his head like every other boss in this game oh my failing there we go got him got him and there's a rock with a heart in in case i get here bro sonic's too slow he's not got fast enough reset oh my gosh how am i failing [Music] i jumped on his head there i disagree with that here i should not have got hit there i definitely jumped on his head spam cappy dive yeah that was too easy stupid ginger boss no offense to any gingers watching i love gingers one of my best friends is ginger actually there we go we get the multi moon [Music] funny every time he says that makes me laugh makes me giggle a little bit we need seven more moons to get out of here so we may as well go fight that other boss i can't remember actually how you get up to it though it might be this way there might be something this way is there anything here oh yeah there is oh that's just a note [Music] yeah we got moon anyway oh there's a moon here there's a nut moon here i'm getting so many nut moons i'm busting so many nudes because i think normally a tank spawn set but i don't think the tanks have spawned because there's water there because normally you break open that wall there with a tank i guess we might not be able to go to the boss but since we can't go to the boss there's another sub-area down here there's another pipe with yeah the fuzzy siberia this subaru should be easier with sonic as well i can just speed run my way through and not bomb you still nothing i think there's something else up here i remember all these sub areas too well flooding pipeway secret nice ah i thought i was gonna perfect this room there we go we only need three more now and i think there's three more easy moons that we can get just scattered around the place the tanks are spawning here but they're continuously dying so get killed by water believe there's something around here yeah i can put cappy away and then i can go fight this hammer bro which he never saw me come in he never stood a chance and there we go there's another chaos i moved only need two more now and i got another yeah i can get another one here by breaking open this rock nice rolling rock in the woods now we only need one more moon to get to the odyssey but i believe i can get another moon by going up here with sonic i can use this giant ground pound why does sonic have giant ground pounds is it a reference to something it might be a reference or something so let me know in the comments if not if sonic has like a mega gram pound jump in any of his like original games there we go and that's the final moon needed to leave this kingdom atop the tool tree and we should be able to run back really really fast from here let's see how long it takes no i don't want to fall in the water the water slows me down there we go instantly back at the older sea super speed [Music] the odyssey has powered up oh we're gonna make it to the metro kingdom next or the muted city it's called the muted city in this game goodness what's that oh my goodness what sonic gonna do against bowser no why are you flying right next to it right along their cannons sonic and cappy could not be any more stupid here if i was actually controlling the airship i'd go above them because then they couldn't do anything maybe i could drop a bomb on their ship drop a bomb on well don't go right by the cannon sonic you're so dumb wait he didn't even shoot me down we just go to a random arena all right bowser you're about to go down i can do some parkour between these platforms i want to throw cappy other platforms to activate them but i want to be quick because they disappear after a short amount of time go on get there we go and now we can go to the platform where the bowser fight is i do really like these cutscenes i do really like the way they look oh my game almost just crashed there it couldn't handle it i don't have time for you he means sonic i don't see mario anywhere he's planning his wedding and it's very stressful sonic just absorbed cappy and there's peach holding some piranha plant flowers that's a cute little detail i really like that i haven't i didn't actually notice that before this might be from mario galaxy actually this fight should be very easy with sonic's super speed go on throw your hat at me all i'm gonna do is capture your hat and then attack you punch you with it so easy you just got punched in the face that would cheat you true cappy oh no oh what there we go got it capture it and then push him i can push him so easily i didn't realize that the speed actually applies even when you're wearing the cap this makes the game so much easier to super speed oh what okay okay nearly nearly got it yes nice go go go true just rush at him [Music] okay yes i'm gonna hit him i'm gonna hit him into those spiky barriers now and that should be him dead okay i want to jump over his tail i don't want to get hit by his tail that tail has fruit threw me off so many times i've died so many times through his stupid little tail but there we go he's dead he's not dead what's he gonna do now he's probably gonna attack me he's very angry oh no he's gonna fire at sonic will sonic get hit sonic surely you can roll it run a bit faster than that imagine if the game just ended there and sonic died for real that would be funny ice age island the place of extinction i've gone to a really snowy island it looks like i've just jumped up oh where are we now oh the odyssey's all busted up we'll need to get some power moons or some chaos eye modes all right let's see if we can run through and collect some power moves i almost fell off there's some spines here i don't think spines are normally here there's a chaos i moved up in that cage i might be able to get to that later oh no is klepto gonna steal cappy from me oh cappy just got stolen by that giant eagle i just wanted to go up to that perch i think and grandpa no but it should be pretty easy just to get up because of how fast sonic let's is let's see if i can make it a first try oh nearly there there's klepto the bird and there's cathy i should just be able to ground pound when he lands and i'll be able to get cappy back it's too easy the game's too easy there's also another chaos emerald up on that tree which we can get right after we get cappy back thank you for the rescue now let's go to get some more power moons let's get this one it's too easy the game's way too easy i'll be able to breeze through all these and it's got some nice oh how did i survive that i landed on a platform oh my gosh it's got some nice snowy music from mario galaxy and there should be some stuff along here there's a wiggler there's an arrow there so there's a checkpoint there's a chaos angled along here which we should just be able to jump to there we go oh no will i survive this i need to do a dive straight away so i don't fall in the poison and i did manage to survive it somehow and then died immediately after brilliant how many moons do we need to get from the snowy kingdom we need to get 10 i think and we can get another one here by turning into mario i'm not meant to be mario and there's another one here let's do a big jump over am i dead i might be dead here okay there's some moonshots along here which we can collect we can collect some new charms just by diving to them there we go there's another one along here i think you're meant to have the wiggler here but it doesn't really matter i'm better without the wiggler so one on this tree yeah there is a piece of cake a piece of cake we need one more where's the last one oh the last moonshot i actually need the wiggler to get where is he where's the wiggly boy there we go i want to capture him and then it's inside of a hole i used the free cam to cheat a little bit to find out where it was it's quite hard to see with all the snow here it's right here it's inside of this hole we just want to go in and there we go there's the chaos i moved it should spawn over there but it's very important i don't die on the way back because if i die while some moon spawn i have to collect all the shards again yes oh yes yes i've got it nice i also want to go say hi to captain toad because captain toad's over this way let's see if i can make the jump actually in [Music] no [Music] go yes finally we made it into that hole and we can see captain toad that took too many attempts i probably spent maybe like five minutes trying to just get in that hole i'm so bad at this game but thank you captain toad thank you for that power moon get some rest he's taking the shelter here from the snowstorm i want to collect these coins because the more coins i can collect the more likely i'll be