Luigi Odyssey but every Moon makes Luigi BIGGER...

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hello everyone today we're finding out how far you can make it into super luigi odyssey if every moon doubles luigi's size so luigi starts off tiny and makes his way up to being ginormous so we're starting out in the late kingdom which has got to be one of the prettiest kingdoms in the game and luigi is very very tiny look how small he is compared to everything else i have to zoom in fully to even see him properly but luckily for me there should be a power moon around here which i can easily get and double luigi's size instantly let's have a look let's have a look yes there we go here's the first power moon you can't see luigi in the loading screen but there we go luigi's size is now doubled you can actually see him now without zooming in but also for some strange reason he's lost his mustache which looks quite funny but anyway in the late kingdom there's a really difficult jump that i can do that skips a whole underground section of the lake kingdom where you jump over that wall there you see that wall there i'm gonna jump over it now i wanna do a triple jump yeah let's see if i can do it i need to do a cat throw as well and then the water yes i got it first try wait am i underneath the grout i'm underneath the ground i'm out of bounds and for some reason luigi's gone back to normal size when he's in the water what what just happened that's actually so strange has the map corrupted because luigi's tiny i think i can get out of bounds here what this is so weird you're not meant to be out of bounty and for some reason luigi grows back big when he's in the water i'll go explore that weird out of bounds area a bit later when i'm a bit bigger but first i want to go up here so i can get a moon behind the zipper which will double my size again so what i want to do is capture the zipper here unzip it unzip it fully and then i can roll down this area and collect the moon at the end which is very very nice there we go here's the moon and that will double my size again make me a little bit bigger oh luigi looks a little bit bigger now the bottom of his boot has just turned into a blob that's a bit of a tongue twister to say it had too many bees in all right anyway there's another quick moon that i can get on plushies back no i think it's named dory oh i've grown back to normal size when i'm in the water i think that just happens wait i'm like flickering between being small and big that's so strange can you see that but anyway we're still small we can see luigi in the moon animation now funk story so much for the moon but anyway we're gonna go to the surface now and let's see how big luigi is now yeah he seems about half normal size now but now what i want to do is go up and fight the boss up there rango in this kingdom so i can get a multi move and that will triple my size hmm it might be possible to make a jump from here right you know what let's make a deal if i can make that jump up there on my first try you have to subscribe is that a deal if it is the deal i'm gonna go for it three two one let's see if i can get on my first try i need to do a triple jump and a cap throw then oh yes i think i'm gonna make it yes i made it up wait why isn't the boss fight starting shouldn't the boss fight start well no matter what if you aren't subscribed you have to subscribe now because you made a deal yeah why isn't the boss fight starting do i have to jump up to activate it maybe something's got messed up with the boss oh okay i just jumped up and it's just started that is so weird let's see if anger will jump down this could have something to do with me getting out of bounds before yeah he's standing on thin air i think the boss fight is messed up a bit oh luigi's in a bubble and van gogh's slowly falling down what on earth is happening this boss fight's completely messed up let's see if i can be it like normal no wait whenever i go up here it puts me back in a bubble stomp from now i can't cappy i'm stuck i guess i have to stay away from the arena can mango follow me here can mango follow me outside of the arena i've got the checkpoint here and rango get out the arena okay i'm gonna see if i can jump on his hat and hit him now yeah i can wait let's see if i can get him out of the arena though yes he can he's outside of the arena now oh he's stomping me will he jump off will he jump up and go underwater he's gone underwater what on earth is happening this is not meant to happen i didn't expect this to happen at all let's see if i can stomp on his head and beat him whilst i'm underwater he's stuck he's stuck against the globe what okay he can still damage me whilst i'm underwater i need to be very careful is there anywhere i can get a heart there should be i want to wait until he throws his hat again when he throws his hat on again that's time for me to make my move no oh i hit him somehow i hit him i didn't expect to hit him there oh man this is getting close i need somewhere else to get out i think i can go inside of this bubble to get out will he follow me inside of this bubble how is he here [Music] no i died