Super Mario 3D Land by zeldacubed1 in 1:06:14 - SGDQ2018

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alright and without further ado oh are you all ready for Super Mario 3d Land I [Applause] know that I am take it away Zelda cute huh hello my name is Zelda cute and this is Super Mario 3d Land all right my name is cosmic also commentating I'm super sonic Jarvis something important to note is that right away I'm just texting to the home menu that's going to reduce the amount of Tyron messages about every 30 minutes there's a message that says take a break you you feel tired first of all the game should not question my life decisions and but second of all by exiting to the home menu we can see that less all right are we ready to get started alright three two one go [Applause] so almost immediately you're going to see the deep lore that's Super Mario 3d Land has yeah cosmic will explain more about that later between every world there's these little postcards you get and let me tell you this game has the best lore since the very first Super Mario Bros you might be thinking that game has no lore but you need to go read the instruction manual and also you can't see these cutscenes in 3d but they can be seen in 3d if you're actually playing the game so Mario's not wearing it yet but immediately in 1-1 Zelda keeps going to pick up a tanuki leaf those are the leaves you saw blow off the tree in the opening cutscene and that powerup is incredibly broken he wants to keep it through the entire run alright so right away I had the first second optimization I use the touchscreen to select the level for some reason that saves time right here I'm going to release run when getting to the block when you're released run it usually gives you like the speed that you had out of the previous trunk it's kind of interesting it's it's called hyper speed and yeah for whatever reason if you don't hold run when you land you can retain the speed that you had midair [Music] you'll see that used a lot more later cuz there's there's some weird mechanics in this game like if you crouch right as you go off a ledge you'll get a little speed boost and if you move sideways midair you'll get you'll pick up extra speed so right there at the end of one one unfortunately I got a long jump but I was trying to do an optimization called a Crouch strat you'll see what that looks like in 1-2 hopefully mario goes fast oh great that's the one thing I didn't want to happen that's what I said in my run in 1-2 it seems like kind of random whenever that happens like I'm not even joking I don't know when that or why that happens he's trying to set up this Crouch boost that he just mentioned it's pretty tight to set up that's why I said hopefully I get it but once he gets it you'll see he was trying to crouch off that ledge which picks up a little bit of speed he'll probably use it throughout the rest of this level at some point and you see him twirling around right there he got a little bit of a Crouch boost that will be used throughout the round to just save seconds here and there all right there was trying to do a long jump and for those of you all getting scared this is warpless so yeah I went up there kind of as a joke sort of signifying that I forgot that I was running warpless because that's where I've reset most often a lot of times one of the most common questions I get when I'm running this game is what's that move called when you Mario spins around and there's not really official names for any of this stuff but we usually just call it a twirl jump there's regular long jumps and then there's those twirl jumps and they move slightly faster than regular long jumps but you can't start fluttering out of them that's the main reason that new ki-suh is really good because you can let her and Mario doesn't lose height very quickly so you can just jump over huge gaps this one has not been great so far but hopefully I can save that in 1-3 there's a pretty cool skip in this level he's gonna use some of that hyper speed we mentioned earlier hopefully he can get pull it off [Music] nice nicely done you can't normally make it nearly all the way across that gap without getting a hyperspeed and you'll see him collecting the star medals it's not a 100% run so you might be wondering why and it's because you actually need them to unlock some of the levels the last level for instance you need a hundred star medals to open and in the anypercent category you take warps so you don't pass by as many Star medals but in warpless that's nice because you get you get to make more decisions as to which star medals are worth picking up there's barely over 100 in any percent route [Music] one reason I love this game is it's kind of like mario 64 where I feel like there's just a lot of unique situations in each different level there's a lot of really small minor optimizations and just really good movement overall shoutouts to the mario 64 run later in the marathon by the way yeah all right something pretty cool about this jump is that I'm not even changing direction but it'll naturally move Mario further to the right it's almost like there's an invisible force pushing Mario in that direction and watch what happens to Bowser right here he turns into a Goomba pay attention to the super mario bros warpless run tomorrow you might see the same thing they brought back that lower in this game that's why I love it might hopefully I mean I hope someday you know kills Bowser and that's world one [Applause] [Music] get another postcard a lot of references from the older Mario games as well I heard someone was playing this game for the first time recently and their favorite thing was that it sort of captured their favorite parts from Super Mario Bros 3 and Mario Galaxy and kind of morphed them into this game here I'm gonna use a telescope to make toad drop a coin and after he bounces up to where this coin is he's gonna do a jump over here you can see how good the Tanooki suit is this is one of my favorite levels because there's just so many different routes you can take through it and still do it relatively quickly so the main gimmick of - - - is that you're supposed to step on these tiles and it makes a bunch of tiles spawn after that but we're not gonna do that that's too slow and a lot of the more modern Mario games the Waldrop mechanics are really intuitive but for some reason in this game they're really hard to do properly so this gif is way harder than it looks nice that was amazing if you would have touched that purple liquid it would have caused him to die it's good doing that flutter kick job and more importantly by the time lost you would have to go get another truth key suit somewhere which was even more time he saw him take damage in one - - and he immediately paused and exited the Tanooki suit is so good that it's faster to just do whatever you need to to get one back and we're going