able to afford the boxes in the snow kingdom i want to make my way up to the tower i think there might be something on this oak creek spawner that's ground pound on him yeah there is there's another chaos emerald on the sort brute spawner i don't think there's meant to be uproots here but it should be very easy to get to the top of this tower i'm just gonna blind jump i'm gonna do a load of blind jumps there's a glowing patch there which oh there's another moon here there's another one on this platform here but it looks like there's another glowing patch here which probably means there's a moon yes there is a chaos emerald i should say that chaos emeralds on the mountain we only need two more and i think there's one that we can get in that butterfly you see that butterfly here or we could also go up there i want to get the butterfly first because i love butter and i love flies i don't love flies i only love butter there we go we got the moon do you know what flies are really annoying i'd go as far to say i hate flies they're just getting your food they're just bad i hate flies butter it's all right it's all right no quite nice sometimes but anyway we can make our way up here anyway besides like that little rant about butter and there should be a moon on this tree and that's all we need to move on to the next kingdom which i think is the metro kingdom but i think it's changed into something else it's changing into like muted city i can capture glide on and make my way back down to the odyssey i can see the glowing pillow where the odyssey is we can fix the odyssey now cool cool cool there we go if i throw my cap onto this i should be able to fix the odyssey with the chaos emeralds the odyssey is repaired and we're taking off we're gonna go to the next kingdom which i think is the metro kingdom this is a really pretty game i forget how pretty mario odyssey can be oh it's turned to night time and now we're heading down towards the metro kingdom the muted city lavender town isn't lavender town from pokemon i'm pretty sure it's that spooky ghost village from pokemon with all the ghost type pokemon the background reminds me a bit of that one smash bros sage stage it reminds me of that one earthbound smash bros stage i think it's four side the background reminds me a bit of four side or new pork tower from mother three let me know if you think the same hello pauline we can talk to you oh i'm sorry but i don't really have time to chat right now i need to figure out a way to save my city things have been utter chaos since that bullish monster showed up brutish not bullish what the heck and he has the nerve to advertise his wedding all over new donk city a bit tasteless if you ask me bowser's arrived and now he's graffitied his weathering everywhere and you know what i want to do i want to do the impossible jump down to the city instead of taking that pylon over there it's possible to get down to the city by jumping down let's give it a try let's see if i can do the epic jump yeah it was too easy it would have been cool if i landed on the scooter sonic doesn't really need a scooter though he's really fast enough i think i'm slower on a scooter actually but it does allow me to destroy all these tanks and stuff i almost fell off i could we clutch those things we clutch those things hello goomba we can kill this goomba as well we just want to make our way up to the top of the tower i think with that brutal ship which we can do by doing a little bit of parkour through the construction site i think there's a moon underneath here or in this girder yeah there is there's a chaos there's a pink one this will be our first pink chaos emerald there we go inside an iron girder we ran through here really fast it's almost a bit trippy we can probably just run up the tower really quickly i know my way around here i know my way around the city why does it make me so slow going up the stairs but then so fast everywhere else but we can take this electricity pylon all the way up there's another checkpoint flag and there's another chaos emerald for us up here which we can do a ground pound poo there we go easy swaying in the breeze all right we want to go into this building and then to make it all the way up to the top of the tower oh it's got the spooky music it should be a piece of cake we've got sonic's epic ground pound to help us so we can make our way up very very easily we don't have to worry about any of it and then we can save the city it's kind of rude of bowser to like promote his wedding in this city like imagine just taking over a random city just to promote your wedding and i think there's another moon up here that'd be kind of cringe though hey city hall lost and found who would leave a power moon there and put in the lost and found i'll just steal it i think we can make a jump over there though let's give it a try i probably could have made it to the main platform but anyway we can make it through this door and i think this takes us right to the bar straight to the mecca wiggler we're still not high enough oh yeah we need to take this electricity pile on all the way up there we are come on fight me why is the camera messed up i can collect these sonic rings i want to get to a thousand coins [Music] sonic you sound an awful lot like mario and that's a very very far ball [Music] i'm surprised he didn't make his legs oh i'm pretty sure on this fight you want to capture these sherms these tanks and then shoot at the mecca wiggler shoot you die die die is this a chance yes i want to fire at him perfect nice is he gonna charge at us yeah he's charging at us shoot shoot pew pew pew how long did it take for bowser to settle this graffiti just to promote his wedding why would he spend so much effort taking over the city just to promote his wedding it doesn't make sense and as you built this mecca wiggler as well just to defend the city bowser your plan isn't very smart it's not very economically viable as well this probably cost you a ton of money but anyway we can shoot at this mecca wiggler now there's a ton of oh what i'm on one hp since when have i been on one hp do i have to reload okay it's kind of difficult to shoot here oh no no no i really don't want to die here it only has one more spot that i need to shoot though oh it's wonder hot it's one the heart okay i've got two hp now which is very very nice i only need to shoot this one more spot there we go now we can shoot him some more i think he needs one more like both these never mind i think he's dead for good is he dead for good i'd hope he's dead for good after exploding i'm pretty sure he's dead after that it looked like he died but anyway there we go we've collected the multimoon and now we unlock day metro i wonder what's changed i can't actually remember what's changed in this kingdom way but that's cool wait i thought it's meant to turn into daytime does it not turn to daytime a fresh start for the city isn't that meant to be like a new day but it's still nighttime we got rid of the big bug thing and the weather cleared up the weather didn't clear up stop lying cappy stop capping alright let's continue i'm gonna be honest i just took a little break to take my dog for a walk which maybe took about an hour but anyway we can go and get this other chaos emerald underneath the secret girder we should be able to complete this kingdom pretty quickly i want to do the impossible jumbo gangster i think it's really cool there we are i just did the impossible job why isn't the music playing but anyway we can go and get some moons do you want to do the jump rope moon the jump rope moon might be quite funny i think i need to get five one two i think sonic has different jump physics to mario because he seems to jump a little bit higher i don't know i don't know though so this might be a little bit more difficult it's going fast it's going fast yes i got it nice okay nice i got 31 and then i gave up because i don't want to get to 100 100 is way too much but we got the jump rope moon there was a glitch in the original game where you could use the talker to the bird to float above the jump rope and then you could get like an infinite score on the jump rope and everyone on the leaderboard had like really really high scores for the jump rope but there we go we got another moon we got the rc car moon and i want to do another rc car moon in here because there's another rsd car moon in this room where you actually get to race let's have a race i'm not very good at this so i might fail [Music] okay okay it's got like the uh the slide music very nice i'm kind of failing a bit but