Luigi's Mansion by HDlax1 in 1:13:40 - AGDQ2019

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turpis thank you for your $250 donation saying let's unlock this bloodborne run the doll is evil thank you dish mode for your $100 donation saying donating in honor of my friend he's battling and winning his fight thanks for all you do got a 250 dollar donation from Miriah that says meow-meow indeed got a couple of donations that have no comments Corby donates two hundred and fifty dollars well dr. Freeman donates $500 and an anonymous that donates $200 thank you so much for those donations even if they don't have anything to be read also shoutouts to this remix we have another anonymous donation with no comment that is two thousand dollars [Applause] [Music] fantastic sometimes actions speak louder than words so thank you for that donation J James m151 thank you for your $50 donation cancer has been a way too prevalent in my family and I'm glad that there's an awesome event like this to help support research to eliminate this awful disease thank you to everyone involved Renee - two-six donates $20 saying a great agdq so far who needs sleep from when the Final Fantasy 9 was the watch I'm sure a lot of people did not get sleep if they stayed for that thank you Nader's for your 512 dollar donation once again has no comment but we do appreciate that donation Spilsbury Bob also donates $250 also with no comment Holly's no comments we also have another no comment donation from anonymous of $1000 [Music] [Applause] it's not a lot of people want to say anything I got even more I have another no comment donation from dg2 one one I'd donates $500 thank you so much have an anonymous $500 donation would no comment all these no comments I'm so surprised we have $100 donation from Daniel t29 I says hey Zeus give me them ladders it's kind of a inside joke if you didn't watch the last one we have a 90 dollar donation for a Mont that says Mario Mario Mario thank you anonymous for your $100 donation that says no way we could see a run blonde boy a game son quick run inspired me to play the game and understand just how punishing it is hope I get to be blown away again well a store donates $55 and says I thought I had to work extra hours today but got to stay home at the last minute so excited that I won't miss a minute of agdq today good luck to all the runners I hope to see hey-zeus hairstyles tonight believe right now for that bloodborne bonus game were at 60 1,650 but we gotta have 250 K so we're not quite there yet but just gotta keep on donating send it to the incentives we'll get there Thank You Bryan 12 for your $10 donation saying little donations add up donate what you can afford to have a good cause and I think it is time for some Luigi's Mansion with HD likes 1 take it away alright what's going on everybody gonna be doing some early morning Luigi's Mansion I was actually brought to my attention that the incentive for 100% got met so thank you guys very much for your donations I really appreciate it joining me on the couch we have the Luigi's Mansion God Himself Ben Stephens 56 we got I love arc shape and Justin also known as Minato purge all right I think we're ready to go so I'm gonna do a countdown and we'll start alright 3 2 1 go alright so I selected the second option the hidden mansion that's basically a New Game+ so after you complete the game one time you unlock this hidden game mode so the perks of running on this is Luigi has a stronger vacuum it's approximately 1.5 times stronger on the English and PAL versions he takes double damage and on the PAL version the mansions just completely mirrored it's not even the same run so we're gonna be watching this cutscene and then we're gonna get right into the action and gonna be getting a lot of money tons and tons of money how much money do you need I'm glad you asked then we need exactly 100 million and they went to charity the thing about these money locations is most of them are random so it's not guaranteed that I get them but I have some backups in mind if I don't get the RNG money spots okay so after I grab that key usually a mini-map would pop up there but before I start the file there's some weird tech you can do by resetting the console on the same frame that you open up the mini-map for whatever reason it disables it so I'm gonna get a quick double here you always want to move and manipulate to the best possible position to get the most optimal double all right there's a good room so these garbage ghosts you can actually push for some reason they don't have a damaged hitbox unlike the other ghosts in this game so you can just push them it's not very nice you should be more considerate I should alright pretty good area one so far yeah so the game is divided up into like four separate areas so this is the first of the four they get increasingly longer and so yeah after every area there's like a little cutscene that's kind of just like hey here's a summary of everything you did right so egad was just telling us about these portrait ghosts there's only one of each portrait ghost unlike the regular ghost we were fighting and they actually drop these forms of currency pearls each portrait ghost will drop four small pearls for medium pearls and one big pearl each small pearls worth fifty thousand mediums worth a hundred thousand big ones are worth a million so we always try to prioritize the big pearl over any others so it's no big deal if we leave behind a couple pearls but we always want to get the big pearl it's also really important that he one cycles all these ghosts because if he doesn't deal ninety damage in one cycle then he doesn't get the big pearl right and this room is actually one of the wackiest in the entire run because i tries loading two rooms at once you can notice out the window that toads out there on the balcony we don't actually go out there in the run okay so we're nearing the end of the first area it's rather short unlike the others area one's about six minutes long and after each area you're gonna face an area boss so this is the first [Music] so I just need to hit him with this ball to convince the fight all right and one you need to think about each area bosses you fight them and their own unique arenas so you might notice for Chauncey we're in he actually shrunk us down and put us inside of his crib this is homie yeah okay so right when I gained control of Luigi I'm gonna be moving to the far right side of the arena because there's gonna be a rocking horse that's gonna charge at me and I wanted to charge at me as fast as possible so we can kind of speed up the cycle and there's one that comes on the left side too so I'm gonna run over to the left side and do the same thing and I'm gonna line myself up for a ball catch here now I intentionally let him go early there that's because if Chauncey dips below 50 HP he'll throw an extra cycle of rocking horses at Luigi which wastes about three extra seconds and another thing he actually cannot be one cycle Chauncey is one of only two portrait ghosts in this game that cannot be one cycle the