into our next mystery box I wonder what's inside one thing that a lot of runners like to do is tries to have any backwards long jumps they can get in these mystery boxes it's a fun challenge all right this next level is based off of a video game series they're an older video game series see if you can figure out which one we're gonna do that hyper speed technique again yeah right there you can see how if you move sideways in the air in this game for some reason you pick up a ton of speed and then these propeller blocks are in a few of the levels and they let you do a lot of cool skips too it's faster to take the image off of the Goomba and do twirl jumps to the box than it is to UM just long jump to the boxes Mario another thing that's important to mention is that while it may not seem like it this star conserves momentum and that's useful in a lot of individual level runs so where did that star come from because they obviously got it after you took this amylin just lying there guess what's on the ground there's another one just sitting there on the ground in 3-3 for example well that just just I'm blind and it bounced off the B got a plan earlier jumps out carefully in this level accidentally got a Crouch strap there accidentally went too fast that messed up the cycles for the rest of the platforms but I managed to adjust [Music] this next level has the hardest jump in the run yet it's really hard I'll let it speak for itself and then we'll explain kind of what's going on afterwards [Music] [Music] all right so you normally autoscrollers our every speedrunners nightmare but in this game they're actually some of the coolest levels because you can go ahead of the autoscroller there's certain levels in this game that you can play completely blind you just have to play with audio figure out where you're going the hitboxes on these guys are really bad there was a speedrunner by the name of gamestabled it was doing a run for another marathon and he was on world-record pace up until the hitboxes when he jumped on their head for the final time Oh yep see the boxes but he jumped on their head on the final time he jumped on his head killed the boss and took damage at the same time it's alright I get to show off something else because I lost that tanuki right there's a there's another speedrunner by the name of fat guy wrongs and he would always lose this tanuki so he figured out that this mushroom house right here in world 2 will always give it to new he tears her heart bonking manipulates the rng to get that tanuki it was intended so that would have been better if you had like not said it always gave it to new could be a forehand shut off this is the second time I've been told to shut up on a 3d guess runner I don't know what's going on here all right we'll see the first cannon in the run there's cannons in this game kind of like Mario 64 and sometimes you can skip them but in this case it's useful to use this one to get up to where the star medal is they're pretty hard to aim actually so right there I go at an angle to break the block and get it quickly it's always kind of finicky to get out of those things another propeller block which makes going through this level and much faster I think I'm gonna grab this back up part this is a vertical level where normally you go inside this building and then you have to climb that's a whole series of platforms but the propeller block gets you up there immediately it's one of two vertical levels in this run that I can think of [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right hopefully here I can get a 395 390 it's kind of like go basically giving us 390 at the start of this level it's kind of what speedrunners dreamed of for yours that's not happening 84th Coutu just a lot of swimming going on in this level you can probably read some donations oh right we have $20 from a gamer 26 who says for my friends l-look you good luck on your worthless run yo boo great thanks we have a $20 anonymous donation if I was as fast as these runners I might be able to get through my Steam library we have a 250 dollar donation from the me conductor who didn't leave a comment but thank you so much for that generous donation so we did a twirl gem to the pipe right there and there's a lot of these really subtle situations in this game you wouldn't notice unless you see him messed up so hopefully you don't notice any of them but a lot of times you can just barely get on top of a pipe or up a ledge with a long jump and sometimes you randomly bonk I don't know it's it's really hard and if universe a blue mushroom house that's a lower house so you know we're skipping that naturally suits they're getting that star just sitting on the ground we mentioned earlier one really frustrating mechanic in this game is every time you kill an enemy there's a few frames of lag sometimes that'll eat your jumps or whatever button you're trying to press to be fair the stars are somewhat difficult to see on this monitor so [Music] looking at Oh to get him to throw another metal metal at us I needed a backwards long jump just to be stylish I had to make up for that bonk all right this next level has one of the harder skips in the run to there's gonna be a warp box and there's a star metal that's directly below it so I need to do a jump to it and adjust Mario's height in midair before collecting the coin it's the last corner of the level he's at the right height he can just barely be low enough that his tail will grab the star middle but his head will still touch the warp box that he's going to go into [Music] nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's another airship coming up I really like the in this game we got to play some 3d airships finally one thing that's important to mention about this airship is that it's the only airship in the run that is not like a side scroller or auto scroller I instead there's a cycle but the cycle is pretty lenient so shouldn't mess that up just don't get hit by the giant spike something important to mention is that we're gonna be fighting boom boom again yeah they went pretty unique when designing the bosses in this game right there I get in the corner because they don't manipulate where boom boom will be it's that way I can just hit him Wow I was interesting and now he's gonna jump to the flag wait where are you going something important to mention about that coin is that if you die trying to collect it you'll lose basically the most amount of time you can in this run gamestabled can read donations during this cutscene if you want alright inspiring to see so many people gather to make this happen thank you for yet another great event thank you and we have $20 from Shane and rainy I've been watching for years and got my wife this boy watching along with our two week old daughter another hidden propeller blocked in this level that lets us give buy a bunch of stuff shoutouts