Super Monkey Ball 2 by Yutori in 33:18 - SGDQ2018

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looks like we're all set so gonna turn things over to you Tory for his super monkey ball 2 run best of luck all right we already we on we're live good all right should we do a countdown yeah you Tory you want to calm down okay three two one go all right so this is super monkey ball 2 and this is the hardest stage in the game if I could just really quickly interject with a generous donation we have a $10,000 donation from the Yeti Hey Yeti here yesterday was an amazing day full of blocks we loved thanks to all the staff volunteers and especially the runners you are what makes this event so special let's unlock that Super Monkey Ball run we thank you very much Yeti we also have another $10,000 donation from the Yeti Oh seriously let's get that Super Monkey Ball run which by the way we have met that incentive so following this run we will see a Super Monkey Ball run so featuring you Tory and Jeff so thank you everybody for your donations [Applause] so starting off this run we're seeing some of the hardest levels in the game yeah I mean I I'd agree with that I think that's an accurate representation of this world but to give some actual real information when at the beginning of the the stages and the end of the stage you see and pausing and menuing and what that is is basically cancelling two cutscenes that happen or animations when he pauses the beginning it spins to the world and faster saves about three seconds and then at the end he does that menuing and goes back to the Stage Select screen and that saves the little happy dance that my eye does so as much as we want to see I happy it's not fast to do that so that's what that is and you do it a hundred times for a hundred levels so it saves you know anywhere from five to six minutes if you do it well so the menuing on the Japanese version is actually a little bit risky because in order to menu up to stage select you have to pass exit game and if he hits exit game accidentally he goes all the way back to the main menu and on the English version you can pause on a screen that asks you if you want to save your progress and go back to stage select from there which is a little bit faster but on the Japanese version it doesn't let you do that so it's actually pretty slow to exit game it's 10 second time loss maybe even more so he's gonna go for a 1 cycle here which just means that he's going to try to skip this cycle on the bridge and know they just missed it there and it stays about 10 seconds because the cycles are just timer based movement so come back to the stage selecting in the US version you can actually when you pause on the save screen if you go back to stage select and you're hovering over a level and you beat in a level you can actually skip that stage just by kind of glitching out the pause menu and that only works I think on the North American merge or like the NTSC version yeah North American NTSC version it was patched out I guess out of the Japanese our young star coming up soon in two four we'll see our first pause buffer of the run you want to talk about that yeah so pause buffering basically if you do the same input at the same time holding the same direction the same result will happen so what you Tory is going to do is hold I believe it's up left until a certain frame and then go neutral and then do a movement and all right so he got the frame and I was gonna hold up and up right here and there you go so pause buffers just allow just runner to do the exact same thing the exact same way as long as you get the same frames and hold the same direction on those frames so that's the next that's actually a really interesting thing that just happens this game has a weird way of doing collision and which it only detects collision over edges 48 of these 60 frames I believe it is yeah so there's just 12 frames where if you go over an edge you'll just teleport over it and you won't collide with it so it can be really beneficial or it can be really detrimental yeah just depending on what level you're on and what you need to have happened so what happened to him was obviously not great but it's a good talking point it worked out this is one of my most fun strats in the run you just fall forever and get a ton of speed yeah and blast through the goal it's the the fastest like completable stage I believe it starts like top speed the monkey reaches now on in terms you can obviously reach like 999 and even further beyond that the game caps like the visual at nine nine nine but I think the ingen units like forty five hundred miles per hour I always love this stretch just bouncing over the top of everything it's great and then we end off world two with a pretty basic level it can be kind of annoying to get this quickly yes because the platform's move really fast and if you're not fast enough then you'll just fall right off yeah a lot of people will opt to not press the fast-forward button there and there's there's other levels that have the buttons too those buttons just and take control the cycle speeds of the moving parts of the level so like right here you fall in on the fast board button you just and actually you use that speed to your advantage here so he's just gonna get hit forward and just slam into the goal that almost looks like a glitch goal didn't yeah should we talk about a boosting at the start of stages that's