and he only needs one more hit he only needs one more hit but he's not meant to be down in this area this is so strange and surreal seeing him here let's see if i can get the final hit right now inside of this late kingdom park dive no no no no i need to hit him oh i missed i missed wait i know what would be funny if i could get him down to this captain toad park come on i'll try to guide him down come on fall down yes he fell down the hole he's falling down the hole oh i hit him i got the final hit and he's teleported back up to the arena that was so surreal and strange i have no clue what just happened that was kind of funny though oh i was put in a bubble how am i gonna get up to that moon i guess i have to do like a really good parkour jump let's see if i can get this moon hopefully i can i want to get this moon it might just put me in a bubble no it doesn't look like it's gonna be possible so i'm gonna have to reset my game to recollect it so i reset my game and i found out what was wrong what had happened was i accidentally moved the map down a ton in the editor when i was changing luigi's size so i've changed that back to normal and now we can go collect this multi moon why is luigi this size in the cutscene yeah oh i remember the camera follows luigi instead of cappy so cappy's just up in the sky and you probably won't even see luigi no you do see luigi but you don't see cappy and the multi-moon because this counts as three different moons so it will make me three times bigger let's see this cuts seems funny as well he's so tiny okay what has happened something's messed up luigi is very very long oh he's running animation what i think i've accidentally messed up one of the size values because i've made this mod myself so i think i messed something up let's collect the moon now because this is hideous i don't want to see this anymore this looks so strange where's the quick and easy moon i can get there should be like a quick and easy moon in that bubble thing in the ocean okay when i'm in water it turns back to normal but it puts me on a weird angle when i'm swimming he looks a bit like wow luigi to be fair he's got the same body type as waluigi but i think in one of these crevices there's a moon not in that one though maybe the next one yes i think i see the door how is he gonna okay i think i need to duck to fit through here and roll i need to duck and roll yeah i missed because otherwise i'm not going to fit through this little crevice oh i keep on bonking how do i make it through yes i made it through i made it through and if i talk to this late kingdom woman she should give me a moon this will double my size and hopefully get rid of my tallness it will cure me from being tall oh nice it's cured me from being freakishly tall and now it looks like i'm normal sized and i've only got one more moon to get in this kingdom and for this last moon i want to do something cool using the outbound glitch i somehow made i don't know how i'm going to get out of bounds again but i want to capture a fish and see if i can get the fish out of bounds then i might be able to clip in somewhere and get get a moon early alright so this is where the glitch can i okay i can go on the surface let's see if i can get out of bounds with this fish can i dive down yes okay this out of bounds glitched work you see that giant box down there that's where there's a captain toad moon and if i swim down there oh there's a death box so to avoid hitting the death plane i want to stay by the surface i don't want to go too deep out of bounds but i can see my shadow i'm going downwards let's see if i can access this captain toad moon from out of bounds it's going to be so funny if this actually works i'm nearly there now this is gonna be really quick okay let's see if i can clip through the surface yes i can i just clipped through that surface into the captain toad area hello captain toad oh he scared me cause i'm a fish i have to uncapture the fish otherwise captain toad is scared of me oh okay i'm out of my fish i can talk to captain toad he'll give me a moon oh thank you toad okay let's go swimming captain toad i didn't really go swimming i went out of bounds it's so quiet out here i wonder how you'll get home i know how i'll get home i'll go for this pipe and i've also collected enough power moons to move on to the next kingdom so i can walk back to the odyssey it's green because i'm in super luigi odyssey and i actually can't remember what kingdom comes next it might be the lost kingdom actually i think that's a bowser fight and then it's the last kingdom and in the lost kingdom there's a ton of moons which means that luigi's gonna become giant i'm really excited for it oh they're gonna get attacked by bowser and bowser is gonna shoot us down there's bowser's ship there luigi you should be scared there he is bowser he's looking very intimidating up there he's looking down at luigi luigi's looking up at him why is luigi going right by the cannons surely he's just going to get hit by the cannons oh we're at the cloud kingdom and luigi seems to be double the size all right let's go fight bowser whilst i'm double the size