Ranking All 836 Moons In Super Mario Odyssey

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well this is it [Music] super mario odyssey is my favorite game ever made i've replayed this thing to death in the nearly 5 years it's been out the controls are the best out of any game i've ever played and it makes traversing through the game several kingdoms to collect all of their moons a ton of fun speaking of those moons there are a lot of them 836 to be exact across the game's 17 kingdoms with so many different ways to get moons though there are bound to be some that are better than others so today to celebrate hitting 100 000 subscribers we're going to be ranking all 836 moons from the worst to the best these will be judged by uniqueness challenge creativity charm how well-hidden they are but most importantly how fun they are to collect some moons may even be judged by how many more unique or more challenging ways there are to collect it even if unintentional these methods are in the game and that's all i care about one other important thing to keep in mind is to not take these rankings too seriously for one this is of course just my opinion but secondly there were several times while outlining the list where i would look at a moon think oh this is one of my favorites and then end up placing it at number 386. i love nearly all the moons in this game so expect this video to contain a lot of positive comments i won't be spending too much time on each moon individually there are 836 of them after all and if i want this video to be doable i can't spend a minute on each of them for each moon i'll have a graphic on screen to indicate what type of moon it is yellow or standard moons purple or story moons orange or sub-area moons green or mini-game moons red or moon spawn from the moon rock and blue are moons spawn from the moon rock that are also in sub-areas this will just be interesting to see the general trend of which type of moons i liked best finally before we begin if i make any mistakes in this video i will pin a comment listing it and correcting it so if you notice anything check that before commenting but anyways if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel but at long last let's jump right into ranking all 836 moons in super mario odyssey now to answer a question i'm sure it's almost as interesting as what the best moon in the game is what's the worst moon in the game there are a few candidates in fact i have 16 moons here that i've dubbed the forbidden 16 that i consider to be mario odyssey's only bad moons sure there are some mediocre ones later but this is the set i feel don't generate any sort of fun for me but for the moon that i think is the absolute worst in the game we have 836 a treasure made from coins this is found in the deep woods of wooded kingdom and to complete it you need to use the coin copper capture in order to grow this plant now conceptually this isn't bad they do a good job of hinting at how to complete this moon by having coins next to the plant in the water so how do they mess this up well they made this moon require you to spit out 500 coins you can only spit them out one at a time this takes so incredibly long and there is absolutely no reason for it to do so you understand the point of the moon the second you toss the first coin on there had this required say 10 coins this would have been pretty solid especially considering this is the only moon like this in the game i genuinely do not know what nintendo was thinking with this moon it is laughably bad but alright let's try and move past this guy 835 found on the moon good dog i'm personally not a fan of the dog moons trust me i love dogs and i even love the dog in odyssey when he's not searching for a moon but when he is it's super painful the one in moon kingdom though is the only one to make this bottom 16. you basically have to run around until the dog smells something in the ground sadly though the dog can also smell coins which means you basically have to guess and check the entire area until he eventually stumbles upon the moon this is especially bad here because you have so much space to run around and the moon kingdom's unique gravity makes us feel even slower i personally am never able to remember where this moon is actually located so this is always an incredibly low point in any of my playthroughs a34 beach volleyball hero of the beach our first mini game moon is found in the seaside kingdom and i'm sure a lot of you would put this as your least favorite you have to hit the cheap cheap ball 100 times to get this the problem it takes so long to get to that point because the starting 20 or so take a decade to hit back and forth this moon is also on the more difficult side so you're likely to fail it at least once it's just genuinely not fun to hit the ball back and forth slowly and then fail it once it finally gets going 8 33 past the peculiar pipes hey have you ever played one of those awesome levels in mario maker where you have to pick the correct pipe or else you fail the level well now you can do that in an official mario game now picking the wrong pipe here doesn't lead to death but you still have to restart the whole thing if you fail this is just a big guess and check mission with no challenge outside of that apparently mario does look at the right pipe you're supposed to enter but nobody's gonna know that in their first playthrough man deepwoods you really gotta start picking up the slack here 832 the forgotten treasure this has cappy and mario try to search for an old moon cappy hit in the cap kingdom the problem here is that you have to go to where cappy asks you to each time and this takes forever even if you know where the moon is supposed to be you have to run to each of cappy's locations first before it's unlocked this one is just super tedious speaking of tedious moons numbers 831-824 are all seed moons these require mario to find a seed and bring it back to its pot so that it'll grow into a moon conceptually this isn't bad and there are a lot of seed moons that i do really like however this set of them is really bad when mario is carrying a seed his movement is limited which again for some seed moons is used well but these don't do anything with it all they do is place the seed far away from the pot and you have to slowly make your way over to it you can't even roll when you hold a seed so these are pretty painful these are going to be separated roughly by how far they are from the pot 831 desert gardening seat on the cliff 830 desert gardening ruin seed 829 sea gardening ocean trench seed 828 sea gardening hot spring seed 827 gardening for toad lake seed 826 sea gardening canyon seed 825 gardening for toad pasture seed and finally 824 gardening for toad field seed 823 rolling rock on the battlefield this is easily the worst rolling rock moon normally you have to throw these things a few times in order to break it and get a moon for whatever reason though the ruined kingdom rock hates society and decided to make itself require 50 throws to break that is absurd almost on the level of a treasure made from coins considering it takes longer to throw the rock than spit out a coin however what sets those two moons apart is that this moon does thankfully have a faster method if you run into another rock while holding one the one in your hands will instantly shatter meaning you could just do that to get this moon still though the fast stretch is not enough to save this from being in the forbidden 16. it puts it above the other moons he talked about so far but not much else 8 22 a rumble under the arena floor okay honestly this one might not be that bad but i just kind of think it's stupid basically you just have to ground pound this random spot in the boss fight arena unlike the other rumble moons there's nothing really here to attract mario over to the spot like take top of the dune for example it's a big hill so of course you're going to try to climb it here this is just a random spot in the arena once you know about this moon it's not too bad but i think dumb puzzles like this deserve to be punished and for our final moon of the forbidden 16 is a21 jump rope genius this suffers a lot from the same problems the volleyball moon did however jumping in place isn't as tedious and it also goes a bit faster this does have a unique problem though as once the jump rope reaches maximum speed it almost feels like complete luck if you're going to get the moon or not it feels impossible to time your jumps correctly actually you're supposed to jump when the lady says hang oh shut up you did not jump when she said hey there's no way to react to that the only reason this is higher than the rest of the moons you talked about so far is because i like this conceptually the best but otherwise it's not great but with those moons out of the way let's take a look at our biggest portion of moons numbers 820 through 760 all belong to one man woman toad they're they're the toadette moons i made a video about these things but in short the fact that you have to collect them each individually is very obnoxious on top of that the challenges aren't hard at all and most of them are going to be stuff you're already going to be doing on your way to 100 for that reason for me there's no difference in quality between these with the exception of five of them so for the rest just imagine they're sort of tied in between numbers 820 and 765 because it'd be a waste of time to name them all the five that stick out for me are 764 swimming in coins 763 rolling in coins 762 loaded with coins 761 fly cappy fly and 760 jump jump jump these each provide counters for coins cappy throws and jumps and are also pretty much the only toadette moods you might not finish after completing every other moon the counters are nice to have for jumpless or coinless challenges but at that point we're ranking these based on how fun they are to not collect regardless i appreciate the counters enough to give these a tiny boost but anyway let's get back to some more unique choices 759 jumping high as a frog moving around with the frog especially in the moon's low gravity is quite tedious 758 love at the edge of the desert easily the worst goomba love moon once again you have to move a capture in this case a goomba a long distance from its spawn point this is better than the last one though because there's no low gravity to deal with in the sand kingdom this next set of six all follow a similar concept that being to capture these binoculars and look up at the sky for 5 seconds and then 50 000 miles away you will see a taxi that's where the moon is what yeah these moons are just dumb not tedious but it might take you a while to figure these out i know for me personally these were some of the last moons i needed to get 100 on my first playthrough sure i guess you could argue that these are well hidden but i just think they're kind of stupid so as for the specific placings 757 taxi flying through bonneton 756 taxi flying through lake la mode 755 taxi flying through forgotten isle 754 sphinx over bowser's castle 753 sphinx traveling to the waterfall and 752 sphinx in the city i put the sphinx very entire because i think they're a little funnier our next set of three here are once again somewhat similar these each belong to some of the birds that can fly around the kingdom these three are lower than some of the others as there aren't really any fun ways to catch these and they fly over a massive stretch of land so if you miss it you might have to wait a long time for a second chance my least favorite is 751 bird traveling the forest as missing this one will have you wait a long time before you get a second chance rolling down on it from a high height can be kind of fun though so i'll give it that 750 bird traveling the desert this one generally flies somewhat low to the ground so you can't catch it much more easily however that also removes the one fun thing i liked about the bird in the wooded kingdom 749 bird traveling in the city this is the same as wooded but i feel like it's much harder to miss this one and it's also much more fun to jump off new donk city hall our next set of six are all taurus moons all you have to do is talk to this guy get the moon and follow them to the next kingdom these aren't challenging or really that fun at all so i can only judge them based on their charm and this is kind of a cute concept but it's still sort of tedious to fly between the different kingdoms so my ranking for them goes 748 round the world tourist since this is the last one you get 747 a tourist in the mushroom kingdom 746 a tourist and luncheon kingdom 745 a tourist in the cascade kingdom 744 a tourist in the metro kingdom and the best one is 743 a tourist in the moon kingdom because i think it's kind of funny how they used a taxi to get to the moon time to knock out three more dog moons we already talked about why i don't like these types of moons earlier this set is better though because there's much less space and it's in normal gravity my ranking for these are 742 found at peach's castle good dog 741 found in the sand good dog and 740 found on the beach good dog 739 above the freezing pond this is just such a nothing moon it's very obvious where it is and it's easy to collect and it's a moon rock moon which means the game will literally point you directly to it 738 on top of the rubble basically the same thing as the last one but it's not from a moon rock so it'll take like a tenth of a brain cell more to find 737 treasure trap hidden in the inlet this is another sort of guess and check moon however this time if you fail they directly tell you the order plus the chests are found in an interesting spot and there's some actual danger here with the mummies plus if you squint really hard you might be able to claim this as a reference to the chest star and jolly roger bay from mario 64. still though i'd prefer not having to guess in check onto a few more seed moons we have two that place the seed directly next to the pot since you don't have to travel a long distance these are obviously better than the ones we mentioned before however they're still not great since they're just really easy those moons are 736 gardening for toad garden seed and 735 city gardening plaza planter 734 a strong simmer just like the last two this places the item in this case the lava bubble directly next to where you need to place it in this big pot the other moon in this sub-area is much better since you actually need to go through it so this moon took a hit 733 under the ground for this one you need to take a dyno and remove some rubble that's directly next to it this is similar to the last few moons however this one does take a little bit more thought so i gave it the edge 732 luncheon kingdom timer challenge 1. maybe if wall jumping was as difficult as it was in mario 64 this would be a challenge but since wall jumping is you know actually good in this game this moon is super easy 731 taking notes snowpath dash once again a fairly easy one the running downhill is somewhat fun 7 30 found in the park good dog this is one of the better dog moons since the area is significantly smaller this is probably the only one i actually have a little fun doing but with that said now it's time to look at one of our largest selection of moons the basic npc moons these pretty much just require you talk to someone and you get a moon for it now i do think that where the npc is located is very important as finding them should be part of the challenge as well for numbers 729 through 709 here they're all in pretty obvious spots though the order here is determined by how difficult i think it is to find them there will obviously be more npc moons later these are just the more basic ones oh and fair warning most of these are peach moons 729 peach in the cloud kingdom 728 peach in the ruined kingdom 727 drummer on board which also happens to be the first story moon on this list 726 guitarist on board 725 peach in the cap kingdom 724 forever onward captain toad 723 peach in the luncheon kingdom 722 peach in the snow kingdom 721 peach in the moon kingdom 720 peach in bowser's kingdom 719 peach in the late kingdom 718 peach in the cascade kingdom 717 peach in the seaside kingdom 7 16 peach in the metro kingdom 7 15 good evening captain toad 7 14 peach in the lost kingdom 713 peach in the wood kingdom 712 peach in the sand kingdom 7-eleven thanks captain toad 7-10 princess peach home again and finally 709 bases on board phew that sure was a lot hopefully we don't have any more wacky large set of moons for a bit well now it's time to look at the shot moons these are better than the npc moons as instead of just talking you also need to pay 100 coins sadly that's not enough of a difference to place these moons much higher this next set are all ranked based on which stores i like the best aesthetically because there's really no other way to rank these 708 shopping in fossil falls 707 shopping on forgotten isle 706 shopping at honeyloon ridge 705 shopping near peach's castle 704 shopping at bowser's castle 703 shopping in bonneton 702 shopping in steam gardens 701 shopping in lakeland mode 700 shopping at mount volbono 6.99 shopping in cheveria 698 shopping in toast arena 697 shopping in new donk city and finally 696 shopping in buble and since being on dory's back is really creative these next six sort of combine the last two categories where you need to talk to an npc but you also need to buy and wear a costume this section of moons includes 695 caveman cave fan 694 space is in right now 693 that trendy pirate look 692 that old west style 691 mechanic repairs complete and 690 exploring for treasure there are a few more like this later on but they have a bit more charm behind them so they're placed later in the list now it's time for npc moons but the npc is a sphynx and you have to answer a question 689 the sphinx underwater bolt in 688 sphinx hidden vault another set of question npc moons however this time you have to give the jim and toad here a good song to listen to [Music] i like these more than the sphynx because figuring out what song fits the theme is more fun for me these moons are 687 jamming in the mushroom kingdom 686 jamming in the metro kingdom 685 jamming in the luncheon kingdom 684 jamming in the sand kingdom in 683 jamming in the wooded kingdom our final set of npc moons for now are the hat and seek moons where you have to find a person with a hat possessed by one of the bonneton citizens these vary in quality quite a bit so we only have three of them for now those being 682 hat and seek among the food 681 hat and seek in the sand and 680 hat and seek mushroom kingdom with that we are finally done with those npc ones so now we can go back to some more specific moons 679 bird traveling the fog while this can be somewhat annoying like the bird moons you mentioned earlier cap kingdom at least has the paragoomba capture to make chasing the bird down a little bit more bearable and even somewhat fun 678 rolling rock on the moon the low gravity can make this someone annoying to throw but again there's always the shortcut 677 secret path to fossil falls moving the typhoo over to this wooden block is somewhat slow but i did boost this up for having a really neat way of collecting it without using the painting if you didn't know in order to beat the cascade kingdom without any captures mario has to perform a glitch which basically lets you teleport cappy to the checkpoint on this floating island it's always super interesting to watch that's what saved us from being lower 676 grow a flower garden all you have to do is spin throw cappy and you get it but i've always liked this type of moon 675 desert gardening plaza seed this is exactly like the seed growing moons i mentioned before where the seed is directly next to the pot so why is this one so much higher well for one this is the tutorial seed moon whereas the others are just like that for no reason secondly this has a really funny speedrun strap behind it if you've never seen a run of the game before basically odyssey speedrunners will set their switch's time to be just before daylight savings time before any run so that way when they plant the seed the time will switch over causing it to instantly grow instead of requiring the player to wait this is possible for the others as well but this is the most practical one which gives it the edge 674 taking notes around the well one of the easier note moons sure but the mix of the 2d and normal gameplay is nice 673 secret path to mount volbono the painting is in a really obvious spot ok so the way paintings work is that they change where they are depending on what kingdoms you choose to go to first in this case my gameplay footage did not line up with my script so i apologize for that just think of this segment as having the luncheon kingdom painting in late kingdom but i like how this gives you a preview of the kingdom and with a very perfectly timed jump you can even get to luncheon early uh oh time for another set of moons this time with the rabbits not the brutals i'm talking about these small ones that'll give you a moon when you catch them they're all fairly equal difficulty wise with one exception we'll mention later so they're mostly back to back here these moons are 672 caught hopping at the waterfall 671 caught hopping near the ship 670 caught hopping at glass palace 669 caught hopping in the snow 668 caught hopping in the forest 667 caught hopping at bowser's castle spooky number caught hopping at peach's castle 665 caught hopping on the moon 664 caught hopping in the jungle 663 caught hopping at the volcano and 662 caught hopping in the desert while we're on the topic of sets of moons let's get the rest of the rolling rock moons out of the way 661 rolling rock by the falls 660 rolling rock in the deep woods and 659 rolling rock in the woods oh there's actually less than i expected anyways these are higher up because they don't take absurdly long and they're in normal gravity i like the one in wooded best since the bushes make it clear which rock is the special one which is a nice touch our next set of moons is different from the previous set the moons contained here are all different so we'll go more in depth on each of them however they all share the same flaw the fact that they're from the moon rock when you hit the moon rock it tells you the exact location of the moons it's released i think that makes sense to do however that does hurt these moons since their only real challenge would have been to find them in the first place had these just been default moons there's a good chance they would have all been higher up at 6 58 we have the icy jump challenge this is super difficult guys i don't know if