an absolutely horrible idea we of course we should so boosting just gives you a small little boost of speed like the name implies by holding up the left or upright when you fall into the stage you gain a small boost of acceleration because the games thinking that your control stick is further away from Center yeah and it just gives you a slight boost so there are some stress that are actually impossible if you don't loose like frame boost at the beginning all right so you're Tory's gonna do something really cool here this is like one of the coolest strats I've always been a big fan of it there we go nice Oh No Oh version differences yeah as far as other version differences you can hear the sound effects are a bit different in the Japanese version and I have to I hope play a game yeah it's a game oh yeah okay yeah so what happened there is he accidentally exited game instead of going to stage select so he loses ten seconds from having the menu back into the game and has to redo the stage yeah there we go also this URL does not work so like anyone a check don't it doesn't yeah if you guys are planning on crashing this website with GD justice it's not gonna work that website doesn't exist anymore well I think it does but it's just like a winding page that just doesn't go anyway yeah it hasn't been updated in like ten years it's just like a chat thing every time I played that level they like hate that website doesn't exist me one way yeah well I don't know what you expected I'm not sure what the [Music] this is the start of a trend in levels where it gives you several different options in a couple of them it's faster to go on the the second largest one just because it's closer to the goal but that one you can get a little boost over to the largest one which makes that one the fastest to stay on I'm always too scared to go for the little boost there oh nice that's kind of scary yeah yeah I'm always too scared to go on the to do that boost on curvy option this this is the level that always kills my PB paste it in world 3 it's very hard because when you go off you kind of go off whined Lee and you have to adjust your falling speed so it was very good trend in this game or just blind jumps off of things yeah knowing where you need to be I think my average try count on that level is anywhere from 2 to 15 Dreyfus 15 is about accurate usually if I start messing it I just start getting on a trend of getting more and more tilted until I just can't do it and I have to start over yeah so this level always-always bodied me as a kid like just and and of course i was too young to realize that the glowing lines were were the comb bristles were so I just never kind of put two and two together but I love this strat that we do now just go completely through it this is always a fun level to execute and to watch just smooth yeah honestly and you conveniently just by holding forward so you Tory does a really scary strat to me yeah where he goes through the middle I go around the outside but yeah conveniently on that level if you just hold straight forward nice very nice Leon on beehive conveniently if you just hold straight forward it boosts util to the left instead of bouncing you straight up like you'd expect from hitting a corner and is that a single frame perfect cue Tory for dynamic maze single frame okay okay yeah so some of the pause buffers you have a little a little more than one frame to pause which makes them a little easier but there's quite a few strats oh so close there's quite a few struts that are frame perfect so you need to pause on the exact right frame or it doesn't work yeah it has a lot of them especially in the later worlds this is one of my least favorite levels in the game I think casually that's like the second worst our second least fun stage to play casually and then 4/10 is probably the least yeah if anyone played this game casually as a kid or even not as a kid you probably have very not fond memories of 4/10 it's called arthropod then they might ring a bell to anybody who was traumatized by it this drought looks cool yeah alright so what he's gonna do he's gonna menu two four ten and play it before for nine and this is basically the loading manipulation so the way that the cutscenes work on the last row is he go oh he's going for it oh wow that was amazing so the reason that you plays these leverages here last is because the ending cutscenes take about 10 to 11 seconds to load in and they load on the last stage that you play so they load behind the scenes and so what we do is on worlds that have stages that are longer than 10 seconds we played those stages last in order to let all the cutscene load beforehand so that there's less loading times in between worlds it's taken a total of about 15 seconds I believe in the course of the run so you see here though just kind of dudes thing but that would have been even longer had he not played to see some bridges last yeah if he had not if he hadn't done that less than he would have gotten that loading screen and then it would have gone to the cutscene and he would have gone whoo-hee all right all right that strat is way harder than he made it look yes let me tell you it's very hard and it seems about 11 seconds so it's very worth it as well it saves 20 for me cuz I'm slow [Laughter] it's funny because if I gotten that on my peepee I would have had a 31 instead of a 32 because I have a 32 11 enough time but yeah I think