to jeju-do for that cool tree strat oh and this is cannonless it's as hard as this in Mario 64 barely got update nice wait a second I forgot the first coin in for one I think you can get it back up in or well if we get a two coin box here I don't think that should be a problem oh look at that that one thing to mention is that the me shirt color at the start of the run that you pick will actually manipulate these mystery boxes so if you're doing warpless and you have a me with a brown shirt color that one will always be a two twin box it was a mystery until it wasn't under than any percent you can use a pink or black shirt a black shirt look at the same box as in this run a lot of tight platforming in this level again the wall jump mechanic is kind of hard you have to wall jump possibly the first frame you can you can not entirely sure but if you do Mario will wall jump more to the side that saves a ton of time throughout this level [Music] [Applause] and you'll notice how he's grabbing the bottom of the flagpole unlike smb1 or that's faster I mean I guess it's faster Assam b12 but not the only if you mess with that wait this is the wrong level okay we're good [Music] it's actually really hard to make these platforms of care all the time I think they just programmed it so there's the sort of zone you have to move into to make them up here but it's unintuitive a lot of the times just shy and there's so many situations like I said where you can barely make a jump and you wouldn't know cuz he pulls it off most of the time that uh that's fine because that's we hit the Midway so that doesn't lose that much timing trying to think of where the next backup is there was one at that bill but it's not worth it we don't need it four or five is also pretty cool yeah this time the the panel's that come out when you hit the switches go up instead of sideways so there's a lot of cool climbing and fluttering with the tanuki that doesn't fortunately mean we need them this time listen if he also allows us to skip big majority of them [Music] you can barely grab this one and still get in the box nice [Music] nice that was a great level this next level I'm going to be basically relying entirely on audio it's another one of those levels which means we can go ahead to the auto scrollers [Music] [Music] made it this is really really hard to do all right sistahs this next level is really hard this boss is really hard cuz she moves really fast and I don't know when she's gotta be next [Music] [Applause] that's world for thankfully we're done with the warpless stages so now we can get on to the stages that I actually know how to play yet any % the warps just let used to get most of world one and then most of world four five one has an autoscroller in it but unfortunately it's not just the screen scrolling you actually ride an elevator up for a really long time and we can't move ahead of that one in any way or can wait maybe haven't found it yet bounced off the thwomps tail to grab that star middle faster coolest rat if you want you can read donations during this autoscroller okay excellent we have $25.00 from long way down 42 he says got to get a donation in during Super Mario 3d Land the game I've been playing while I've been watching the marathon plus I got to get a chance at that cannon statue thank you so much we have a $30 anonymous donation who says oh wow I can't believe I get to watch cuphead packing time and Celeste runs tonight good luck to all the runners and good luck to Zelda cubed for this awesome 3d land run you can do another all right we have a thousand dollar donation from glad 18 he sends in this very nice poem roses are red violets are blue I love everyone at sgdq okay so coming ups fire - which is the Zelda level like there's one Star Coin you get by lighting a bunch of torches and stuff like that and a little bit of history on the speedrunning of 3d land back in 2012 pokey who found pokey escape in Ooty or at least named it and cosmic and some other people such as myself at some points QWERTY gamestabled who was mentioned for it used to always raise five - warpless which was kind of like the start of speedrunning this game because nobody actually ever did it so just a bunch of Zelda people wanting to beat the Zelda level started this and then some of them started racing it a bit more doing any person and then all the cube came in and you know from there it just got more optimized originally we didn't want to we raced five to warpless because that's before you need any Star medals to unlock a level and for some reason back then we thought collecting the star medals is lame we want to just go fast but a lot of the coolest strats in this game are grabbing the star metals quickly [Music] we have 5-4 coming up next it's a really tight level like there's a lot of narrow spaces you have to go through really easy to bonk something we haven't mentioned about the tanuki sue is along with all of its other strengths you have the tail and you can use that to hit enemies out of the way which is really useful when there's a mole literally blocking your entire path and you can Crouch to fall way faster off ledges [Music] good hitboxes sorry if there's a backup in five five and it's mostly for color levels so and you can get your revenge on the moles [Music] just remember not to long jump with the propeller block there's the tired message because you can flutter out of a long jump with the Tanooki suit you can launch them with the propeller block and then make the propeller action happen but he doesn't work if you don't have the Tanooki to you so I'm usually used to doing long jumps and doing like a box flutter out of that but unfortunately okay saved it if you don't have the Tanooki suit you can't do those long jumps into the flutter some kind of information here [Music] all right now we can go for it I think it's this one nope we have to kill both how you do yeah and here's one of the coolest jumps in the game I'll get this to make up for all the bad gameplay so far right off this front of her lines now he got it that's fine because I can do it here pick up all that speed again and write to the flagpole it's okay the strats and world sticks are cooler anyway than the strats in world 5 so as long as I get those here's the first level you need star my list unlock 56 is 20 but by the end of the run he does need a hundred so we need 44 more quick math it's kind of funny because most the time if you make a mistake in three Elance it's like a big mistake but all the mistakes I've made in three like our small mistakes like not resulting into death yeah good clean death let's run so far let's hope it stays that way trying to get a big bounce off like her that whatever enemy that was it doesn't matter cuz I have to wait for that swamp anyway ya know I thought you're saying it doesn't matter what the enemy's called again this is mostly psycho