i'm i'm making it work i'm making it work come on oh i'm going into the wall i'm messing up how do i mess up at the rc car it should be easy oh what time do i need to get do i need to get like sub 30 or something oh no oh oh no oh did i just get under sub 30 oh okay okay i did get a moon i do get a moon from that very nice very nice i thought i failed for a second rc car pro apparently i'm a professional at it even though i messed up a ton are there any other quick moves i can get just by running through the city oh oh okay i forgot about pauline and the festival i can go speak to her and then we can collect all the band mates hello i don't know why everyone calls me mario i'm clearly sonic everyone's clearly blind okay where's the first band mate here there we go it should be really really quick running around the city and collecting these chaos out moods [Music] it should be really really quick it should only take like a few seconds per like person i i just run so fast i'm pretty sure there's one on the island over here unless i'm mistaken over here yes there is i can see the glowing pillar but before i get that i can actually get one by ground pounding on the mecha wiggler that we just destroyed before i took my dog for a walk basis we got the basis on board and i think the last ones on top of that building you see that glowing pillar which we can get to by using this electricity on and then we can jump between buildings normally you hit this switch here but i reckon we can do it without it we can just do it by doing a jump too easy too easy the trumpness i like all trumpness they might be called something else like trumposian or something let's find out what they're called [Music] trumpeter oh we only need five more moons to get out of here and there's a few like right on the top of the buildings which we can get to what i remember there being a motorbike up here but anyway there's probably one at the very very tip of the building there we go dizzying heights nice one where can we go now oh there's one there there's one there just above the pool which i should be able to do with just by jumping down hey nice one glizzling above the pool and do you know what i want to do i want to make it to that building there you see that piping rocket where the piping rocket is just like this maybe maybe oh i'm definitely gonna make that with a little bit of parkour i don't think that this is what you're meant to do but we're doing it anyway and we've made it to the rocket and we're going to go up into space or into a sub area oh i see the chaos emerald at the end we just want to do parkour between these poles wait i want to try something i want to see if i can make it just straight there with sonic's mega ground bound oh my god i can that doesn't feel very fair but we did it i don't care about the second moon let's get out of here that was quite funny oh it's the people room down this pipe like the hallway full of people yeah it is so a p-switch somewhere no the p-switch is on this end so in this room you hit a lever and then you want to go like as fast as possible to the other side of the moon of the to the other side of the room to correct that chaos emerald which as sonic we can just zip past everyone too easy too easy pushing through the crowd i wasn't even pushing that and then there's also something that we can get up here i don't even need the balcony i can just use sonic's mega ground pound go go go and that should be the last one we need so we can walk back to the odyssey now we've got 20 moons in this area surreal there we go we've got 20 moons we can get out of this new pork city looking place the purple city i'm not actually sure what comes next it might be the snow kingdom okay we can go to the sherbet hills or bowser's magma mode i think i'm gonna go to bowser's magma my hoot oh wait is that water and lava mixed together well that looks really cool and the sands black the sand has changed from like a sand color to like a brown color the glass is half empty so we want to go and beat a black guy up there and straight away we can go into this pipe and i think there's a moon like in the ground where you have to ground pound in a certain spot is it here no it's here hey i remember i remember that's where the coin was in the sand kingdom version of this room there should be another easy moon that we can get along here in this cove you're meant to have a gush in here but i believe we can do it without a cushion yeah we can too easy that was way too easy ride the jet stream we didn't even need a jet stream these purple chaos emeralds look really really cool there's a chaos emerald up there which we can get if we can grab a gushen somewhere i think i just want to do a leap of faith onto the cushion oh no oh no oh no okay oh how did i manage to do that oh my gosh that was crazy that was cracked and then we can go up and collect the chaos emerald nice one this should break the button behind me as well so we can press the button to like throw something the big octopus looking dude rampound monk oh he's gonna be shooting stuff at me now i've made him mad i believe over here yeah you see that pillow over there it's glowing which means we can go towards it and we might get something i think it's underneath this lava yeah we can spray water on it get rid of it and then the power moon aka the chaos emeralds down here we can go press that button as well to annoy the big octopus guy funk excellent work we need two more fountains i believe yeah up there there's another glowing pillar which we can make our way to we might be able to make it like straight there by using the gushing oh there's another moon up there right by the odyssey as well which we can go to with the cushion as well go up there we go nice one on the cliff overlooking the beach and then i think we can go like straight up yeah straight up to the big button over there with the moon oh we can go see captain toad first captain toad also has a moon for us no i need to get rid of this guy so captain toad isn't scared because captain toad's very scared of stuff he's a scaredy cat thank you captain toad i'm sorry that i scared you but i can also get this chaos emerald nice we're getting so many moons really really quickly might be able to get one by using this cushion can i make it up there just by using the cushion i think i can i think i just skipped the entire area just by cheating there we go the lighthouse seal we got another multi moon and we can press this final button which will which will really annoy the squid guy up there the octopus i'd be annoyed if that happened to me if i was just chilling and then someone like threw a load of stuff at me for no reason oh it's got the super mario bros boss music i want to capture this guy and then i think i just want to rush at him and like maybe get rid of the lava on his head there we go i'm shooting lava down at him and then oh oh no i ran out of water but i want to get rid of all the lava on his head there we go now he's bored he's bored you're bored that's embarrassing being booed come on booty i want to get on your head look you're trapped against the wall you should almost be dead his head looks like it's about to explode come on come on nice i think i need one more hit on his head oh my gosh stop running away stop being a coward that i just ground pounded on his head hopefully that doesn't kill me hopefully that doesn't put me in the lava it looks like i'm on top of his head no sonic don't explode [Music] okay sonic's going up with the multimoon so i'm not going to land in the lava and that should be enough oh that's really pretty it's made of rainbow there we go very nice [Music] so we've got enough chaos emeralds to get out of this kingdom i just love the way they look i love the way the chaos emeralds look i don't mean to be repeating myself but they look really really cool it looks like we only need three more bubbles to get to the moon like three more segments of the odyssey oh the snow kingdom's next but i think it's turned minty sherbet hills what does the sherbet hills look like oh here they are wait why is the goomba's eyes purple what on earth but everything's green here and there isn't like as much snow as normal that should be an easy moon if i run around here for a little bit though so anything in here oh hello captain toad i just ran into you why are you hiding in the snow that orange chaos looks pretty cool captain toad is chilly i'd imagine so why are you hiding in the cold get something warm i guess i want to go to shavaria the underground town the underground town down here