the rest of world 5 is pretty simple so we could get a donation or to it yeah how to donate during the super super monkey ball block the best speedgame best of luck to Tori and I'm looking forward to a great race [Music] and a $50 donation from char bunny can't not donate during monkey ball [Music] [Music] this level is always super fun to execute yeah it just it just looks good this is also one of the stages that you can do the time stop glitch or time over a glitch oh yeah which is just it's the basically a glitch where are you in after the timer has ended you finished the level after the timer's ended and it just um really is a me thing in in challenge mode I guess I can explain it since there's not too much yeah go ahead and world 5 so the way it works is basically if you do usually it involves about six frame perfect' movements you can finish after the timer has ended either by the party ball hitting you in or the level moving into you so on the I believe it's only on the NTSC you version the stage that stages that move move one frame after time ins which is odd but it basically allows you to skip for every frame between the time that the level is finished in the time the level resets it skips one stage in like it tries to put you a stage ahead every frame but because you fail the level puts you back on the same stage so in most cases that'll let you replay the stage you just failed as the final stage of that level said yeah so it makes for some really interesting any percent runs even though there's not really a percentage counter that's just the best thing we could come up with and as you see he played cigs egg slopes their last so he could get the loading manipulation for world sticks [Music] rustics probably has like the most underrated music in this run I'd say so I its the sleeper it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I don't like world six but I just don't like six three operas yeah that's no I should have I should have rephrased world six is fine but six three is not fine no it's very not fine but there's a very cool strat to it so you know see you Tori absolutely nail it it's gonna be great oh I guess they didn't go for the missed it by a frame Oh No Oh jumped off a little bit early there there we go but now we get another chance to see this mr. by frame again that's the most common thing in this game is just missing something by one frame it is to frame perfect right hehe it is still hard so something I find kind of amusing there we go oh very nice babe so something I find kind of amusing about the Japanese version is the ready go at the start of every stage is still in English but it's still a different sound bite from the American version yeah for some reason they recorded someone different or just a different take of ready person saying ready go I'm not brave enough to go for that one I don't think anyone is well I only know like three people who've ever done the read goal on tears unbuffered Oh God actually maybe it's more than three but I could hardly do it Oh almost I could hardly do it buffered when I tried I just kind of refused to do it uh unbuffered was like at this point I'm just maybe not so on that level he holds back or you just need it's neutral so you fill up and then right at the peak you go neutral for a couple frames than you hold back up and it lets you get like a boost off the edge and cross that gap I don't know if it's a common mistake but at least for me when I was learning this game I didn't know did hold neutral for a couple frames there so I kept just flying straight over the edge and wondering what I was doing wrong so this stage infuriated me as a kid and I actually had to look up how to beat it because I could never figure out that like so there's two sets of buttons and then one set that's right there's four I believe four buttons that are correct and the rest are incorrect and they'll have like things that come and push you off and I just never looked to see that what was lighting up so that level has the illusion of being really hard but if you have somewhat decent balance you can just stay on the edge and the folding down and platforms won't touch you at all yeah I said this is another stage where you can get a psycho skip on that saves another ten seconds so if he's fast enough here he'll be able to get on this platform and there we go there we go too easy not for me for him I'm inconsistent in that they're right that fat is very hard because even getting the frame you still have to do really really tight and movement after you hit the goal like the edge of the goal and it scares me it's very hard oh that one hurt okay subscribe say yeah so it's faster to go straight through the middle here but also a lot more risky so you can just go right around the edge and it's pretty free so I believe this stage is what started pause buffer strats in this run this was found way back like five years ago probably I think back in 2013 where if you pause on one of two frames there's like two frames you can get and there's different movements for both but you just skip over all that so you see he skipped seven five and that's because he's gonna be doing the loading manipulation with that level oh that saved you that that bumps they do awesome that strat is a lot harder than it looks so it's harder because the the collision for the spirals isn't exactly perfectly rounded so you see them skipping off of it and sometimes you