other being the final boss so we're just gonna rinse and repeat but I'm actually gonna take damage here because the second ball that I need to catch requires me to store invincibility frames otherwise I'd take damage right you saw him knock on that wall right there and the wall actually maintains his invisibility right that's the end of area 1 and after each area you get a special key so we just got the key of Hearts there so we have some downtime this would be a great time for some donations if you have them all right we have a 250 dollar donation from Swiss that says go Luigi show keen boo that luigi ain't scared of no ghosts you also have a $50 donation from scruffy koala that says good luck on the run lakhs also let's see that blood-borne run and then hapless hero donates $50 that says thank you for the amazing event I try to watch every year it's a little eg time and we have an anonymous donation of $20 that says nothing like waking up to see a Luigi's Mansion run let's see if we can vacuum up cancer so at the end of each area you just turn the ghost back into portraits also one thing to note is that the the color of the frames on the portraits actually indicate how many pearls you got right and also at the end of the area it also tells you how much money you collected for that area so as you saw we have 3.7 million total so moving right along into area 2 you might notice it's a lot bigger than area 1 we're gonna be meeting lots of new ghosts and you might notice that I actually had my flashlight pointed up to the ceiling that's because these ceiling ghosts what are they called ceiling surprises right yeah they can actually drop down and scare Luigi and every time Luigi gets scared he just kind of stops in place and and he'll just get scared and it wastes like 1 or 2 seconds so if you have your flashlight pointed at a ghost spawn point they actually can't spawn so that's why I do that speaking of scary skips you might notice at tons when waves of ghosts are about this opponent he'll pull out his Gameboy horror that skips his that that skips Luigi's scaring animation notably he's gonna do it in this room so he could get closer to the shy guys but he'll do it almost after every go before every goes yes so just by pulling out the gameboy horror for whatever reason it skips the ghost scaring Luigi so it's worth do it whenever you can yeah those are guys hit boxes are terrible yeah that's a lot harder than it looks to get all those doubles yeah I'm actually kind of surprised that I got that and we're actually coming up to the first bit of good RNG [Music] okay so that's called early release those dancer goes they can show their hearts when I just got them or they can wait 10 seconds later to show their heart for whatever reason it's just random so you get it or you don't yeah those blue ghosts are optional ghosts and they always drop money but they run around they're pretty much untouchable unless you get them right when they spawn you may have noticed he has Luigi go into the corner over there and Luigi was doing some kind of funky animation he was holding out his vacuum pulling the poster on the other side of the wall you can yank it right across into the luigi's vacuum from the other side of the wall yeah it's called poster skip it's kind of a controversial name because technically you're not skipping the poster you're just sucking it off early okay so the weed you just released every single boo in the mansion so you guys fixing to tasked us with finding all 50 booze usually in a normal no out of bounds run we'd only have to catch 40 booze but since this is 100% we do have to get all 50 so I'm just gonna be mashing text for like a minute if you got another donation you can go for it sure thing we have a 111 dollar donation from Elan that says good luck on the run a steel axe one from the friendly hotel spirits oh and kill the animals so that there are more ghosts to join the party we have a 250 dollar donation from mousie that says it's cold here perfect day to stay under the covers and watch gdq thank you everyone for showcasing such amazing runs okay so I'm gonna be doing a little bit of backtracking here we have two had yet five booze to proceed with the next part of the game okay where is he he's in here oh dang we made have noticed he was yanking that cloth off the table slightly he got bad luck with it because the boo happened to be under the table but if you pull the boo into the vacuum and then pull some tilt some sort of sheet afterwards it'll completely skip the text yeah I don't know a pun sucking up a boo and then sucking up something like a cloth that just overwrites the egad text information that I just got it triggers the last thing that the vacuums up issues gonna be looking at the boo radar which is in the bottom right of the screen on the Gameboy horror and it's not programmed very well but when you're walking into the room it actually is extremely helpful so as you can most of the time find out where the boo is as he's walking in yeah all these boot locations are random so the blue radar is definitely a very nifty tool to have there are some locations though are some objects in the room that never have the booth so like there is still memorization with like which furniture can and cannot have foods in them right also shoutouts to Cooper you for finding the bootstrap that I that I'm using it's called are pumping so by holding down the L trigger and tapping the are trigger every 10 HP I can do a pump which will keep the boo in place for a total of 15 cackles so every time I pump the boo will cackle and after 15 he'll just become uncertain lock and leave the room it's basically ruining your childhood with up reboot capture yeah pretty much just wait till area 3 boo bosses is crazy oh yeah you're in for a real treat with that very mediocre RNG but since we have five boos we can actually proceed with the next part of the game so before you have five boos toad has the washroom locked and after you have after you collect five he unlocks it you can go in there get the key and then you can proceed on where's the key most in the toilet whoa don't talk to toad yes so many runners will accidentally talk to toad there yeah yep it happens but he's crying she just wants her friends yeah he's lonely he's kind of sitting in the bathroom all by himself okay something unique about this room is the ghosts that are fixing a spawn only you can only see them in the background so you cannot see them in the foreground you can just see kind of like their shadow but luckily for us we already know where they spawn we're speedrunners are we we are so I'm gonna intentionally get grabbed here so I can shake this guy off in the opposite direction get a quick double mister trick I'm fixing to go for if one of you guys wants to explain it sure all of it so um there's this bar medallion that's inside that chest and you have to do it talk to egad for a good amount of time and then unlock the room but he's catching the boo and then landing on the fire medallion and so he has it already but he's actually saving and quick in quitting