there's quite a few moons for me down here sonic's falling down from the roof hey everyone's happy to see me oh i scared them a bit i scared them welcome to the ship area and straight away there's a power moon up here which we can do a jump to quite easily nice one entrance to shivaria i might also be able to make my way up here there we go yes we made it up here and in this chest there's another chaos emerald for me to collect shiveria treasure chest nice wee i love running i love running fast with sonic it's so cool there's also a moon here hidden in the snow shining in the siberius they should probably get this cleaned up how was the snow underground it doesn't make sense how have they got the snow in the ground let's go down here though anyway into one of these rooms i want to collect these ice shards but these icy guys are attacking me no they look very painful i don't want to get impaled by them [Music] these these ice shards are oh no oh no they're so scary but i'm sonic so i can run away fast and straight away we've got all the shards which means that the chaos emerald spawns and there's another secret entrance but i think i want to use these guys to get up these spiky guys oh no oh no oh no i'm surprised i live there i'm surprised i lived but i think i can go this way to get an extra bonus moon if i just go along this ledge there's a chest which probably has a moon in it yes it does [Music] i can do a parkour jump down oh yeah nice [Music] we only need four more moons i got a load of moons really really quickly i think there's two moons per sub area so i only need to go into like two more sub areas and i'm gonna go into this one oh what's the snowy mountain i think this is where the rango fight is where you fight mango is there anything underneath the snow this is a glowing spot there might be something there's a singular coin brilliant very helpful very helpful i don't want to fall off oh i almost fell off i almost fell off i was right on the ledge is that a snowy oh oh no oh no i think that's the first step i've had you the sonic being too fast okay through the snow i want to be very careful that i don't pull off okay through the snow i need to be very very careful because this is a very thin passageway but there we go there's another chaos emerald here behind the snowy mountain on the very very thin ledge right here rango i hear the brutal music which means that there's going to be a brutal fight here hello mango [Music] we can jump on you oh bruh we can jump on your head very very easily there we go stupid mango shoot at me again then okay i'm going to jump on this flower and jump on his head again spin down easy easy easy peasy hey this should be him dead though this should be him dead you should get better at the game you should learn how to attack sonic faster we only need two more to leave now [Music] i do want to check if we have enough to buy the undies the boxes we might have enough to get the boxes from the shop now if we go in here they might be a thousand coins they might be 500 i can't quite remember no i need a thousand coins but i think i can get it from any shop so once i get a thousand coins we're gonna see sonic in boxes let's go down here though i think it's this is the icicle cavern yes it is i think i can just do a jump like this i'm too good at the game or sonic's too good at the game sonic's 20. i could just i can just jump between the barriers we now only need one more moon we might be able to get the last moon up at the surface let's try to get a surface moon goodbye surely there's a moon for me somewhere maybe you'll buy that power goomba i don't think there's meant to be power groomers in this kingdom though there's a few coins which will come in handy with buying the boxes can i do anything with this guy wait i might just be able to fly to snowdram i might be able to just do snow drama just by flying by getting to the painting am i gonna be able to do this i need to get up on the odyssey first oh can i not get any higher than this wait wait wait we can we can i might be able to get on top of the globe okay is this the highest i can get to is this going to be enough to do snow jam it might be let's let's give it a try let's give it a try oh my gosh it was nice one we did snow jam that's my first time doing it i didn't do it properly i kind of cheated i used a goomba but oh that's cool that's cool and we can make it back to the odyssey and we have enough moons to leave now nice one i think it's the luncheon kingdom next the luncheon kingdom is a cool one and in this mod it looks super cool super cool in this mod pack [Music] mist okay in this mod pack it's called mist because i guess it's covered in mist oh yeah i remember this this is a really pretty one once i beat the bird in this kingdom it turns very very pretty you'll have to see it the brutals are cooking something oh my goodness here they are the brutal oh there's like cyan chaos emeralds i want to get that one up here i can by using sonic's giant jump though easy parkour normally you need to be like a pro called pro to get up there but with sonic's mega jump you can just do that oh it looks really cool with all the black they're like the black sweet corn and stuff i might be able to just do a jump over here yeah and there's another moon nice lurking in the pillar shadow oh no oh no i just jumped on the lava i am bad at this game i love sonic's voice line so when he gets burned they're pretty cool they're pretty cool i think i have to fight the brutals whilst i'm in one hp wait rango's disappeared is he dead forever fight me spew it yeah ginger you're scary i'm on one hp i'm on one hp i need to go collect some parts i think there's hearts in here thinking the red ones as hearts yeah red ones are tarts green one there's coins so i'm back up to full hp i should be able to hit him like straight away there we go he's too easy he's kind of bad at this game oh bruh i say that and then i get damaged immediately do you only need one more hit come on come on there we go yeah that's him dead stupid ginger i hate you spew it i hate you so much you're probably the most annoying brutal papa sebasto topper gang let me know if toppers your favorite brutal as well in the comments it honestly amazes me that people like watch this far into this video or i'm not sure how many people actually do watch this far into the video so if you're still watching at this point here's the secret comment word so the secret comment word is cheese because it says cheese on screen if you made it this far the secret comment word is cheese so comment the word cheese in the comments just to let me know that you've made it this far because if you have made it far you're actually a legend you actually mean like the world to me i can't believe you're actually really cool i'm really thankful like like you'd watch this far but anyway i think i can get another moon on this pillar hey easy easy easy i believe there's also like a a golden turnip which i can get from here yeah there's a golden term it turnip which we can throw into the stew and when you throw the golden turnip into the stew it turns into a power moon i believe there's also something up on this roof or in this crate here you see this glowing crate there's probably something in here nice there we go get the golden turn or get the crate moon is this an ingredient too uh i guess we could test that we could probably put it in the broth i might be able to do a jump over here i feel like that's cheese i feel like that's not meant to be something i can do hello hammer bro i want to capture you and then throw your hammers at the cheese there we go i can capture him and when you capture this guy you can throw hammers i can throw i can shake the controller to throw more as well i don't want to get hit by this spiny but underneath all this cheese buried in the cheese there's a there's a switch which we can throw cappy on which does something i can't remember what oh it lowers the force field on this power moon which we can collect there we go not too shabby and there's a big platform that's just raised up from the lava big pot and the oh this is when you capture the meat this is really funny because you get to capture the meat and you get pulled up by the big bird very funny moment i want to capture this guy because i believe if i set this pillar on fire and moonspawn let's see if i'm about oh i missed let's see if i remembered correctly oh yes it does nice very very nice like the lantern on the small island that's a clever moon that's a clever person moon that only clever people can get so i don't