can just get stuck in one of the bumps and I'll just shoot you off or you just won't get any collision and so you get no speed so you can't transfer over it's kind of finicky and speaking of momentum transfer this is probably the best example of that nice there we go that's that's fast like going from point A to point C while skipping point B entirely there's another one of the hardest levels in the game everybody hey guys wait are we still playing game oh there's a game big gameplay oh there we go oh he beat it hahaha that was playing perfect by the way yeah frame totally another side [Music] this level is always super scary to me I always get a little bit of shaky hands on this platform because if you go too much to either side that they will just whip you straight off this page I'll so I'm pretty sure that's the hardest stage in a no banana run yeah because the four bananas at the end see if they actually bounced over them somehow I don't know and here's world eight which i think is probably my most hated world in the game because of one level that will come up very soon see this is my favorite level as as far as like feeling good about my gameplay but the music just makes me really nervous so I don't too often feel good about my team play so these first two levels aren't too bad in the first three I'd say I'd say it's not too bad either it can be so you Tori's doing this safe strat here you pause it uh 5833 hold up and then adjust in the air there's a strap where you don't pause you go instantly and then you have to try to transfer over after the middle thing and now here's probably the hardest speed strat in the game to learn at least I'd say four new runners this is probably one of the hardest just because of the blind jump down it's a really weird angle yeah so you have to understand how the ball travels through the air and all that stuff and one of the things you pretty much have to get in your head is the place where the ball lands is not where it looks like it's going to land until just a couple frames before you hit it there we go so this strats I believe its each kind of set of frames is like frame perfect' and there's like two sets of frames that you can get but that saves a lot of time that levels not fun otherwise this is another kind of attempted cycle skip where you clip off the piston and then you clip up to the next-to-last trampoline here it's kind of weird because we discussed earlier collision isn't perfect or really like super close to it and kind of perfect yeah and we didn't mention it when the level passed but uh earlier in the run wormhole that jump that he got sometimes collision just won't happen there go straight over it and that's one of the best examples I think of collision just you know screwing you over or which helping you as if that strap wasn't hard enough sometimes the cable just decided no you even though you had the set up perfect not gonna happen so warp is probably the least fun stage in this game just it's yeah it's not fun I don't know how else to describe it it's not fun if you ever try to go for the green goal it's even more not fun that's true they add the green goal you can get up on top of that last little hill and then there's a another slope on the other side with a set of bumpers on either side that will that love to torment you yeah when I first went for that I got stuck in between the bumpers and got just bullied just bumped back and forth for you know five seconds and then falling off the stage learn my lesson so world 9 is my favorite world in the game it's not necessarily a hard world but it has a lot of really fun execution in it and yeah it just it's visually appealing everything yeah I think it's the most visually aesthetic and musically aesthetic set of levels I mean how can you not get hypnotized by spinning saw it's actually a really cool stage like jokes aside this shirt right here is really cool just because it's not terribly too hard to execute but it looks really good you just bounce off one of the pipes and shoot straight in the goal same with this and I'm gonna let the next level speak for itself because the strategist does it better justice than words can honestly yeah my suggestion for commentary on this level was don't or watch this yeah basically so it's triple frame-perfect and there's like two or three sets of frames you can get so it's very challenging but worth it missing the third third frame on a triple frame perfect strat is always disheartening there we go so sometimes we get excited when we hit 96 so we just mash into 97 so normally when you're doing loading manipulation you'll skip 97 but since he played nine seven hills to give 99 right right okay so he'll skip 99 it's a little bit slower but it still is better than playing it out also doing the strat he did on corkscrew requires a lot more execution than a lot of the lot of this game speed Tech is a lot more execution than it looks like but it's very fun so very fun to begin oh this struts really hard it's like very perfect it's impossible just first absolutely amazing what a god of a runner jokes aside that's that's actually very easy now it's expert mode counterpart it's not as easy because you actually have to do a like a really quick upright movement to go on the go cuz you can't just like let off when you fall in but yeah the story mode version super inconsistent and so world 10 has a lot of frame perfect strategy and also the most