and so he can completely skip the text and getting out of the room yep so usually a bunch of you get information would just waste a bunch of time so we just saved like six seconds there by doing that save warf at the same time with him resetting it also resets shivers cycle so when he gets to the end of the hallway sugars is gonna be at the end of the hallway as well oh no oh I ruined it I'm sorry maybe we'll get good golden mouse RNG cuz it'd be nice nope not too fond of this money pace right now okay so this Butler is gonna run down the hallway to his room and while he's doing that we have just enough time to clear this optional room so we can collect the boo I forgot to open the washer yep so that's Mario's hat we have to collect five pieces of Mario's clothing and give them to the fortune teller at the end of area three you may have saw that I was in the fortune tellers room a minute ago but oh nice yeah we got hats Gib you didn't skip the Hat it's a chess chess skip oh my bad you may notice he's gonna activate that mouse hole earlier we were talking about tech skips with tablecloths but in the Japanese version of this game for whatever reason if you capture a boo and enter a mouse hole at the same time it'll just override the text entirely okay that was another fair share game did he move I think he's right here no okay here at the perks of running on Japanese because on English you can't get that text good the mouse ball in this thought has a terrible hitbox by the way you can hit it in the dead center and it won't activate yeah it's just like a dead spot right in the middle Sunday and they also didn't fix it in the remake of this game on the 3ds oh yeah go dibs good job there's a lot of money in this room so she's gonna pick up Teddy gems and a lot of bills taking advantage of the money in this room for sure [Music] we're gonna do the tech skip again it's also another tech skip coming up here possibly depending on where the boom on so this is a hard trick yes it's pretty precise yeah it's gonna yank off that cloth up there if you start sucking on it as soon as you're pulling the boom into the vacuum yeah and when I'm leaving a litter in to go to a dark room you may notice that I'm like shooting a little bit of fire that's called a flash light skip so whenever Luigi enters a dark room there's a like a two-second animation of him pulling out his vacuum but if you shoot a little bit of fire right when he's about to do that it skips that animation entirely and he gets a little boost from doing it too adds up over time oh yeah that's also in lit rooms he can skip pulling out the vacuum by blasting the fire [Music] okay probably everybody's favorite portrait goes nobody she's gonna play two songs we got good rng so she can either play the underwater theme from the soup from the original Super Mario Brothers game or she can play the Super Mario Brothers 3 theme so the underwater theme will always be the first option so that's best-case scenario it's very interesting nobody sometimes is a word pull honor just skyrocket into the air at least it wasn't all the way on the left side of the room right the boo orangey this Ron's been very mediocre so I guess it's not that bad okay and we're actually coming up to our first optional boss goes so usually in a no out of bounds run we just skip right over this guy cuz he's not required to finish the no out of bounds around but for 100 percent we do have to get him cuz a we need 50 boos and B we need all portraits so I'm just gonna suck up his food oh oh that was I need to be a little bit careful coming up ya might miss them so he's gonna try to clear out this room and get the water medallion and then come back when he's done with his cycle and catch bugs yeah I actually don't think that I have time to extinguish the door you might be able to make it cuz of the chest gift yeah we'll see we have like audio to used to listen to okay so this is the second element water so this is the information that I would have gotten from fire had I not done the save and quit there's no time yeah that's fine [Music] chlorine that room puts them at the perfect time from the show's heart okay so I'm actually gonna come back here later and get that boo water the door oh yeah thanks we try to extinguish the door first thing because we have to wait like 5 seconds for the fire to completely go out ok plant this plant is very crucial to the run so we have to come back after each area and watered it some more and then it'll give us a big cash prize he's gonna initially get bit by spooky here so the mr. bones is spawning quickly he's also in the perfect position trying to get pearl dupes he has not so a she's talking about pearl duping and you can actually duplicate a pearl if you can do a vacuum skiff while you're walking into a pearl and you can both suck up or just touch a pearl and if he has the vacuum and his body touched the pro at the same time it'll count twice yeah it's like not consistent at all it's just luck of the draw thing you either get it or you don't it's not really worth setting it up it's you just go for it yeah hope you get it you happen to get it you could just get other money later on yep okay so this is the area to boss bog mire unlike Chauncey he can be one cycled so I'm gonna try to get a quick one cycle here he's fairly easy to one cycle as well yeah probably the easiest for the four area Boston yes most certainly so I just have to suck up a shadow and then hit his actual form with it and then he'll show his hard [Applause] all right so that's the end of area 2 so you can read more donations if you have them indeed I do I have a 20 dollar donation from anonymous is's hey HD Darla's here good luck on the runs and don't forget petunia this time shout outs to the reader of the donations I have a $25 donation from Ally 249 that says Luigi's Mansion was the first game I beat as a kid but it took me a bit longer didn't help that I didn't exactly understand the concept of saving your game as the kid good luck on the run let's get that blood-borne run in for more spooky fun Manos donates $90 that says this is the game Luigi deserve fun never wanted so glad to see it on gdq and can't wait for all those mighty or comments I feel so sorry for you already Adobe it's ok to my brothers told you they read my comments someday and to everyone agdq keep up the amazing work and thank you all and freaky cookie donates $25 it says here's to my family for kicking cancers butt you got this HD shoutouts to my pals on the couch but maybe my time at gdq this year's great [Music] okay so I have eighteen point seven million I try to be around 19 million after area two but we can work with this after you complete each area the hallway does light up so I'm gonna go back for the plant later because it's like optimal thing just get ice in there it's gonna go for it right before the end of the area yeah [Music] so we're coming up to a pretty important part of the story then do you want to explain when we get to the custody all right y'all do my best so I'll see what I can do I'll take new points were