mario will make it guys wow i can't believe he did it guys make sure to leave a like on this video guys for more epic challenges guys 6 57 underwater highway east explore 656 underwater highway west explore in 655 ice flow swimming these are all underwater which makes them worse than the next ones 654 from crates in the moat 653 bottom of the waterfall basin 652 at the base of the lighthouse in 651 deep in the cold cold water these are also underwater but you have to hit something which makes them require slightly more effort 650 mighty leap from the palm tree jumping off a tree is more fun than swimming 6 49 above the parasol catch this is similar to the last moon but the bouncy parasol makes this more fun 648 digging in the cloud ground pounding the exact spot is somewhat tricky to do just right but it's not like super hard frame perfect or whatever 647 next to glasses bridge in 646 jump down to the top of a tree for both of these you need to jump down from the mainland in order to reach it making these a bit more exciting 6 45 from inside a bright stone same reasoning as the last two but this requires a ground pound so it's a bit better 644 from a crack in the hard ground this is placed in a slightly more interesting spot than the last few on top of requiring a ground pound 643 an invisible gleam i like that this gives a bit more purpose to the invisible pathway segment of the level and the glow being invisible as well is pretty unique 642 island in the poison swamp i like where this one is placed and getting to it without the jaxy can be a fun challenge 641 shining on high well the normal method of using a typhoon to collect this is kind of slow i really like how it's possible to do captureless and the jump isn't too easy either 640 into the flowing sands jumping up from the bottom to collect this one can be fairly fun especially since the slope will cause mario to slide down it once he hits it 639 and the sky's above the canyon the way its place just hovering makes it a fairly fun one to jump for doing it without using the platform is pretty fun as well 6 38 third courtyard outskirts and 637 crossing lines both of these require you to use spark pylons while that's not too difficult it does make the moon markers slightly less helpful when searching for where these are 636 the tall rock shelf in the deep ocean and 635 a light next to the lighthouse requiring mario to throw cappy is a bit more of a difficult puzzle than just ground pounding 634 fog shrouded platform i really love how the fog conceals this moon making it a little bit more risky to go for as you aren't really sure if there's a platform there to catch you plus hiding it in the ground makes this platform remain fairly well hidden 633 behind the floodgate i just like how this looks like the moon is imprisoned behind the wall 632 high flying leaf jumping to this one is kind of fun especially without the flower and finally for this moon rock section we have 631 danger sign this would have been a really solid moon as the place where the danger sign is is fairly obscure however with the location given to you it isn't quite as good 6 30 sunken treasure in the moat this is in a pretty easy to find spots though it would still decently hit him 6 29 taking notes dive diamond swim the timer here is far too generous you could probably watch through an entire anime game segment from a nintendo direct and still have enough time to complete it yep it's still going still going 6 28 snow kingdom timer challenge 1. the time we hear is also way too generous but the ice platforms are a bit more creative 627 on the lakeshore while it is in a very obvious spot it's always nice to start the kingdom off with spin pounding on this moon 626 atop a propeller pillar and 625 a propeller pillar secret i always found it kind of funny how close these two moons are to each other and it makes collecting them one after another pretty fun 624 cheap cheap crossing i think it's kind of cute how it's like the cheap sheeps are guarding the moon here sadly they suck at their jaw but hey they're trying 6 23 the treasure chest and the veggies this is hidden in a decent spot but whenever i enter the room i always feel like there's going to be more to it than there is 622 thanks for the charge i just like where this one is placed 621 sphinx's treasure vault realistically this should have been placed with the other sphinx moons but i just love the design of this place the gold mixed with the hundreds of coins makes this a very standout moon for me 620 secret path to steam gardens this is hidden fairly well though it's not too hard to spot if you don't go blind whenever you enter metro kingdom now it's time for another small set of four this time the moons are based on bringing a capture over to an npc so 619 i'm at an uproot 618 i'm metallic cheap cheap 617 i'm at a snow cheap cheap which i like better than the last one because flopping uphill is kind of funny and 616 lighthouse leaper since it's the most unique requiring you to glide over to the mpc 615 bird traveling in the park for the same reason as the dog moon we mentioned before in the same area this is better than most of the moons of its type since it centralized around a smaller place 614 lake kingdom timer challenge 1 slightly more stretched timer though also slightly less creative than the previous view 613 seaside kingdom timer challenge 3. similar to the last moon where you have to jump into water though this time you get to do it from a much higher height making this one more fun 612 bowser's kingdom timer challenge 2. this one requires that you have to jump down from an even higher height and you also don't have to traverse through water 6 11 snow kingdom timer challenge 3. using the purple cheap cheap does make this somewhat fun though the timer is still pretty generous less than the last few but still 610 found with snow kingdom art this is our first hint art moon and while they're pretty controversial i like them quite a bit that is when they're done right here it's a bit too obvious which kingdom and where the moon is found this type of moon is best when it requires you to use some thinking 609 taking notes in the fog this is another pretty simple one but it's nice to get to use some paraguays 608 tie up on a rock wall i like you you have to use the brakes to get up to this one plus since it's high up the moon rock tracker doesn't really give its location away too much 607 what the waves left behind this one is a fairly difficult one to stumble upon especially since there's no glow for it only controller rumble 606 what's in the box and 605 is this an ingredient too both of these hide their moons and crates which works pretty well i like the second one better because of how shocked the person naming the moon was 604 seaside kingdom timer challenge 2. while the timer is a bit too generous i like how this restricts you from using a cheap cheap and requires you to avoid them so you don't take damage i would prefer if there were a few more enemies here though 603 the back canyon excavate this is slightly more interesting than some of the other ground pound moons as not only is the location pretty good but the moon snake makes ground pounding on it slightly more dangerous 602 above the poison swamp using a slingshot to get on the roof here is pretty fun and i like how the moon does take a bit of thinking 601 it popped out of the ice well yes this is shown by the moon rock tracker actually jumping up to the top of the ice is pretty fun so i boosted it up a bit 600 on the mountain road while not the most exciting moon by itself i do really like how this flows after doing kleptoskip 5.99 from the side above the castle gate i just really like where this one is hidden no strong reasoning for this placement 598's below the cliff's edge this is hidden in a pretty good spot 597 behind the big wall once again just another one that's placed in a really solid location 596 high high above the clouds despite being a moon rock moon the tracker here is honestly pretty misleading i know on my first playthrough it took me a ton of time to find this one the trekker says it's over the land and while that is technically true it's just super high up in the sky so you need to find a secondary platform off to the side from there it requires you to make some somewhat fun jumps across some clouds 595 rooftop of the water plaza and 594 upon the broken arch both of these are conceptually pretty similar and jumping up to the broken pillars is fun in both cases i do like roan kingdom's aesthetic a bit more though 593 cave gardening i like where this one is hidden and growing the flowers is a bit of fun too 592 taking notes between spineys the spines do add a bit of challenge not a lot but it is appreciated 591 taking notes swimming in magma this is another pretty simple one though i do enjoy using the lava bubble 590 golden turnip recipe one while some of you may think this belongs near the seed moons that have the seeds next to their pot i like this one more for a few reasons for one you do actually have to find the turnip by plucking it from the ground secondly it's not immediately clear that the turnips need to be thrown into the pot for the moon while this is certainly still pretty simple it's a small and rewarding puzzle 589 cap kingdom timer challenge 1. i don't know i just like rolling up hills plus doing this jumpless is a lot of fun as you have to stay on the railing and use a paraguma to collect the moon next up we have the three slots moons these aren't too hard but they're nice little distractions oh and also the music used here is the same one from some of the mini games in mario 64 ds my thousands of hours of playing wanted just suddenly started to rush i found you wait let me go anyways my ranking for these goes 588 sand kingdom slots 587 metro kingdom slots and 586 luncheon kingdom slots 585 small bird in bowser's castle and 584 a butterfly's treasure sneaking up on the bird and butterfly is pretty fun plus i like how it's easy to reset it by just moving the camera if you mess up i like the one lost more since it doesn't come from the moon rock 583 ocean quiz good 582 moon quiz amazing and 581 san quiz wonderful all three of these have you returned to the sphinx from before and answer a bunch of random questions these are fun little distractions and the questions are pretty solid as well 580 frog jumping for the top deck and 579 frog jumping above the fog both of these require that you take a frog and jump to a moon personally i would have liked it if you could do it without the frogs but these are still pretty solid regardless also for some reason when you jump up to collect these moons you can sometimes go straight through them no clue why they're like that 578 shining above the moon this one is pretty fun to jump up to using the moon's gravity though it loses points for not really being hidden at all 577 treasure under the cliff jumping up to the moon is pretty fun and since this is under the top of the cliff the moon rock tracker doesn't really give its location away 576 hidden on the side of a cliff okay this one is kind of dumb it should really be placed lower but i find it kind of funny how you have to slowly descend to get this moon 575 top of a dune this is a really good spot for a moon since going to the top of a tall hill is something most players would try to do the only problem i have with this is that the hitbox for this is stupidly tiny i have no clue why it's so small since i feel like most people get the idea of the moon if they're ground pounding near the top at all at least it's in the very center of the hill so you can use that to visually help you if the rumble isn't helpful 574 on the north pillar i like how you have to use your brain a bit here to use the wire and uncapture it to drop down on the moon i do wish that it wasn't tracked with the moon rock tracker but it's still solid regardless 573 celebrating in the streets 572 the sixth face 571 behind the waterfall and 570 slipped behind the ice these are all moons found by discovering hidden blocks in 2d sections personally hidden blocks give me traumatic mario maker flashbacks so i really wish the secrets were hidden in slightly more interesting ways 569 treasuring the spiky waterway collecting this moon normally is fairly fun though this has the added benefits of having this really neat clip used to get it during speed runs 568 the cheverian treasure chest i like bouncing off the carts here to get the moon it's not too hard but it's a fun jump regardless 567 treasure of the waterfall basin no really neat tricks for this one i just really like where it's hidden 566 sneaking around the crater i like the moons where we have to catch these guys crawling underground though the moon's low gravity does make this the worst variation of this trope 565 end of the hidden passage this is another liking the moon that looks like it's been in prison for its crimes i like this one more though because jumping up to the zipper is more fun and it's not tracked by the moon rock and this path of coins is a neat little touch 564 mysterious flying object this is another one where you have to sneak up on a bird but the bird here is based on a ufo and i just think that's really neat 563 i feel undressed this is another costume room though i think it's neat that you can use both the swimsuit and the boxer shorts here 562 surprise clown for this one you have to dress up like a xenoblade fan to cheer up a random citizen in new donk city i just find the way he's so entertained by mario simply dressing up like a clown to be really funny 561 doctor in the house this one is up here because i'm really happy that there's finally a dr mario reference in a mainline mario game also can i just comment how wacky it is that dr mario has never been in a mario kart game up until relatively recently in a mario kart tour update like tanooki mario got in first you know what actually no i love tanooki mario sorry for insulting you 560 battle and bub lane rematch this is our first boss fight of the video and is also our first boss rematch as well i find this to be a significant downgrade from mollusculus boss fight in seaside the main change here is that there isn't any ground but they also made it to where it's always raining making the gushing never lose water that makes this fight stupidly easy and also way less interesting i think it would have been neater if it wasn't raining and the center of the arena was open space but the outskirts all had water forcing mario to carefully use the gushing's water anything would have been better than this anyway 559 beach volleyball champ in 558 jump rope hero these are both the first moons of the forbidden mini games from earlier these are actually pretty fun to get since the amount of either hits on the ball or jumps is much more reasonable 557 vaulting up a high rise this is placed in a somewhat decent spot though i do wish it was a little bit quicker 556 herding sheep at peach's castle i was very conflicted as to where to put this one on the one hand it's fun to hunt for and bring back the sheep but on the other hand it can be really slow i decided to put it here but i could honestly see myself liking it more or less in the future oh and also there's this weird thing you can do where you can like store your ground pound knockback by grabbing a ledge like look at this 555 secret path to new donk city the painting is in a pretty solid spot and i like how this can be used to reach new donk city early using the cappy teleportation glitch i mentioned before 554 secret path to lake la mode i also like where this painting is placed however this one gets the edge as it's actually possible to jump over to this moon without using a painting it's fairly difficult but it's pretty fun as well 553 secret path to shiveria this is here for very similar reasons of the late kingdom painting moon it's located in a decent spot but also has a really neat jump within the kingdom you could do instead i like snow dram better so it got the edge 552 across the floating isles this one is simple but i like trying to get it using as little platforms as possible 551 above a cliff jumping up to this one quickly without using the chain chomp could be fun 550 cliffside treasure chest using the rocket flowers is really satisfying on the moon as it feels extra fast due to how slow the moon kingdom normally feels with its unique gravity 549 inside the busted fossil i like how the fossils placed just far enough away to where it can be somewhat tricky to actually hit it with the chain jump 548 cascade kingdom tyra challenge one while mostly pretty simple this axe is a good introduction to the timer challenges plus the time limit here while still generous isn't nearly as bad as some of the earlier choices 547 from the broken pillar on its own this is a pretty basic moon just hit the pillar with the cheap jeep however for whatever reason this moon has a unique property where you can move the camera during the collect animation i have no idea why this moon is like this there are a few others as well but this is just the one i know 546 the shining fruit there's not really any challenge to this moon and the moon rock tracker completely gives it away but i think the moon representing a fruit on the tree is a really cute idea so i couldn't bring myself to move it lower 545 lost in the luggage simple but a solid place to hide a ground pound moon 544 deep woods treasure trap while i do really like where the pipe is placed in the tree i'm not a fan of the guess and check chests luckily this is a small one so it's mostly fine 543 hat and seek in the snow for some reason i always struggle to remember where this guy is hidden the big space makes this a pretty solid challenge 542 hat and seek in the city the big space once again is good for this challenge but i also feel like this being on a hat instead of a hood makes slightly more sense or maybe i'm just salty about the snow one who knows 541 like the lantern on the small island while the lava bubble is placed fairly close to the torch this still takes a bit of puzzle solving to figure out 540 glass palace treasure chest i really like how there are a ton of seaweed enemies guarding this thing really it makes it feel more valuable 539 wooded kingdom timer challenge 1 and 5 38 snow kingdom timer challenge 2. the timers on both of these are somewhat generous though if you miss a jump you'll likely have to retry so these are certainly a step up 537 mercy dory 536 dory back rider and 535 bonjour dory all of these use dory to great effect especially the last one as it can be pretty fun to try to jump up to our next set of moons are some of the hint art ones these are all pretty easy though still have a bit of challenge behind them the moons here are 534 found with moon kingdom art 533 found with dark side art 1 532 found with dark side art 10 531 found with luncheon kingdom art 5 30 found with metro kingdom art 529 found with dark side art 3 5 28 found with dark side arc 5 and 5 27 found with dark side arc 4. again these are all decent just a bit too obvious at least for me 526 a request from the mayor this is one of the most unique quiz moons and not only do you have to talk to pauline instead of a sphynx but you also have to bring her something later for her birthday i do think that the gift portion is a bit too guess and checky and i would have rather you had to maybe bring everything to her but i still like this one 525 looking back in the dark water way pretty decent hiding spot and i really like how the glow looks in this dark area 524 water pooling in the crevice this is another one hiding in a good spot it's also nice the moon tracker doesn't really help here since it's in a sub area 523 inside a block in the castle attracting the ogre over here can be fairly fun and it's a good puzzle 522 out of a crate in the city while the moon tracker does give this away a little bit jumping up to the top of the buildings is still entertaining 521 high up in the cave and 520 under the meat plateau both of these are underneath massive chunks of land so the moon tracker doesn't give them away too badly jumping up to both of these is pretty fun especially under the meat plateau since it's hovering above lava 519 a rumble on the seaside floor and 518 a rumble from the sandy floor these moons are great showcases of the switch's hd rumble feature they're especially fun on repeat playthroughs where you try to grab them as fast as possible without using set rumble 517 overlooking the desert town i like how this shines inside of the toast arena town plus jumping into its cage quickly during a speedrun can be slightly challenging 5 16 enjoying the view of forgotten isle the hike up the mountain and lost kingdom is a good journey especially since you can mix it with collecto skip to make the climb go really fast 515 spinning above the clouds and 5 14 high altitude spinning this sub area is just super relaxing and a great way to get a ton of coins it's also neat how you have to take a nut from the center of the kingdom up to the starting area 5 13 luncheon kingdom timer challenge 3 and 5 12 luncheon kingdom timer challenge 2. both of these involve collecting a key to unlock the moon and grabbing it before the timer expires both of these are fairly easy but the unique falling platforms and leading platform into the lava makes these pretty memorable 5.11 secret path to toast arena i like how you essentially use a different timer challenge moon to get up to this painting though you could also glide with glide on the upside down floating pyramid is pretty neat too 510 the stone pillar seal this axe is a good tutorial for the gushing which i like a lot 509 on a tree in the swamp this jump always stresses me out for some reason just the knowledge that if you bonk you die is enough to make this one pretty memorable to grab 508 the tip of a white spire and 507 perched on the castle's roof both of these involve mario illegally climbing onto a building which is always fun i prefer not having low gravity which is why i like the one in mushroom kingdom better 506 under a dangerous ceiling i like seeing the seaweed guys upside down which makes the moon more distinct 505 wriggling on the sandy bottom this being underwater makes it more challenging to line up your ground pound in time but i couldn't really tell if i liked that or if i prefer just doing it normally either way it's still solid so this is where it's going to go 504 swaying in the breeze while this is in a pretty obvious spot i like grabbing this moon and trying not to fall down by landing on the girder so i can continue on with the kingdom quicker it's not too difficult but it does add a little bit of something to this moon 503 