Super Monkey Ball by Helix in 23:41 - AGDQ2020

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we need a little under $1,500 to make that happen so if you're considering donating to the marathon right now I'd absolutely recommend that you do go ahead and throw it toward that Monkey Ball a master one skip incentive and we can get that met and give helix a little bit more of challenge up here on the stage get a sixty dollar donation from maximum Snorlax here their comment baby is best monkey all right who agrees who disagrees no I got a firm no couple of cheers okay here's a 45 dollar donation from Orion Mickey Bear donating so I can see my man gon gon be the monkey for Super Monkey Ball always support the big boys Thank You Ryan all right sounds like we've got some some opinions their differing among the crowd and the donors but that's that's it enough talk enough monkey talk we're sending it to the main stage it is time super monkey ball with helix starts now what's up agdq I'm Hilux this is Super Monkey Ball on my left I have my good friend Jack slur am i right I have my other good friend and volunteer xoj Alex and behind me on my couch are my three commentators all of them good very good at Super Monkey Ball in their own right they would like to introduce themselves yeah Alice I must urge Eric's unzila one all right first things first which monkey won the the winner of choose monkey is now gone gone all right [Applause] so this category is full name is quite a mouthful it's all difficulties no extra warpless however it is very descriptive I will be playing through all of these difficulties however I will not be playing the extra stages and by extension I will not be playing master unless the incentive is met yeah that makes this category very marathon safe because otherwise I would have to be beginner without dying and advanced without dying and expert without using a continue and that is very difficult especially with some of the strats I'm going to be trying to show off one more thing before we begin let's explain boosting because the best example of boosting is the very first stage yeah so basically if you hold forward on the first stage or you know or if you hold for in the first stage you're gonna get at 5830 if he boosts karate he's gonna save 2 frames gonna be 58 33 you if you hold a diagonal up like up left or up right you have faster acceleration then if you were to just hold up so that is very commonly used throughout supermarket oh one yes and one more thing actually this is not the start of the run this is load minute if we load into the first stage and then exit out next time it loads it will be just about a second faster makes resetting a little bit longer but you got to take what you can get gotta save those seconds especially in a game that's as optimized as this one alright I'm gonna ask you all to help me count down a but I think it's well let me back up a bit we're gonna go from five but I think instead of one since this is Super Monkey Ball y'all should shout ready and then go five I think oh yes too easy too easy so we are not going through any warp goals for those of you that know this game you know that there's one but we aren't gonna be using them no it's showing off as much as we can this is as far as I know if you most they just ever shown off at agdq in Super Monkey Ball not the monkey ball - or deluxe maybe super monkey ball to you but definitely for Super Monkey Ball one we're going to see a lot of repeat stages but for example you're gonna see this stage later in advanced but it's gonna be harder to get the cycle and the bridge is gonna be smaller and that's like somewhat of a common theme throughout this throughout this game yep and here's a bonus stage we don't play these because that's previously stated lives don't really matter and bananas give you extra lives it doesn't really matter how many bananas we have so we just tried to jump out to these bonus stages as quickly as we can yeah so besides this oh we're gonna be looking at it that's try can be kind of tricky yeah but besides boosting we're gonna be looking at one other major threat that's gonna be get used to a very nice time and that is pause buffering how pause buffering works in this game is that because there is no random elements in Monkey Ball it means that we can use the nine specific inputs on the GameCube controller up-down left-right and diagonals and then just neutral to get to advanced frame by frame with the pause menu and once we've done that we can basically recreate a task on the fly as we're playing and do strats like this that poison very hard to do pause with that buzzing was a little bit slow but I want to make sure y'all see these crabs so yeah the great thing about Monkey Ball is that this it's just chock full of action like you think there's a resting point but nah not really no all right so as soon as we finished 410 here we're going to immediately or hilux anyways is going to immediately exit out because we don't want to watch that cutscene it takes time time we don't have you know would be really funny is if I accidentally entered beginner again okay we're just it happens it happens in marathons menuing is the hardest part of the game it's true we have a fun little stage at Rolly stage actually coming up here he's gonna go off the right side and try to get a clip towards the goal you'd be surprised how often it just doesn't give you a clip so let's kind of all right let's RG thank you yeah collision in this game is technically not RNG but it is