littered with money so so yeah luigi is being eaten by a lion here um and so wait for it wait for it wait for it there's Mario he's in a painting very scary and so what I want to know is is King Boo was in the the like the cellar area with with all the other booths too like how did he capture Mario if he's down there the whole time it was all ruse man all yep conspiracy yikes brother I was like that was a great explanation Ben can we give a round of applause to Ben I'm very good at this game you run it more than any of us here's the second piece of Mario's belongings the letter we also have the second optional Ghost coming up portrait goes the name yep so I'm just gonna get another speedy spirit here so that speedy spirit actually drops a ruby a ruby is the most valuable gem - the diamonds oh oh very interesting oh oh he's coming out oh no no looks like I'm gonna have to wait to get the key it was a key in that treadmill if you run on it well some people don't know about that for some reason nope if you're standing on the edge of that mat there when you punch the bag luigi gets stuck in this following animation and that's what caused him to get hit everybody exercise I want to see if he's right here nope might move oh yeah imma just toot you so optional portrait ghosts will always drop money so that's very imperative to the 100% completion because those silver diamonds are worth 2 million did we ever explain what the 100% definition is I don't know all right so in 100% you have to get obviously you have to get a hundred million monies for the for like the Big O now your rank mansion possessing a rank they rank yeah and you need to get all the portrait ghosts and you need to get all the booze so even if he like could skip some of the portrait goes to beat the game he still needs to get them for the definition 100% so actually just got a RNG sapphire there or Ruby sorry so that's an extra million okay so this is the third and final element ice ice is probably the most interesting of the trio because you can actually freeze booze in place so let's say you need to open a chest really quick you can freeze the MU in place and you won't move until you start dealing damage yep guarantee [Music] okay so we're coming up to the notorious petunia I remember this time so it's kind of like a living meme cuz the last time I didn't run at geq I forgot petunia and I had to go back and get her now I just have to shoot Nana with these yarn balls and then she'll show her heart it's actually really bad if he does miss any of the balls because he has to leave the room in order to retry right no left side Oh mine there we go you out man oh oh no poison tree Oh guide him this way if you're not aware those fools shrinky down for about 10 seconds and Luigi can't do anything decide to scream Aria okay dodged a bullet there yeah we want to avoid those at all cost and a lot of situations it's actually really bad if you're trying to like get a boo and you picked anything up so like a key or like a ruby or something like that because you'll stop back doing so that can really mess you up and the boot will get away yes the game will prioritize everything but the boo there's a heart laying around there all right let's get that and said yeah that just makes absolutely no sense those pearls can be a pain to get out about tablet times yeah luckily they didn't give me too much of a problem yeah okay so we're coming up to probably the coolest part of the run in a second moon shot oh I got a no skip it yeah should I should I try go head go for it 360 noscope go you gotta actually do a spin before you take this job yeah there's just the moon in the mansion for some reason this room is really interesting for how he's moving around and sucking off all the masks and then catching these goes Oh Oh guitar ng this is one of the hardest room Street because of those candlesticks yeah there's so many spots and they're all really close together usually that boot would be a big pain rate getting in the cabinets is definitely what you want all right I'm gonna do it 360 no scope for any reason I hit this I will be very impressed it was worth it yeah this part is pretty precise but we do have a visual cue for it oh yeah it's just not easy three times yeah a lot of runners when they're starting out they will miss this many times as we go yeah gonna be a yikes for me brother yes so for whatever reason Luigi blows up half the moon and on the moon's core is mario star which is the third item so we're actually gonna be getting the last two of Mario's belongings very shortly and why do you need Mario's belongings well I'm glad you asked been at the at the end of the area we're gonna be taking all of her belongings to the fortune teller and that's just like a minute thirty of straight mashing so very good time for donations by the way once that comes up and then yeah the great mashing so now we're heading over to the billiards room and the projector room which are two pretty cool rooms especially the billiards room because she's gonna have to do some really weird shots to stun the ghost projector room is a pretty good treat too it's a lot of good setups in there so just like mirror room we're not gonna be able to see these guys in the foreground this one's really hard you died in it yesterday right no never been is too good at this game - game over [Music] this next terpil coming up is really difficult he's gonna have to move in a strange way and then throw the ghost and to the other two oh I didn't get him to spawn oh I think we got it [Music] [Music] okay so you already explained been shot right kinda he's gonna walk around the room and then he's gonna shoot the cue ball into three other balls and they're gonna go in random directions and they also bounce off walls randomly and he has to shoot all three of them that bank shot and he doesn't have much time before they despawn pinkie yeah it's really bad if he misses because it's just like nice there we go there yeah nice that is such a stupid portrait goes great I guess they never missed huh oh [Laughter] he moved [Music] okay so now I'm gonna mirror workout it here and we're gonna go back to the very beginning of the game because there's actually a locked door back in the area one we got the key from Nana's room and we're also going to be getting the booze in the rooms that we've already cleared so this is just the best time to do this since we have to come to this locked room anyways just like a really general thing and like a C's been doing this the entire run but it's just like a minor optimization is as you're catching booze the different goes like you kind of want to end up where you want to go next at the end of the room so sometimes the guys will be like oh the booze on the left side that's bad because like you want to be in the right position like when the ghost or when the boo appears and at the end of the room when you finally suck it up right here we have twins they can hide in five of these one of these five random boxes No - they're stupid if you can shake the boxes with the vacuum you a lot of people probably