piled on the salt once again this is in a fairly obvious spot however i always found triple jumping off this bit of land to reach it quickly to provide for a very solid challenge 502 on the leaning pillar jumping to this and using a bullet bill are both fun but this is most satisfying to collect when done at the same time as another moon much later on the list 501 back way up the mountain this has the distinction of being the only 2d moon in the entirety of wooded kingdom can we just appreciate how the developers made one of the best 8-bit remixes for a single moon really just shows how much they cared about this game honestly i wouldn't even be surprised if this moon was included for the sole reason of having an excuse to make an 8-bit version of steam guardians 500 high over the crowd bouncing up to the top of the area is pretty entertaining and trying to collect the moon without the poles is fun as well 4.99 shining in the snow town destroying the snow is really fun to me i always like to leave just one small strand of snow to hold up a large portion of the rest of it 498 where the birds gather just a simple change from a glowing spot where the moon is hidden to a bunch of birds goes a long way in making this much more distinct 497 inside an iron girder 496 lurking in the pillar shadow 495 alcove in the ruins these all involve mario going inside of a hidden area to get a moon these are all pretty fun to find the one in sand is my favorite because trying to avoid the quicksand as much as possible is a good challenge 494 a secret girder tunnel this is fairly similar to the last three though i like how you can toss cappy over to the spark pylon in order to leave this area quicker 493 island of salt floating in the lava jumping over to the island without using a lava bubble can be a pretty fun challenge though it's not too terribly difficult 492 corner of the magma swamp i think placing the moon right behind the entrance is a great idea once you know where it is it's pretty easy but i like it nonetheless 491 poking your nose in the plaster wall this is a pretty easy to access spot but getting to use the pokio capture is a plus 490 by the babbling brook in the deep woods and 489 the hard rock in the deep woods these both involve using the dyno to destroy some hard blocks to get a moon using the dino capture is always a blast and these are pretty good hiding spots 488 on the statue's tail i think putting a moon on one of the jacks these tails makes total sense and is a good way to reward experimentation 487 forgotten in the holding room jumping up the crates in order to get this is pretty fun and it's nice that the moon tracker doesn't ruin this moon due to it being in a sub area 486 chasing klepto sadly there's no way to skip klepto here in single player as far as i'm aware which does make this lose a few points for me still chasing klepto omg you said the title of the moon can be fun enough 485 moon kingdom timer challenge 2. the timer length here is definitely an improvement over the last few it's just that this sadly doesn't have much to it all it does is bond a random pillar which feels a bit low energy but still not bad 484 taking notes spinning athletics i like how you use the legend to collect these notes it's a move that isn't used for many moons so i appreciate its rare appearances 483 taking notes on the wall getting to use pokio was a huge plus but also trying to do it without it can be a great challenge in its own right 482 i met a pokio speaking of pokio i like this more than the other i met moons because i get to use the pokio's unique attributes of poking into the wall plus the caps citizen is in a much more interesting spot 481 i met a tropical wiggler this one also uses the tropical wiggler's ability to its advantage but it also uses the ground pound platforms leading to a small puzzle to get this guy up to the cap citizen 480 the lurker under the stone as i've stated before i just really like these moons conceptually and this is our first one to not be suffocated by space or water so i like it more 479 then not round the corner and 478 the nut at the dead end a majority of the nut moons use the upward to collect and since that's one of my favorite captures these get a huge boost these two are both placed in pretty solid spots i just prefer where the others are hidden later down the line 477 avoiding fuzzies inside the wall and 476 over the fuzzies above the swamp i like how these two moons basically work with each other one being a 2d version and the other being in 3d while they aren't too challenging to get i really appreciate the creativity here 475 the nut in the red maze using the uproot to collect this one as quickly as possible in order to exit the maze and jump across is always pretty fun plus this hiding spot is solid as well 474 girder sandwich this is another moon that i always get nervous about falling off of i also like the name of this one it fits it perfectly 473 over the cliff's edge 472 spinning platform's treasure these are both obstacle courses that are placed at the side of steam gardens and while the obstacle courses themselves are pretty fun you could just skip them entirely by jumping off from the top of the level to where the moon is honestly i'm not even sure if i've ever collected these moons in the intended way without specifically telling myself to skips are far from a bad thing though honestly i think it makes these two moons more memorable 471 what shines inside the glass i really like the spot where this is placed and while yeah the moon rock tracker does kind of give this away this is one of the cases where i don't think it's too bad it's not entirely clear how you're actually supposed to get into the glass so this still takes a bit of thinking to realize you have to use the water at the sides 470 secret path to bowser's castle putting the painting behind the waterfall is great i also like how it doesn't unlock until after the post game as it makes you wonder what the painting actually does if you find it on your first playthrough like i did 469 sand kingdom timer challenge 1. i guess this could be considered the game's rolling tutorial in which case this works pretty well the timer here is also fairly tight if you get too crazy with your roles in bonk then you might have a hard time reaching the moon 468 metro kingdom timer challenge 3. while the timer is a bit more generous than i'd like being able to not only roll but also use the motorcycle here is a nice touch 467 mushroom kingdom timer challenge this was a really good spot to put this as the goombas can be a bit of trouble i do mean a bit though i mean they're goombas they're not that big of threats 466 flower road run well a bit slower pace than i'd like it's still decently fun and challenging to run through 465 taking notes jump on the palm both the timer and placement of this moon are very solid while it's still not the hardest thing in the world if you miss a cap throw there's a good chance you might actually miss this one 464 just a hat skip and a jump this is another one that i really like to do with as few cloud platforms as possible 463 flights the edge of the fog and 462 hidden in the sunken hat while the moon rock tracker does give away these moon's locations there are a lot of fun ways to do this captureless especially if you jump down from the top of the tower 461 courtyard chest trap i was really conflicted as to where to put this one as i really love the design of the sub area but it's another chest moon where you have to guess and check i decided to place it here with the other moon in the sub area being much later on the list 460 beneath the roots of the moving tree 459 wandering cactus 458 under the bowser statue in 457 big pot in the volcano dive in all of these require that you move a capture in order to get the moon while each of these are very easy the fact that each of these moons have unique captures see nowhere else is really cool oh well so fun fact did you know that the meat here is actually that of the t-rex no one truly knows what the volbonens are capable of 456 gizo all in a row this also involves the player moving a capture however this is an actual puzzle as you have to realize where you need to move the jizo to 455 found with bowser's kingdom art while it's obvious that this is in sand kingdom due to how massive that kingdom is and the fact the picture was taken at night does make it slightly more challenging 454 monitor blockade and 453 toad defender the concept of both of these moons is really funny basically you have two people pretending to be super brave and guarding the moon but they run away in a panic the second the goomba shows up these are both pretty fun to do as well overall a great set of moons 452 how you doing captain toad and 451 bon appetit captain toad both of these are placed in pretty solid spots they're in somewhat obscure areas but not too much to where it wouldn't make much sense 450 deep deep down a good moon but worse than one we'll look at later 449 secret of the inverted mural this secret room is much better hidden instead of being a hidden block like some of the others you mentioned before this is just simply a crack in the wall while i do wish the crack was a little less obvious this is still good 448 taking notes stretch and shrink using the tropical wigglers is always a joy and the notes are perfectly set up for it however doing this moon capture list is also a great challenge the timer is very tight when done this way so i always collect this moon like this 447 late gardening spiky passage seed this is our first seed moon to truly use the concept well as i said before the seed restricts mario's movement which includes swimming getting through the spiky passageway without access to cappy to kill the seaweed enemies is fairly challenging the only thing holding this back is that it's still a bit too slow but certainly nowhere near the level of some of those earlier ones 446 taking notes on the moon's surface and 445 moon kingdom timer challenge 1. both of these involve using long jumps in low gravity and it's a ton of fun to do just that i like the timer challenge a bit more just because i feel like the jumps are slightly more difficult and the timer is also quite tight 444 the seal above the canyon climbing up this area and avoiding the rolling rocks is nice it's not too challenging but a good story moon 443 infiltrate bowser's castle for similar reasons as the last one this works as a solid story moon 442 climb up the cascading magma wow three story moons in a row this is another fairly simple hike however it also acts as an introduction to the lava bubble and has a small additional puzzle of requiring the player to light a torch 441 volcano cave cruising and 440 volcano cave and mysterious clouds while the sub area is a bit slower than i'd like it does provide for some decent challenges the lava's hitbox is bigger than it might seem at first 439 running the flower road this is also slow like the last one though i prefer how this area looks aesthetically 438 taking notes in the sea using a cheap cheap to collect these is fun but trying to do a capture list is a whole other challenge the timer here is also a pretty good length 437 like the two flames it's fun hopping over these small gaps with the fire bro yeah it's not the most complicated moon but it's just fun for me for some reason 436 caught hopping on a building easily my favorite rabbit moon just because him hopping between the building's rooftops actually makes this one significantly more interesting than the others 435 lost kingdom timer challenge jumping down from the mountain to the mainland is pretty cool and the timer is just the right length as well 434 poking your nose by the great gate and 433 poking the turret wall both of these moons use the pokio to poke a hole found in the wall these are both hidden better than the one we mentioned before which is what got these two a boost but now it's time to look at our very first koopa free running modes in general these are some of the best and most replayable moons as they actually keep track of your high score making them really fun to come back to there are a few however while still definitely being good moons are significantly worse than the rest for one reason or another so i think the worst koopa freerunning moons are 432 sand kingdom regular cup and 431 sand kingdom master cup the reason this is the worst one is because far too much time is spent in spark pylons mario odyssey has the best movements in the series so obviously i find moons that use it best and that's especially true for these koopa free running modes 430 bowser's kingdom regular cup and 429 bowser's kingdom master cup these two also have the same spark pylon problem though they are better when it comes to how much of it you actually control what also sucks about this one though is the fact that it's the longest one by far making this much less fun to replay our final set of koopa free running moons for now are 428 moon kingdom regular cup and 427 moon kingdom master cup while you do actually get to control mario for this entire thing it just feels super slow dude in the moon's low gravity and it's one of the longer ones as well again all three sets of these are still good moons and fun to replay they're just easily the worst type of this moon 426 an extreme simmer having to jump on the tomato enemies to make it across is a really creative challenge 425 spinning athletics and gold due to this being one of the areas where mario can't use cappy this is actually decently challenging now it's time to look at a bunch of these moons using goombas whether they're related to love or just pushing a button i like these because controlling the goombas is fun and stacking them is always a treat i'll be ranking these based on how difficult each section is to get the goomba or goombas to its destination these moons are 424 ice dodging goomba stack 423 stack up above the wall 422 love by the lake 421 love in the forest ruins funny number loved by the seaside 419 love in the heart of the desert 418 stacked up ice climb 417 love above the lava and finally 416 lava peaches castle i like that last one best as it's actually possible to complete it without draining the moat however it is pretty difficult 415 treasure of the lava islands and 414 flying over the lava islands while using the platform in the sub area is once again somewhat slow i do like how you can use lava bubbles to somewhat speed it up 413 extremely hot bath i like this one better than the last two since i feel like this moon is hidden in a much better spot for 12 we're traveling over the lake i like this better than some of the other moons where you have to sneak up on the bird just because the position of the bird on the pole makes it a bit trickier 4 11 woody kingdom timer challenge 2 i think it's pretty funny how the scarecrow is placed on one of the charger stations the challenge itself is pretty solid as well the timer is just the right length to make it a fairly decent challenge 410 taking notes ocean surface dash while yes all you have to do for this one is run in a straight line i feel like there's a little bit more to this the moon is a fantastic use of the rocket flower and it really makes mario feel quite wobbly if you even slightly go away from straight you won't be able to collect this moon in time which makes this feel much more intense 409 taking notes in the private room this is another notes moon that mixes 2d and 3d together however unlike the well one you do have to do more than just hold forward plus i also like the design of this room 408 twitter kingdom timer challenge 3. this is a neat little obstacle course with a pretty decent timer length as well 407 i'll go behind the pillars of magma this is a pretty solid hiding spot moon's the force the player to turn the camera in an area like this are always some of my favorites 406 rapid ascent on hot spring island well certainly a decent moon by itself what i really like about this one is that it's just low enough to where you can grab it captureless making this significantly more fun to collect 405 fire in the cave this is a super intense fight against a fire row mario doesn't have cappy to rely on this time it's just going to be a vicious 1v1 to the death there's no telling who will be the one to come out on tahoe thematically this is a really neat moon however as i showed it is a bit too easy i would have made there be a few more firebros than just one still though a very neat and unique moon 404 the gusty barrier i think the idea of this sub area being based around the typhoo is pretty neat and well done killing the spideys can be a bit annoying since they can get caught but other than that this is pretty good 403 bullet bill breakthrough using the bullet bill to fly through the cut in the wall it's a cute little challenge but what i really like is doing the moon capture list where you instead have to attract the bullet bill through the hole 402 from a crate in the ruins while by itself this is pretty basic this moon has so many different strategies to get it fast first off jumping up to it after getting the alcove moon is always fun but there's also dram strat which uses a homing cap throw on the bullet bill 401 under the cheese rocks and 400 climb the cheese rocks both of these require you to use a hammer i i mean pan bro don't make the mistake gamers they don't like it when they're seen as the same anyways these both involve using them to break some cheese i like cheese it's cool so these moons are cool too 3.99 the nut in the robot storeroom i think this is placed in a good spot and the moon tracker doesn't help too much due to it being inside and what a kingdom being one of the most layered kingdoms in the game 398's hidden in the scrap i think this is a really funny moon the scrap of the cringe mecha wiggler being left over in the park is a great detail i think my favorite part about this moon is the npc standing next to it saying despite what it did to their city that he still feels kind of bad for it what a nice guy 397 who piled garbage on this i like how this and others in this kingdom basically imply that moons aren't that valuable in new donk city it's actually a very deep societal commentary about the america 396 found behind bars this is another moon that looks imprisoned and i like this one best as you have to find the spark pylon that will let you into the cage 395 stonewall circuit this is another moon that requires the use of a spark pylon along the wall 394 rewiring the neighborhood man another spark pile on moon huh while this is easily the best of this bunch as the fuzzies on the track add for some good difficulty while collecting the moon shards 393 the ice wall barrier this is another moonshine moon though i like it more than the last one just because we get to use mario's movement and i like these enemies that come up from the ground 392 entrance to cheveria really good hiding spot for a moon and i also like how the boxes go away if you jump on them so you only have one chance to get this moon oh i guess you could just do that 391 city hall lost and found this is placed in a fairly good spot as you have to climb up a few extra poles i also like how you can basically use the poles at the side to skip a large portion of this sub-area 390 treasure in the ice wall i like how you have to use the enemies i mentioned before here this is a good hiding spot on top of that as the player has to use the ledge grab 389 sewer treasure i like this one better than the last two chest moons that require some puzzle solving to get as you have to be spinning the platform in order to reach it 388 good to see you captain toad in 387 bowser's castle treasure vault both of these are hidden off to the side of bowser's castle i prefer the second one though because the gold treasury room looks really neat 386 free parking rooftop hop oh hey would you look at that it's the moon number i said i'd place one of my favorites at in the intro anyways i really like this moon as bringing up the scooter to the roof is a lot of fun and i just like the idea that this guy thinks business up here is going to do well 385 atop a column in a row 384 atop a blustery arch in 383 overlooking a bunch of ingredients these two are all up here for the same reason they're all really fun to jump up to and then spin pound to collect there are also all three pretty good hiding spots especially atopa blustery arch 382 on top of a tall tall roof while this does lose the spin pound aspect of the last three the jump up to get here is a bit harder which makes this one more fun for me 381 looking down on the goombas this is a really good spot for the nut and jumping down on it from a high spot is a lot of fun 380 underwater highway tunnel 379 gap in the ocean tunnel and 378 sh it's a shortcut these three are all hidden gaps underwater in the seaside kingdom and they're all in very good spots collecting them with cheap cheaps is especially pretty fun 377 underground treasure chest this is in a pretty good spot as you have to notice the small platform at the side of the map and fly over to it with a bullet bill 376 around the barrier wall 375 on top of the cannon and 374 looking back on the flower road all three of these involve using a bonsai belt to collect a moon in a hidden spot these are all pretty well placed and they can even be collected without the bonsai bill if you'd like 373 caught on the giant horn 372 guarded by a colossal fossil in 371 caught on a big horn all three of these involved placing cappy in one of the kingdom's landmarks which i really like sadly the moon rock tracker does give away their locations which makes these losers a few points but they're still really neat 370 hang your hat on the fountain this is another place cappy on a landmark moon however this one isn't spoiled by the moon rock tracker since it's a standard moon giving it the edge 369 caught on the iron fence while not really being a landmark of the kingdom i like this one better than the last few as to how you have to figure it out basically all but one of the bowser heads on this fence are facing inwards so if you throw cappy on the one facing the wrong direction you'll go to moon which is a very good and subtle puzzle 368 make the secret flower field bloom i like how this essentially has you fix a flower garden after torque drift destroyed it after completing this moon the area permanently has its flowers restored as well which is really nice 367 a fine detail on the glass while a bit spoiled by the moon rock tracker once again i do really like jumping up to get this moon and where it's placed is really neat as well 366 the not under the observation deck due once again to the layer nature of