bowser's waiting up there will i be more powerful because i'm double the size will this make the boss fight harder i'm assuming it might make the boss fight a little bit harder but here we are bowser come fight me come at me i'm ready will he be bigger in the cutscene this will be interesting i need to know if he's bigger in the cutscene the late kingdom didn't really have any cutscenes oh i think he is yeah compared to cappy is a lot bigger luigi i don't have time for you i'm busy planning my wedding do you know how stressful it is oh he's not really on screen you can only see his feet okay okay okay luigi's still big luigi's still big let's go fight bowser okay i wanna hit his hat and capture his hat and bring it back to me come on bowser you're going down these five rings i have to look out for come on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven knock out okay that will teach you yes it will my punches aren't any more powerful because i'm double the size which is a bit upsetting i wish nintendo made like modes like this where when you collect moons your size doubles i just think it would be really cool this hat seems to work surprisingly well seeming that i'm double the size as normal ah i got hit i got squished a little bit come on i don't know if i need to watch how to jump okay that's the next round nice i got him i got him i've got him i need one more hit and i've got two hp left i should be able to do this oh we've got a lot of hats now i need to avoid all the purple ones i said avoid the purple none let's not hit them and i want to hit the red one or the white one i want to hit the white hat come on avoid the purple ones hit the white one i want to hit the white one with my hat go on yes bowser you're going down you you've got one more hp left i've got two more hp so that means automatically i'm gonna win i need to watch out for these things come on i need to make sure i jump i always used to miss the jumps here jump yes i me i did the jump he's going down i don't think this gives me any moons though so luigi won't get any bigger here will he be double the size in this cutscene as well though i can't actually tell it's really difficult to tell if he's any bigger in these cutscenes than our heart fire oh no he's gonna fire his cannons at me he is bigger he is bigger normally these cannons is he gonna fit in the odyssey oh he fell okay we're going down to the lost kingdom now and in the lost kingdom there's a ton of moves there's so many moons you can see so many moons scattered around here we are we're in the lost kingdom all right let's do a jump and let's begin it's lagging a little bit the lost kingdom always lags my game a little bit where are we now cappy we're in the lost kingdom and the odyssey's busted up so we have to go collect some moons to fix it i don't know how much further i'll be able to make it in the game so i have to collect 10 moons in this kingdom i'm gonna keep on going until the game becomes unplayable but what i can do is go along here and underneath this bridge here there's another moon which i can collect first moon of this kingdom and i accidentally activated klepto so luigi's hat is stolen cappy's gone so it's just luigi on his own now that's a little bit annoying but before i save cappy i want to go underneath this bridge you see there's a moon here and with a well-timed dive i should be able to get it no i missed let's try that again all right take number two let's see if i can get on the second try no pick number three let's see if i get it this time no oh take number four let's see yes i did it i finally got it right luigi's clipping into the moon now okay but i died but this should be good when i respawn i'll be double as big oh oh okay he's pretty big now he's looking pretty chunky let's go save cappy from klepto now oh when he rolls into a ball he looks giant as well okay i need to do this parkour up here without kathy which is really difficult so i'm really really used to cappy come on i can hear kathy yelling help he needs some help but first i think there's a moon hidden in one of these areas yes there is there's a moon hidden here which i can grab quickly oh luigi's fully clipped into the moon now luigi has become the moon anyway we need to go save cappy i can hear his screams of terror i need to not mess up the parkour i've messed up the parkour a few times because it's becoming because luigi is becoming more and more difficult to control and luigi's got slightly slipperier movement than mario okay i can i can scare him off this platform and make him move to the other one wow i can ground pound him come on [Music] i can ground pound him now and there we go that should save cappy there's so many different moons around i can see all of them poking out and we're gonna go collect all of them in a minute once we talk to cappy luigi is so big compared to him all right let's go collect some power moons i've got cappy back nice and the first power meal i can get i can get i can collect just by ground pounding in this spot there we go that was easy he's clipped inside of there again oh wow we she's gotten pretty big now this is gonna start affecting