kind of wack doesn't always work if you're going fast enough you sometimes just won't get a clip you need yeah for those of you that have watched past gdq runs it seems like the more we find out about the collision in this game the less we realize that we actually know yeah what you really need to know for the most part is that the collision works until it sometimes doesn't yeah coming up on another bonus stage the bonus stages in this game will repeat which is perfectly fine less stuff to worry about honestly something to note too is he's trying to hit a very specific part of this stage to get out it's not leaking we just hit any part of the rail in the stage and just fly out there's nothing technique to do on that yeah the beginning bonus stages can be really tricky to have with your hands very careful this is probably one of the hardest puzzle strats with the run do easier you have to be very precise hit all of the dark blue walls on that one or else you don't maintain enough momentum so that's very very small targets to hit it over and over again yeah very precise so for once there's not too terribly much happening so let's get donations into 411 beginning yeah okay here we go $10 from nicky 'no saying I always love seeing Super Monkey Ball at g2 q and I'm sure helix is gonna destroy this is my first time donating to gdq but I've definitely been watching for a long time thanks gdq for helping to fight against cancer and inspiring me to start speedrunning myself and thanks to helix and the rest of the midwest speedfest crew for helping me stick with it wait first time donating I guess you could say this has never happened before [Music] yeah this we might have something that's never happened before in this run this game really likes to do weird things to me sometimes it's very strange helix has had an impressive amount of like first-time things in the practice room in the past couple days like actually impressive amount in the older games there isn't a jump button so anytime that you need to gain some height you need to do it by getting enough speed getting that's momentum and then getting a set up so that you can clip off of one of the corners and pop yourself up in the air that particular stage can be kind of inconsistent so it's very precise and really cool trick yeah and you know high speed runners we skip the Intendant things you're supposed to take the 3rd ramp there and wait for it to punch you out we don't do that nope yeah these are JAMA bars they pretty much go with the tilt of gravity as you'll see right here so you kind of have to tilt the stage to get them out of the way but as you tilt them out of the way you also tilt your monkey towards the Jama bar is so it's a tricky one to get the hang of yeah a lot of people is very far as bad but a lot of people don't know that the yes again we're pausing by careful possible yes but you were going to say something about this all right so expert or expert advanced 17 looks pretty cool looks like there's a lot to do but we won't be doing most of it they design the stage in such a way that we can pretty much skip to the end it's supposed to take like 20 30 seconds just take 2 8 yeah no boys why play the stage right what are these different colored goals I don't know man because I'm weird me out I scared myself so much oh my gosh we're getting rid of cancer and you're already giving us heart attacks were exchanging for another I'm sorry hey it's pretty good toss no that was the first death Wow party ball is a infamous role in this game yeah I get to be really friendly to you or I could just eat you out of the way yeah yeah there we go okay here's the first of many ridiculous pause pads 6 frames many of them are frame perfect that's something to note about this game this game runs at 60fps so every single time he's going for a frame he's hitting a one sixtieth of a second input yeah 2 that was a pretty recently found shoutouts to Colin ballin haruki for putting up major amounts of research and effort and to continue to optimize this game if you think this game is done being optimized or any other game in the series far from it there's still a lot of dedicated people trying to find a pastor job new pawn strats to all the sports nope so after this level here we're coming up on probably the other super cool positive strat in the run we're gonna see if we can pull it off so you seal this complex stuff right yeah we're just gonna ignore most of it yeah this would be pretty easy if we had to go for green gold but honestly for that stage anything that lands on the gold platform is a win yeah yeah all right you can have donations now until here I go Suge SSB with a $10 donation referring to your twitch here let's go helix 13 underscore this game is blowing my freakin mind it took all of my power not to say it here love you bud a kill it thank you yeah and the Shawn Fogarty with a $20 donation helix Monkey Ball Z all right one more got mouth fever with the $10 donation hey helix mal here super proud to see someone I know at gdq I'm sure the rest of the project I'm community is cheering you on good luck on your run and try to avoid some memory leaks while you're going so fast okay let's go p.m. and we're done with advance yeah Thank You sugar for shouting out my twitch it's also my Twitter any sprouts on mister will be uploading there either later this week or when I get home at this rate you're not gonna have much doubt but yeah right now honestly so expert is usually where you would start this speedrun if you're just doing