the wooded kingdom the moon rock tracker isn't too terribly helpful here this is placed under the highest spot in the kingdom which makes reaching it a lot of fun with or without an uproot 365 outside the rotating maze heavy to jump on top of the maze in order to get this is a really creative idea 364 binding band returned i love this moon in context of the game basically mario just got the ring back from bowser and returned it to his rightful owners only to immediately steal the power moon inside of the ring mario does like to do a little trolling i guess 363 spin the hat get a prize this is more unique than tossing cappy onto something as you have to hit the sign at the top of bonnaton's entrance which is pretty fun though it's once again spoiled to fit by the moon rock tracker 362 knocking down the nice frame this is another moon where you have to throw cappy at something but i think breaking the picture frame is funnier and this is also a standard moon so it isn't spoiled by the moon rock tracker 361 lake fishing 360 fishing in the glacier in 359 fishing in the oasis all three of these use the laka to capture in order to catch some fish i love me some fishing mini games so these are pretty fun there are a few more lakitu fishing moons later on though these are just the more basic ones 358 hat and seek in the crowd this is my favorite hat and seek moon as i think it just fits the sub area perfectly due to just how many people there are walking around here 357 next to the stone arch while yes the moon rock tracker does give it away i like jumping down to collect it and then trying to get back up to the arch afterwards 356 crossing the cloud c this is my favorite moon to get without using the cloud platforms as the jumps required to do so are somewhat tricky especially this first one here 355 under the big one's brim jumping off the cap tower to get this is a lot of fun and also i don't know if my depth perception just sucks but i also have trouble grabbing this mood sometimes making it even more fun 354 trumpeter on board and 353 glittering above the pool both of these are best collected by jumping off new dog city hall which is unsurprisingly pretty fun to do 352 above the iron mountain path and 351 hanging between buildings these two are both moon rock moons that are seemingly placed over nothing in reality there are platforms that you're supposed to make appear underneath them but only losers would do that jumping off of tall heights is a lot more fun [Music] 350 hey out there captain toad and 349 soaring over forgotten isle both of these are supposed to involve using glidon to glide safely down too or you could be awesome and jump off of a tall height and reach them that way the one in lost kingdom especially is really good as the jump to get it captureless is fairly challenging 348 dizzying heights while no jumping off of tall buildings is involved in this one i put it higher than the last few as it's the only one that requires you to climb something high plus it's a pretty iconic moon 347 left at the cafe normally you have to use the rumble feature to find the tile the moon is placed in which is great by itself but what's even more fun is jumping off a tall building and ground pounding the exact tile from a high height yeah okay i promise it's the last one involving jumping off a tall height for now 3 46 bird traveling over the ocean and 3 45 bird traveling the wastes these are my two favorite bird moons as they are actually pretty fun to chase using the gushing and jackson respectively 344 our secret little room i really like both where this moon is hidden and this concept it's simple but i like it 343 stretching your legs this is a fantastic spot as you have to notice the shadow on the floor 342 squirming under ice the ice is a significant improvement over the other squirming moons as if being slippery makes it trickier to line up your ground pound 341 snow kingdom regular cup and 340 snow kingdom master cup we finally reached another koopa free running moon and while this one is definitely an improvement this one still has some issues for one the scenery change here is the only one i don't like in context of the story the blizzard is cool but it's just kind of annoying during the race i also don't like having to move through water as much again this is still a very solid moon but it just has some issues compared to the really good ones later 339 treasure beneath the cheese rocks and 338 inside a rock in the forest these both involve bringing a capture to a far away point in the kingdom while some may think these moons are kind of slow i personally like traversing the kingdom with them and i think it's a pretty good puzzle as well 337 blowing and sliding this is similar to the last two except after bringing the capture and the skates of thai food to the right location you then have to do another puzzle which involves pushing blocks which is really fun to do i do wish the typhoon were a little bit faster but other than that this is pretty good 336 under the old electrical pole this is another bringing capture to a far off location moon however this one has two things that i really like about it that puts it above the last few for one the dino capture is just super fun to control and secondly this is more about experimentation since this is the only pole in the level that dino can break the other moons we already know the capture can destroy or move whatever's blocking the moon however this time it's about testing something new which i like more 335 found with cat kingdom art this one is a lot less obvious than some of the other hints are moons we've seen before it's not too terribly difficult but i like the concept of it just using simple colors 334 found with like kingdom art this is a more unique hint art as it's actually a find the difference puzzle since there's not much on this one it's pretty simple but for its uniqueness it gets a boost 333 twist and turn up treasure normally to collect this moon you have to bring a tropical wiggler down to the odyssey to collect it this method is fine a bit slow but solid regardless what really puts this moon high up is the fast method basically if you toss cappy near the binoculars and jump off you can grab the key just before you fall into the poison and die you can then capture the binoculars and return to safety this is really tricky to do but it makes this moon much more memorable and enjoyable to complete 332 goomba tower assembly while this is another goomba construction moon which is fun by itself this can also be done captureless by a tricky but fun jump 331 buble northern reaches this is unique as you have to not only attack one spot before to spawn the moon each spot you hit though spawns in a new wave of seaweed enemies doing this moon quickly and avoiding all the seaweeds is quite fun 330 not planted in the tower collecting this moon with the uproot while also trying to do it fast enough to get back to the flower road is always a memorable part of replaying the game 329 inside the stone cage this is another imprisoned moon and this is my favorite because i really like spin pounding on these stone pillars 328 along the cliff face the low gravity is used really well here as it can make it tricky to accurately predict where you're going to jump the fuzzies acting as obstacles also help make this even more tricky 327 climb the cliff to get the knot using and then immediately ditching the uproof to climb up this cliff is super satisfying i also like how after collecting this moon you are free to roll down into the rest of the kingdom due to its high placement 326 sand kingdom timer challenge 2. this one is a lot of fun to complete without using them this goes for pretty much every moon it's involved with since it's purely a visual capture 325 metro kingdom timer challenge 1. i don't know why but i actually struggled completing this one whenever i replay the game the timer here is perfectly strict so i like this one a lot 324 metro kingdom timer challenge 2. i like the idea of this one where you have to ride the motorcycle high up in the city the timer is also the perfect length to make this possible without using the motorcycle which is a lot of fun as well 323 bowser's kingdom timer challenge 1. i just really like the design of this thing and how many different ways there are to get up it the timer's length is also pretty solid here 322 chomp through the rocks and 321 our first power moon both of these moons are good introductions to using the chain chomp capture especially the first power mode i went more in depth with it in my cascade and cap level by level video so i won't spend too long on it here but it's just a really good tutorial mode 320 ice cave treasure while jumping up these moving pillars can actually be somewhat tricky without getting crushed the hiding spot for this moon is great as well 319 sea gardening inlet seed this is one of the most unique seedlings of the bunch for one the seed is placed at a good distance from the pots making it not so annoying to put in the pot however you may notice that this one in particular takes extra long to grow if you use a gushing's water however you'll be able to fully grow the plant to collect the moon which is a really cute idea okay so know after the fact the one that you need the gushing for is actually based on what pot you put it in so just imagine i put the seed in the correct gushing pot 318 pushing through the crowd all not technically called a timer challenge this one is absolutely one of my favorites having to roll through the crowd quickly to get the moon is funny every single time i love the way the citizens jump back and react to mario if he bumps into them the timer is also a pretty good length as well 317 in the ancient treasure chest having a hidden treasure chest fits ruined kingdoms so well and this one does not disappoint it's sitting in a really good spot and there are so many different ways to reach the chest personally when i collect the moon i like to come in from the left side as i find that to be the most challenging jump 316 inside the rising stone pillar this is just an absolutely fantastic hiding spot not too much more to add on here 315 secret of the mural i find this to be much better than the inverted pyramid secret we mentioned before because the secret room is much more subtle you basically just have to try running it to the wall which makes this a much better find 314 captain toad on the dark side while his hiding spot is a bit less subtle than our last one its placement being right before the final boss of the large dark side gauntlet is great most players are probably going to be too nervous thinking about the upcoming boss to even consider looking for secrets which is why i love this spot a ton 313 behind snowy mountain in 312 captain toad is chilly both of these involve removing snow from the wall to discover the area where the moon is like i said before i really like the snow but putting it into the walls makes it much better as it's much more hidden 311 employees only not only is the hidden entrance to the store fantastically plays but this is another one where we get to commit some robbery 310 jump grab cling and climb and 309 jump grab cling and climb some more this is a really solid obstacle course using the ledge grab mechanic but it's also fun to try and complete these moons without grabbing any ledges 308 bullet building first off very epic fun for the name secondly the onset of bullet bills makes jumping across the poles here pretty intense 307 the lighthouse seal normally you have to swim through a dark underwater segment with the unagi eels which is really cool however i also like how if you use the gushing correctly you can entirely skip that and just boost up here for having two pretty fun methods this got a big boost 306 stepping over the gears this is a pretty good obstacle course utilizing the fire bros and the ground enemies we saw in snow kingdom making your way through it normally is pretty fun though the second moon here which we'll get to later really is the one that makes this sub area 305 road to sky garden and 304 powering up the station both of these involve mario needing to kill a giant piranha plant you also have to consider the walk up to the piranha plants through steam garden to new donk city sewer system they're both great journeys and killing the piranha plant is pretty fun as well as jumping on its head can be somewhat difficult due to its height 303 under the mummy's curse murdering all the mummies is pretty fun and i especially like how there's a hidden coin copper here to help i do wish the mummies would stay dead afterward and you had to kill them all to get the moon sort of like a sub area and cascade we'll get to later but this is still a fun moon regardless 302 moonshard in the snow i really like searching the surface here for the moon shards however i think it would have been really cool if this moon was part of the story maybe you would have to collect it to open up cheveria because as is you don't really spend much time on the surface despite them making it in a blizzard 301 herding sheep in the dunes due to the lower amount of sheep and closer proximity as opposed to mushroom kingdoms i like this one better also dropping the sheep off the cliff just feels better to do in this kingdom who said the 300 the not the grow and the tall fence i just really enjoy jumping onto this wall into a quick spin pound onto the nut plus this hiding spot is really solid 299 atop the jutting crag and 298 golden turnip recipe 2. both of these moons require you to jump up onto the top of this area which can be quite fun i like the turnip moon here as there's a bit more to it requiring mario to bring the turnip back to the pot to start 297 city gardening building planter metro kingdom seed moons for the most part are sort of inverses of the others in the game instead of knowing where the pod is and you have to find the seed metro kingdom gives all of its seeds in one place and you have to try to find where the pots are not only that but two of the pots are in really good spots requiring you to climb up buildings while also having limited moves that due to holding the sea this first one isn't too hard to get to however the concept is great making these easily the seed moon highlights the other one will be seen much later on the list though 296 crack not on a crumbling tower this would be just a pretty average moon had it not been for the incredibly fun speedrun jump normally you have to take this flower road across the gap from the story moon and then climb up some crumbling platforms but you can also do what i really like doing and instead spin pound on the moon platform and then cancel it into a triple jump on the thin fence giving you just enough speed to cross the gap this is one of my favorite jumps in the game so that boosted this otherwise pretty basic moon up a ton 295 slipping through the poison tide and 294 skimming the poison tide exploring this area with the paragumas is pretty fun and the poison tide does a great job of keeping the player on their toes one extra thing i also like doing is trying to collect the moon shards without touching the coin rings their hitbox is just barely bigger so it can be done 293 above the clouds and 292 walking on clouds one thing i like about this sub area is actually how you have to get there in the first place as you have to bring a nut all the way up to wooded kingdom's observation deck this requires you to use a set of timed platforms and it can be somewhat tricky to make it up once you get there though this is just a super fun sub area to collect a ton of coins using the uproot speaking of monies 291 dashing through the clouds and 290 dashing above the clouds back in my day before they added luigi's dumb little balloons into the game this was the fastest way to stack paper one hour in this place and you'd get to stand side by side with the elitist society as a moon besides that though this is a lot of fun i always loved the rocket flowers 289 hidden chasm passage and 288 past the chasm lifts this is a 2d sub area found in the cascade kingdom and i really enjoy making my way through it the hidden moon is placed in a really good spot requiring the use of a koopa shell and the purple coins are a ton of fun to collect with a good enough triple jump you can even get them without using the platforms 287 behind the rock wall this moon is just a really memorable one for me it's also placed in a great spot as well 286 taking notes in the wall painting 285 taking notes in the cliffside 284 taking notes hurry upward all three of these are 2d notes moons that have about the same level of difficulty the timers on all of them are pretty solid making them an actually decent challenge all of them also have a good amount of obstacles whether it be the bullet bills and sand the moving platform in lake or the bricks and goombas in cascade 283 taking notes stretching this is another notes moon but it's supposed to be collected with an uproot while it's a lot of fun to do it that way this is also a fantastic challenge to do captureless 282 taking notes big pot swim this is in my opinion one of the more challenging note moons this takes place in the pot where you fought cook a teal and the timer this time around is pretty tight the gems for the notes getting increasingly more difficult really sells this one 281 taking notes in the folding screen and 280 scene of crossing the poison swamp this is one of the most unique looking 2d sub areas in the game i really like the folding screen gimmick as it fits bowser's kingdom perfectly the lowering mushrooms are also good obstacles making collecting the moons here also a lot of fun outside of just the aesthetic 279 dinosaur nest running wild in 278 dinosaur nest big cleanup this is the sub area that i feel uses the dyno as it captures the best it really lets you go wild on these burboes oh by the way thank you all for telling me what these guys are called i greatly regret not doing my research in the last video because this is a funny name the hidden moon here is also placed in a good spot too overall one of the dinos highlights 277 beneath the rolling vegetables one thing i really like about this tutti sub area is being able to see the rolling vegetables go over you as you make your way through it there are also quite a few obstacles on your way to get this moon itself including hammer bros and lava bubbles making this one of the more memorable 2d moons overall 276 remotely captured car controlling the remote control car is absolutely perfect it's got just that perfect amount of clunkiness to feel like the real thing without feeling annoying if you don't feel like mind controlling this poor citizen you can also use this motorcycle to clip into the box with the moon oh and also it's funny how you can destroy the rc car as well 275 i'm not cold while yes this is technically just a costume npc moon this is one of the funniest in the game you have to talk to a cheverian while wearing the boxer shorts just showing off how much of a chad mario is the freezing cold doesn't even affect him 274 a relaxing dance and 273 dancing with new friends these are both similarly just costume rooms however what makes these two stand out about the rest of them is the fact that each of them get a unique animation that's seen nowhere else in the game in seaside mario does a little dance and in sand kingdom mario plays a song it's just so charming that i couldn't help but place them super high 272 cap kingdom timer challenge 2. this is mario need to jump between moving platforms without cappy to collect a key the timer here is legitimately pretty tight but one of my favorite things about this moon is collecting it without jumps you have to be in two-player mode and assist mode but it is possible and a lot of fun to perform 271 cascade kingdom timer challenge 2. this x is a fantastic tutorial for the triple jump the timer is also pretty small here as well making it to where the triple jump is absolutely the best move to use here while it's probably not as challenging as the last one i do like this one's tutorial aspect more 270 good morning captain toad this is just placed in a fantastic spot it's really hard to spot him from up top but that's where you have to be to get him as he's on a ledge underneath the big boss arena the only way to really see him is from the bottom so you have to keep that in mind when you run up top which i really like 269 on the lone pillar there are two main ways of obtaining this moon one you could use a bullet bill from the ruins or you could be awesome and jump off the inverted pyramid both of these are a lot of fun as the pillar is placed just right for the bullet bill to barely have enough power to make it 268 peaking out from under the bridge this is a pretty good spot to hide a moon normally you would use a tropical wiggler but as i'm sure you all can guess by now this is another one that is really fun to do captureless it's especially fun to try and survive after collecting the moon since it is hovering directly over poison 267 across the mysterious clouds in 266 atop a wall among the clouds this is just a pretty fun platforming section one really fun thing you could try here to make it more challenging is to avoid the cloud and yellow platforms as much as possible 265 flooding pipeline and 264 flooding pipeline sealing secret now yeah i'm sure a lot of people who run this game are disappointed with how high this is placed but to be honest this is one of the most satisfying sub-areas to do quickly maybe it's just because it's super easy to get stuck losing a ton of time but moving through the water to avoid the fuzzies is legitimately quite fun 263 jump and swim in the freezing water in 262 freezing water near the ceiling this was a great use of the cold water that kills mario if he's inside of it for too long it's pretty easy to take damage here making this one of the most tense sub areas 261 swing around secret flower field one thing i always like to do is try and complete this moon without using the poles which adds for some nice challenge 260 jaxy reunion and 259 welcome back jaxy these both feature jackson needing to go to some location in sand kingdom whether it's to meet an old friend or just return back to a spot on the inverted pyramid i think these are both not only good puzzles but also just really charming to add to jaxy's character 258 among the five cactuses this is another jaxy puzzle but this requires you to ram him into the cactus now that i say that out loud that kind of seems a bit cruel well anyways i think this is a pretty fun one to do especially with how far the cactuses get launched when rammed into 257 exterminate the ogres i like