didn't know this when they first played this but the crates that they're in will shake what indicate that they're in them and I know for a fact when I was younger when I played this I just kept opening them trial-and-error for hours on end trying to figure out which one they were in yeah so an interesting bit of trivia here you may notice that one of them is on a plane and the others on a car these twins names are Henry and Orville so the one on the cars named Henry named after Henry Ford the one on the plane Orville Wright named after Orville Wright of the Wright brothers there's actually a lot of really cool like naming conventions in this game like every boo has a different name and they're all puns and some of their names are better than others because some of the boos are better than others oh oh really are you sure I'm positive well we'll be seeing my girl not better than my girl may have noticed there he also got longer text that's the best text you can ever have more mashing you know eight seconds long I know there's a sometimes egad just has a good job and then he's done but once you reach the astral halt with the candles then he starts to possibly give you longer text and he can talk about like talking about watering plants around the mansion or he the worst one is he'll talk to you about the very last ghost before the final boss so now I can actually show off the cloth text gift because this is a free setup nice there we go now we're gonna go to the fortune tellers room my favorite part mine too it's I've definitely never tired after doing all this mashing hands feel great after we're if you want carpal tunnel just do this over and over yeah this would be a good time for donations sure thing we have a five hundred dollar donation from md-95 I says yay Luigi fifty dollars from freezer that says we definitely want to see the bloodborne run from Zeus and also is boo considered an or dogs pseudo AAPIs donates $5 it says play the heck out of this game when I was younger loves seeing it ran and figured I should donate at least once remember to not forget petunia we got her we got her we got we have a ten dollar donation from Matt boy that says when there's something strange and it don't look good who you gonna call Luigi of course and filmer candy donates $40 it says Luigi sucked this donation right out of us here's to a spooky run [Music] and then we have a $25 donation from Darach i hope i pronounced it right because they said they would donate another if i said it correctly luigi so lucky to have a good speedrunner on this side how else think is he make a hundred million in a little over in an hour I mean he's doing something right so this whole part all the text is really just the fortune teller telling you about what's going on because there's not really much info in this game good please talk about this game is a great story yeah so at the end Claire voyage just says like Oh what Bowser's in the mansion and oh what a surprise I wonder what the final boss is gonna be I won't be not baozi no of course not yeah the best part is to get Van gore-tex after you ready sucked up Bangor Oh No okay so now we're gonna go water the plan again that's why I left this boo just get him now there's so many locations for this patooties bond yeah yeah really finicky I've never even understood what you're you're vacuuming yeah it's like wine bottles and stuff okay underneath the table Owens more long text okay so the reason that I'm watering the plant now instead of just getting it at the beginning of the area is because usually we would just stop in the Tea Room on the way to the Attic to get ice which wastes probably seven seconds but we can actually just get it here it took us a while to figure that out yeah yeah I'm shocking one figured that out there are a lot of things where we like thought oh this is the route and this is Chloe it's gonna be and then like a year or two later we just thought of something really stupid yep like saving quitting [Music] thanks for the humming he always knows what to do in a dire situation played this game so many times I can hole come along with them I won't that this room is gonna have more garbage goes pushing it's a it's really cool this room is a really nice one has it done well but that was not well no I believe you can bring it back every day this goes have an element on them so he's actually shooting ice as they're spawning in and it'll hit the animation of them getting damage on them oh no I think so I'm sorry no orangie w they're right if if HD doesn't try to ice the ghost as they're spawning then they'll take damage and it's like one one damage for like half a second and it it sees five damage I think so it's definitely worth just giving it oh no dropped and our input their input drops are not very uncommon in this run they happen some rooms are really laggy and you can let go very obviously and it will still just not take it yes so this game runs in 30 fps but if there's a lot of like I don't know items in a room like shelves or chairs or whatever then the room can lag and input drops they occur most there may be notice like he just paused and switched his control scheme to sidestep he does that for later in the run during the blackout area because a bunch of ghosts we're gonna be spawning and if you have your flashlight pointed towards them they won't spawn in yeah sidestep is just it's the one time waiver sidestep is actually kind of nice yeah yeah a lot of people think we use it for this fight but it's actually for what we do after it's just more convenient just to watch right before the last fight yeah it's unaffected in this fight this is probably the hardest I'd say like the hardest ghosts in the whole game yeah you lose a lot of time if you missed the one side yeah okay gets it here yeah so you'll notice he's gonna start running off to the right side instead of going right after the losses which you may think this is probably the better idea but he's gonna run off to the right run around the statue grab some ice and back towards the other statue and it's gonna collect all the booze towards each other and he's gonna take a fairly precise shot of ice at them and it's gonna hit the majority of them no all right this is a pretty good recovery though yeah it's gonna be a two cycle yeah yeah that's all right maybe a fast one though yeah I'm actually I'm actually really surprised you only had three booze loss that was yeah a really scary shot at least it wasn't the medium the lossless here's the weirdest ai when you split them apart these boobs are really annoying to deal with when they start oh nice joking around okay good okay pretty recovered yeah I don't know what happened there cuz I was aiming up and I might have accidentally gone a little bit further left and that kind of screwed up my angle but yeah this would be another good time for donations Shareen we have a hundred dollar donation from day that says mario we also have a fifty dollar donation from shot toasts and little bear that says thanks for all the good work you do Luigi's Mansion is such an underrated