like a series PB attempts but since we're you know at a marathon it'd be respectful to end with the climax of of expert ABS who wants to end with beginner boring especially if we meet that incentive wink-wink nudge-nudge you thinking Dutch Dutch actually where are we on that also the stratosphere cologne yeah so I didn't want to burn time mentioning it before but he looks I'm afraid we will have to make you play a little bit more Monkey Ball we have met the incentive for the bonus master one skip Ravi up thank you so much I'm really excited to show those off on that stage previously they even put a rail just to make sure that you couldn't do the strap that he just did they kind of didn't accomplish that yeah if you didn't make it a little longer a little highers yeah careful pausing oh so what happened there was I shifted from B to start to quickly and it ate the start input yeah if you hit them on the same over a mother just uh hold on this isn't a frame that works so I'm just gonna oh [Music] this scratch is actually really important it saves a huge chunk of time okay there's a backup though goodbye this guy's out to backups oh let's go we even know what's gonna work and it still scares us like it's still scary alright four seven is one of the hardest stages in the game if you know I miss the frame alright um that's okay though if you've played this game you know about this stage many many a person has gotten stuck here for a very long time and I am going to be very quiet for the rest of us the stage was supposed to be a master stage which we can tell from some of the promotional material that got released for this game but they decided no we just wanted to keep munching imaginary quarters like this in the arcade okay I took that come on let's go I took that's those photos honestly my hands are so shaky yeah this first split is a real monster - like we know no matter what caviar category you're doing if it involves these stages it's so hard yeah there's a reason to start with this way yeah I'm can see why whenever I'm doing TV at times I always want to get this one out of the way first I too easy there all right but this stage we can abuse collision and sort of skip over that barrier there it's a bit difficult this collision is weird this looks good that whoa just barely enough my cube there is a buzzer at four but I don't have to show it off though okay well hey man if you can do it without the safety strats then that's only more impressive yeah speaking of things that are impressive and speaking of Kobe's see if we get it looking for another another very tight movement stage yeah if you have very clean movement throughout the stage you can make like a very tight cycle he's looking pretty juicy here yeah just slow down just a bit is to lose two and a half seconds to waiting for the gear to rotate all the way around yeah it's a high-risk high-reward strat okay I'll just wait it's fine right you guys got the idea yeah that's one outfit on Twitter later all right so this stage is gonna look very similar to a station advance but the strat not so much so this stage I feel like doesn't get enough credit for being difficult it is also just very fun to move there honestly even the thick boiling gong-gong can maneuver like that yeah yeah mum fun fact I normally play his baby because baby is a lot smaller so it's easier to see around baby just it makes the game a little bit easier for me but uh I still do him pretty well I think yeah all right so we got a pretty new pause strat coming up here 85 yobbo I've never finished it in quite that way before I've never seen a fish like that I can't believe I got the frame on the very first positive so yeah that's the optimal strategy is to get the frame on the first pause obviously you're not gonna go for that every time but if you can do it it's faster obviously any time we spend pauses I'm wasted because this is time to start da this is uh quite a evil bonus stage luckily he's gonna you know perfectly just get out of there huh but if you don't you'll perfectly hit that on a perpendicular angle you're just gonna bonk and you're not gonna fall out you can lose like 20 30 seconds doing that so I am I'm so glad you didn't drink this yeah this stage is particularly terrifying you better not mess up yeah thank God yeah very nice Oh perfect yeah I gotta pick you with that Wow as you can see there are a lot of different gaps and holes on that stage which means there a lot of chances for collision which means there a lot of chances for no collision so it's definitely uh definitely a reactionary stage and falling on the stage a lot lately I should stop doing that I think you're too speeding gone gone it's fine Amy's energy huh give them a couple more bananas all right here's another sort of ridiculous pause strap that's actually only going to skip half this level but it's worth it because this is all along one okay well I actually completely unpause and you know what we're just gonna do this normally again put it on Twitter later this is still a really good movement stage Felix you're not uh purposely not doing stress in order to put them on Twitter you know you would never do that I actually wanted to hit that one yeah he looks actually doesn't like the stage a whole lot so I can believe that he would want to skip a bunch of this one it is it is very important for movement though this one on the other hand goes by pretty quick you can nail the strat this is a classic I like this I like this law absolutely I would look it's so nice that they put