Super Monkey Ball 2 - Expert Speedrun in 15:25 [Former World Record]

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by yeah I'm just I'm just super torna then obviously master would be to eight out of eight awesomeness the thing is with with with Bomberman I wanna not that's a goal it's true but at the same time yeah I don't know I don't know I guess it's just because I [Music] know that it I don't know I don't know like I didn't I just care way more about small I guess I know I know you know what I mean I know you're just you know I feel what you're saying I totally feel you're saying Peter I feel you it's just like if I I'm gonna put time into story mode like I'd rather be a small just because it's more you know that when's to get question [Music] I was pretty good not completely lagless but very minimal like there's gonna be a 37 unless I die that probably will because that's how this works just kidding just kidding I know it's gonna be slow toggle so maybe [Music] listen nice that was that was pretty clean not the quickest nose really clean yeah we got the speed bunk looking nice looking nice it's my people this might be gold I didn't think about that this was really good it wasn't amazing is very solid yeah I was gonna say that was now I'm thinking about that's what was great that's what was actually nothing was bad everything was pretty solid and every time since doing tears I've gotten a good split of that like something has been off by a couple of tenths of a second like it's never been like a really really good split that was that was very solid that was very good I was that up out of them kind of awesome I have I've gotten 259 twice very hard because as you just saw that was a 137 followed by the best tier split of all time and it didn't even kids that wasn't even me so as you can see yeah it is not easy getting to 59 it's pretty rare oh dude the fact that I saved that is incredible I'm not gonna lie the fact that I made that work is actually incredible that was actually pretty incredible because that was not the setup I do whatsoever oh what a this one sucks I'm just kidding hate reset I feel like that flock was good because now I don't give a I actually don't give a about this run because they're just certain things that you can't mess up or else you look like a nuva I'm not I'm gonna be honest that's kind of one of them that is kind of one of them ha I tell you can tell max you a little nervous oh alright that's my best face ever is the first time I've gotten 538 dude - fourteen that's actually so dumb holy that's crazy you know it's a friend we are reviving one thing that is good to note about watching leader jump don't give a about the run don't give a it is what it is it is good but you know what I mean who cares who cares I can't I cannot get attached to anything did not calleb absent I'm an early okay that is okay scrap that is okay because I see what a good run is this is this is definitely kind of run I'm looking for it like this is the kind of start that I'm like this is literally it like my besides the dumbass clock because I'm such a noob and that this runs been amazing like this runs been amazing that's also my best face ever even though I lost some time is it I think that is as well yeah I've never gotten a 720 all right chip pipes let's go all right all right in there fuckin'-a all right we're in there we're in there doesn't matter though because charge could totally say no as much as this as greatest this is ladies and gentlemen charge has the complete control of this run and has it by the bollocks if it feel that that was also slow it's fine though if you feel like saying no it's just gonna say no keep that mind dear my god what the is that dude all right sounds kinda crazy I've got a crazy okay well that's a chance all right there's a chance not gonna lie this run might die into construction or right here which would be okay this actually I should pay attention to this this is really good to get this five drums experience okay okay good I did it that's right on PB pace that's step one of that at the step one of that strat implementing new strats it's always step one you do it on TV pace or did you not if you did you're a gamer because I have not got this adjustment once today all right let's see what happens all right this game is funny alright passage guess what guess what not this time not this time not this time you gotta remember to have fun well I do want to be all serious I gotta have fun gotta have fun Plus fast I did 19050 - ah come on so every time dude every time God yeah we're practicing strikers bro we're prior to that we're right we're spending an hour on that dude that seat every time bro Wow never want to see what the stage never assumed never assumed but maybe you can maybe with your if you got skills like me maybe you can assume alright oh man Wow that's exciting that's exciting that's exciting because that is a good run for that that is a good run with the death that's pretty that's pretty crazy that's pretty crazy but I believe in myself what's funny honestly dude lunar Champa and everyone who says that you just need to have fun and not focus on at the speedrun they're so right dude they're so right it is crazy like I'm happy in that my mindset is where it is I'm happy that I'm not choosing to listen to myself when I don't want to play this game on certain days certain days I do and I'm listening to myself due to two of goulds dude this run was so good this run was so good besides air hockey dude that is so crazy thank you by the way Alex speedruns and teachers inka for both of your twitch friends I love and appreciate you both I would not be the monkey ball runner that I am today without either of you so shout outs to both of them that's crazy that's crazy I'm so glad that the whole time I was reminding myself to have fun because it's like even if I lost that run as long as I'm having fun but like as long as I remind myself it isn't the end of the world if I lose it and it's okay like as long as I just remind myself as long as I remind myself it's okay to lose runs and it's I can live you know what I mean of the life it's just sometimes I just take this too seriously feels good man I'll say this feels good man that feels good man then give me the Gigi's everyone by the way I saw I saw some DJ's earlier and and all your pogs and whatnot [Music] dude I don't I don't I don't want I don't want to say this but like as soon as it got centrifugal I knew I knew I had it cuz like I don't I I know I don't know I don't know I don't know I I like really I just had this feeling and I just told myself cuz there was a moment there's a moment where that crossed my mind I was like bro like the you're gonna you're about to PB and I was like shut the up don't have those thoughts make your thoughts go to the stage you're playing reminder that you're in the moment you don't don't think for it in the moment at the moment in a moment and that really helped but I also did have a weird feeling that I was like as long as they get positive as long as I can just keep positive mentally as long as I don't put too much pressure on myself I should do it I don't know why I knew that was gonna be be it but like really once I got past centrifugal I was like yeah dude I'm so happy about that that that's the best combo of sentences or just cat oh my god that's so good because you were sending me no yes oh man oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm just looking at the splits I'm just looking at those splits dude that's crazy cuz like I yeah I'm pretty sure I don't have to retie me I'm 99% sure that was a 903 if I went in the goal because that's that so that's what I need that's what I need I need a I need that expert and then I need I need that's like literally the run that run decides air hockey is exactly what I need I'm not even looking for a guaranteed for each cycle in charge all I want is the ability to save it and if I did if I can save it then I'm still getting a 47 or 48 why did that goal them dude dude Wyatt did this gold can we talk about that why did this extra extra gold I ain't lost one second I lost okay so not only did I lose a second on what is it called uncharged but my pausing was slower my pausing was literally slower than compared to my PV and it's still got a gold like I literally do not like that shocked me when I got a gold that was also me trying to like laugh it off because once I got that gold I was like this is this is a run isn't it I don't know I don't know dude that was oh my gosh
Channel: Alist
Views: 6,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OpJuPlwAt6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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