classic so we're glad to see it getting the recognition it deserves my wife and I both lost the grandfather to cancer and we hope everybody donating knows how much your generosity is appreciated here's the HD likes one and all the other runners and here's the two million have a $25 donation from cat attack that says first time donator here my 10 year old self is so excited to see this game 100% completed as great as the anypercent run is all the different ghosts in this game are so cool keep fighting the good fight agdq and good luck lex for the run and paco johnson donate $25 stayin excited to see Luigi get some screen time for once so now we're gonna be starting area four and area four is like ridiculously hard compared to the other three the especially 100% there's a lot that you skip in the anypercent runs but the booze is like he's been once like along all these booze but some of them you just can't and the portrait ghosts are a bit harder especially in the late game yes yes so we're gonna go water this plan for the last time and it's gonna give us a gold diamond gold diamonds are worth 20 million each there's only two of them in the entire run so collecting both of them is almost half of the game's completion yeah if you were to skip both of these diamonds you would just barely be able to still make the air rank without them you'd have to get almost everything else right so it's pretty much required to get these if you want to get a rank nice pop alright yeah I'm gonna be walking for a while so going ahead and do a couple more donations we actually have a 1310 dollar donation from Edward flick that says I despise cancer but I love gaming thanks for this I also have a $10 donation from wild bytes stuff that says Luigi's Mansion was the first game i ever owned so i'm ecstatic to see it get destroyed so excited for Luigi's Mansion 3 also give us blood-borne have a $50 donation from no comment that says no comment I see people have been noticing and then I have a $50 donation from Welkin 1 1 7 I says a shout out to the lovely and amazing staff are organizing these amazing events over and over shout out to the speedy and impressive runners for doing all this for charity ok so this is the blackout portion of the mansion it was explained earlier as to why I'm in side steps so usually there would be ghosts spawning all on this balcony but as long as I have my flashlight pointed at their spawn points they can't spawn at all so we can just get through this without a single ghost spawning ok the difference between the standard and the sidestep is that the sidestep holds your flashlight direction whereas standard if you're not pressing the c-stick in any direction then it's always facing in front of is always facing the direction that you're walking so if he's not touching the c-stick he can still just move freely in any direction it's basically as if you were just holding the vacuum out right yeah all right so this ghost here just shows his heart at random yeah whatever it just kind of feels like it every everyone goes crazy when you get like immediately walk in he's already showing the heart spam your frankerz he's in the chat yep Uncle Frank who's he he's just a little shy yeah just a little bit kind of a hermit he's camera-shy [Music] now I'm seeing all the frankers ease okay so that's the end of the blackout kind of uneventful the only time where it's actually interesting is in max percent where you have to do there's things that are only available during the blackout and it's pretty difficult because there's just ghosts going around everywhere yeah and HD is gonna be I think he's going for it both right hundred percent I have to go for oh well the one cycle though this is the hardest boo to get a one Slayer on and the fact that he's the left side does not and we okay yeah this will be really difficult yeah it's not impossible to yeah that's never mind yes so if I would have gotten a charge if you were right side that would have been so much yeah yep yeah that one cycle has been really difficult only like five or six people on the leaderboards even go for that this probably has my least favorite buna because he tends to double crack go a lot yeah this room is also one of the more laggy rooms okay so I'm gonna go back into the breaker room to see if he went back in there nope okay so we'll get him later that's a mess I thought they'd never miss contrary to popular belief sometimes they miss so now we have to go all the way back up there's a lot of just walking up and then warping out and sometimes kind of boring this probably would be a good time for some donations since we're just walking down for sure sure thing we have a twenty five dollar donation from donut's that says I woke up just in time to make this run I've always loved playing luigi's mansion as the kid at least when I was able to his Luigi mansion was and still is my mother's favorite game and she would glue herself to the TV for hours it was always such a laughs good luck to the runners and let's kick cancers but we also have a $50 donation for Peace Love frogs it says my husband and I have been watching agdq for years and absolutely love what you guys are doing keep up the good work we lost our best friend accounts with this past October so this donation is on his behalf we love you Joey we had to get our donation in during Luigi's Mansion as we sit here humming along with Luigi donation goes to runners choice we also have a $20 donation from an anonymous that says money good answer bad I'm not wrong and then we have a 300 dollar donation from anonymous says glad the 100% incentive got met so this wouldn't be a no or brunt wait it was actually no oob oh never mind then so just like the twins except we have to actually fight three this time so the middle one has the pearls so I'm gonna try to intentionally get him last just because I don't want to get knifed yeah if he gets hit when he's sucking up the purple one then he'll probably miss the one cycle and then he will miss out on the big pearl nice nice good right there he started sucking up the twisty thing he started sucking up the Purple's twisty thing while he was finishing off the green one [Music] Boston Byrne oh yeah I'm gonna do it this was a very satisfying stuck up [Applause] right there he used the flashlight to stun the ghost and then waited for the other one will be over I don't think we've explained the habit explain oh yes so I guess one thing that a lot of people don't really see is that the flashlight if it's further if the ghost is done further away then it doesn't really get done for that long so HD is going to he's holding the B button to take out the light so that he can walk up close to them and then stun them so it makes it way easier to catch the ghost and all these boos or this boo and the telephone booth has 300 HP so if you can't want to cycle them but you can easily to cycle as long as something goes wrong anything that's 150 or lower is good this can be quite annoying with responds they're so big and spacious with stuff scattered around the room nice nice okay so oh nice