Super Metroid by oatsngoats in 1:24:16 - SGDQ2018

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it's kind of a kind of a goofy category but bear with me I'll try to explain what's going on a little bit if you look at the top right you're gonna see the map square rectangle some this pink squares being filled in what compass the rhombus thank you what the goal of the category is to fill in a circle this is its to fill in every single pink square possible so you can't grab the map stations you have to fill in everything pink so the first thing you're going to notice is I'm gonna do the normal Ridley stuff here but the first change in this category is going to be when I leave I'm going to re-enter this room if I don't reinter this room I will not grab this map tile if you look at the top right there's nothing there so I have to come back and that will get this tile to turn pink nice tile thank you we got a run we got one thanks for clapping for that it's pretty important to get that one I tends to be a runkiller but we got through it an early run killer yeah luckily you're only like 45 seconds into it so it's not too bad but nice D boost hey Thank You Man yeah world record holder of theories by the way yeah you know not bragging or anything I don't wanna toot my own horn but to to baby well you still have the record yeah I do 47 32 do you want to read a couple donations that's fine for now so we've got two hundred and fifty dollar donation from boo cash saying oh it's good luck on the run and hit all 1240 sweet I'll stir perfect okay so there's actually thank you view cost by the way you're awesome man awesome there's actually twelve hundred and forty four tiles so well but we're gonna stacked like there's 1243 to give me a little bit of a buffer so if I miss the tile like no one will know right here mess it up so I gotta like tell everybody now you're gonna notice that at the ship there this there's a lot of tiles just being missed right away the reason we do that is because there's a lot of backtracking in this category that requires us to come through the ship I think three times and it's much quicker to get those tiles obviously with speed booster and spin jump later on in the run how did you fall so fast I I have my gameshark plugged in know what that was is called moon fall they recently found that or kind of recently within the year or two that if you have moon walk on and you jump out of moonwalk it actually like on the fall speed so there's no terminal velocity essentially correct yeah but you did a good good optimal miss will collect that's why wait that was the first Mach ball the game Mach ballin is a very common speedrun trick that you'll see a lot in this category and pretty much every speedrun of Super Metroid ever it allows you to maintain your run speed in Mach ball form which will allow us to get early super missiles at a point later on yeah you have about a minute here so we've got 150 dollars from cocoon same cool yeah so boy from Hawaii just want to give a shout-out to my bo2 voice oh it's Keller except II hope you guys like the pineapples by the way good luck with the run and I give $50 more if you get the moon fall to the dakara okay we'll get you some pineapples - pineapples don't put on pizza what do you guys talk about back there the run on pizzas pizza on pineapples oh not chorizo not a spicy sausage Tori's pretty easy boss knowing me though I'll probably die to him is that was that a reference to some previous event that may have happened they may have been a reference yeah let's go hired me as a kid why's that Caleb no I thought they were scary bosses the meet just runs up in Slab seen them yeah and then you shoot him well well most of them are not so helpful but that one is hurtful yeah it's like get away from me man yeah go ahead we've got a one thousand dollar donation whoo Wow from Hetrick one one five same all right let's go eat that's awesome so there's nothing particularly special going on yet what you will notice to the left you'll see a number 73 we decided to go with the map counter there is a hack we're hacking right now yeah so you guys can see the math counter just in case I missed something I would have preferred not cuz if I do miss something I'll just say I got it you know whoops that's not good all right how's that I got if I did you know didn't so so the number we're looking for is I just feel like 1242 1242 bring it down a little more 12:42 seems really weird I feel like there'd be 1240 you like that just seems it's a song yeah like a more normal number yeah to have I believe they might have accounted for a little bit more of rooms because is some map tiles that just don't show up on the actual map but those obviously are not needed an obvious reverse mothball you notice is that's early supers that's essential for pretty much all speedrunning in Super Metroid that allows you to instead of getting speed booster you can get those super missiles without killing spore spawn don't worry we will still see spore spawn but much later in the run so I don't believe we've seen a spore spawn before at a gdq no I think you have I think I've been did a spore spawn arty if I'm correct I might be wrong to be way around I could just be making that oh yeah I'm gonna dreamt about that you're making [Laughter] yeah the mark balls are looking pretty crispy thanks man