base to get onto those platforms so it doesn't really matter how it plays throughout this level later Bowser well that was close again not the real Bowser check this lore out something to note note is that in the first postcard it basically shows Bowser giving each enemy a tanuki and then sending sending them off to the different worlds I think the idea behind is that the tanuki leaves transforms the enemies into the different Bowser's so I don't they transform Mario into a giant Bowser because Tanooki Mario was better than giant Bowser Mario tell that to the artist see players I was thinking that those airships are the most fun looking auto scrollers i've ever seen keep up the awesome runs all with you thanks peach fighting back a little bit alright sixth one is another one of those levels that's pretty cool I fell not for the most part the ending of its cool [Music] there's a lot of complex inputs to do well on the stock it's kind of hard to get them wrong and this is one of those situations where your tail hits an enemy and that the game makes a few frames of lag and you miss your jumps still that keeps to good to mrs. Jim stuff thanks Cosby nice wait a second that's gonna put me before the cutscene more time for donations Wow more time for donations there's a thing called commentators pairs it wasn't me this time we have a $10 donation from we have a $10 donation which says we have a $10 donation from we have a $10 donation that says $10 thank you interesting wait I feel like he repeated that comment and is repeating this level [Music] it was faked funny enough the current warpless record on Sabino comm it's actually pretty good I know it's kind of surprised considering how I'm playing but the current warpless record actually the only well we're not getting fish bounce the only mistake it makes is that it replayed so I got to the end of 8-1 and I died at the end and I saw Freesat and I had to watch the cutscene twice so the run is good except for like a four-minute time loss right there 6-2 the level of spiky death traps I love the spiky death traps I'm not surprised [Music] [Music] it's really hard but you can get on top of that elevator before it starts moving up when I found that strat I was so excited because I was one of the first drafts I found in this game so I wanted to call it like I was really excited to come up with a name for it and then I made a typo when naming the trick so from now on is known as elevators tip that truck doesn't say that much time anyway 6-3 has multiple rooms to go into it's one of those tricky ghost houses where you have to find the right exit but we know the right way and most of the other rooms are just used for getting star metals which it's pretty slow to go and get those ones so we don't need to you it always seems like when doing these casually you always pick the correct way last anyway so it's not like it's annoying at all hey level went well ours are waiting for you to bonk there yeah no more saying things are going well until after it's done all right this level actually has the hardest like well not the mystery box but the level after that is actually one of the hardest tracks in the game so much so that speed owners like Jay cool can't do it so basically it's called read cycle at the end of the level if I go fast enough I can do a long jump off of the red platform and I can also but it's kind of difficult to get there because I have to do another precise jump along the way as well as getting there at the perfect time in order to actually be able to do the job [Music] [Music] [Music] well he was so close to getting on that it's one of the hardest things to do in this speedrun is get that cycle and those enemies right there if you hit them with your tail they flip over and then you can bounce off of them that's really useful later in the run [Music] it's kind of funny the only level that went well in world six is like the most boring level like in the run this next ship level we actually have to do the autoscroller so you can read donations if you want excellent we have one hundred and fifty dollar donation from follow star who just says everybody do the mario and we have fifty dollars from this is Chris as someone who isn't great at mario games it's always satisfying to see one conquered good luck on the rest of the run and let's get that Pepsi man incentive met this wrong I'm not conquering this game so there's a backup to nuke either we have $20 from I eat band candy my husband got me into gdq in January and I've been patiently waiting since then for the next one I work from home so I can watch most everything live your band has sorry your your band has candy mine only makes those like really overpriced subs he made it and to fight this really hard boss again and then just on the second hit he hits there on the top on her head that makes a shorter damage animation but then for the last fit you want to make sure you hit her with your tail because then she falls over and dies faster at the end of the six ship I was really struggling and while jumping off of something to try and save myself I have no idea what but we're live [Music] perhaps my favorite postcard yet say in the last postcard peach escape from Bowser but Bowser's recapturing her alright this next level is really hard I'm gonna need some concentration it's also pretty long and it's water level hey we did it nevermind [Applause] nice level design it's like they designed it for us thanks man 10 do that's trying to do a crowd strat there but kinda precise you're crazy getting that cycles really hard I got that crossed right yeah you're crazy I didn't even know you can make that that's the same I figure I'd scare you there cost me there again - its these next three levels I'll have pretty crazy skips the first one basically it's a giant clock and you can use the platform's to boost yourself up to another platform and it allows you to tape the entire interior of the clock there's a mole in the way he wants to bounce off his head to grab the star metal don't let the mole win again he hit you in five four Wow you got it it's okay you didn't hit them all so we're fine worth man oh he respawned another one of those jumps that I keep bringing up how you can just barely make it and I wouldn't know to how precise it is unless you tried oat rice not bad it's one of the only like big mistakes in my current 90% record I'm missing that jump [Applause] all right level number two at the end of this level they were supposed to be another auto stroller it's not like a side-scrolling autoscroller but it is more so you have to ride the platform towards the end and you can do a bounce off of the goon but to completely skip it we like skipping auto scrollers in this game so getting ahead of these Subway's is actually like fairly difficult casually because they actually go pretty fast so just seeing them like platforms don't fall