game player okay i'm gonna see if i can do this without using cabbie at all without using these little bug things just do the park around the side which yeah i should be able to do it's just simple drums it's just simple captions and here we are here's another moon that i can collect oh yeah nice one luigi's nearly fully off screen in a few moons luigi's going to be fully off screen which is going to be cool luigi's legs have gotten really skinny the same thing happened to mario when i was doing the same challenge with mario which you can go watch after this if you want to yeah yeah let's see if i can collect this butterfly it should be pretty easy come on come on go on i'm pretty close come on nearly yes i got it easy he's been skipping arm day as well his arms are tiny come on there we go here's another moon let's go speak to that captain toad over there or that blue captain toad captain toad is missing i wonder where he could be i'll go find him later i guess oh am i gonna be able to fit in here or am i too big oh i'm too big to get into that room oh that's annoying oh wow luigi's warping in size a bit this is getting a bit crazy i'll ground pound on here and i'll make my way up to the top because maybe from the top i'll find something to stop him whoa this looks so strange and we'll jump up i'm sorry if i'm repeating myself but this is really cool and he is getting giant i don't want to repeat myself every five seconds saying he's giant but there we go there's another moon up here which i can easily grab let's go i might have enough coins to buy a moon as well which i don't know if you count that as cheating even if it is cheating i'm gonna go for it let's see if i can fit in let's see if i can get into the loading zone i made it into the loading zone which is really surprising i squeezed my way in and for some reason in this room luigi's normal size ah that's strange anyway hi captain toad i'm gonna buy a moon hi yay power up moon let's buy it is this what you wanted yes i definitely want a power moon so i can make it to the metro kingdom later oh it's going to be so cool going through the metro kingdom as giant luigi let's go out and let's see how big this has made me i'm i don't mean to be repeating myself but it is crazy how big he's getting oh wow i can't remember if capturing stuff changed the size of them so let's test that out let's see if glydon doubles his size when i capture him let's capture him now oh unfortunately it doesn't luigi just gets shrunk down to his size but i can glide all the way over to this moon here which should be pretty easy gliding with glide on is pretty fun ah that's a cool name glide on there we go yeah and collect it nice now we only need two more moons to leave this kingdom luigi is completely off screen when you try getting moon i wonder what will happen if i get a multi moon maybe i'll be able to get a multi moon in the metro kingdom because the metro kingdom's up next hopefully the game is still playable at that point ah but there's some areas i just can't get to because i'm too big but i'm gonna see if this affects the 2d area because in my mario video it didn't affect the 2d area but it might have changed let's see i need to open up this door oh am i going to be able to fit in here maybe if i'm fast enough when i do a ground pound roll i'll be able to fit come on do a ground pound roll oh with a grandpa roll it would but no it doesn't look like it affects the 2d area but we can still get the moon here getting the moon here shouldn't be that hard i should have died that i thought i died let's do a leap of faith wait will i fall into the lava now can i do a mid-air jump i fell into the poison i'm so bad yeah oh but it puts me back up here and i can make my way to captain toad now what do i do go for that moon down there on the platform or go for captain toad in that poison room i think i'm gonna go for captain toad because i prefer captain toad i could get that easy moon but that's the baby way i want to go see captain toad come on i'll capture this guy and then i can make my way into the captain toad room and if anyone's been wondering why i haven't uploaded in like a few weeks it's because i've been away in canada i went to canada into the big city but i couldn't really edit on my laptop it was very difficult to edit on my laptop and i wasn't really happy with the videos i pre-recorded so i just decided not to upload and take a little break but here we are we're here i'm gonna uncapture him see whether i can fit in this room oh i can't i can't i can only just fit and i can go over here talk to captain toad he'll give me a pity moon for coming and finding him are we scared of the bird to be fair i'm scared of the bird too clipper is pretty scary but there we go we got the moon get some rest captain toad and now i'm gonna be giant oh man i don't even know if i can fit how am i gonna get out of here excellent we found all the power moons that we need we can go fix the odyssey now okay i'm just gonna walk to the odyssey then that's probably the easiest way out let's capture the globe and move on to the metro kingdom i need 10 more moons i've got all 