know how i got it because i'm not that clever anyway i think we can run all the way up here oh i want to avoid the spiny fling up using the fork and then we get to capture the meat we get to become meat meet sonic meet sonic okay i want to twitch and then i've broken out all the salt and i can jump along he sees the meat's twitching we're in the point of view of the bird and the bird sees the meat and i think the bird's gonna swipe down and pick up the meat this is probably the best moment in any mario game ever now he's going to fly along and i think he's going to drop me off in the broth i can go collect that power moon up there as well hey nice one i thought i had to fight the bird apparently we don't fight the bird yet way past cool oh i think i've annoyed the bird by stealing the moon so now she's blowing me off sonic's standing his ground though he might still get blown off but the volcano's about to erupt whip he's fooling again i remember this it looks a bit like the end from minecraft the minecraft end oh i forgot how cool this looked whoa the volcano is still evoping we need a few more moons still wait can i make my way up this way because i swear these forks weren't here before oh that's a scarecrow this scarecrow be super easy with sonic super speed and if i make it up there in time i get to collect the chaos emerald oh why am i lagging why am i lagging what the heck what the heck was it because i was inside of the chaos emerald did you see that my game just almost like froze all right let's jump between these pillars nice nice nice i believe there's something on these rocks here i believe there's like a grand poundable spot on this rocks which we can use to collect the moon might be up here yes it is i see that glowing patch which means it's here this is a really pretty kingdom i love the sky box the sky box here looks really cool nice overlooking a bunch of ingredients yeah except all the ingredients are black and like rotten looking now normally they're like bright colors but now they're like greens and blacks and a bit horrible i think in here we can do some gambling actually who doesn't love a bit of gambling oh i have to get quite a few in a row we want to play slots and there's 10 coins to play yeah let's play it could be quite fun yeah he slots away i want to get the power moon and the moon is right after the heart so oh what that's not fair cappy got on the way back [Music] i would have got that as well no i did it too early i am going to get this i am going to get this okay we've got four we only need the last one oh i was playing dead intense music i don't like this yes yes we got it nice and then we get the chaos emerald epic launching kingdom slots nice one now we can leave we can get out of here oh i see another moon that we can get up there how are we gonna get up there maybe by doing some parkour with this guy wait actually i think there's a door around here which i want to go into is there a door has the door spawned yes it has there's a door we have a really really fun room where we get to fling on the forks it's got some mario 3d world music and we just get to fling ourselves on the forks very very fun we get oh i missed there we go we've got the fork again want to get throw them along this way oh no oh no i actually i accidentally threw myself the wrong way i don't want to throw myself the wrong way i want to throw myself the right way [Music] and i can fling myself to the other side to get this secret moon the secret moon here and then we can get the actual moon on the other side i haven't bought this through maybe like that oh yeah very easy very easy fork flip into the summit we only need two more moons to get out of here now there's probably something in this salt here on this salt platform because it's glowing it's glowing so i'm assuming there's something please be a moon nice that's probably the easiest moon i've ever gotten to a cannon to shoot me back up that's just shot me back over here but i guess we can capture this fire bro and then light the lanterns wait i didn't mean to kill him how did i end up killing him did i just kill him for good how did that happen i guess we can just use these guys to light up them oh how did i not get burned how did i not get burnt there that didn't make much sense oh he does respawn why does he die instantly bruh is it because he loses his hat and it's raining out it might be because he loses his hat it's remaining out but let's see if we can make this jump let's see if we can make this jump there we go yes nice and that's the last moon we need to get out of here smart thinking but there we go we can make it back to the odyssey super quickly with my super speed we can deposit the 18 moons we just collected in this does look a lot like the end for minecraft imagine if the ender dragon just swooped in there is a mod i made that has the ender dragon in i guess you can watch that video afterwards it has the ender dragon from minecraft in mario odyssey i i guess i'll leave a link to that at the end because that's a super super cool video but anyway it looks like we have to chase down bowser now in the final bowser fight oh what was that why is it shaking and where's the camera here oh it's a dark souls dragon and he's red he's red this time normally he's purple he looks a lot more scary when he's red that might just be me that might just be me wha let's see if you survive this plumber boy wait is sonic a plumber and why am i falling ah i got struck by lightning now i'm falling down how did bowser tame this dragon i'm surprised the dragon didn't shoot bowser down as well i guess bowser is evil so he just gets to do stuff like that ghostly ruin parts stolen assets parts ruined kingdom oh it's different to normal all right so the odyssey looks pretty broken right now i don't think i can get into it maybe through this hatch here no i can't it's broken can i get him through the back engine no i'm not allowed in the older seat but it looks like we're in this brand new kingdom looking place or maybe part stolen asset part normal kingdom because this looks like part of place from super mario galaxy i believe but i can run past it really quickly i can just ignore all of this area wouldn't you know it the odyssey's broken again true i just pointed that out cappy okay we need to collect more power moons to fix it and i believe there's one in this chest and there's a load of coins so i can buy my boxes finally i really want to buy my boxes but here we are here's the first chaos damn ruled off the ruined kingdom in the ancient treasure chest i almost have enough to get the undies i want to see sonic and undies for no weird reason i just i think it would be funny not for any weird reason i promise i promise anyway we can we can capture this electricity pylon and make our way up towards this moon and this weird platform place which has nothing weird going on at all except from the red dragon there is a red dragon here for some reason he has a purple patch on his head i guess they forgot to change like the patch on his head that does look quite funny oh these will be really easy to avoid with sonic's super speed i can just weave through them he's gonna plonk his head down and a load of electricity is gonna shoot out i just need to jump over these which should be really oh really easy as sonic i can rush him now and i want to pull off these skewers off his head so i can activate the purple patch and then i can ground pound on his weird purple patch and get rid of the purple patch now he's all red again never mind there's a load of hearts underneath the floor but i love this dark souls dragon it's like something that you wouldn't think to to see in a mario game but it's there i really hope nintendo making mario odyssey too that'd be lit if they did that they have to they have to mariotas is such a cool game they have to make a c4 because they have like so many ideas of what they could do or i have so many ideas of what they could do in mario odyssey imagine if they had like a giant like toy kingdom like the ones from mario galaxy or like a giant huge galaxy i think that'd be really oh no i'm on one hp okay i think i can get another health from here yeah i can he's shooting more lasers oh no i better not die that'd be embarrassing i just want to rush him now come on rush him pull out all the skewers i've got one hp so i've got to be very very careful oh no oh no oh no this is getting close did i do it i think i did it bonk nice one and we get the multi moon hey the multi moon came out of his head and we can collect the multi moon this will allow