at all it's actually really impressive surprised I managed to save that [Music] this is another one of the seven ship is another one of those levels we're gonna have to rock rely completely on audio shoutouts to SSR he's an individual level this room our individual level runner of this game he has literally every record and he was the first person to do blind seven ship I believe out [Music] Wow that was really impressive because he got out of position and had to go back for the star medal and if you're just barely off there you die right here in this look it's a little difficult but you can manipulate boom boom to come where you want to he barely didn't ricochet off that wall this boss is hard it's their most original boss yet so far they've only had one or the other but both Wow [Applause] one more cutscene before the final world you can read a few donations Park excellent I've got $25 from for the docks great stream for a great cause glad I was finally able to catch the stream to donate add $50 from Pizza wolf the tanuki upgrade is my favorite from all the Mario series loving the run so far we have $5 from Billy hey everyone long time watch our first time donated there was a comment earlier about how awesome go be a better room watching could just donate $5 well can't argue with that it's really hard to not bonk on that pipe [Music] [Music] that might mess up my official okay we got it got it you're supposed to shoot a cannon all the way to this platform see that's what happened after getting that coin I ground pounded off at the edge and I accidentally stopped reset in my warpless record and it put me back before that cutscene and it's like the only major mistake in it and minor I mean mistakes that only costed about like three seconds at the most he keeps just too good can't even keep up with him when he's watching cuts him splice this is my favorite skipping the game all right I tried to do camera manipulation to get on that first platform faster but but unfortunately that didn't happen it's really hard because to move the camera you can move it a little bit to the left or a little bit to the right and to do that you can either touch the touchscreen or use the d-pad your hands are a little tied up trying to do all these jumps it's really hard to get a free finger even to turn the camera while you're playing oh yeah you can their skips in this level [Music] 8:4 is the last level with a major skip they're supposed to be it's supposed to be another one of those levels that's an autoscroller where you followed these platforms all the way to the end and you can skip all three parts of the autoscroller it's pretty great it's part one [Music] not quite done yet [Music] now it's done so I think I've only gotten one Crouch rat in this run so I'm gonna try and make up for that by doing a really cool one in the next level I don't think even cosmic knows about this one oh I know I know how crazy you are well oh I thought you're about to pull that out here I can show off this off reset mechanic that's why I died there it was all planned I ought to say that was pretty crazy I really enjoyed it you do it again maybe ten times fairly soon well not yet one more level oh I forgot to do the crotch strap that time it's okay it doesn't say much time [Music] [Music] I have four extras all right this is this level has a really cool strat so I'm hoping I can get it alright my my 3ds just did that on its own I'm not doing that third time's a charm oh this is one of the tougher tricks guys have a spare three yes oh did it get stuck again I mean I was gonna go grab mine but then cosmic texted me and said we didn't need it so I kind of didn't get it right it's always my fault I mean you're the one who texted me I can pull that up right now if you really want me to I'll try and fix it by the way this is intentional I lost count actually how many decimal think that was eight oh yeah we'll just mess around one one more death why not and that's us all we need for this so by dying here ten times you get power-ups and it's actually faster and it's really lame it is so now for this level he won't be able to get hit by anything except lava yeah and then there's also a p-wing which will work him to the end of the level but yeah we thought it was so lame that we came up with an excuse to ban it in a hundred percent it's not really valid but it's an excuse if you beat the game without any of these like bonus power-ups showing up you get five stars for getting 100 percent and then if you don't die more than five times in a level those stars sort of sparkle on your file select so that was that was our way you need those sparkly stars for it to be 100 percent so you're saying if you're bad you can't run 100% yes well I guess that I need to cancel routing that I was wrong about being and vulnerable to everything Bowser can still knock you off with this suit as someone learned the hard way yesterday no disguise this must be the real one all right something important to mention is that the super mario 64 run in this marathon is 70 star so I'll show this off to get to get your fix of blj's so didn't get a third try like cosmic did you keep firing shots it's easy to fire them especially since here on my couch arvid's you haven't fired one of me yet though unless that counts but I don't think that it was really that good so you might have seen that was the last level on the overworld but surprise surprise peach got kidnapped again so we have two more levels to play [Music] alright gonna make sure I don't do this too early but it's actually like a second faster to soft reset as soon as it says saving and that's going to skip a cutscene with Bowser in this half or late all right this level is pretty cool I'm hoping I can get all the major strats in it [Music] thank you again shrine grab a star medal through the fire did it invincible tale at Mario's tale is really useful for grabbing like star points in this game so close to that fire going [Music] [Applause] so we're coming up on our last level for real this time and something important to mention is that there's just if in this level that basically every runner had tried to come up with a method for and we all deemed it to be impossible but then a new runner by the name of che dude healed super mario 64 t-sne percent record he came up with a really cool strat that made the large skip possible so I'm hoping I can get it [Music] and since is the last level you think we could juice the P Wang but this level is actually in two parts so you can only use the painting I'm one of the two parts and it was originally used on this part but it was changed to the other part after it was someone made a comparison video and then that strat was found afterwards the meeting even more worth it I wanted to show off the strat and since I had a bad angle I knew I had to reset yes go back show this off it's that cool yeah it's