another van gore-tex oh boy but um that's three now well you know that that tables not yeah that is the decoy so this is the armory room a lot of armor statues in here so due to that this is the last room in the entire mansion this probably runs it like ten to fifteen frames a second when you're in here at Toms right now it's not that bad right now it's not that bad it - it depends it will when the boot comes out yeah get ready for it beautiful yeah a triple really good I hope he's in there how would he be right thought isn't perfect that would have been a nice thing that doesn't help in this is right there that not a bad spot all right so he's facing away from the boo because that makes him charge so it gets right up to where he wants it to be yes so that was a 150 HP boo and since the boos only have 15 cackles my inputs had to be perfect there all right coming up we have Jarvis and uh he likes jars as he can tell by his room I think it's literally the lore right he's yeah like ER yeah yeah you can't tell if he's like is these a cobra is the is the a genie I don't I don't know you no one ever thought of that he might be a genie it's like his parents knew he'd like jars I mean his name is Jarvis does the name make the ghost or just the ghost make the name good question very deep you can tell they put a lot of work into the story with this game yeah for such a short game the story is really good yeah that was a pretty crazy fight right there drivers probably has the weirdest poll on him yeah it that was really nice sometimes he he kind of moves around a weird way and it yeah really slow but HD is too good that was nice you went down - yeah I was trying to prevent him from going right because if he goes right he has the possibility of going back in this room and that waste like 30 seconds nice thanks clothes good it's really annoying when he flies off back into the other room okay so good attic so far we have one boo left up here and then we're gonna go back down to the basement so many switches right so that way anyway oh you pull the 180 man he just yeah he's not having a didn't go back in armory I had to complement the get attic that I was having Hey Abuk really is like the hardest part of the run also so yeah something was bound to go wrong right right before van gore-tex okay good job Luigi okay now oh go ahead okay so now we're gonna go to the right side here and unlike the left side we can actually just fall down and that's it Luigi dies oh yeah end of the game just kidding runs over oh wow you got really lucky he didn't die there's actually a five percent chance of just getting a game over there oh no that go one goes was pretty far away from you say hikes from me brother yikes this is actually an optional room even though it's a key but it brings them to two other optional rooms yeah and both of those rooms have booze in them so we have to go to in many ways it's also one more optional portrait ghost that we have to get there's actually a route in this game where no one goes for it but you can get to that room really early in the game by going out of bounds at the start and you could stay like 10 seconds but it's really really hard do you use the the chancy chest out of bounds to do it Chauncey yeah Chauncey there's no Pokemon this game all right same difference a little low on ice there it's okay fixin to refill nice nice triple that one can be a little bit difficult this room also holds the only 300 HP boo that you can one cycle just patello it is as you'll see here lazy guy yeah so I'm gonna try to one cycle this guy like as you can see he's really slow so you can just stand in front of him move a manipulate him to each side of the room he's very high up right now yeah okay yeah you got that I and this is the breaker boom yeah well yeah we just kind of twirl his vacuum in the air without using his hands he doesn't quick 180 turns of the pipe all right we're coming up to one of the hardest goes in the game Westen and he that you have a slippery floor and he pulls you around everywhere so this is very difficult not only that there are also icicles that fall from the ceiling mm-hmm in English he'd take 40 damage but since JP that's cut in half so I'll only take 20 if I get hit by one [Music] [Music] I I don't like Weston's girls very much yeah I don't either see you Luigi okay so I'm gonna do another save warp here that's just faster than walking up from the basement the save system in this game is kind of kind of cool it's sets it apart from other ones because you can't just save anywhere he has to save when he's talking to a boo girl when he's catching a boo or he's talking to a toad so they're kind of little one time save spots we don't like toad though crying I like to her he's a crybaby in this game yeah but but but the song that plays when you disobey a race laughs it's glad to go hard all right we're coming up to the two last optional rooms yes care about you is there if that's two out Oh what so in that last room the the worst move in the game is no no in the best you're gonna see how beautiful she is when we come back the best foo is in this room you know this room is upside down for some reason yeah I don't know this is like some paranormal stuff going on right right at the end of the game they finally decided to put in like the mainstream horror I think her character description is also kind of like I don't think it's like graphic but like it's suggestive right it's about like a lot of them are like kind of sketchy yeah it's like really creepy if you like think about it thanks oh you can leave the room before that chest bonds and it's just a little bit of time yeah but there's barely a big enough window to actually do it yeah you have to be right next to the door yeah just watch the chest custody again yeah you have to do that every time you walk out of the room there's a chest Nona this is her there she is there she is yeah you're gonna do their double yeah what's her name the lovely blue Nita well what's her description her description is I'm the lovely Bonita she's very pretty been a spice I think China beautiful case you forgot how to play for a little bit almost bad luck yes she says I hate you I'm Bolivia I hate you yes okay well honey calm down that was pretty tense um so like I guess the setup for that is like you kind of want them to be at the same health so that you can suck them up at the same time when you leave the room but they also kind of need to be at like similar height so that when you suck them up like you're doing equal damage to both of them like one of them went a little bit higher so he started damaging one more than the other and that's why he almost missed it this is the guy with the evil text yeah and I hope we get it right Yeah right after they'll be great give you a 10,000 likes like it's a notification bill this is one of them or this is probably the like the most fun goes cuz it's kind of like a little boss brush type thing it's not fun under nerves there it's really satisfying when it goes right though getting all the triples right oh you would know better oh