us to move on to the next kingdom which i think might be bowser's kingdom i think we've only got like two kingdoms left in this game which is epic battle with the lord of lightning now we're gonna teleport back to the odyssey and we can move on to the bowser's kingdom bro why did he make a mario noise you're not meant to make mario noises but there we go i've got four chaos emeralds i should be able to repair the odyssey with that where's my balloon gone is my balloon just gonna spawn back so balloons not on top of the odyssey at the moment oh yeah it's back nice one the odyssey is repaired i think we just fly off now and chase bowser to his own kingdom the dragon's still up there the dragon's still upon his perch sunshine platform takeover the last obstacle infiltrate bowser's castle all right all right all right should be pretty simple there it is the showdown and i believe there's a moon here don't ask me how i knew that that's just one that you have to remember caught on the iron fence because all the other bowser things i don't think breathe fire yeah they don't they don't how are we gonna get past here oh okay it just opens up i'm just going to run as fast as i can so i can just skip most of this just by running really really fast so i don't think we actually need to collect any moons in this kingdom we just oh we just want to make our way to the end there aren't normally frogs here so i can capture this frog use it to get up very nice very nice captains electricity pylon i'm just gonna run run run as fast as i can to the end oh no all right let's go and attack this big swamp looking guy come at me then ogre slam down and then i want to jump on your head there we go too easy too easy and then he spawns a moon just for killing him but i do want to collect all these rings because i want to see sonic and undies for no such reason at all just for normal reasons i want to look at sonic and undies [Music] okay so we've unlocked this door and we can move on to the smart bombing part all right nice nice all right let's run really fast the next electricity pylon we can capture that phew i don't think this kingdom's normally this sunny all right i've got the checkpoint i can just run past all of this because it doesn't really really matter i just want to make it to the end oh i think it does matter i want to do something i think i want to collect the moon shards here that's fair enough okay i think there's one down here yeah above the flame where are the other ones so i think there's one on the roof probably there's probably one on the roof anyway yeah there's one behind the roof so one in that glowing box there might be one in that glowing box yeah it's nice where's the last one then do you know what i might just be able to make a jump here oh okay i made the jump is there an electricity pylon no it doesn't spawn am i trapped here oh my gosh do i have to die to get back i might just be able to make it back over but it doesn't spawn unless i collect all the moons oh that's sad oh that's the last one oh my gosh i was so stupid i didn't even see it but i also saw a hole which i might be able to put the pokio's like nose in might be able to capture this guy though this fella and then go up to the top and there's a hole that i saw that i might be able to put his beacon where is it where is it okay i can make my way up this side here it is here's the hole does it spawn a moon oh it spawns a lot of coins that's nice all these coins will be useful for seeing sonic in his undies okay i only need 90 more coins before i get to see that but anyway we can collect this power moon and make our way on to the next segment of bowser's kingdom all right capture this pylon and then we make our way up to the oh the shop do i have enough coins yet i better have enough coins i want to have enough coins let me see a minute undies oh my gosh i need 80 more i guess i'll come back maybe in the moon kingdom i might be able to afford it in the moon kingdom but anyway we can capture this pylon and move on to the next part there's a giant moon in the background that's very cool like positioning oh are there gonna be bosses here probably are it's coming down from the sky is it going to be topper there's only topper and harriet left the other two might be dead like fully dead all right no it's harriet it's harry yet harry it should be pretty easy though [Music] we go i should be able to hit her now this is the attempt this is the attempt where i win sonic is too hard to control oh my gosh [Music] there we go hit it back at her and then jump on there easy easy easy i'm getting the hang of it i'm getting the hang of it and then i can throw the bomb back at her yeah well she's in a spaceship so the arena doesn't get covered in bombs i can force her back a little bit wait for us for a bomb get lined up nicely hit it uh and then jump on the head too easy i don't know what all that messing around was and that statue explodes i guess it's only topper left and top is the easiest boss in the game come at me topper you've only got three hats you think you're a challenge okay this might be a bit of a challenge all right here he is we just want to throw cappy at him a few times i might be able to just jump on him like that yeah i can whilst he's spinning around on the ground oh my gosh oh my gosh there's too much going on there's too much going on okay we only need to get one more hit on him oh no just go on the ground topper okay we might be able to just jump in oh no i missed i missed i missed i only have one two hp left two hp [Music] okay never mind i've got three hp because one of his hats dropped hp ah i can't quite jump on him he's only got two hats left now i can jump on him come at me topper i was hard to like aim and be precise with sonic though but there we go we got him we got him finally at last boom hey we unlocked another chaos emerald oh okay there's gonna be a showdown at the very very top if we can climb our way up all right we finally reached the main courtyard okay we've reached the main courtyard which means we can capture these guys and make our way up to the top poke poke poke i love this music the oriental music i want to poke my way up to the top i can poke these guys get rid of them get them out of here what are they doing get rid of these bombs as well i love poking everyone it's funny bruh i poked it i poked the bomb it shouldn't have exploded on me oh i want to fight this man this mad lad up here come at me then too easy he's not a challenger to all that ogre i don't think anyone's ever died to him except for me i died to him in my hundred ways to die video because i had to that was the goal of the video to have a hundred ways to die i'm nearly at a thousand coins as well oh the particle up here is quite difficult i need to oh i can shake the joy-con to get a really high jump which really is really helpful in a war i'm making my way up so fast with his spin jumps oh man oh man oh man i almost got hit by the spikes but i'm almost up at the top i just need to not mess up and then we'll be at the top nice we made it to the top we're nearly at the main fight we're nearly at the big brutal fight or the idea bit of a spoiler but bowser is going to be at the top here bowser's waiting for us hello bowser what are you doing up here oh bowser versus sonic [Music] why does he have like a checkered pattern on his chest i'd never noticed that before but bowser is looking very intimidating there he's got his airship behind him are you just gonna run away you're scaredy cat you're a scaredy cat bowser you're going off to the moon yeah you're scared of me you're scared of sonic surely sonic's faster than that we've just watched him be faster than that he could have dodged that um if i was controlling him and it wasn't just a cutscene i would have definitely got on that ship and avoided that punch what is that whoa the mecha brutal it's very shiny you can't actually see any of the brutals i think it's because it's not meant to be this bright in this kingdom so the super mario bros 3 castle music as well okay i just want to run away just one of those guys spawn yes they do these guys i want to use these guys to poke the bomb back at them he just sniped me i want to get rid of their legs but there's also a speed running technique which you can do once you get rid of their legs and knock them over you can actually stay on the top forever by doing some like epic parkour i'm gonna see if i'm able to oh no i fell wait wait wait wait oh okay i made it back up to the top i made it back up to the top i might be able to get back up to the