a really cool strat I mean it started off with an autoscroller you know something awesome is about to happen yeah it's really lame uh basically you get to the end of the game after going pulling off all these cool strats these strats they tried to fold off pull off and then you just skip the final boss fight this game is insanely hard it's it probably doesn't look that way but it's the hardest game I've ever ran [Music] I'm good at this game I promise it's the other castle in world a he died ten times on since they only made really small mistakes though after this point I don't think I've lost that much time this is uh how live marathon runs the races tend to go that's looking good I think [Music] [Applause] the action doesn't stop yeah now we get to stand still I didn't know this was happening [Applause] [Music] [Applause] also rip headphone users yeah I'm sorry oh my gosh thanks shot one more nice shot baby you man it man I don't know actually you're crazy what don't show up of the time when you hit the very edge of that what will happen is you'll actually get recoil but then you won't get the animation where he's landing on the ground but even though I hit the edge that time for some reason I didn't get animation alright all that remains in this run is just to use the p-wing so times coming up soon and if time happens when I hit the flagpole I hope you'd enjoyed watching this flawless run or Super Mario 3d Land hey I mean over half of the deaths were intentional so so yeah you just skip Bowser's so anticlimactic people always complaining about easy bosses in Mario you just touch the touchscreen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so before I go I just want to give a quick shout out to a few people shoutouts to store ster he's really pushed me to improving this game shoutouts to Kevin and shoutouts to mark plays and showed us the Kevin the power of Audio guy - I got your back Kevin thank you oh that's the King Boo 97 oh yeah him too he's the best Mario 3d World runner at least last time I checked he also plays this game all right let's give it up one more time for Zelda cubed one [Applause] thank you so much for that perfectly imperfect run we enjoyed every second of it coming up next we have cuphead run by the mexican runner so i know you're all going to want to stick around for that we have a big crowd here today and I know that a lot of them are looking forward to that and we did reach our donation incentives so that means it's upgraded to a hundred percent so you're gonna see more cuphead more coin gathering more amazing boss battles and I know the mexican runner is going to crush it so that is coming up soon you are watching Summer Games quick done quick 2018 powered by twitch this is yellow killer B and I'll be hanging out with you for at least one more game I do have a few more donations I'm gonna read here while we're getting set up for cuphead we've got $50 from passion med 85 says just keep on gaming thanks for supporting such an excellent cause we have $50 from Craig Anderson I've been watching the gdq marathon since 2012 and the runner continue to amaze me to this day thanks for the endless hours of entertainment on to the million thanks so much great guys guys we have an anonymous $25 donation from but I have a sneaking suspicion it might be from our one of our favorite bots out there says you really should listen to the game telling you to take a break especially a water break stay hydrated out there ok stay hydrated bot I know it's you we have an anonymous $500 donation that says I could sure go for a Pepsi we've got $20 from Robo zombie loving today's lineup and can't wait to see cuphead played at a high level we have $30 from shanssey Pepsi man is hilarious hope we reached the donation insentive would love to see the run we've we've got $10 from an anonymous donor this donation is for my nephew who got into cuphead and is also a talented artist last year we met another talented artist and we're like a family now I hope we can keep making games forever best of luck to all the runners all right we're gonna throw it over to one of our sponsors but we will be right back [Music] all right we have a $25 donation from barking had to donate to get the boys on stream his live streams of Pepsi man or what got me into watching speedruns save the frames' dodged the cans and of course we're reading all of these because we do have a Pepsi man donation incentive coming up for later tonight it's a bonus game that's coming up guys if you don't know what Pepsi man is let me try to explain it to you well actually why don't you just donate a little less than $20,000 and then you'll get to see for yourself later tonight but seriously you won't want to miss this we're at 27,000 we need 45,000 to hit that incentive and I know you guys are going to be able to do it alright I'm gonna throw you over to the interview desk to Jay Hobbs who has an interview with the Hat and time racers Flair bear and Khan Race take it away Jay Hobbs Thanks how's it going everybody welcome back to summer games done quick 2018 my name is Jay Hobbs I'm joined by Connor ace and flare bear we're going to be performing a run of Hatton time or rather two runs of a hat and time racing head-to-head so how you guys feeling how are the nerves doing coming up pretty soon I'm feeling pretty good right now like was a little nervous earlier but I've gotten over it so how about you yeah it's been a lot of practice going on since I started this event so hopefully I should be fine by now I've been doing pretty recently awesome so right gonna get right into it who's winning the race give him the respect not the trash talk the respected scream it's free although it's gonna be a close race like both of us are always really close with each other whenever we've done races and it's usually like one thing that'll decide what happens yeah we've had mixed results in the practice like races we've had so far even if they were close but like the times have always been really varied so like if we get a run where we actually like don't have like absurd choke for once then it'll be a lot closer than have been have been the other attempt right well hopefully we get it to see great race I'm sure it'll be awesome either way I do want to ask layer this your first time at a gdq yeah how are your nerves doing you know you're gonna go up on the big stage but at the same time it's kind of just another race right how are you feeling they've gone down severely since like the time in like March when submission for going on like when when submissions are going through and I was like wow I'm the best person submitting and this is like a really likely game to get in I was like oh my gosh I might actually be doing this cuz like I was in speed running for very long by the time that I submitted and I'm like already in a gdq that's kind of crazy but yeah over over those months