these arrows in this game to tell us where to go so that we can ignore them yeah this stage has you either have to do it slowly or you have to sort of blow through it and what the heck well I guess we're doing one of those because actually I'm buzzed again so I'm just gonna throw myself at it Yolo that is not supposed to go like that just to let everyone know I try that at home but that won't happen oh oh okay desert had to get you back somehow oh yeah no back on next stage don't worry oh yeah probably will so 29 relies on collision and once again collision is not the best so I'm gonna try to do a pause strat here to make this consistent yeah otherwise we need to count on not just rolling straight over these little bumps that are on the edge of each of the conveyors but I think he got the flag on it no yeah nice yeah just like that he's done that state has killed so many runs for me why I don't like sand its course it's rough it's rough and it's irritating and it gets everywhere and we're glad to be done with it yes we are and now we're in the world that's kind of like my hometown my home state Minnesota okay at least right now I'm shudders to the Midwest be best for you to Minnesota smash as well love you guys thanks for all the support I really appreciate it so this is gonna be the thinnest mandatory wire in the non master stages and it's to do with going on yeah my hands are so shaky but we'll get it next time the thing about this stage is if you fall out on it you lose like 30 seconds and so it's another point where runs die and yes again why I start with expert at least normally you probably have time for a donation yeah sure here's a $25 one from Peter incorporated it's Super Monkey Ball does the word super mean it's a Super Ball or a super monkey that is yes go get him helix yeah thinking emoji on that one yeah I'll put a pin in that all right so we're supposed to avoid these pegs here but if I get this buzz Fran oh okay well I guess we are going to avoid the pegs oh okay check this out too easy some of the greatest rats in this game are the ones that turn things that are supposed to kill you into things that help you beat the game even faster yeah nice play yeah it wasn't giving me a clip I really liked so I actually had to slow down and back it up but that's still perfectly fine so if you guys remember the big bumper stage that he did a bunch of pauses on and like flew to the goal we're gonna have 2.0 of that coming up right here nope alright here we go I'm gonna fall out I want to say that again I really want to show this off 71 come on one more [Applause] I'm really glad I got to show off the first one babies 71 1665 90 and 18 yeah yeah yeah beautiful hitting a 560 of the second not too easy but your helix you might make it look that way yeah alright um donations until of do one donation sure here's wisely with $100 a helix make those monkeys fly it's been amazing to see you grow as a person over the years and I'm proud to call you a friend whether it's competing in Smash organizing events running games fast or college you've been killing it good luck not that you'll need it and long live project Emma thank you Sam wisely you're gonna make me emotional here on stage thank you so much this is the final bonus stage coming up I say let's send it off by going into the goal instead of falling out let's do it hopefully so this is one of those stages that looks very similar to one of the ones you seen earlier but since the starting platform is further from the goal we have to balance on the side like that just perfectly yeah yeah that was Gary oh boy okay yeah I was kind of being a troll earlier so okay yeah 43 is a cycle based stage it's actually not too bad because we can give some cycles by using these ledges here and we're never going fast enough to completely skip over them so it's actually pretty consistent nice very good good stuff speaking of things to acquire the more consistency the strats gonna be double frame perfect' 17:5 yeah we're just gonna skip the whole stage we got 45 sort of this long I don't even know how to describe it so how about a donation all right here is $20 from Captain Ezekiel shout-out to Hilux from the sickest speed running fam here in Minnesota to the sickest monkey ball speed of fast done quickly guy hitless today man glad you made it to agdq thank you so much 46 uh it's almost similar to x3 great it's almost want me to advance seven sort of we are kind of Toni Hawking here I guess you could go yeah you're scaring me with how low you're dipping in yeah that was a little bit terrifying shouts - stairs in the ballgame why did they put stairs in my ballgame I don't like that I don't know that's making sense well uh look there's a setup for it you can actually get stuck and it's just awful yeah if you played this game casually you know that you can definitely die on that stage we're running out of time you can skip it with a work goal but I can't this is also fairly a new strat usually you have to go around you can't do a clip or two to save some time but we're just gonna do the aisle here by pausing the few frames and just going over the barrier right there there's ultra shortcuts and monkey balls oh no oh what oh oh a bumper counter blindsided you there I won a 23 we're so close to getting a 23 so oh you'll get it twice yeah if everything goes right I should still get a 23 that was my goal for this yeah all right last pot but your time is when I trust the goal state yep one last pause drive [Music] okay good time that's romance on