top as well yes nice i just oh sonic speeds too fast oh my gosh i might have to do this the actual way cringe bruh there we go we've knocked them over again i'm on one hp i need to be very careful [Music] i can just ground pound this one to be fair that will teach you yes it will okay okay okay i might be able to make it back up i made it back up i made it back up i made it back up i just want to chill up here for a bit then do a ground pound there we go we did it like that just like that just like that i want to make it close again it will bonk me away and then come on come on okay i've made it back on top this is too easy this is too easy i'm cheesing the fight there we go he's tied out he's tied out i missed i missed there we go that should be you down i should be able to make my way up now using sonic's mega ground pound cheese it a little bit oh no what okay okay i'm just going to kill that guy i probably should have waited that guy to last he's about to stumble me up and i think it's a one-shot kill if he stumps on me i don't want him to stomp on me come on you legs nearly broken there we go your legs broken i can make my way up i can make my way up and there's only one more left the music has gone very intense come on piece of cake yes it is sonic there we go i think that that's some more dead does it just explode i don't know why would they would leave like weak points on it like that there we go it's just exploded ah that's a very very nice firework show thank you boodles and we get a multimoon and this should allow us to progress to the moon hey sonic we're about to go to the moon and fight bowser at his wedding [Music] we can chase after bowser in the odyssey you can chase him to the moon for his wedding oh and this will be the balloon fully completed i think we have enough moons i don't know if there's a limit on how many moons oh wait do i need one more moon i need one more moon where's like an easy moon i can get maybe down this pipe somewhere maybe that electricity pile on there leads to that secret boom oh i can collect those coins i'm very close to seeing sonic in his undies i need 30 more coins nice one okay we've got enough now but i want to go collect some coins three more coins there might be three coins in this crate there's one okay two more coins oh there's this coin ring here which will easily give me enough coins there we go i've got a thousand coins now i want to get a few more just to be safe in case i die and now we can make it back to the odyssey and go and chase bowser and hopefully we can beat him in our undies there we go we just need this one last chaos i moved [Music] the odyssey is complete oh the balloons turn golden or yellow does that mean we can finally access the moon we're chasing him to the moon the blood moon oh i bet it's gonna be bad if it's called the blood moon is it what on earth what earth has happened to sonic's head he's turned into cursed garfield as well he's turned into garfield mode again no i hate that go in your undies oh we're going off we're going after blasting off we've got some like stars going around the balloon get that off my screen i do not want to see that i do not want to see sonic garfield the blood moon and it's bright red everything's bright everything's here it's bright red including like the cathedral sonic we're getting changed into our undies don't well don't you look dapper no i don't look dapper i look cursed i want to be in my undies wait does my super speed not work my super speed doesn't work on the moon that's cringe is there a shop anywhere bro is there no shop i can't even go to another kingdom it won't let me go to another kingdom okay i guess we should just change into our normal sonic clothes there we are back to normal back to looking dapper i guess once we beat bowser we can change into our undies i guess i can roll like sonic's meant to though here i don't know the quickest way of moving around the moon though because this seems really really slow i guess i can grab this flower and make it to the moon cave over there i just want to do a quick jump yeah that was so easy that was such an easy jump there we go watch out the black hole is really deep in there do i want to go in here oh i guess i have no choice i'm slipping [Music] i've got some more mario 3d world music very nice underground moon caves and i've got my super speed back so i can just capture these dry bones and stuff i've got it oh dry burns looks so cool with that black cap it's really suiting for him i can just fly across all of here i don't think i need these tanks i would like the tank though to get this multi-heart this grand heart there we go we've got a grand heart we're fully healed up we can just jump across here we don't really need to like fly or anything i can capture this guy if it will let me and shoot open this cage there we go capture this cage go up i'm gonna speed run my way through this there's a hammer bros i can avoid these hammer bros so they don't mean anything to me it's very easy to parkour between few hit through here to be honest i thought it'd be a lot harder oh no no no no oh wait wait wait okay i managed to clutch that somehow i don't know how i did i managed to capture this guy well let me get here there we go i've got the wiggly woo okay i just want to make it to the platform i can do a cat dive i'm all right at cat diving and wait cat dive cap throw not cat dive cap not cat come on i can capture this bonsai bill this mega bullet bill and make it through the cave come on i want to burst through these oh no oh no i just crashed i just crashed never mind there's another one there's another one that i can grab here that's coming towards us i guess i need to be a little bit quicker there we go we've got the beggar bonsai build out we can fly we can avoid all of this stuff i definitely have enough coins for undies now i definite that was my main goal oh i saw that platform it should be easy easy easy peasy i don't even need the moai guy to help me i can go along here i'm nearly at the end of this area now this area is i remember it being dead difficult i don't need any of these captures i can just use sonic's super speed and swirl through we can do this all captureless might be a bit more difficult but it's definitely worth it doing it captureless oh no i wanna i guess i have to use this guy but i wanna charge up i wanna make sure i'm in a very straight line and i can pull through all these boulders there we go very nice very nice and then we can go up this electricity pylon and make our way to the madden brutal fight hey sonic vs madden brutal but this time the chain chomp has three hats instead of one which means i have to hit it three more times oh no no no what i didn't mean to run into it i swear i pressed why bruh no i keep on accidentally running into it when i'm trying to throw caviar i can't control my speed is sonic how did i do that how did i do that i i shouldn't have survived that [Music] okay need one more hit i need to be very very careful wait why does it have so many caps nah nah nah nah i need to be very very careful now this is like the most careful i'll ever be come on come on oh no okay okay i've got her she's gone she's gone bright red i just need to get one hit off on her easy i think now we can go fight bowser after this she's gonna blow up and turn into a ball of smoke idiot with your stupid blue hair imagine having blue hair that's not even natural as sonic i hate everyone blue hat but now we can exit it and go back on to the top of the moon hey there might be a checkpoint up here to hear me and there's a ton of coins to buy my undies with there we go nice one the ever after hill bro i hate being so slow now hurry yes i want to hurry i want to do my sonic roll quick quick and make my way up the hill oh nearly there nearly there oh the wedding who it's got some nice mario galaxy music i need to push down this mega door i need to do a few hits on it here's sonic sonic's here to crash the wedding [Music] i'm here to save you peach for some reason i don't know why i am and cap is here to get a system but bowser's behind you don't you see the bouncers behind you your hand oh my gosh you're probably standing on a trapdoor or something i would move it without you if i had any common sense yeah you're standing on a trap door you big idiot why would you stand there how strong is how strong is cappy cappy is not strong enough to carry sonic sonic's very heavy sonic sonic's very very dense oh you've got princess peach in a cage so my bowser you're going down i can easily beat you because i still have my