of like not even believing that it happened it's like I've just gotten used to a bit more by now hopefully I'm not nervous for the run you're only 18 getting to jump in you know in front of everybody can do the race that's pretty awesome I kind of you've done run gdq before how are the nerves comparing this time compared to before stuff like that it's a it's really about the same like this is the biggest run that I've done so far but feeling about the same I've got like I've gotten pretty used to performing runs for marathons at this point okay cool well I want to jump into some of the social media questions we got because we've got a lot of great questions from people on Twitter and the first one is perfect for anybody who is not familiar with Hatton time at all so at jive ersten 87 asked as someone who has never heard of or seen the game before how would you describe it and what should we be looking forward to during your run from a perspective of someone who's never seen it something that you can understand if you've already watched or like played through the game before is a lot of the cool routing is how many of the levels that you like don't do the intended route for anything on but if that doesn't make sense to you if you haven't played it before then the main thing to look out worth the movement it has like really really cool like like it's like Mario like movement there's like I don't know the time rift is really cool to watch just because if those in particular or just like big obstacle courses with like showing off all the movement exploits that we figured out and stuff like that so yeah I guess the movement and watching like how we maneuver around things and stuff like that anything not really I mean yeah the movement is really really smooth overall there's a lot of like really subtle tricks that will be like careful to point out so that people who are new to the run will be able to understand what's going on that's great and now this game has actually shown up at gdq before even though it was only recently released did either of you run the game in beta so the beta speed on that was at gdq i've never done a run that build but there was the speedrun preview that they released right before the game came out and that's when I ran okay yeah I've seen the the run the I didn't play around it those times either I started playing immediately after the full release came out but I'm familiar with that build and how it works and it's completely different to what it was very very different so we got the almost the new boy and the old boy you know gonna be racing it should be exciting all right let's get into our next social media question from a Tamerlan he asks Claire nice what skiff do you consider the hardest in the current route overall so Hardison the current route is definitely bag skip I would say very very precise trick that we used to jump over a cutscene trigger and it saves about like 30 seconds I want to say what the hardest in the game is definitely the the quick kill for the chapter to boss players more experience with it than I am because yeah it's like first of all on unbag skip like even though it's like something that I expected me were consistent at now considering that I've put more practice into bag skips and like anything else in the run and still sometimes miss it and reset to it it's such a brutal thing it takes the longest for like new runners to start getting used to but eventually people start picking it up because it is a big time-saver and a quick kill that he was talking about the final boss of the battle of the birds world there's two of them and one of them in particular because they work in different ways one of them in particular there's an out-of-bounds you can do with the scooter and like there's barely any people if any at all that do it and runs it's only in the all time pieces or a hundred than category and yeah it's like definitely the hardest I would say the hardest level in the 100% route is that and you don't have to worry about that one right because I'm just doing it yeah so we're not doing that it's really for DJ grooves which is one of the two bosses but we fight the conductor instead and well isn't as hard it's still and out-of-bounds trick that we do and is really finicky still the heart it's like split in the run well glad that you don't have to worry about that yeah we got one more social media quest we're gonna jump into here at TK ft guillotine asks what's the hardest thing about doing a running a marathon as opposed to in the comfort of your own home so for me personally it's really not that much different I feel like because you're really just doing a run and talking about it at the same time so the hardest part is definitely like the initial setup like really just trying to get everything working if I try to create your own like environment like on these street PCs yeah that's like exactly what I wanted to say like for me playing when I started doing run for talking like when I was doing that commentary submissions and everything I didn't even feel like it made a difference in my play at all just because I know enough about the game it kind of just flows out when I talk about it's not really that hard but this game has like a lot of things going on with like the settings and graphics and stuff like that you have to get used to like if I were playing on my computer at home I use like lowest everything like some weird graphic settings that make it easier to feel like visual cues and stuff but like setting it up on playing on a PC other than your home it feels like everything is different so it's kind of weird so you have to kind of get used to it alright well thank you guys for asking for answering rather some questions I'm very excited for this run I'm excited for this whole block coming up and I wish you both the best of luck thank you so I'm gonna go ahead and throw it over to sent now to tell us about some prizes for this awesome Cup head run coming up in the entire indie block tonight take it away son hey ABS thank you so much for that wonderful interview guys we have a ton of absolutely amazing games coming up tonight and of course you have a ton of absolutely amazing prizes to go with them well you know first off here it was this wonderful little Celeste mini print it's absolutely adorable it's absolutely tiny I mean look at it in my hands beautiful make a nice postcard maybe stick it in a frame somewhere it'll be absolutely great now coming to you straight from our friends over at fan gamer and from the team at Matt makes games we have a Celeste shirt that I'm going to try to hold the right side up for once I think I got it I think it might be two for two which shirts at this event I'm really proud of myself yeah that's what we call improvement thank you guy in the audience who gets that but seriously guys this shirt is absolutely amazing and it's available