how this moon has a whole section of bowser's kingdom dedicated to it it really makes it feel more important fighting these guys is always pretty fun so i really enjoy this moon 256 moon shards in the forest 255 moon shards in the lake 254 moon shards on the moon and 253 moonshards in the sand these are some of the more basic moonshard moons i really enjoy this type of moon as they're some of the most in-depth in the game as you need to collect five things rather than just one i like these more than the others you've mentioned so far as the places where the moonshots are located i feel is a bit more fitting 252 ocean bottom may's treasure 251 taking notes ocean bottom maze and 250 ocean bottom may's hidden room these all take place in one 2d segment to the seaside kingdom i really like how you can still see the water on the outside as it really makes this area feel much more unique this area also has four different ways to enter it which are all used in different ways to get the three moons which is really unique 249 gobbling fruit with yoshi 248 yoshi second helping and 247 yoshi's all filled up these three are much like moonshine moons from before but this time a lot more is required to actually get the moon using yoshi is a lot of fun i really like using his tongue to build up speed or grab onto walls the fruit is all really well placed within the mushroom kingdom as well 246 found with wooded kingdom art 245 found with dark side art 6 and 244 found with sand kingdom art all three of these hint art moons picture elements from a certain kingdom with some sort of direction along with them these are all decently simple but can be quite fun to figure out definitely a great difficulty for this type of moon 243 flying far away from gusty bridges and 242 across the gusty bridges the harsh wind acts as a great obstacle and a great tool in the sub area i love all of the push block obstacles and the puzzle using the wind to get the hidden moon is also really good 241 lake kingdom timer challenge 2. due to the height and closeness of the two platforms this is definitely one of the more tricky timer challenges the timer is also a pretty good length making for one fairly good challenge 240 ride the jet stream this one is always really memorable for me as i remember finding it before ever capturing a gushen making me not realize you're supposed to use it to get this moon until much later which was always really funny to me the trip to get this is also pretty fun which is what brings this up here 239 hidden corridor under the floor jumping to get this moon is great it's not only is it over the edge but it's also closed off by crates making it extra intense as you have to break them 238 yoshi's feast in the sea of clouds and 237 sunken star in the sea of clouds seeing the eels in this sub-area for the first time was such a big surprise i mean it's the closest this game had to a jump scare for me this also lets us use yoshi once again which i already talked about how much i like plus the hidden moon is placed in a pretty clever spot 236 wanting in the cloud c and 235 sunken treasure in the cloud c both of these moons are found in a sub-area with a very thick fog placed on it that makes traversing this area quite fun especially if you decided to not hit the ring generators at the side the hidden moon is also placed in a very good spot as well 234 moonshots under siege 233 yoshi under siege and 232 fruit feast under siege this sub area uses the really neat nighttime aesthetic of metro kingdom where you have to try and find either moon shards or yoshi fruit while avoiding the sherms everything is placed really well and the sub area is great to traverse with both yoshi and the sherm capture though i do prefer yoshi a bit more 231 on top of the spinning tower 230 down and up to spinning tower 229 poke the wooden tower and 228 climb the wooden tower all four of these moons use the pokio capture and unique obstacle courses where you have to use the poke at the perfect time since these guys are some of my favorite captures it makes sense that i like these moons a lot plus the latter two can be done captureless though they are quite difficult 227 wrecked rock block this uses the trapeedle to break a block with the moon inside of it this is a fun little puzzle and it's also a good challenge to try and line this up so that you only need to use one to get the moon 226 the caged gold this builds a bit on the last moon though this takes a bit more thinking as the cage is a bit farther off 225 line it up blow it up this is the best version of the trapeedle moon the puzzle has a lot more layers to it requiring you to notice the breakable block realize that you have to use the trapezoidal across the gap and you have to ground pound the pillar this all leads to a pretty great puzzle moon 224 taking notes with a spinning throw the most notable thing about this moon is just how tight the timer actually is here if you miss a single throw you're going to be in a lot of trouble which is greatly appreciated 223 taking notes in low gravity similarly the timer is fairly tight here as well the fuzzies in the low gravity add on to make for a good challenge [Music] 222 tucked away inside the tunnel this is one of the absolute best hiding spots for the nuts not only is it hidden really well but getting up to it can be somewhat tricky i mean sure you're supposed to use an uproots but i always like jumping from the platform and since you have to jump out and then in this jump is fairly tricky 221 atop the tall tree this is another nut moon though i feel like a little bit more is involved with collecting it it's pretty fun to get using it uproots but the platforms are spaced perfectly so that triple jumping up them is possible which is my ideal way to collect this 220 all the cracks are fixed i just really like the theming of this moon the cracks are seen throughout the kingdom so this does feel like a good reward for trying everything out 219 poster cleanup similar reasoning to the last one though this one's theme is a little bit better using the bowser wedding poster seen throughout the entire game i also find it really funny that bowser felt the need to place this many posters on a single building in the desert 218 taking notes up and down this might be the most difficult notes moon in the game the timer is fairly tight but most of it all comes down to where the notes are placed mario has to use a ground pound platform which will rise up when ground pounded on before slowly falling back down the notes are all placed at different elevations so you have to use cappy at just the right time to collect them all making this one of the most challenging ones in the game plus i find this platform fun to use 217 stretch and traverse the jungle and 216 a glow in the jungle both of these moons are great uses for the tropical wiggler i especially like the brick section as it's fun to demolish all of the bricks in this area 215 flower road reach i put this one much higher than the other moon in the sub-area since it's actually possible to get without using the flower path making this a pretty fun grab 214 push block peril this sub-area is one that's really fun to do quickly as you try to avoid missing one of the push block cycles this spot only goes for the main moon though as the hidden moon i like significantly more but the first one is still good regardless 213 the invisible maze in 212 skull sign in the transparent maze this is another sub area utilizing the moai capture which means this is another great one to do captureless the hidden moon here is in a great spot too the sign is an obvious addition to the room since none of the others have it but it also sort of fits it aesthetically making this a great spot to hide it which also makes the dork who made the super mario odyssey's no masterpiece video look even more embarrassing the worst hidden moon of all requires a hat toss onto a sign sticking out of some poison with no hint that i saw that this would even lead to a moon like dude you can't complain about the moons being too easy and then complain about this one because you couldn't find it dude finding the moon is supposed to be the challenge come on to 11 the icicle barrier making your way through the ice room can be fun however i really like how you can entirely skip the big icicle portion by just jumping under it to the moon sometimes simple skips like that can make a moon become super memorable when it otherwise wouldn't be and the same thing goes for 210 hanging from a high rise normally you have to use a bunch of poles to go through an obstacle course which is pretty fun on its own however you can skip all of this and jump straight to the end with a well-timed triple jump this jump is a bit trickier than the last one and i like the sub area a bit more which is what gave it the edge 209 crossing to the magma and 208 magma narrow path these two moons are some of the best uses for the lava bubble capture first off moving the lava bubble to the lava tower using the tomatoes is fun but the main attraction are the skinny bits of lava that you need to traverse going through it quickly without falling off is always a blast 207 below breakdown road and 206 down and back breakdown road this is a really good sub area but there's a much better version later on so we'll hold off on talking about this one 205 swinging scaffolding break and 204 swinging scaffolding jump this sub area is a great display of all the hammer bros moves and it's also pretty difficult to avoid getting hit by any hammers 203 unzip the chasm and 202 super secret zipper both of these use the zipper capture but it's in a way that i really like they're used to make platforms from the walls which is pretty creative however that also means we could skip over all of them by doing some pretty tricky jumps i also think this part where you get to execute all these goombas is a fun touch one last thing i find funny about the sub area is normally for the hidden moon you have to cut out this portion of the wall and then also cut another hole in it but using an upward cappy throw mario can carve the second hole first which leads to a pretty funny glitch 201 underground gizo i really like how the underground is hidden under this stone as it requires mario to bring the jizo over as a solid puzzle 200 invisible road hidden room and 199 invisible road danger this is another great sub area with a better version later on so we'll get back to this soon enough 198 golden turnip recipe 3. this is easily the most involved of the golden turnip moons for this one you have to notice a pile of cheese hidden behind the area with the fire bros then you have to realize you need to bring over a pen bro to break them finally you have to bring the turnip back to the area with the pods making this a fun puzzle and mini journey 197 behind the tall wall of poke poke this is just placed in a really good spot getting over to it with the pokio is fun and it's easily my favorite poking moon just because it's over the edge of a cliff 196 seaside kingdom regular cup and 195 seaside kingdom mastercup we're finally back to another koopa freerunning moon this time of course taking place in the seaside kingdom compared to the ones before this has a lot more control in terms of how fast you can go my only problem with this one is the start is beginning underwater does make this feel quite slow and a bit tedious to retry but once again koopa free running moons all get boost for being the most replayable set of moons in the game 194 atop the highest tower this is the first story moon in sand kingdom and it's pretty great bringing you through toast arena town and through the ruins this also greatly expands on the concept of 2d walls that was introduced to the cascade kingdom as this wall is on a circular surface there are also a ton of little skips you could perform on the way like skipping the first 2d wall 193 kookatul showdown and 192 blow up at mount volbono rematch while this is certainly a good boss i always thought it was on the weaker end just due to how easy it is plus the spear and skip in this one is kind of annoying to do as you have to hit kukutel from below which is for some reason harder than it looks oh and this has to be one of the lamest changes a boss fight rematch has in the mushroom kingdom just adding some moon snakes that barely change anything 191 moon shards in the cold room i've always liked this room due to just how many spideys there are which makes taking damage here fairly easy trying to mash jump to go underneath the platform before you get attacked is also fun as well 190 roulette tower climbed and 189 roulette tower stop this sub area has mario need to time his hit of p-switches in order to pause them in the correct place this does provide for a very solid challenge as if you miss one you have to restart that section one other thing i like is that you don't have to stop the platforms in the exact position they want as long as you can make it across the gap it works which is a nice touch 188 walking on the moon and 187 walking on the moon again okay now before we get to these next two moons i need to talk about something so while writing the script i made a community post asking what everyone thought would be the best and worst moons on the list and some of you did actually get the worst moon but there were also a large number of people that said these trace walking moons would be at the bottom and that just made me think are these moons hated i genuinely did not know that people dislike these moons because these are some of my favorites i guess these are going to need a little extra explanation then these moons basically have you required to walk around a certain path laid out by a koopa that disappears as you walk along it depending on how close you were to it you would get more or less points and you would need a certain number of points to get the moon that makes all these moons fairly tricky but not annoyingly tricky at least to me i always found it really fun to try and match the path and seeing how terribly i messed up was always funny to me well anyways i'm putting the moon one as my least favorite as it's definitely the slowest and i wish i had a different shape than a circle since we already saw a circle used in sand kingdom but yeah these moons are good stop hurting their feelings 186 the mummy army's curse and 185 charged through an army these two moons feature the very rare appearance of charge and shock which makes me pretty happy since he's always been one of my favorite enemies charging through all the mummies and blocks is a ton of fun though i do wish that the mummy with the moon could actually be reached by the charging chuck it feels really weird that you have to uncapture him to get it 184 the hot spring seal i think being able to poke holes through the lava by simply spraying water at it is pretty funny plus the moon acts as a great tutorial for the boss fight later as it shows you that water is able to damage lava which molest land swear has on his head 183 one man's trash this is just a fantastic spot collecting it both with and without the bullet build is great 182 up in the rafters this axe is a great reward for getting to the top of the wedding hall however you can even get the moon without going all the way up there which is pretty nice as well 181 how do they take out the trash this is one of the few moons where its name determined its placement i just find mario and cappy confused as to why a trash can would be all the way out in the distance to be really funny plus getting the moon itself is a blast as well 180 surrounded by tall mountains this is also placed at a fantastic spot and getting up to it from the bottom is a good challenge you have to triple jump and cappy bounce over the wall which can be a bit scary as if you miss it you may fall into lava 179 by the cannon pointed at the big pot once again this is another great spot but i like this one better than the last one as you have to carefully balance on a skinny platform to get to the part with the moon 178 slipped through the nesting spot this is another appearance of the eel and this time we have to invade its home sneaking past him after he returns back inside to get the moon in the small crevice is always nerve-wracking which makes this one a pretty good moon 177 and a hole in the magma for this moon we have to get a key that's found inside a hole hole punched into the lava finding this in the first place is great but the best part of this moon is of course getting to use the dry bones capture dry bones for smash 176 2d boost from bullet bill this is pretty much the only 2d moon where you use an enemy like this which is nice to see jumping on the bullet while still avoiding the others is a solid challenge 175 inside a block is a hard place this is one of the most satisfying moons to do fast in the game you have to use a bullet from a nearby launcher to dodge some obstacles and break a block trying to do this while at full speed though is quite tricky but also super rewarding when you do it 174 on the giant bowser statue's nose this is another one that i just think is in a really good spot needing to jump down onto the giant bowser head is great as some players may not think it's a place you're supposed to go giving a nice reward to players that actually try 173 on the cliff overlooking the beach the triple jump required to get this moon list is pretty tight but always a highlight whenever i go to seaside 172 on top of the stone archway using the ice before the story is over to reach this moon without a bullet bill is always a fun part of returning to sand kingdom plus this is just a really good spot regardless 171 inside the rotating maze and 170 the spinning maze surge while these are different sub-areas they're both fairly similar using the rotating walls that will spin when hit by cappy i enjoy moving through these mazes a lot which gave both of these a pretty solid boost 169 walking the desert and 168 more walking in the desert these are the original trace walking moons and i like them both a lot they're placed over the moon one since these originated the circle shape and this area is just much better suited for a moon like this 167 sand kingdom timer challenge 3. normally for this moon you would use jaxy which is already pretty fun but there's also just enough time on the timer to barely be able to do it without him 166 treasure inside the turret and 165 past the moving wall both of these moons are fun hidden obstacle courses utilizing the pokio like i said before this is one of my favorite captures making these obstacle courses really fun to go through plus the latter of which is also really fun to do captureless 164 roll on and on and 163 precision rolling this is one of the most unique sub-areas in the game as it uses a surface that forces mario into a roll trying to dodge all of the enemies while also trying to balance on the skinny platform to get the moon and extra coins is a lot of fun definitely one of the more memorable sub areas for me 162 jaxy stunt driving and 161 jaxy driver this sub area acts as a fantastic test of the player's ability to control jaxy it's very easy to run off a cliff by accident but this time it isn't awesome like before as it will just simply kill mario the notes moon here is also great as it involves needing to turn jaxy which can be tricky as you don't have much room overall a really good use of jaxy here 160 taking notes running down this is our final moon utilizing jaxy which is another notes move this time the timer is pretty tight so despite them being in a line it can be somewhat tricky but that's not why it's so high this timer is just long enough to where it is possible without jaxy however due to the hilly terrain it can be extremely difficult it's a challenge that i highly recommend trying at least once 159 king of the cube this is one of the most creatively shaped 2d sub-areas as there's really nothing else like it the moon shorts each appearing on a different face of the cube is a really nice touch 158 navigating giant swings and 157 a swing on top of a swing i know that i've been pretty harsh towards low gravity throughout this video but this is one of the sub-areas i think greatly improves from it this is just one of the most fun and unique sub-areas to traverse through with the low gravity jumps it feels like you go super high and the hidden moon utilizes this mechanic perfectly as well 156 dashing over cold water and 155 dashing above and beyond this area uses the rocket flowers expertly as using them while avoiding all the obstacles is a ton of fun plus there are several well-placed shortcuts on the way too the secret moon is also great as you have to use a leftover rocket juice to make it up another steep slope 154 magma swamp floating and sinking 153 yoshi's magma swamp and 152 frufeast in the magma swamp these three all involve exploring the magma swamp to collect something whether it be moonshards or fruits this place is a lot of fun to travel through i prefer the yoshimune since there are more fruits and i feel like they're hidden better like the set of fruit above the entrance 151 where the transparent platforms end and 150 jump onto the transparent lift this is the absolute peak of the moai moons and of course the most fun way to do these is captureless they're both pretty tricky especially the secret moon as it can be hard to guess where the platform is 149 breakdown road hurry this is a remixed version of a sub area we saw earlier normally you would have cappy but now cappy has abandoned you that makes a significant difference to how you have to go about this sub-area as you have to run through and collect a key as bullet bills are destroying the path and then run back through that destroyed path without cappy as a safety to use this is now pretty tricky oh and we'll be seeing the second moon in this area much later on the list 148 moonshards in the jungle using the tropical wiggler to avoid all of the fuzzies and land on the tiny platforms is a ton of fun however my favorite way to do this is captureless which provides for a very solid challenge 147 light the far-off lanterns sure this one is simple but i've always liked it you have to attract the piranha plants in the center platform to shoot fire at the unlit torches rewarding you with the moon figuring this out the first time was really satisfying but my favorite part about this moon is coming back to it as i legitimately didn't know you could capture the piranha plants until i collected every moon in the game and was still missing them in my capture list so i could have just captured the piranha plant instead that always gives me a good laugh and it makes me wonder how many people had a similar