10. where's luigi luigi's completely missing from this cutscene is he somewhere that i'm not seeing him is he just going to be really big somewhere i can hear luigi but he's nowhere to be seen oh yeah where is luigi luigi has just gone missing i guess he's too big just to fit in the oddity he might be big enough to the point where he could just walk to the metro kingdom across the ocean so i'm in the metro kingdom now but if you try change the player's side in night metro the game just crashes but i guess i'll just do a time lapse until i get to day metro which doesn't take long all i have to do is beat the boss all right i just beat the boss in this kingdom mca wiggler and i can collect this multimoon which will turn the metro kingdom into day metro which means i can finally have big luigi back here we are fresh start for the city hopefully the big luigi is working now fingers crossed it looked a bit messed up the city yes it's working nice finally and i've added the three moons onto the total so luigi is very very big now but i can get the first moon right here there's the first moon in the gorda i need to crouch to get in i need to be very very careful and i've crouched and there we go got it nice secret girder tunnel and that will double me again anyway we can take this electric pylon down to the city now and whoa oh i love this music this music's so good but the city looks a bit messed up oh man luigi's bigger than a car now i could probably pass through a car if i crouch i couldn't even fit in the car if i tried to and normally the city people are meant to be way bigger than mario but luigi it's like double their height luigi's like a giant compared to them oh wow this city reminds me a lot of toronto i've just been there it was my first time being in a big city and mario odyssey's done a pretty good job at recreating the feel of a big city to be honest but what i can do to get a moon is go round the side of this building and there should be like a captain toad sticking out right at the end where is he there he is i can go talk to this captain toad and he should give me a moon hopefully he is if he's feeling nice he will hey captain toad can i have a moon please shopping oh thank you captain toad now problem my captain toad impression's very bad don't judge me on it oh wow okay i know where another moon is there's another moon up on top of the building i love the feeling of big cities i've never really been to like a big city before a few weeks ago that's why my upload schedule's been a bit shabby but i'm back now i'm back home now and i'm gonna be making more videos than ever so if you enjoy the videos like subscribe to see more oh is that the donkey kong thing from the festival that's not meant to be here yet it might have something to do with me modding it but here there should be a moon where the pigeons land yeah there is oh it's clipped into luigi's head but for some reason he's not collecting it it's in his body do i have to jump up to get it i think i might have to there we go he's completely gone it looks like her pigeons collected a moon i do want to explore the top of new donk city the new donk city tower because it looked like something was messed up there it looked like there was a donkey kong up there from the start look there's also a moon that i didn't collect before how okay it's so weird controlling luigi when he gets this big it becomes kind of hard but there's a moon here let's see if i'm able to do a park or jump to it if i stand on this railing do a ground pound and then a captain i should be able to get it there we go yes swaying in the breeze very nice very nice and i can also make my way to the top of the tower using this electric pylon let's go up let's go up let's see if donkey kong is at the top of new donk city tower it would be pretty funny every year this is really difficult to climb okay i think i've got it nice there we go yes there is a thing at the top there is the moon at the top dizzying height is true true oh man okay luigi is giant now i want to go down to that bin that bin has a moon in as well i can just do a long jump hopefully i don't miss luigi's getting pretty big no no how did i miss that all right attempt number two let's see if i can get in the bin i just need to do a long jump come on i think i've got my angle right am i on it yes i'm on it and i can use my cap to open up the bin and there's another moon this is gonna make me giant how did they take out the trash that is a good question how are they gonna take out the trash up here oh yeah i was gonna check out to see if yeah there he is donkey kong he's up at the top let's see if i can interact with him i want to go back up to the top of the tower i forgot what i was doing but i remember that i wanted to go check him out oh okay okay there we go i've made it i've made it onto the zip line nice luigi is giant now can i interact on it with that can i go stand on the top if i was to do a long jump and then a capro yeah let's have a look oh i can stand on it yeah oh oh what are you meant to be able to stand on this this isn't normally in the game yeah yeah can i interact with donkey kong no i