yeah it's and flexing them good you got the charge beam you got it only a nice excellent pixel perfect yeah jump up up into is what it's called man this is some good flavor atomic theory I gotta say runners are responsible for their own couches don't forget I am responsible for you guys unfortunately yeah don't put this juju on us so not right now we're making our way down red sour to a kraid the first boss and like you'll notice like a lot of rooms like that greens or we have to come through here multiple times so it's not necessary that we get it right now it's just faster to get things later on with speed booster pretty much everything is faster get later on like all the doors and green brinstar going down after supers here we increase our DPS yes the spacer we don't actually need space there but I get it because it saves time overall with a trick that a lot point out after phantoon hopefully there's an after phantoon this time again was that a reference to some sort of previous yeah that was that was reference number to experience I mean it makes me feel better about myself I got bring that up man I'm already I'm already digging deep come on this isn't your first time running super Metro you're a veteran right no it's my first time do we have time for quick donation yeah sure we've got $1,000 from Alaskan Emily saying greetings from Alaskan perfect it's not Germany well hide Alaska Alaska's got a really big speedrunning community I don't know if you guys knew that is that true did you visit oh yeah it's huge yeah totally yeah I love classic games in Alaska a lot of CRT TVs still left there pick up one now all right so the trick coming up is created quick kill we will hopefully skip the second phase of Craig but I probably just jinxed it don't choke Thanks textbook example there we go so it's good to have oh yeah I had a backtrack a little bit I kind of hoped for two supers because I need one to kill many created and once you go into a missile refillable room yeah drops whenever you kill bosses will be random and if you're going for a good time you may not get what you need and that kind of like severely lose your time so yeah it's always fun when you need a drop and can't get it yeah wrong room yeah it's the first time running it so yes explore everything that's yeah there's my first playthrough I'm checking everything out I think that's what's really cool about this is we've seen Super Metroid once or twice at a gdq in its time but now we get to see the entire match yeah this is like a personal tour of zeebee zeebee i'll let the audience than the chat figure that one out zeebee deadweight you also don't know what it's called the discussion it's up for interpretation may be easy but would let me to ease Lizzy isn't it Zeb yes okay now you can probably read a few more if you have time it's a boss dollar donation from the hockey toner ooh hockey hockey hey good luck with the run wish I could be there choose from me and the rest of the goat pen this goes towards kill the animals thanks doc Wow I got a large kill the animal crew am I the only one in here that wants to save them yes oh thanks thanks people back there okay I feel like it all runs every other time I see the animals die but here at gtq it's the one time we can see them live you know and they're cute I've had my experiences and they're not fond ones yeah Oh make them yeah they deserve to not live animals personally do you killed my runs tit-for-tat maybe I take your lives so donation with an important question okay nation by H quartz hi oats good luck on the run save for kill the animals your choice PS hi poo okay my choice I'm gonna leave that up to grant Pooh Bear I'm gonna leave up to Caleb he's saved Caleb you know what hope you save as well what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna leave it up to my other couch alright that's what it is you know what Caleb doesn't just have big arms he's got a big heart and they hug it out like real bros so I will say one thing you probably noticing I'm kind of doing some wonky movement everywhere and it kind of looks like I don't know what I'm doing and that's partially true but it's not a percent sure actually well you know I'll say 5050 but what I'm doing is if you look at the top right there's a lot of really weird tiles that you need to do some kind of weird movement to get and that's kind of what I'm trying to perform later on you'll see much bigger rooms that require some just some pretty weird stuff I like that explanation requires weird stuff yeah all I need don't get too technical yeah the chats not gonna know technicalities yeah it's weird yeah say though the movement in this game is probably the most technical I feel like it's like the hardest yeah 2d games right up there there's a lot of subtle things yeah if you're like a lad [Laughter] nice it's nice routing on that room there you see gets all the tiles ok so for this I need to go through some lava and if I'm not careful I could die and we definitely don't want them now that's number four come on my bad three times oh oh no oh no this is fine no no no no no we're fine it's all part of the plan yeah yeah yeah we're good yeah he's like wait a minute yeah sure we've got a $1,000 dollar donation from Rivera's saying good luck oats here so you don't have to save the animals thank you he's always on your side yeah please