thing happen to that 146 hidden room in the flowing sands this is one of my absolute favorite hiding spots for a moon you have to notice a super small slit in the wall and then you have to figure out that the only way under is by sinking in the deadly quicksand on a first playthrough you won't know if this will work so it felt super scary as if you go too deep you would die which makes mario actually going under the wall here all the more satisfying 145 smart bombing and 144 excavate and search the cheese rocks these are both areas where you have to use a capture either a pokyo or pan bro to collect some mood shards both of these hide them in really good places though i find the latter to have slightly better hiding spots which i guess makes sense since that's not a required moon to beat the game oh and smart bombing is always the funniest moon in a coinless run as you have to poke this metal crate 50 times to break it without using a bomb why they decided to implement this 50 poke thing at all is and forever will be such a bizarre mystery but it's really funny how it somehow managed to be legitimately useful 143 good job captain toad not only is this a really good spot for captain toad but jumping up to him without using a gushing is very difficult you could use the shell for the button if you don't collect the story moon but even then you can still get up there by jumping off of this high wall which is a lot of fun 142 fishing in bowser's castle easily the best fishing moon well on a technicality bowser's poison area not only provides her a much more dangerous space to go fishing but it's also significantly bigger than the other places we've been fishing in up until this point making finding the big fish a good challenge but the thing that truly puts us over the edge is the fact that you don't even catch a fish but instead you catch poochie from the yoshi series for some reason no clue why they decided to do that but it's just so charming and such a great surprise that i had to boost it up speaking of lacka2 we aren't done with him though as he's featured in one more moon 141 you're quite a catch captain toad this is one of captain toad's absolute best hiding spots first off you have to move lakatu away from the water and you'll find that you can actually go fishing in the sand which is a super neat hit in detail but the best thing is the fact that the fish you catch here is captain toad who somehow managed to get buried in the sand this is another moon where the charm is just off the charts i really love this one 140 inside a block at the gate this one has one of those breakable crates again though this time it's far away from any bombs that are used to destroy them that means you have to think about climbing up a bit of the kingdom and sniping the box from a long distance which is just so much fun to do successfully 139 jumping from flag to flag this is a really good spot to place a key as many players might not even think you could grab onto these flags due to how their place and how they move as well it can be somewhat tricky to jump between them combine that with all that's taking place over the void then we have a pretty good setup for a challenge 138 yoshi on the sinking island and 137 fruit feast on the sinking island this is another dark side version of a sub-area though this is one of the few times where i actually prefer the original so we'll talk more about that when we get there 136 fly through the narrow valley and 135 treasure chests in the narrow valley this is a good obstacle course to show off what the gushing can do the secret moon especially is placed in a really good place as you have to try and make it through the normal poison tunnel that you would for the default moon with enough water to make it over the gap i also really like the design of the room with the default moon it's really unique and just running around in there is decently fun 134 freezing waterway hidden room and 133 through the freezing waterway this is another obstacle course for the gushing though this time it's on a 2d plane i also find this one to be trickier as both moons are placed far enough away to where you'll only barely have enough water to make it for each the moving platforms needed to get higher with the gushen are also pretty nice as well 132 the brutals are after some cooking and 131 flower thieves of sky garden it's finally time we start looking at some of the brutal fights and we're going to first start off with spurt in his fights he'll spit out poison and mario will have to jump on his head without getting hit causing spewer to go into his hat and bounce around the arena leaving a trail of poison before continuing now one thing i absolutely love about mario odyssey's boss design is just like the game itself they were designed to have fast strats to make multiple playthroughs more enjoyable spirits has the lamest skips of the brutals though where all you have to do is jump on his hat when he goes inside but still those shortcuts go a long way in making these moons more enjoyable oh and also he's the only one to not really change between fights all that's different is the arena shape which is lame compared to how the others get updated 130 dust up in new donk city rematch in this rematch you now have to fight against two mecha wigglers as opposed to the one in the original fight i do really like this concept it's a shame that fighting the mecha wiggler using the sherms is still quite tedious but regardless this is a great change so why is it lower than the default one well that's because you also have to consider that for the default version of this moon you not only have to beat the boss but you have to get there in the first place by traveling through the really cool looking dark and stormy new donk city i'm not sure if you all agree with that reasoning but that alone boosts the default mecha wiggler moon up for me significantly 129 found with darkseid art 7. this is in my opinion the single hardest and dumbest hint dark moon in the entire game i was incredibly conflicted as to where to put this one because while i do really really love difficulty this one is just stupid so looking at the picture you aren't given much to work with you get a screenshot in some letters and numbers when i first played through the game i thought this was some red sand from costarino funnily enough the spot i thought this was in originally did become one of the dlc hinter luigi spots but if it isn't in sand then where is it well you may be able to guess that oh this looks a lot like lost kingdom and you'd be correct the problem there are just about a billion spots where this could be so you'd have to trial and error all of them until they eventually worked which is how i originally solved it hello mario it wasn't until after i collected the moon that i finally realized that there are letters and numbers on the map genuinely despite looking at this menu thousands of times i never noticed these boxes here which is what we had to use to find out the location of this moon as these are the letters and numbers that appear on the hit that's why i have zero clue to where to rank this moon is this actually a good puzzle or is it just dumb for highlighting something that 99 of the playerbase probably never noticed either way for its difficulty i did let it come up here but it still makes me angry anyways back to some other moons we have 128 brittles over the lake and 127 the snowy mountain barrier these are the two fights against rango basically what you have to do is use his hat against him by hitting it and then jumping on it to glide down on his head from there you have to avoid him while he's jumping around in his hat to then repeat the cycle until he dies i'd say he's the hardest of the main four brutals which certainly helps him out but one other thing i like are his skips for one you can't jump on him while he has his hat on but if he takes it off you could just barely hit him with a triple jump additionally you could jump on his hat while he's inside of it stun him and make him return to his normal phase if you manage to chain these together then you get a really satisfyingly quick boss fight which is what puts him above spewer he does lose a few points for his hat being a bit too hard to jump on if you mess up the setup like seriously you could be on top of it and the game will make you take damage but other than that this is fantastic 126 cap kingdom regular cup and 125 cap kingdom master cup now we're getting to some of the better koopa free running modes i like to kick off the cap tower to start it's a lot of fun and can be satisfying to improve your time in i do find the movement to be a bit more boring for the rest of the time but it's still pretty solid 124 mushroom kingdom regular cup and 123 mushroom kingdom mastercup this one is a lot more solid throughout the whole thing we get to utilize rocket flowers which is really fun optimizing the route here is a ton of fun too the only thing holding this one back is that it's super short making it pretty difficult to improve on but it's at least very quick to retry 122 found with mushroom kingdom art this is probably my favorite looking hint art the puzzle here is great as well where you have to find the spot in the kingdom we're looking at the cap tower has the moon behind it like this the only thing is i feel the spot is a bit too small due to how many angles this can be viewed at but it's still a great puzzle regardless 121 found with dark side r2 and 120 found with dark side art 9. these two are also good puzzles that require a bit of thought it's not immediately obvious where they are but it's also not too hard to figure out like old c4 back there i put these two above the last one since the spot they're located in is a lot less finicky though i do like mushroom kingdom's art puzzle better 119 a successful repair job a 118 powering up the power plant these are both puzzles where you have to move a block in just the right way to make the hole at the bottom fit into the end tile i have a lot of fun doing puzzles like this which is why i enjoy doing both of these moons 117 loose tile track down this is one of the most unique moons in the game basically inside of peach's castle you'll notice that one of the tiles is poking out above the rest ground pounding on it will cause another to appear and you need to hit them all until you get the moon i always really enjoy doing this one it's super different from anything else and sometimes the tile can actually be quite difficult to spot you'd think it'd be easy but they do a good job of hiding most of these 116 seaside kingdom timer challenge 1. this is technically my favorite timer challenge in the game it's first of all hidden extremely well being beneath the crack of the seaside kingdom floor secondly this timer challenge starts on the outside before entering the 2d sub area which is a pretty good idea but on top of that the timer is pretty strict here as well which all builds to this being a fantastic moon i did say that was only technically my favorite timer challenge though as now we need to look at our next moon 115 glowing in the deep woods i'm not sure why this isn't called a timer challenge but regardless this is really good the main thing here is that you have to go across a large amount of the deep woods however there's no path leading to the moon and the cutscene showcasing it off can be somewhat tricky to follow due to how dark it is you can't really see the moon either you just have to hope you're running straight to it that of itself is a great concept but on top of that this is one of the most strict timers in the game so if you don't head straight to it you'll likely have to try again kind of funny how much higher this guy's placed than every other deepwoods moon huh 114 taking notes on top of the wall this has mario roll along a wall to collect some music notes though it's very skinny and falling off will mean there's no coming back it's a lot of fun to try and keep your balance and sure there's no risk of death here since you'd be falling into the deep woods but there are some fates far worse than death 113 mario signs his name this one is simple sure but the unique letter captures made for this specific moon are a lot of fun to run around with 112 secret path to peach's castle not only is the painting placed in a solid spot in luncheon but the whole place you get sent to is fantastic as well it serves as a reference to yoshi's house in super mario world heck even the star is placed in a spot where you actually have to jump to it instead of just giving it to you right away also i legit didn't know until some of you commented on my mushroom kingdom video that you're supposed to put out the fire in the chimney and wall jump up i always got it from the outside which is way trickier 111 pops out of the tail basically what you have to do to get this moon it really shouldn't be this high up all you have to do is throw cappy onto this tree's tail what makes this place so high up though is that the tree actually acts as a really unexpected reference to super mario 3d lamp i was super happy when i found this for the first time as i was completely not expecting it 110 light from the ceiling and for our last sort of reference moon for now we have one inside of peach's castle requiring you to look up at the ceiling this is an excellent though pretty obvious reference to mario 64 and how you have to enter the tower of the wing cap stage this is the only moon collected like this in the game which makes it pretty cool in my opinion honestly though i would have been surprised and sort of disappointed if this wasn't here 109 the glass is half full now we finally get to see the actual moleskine swear boss fight after seeing its version in the mushroom kingdom several hundred places before this i like this variant much more than the mushroom kingdom version because it's really cool having a boss fight take place over the entire kingdom and since the gushing run out of water this time there's actually some difficulty in this fight 108 get some rest captain toad this is absolutely one of my favorite hiding spots for captain toad the hole in the wall is placed off the path in a very hidden spot so making your way over to it using the tropical wiggler is a lot of fun my favorite way to collect this moon though is easily doing it captureless due to how small the hole is the jump can actually be quite difficult making this one really fun to go back to 107 the spinning maze open once again this is another moon that's hidden in a really good spot i really like how you have to notice that there's a hole in one of the spinning platforms and that you have to spin it to the correct position it's not really a difficult puzzle but it's one i like a lot 106 hidden among the push blocks much like the last one this is purely here due to where it's placed i really like when moons are hidden inside of indents and moving surfaces like this and this is the best example of that since you have to find it quickly before the platform moves underneath you 105 hidden room in the inverted pyramid this is one of my favorite hiding spots for any moon in the game it makes total sense for the pyramid to have a hidden treasure room and placing it where these moving walls are is genius it's sort of like the flowing sands mood we mentioned before where we have a chance of death for trying to go in here due to it possibly crushing us making the reveal of the moon here so much better 104 on the eastern pillar this moon is placed inside of a breakable block so mario is required to do a little puzzle solving to figure out that he needs to use a bullet bill to break it the problem well this block is really far away from the nearest bullet bill simply capturing it and flying over won't give you enough gas to make it what you have to do is bring the bullet bill away from its launcher and then capture it as the gas will not be used up if mario isn't using it this is a very unique puzzle using the bullet bill's timer that isn't really used anywhere else which is why i like it 103 found with darksider8 this is another find the difference hint dark moon however unlike the one seen in late kingdom this is much more difficult so the change is super incredibly small i mean just look at how much is here are you all able to spot it that's right herobrine is hiding in one of the 102 fantasy psyching to mart this is in my opinion the best hint arts in the game as it's just perfectly balanced in how difficult it is just by looking at it the kingdom the moon is in isn't really clear at all which is quite different from most of the other henshaws we talked about this will likely make the player try to look around for the word in some kingdoms which just so happens to be on one of the roads in metro i really like where this one is placed and the puzzle here is actually a good one 101 lost in the tall trees this has always been a moon that i personally have really liked first off this is hidden in a pretty good spot being placed in a crate high up out of reach in one of the trees now the way i first got this moon was by seeing it and then warping up to the top of the observation deck to use glidon to reach it which took a few tries since the leaves made it hard to see it was only after i finally made it to the crates broke it and the moon flew over to the other side that i realized that the main way you're supposed to get this moon is with the sherm capture this was the moon on my first playthrough that really made me appreciate just how many options each and every moon in the game has to get it maybe for you all personally this would place lower but for me i just really appreciate what this moon did for making me realize just how great this game is but now it's time for the elite the top 100 moons we've made it a long way so far so let's get these knocked out 100 the treasure of jaxy ruins first off this is a really interesting sub-area moon as while you do need to go through one to collect it the moon is actually placed on the outside of the kingdom the obstacle course in the ice cave is a lot of fun to avoid especially with the slippery ice but the main reason it's so high is because of the speed strat since this is placed on the surface we can use a bullet bill to ram it to the side of the building and jump up it using a wall jump this is always super fun it's not really hard but it's always a highlight of replaying the game 99 scaling pitch black mountain and 98 reaching pitch black island this is aesthetically one of my favorite sub areas in the entire game the ogres fit surprisingly well in this super dark atmosphere and makes this really stressful to run through both moons especially the hidden moon are placed in really great spots as well requiring you to either climb up the cliff or find the small island in the distance which can be hard because you know it's dark 97 herding sheep above the forest fog and 96 herding sheep on the iron bridge this is easily the best cheap hurting moon as it's easily the most difficult basically mario has to guide a sheep down a path with several walls and gaps to get him to this home for the moon all without killing him which is for some reason super easy to do the secondary mode is similar though you have to launch the sheep into the pen from a distance i know a lot of people don't like this moon because of how annoying it is but that just sounds like a skill issue to me 95 searching the frog pond and 94 secrets of the frog pond easily the best moons primarily focus on the frog capture and the best moons to come out of the cap kingdom as well this place is just super well designed for exploring using the frog and this being a moonshard's area is all the better but the main thing i like to do here is to completely ditch the frog as all of the moons can be done without him most of the gems require mario to jump as high as he can making this also a great obstacle course for not just the frog but mario himself getting the secret moon with him is also great as you have to triple jump off a small wall not to mention that this moon is just hidden in a great place regardless as well 93 edge of the galaxy and 92 center of the galaxy this combines both the low gravity of the moon and some wacky gravity to make it a really great sub area moving through here is always a lot of fun and the overlapping gravity can be pretty fun to go through 91 moonshards in the sea atmospherically one of my favorites in the game the deep and dark ocean is somehow both relaxing and kind of unnerving as for the moon itself since you need to leave cappy behind this area is a lot more tense as you go around trying to get the five moon shards while also making sure you don't drown the appearances of the eels as obstacles add even more to both the difficulty and the great atmosphere of the sub area 90. above a strange neighborhood an 89 strange neighborhood the concept behind this sub area was always really funny just being a bunch of buildings from toast arena town flying in space normally what you have to do is go across them while making sure to not die due to their spin they can actually be decently tricky to move on but it's also made harder by the fact that you leave cappy behind at the start while that would be the case had the gap actually not been crossable with a cappy jump this is actually easier than you may think as well making this one of my favorite sub areas due to how we can bring cappy along despite him normally being stuck at the start 88 path to the secret flower field this uses the sherms to destroy a bowser bomb dispenser in order to get into the fight with torque drift i like how the entirety of steam guardians has been overrun by sherm now to show that there's an actual battle going on here but the absolute best part of this moon is the fact that we get to listen to steam guard ensure one of my absolute favorite songs in the game that only appears for like 2 moons this song is so underrated 87 elevator escalation 86 elevator blind spots an 85 sharp shooting under siege all three of these use the sherm tanks in a really great way in the first sub area we have to go through several waves of enemies which is a lot of fun and perfectly fitting of the capture the latter two moons though both use the shroom to break really far off blocks to get a moon which i think are all fantastic hiding spots 84 off the beaten wire this is one of my favorite spots for a moon which is why a place is so much higher than the other moon in the sub area this area is all about the spark pylons and fittingly the hidden moon uses it in a creative way during the sub-area there's a long portion where you just ride a spark pylon over a building to get to another section however