can't oh that's completely invisible and i got killed by the oil i got killed by the fire in the oil well that's annoying but anyway what we can do from here is capture this pylon and go to this little like tower yeah i can go to this tower and stomp on this guy's head get another moon nice and this will double my size again i'm gonna be big and i can also talk to this guy i think i have to activate it with pauline first so i'm gonna warp over to pauline hi pauline let me talk to the musicians he's just got cone feet pauline's just talking to some cone feet but there we are we can get the first musician here and i'm pretty sure it's the story moons we'll see the cool story moon animation there we go thank you drummer the drummer just gave me a moon it's just his feet spinning around with a moon and cappy oh you can't even see him anymore oh wow oh man it's got to the point where you can't even see luigi fully on screen that is insane but anyway we can go to this glowing spot it's getting really difficult to control and he's shooting cappy out of his foot what i need to keep in the air so i can almost just see okay i can talk to this guy i can just see my foot okay there we go we get another story moon it's just floating around his foot and cappy is it gonna be possible to even beat this kingdom no i can't get out of this room i have to warp out of this room if i want to get out because the doorway is too small there's a moon i'm interested to see whether it will work or not and it's on this bench here next to this lonely guy i'm gonna see if i can still sit on the bench boy i tell you the city he's depressed because city bad i quite liked it in the city there we go i'm sat down will he give me a moon he's clipped inside the building his feet are waggling a ton i'm gonna go into snapshot mode to view this there we go i got a moon for sitting next to him nice you can't even see him oh this is so funny thanks pal i made his day better nice okay i can also get this rc car moon really quickly just by capturing this guy and it should be pretty easy how am i kids good at this game well um i'm a kid i think i'm still a kid tell me what you'd classify as a kid in the comments cause i'm 16. i don't know of 16 counts as a kid anymore surely there we go i got the rc car moon nice i'm pretty good at it i'm still a kid easy bro do you see him on this par he's just holding the post he's giving the post a big hug oh and i can also talk to this bassist over here this guy hello hello bassist okay give me a moon please oh thank you oh wow okay oh okay it looks like the hitbox has just given up and it's just giant mario um giant luigi feet that you see oh i can get a moon in here though i can if i break open these crates because my hitbox has just reverted to normal it's like i'm just playing with an invisibility cap three more moons to go three more minutes to go i think there's another one that i can collect on top of this building yes i see it am i gonna be able to make the jump it's quite hard to see okay apparently i've grabbed onto the ledge well this is so cursed like as you can see luigi was just staring up at us okay yeah am i close how cool yes i got it i got it somehow gerda sandwich the moon looks tiny whoa i think there's one in the trash over here actually there's one on top of a building in the trash i'm not too familiar where all the moons are because i haven't done 100 in ages if i remember correctly there's a moon here in this pile yes there is now i only need one more moon let's go let's go this is gonna make me ginormous i can only see his feet in snapshot mode i can only see luigi's feet now this has got to the point where it's pretty much unplayable the game oh wow this is bigger than the buildings but where can i get this final last moon oh but there's a moon here that i can get on top of this building let's see if i can make it come on oh i just missed i just missed this will be the final moon i need as well nice i forgot about this one on top of the pool i just need to bounce on this flag yeah i just need to bounce on there and there we go we got it so i've done it i beat the metro kingdom that is very nice oh my gosh his legs what luigi's all the way over there luigi's in the city over there but if you enjoyed this video you might also enjoy super luigi odyssey but every moon i collect doubles luigi's speed click on screen to watch it now it's very good and i'll see you in that video bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 1,294,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luigi odyssey, mario odyssey, mario, challenge, funny, manx ninja pig, odyssey, smo, mods, modded, mario size, mario size comparison, moon, power moon, mod, super mario odyssey, zxmany, super mario odyssey luigi, super mario odyssey mods, lost kingdoms, manx, mario ost, mario series, super mario, funny mario videos, mario memes, animated mario, mario videos, nintendo switch, jumping, new mario game, mario youtube, mario challenge, mario mod, mario challenge runs, mario mods, luigi
Id: WH8OVM3Ftu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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