come back straight we missed you how's that mr. Amar's yeah oh I was just going with it you'll notice in that room I didn't miss the tile and that's why I said 1243 no we get that one later coming back there's Lord our fairest oh it's always fun running this game on screen because the Chad is very very rowdy like they'll be just people saying I miss tiles everywhere like it never gets old - with twitch ads just always you missed the time as a style and I've seen them run like a hundred times twitch chat is so pleasant you know yeah it's always a pleasant experience I call that chat splaining sorry no the best is when they backseat your own speed forgive you yeah doing it wrong man first time watcher you're doing it wrong they're hard to please I mean the 200 IQ same and then only growing exponentially yeah so this is probably one of my favorite bosses in this category or in any category it's the most unique he has a cool like cutscene death thing coming up here I'll also top that's loud makes me feel really bad about that I'm really good ASMR that's all it is I had to stay to the right until the cutscene starts there's a couple instances like that where I have to say specifically in a position until something will progress so I can get those tiles oh so if you go too fast then you you'll miss the yeah I can't go too fast or play The Tortoise and the hare man and the skeleton did all that work oh that's that's the RNG manipulation for phantoon makes it what makes getting these tiles easier if I wanted to farm down here a little bit there we go how perfect nice job yeah and there's more to come this morning [Applause] yes oh this is like one of those like I was talking earlier moon Falls this we used quite a bit in the category and that's kind of why I like this category a lot is when we found moon fall this category in particular has a lot of moon Falls and a lot of really cool tricks regarding that so it's pretty pretty cool to watch a lot of really really awesome tricks that hopefully I'll get yeah when moon fall came out I was like we're all thinking like how many places can that be yeah like the big deal yeah it's kind of crazy that like a game so dissected is this this is one of those rooms that I was talking about I have to do some weird jumps to make this work and it's like this category's about trying to look like you know what you're doing and it's really difficult it doesn't like someone's watching on you right now they're probably just like what bad category come about honestly I'm not entirely sure I should know about you know I mean don't know your speed I'm not entirely regarding this but I know there was a lot of people working on it and sweet num was one of those people and he I think it's because they wanted a category that didn't have all the fanfares because in 107 item collection there's 100 fanfares which is like what is that six point six six seconds per fanfare yep six point six six yeah interesting pepper for that yikes I and that's like over 11 minutes in the run so we kind of made this to try to have some fun still see everything in the game and you know for his dense as a game like Super Metroid is the movement is just quality crisp is a good-looking save room right there yeah yeah it's the most Nathan but you know save later on before fancy units time that's the third job sorry there's more to come more to come so you'll notice I'm skipping a lot of items a common question is why does in this category require and you know what I kind of just explained that didn't I yeah I feel like you did we just don't want to hear all the items fanfares that's it that's the second explanation it allows us to optimize the run the way we want to one thing to is we are only normally you only need 3 etanks to beat Mother Brain 3 is the minimum that minimum that you need but in this category we get I'm probably gonna grab 8 and that allows me to do a trick called stand-up glitch on Mother Brain which speeds up that third phase quite a bit do we have time for donation yeah sure there's a $100 donation by corporate vandal saying hailed good luck on the run and getting all 1235 tiles you know I like these donations for more thanks to all the runners for doing this awesome event also it's good to know who has snacks oh no these are CGI actually this is a really big thing for my gdq ik fear appearances there's a green screen right down here in the couch that actually creates these and it's being controlled back there by a tech guy that's yeah it's really crazy I can't believe they do this for me but I'm really grateful that they do I can totally confirm that photo stream you have legs technology has come far you know that was a hot tile grab right there Wow optimized I was worried about that one honestly so I will save here because solo run and you know it's also RNG manipulation for fat soon so pretty much everything that I'm gonna juice flow is gonna be bad specifically so what you're trying to say is in coming forth death all the people definitely chose the perfect person to be yeah so friends do i as as Oates's teammate i'm room for success here thank you thank you friend and tomatoes tough love thanks have you ever died I've usually got the most death you're not asking me again are you he's usually really I've tied like seventy five times why thank you thank you that's a trick called ocean