you may be able to notice that there are a few crates on top of the building it's quick but if you uncapture and destroy the crates you'll be rewarded with a moon this is a super good spot there are several other places they could have put the extra moon in the sub-area which would have been decent but i'm so happy they took the more creative approach with this one 83 hot hot hot from the campfire this is a fun little puzzle moon first you have to notice that there's an unlike campfire and then you have to think that it could be lit by a far off fire bro since the closest one is high up on a cliff this opens up the opportunity to try and snipe the campfire from super far away sadly the fireballs duty spawn so you can't shoot it from the very top of the hill but it's still a lot of fun to try and get it while falling 82 lanterns on the gear steps this is like the last moon though a lot more involved as you need to light several more torches and you also have to light a torch by sniping it from far away definitely making this an improvement 81 invader in bowser's castle and 80 in vader and sky garden these are both mini boss fights against ufos and they're a lot of fun to take down normally it will spawn goombas along with spike so mario has to capture the goombas to stack up and hit the top of the ufo without getting hit by the spikes this by itself is fairly fun but you can also try and fight it without using the goombas and it's suddenly a lot more interesting due to how they fly where they spawn the spikes it can be very difficult to jump on its head without getting hit making this absolutely one of the most fun boss fights to return to as it's a great test of your jumping abilities oh and on top of all of that the one in the wooded kingdom is the second moon to use the steam garden sherm song truly a great package 79 showdown on the inverted pyramid this is our first battle with the brutal harriet who has some of the best speedrun strats out of any of the bosses however before we even get to that we also have to consider the whole inverted pyramid this sub area is really fun to travel through with its combinations of bullet bills and 2d movement or you can be based and not use a bullet bill but hey i'm not here to judge when we get to the boss herself she uses her hair to spawn in bombs to throw out the player normally you would have to hit the big bombs once she gets them stuck in the ground however you can also time your cappy throws correctly to hit the small bombs back instead then when she enters into her hat instead of waiting for her to finish you can hit the bumps back up into her overall a really satisfying boss fight to do quickly on top of the great sub area 78 city gardening rooftop planter this is easily the best seed moon in the game as i stated earlier the seed moons in new donk city are more so focused on trying to figure out how to get a seed to a location while having limited movement the puff for this moon is placed in a really tricky spot this time though there are no easy trampolines to jump off of so you have to get creative with your approach i think this moon is one of the shining examples of how to do a mission in a game where you purposely limit the player's movement as this is still fun to complete despite that and it's enhanced by the limited movement as it opens up for more puzzle opportunities 77 colossal ruins dash jump and 76 sinking colossal ruins hurry this is one of the best uses for the rocket flowers requiring mario to run on the side of a steep slope while also avoiding poison at the bottom and the several gaps in the path since the place is sinking as well this moon is legitimately pretty difficult especially the second moon where you have to not only grab a key but also make a pretty long jump at the end 75 fork flicking to the summit in 74 fork flicking detour while certainly nowhere near as difficult as the last sub-area i like this one a ton just for how fast paced it is both the volbonin and pole captures are great because launching mario at high speeds is super fun and getting to change several of these together here is fantastic 73 gizo in the hidden room in 72 gizo's big adventure this is another great puzzle area that involves using the giso capture normally you have to bring them from all sides of the map so that you can hold some p-switches in place which is a lot of fun by itself an alternate thing you can do though is using a combination of smart giso placement and jumps you can actually skip most of the puzzles and get both moons using only a few giza which is a fun fast draft to throw on top of the puzzle 71 searching hexagon tower and 70 center of hexagon tower this is another set of dry bones moons though i promised me being a big fan for him did not affect my ranking of these two moons they're legitimately very good exploring the six sides for the moonshards and hidden moon are so much fun this really uses the parabones flight ability fantastically and it's a moon i don't see nearly enough people appreciate the shards and key are all placed in really good spots and each side of the hexagon feels unique to traverse as well comedy number up on the big screen and 68 down inside the big screen i always love me some references to 1-1 from the original super mario bros except for mushroomy kingdom in smash that stage but this is definitely one of if not the best tribute to the level you get to play through the entirety of the stage on a big screen tv and you have to collect all the moon shards while you do so not only does this remake of the level fit perfectly with the whole 2d gimmick and odyssey but they also do a fantastic job with the little details as well the hidden moon being in the shortcut sub-area was absolutely perfect and i also love how there's a king hearts hidden in the same spot there's a 1up in the original level but the absolute best reference moon to older mario games has to go to 67 totally classic 1-1 recreations have been done before so seeing a recreation of the entire courtyard area from super mario 64 with the same aesthetic and everything was one of the most exciting moments in the game for me would have been even more exciting if pro sofia gaming didn't spoil the mario 64 costume for me but that's aside the point the moon here is simple but i do like how after all these years the star statue in the middle of the courtyard finally has a real use 66 walking on ice and 65 even more walking on ice these are easily my favorite koopa walking moons for two major reasons for one this is actually in a unique shape as a triangle is much harder to follow than a circle secondly since this is on ice it's much more difficult to walk on while keeping a straight path making this much more difficult than the others 64. defend the secret flower field in 63 struggle in steam gardens rematch finally we've reached the battle with torque drift this utilizes the uproot captures wonderfully to avoid all of its ring attacks stretches of the machine and his shield orbs as well the uproot capture is always really fun for me to use the only thing holding this back is that i don't think there are any fast rats here like most of the other bosses doing the fight normally though is good enough for me so i still really like this but now it's time for a long streak of moons that are sort of racist to a finish line and since i like going fast i like them all a ton 62 cascade kingdom regular cup and 61 cascade kingdom mastercop the movement involved for this one is a major step up from the other koopa free running moons we've seen so far it was a pretty good length and moving from all the surfaces required here was a blast but you all may have noticed that i used the past tense if you want a competitive time now you have to do dino skip skip or dss for shorts where you sort of climb up this wall to end the race this trick is stupidly hard making this a lot less fun to replay but i do still like this one which is why i felt like it deserved to be up here 60 the bound bowl grand prix 59 snowline circuit class s 58 iceburn circuit class a and 57 iceburn circuit class s these all use the shavarian racer capture to have you race against other shavarians by bounding at just the right time in order to gain some speed while sure the movement isn't as good as just mario's normal movement it's still a ton of fun to do and are unique challenges for if you get bored of koopa free running oh and also the iceberg circuit class s is genuinely one of the hardest moons in the game probably top 10 if not top five 56 vanishing road rush 55 vanishing road challenge 54 motor scooter daredevil and 53 full throttle scooting all four of these take place on the vanishing road though the first set of remix versions found on the dark side in the metro version you would use a motorcycle to go across disappearing surfaces which is a lot of fun especially since the jumps are fairly tight and the timers are pretty strict the dark side though takes a really unique spin on this removing the motorcycle and forcing the player to roll across the entire thing instead making it even more difficult to move across quickly so with that said why is the metro kingdom one higher well in order to make this challenge actually reasonable on the dark side the timer is actually a bit longer on each segment than in metro however even with metro's shorter timer it's still barely possible to get both of these moons here without using the motorcycle making the metro kingdom version funnily enough a more interesting challenge both are fantastic of course and i can definitely see people disagreeing with my reasoning but since i always like to challenge myself when i replay the game i just prefer the metro version 52 metro kingdom regular cop and 51 metro kingdom mastercup back to some more koopa free running and this one is all about using both the poles and full bone and captures to quickly fling mario across the map as i said before i really enjoy doing this which is what puts this pretty high up on the koopa free running tier list though i do feel like the start where you have to get flung off this building was always a bit finicky but other than that a very great set of koopa free running modes 50 late kingdom regular cop and 49 late kingdom mastercup this one is simple and to the point which i really enjoy of course jumping over the wall is great and so is getting onto the platform with the goal however my favorite part about this moon is funnily enough the water movement since you don't have to go underwater for this we get to sort of skim along the surface by using a combination of cappy throws and dives which feels really really good to get right i'm sure some people would probably disagree but i don't know this one is pretty cool okay final set of koopa free running moons for a bit 48 lost kingdom regular cup and 47 lost kingdom mastercup this is above the last few for one simple reason we get to incorporate kleptoskip into it this is one of my favorite skips in all of odyssey and having to try and do it quickly is so much fun i will say it does lose a few points for having a large portion of it dedicated to just wall jumping but otherwise the movement of the mountain is great and when you get onto the mountain spin pounding on the switch feels great as well 46 the rooftop lantern and 45 diving from the big pot these are both super creative and fun moons to collect so you may notice that there's a pot here and if you remember the sub area from earlier on the list you'll know that you'll have to put a lava bubble in there to get the moon the only problem is this pot is entirely landlocked with no lava and let alone a lava bubble nearby this means that the only way to complete this is by jumping off the volcano [Music] the way the lava bubble plummets to the ground super quickly can make this shot kind of hard to hit but that's what makes this great there's also a torch on the other building which is lit for the first moon and while you can do the same thing for this it's not required as you could use a fire bro which did technically make this loose some points but these are both super fun to do 44 free parking leap of faith sticking with the theme of jumping off tall things we notice a parking space for the motorcycle on top of a building near the start of the city however there's no way to get a motorcycle up from the ground that means you have to use the motorcycle from all the way at the top of new donk city hall to drive over the entire city onto the spot the fact that you have to cross over the entire level is what puts this above the last two what a great concept for a moon and what perfect execution 43 secret path to bob lane well yeah this is just sort of an okay moon if you get it through the painting there's a way to get this moon without the painting that is so much fun that it's the only way i ever collect this basically if you take a gush and go onto a tall surface you'll be able to fly higher and higher and since you can get water from these water jets it's actually possible to continuously rise up and refill your water to barely reach the platform with the moon finding out this was possible for the first time by myself was one of my proudest moments playing the game which makes this easily my favorite painting moon 42 let's go swimming captain toad this is easily my favorite captain toad moon in the game it's not even in a particularly hidden spot he's located at the bottom of this big pit under lakeland mode which is pretty obviously containing something the thing i love about this moon though is just how deep this pit is when you first go inside of it it's extremely difficult to tell how deep it goes but either way you assume that you can make it so you start ground pounding but as your breath decreases you start to think that maybe this was a bad idea then you start getting hit and you may even consider going back up however you're far too deep to stop now just as it's beginning to look hopeless you finally get out of the tunnel with only one hp left and you're just barely able to make it to the room with captain toad and collect the moon this is in my opinion the absolute most tense moon in the game the fact that you don't really know exactly how long you have before you drown makes collecting this moon one of the most intense moments in a mario game now yeah you are technically supposed to use a cheap jeep here but since the developers made this tunnel just long enough to allow mario to make it with just a few seconds to spare it makes this one of the most memorable moons in the game for me 41 flight to the treasure chest and back this is just hidden in a really good spot the fact that you have to think about bringing a bonsai bill all the way over to the start of the moon cave is really great the distance is so far that it really tests the limits of how far it can go easily my favorite moon in the moon kingdom 40 secret 2d treasure this might just be the hardest moon in the game at the very least the hardest 2d moon this requires mario to stay within 2d backgrounds as if he goes outside of it he'll become 3d and die instantly well yeah this can be seen as a bit slow i personally think the scrolls go at a good enough pace to make this pretty intense seriously if you haven't tried this moon it's kind of hard to describe how difficult it is so you really have to try it for yourself 39 new donk city's pest problem we already talked a bit about this guy during the mushroom kingdom rematch section a few entries ago but i like this guy a decent amount fighting him can be a bit annoying but the aesthetic of the nighttime city the climb up the noog city tower and of course the song all come together to make this still a great moon plus fighting him in all honesty is not that bad he's pretty good difficulty wise it's just kind of hard to do quickly because if you miss a cycle you lose a ton of time 38 nice shot with the chain chomp and 37 very nice shot with the chain chomp this sub area utilizes the chain chomps in a really creative way making the sub-area based on sending them into each other so they ricochet into the target i always have a lot of fun figuring out the right angle and i also find it fun to try and jump over the chain charms to just capture the one at the end oh and the hidden room is also really well placed i remember having a hard time trying to find this on my first playthrough 36 aim po and 35 poke roll this uses the mechanic of the pokio launching bombs introduced in bowser's kingdom and it does so excellently it's decently difficult to hit the bonds into the right spot without exploding yourself and of course the secret moon is super entertaining to get as you have to launch a bomb along the side wall of the sub area this is a perfectly executed moon 34 waves of poison hopping over in 33 waves of poison hop to it so you remember how i said the frogs in the moon shard room were my favorite moons using the frogs well i lied i kind of forgot about these two the poison waves in the very small platforms make for very tight jumps using the frogs but just like the other great frog moons my favorite part about doing this is doing it captureless just barely being able to go over the poison waves using mario is great and the layout is perfect to have just enough time to make the jump without having much space for wiggle room okay i promise these are my favorite moons that are focused on the frog 32 invisible road secret and 31 invisible road rush this is a remake of a sub-area and wooded kingdom that we saw much earlier in the list basically it's an invisible room filled with poison on the floor and piranha plants will continuously spit out more poison onto it now the normal sub area is pretty solid however the dark side remake is significantly better due to its one change cappy being missing this makes it to where you have no way to clear out any of the poison on the path making it extremely difficult to traverse the sub-area without dying you're not able to take your time anymore either with the piranha plants filling the path of poison as you play making this one of the more difficult sub-areas in the game thirty big brutal battle instead of just fighting one brutal we get to fight against two of them harriet and topper i already talked a bit about harriet but the skips in this version are even more fun as now that she fires out two bombs you have to jump at just the right angle to hit her with the small bombs topper is also significantly improved from his original fight and cap kingdom which we didn't mention because that doesn't give you a moon normally you have to knock off all of topper's hats in order to hit him and then afterwards you'd have to avoid all of its hats sliding on the ground before continuing the fight like harriet's he also has two skips you can not only hit him while he's doing a spin attack on the ground but you could also jump on the hat he's hiding in during the hat phase to reawaken him the second skip especially is a lot harder than it looks and needing to complete both him and harriet in one go makes this a pretty great boss moon 29 big jump escape and 28 motor scooter escape this is one of the coolest sub areas conceptually a big chase through a city where you have to escape a rampaging dinosaur on a motorcycle avoiding the dinos attacks are a lot of fun and getting into position for the second moon is fun as well but what makes this great just like the other motorcycle sub areas from earlier is the fact that this can be done without the motorcycle it's significantly more difficult as rolling does make it harder to turn but that's just one extra reason to love this already great sub area 27 not hidden in the fog and 26 wandering in the fog this sub-area contains my favorite moonshard moon in the entire game the harsh fog mixed with steam gardens provides for not only a really good look but it also works into the moon as the fog hides the nut and moon shards they're all placed in great locations one of them even being found underneath the main platform traversing this area with the para goomba is great as well this is a perfectly executed idea that i honestly don't see enough people praise 25. picture match basically a goomba 24 picture match a stellar goomba 23 picture match basically mario and 22 picture match a stellar mario i really love all of the picture match moons you basically have to place all the features of either a goomba or mario onto its face and the more accurate you are the more points you get the thing is the parts fade whenever you place them making this set of moons a pretty good challenge as well seeing what goofy creations people manage to make is always a blast and really these moons are just really silly mario is more awesome than a goomba which is why he got the edge 21 rc car pro and 20 rc car champ it's kind of hard to explain but just the setup of the race track and how the rc car is controlled makes this just a super fun one to grind down and get a good time for trying to cut the corners better without hitting walls is a lot of fun i also feel like it's the perfect time length to make it feel like there's always room to improve but also make it really fun to replay over and over again 19 luncheon kingdom regular cup and 18 luncheon kingdom mastercup climbing up the cliff here is surprisingly fast paced just looking at how much distance you need to cover here you would not expect this one to be as quick as it is first off you have to climb up on top of the starting area and then jump over to the main cliff and from there you get to use some bobonins and briefly a lava bubble to reach the end my favorite part though is throwing cappy at this wall since it's technically a really steep slope you'll actually go upwards upon hitting it to where you can capture another volbone in the finish if executed perfectly this can all be completed in less than 10 seconds this one will always be super impressive to me however it's still only my second favorite set of koopa freewriting moons as the best group of free running moons go 217 wooded kingdom regular cup and 16 wooded kingdom master cup i love jumping off the fairly high starting area and down into the main area jumping off the fence and falling down is just so much fun parkouring around all of the obstacles and wanted and even using the uproots to get to the end is also super rewarding as well it's sort of hard to explain why it's my favorite but i just love it a ton easily the one i've grinded down the most 15. the hole in the desert this is our first boss fight against knuckle tech but before we get to him we have to go through the nighttime toast arena first i love how this place looks during the nights and the mummies coming out of the ground make traversing the desert legitimately quite dangerous once you actually manage to get into the hole you have a neat little obstacle course through the ice covered underground where you have to ride a bullet bill into the boss fight arena the boss fight itself is also fantastic dodging all of the attacks from its hands while leading them into icicles is great flying at nuclotek using his own fist is always super fun it's also a great way to build off the bullet bill capture which is what i consider to be sand kingdom's main capture there aren't really any speed strats here but the build up and fight itself is more than enough to put it at number 15. 