that slippery all right yeah we take those especially with how I went out of my way sometime so that's pretty good oh well IPV is a 21:28 that is definitely way different setting um I'm going for a 20-something it's definitely possible but it's very difficult anyway how about we play some master all right how about extra yeah well for those of you that have played Monkey Ball - you know that master is a selectable difficulty in that game but that's not something we have here so we're going to be breaking the game just a little bit to get there yeah you'll see it's called master one skip you'll see why it's called one skip I will explain it sort of as it's happening there is some down times so we're ready to start the timer again it looks like we are all right you guys ready for the same countdown let's do the same thing again five four three since we have a little bit of time here take yourself yeah exactly so the reason why we have that extra time is because this glitch is known as the time out work glitch and we need the stage to end and freeze so that we can simultaneously lose by running out of time while also winning by crossing the goal tape and we're gonna see it right here nice recording you know you would check the bottom left we've reached to the final floor for 450 but we're on the same stage so that was expert yeah yeah like 44 seconds so what we believe happens there is because you've crossed the goal tape while you're supposedly in a failure state the game's trying to send you back to the level that you just lost well it also tries to advance you to the next level because you won and it does that every frame every sixtieth of a second so it increments all the way until we get to the top and we finished my expert just like that nice that is this garys go ahead we've got some air on that one yeah I did if you were here for the beginning of this run you heard me say that I can't use a continue if I want to reach master and the same holds true here so I can only die once therefore I'm going to play it very safe on the stage as you want to see my song we want him to go ham did I knew the stage was gonna mess me up even if I played safe oh well can be an absolute jerk there there it is first drive every time every time might seem like I should play Freddy stay from here on out but um maybe a little bit but we're gonna try to show off some stuff like here on extra five there are a lot of ways to complete the stage I'm gonna do it Dom what save but probably also scare everyone yeah I'm gonna play super safe this one's really risky so we're just gonna do it as intended for once imagine that you can skip most a lot of that inner tubing by going off the starting platform it hitting the middle of that object and then flying all the way to the goal but like you said that's a little risky we want to see master yeah yeah this pitch can be kind of a jerk to these uh orange cylinders on the side are all slightly raised up and you have to go over them at just the perfect speed or else we're going to get launched off oh okay it's gonna give you a picture yeah all right so they put one of the most terrifying stages toward the end of extra which makes me very angry but we got to do it and we have to just throw ourselves at it looking good well luckily this game features a wonderful practice mode so y'all will still see master after all you did donate for it yes that was that's as close as I've ever been to not finishing or finishing and then actually not finishing jeez mine come on extra it's a difficult stage [Music] [Applause] please try Oh on the bright side this allows me to do this posture and without any stress or not well uh you know what we're not gonna make it semester anyway [Music] that's it and we're down that works in there check out this replay awesome I want to make sure okay yeah yeah I wanted to show them the replay yeah all right so to practice movieclips it's right there come on helix okay so we're just gonna exit out we're gonna do these one by one yeah we sure are it's actually a little bit faster to do it that way I think [Music] okay there's a posture that you can literally just pulled up on it's hilarious luckily if you missed it you just play normally as a backup it's actually kind of cool ya gotta love gunk on choices gotta appreciate them it's like I remember first I was like what are you doing [Music] [Applause] three yeah this is one of the hardest stages in the game we're gonna dip half of it hopefully like this alignment ahead first try with GOG on to look oh I just going up a thin wire is extremely difficult cuz they think on like tilts himself all the way over to the side you can't even tell where the center of the ball is yeah it's kinda crazy oh okay pause list the puzzle spread on this is still really cool so that's fine yeah hopefully I've never done that in quite that way before just this game and me man it's it's insane I really don't understand how they expected you to do this normally like what did they expect most people to do here not this like what they expect you to be omniscient yeah that's how you be master yeah it'll be a master of the game yeah except for this stage the stage is kind of a joke they did not master stage did IANA because you can do this you're supposed to follow the red path and like wait a bunch of time but you just do that I think they forgot that you control gravity I think so yeah I do like the rest of these stages family so this one is supposed to be cycle based whether the stage turns I'm after time after