fly we just kind of fly over that whole body of water say it's put a bit of time that's far the hardest Giants work there's some some enough different categories that would probably take the cake on that I mean the way that he did it using just the beams that makes it a little difficult yeah it's a little bit tighter for timing this is all about stop points like every every yeah every optimal stratum Oh stuffy I haven't missed anything ever you have not that can be sure cuz I told him oh he's cleared all right I'm just telling you that for peace of mind going no you're fine I mean we're well on our way to 12,000 46 yeah it keeps increasing that's also a problem when you overshoot the number then who's credible all right so here's phantoon this boss is hopefully killed in two patterns luckily right now I have varriya which is a serious damage reduction so we should be fine there we go come on Oh this bank that's pretty bad but we can make it work nice job failed to be we gotta run I [Applause] just feel pretty good yeah that does congratulations you broke your streak thank you that takes off all the pressure man we're not hanging out after this I mean you probably read a few more donations yep time yeah so we've got a $1000 donation from wren laughs shoutouts to the yoshi's cookie world-champion shells donation goes to baking the animals put them in the oven and leave them there until they're done sizzling also an update on the safety animals versus kill the animals run there's like $51,500 on safety animals and forty seven hundred forty seven thousand dollars on kill the animals kill the animals is catching up quickly Wow perfect yeah I'm going for world record guys come on I kill fancy we can go we're good to go making them stash all the donations now all the Dow's ruies the gates we have 250 dollar donation from the bad omens good luck with the run oats always a pleasure to see my favorite speedrunner kill it speaking of kill them varmints for the run where do these little robots called little robots now in this category you don't have to worry about them too much but 107 item collection you have to grab that missile pack back there and they can kind of be a pain we've made a funny joke out of it my stream so I think we're not gonna tell the joke though no no I'm not here to tell jokes you guys got to check out the oats and go stream for that one hey thanks man you know I was like then gonna check it out now what's so how did you clip through those robots that's a pretty tight jump but thank you made a lot of pink boxes with that jump yep yep it allows us to just get to all the top tiles in that room what were you asking I thought it was I thought it was just like I thought you're just gonna ignore it okay here's a trick about earlier if I don't miss it we missed it so so yeah you can read some donations please put this donation towards saving the animals if you get to see 100 percent of the map we should also get to see some more of that map while it's exploding yeah oh we already see that map mm-hmm but you know thank you so much fortunately we need bombs I know you've only seen this game like twice but 15 so what I was trying to do is do some angle down shots which would put these robots in these holes here and so we can just bypass all this shooting right but you know we get to hang out with our little fellas a little bit longer little robots yeah the robots official the official name right the lore you know your speed more it's in the strategy guys there's speed war yeah there's gravity suits it's uh allows us to uh what does it do water yeah that's right it allows us to go into the water with normal game physics so you would say it affects the gravity uh yeah I guess you could and gravity suit that's one way of putting it you guys are calling me a noob and then also reduces damage by like half force it also doesn't reduce some damage I believe right maybe yeah it's red mail basically yeah yeah yeah do you have time for another donation sure it was $750 donation i with a blaster safety animals kill the animals none of it matters of the world ends destination goes to us namings guy would sort file after lot donut or so that he won't steal the Sun I mean this is just one world that's gonna end at the end of this game there's tons of worlds beyond this no big deal yeah yeah yeah yeah so the animals get away on a little spaceship yeah they're gonna fusion right that's what that's all about yeah yeah so they're saved in the official Lord tell me is all speedruns are alive yes so right now we're just doing some more cleanup finishing up some of the rooms we couldn't get earlier nothing particularly special going on just a couple of couple moon falls once we get to meridia is when the kind of fun begins there's some really cool tricks that I hope I won't miss so you could probably read a few more so we got a donation saying Bobby smile that smile that small that's marbles I'm sorry is that you okay that's one of mine okay you buy hero 82 saying let to see Super Metroid back in the rotation love gdq laughter cause oh it is okay to get those tiles and kill those animals thank you here okay going kill let's catch it up you know I love I love the fact that you guys know when to clap like it's perfect thank you guys is that so that is kind of a tougher trick normally you have ice for that which allows you