forgettable level in the game yeah training is the level that until I played I always forget exists I'm just like I'm we're two more one but no you're here in world ten yeah because there's no better time to teach the runner not about how to play then world ten I say here's our first of the really big frame perfect strat so normally on gimmick you go to the right side you press the button it moves the level then you go all the way around and then go up a hill and then go in the goal you finish with about nine seconds left so because he missed one of the frames he had to do two extra frame perfect' pauses there so the turn from a three frame perfect fit into a five frame for a big shot he got it that's actually really really impressive yeah so basically he he messed up the somewhat easier that's right the three frame perfect head is it that was more and was forced to do an even harder version and still got it yeah that's really impressive I don't even remember the backup frames for that if I got you know the ten frame I just reset the level it's a lot of numbers to go through but even so close even doing that strat like taking a couple tries to do it is still faster than doing very normally because it takes almost a minute to go through the entire thing yeah I think you finished with about nine or eight seconds on the time or if you do it normally so if you take two tries it's still faster so right there there's a frame perfect strategy get 71 I believe on the timer you can do a little clip and avoid doing that it's a couple seconds faster and it's one of my favorite looking paused rats in the road yeah so there is a pause tragedy for this level but it's actually much slower people opt to do it because I think this strat is I would say I guess the word would be it wouldn't be too hard it's just hard no dating yeah it's an intimidating strat because you kind of do this blind jump onto an angled thing and then you're also blindly going to the left so it just requires a lot of practice so I'm gonna I'm gonna shut up because this is this is for frame perfect no come on you get this Oh one frame off so if you get that you would be able to clip off the second set of stairs going into the building complex and clip over to the gold and instead you go upstairs because the devs of this game thought it would be a good idea to make a spherical object go upstairs my problem isn't what the stairs is with the amount of space you have on some of the stairs to get momentum up the stairs yeah it's like it would be fine if if like it was like the first set alright so coming up on invisible is probably my favorite strat in the run so normally you have to go through basically a maze of invisible platforms there that spell out the word invisible and it's really hard to do if you don't know where you're going so time is coming up soon and when he crosses the gold platform here on this level it'll be time and this threat is also really hard as if the rest of the rough hard to know that's time 33:18 so that is the fastest run of this category in a marathon ever by like a minute so if I'm not mistaken now we're going to set up for race yes fantastic job you Tory and we're absolutely looking forward to your race with Jeff here in the next few minutes while we get set up I'll go ahead and get caught up on some of our donations so we have a thirty dollar donation from bearded Parker my Dino friends got me into gdq I think I look forward to Super Monkey Ball runs the most a 150 dollar donation from TJ to twenty Super Monkey Ball is always one of my favorite games to watch so of course I had to donate to get that extra run in fifty dollars from the mad bicyclist when there's an option for more Monkey Ball who wouldn't donate toward that good luck to all the runners 25 dollars from summer L this is the best Monkey Ball run ever keep it up twenty-five dollars from Cody Coleman monkeys are fun super monkeys are better super monkeys running around in random spheres are rad as heck this has been lots and lots of fun thank you to all the runners and a massive shout out to Sariah great job and much support Thank You Cody you we have a $30 donation that says let's see that Monkey Ball race one hundred fifty dollars from Troy 70 gotta love Super Monkey Ball speed runs keep up the great runs Thank You gdq team for putting on these amazing events we have a $50 donation from stinger skull watching gdq's for several years now but my first time donating because I finally got a job shout out to all the runners and staffs thanks to the entertainment thanks for the entertainment and keep donating for a great cause greetings from France you you we have a $50 donation from mu 174 Pepsi for TV game and another $50 donation from West Philly I'm watching online with my friends and we're in awe of the skill displayed at this gdq we all want to see Pepsi man so let's make this happen and just a quick update on that Pepsi man run we are currently sitting at 1864 dollars of that forty five thousand dollar incentive so if you want to see that don't hesitate to donate you you you we have a $10 donation from Bruce you these monkeyball runners are amazing they do not need wings to fly thanks Bruce for that $10 every little bit helps you you you
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 216,622
Rating: 4.916388 out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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