time but we don't want to wait for that to happen so instead I forgot I can hit the retry button now so this stage looks pretty chaotic and that's because it is but of course there are strats for it Oh got a little bit like there I keep forgetting I can retry I love this games practice mode actually there it is nice alright so master 9 is one of the hardest stages in Monkey Ball history I'm gonna go for this crazy puzzle strat at least once oh let's do it my time in a couple times yeah once twice more yeah we got time I am watching my time ago I am watching my time here so one more one more if not then I'll start closing oh okay you get the idea getting enough momentum for that is really tough and you need like pretty much helpful collision at point what okay helixes notches eventually had to strike at some point yeah oh 33 doesn't really work I almost made it work come on first bride to easy all right and finding a real run anymore will be on gold tape once again everyone stay by the i-ight oh you really have to leave the goalposts here because it travels [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alright um few shoutouts here first of all to a GDQ of staff the volunteers not only for the opportunity but for putting on this amazing event I help run marathons myself and I know the amount of work that goes into it especially on a scale like this so they worked really hard and it's for a great cause and of course have to remember to shout out rolled out that is sort of like a fan game like a love letter to monkey ball on there are some very very talented people working on that game should check out their Twitter I believe it's just a trolled out look them up check out the Twitter join the discord you want to be a part of that when that game comes out you want to be playing it fast and I already felt it out Midwest speedfest Minnesota smash my brother is watching yeah I actually stayed with him a little bit before this event he's gone out of his way to make sure that I'm comfortable helped me get here and everything so thank you brother everyone who's worked on monkey ball speedruns in general yeah all the areas we've had so many amazing people contributing to making this run what it is today yes and just my couch you guys were excellent thank you so much all right that's all I got I'm Neelix this was Super Monkey Ball stay tuned look there's more to come yeah one more time keep it going for helix there and that wonderful Super Monkey Ball all difficulties no extras warpless run and the bonus master run thank you so much got a lot more donations here for helix socks donated $20 and said had to show support for my good friend helix and his band of speedy superb simians in spheres let's get cancer out and let's gone gone in I also have a donation from super mat here in the amount of $15 says let's go helix Tony the gang and I are rooting for you proud of you for making it to agdq and I'll have more messages here from for helix from all of his friends and everyone who was reaching out during that but first I gotta take a brief AB break and we'll be right back [Music] [Music] welcome back everyone this is awesome games done quick twenty20 raising money for the prevent Cancer Foundation up next an any % 1cc run of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the arcade game by Al rock six one seven here's a few more donations aimed at helix in that monkey ball run $30 from sunken make the money go fast you're killing it helix shout out to the MN smash community $25 from Bowie super monkey balls one of my favorite games I'm here to support helix and the project M community let's go helix v burger donated $25 says absolutely love monkey ball and would really like to see more of it if possible tbh and more we did see thanks to all of your generous donations meaning that once Kip master bonus run incentive you know speaking of incentives if you are out there considering donating to our charity here again the prevent Cancer Foundation is what we're doing all of this for we have a lot of incentives open that you can add your dollars to to try to add a little bit more fun or a new game to the marathon of course later we'll have a bonus game of Animorphs if we raise $60,000 we've already have over 13,000 toward that but quite a ways to go there you know if ocarina of time is warrior thing the glitch exhibition could still use some help as well and then you know beyond Animorphs we have we have a lot of awful games coming up including you can get joke percent in super high delight if you raise ten thousand five hundred thirty one dollars and sixty five cents I believe that's the throwback to the cleft classic games done 'quick donation total thank you and also uh cyber genic ranger chat percent there's a lot of things out there to put your money towards so check it out when you donate on the website games done quick comm slash donate put your money towards something that seems entertaining to you heist donated $25 it's super hype seeing my p.m. brother helix at gdq helix only knows how to go fast good luck with the speed run Mach donated $10 and 47 cents let's go helix love from the Midwest p.m. steam keep up the great run $25 from Scottie do hae helix just wanted to remind you again to pack as much warp weather as you can into your luggage when you come back good luck on the run dude Sean V GM had donated $5 and said hey he looks MN smash is here all watching you $50 from gummy smash let's go helix $25 from Gaede helix best Spiti boy $5.00 from Tiny Tim Hale had to