to freeze those guys but we don't have ice yet so we need to do it pretty quick damage moves to get over that so we got a 250 dollar donation by Tracy M saying good luck on the run oats for punk save the animals thank you wow she actually did it also to update you on this it's currently $52,000 for saving the animals and 48,000 $300 for killing the animals so killing the animals are still catching up perfect [Applause] and I've heard from the couch in a while we're serving I'm trying to make sure you you get each of these tiles right here I'm doing good I'm doing good looked like you just walked on nothing yeah that's what they called it John Cena bridge so we got a 150 dollar donation by lemon square saying I love everything GDQ stands for and I hate everything the animals stand for a snake snake the frame they won't be standing when he's done with them Dexter over here an off spacer here why that's hot menuing oh thank you yeah I supposed to turn off because weight-wise faster turn off again because again spot moon thanks Debbie you got it pal yeah yeah so we need to use a trick called x-factor which we will use on BOTS moon and drag on and that's is a beam combination with power bombs and just charge and the single beam that you're using chat that made a lot of sense right yeah not at all it just kills fast yeah there you shoot hard kill fast that's when they do the cool story Bob III reading the chat after this let it be what it is gotta love the music in this game yeah it's very good this is people's favorite tune one of them what I will say is you if you watch the map you'll see that this square doesn't turn pink but we do get it this one in the corner right here sneaky little thing that if you don't get that it'll still count against you I don't know I was promised all pink squares yeah man I should well I didn't say 1243 why does it do that is it Justin I have no idea it's just yeah that map tile there's probably a reason for it but I have no clue why we gonna ask deerforce yeah the Ono of America if you could tweet that answer to us that'd be great yeah that'd be awesome it'd be awesome thanks guys we'll get a prompt response a piece of info right there still finding stuff about about what 25 plus year old game or something yeah out Reggie's just like sitting in bed right now like come on Reggie Reggie doesn't care poo if I just give you that one bit of information it's like there you've had it dude Reggie's sitting in bed right now and his pajamas that look like a sport coat watching this so that was that's somebody donated earlier and said that if I get that they'll donate another 50 so it's really my fault that you know that I didn't you know donate 50 bucks sorry I might I might do it later might okay now put on spot I was that was a mistake all right so more spots coming up this is the boss that you typically don't see in any speedruns other than this one and spore spawn RTA so don't you have the record in that still sparks on RTA yeah no oh for me like this is about as arbitrary as I'll run four categories getting into the arbitrary category worth one DLC right yeah alright but yeah it's definitely unique yeah it's definitely one you gotta like explain before you do it I get it I like those categories a smartphone I'm gonna be trying a double missile strat a double super missile well we missed them typically I'm supposed to get two supers in the first rounds but now it's gonna be a three round instead of it too so it's not too big of a deal what even is this thing it's a sports bone it's like a veggie burger question answer who doesn't know this game at all I'm over here answering all the questions this is normally a four round fight I was just joking before he had to get through the coating of that thick layer yeah there we go [Applause] what I was trying to do right there as break those crumble blocks and that allows me to do a moon fall and it saves a significant amount of time there cuz it's a very you know might be the very long drop yeah yeah please $500 donation from Vittorio [Applause] best of luck towards honest 100% map run and then there's a little hard thank you and we got a one hundred dollar donation from details saying you missed one of us save the animals come on man you're scaring me does it happen often where you're like ending a run and you realize like yes but the other day there's at the very end of the game there's tiles that you need to get like the very end I totally miss those like in the last room but you know I still counted it anyways yeah one of those categories that it's like you can't run other categories while doing this yeah the muscle memory type messes you up what's your PB on this it's a one twenty forty enzyme it is the world record messing around not too many people around the category so it's nothing really to brag about but it's a fun category well you didn't have to downplay your achievement right there we I got ahead of us to do that kind of act like I'm humble 200 IQ okay I was gonna say I mean there's no wonder you have record now many people run it alright I had to do it to him how many times have you seen Caleb how many times have you seen well 603 so I'm gonna be going for a trick here I kind of contemplated Oh going for it or not but I'm gonna miss that I don't know what I'm talking about let's see oh that was like one frame off so what