super speed when i'm running at you oh no okay there we go we can just punch him punch and punch him this fight is normal easier than normal that will teach you true now i'm just going to run away my camera's not even keeping up with me because it fell off there i just want to jump over his fire there we are throw your cap at me then there we are we've got a cat we've got the cap on we've got the fighting cap on come on bowser oh no i got hit by the fire but it didn't even burn me it didn't even burn me here we are i want to jump over his tail i always forget to jump over his tail and i always oh i almost forgot that i almost forgot to jump twice and failed there nice thank you cappy he's gonna shoot fire at me again in it oh how did i not get hit there oh my gosh [Music] he's got a ton of hats now i want to make sure to hit the white one the real white one oh okay at least it dropped a heart at least i'm not on one hp come on throw your caps at me again i need to hit the right couch no no no no no no oh okay i hit his hat i hit his hat i just need to be very very careful not to get hit by the fire because i'm on one hp this is so intense my heart's beating really really fast now okay i'm i'm winning i guess i'm punching him i need to jump and then i think jump again oh he died to his tail i could probably just run away from this flame actually yeah i'm so bad throughout that the point where i can just run away from this plane instead of jumping over it that's pretty cool okay but i've got two hp left and i'm on the final phase [Music] i need to be very careful and i need to hit this cap yes i hit his cap i'm back on free hp come on collect his cap don't get hit by the fire and don't get hit by his tail i need to be very very careful to jump jump at the right time it's not that hard i just always mess up the timing he's gonna do one more and then he's gonna fall on his butt he's probably gonna do like three more that no i always get hit by that it's literally just jumping at the right time like a two-year-old could do it a two-year-old could do it there we go bowser yeah he just got undressed by the rock the rock just removed all his clothes but there we are my heart's going so fast i can't believe i've done this and after this we'll be able to see what sonic looks like in undies that's the whole point of this we need to find out what sonic looks like in undies peach is free oh okay the moon's falling apart wait why is sonic's face gone so dark i don't think it's meant to look like that he's sleepy he's sleepy peach okay they're falling down all of them are falling down imagine if the game just ended there it fades to black and the game just ends oh but i'm waking up i'm waking up as sonic down here i'm still super fast oh are those two all right what are we gonna do maybe if i capture bowser sonic is turning into bowser this is probably the coolest part out of any game i've ever seen oh sonic is now bowser and now we have to break our way out this feels like godzilla almost i feel like godzilla or like king kong or something with peach on my shoulder i just want to break all these walls out break my way through i guess you'd never get stressed doing this you'd always be able to just punch them in and release all that stress probably be quite fun i'd actually quite like to be bowser it was battles in real life i reckon i'd have a very very good time oh i got hit by that rock i need to be careful not to get hit by any of it oh i want gonna grab that heart there we go i grabbed the heart that was probably a risky move of me very risky very risky but i want to break all these rocks i want to avoid all the falling rocks i want to break this final big rock i want to make sure i don't get hit by any of the falling rocks like that oh this might be quite difficult i don't have sonic super speed along here which is kind of a pain but i think i just want to go into this 2d pipe here oh 2d bowser i broke the i throw the pipe should i do xd skip i'm going to try do xd skip once the music stopped this is awkward the music's just stopped i swear there's hammer bros there normally this is quite peaceful though without the music where's xd skip oh here it is xd hey i did xd skip that's my first time doing xd skip i think that's xd skip i think i did it right let me know in the comments if i do it did xd skip right because xd skips a skip that saves zero time but it's funny to do it's very funny there we go on a breakthrough all these walls all these walls and we're leading into the final room and then after this we'll be able to see sonic and his own knees oh okay i want to break through this giant moon rock these are the moon rocks that we've been seeing all across the game so far oh that's earth hey i love this music oh okay wait what can i do to breathe fire oh okay i can shake my controller to breathe fire at these rocks there we go we want to break through these blocks to destroy the giant moon rock over there there we go one more time oh wait we've got two more left we've got two more left to destroy this is really fun this is like probably one of the funnest parts of the game [Music] let's do i wish there was more bowser segments in mariota c2 there better be more bowser segments oh okay we've only got this last one but everything's falling away i want to be very careful oh okay it's all falling apart get quick to the middle come on breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough oh i've nearly broken up open the brock oh no i'm only on free hp i better not get hit three more times can i jump on the pylon yes i can and that's the game wait never mind i want to let me go what am i doing wrong oh there we go i just needed to hold forwards to build up the power to escape i thought i was trapped for some reason i thought that sonic couldn't escape the moon or something here we are we're back on the blood moon but for some reason it's not covered in blood yeah sonic landed on his head what's sonic gonna do to peach is he not gonna get a kiss he's gonna go in for a kiss and get rejected but this is embarrassing for both of them sonic and bowser both got rejected wait is she going to leave us on the moon she's going to strand us on the moon and after all of that he's helping he's like he's comforting bowser why would he be comforting bowser where are they leaving them on the moon oh my gosh peach is so mean to leave sonic we came all this way to save you and you're leaving us here [Music] hey you can now travel i don't care about the mushroom kingdom i want to go at the undies right i guess we're in bowser's kingdom now that's cool bowser's kingdom big lava moat big like fiery castle peaches castle so peaceful just like our trip to the moon kingdom all right i reckon i can buy undies from the shop over there i'm so excited for what undies sonic's gonna look like i've been waiting for this the whole game this is what i've been looking forward to i wasn't looking forward to actually beating the game i was looking forward to seeing sonic and undies it better be worth the hype where's his undies there they are is this what you wanted definitely hundred percent let me change into them now come on let's see what he looks like let's see what he looks like i'm this is the best part of the game is that what you look like underneath your clothes nah this is too cursed i want to get out of here anyway i hope you enjoyed this video if you did you might also enjoy mario odyssey but there's minecraft mobs click on screen to watch it now and you're actually a legend for watching to the end comment cheese comment cheese so i know that you're actually a legend it actually means the world to me thank you so so much mario odyssey has been one of my favorite games for a while now i'm so glad i get to play it for you guys anyway i hope you enjoyed this video bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 2,651,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic, mario, sonic odyssey, super mario odyssey, super mario, bowser, super sonic, sonic movie, sonic 2, sonic movie 2, mario odyssey, manx ninja pig, Super Mario Odyssey (The Lost Kingdoms), lost kingdoms, full game, ending credits, final boss, all bosses, mario ost, mario series, mario odyssey walkthrough, super sonic odyssey, nintendo switch, super sonic odyssey switch, super sonic odyssey complete walkthrough, super mario odyssey sonic, switch, switch games, morio, yoshi
Id: TlvhyVdhs7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 33sec (6153 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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