they kind of just total into the corner you had on their bananas Oh stealing surprises if 0hp just burns yeah it's quicker yeah if you trip on a banana at any point when this custom starts then it actually replay the bananas flipping animation like never happened no aim for ticks no pearl dupes this run but it seems like you're gonna be good on money anyway yeah [Music] really nice person very good wait the heart doesn't get in the way speedy boy so you can go for a save and quit strat with this gold diamond but you're also at risk of clipping the gold diamond out of bounds and it's just inaccessible to get at that point so you just lose 20 million that just kills the run old and cortex no what a shame I mean I really wanted to hear about Dan Gore after we just sucked them up so ya know HD has everything that he needs to go fight Bowser I mean King boo so you know I haven't played this game before you should have been reading the text fast enough during clairvaux yeah I read you read Japanese because not a real speed runner I can't read Stephanie hey man get off this couch bin all right I'm gone yes that was the first instance of him actually getting scared oh yeah do the altar gym thing Oh walk too far back there's a if you grab the gem while you're entering the cutscene then you get a really strange cutscene where King Boo is gonna be spinning clockwise while the gem is or his crown is spinning counterclockwise it's kind of goofy and then when the ouija gets sucked up into the painting the gems just kind of hanging out it's right in front of it yeah yeah should be fine without that gym I don't really get I needed it your bill count is really high I also got that extra Ruby oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah no your so this is the only other boss where you can't get a one cycle and getting the two cycle is also pretty difficult if you make like any mistake and silver yes so back when Luke that his a GT run in 2014 the two cycle had just been discovered it was actually found by Luke very cool guy [Music] so I kind of have to stand off to the side there because when Bowser doesn't move there's kind of an invisible wall in front of him and you have to shoot around it so hopefully this will be the final cycle of the whole run great yep coming up on time as soon as King Boo hits Luigi's vacuum I was a one 1340 hell yeah brother alright so now we have to watch the final cutscene to see if he actually got 100 million it's a very stressful moment when you get it when you think you got a PV and you might not have enough money just one coin short Oh God and that happens yeah it really does happen Mario's all tuckered out he's asleep or do anything what do you think about the lord of this parade here uh Mario just I don't know he couldn't handle how good HD was playing so he just needed a nap is it okay if I recent donation we have a $50 donation from climbing coder that says Mario we also have a $20 donation from pixelmaster 64 that says always glad to see a Luigi's Mansion run Luigi is my favorite boom this is the poor boo from a boo family we have a $20 donation from a Linkous that says hi everyone I played Luigi's Mansion all my childhood and I always loved watching it speedrun good luck for the end of the run and go go against cancer I'm from Paris with baguette we have a $10 donation from anonymous that just says boo to cancer all right make it dramatic HD hey make a nice and slow very very suspenseful moment right here the suspense is killing me right now yeah dude oh I got a great cutscene right yes I want to show this off so we can see Luigi's it's a crib at the end of the credits there's also a banger of a credits music in this video y'all should hear this [Music] hydrate stay hydrated I wish stay hydrated Bob were here whoa whoa they just laughed at him [Music] yummy shoutouts HD shout outs to myself I'm pretty awesome [Laughter] [Applause] follow him he's a great screaming slash HD lacks one slash subscribe but no a thrill like shoutouts to you guys been mark shape Justin thank you for commentating this run for the kick-ass commentary shoutouts to Luigi's Mansion community they were hyping this run up like for real [Music] if this run interests you I have a tutorial on my youtube if you want to join the discord /lm slack forums you'll find it on there but yeah you guys got anything no this game is like it's very very hard to be really good like HD but it's a really easy game to pick up oh yeah it's definitely worth a try if you're interested in yeah but I would like to show off these credits gonna be like two minutes if that's okay No okay we're done a little bit of the Banger song thank you so much JD let's give it up for that amazing Luigi's Mansion run of a hundred percent coming up next though we got BBS but I want to kill the Camellia - any % stay tuned for that I'm just gonna read just a couple donations before I hand this off to my next house we have $100 donation from the lames bros that says I'm in another Mario I also got a $10 donation from Philby that says that's a lot of money that Luigi has found hopefully he donates some of towards this amazing cause great job to everyone involved to make this event possible we had yet another no combination from anonymous of $500 thank you so much those are always the best we have $100 donation from era that says comment with a smiley face thank you so much can I declare thank you for your $50 donation as this last donation of the event before I have to run thank you everyone for a great agdq I'm a 250 dollar donation for purple Ubu Bay I guess I thought heard you would pronounce as just says woo we have another blank comment of $400 from iron first thank you so much for that and thank you anonymous for your also no comment of two hundred and fifty dollar donation thank you fizzbin thank you for your $500 donation that simply says nice Bruns Christopher thank you for your $50 donation saying thanks for an amazing event as always dear 0-2 donates two hundred and fifty dollars here's the the best game being run this year and how to donate to my favorite game to put this to runner's choice $50 from anonymous saying keep up the good work you beautiful people you rusty shakes donates $50 saying hey Zeus we got to see some glorious wooden ladders made with a finest elvish rope landed two to one one donates $30 st. want to make sure the blood God can destroy the doll because the doll is evil all right and it's my time for me to go but coming up you're gonna be having a seraya gonna be joining us for a host thank you so much for having me guys hope you have a wonderful rest of the day of Saturday and don't forget to keep on donating guys we're getting towards that two million [Applause] you
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 643,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2019, AGDQ2019, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: W8q0KJbZUQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 43sec (5503 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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