14 hurry and stretch and 13 stretch on the side path this is actually the original version of a sub area we saw remixed on the dark side earlier personally i find the original to be much better for one simple reason it can be done captureless basically in this first area you have to use the uproot to stretch up tall cliffs while avoiding spikes in the rising lava this is already fairly hard to do with the uproot but take him away and you're left with one of the most intense and fun captureless moons in the game nearly every platform has moving spikes making it pretty tricky to time a good jump but you also can't hesitate as the rising lava is right behind you you need precision and speed which is a perfect combination to make for a challenging moon now the remix version forces you to use yoshi to eat fruits which is still a ton of fun don't get me wrong but the option to do the mood captureless is just so much better 12. the bullet bill maze breakthrough and 11 the bullet bill maze side path these two are both really cool top down obstacle courses using the bullet bills to avoid several moving obstacles to get both of the moons this is honestly pretty tricky which is greatly appreciated now if it were just this it would be a pretty good moon but top 15 and certainly not now what puts this above the rest is the sneaky skip that's included so since this is a top down you may notice that there's not actually a ceiling here or at least not one that's up close if this were any other game there would have been some sort of invisible barrier preventing you from going any higher than intended but mario odyssey is different you're actually able to go on top of the wall and entirely skip the bullet bill for both moons this is such a fun little skip and i love it a ton which certainly boosts these moons as i was super hyped when i first found this but that's still not why i decided to put these so high hiding up on this roof is a giant pile of coins when i saw this for the first time i was genuinely shocked not only did the developers let me go up here to essentially skip their level using the skills provided to me by the game but they actually rewarded me for it i'm so happy i was able to discover this coin pile for myself because i think this was the moment i genuinely fell in love with the game this is what made it clear for me that mario odyssey was the greatest game in the mario series and the greatest game i've ever played finding this is what inspired me to continue playing this game for the hundreds of hours that i have i know it may seem silly to some of you to get so attached to like 150 coins but it's really about what they represent wow i genuinely got super emotional about these moons i guess it may be confusing as to why these aren't number one and number two then huh well i just felt like it would be a bit unfair since they do become really easy with this skip but these two are probably the moons i have the strongest emotions attached to but now it's time for the top 10. we've been through 826 other moons up until this point but these are what i believe to be the best of the best starting off we have the most charming moon in the game number 10 bench friends this is one of the most iconic moons in the entire game but it's also unironically really good first off it has that charm factor the concept of this moon is mario just sitting next to this lonely guy in new donk city to make friends with him and make him feel better it's just super wholesome and that's why so many people love this moon and if it were just that it would have placed really high for me but there's a little more to it that makes it in the top 10. see normally you would just walk up to the bench and jump on it causing mario to sit down however this moon has one of the most fun speed strats in the game on one of the nearby buildings there's a pole which i've already stated i love using and for this moon we get to capture it and fling mario from a large distance onto the bench next to the guy this is just such a unique and fun skip that i can't help but feel like the developers intended it with how deliberate this pole placing feels i'm so happy this has been a staple in the speedrun since the start of the game because i'd say going for this is always the highlight of the run number 9 breakdown road final challenge this is our final non-story or boss fight moon on the list this moon is considered by most people to be the absolute hardest in the game and i can honestly agree with that this is the secondary moon of one of the dark side sub-area remakes so i think it's only fair to look at the original moon normally in the sub-area you would have cappy so what you would need to do is capture a bonsai bill at the bottom and fly it over to the other side this is pretty simple however in the remake you of course don't have cappy to help you so how would you do this moon well they were nice and added a few blocks at the bottom that mario can jump across to attract the bonsai build over to the moons however these blocks are placed in such a way that jumping between them is stupid hard you don't have any time at all to stop moving which means you have to long jump as fast as you can across these but the blocks are so small and spread out that it's super easy to either bonk on the block or delay or jump too much to the point where you end up falling off you have to be perfect with your long jump timing and you have to do that several times to make it across the sheer difficulty of this moon makes it one of the most infamous and iconic challenges in the game truly it earns the final challenge name number 8 multi moon atop the falls this is the first encounter with madame brood and everything about this fight is great i talked about it in my cascade kingdom video so i'll try to keep this one short for one there's the build up to the fight itself providing an introduction to the 2d segments and even giving the player the opportunity to try out the dino capture that's great and all but the best part of the build up is skipping it entirely using what probably is mario odyssey's most famous skip right next to moon skip dino skip lets us use the dino capture to jump on a trampoline uncapture it and then dive into the arena this is always so much fun to do but there's also a whole boss fight ahead of us bannon brood uses her pet chain chumpkins to try and eat mario however we're able to knock the hat off and send it flying back into madame brood perfectly building off of the chain shop capture from the first moon of the game she'll then try throwing chain chompins at mario before looping back to how she started this is a really fun fight to run through but this also is one of my favorite speed strats if you jump on chain chompings during her throwing phase it'll get stunned allowing mario to throw cappy at it quicker however if you use a setup like this where you throw cappy walk away and then backflip you can stun it have cappy return to mario hitting the hat off of it and then throw cappy again to capture it all before touching the ground this feels super fast to do and is always quite fun again i talk about this a bit more in my other video but i like this a lot for having a great build up and great skips during the fight number 7 arrival at rabbit ridge this is the main story moon of the dark side being a big gauntlet where you fight against all four of the brutals and the mecca brutal in a series of fights with only one heart refill on the journey and if you die you have to restart from the very beginning safe to say this moon gets quite tense as it's fairly easy to take a hit or two in each fight i'm super happy they gave us a chance to have a mini boss rush and it's for the most part executed pretty well but there is one problem i have with it that makes it not place higher since this takes place on the moon all of these fights sadly have low gravity applied that can make fighting them somewhat less fun or easier than their normal gravity variants however for the difficulty and concept alone this has to place highly on the list plus the low gravity does work to make these fights all unique from their original counterparts number six tussle and toast arena rematch while this is not technically the highest ranked mushroom kingdom rematch i think this easily got the best change out of any of them now during the fight not only do you have to worry about knuckle tech's attacks but mummies will also spawn from the ground making this incredibly difficult to traverse without taking any damage especially in the faces where you have to move around it quickly this was such a significant difficulty change that it was able to bring this moon up to being far above its original and this doesn't even have the build up to it like that one did i think this might even be the single hardest boss fight in the game i'm not entirely sure about it but i definitely have died quite a few times fighting this guy number 5 a traditional festival this is the most iconic moon in all of super mario odyssey this axe is the big conclusion to the new donk city story acting as not only a fantastic callback to the original donkey kong even letting mario face off against him near the end but it also just acts as a great celebration of the game as a whole the party aesthetic of the city is super unique to just this one moon and it makes it feel so special but of course the thing that makes this the most iconic moon in the game is pauline and her song jump up superstar this is one of if not the most popular song in the mario series and for very good reason it's an absolute banger and just fits the game so perfectly this song and moon really made me happy that they brought pauline back from obscurity and despite her not originating in odyssey she really is the poster character for it right next to cappy for its iconicity fantastic song and its references to mario's past this had to make the top five number four battle with the lord of lightning and number three rumble and crumbled in rematch the lord of lightning is such a cool boss you guys i'm sure you don't need me to tell you as pretty much everyone agrees but man seeing this guy was such a surprise from a mario game he is so different from anything else in the mario series being a more realistic looking dragon as opposed to the more cartoony look of all the other bosses not only is his aesthetic fantastic though but so is the boss who'll shoot out several rings of lightning at the player which they'll need to avoid before slamming his head into the ground causing more lightning shock waves that can damage the player from there you have to pull swords out from his head before you can ground pound on him to repeat the process this is always a highlight of a repeat playthrough both the aesthetic and mechanics make for both a super memorable and challenging fight trying to pluck all of the swords out of his head as fast as possible or jumping between all the waves of electricity are just such fun challenges the mushroom kingdom also has some pretty good changes making the shock waves go vertically and also covering the arena in a sheet of ice oh and i cannot forget about the boss theme here either just an absolute banger one of my favorites in the series number 2 long journeys end this is easily the most in-depth moon in the entire game which is fitting since it's also meant to be the big finale most 3d mario titles up until this point have had a big final challenge level to cap off the game and odyssey is absolutely no different this is a massive gauntlet taking you through several sections based on previous portions of the game first you have an optional boss fight against a ufo before jumping across some poles over lava afterwards you face some moving hills and then a pretty difficult lava bubble section where you have to try and avoid getting hit by the moon snakes this is followed by a little uproot section and a freezing water segment where we have to avoid some fuzzies yoshi even makes an appearance for a bit where we get to scale up a conveyor and cross a flower path before getting to a timer challenge which we need to complete or else be pushed into lava then we get to use our pal glide on to avoid some fly guys no not the enemy fly guys i mean not great now i gotta look up their name see what you did oh urban sting bees wow i'm honestly surprised there's a stingby reference of all enemies in this game well anyway we then get to use some bobonins before entering into a foggy area with a moving platform verbose around us as we make our journey through it but we have to be careful as missing a throw and hitting one of these ring generators will make this room much harder than it already was there's then a fairly difficult portion of the level where you have to time a pokio poke onto the moving platforms where missing would be an instant death then you face donkey kong once more in a 2d segment before ending the level with a final chance to use the bowser capture as you all can tell by just how long the explanation of this moon was yeah there's quite a lot here with so much to do this gets to be a pretty intense moon especially considering dying at any point means you have to restart from the very beginning there are no checkpoints there are a few hearts on the way but other than that you're left to face this gauntlet without much support the long gauntlet alone would put this in the top 10 easily however there are a few things about this one in particular that make it exceptionally special for one just like the rest of the game this moon is filled to the brim with small and very large shortcuts in order to beat it quicker some of the main ones include using this block and uproot to skip the fuzzy segments going on top of the timer challenge platform to skip the timer challenge but the biggest of them all is using glidon to glide completely over the sub area to jump straight to bowser what i really like about these skips though is that not only are they really fun to perform but they're not freebies either they're fairly difficult so the challenge of the stage still remains intact however none of the gameplay even compares to what actually makes this moon number two for me the actual ending see bowser wasn't really how this ends after getting past his portion you get a thank you from the dev team and then you get sent back outside on the moon unlike the other mario gauntlets though you aren't just instantly given the end of the stage after the thank you instead you are met face to face with the new donk city hall on the moon's surface though this time it's monochromatic to match the atmosphere you notice that there are frogs around you and one last time you need to capture them signifying the adventure coming full circle as they were the game's very first capture you scale the building as the quiet honeyloon ridge theme plays around you an oddly calming end after the massive gauntlet you just faced finally you make it to the top and begin climbing the pole to the moon the same spot where a different moon was located in new donk city but this time it's different the pole is a lot longer than it was originally and as you start to climb a quiet music box gets to play and cappy begins to speak his speech here is filled with so much nostalgia about the journey he and you the player have had together and it's genuinely one of my favorite moments in the entire mario franchise his final line is always perfectly timed for when the moon appears on screen from there all that's left to do is to hit the jump button and grab your prize [Music] this is just a fantastic moon everything about it from the large challenging gauntlet to the nostalgic ending is truly fantastic it is a bit easier than i'd like personally i'd rather there be zero heart refills but it genuinely doesn't matter this was a fantastic end to the best game in the mario franchise to date but come on you know me i would have never put the predictable choice at number one i'm all about giving hot takes or some of you all call them bad opinions obviously i'm not doing it just to be a contrarian this is actually how i feel but there is one single moon that i think is indeed better than the nearly perfect ending gauntlet known as long journey's end in the community post i mentioned before asking you all which moons you all thought would be number one not a single person that i saw was able to guess what i put which is honestly kind of funny considering this is the only moon i've ever made an entire video on number one showdown at bowser's castle this is in my opinion the single best designed boss fight in the entire mario series and it's honestly not even that close like i said i made a 20 minute video purely focused on just this moon so summarizing my thoughts here will be a bit tricky basically this has the perfect combination of aesthetics difficulty and of course speedrun strats out of any boss in the series first off the normal fight the robo brood will shoot out bombs and pokios toward the player and you need to shoot at their metallic legs in order to break the coating to let mario climb up them from there he has to knock out one of the brutals before being knocked off himself the second phase will have the mecha brutal march around a bit before firing the bombs which could easily damage mario the third phase the thing will become temporarily invincible and charge the player before shooting out damaging rings and continuing the stage like in phase two finally the last phase yes this boss requires four hits as opposed to the normal three is basically the same as the last one without the charge with so many different attacks this guy is incredibly difficult to defeat i definitely died quite a few times here on my first playthrough this makes the boss all the more rewarding when you finally beat him now all of that is good certainly enough for top 15 but number one how did it reach that high up well it's simple it has the best speedrun strats out of any boss fight see instead of landing back on the ground after hitting a brutal you are actually able to cappy jump back onto the mech and try to hit another one this is pretty hard though as the boss is quite shaky meaning you're likely to miss the brutals and fall back down not to worry though as they implemented another fast strat if you fall see on the first phase of the fight there are metallic orbs on the side of the boss's legs but after that they'll become wooden tiles meaning you could just climb up them using a pokio and attempt to hit them once again you can repeat this for every hit and try to get the perfect boss fight which is just about the most satisfying thing you can do in this entire game oh and that's not even the only way to do this boss fast as in the first phase you can completely skip the pokio by jumping up the side of the mech using very precise and tricky jumps that's not even to mention how you need to ground pound this boss making this perfect for spin pounds watching an expert do this boss is always such a great watch it's incredible seeing all this movement come together in one place and i think that's just really emblematic of what i love about this game seeing yourself visibly be able to improve at this boss fight over time as you play the game more and more is something i don't really get much out of every single other mario boss that includes the rematch of this boss in dark side which i do consider to be a worse moon due to the low gravity making the skips kind of brain-numbingly easy i'm sure a lot of people would disagree with me because there are five boss fights as opposed to just the one here but the low gravity really does hurt the rematches for me but back to the main moon here on top of all of this the boss's theme absolutely slaps one of the most underrated tracks in the mario series it's perfectly fitting for the aesthetic and even works outside of it as well but yeah for having the perfect balance of a hard difficulty a fantastic aesthetic and a lot of opportunity to show off mario's fantastic movement showdown at bowser's castle otherwise known as the robobrew boss fight gets to take number one as the best moon in super mario odyssey but yeah that's it every single moon in mario odyssey has been ranked before we go i also wanted to quickly show off the average moon ranking for every kingdom since i thought that would be interesting and a few of you also requested it the lower the number the better so here's the list on screen now as that scrolls by though guys i genuinely want to thank you all so much for 100k subscribers being able to do youtube videos has been my dream ever since i was like 8 years old starting my channel over 10 years ago we've come a long way since then and i am still in love with doing videos for the platform i seriously appreciate every single one of you for sticking with me even those of you who have called cringe for having a different opinion than me you all have helped me reach this point and i'm really excited to see how far we go from here i have no plans on slowing down anytime soon i'm having more fun making videos than i ever have before i don't know what the next goal will be or what the next milestone video will be at because i think this one's going to be pretty hard to top but whatever the future holds for us i'm ready to see it through but anyways dry bones for smash and i'll see you guys next time you
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 889,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, super mario, nintendo switch, super mario odyssey speedrun, super mario odyssey bosses, super mario odyssey boss fights, super mario odyssey kingdoms ranked, super mario odyssey kingdoms, super mario odyssey every moon, odyssey central, ranking every moon in super mario odyssey, ranking every moon in mario odyssey, ranking every boss in mario, super mario bros, super mario 64, mario odyssey robobrood, mario odyssey darker side, all 836 moons mario modyssey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 28sec (8668 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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