donate for helix and the fun and crazy Super Monkey Ball shout outs to one of my favorite hosts prolix a true gentleman cheers hey cheers to you Tiny Tim thank you for that $50 donated from the flying pickle chips super excited to see helix up on the big stage at gdq let's raise that money for the SMB incentive and more importantly to save lives also honk if you all enjoy the honk meme there's an interesting a bid war open right now it's the seed name for the cadence of Hyrule run later on you know the game is a roguelike in the fact that we can seed it with randomness now right now the top name is Aryan with 11 / $1,100 in second place honk 2stronk maybe maybe put some money toward that if you feel like the honking a 3rd place classic Arby's love it love it can't go wrong there so a lot of fun being had in the cadence of Hyrule feed named bidwar there I love it here's another donation for helix good luck he licks on the run and shout out to Jax on the couch that was from orange freeze thank you for your $5 to this wonderful cause we have here double evil donated $73 saying hello agdq the event has been a blast so far and there are so many awesome runs yet to come I'm so hyped from the monkey ball run let's get that bonus master one skip run ready go lief Apollo with $10 I'm gonna need your help out there audience hi helix I'm happy to support you during your monkey ball run and can I get a ready go from the crowd all right one more time three two ready go awesome thank you so much $15 from a no-name that's right it's literally their name Super Monkey Ball has been such a huge part of my childhood and I'd love to see those extra levels let's crush that incentive and crush cancer thank you no name we're just finishing setup here on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade at any percent 1cc run by El Rock and following that up we'll have mu sashimi sama futari 1.01 an ultra run with on extend every 70 million settings I believe by gusto yeah I asked a good friend of mine you know I I don't know much Japanese but uh you know what mushi he me some of Atari mint I believe it was a bug princess or a bug princess to my good friend being Google Thank You Google $10 from scary soo howdy from the audience Super Monkey Ball is one of my favorite speedruns to watch knock it out of the park hilux Astra GT donated $50 saying Super Monkey Ball is always one of the most impressive things to watch so let's get more Nova donated $20 saying helix the run was amazing and so is all of the work you put in to get to gdq i couldn't be happier to be crying at my TV i shout out to everyone at gdq for supporting a cause close to my family's heart and long live project m thanks so much nova ten dollars from Seoul her ass hey he looks the project aims sonic discord is cheering you on you rascal direct 85 donated $10 saying Super Monkey Ball is a blast to watch I've watched gdq's many times but this is the first time I can catch the livestreams I could say I'm bananas about this keep up the great work everyone thank you direct 85 for that but you know yeah pretty soon here it's gonna be time to put away the potassium and bust out that Pizza TMNT is still setting up we'll have that next run for you very shortly here's one looking forward in the marathon a little bit I've got a donation from goose to zero zero six one two one $25 from them saying seeing my favorite speedrunner zfg1 i had to donate good luck to zfg one and the rest of the runners can this goose get a massive honk [Music] we received a $17 and 20 cent donation from Dylan Hamilton saying I loved playing Super Monkey Ball on my 3ds and never got around to playing the rest of the series seeing a runner as cool as he likes to do it live at a gdq is a great motivator to do so hype and doesn't that ball look a lot like an orb all right here is $15 from Elliot hey here's a joke for all of you what is I eyes favorite genre of music the answer rock n roll okay we're we're gonna have to work on your definition of joke there oh I appreciate the effort awesome and thank you so much for the donation soda donated $50 $5 saying I love to Super Monkey Ball as a kid this is blowing my mind amazing good luck and good job on that incentive everyone I agree lithium donated $20 I'm donating this for my childhood friend Jessie who is finishing up his chemo treatments for Stage three brain cancer keep on rolling them monkeys Dane's Flav donated $25 I was going to wait until later to donate but watching this Monkey Ball run has compelled me to do so now because it's absolutely bananas thanks Dain slave Andrew man donated $200 had the donate during this Super Monkey Ball run such a hard game and these runners make it look so easy let's hope that eventually we can make cancer fallout I like it alright I'm gonna try to get through this donation biospark donated $20 saying always enjoy super monkey ball runs runner and couch seem like a real bunch of primates the run is certainly bananas and the crowd is for reals great good luck to all the punters an incentive goes to the announcer who reads all these terrible jokes oh yes I earned that money easily thank you buddy
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 591,044
Rating: 4.8773451 out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2020, AGDQ2020, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: g8asU52opro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 59sec (3179 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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