in your choice of size thanks to our friends over at fangamer now studio mdh are the guys behind cuphead who've done so many wonderful things have sent us so many wonderful prizes to go along with their amazing game first off give this lovely little collectable devil plush I mean I love him he's cute he's covered in glitter I'm not sure if that's intended or not but I mean glitter is the devil so it makes sense to me he's gonna be a $10 minimum donation and keep in mind guys all these prizes that you're gonna see right now are available from right now the start of the cuphead run all the way until still fella in the wee hours of the morning so you guys have plenty of time to get those donations in and man you really should from a good friend of mine Sam and Buffalo we have not one but two Funko pop figures cuphead and his good friend bug man they're coming together as a set to you guys because I mean come on these two should really never be separated in their quest to you know stop dealing with the devil guys don't don't deal with the devil now worth it I promise these two are a $10 minimum donation together we also have legendary chalice as well as dice king Funko pop figures from Studio mvhr and those are $5 apiece studio mvhr I mean they just they kept coming they sent us this lovely little apparel pack there's a hat there's a couple of shirts in here we got one shirt right here featuring Cup head and mug man we got another shirt right here featuring I mean you guessed it cap head and mug man and we have one more shirt I'm gonna give anyone a prize who can identify what's gonna be on it well that guy probably would have won something if I hadn't already said Cup head no mug man though got you with two that one they also sent us this absolutely lovely fleece throw blanket featuring Cup head and mug man I'm sensing a theme here and it's a theme I like let me tell you the apparel package also contains socks and a hat by the way so I mean if anyone needs socks we got socks I'm good on them now I showed it off a little bit earlier and I'm gonna push this all over to the side here choppy I'm sorry buddy I'm gonna have to move you off the table go go take that sabbatical work on your work on your memoir see you later to show off this this absolutely amazing shadow box courtesy of mvhr and our division this thing is this thing is just sick I mean it is a little bit hard to see on camera but it is fully 3d multiple layers of of paper on there and it's just accurately depicted that's it it's it's just so sick it's and it's only a twenty dollar minimum donation guys this is one of kind i think only two of them have ever been made so like come on and even actually on the back comes with a little certificate of authenticity from our division and studio md HR so i mean this is the real deal right here and finally guys i got something that's just just absolutely special and it's it's so incredibly near and dear to my heart CMD HR went above and beyond and they sent us not one but two original animation cells from cuphead there we go the audience the audience knows how impressive this is they love it guys if you don't know CMD HR they were super dedicated to the craft they went back and they animated the game like you would in you know a ye olde these 1930s 1940s cartoon these are the animation cells they used to like pipe into the game I mean these are one-of-a-kind you're genuinely not going to be able to find these anywhere else it's a thirty dollar minimum donation for the two of them like I mentioned it is from now until the end of snow fella you want to get your donations in for that we also have an absolutely amazing cuphead vinyl soundtrack from our good friends over at I am a bit check the tracker for a picture of that one it's it's gonna blow your mind the packaging is amazing and you know keep in mind guys all of these prizes you get your donations in for them you're getting your donations in for our grand prize one hundred and fifty dollars cumulative throughout the event you're gonna get yourself an Xbox one X you're gonna give yourself a ps4 Pro you're gonna get yourself a Nintendo switch you're gonna get yourself an amazing gaming PC it's all together in one package but as always if you need more images of these things if you just want to see what great prizes are coming up what great runs are coming up what great incentives are coming up you can put these prize donations towards by the way I think Pepsi man is still like a good 15,000 away from its goal you guys want to see Pepsi man right make some toys for Pepsi man real quick [Applause] guys we all want to see Pepsi man you want to see Pepsi man but right now you want to say TMR absolutely demolished cuphead so let's throw it back up to the front as we get ready for that run thank you so much we are getting set up for cuphead I know you're all excited about that but first we have a three thousand dollar donation from Henry 47 and he just says Pepsi man [Applause] sorry headphone users we also have $70 from Mary miracle this is a very special donation because there's a shout out to our grandson cool Maddy and to everyone who has worked so hard to make all of this possible so proud of everyone involved thank you so much Mary we have $15 from Remy Jett without a delicious beverage cuphead is merely an empty container sad face let's get that Pepsi man incentive met we've got twenty five dollars from Teddy eighteen cops heads Cup heads head is filled with Pepsi he would want this run to happen we've got a hundred and twenty eight dollars from yet one one seven who just says we need Pepsi man we've got $23 from Murray hi everyone at sgq here's twenty three dollars towards 2.3 million thank you we have two hundred dollars from anonymous who just says kittens we have twenty five dollars from mr. La Valle I've been talking to my students about this for months hopefully at least one of them will hear this and follow suit with the donations thank you to agdq runners and staff for raising the bar for what can be accomplished with video games we've got 150 dollars from Sanaa she who just says petsy man hide [Applause] we've got $50 from Yunus verse thrilled Lucy cup had being played for such a great cause had to try to get in on those amazing prizes everything about this game makes me happy as an animation student and seeing it break is even greater we have $50 from - ik you had to donate during cuphead from the first minute I played this game I never wanted to stop everything about this game from the catchy music the clever and challenging boss fights to the aesthetic art style
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 158,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: 1zKxWewzlBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 21sec (5421 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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