I was doing there and it was one frame off it's like a double frame perfect trick to where I know the chats like double frame perfect one but it's a double frame perfect tricks to where if I get it I can shine spark store shinespark and shinespark across this whole thing right here and I almost got it but I almost doesn't count unfortunately it's the x-ray spark saves a significant amount of time here yeah it's like 15 seconds or something crazy like yeah that's quite a bit yeah I mean they wish to get to show off your grappling skills pretty good here we don't get x-ray that's where x-ray is it's probably the most invaluable item in any non major glitches category well with major glitches you can actually beat the game and I think it's about 12 minutes now with x-ray people believe that yes this one is regarding Caleb it's a $50 donation based oh boy by 370 is that saying Caleb this is your car can you please give me some nos Thanks some nice man's nos have nice the 370z we've got an anonymous $1000 donation [Applause] saying let's kill those animals awesome thank you I feel like blowing up that glass too was like the stopping point for ninety percent of kids playing this is oh yeah yeah it sucks it's a nice little shortcut into meridia that you probably wouldn't know of but there is a broken tube in meridia so you kind of have to use your problem-solving skills at a young age hear that Oh foreshadowing yes I was one of those kids by the way oh man I super frustrated as a kid that was definitely one that I called a Nintendo Power hotline for yeah it was worth the grounding at the end of that because it cost money if you're a kid out there and you don't know the Nintendo Power hot line is it was like a 900 number that costs money but they gave you video game tips they keep you on the line for a while to go looking it up yeah I hadn't walked me through like the entire Adventures of Lolo and that's before I understood that it cost money just like at a Nintendo Power needed oh all worth the price that your mind that your parents had to pay one of my favorite games all right so murti is a little bit more technical there's a lot of pretty difficult difficult tricks difficult movement lots of squares lots of squares yeah somebody said I missed the tile oh boy it's happening yep I'm just gonna do a quick check here yeah I'm not gonna lie there is a small part of me that is hoping that we get to the end I just have to go back to find it as a group together you know yeah because interactive twitch plays super metroid we had the twitch chat helpless yeah check out the vibe okay I can't imagine that twitch plays super metroid no they did it they did do it how long did it take them maybe like three hundred forty or fifty days I feel like it the more people in those the harder it gets you know if like you can keep it a nice 50 people they can get through it pretty quick yeah good job boats but yeah it was actually pretty impressive that they didn't get 100 flight UM's as well oh well they think they had yeah probably did they yeah they didn't yep technology Wow cosmic brain here in a sec you know I got a I do cute coming up I'll tell you one sorry not because it's hot it's hot oh yeah [Applause] you're good now nice there's a $100 donation bye boss Kenya saying I don't care what the in-game counter says if you if you say you're gonna complete 100% of the game have some gamer pride and save them dang animals well he didn't say he's completing 100% of the game he said he's completing a hundred percent of the map yeah that is true I mean I'm all for saving the animals but let's let's go easy on Oaks here guy alright yeah I've had it hard enough to wait for that I don't want you to do like our Bo 100% GT classic everything all in one run this is one of those rooms that's extremely difficult to optimize properly we have to get these bottom tiles here and these guys will kind of mess you up with your grapple beam our metro it's all guys I always thought they were girls that's just what I refer to everybody sorry Wow oh it's okay you could read one get out of this we've got a $500 donation by km Draco's saying been watching for years and I'm always amazed keep up the good runs and as always safety animals [Applause] do we have time for another one after this boss it's not particularly too difficult but if I messed it up the first portion it can kind of be a pain so you'll see I saved there is a possibility that even with full etanks you can die it's called chain damage so I I just gotta save so if that happens we're good to go so hopefully doesn't happen nice beautiful fight so right now I have a blue suit and that allows me to store a shinespark and I can get across the entire room that I said was pretty difficult movement for summary I don't know why it happens but you just if you shinespark killed dragged on without holding a run this happens you're blue but you cannot press run during this sequence you can read a couple more if you have time $250 nations from mixed life hey guys mix here figured I'd get a quick donation in during one of my most favoritest games ever thanks for everything everyone does for this event good luck outs kill those animals it's a very divided crowd on LeSabre kill yeah we do and we do we need to here who wants to save the animals okay okay now who wants to kill the animals [Applause] Wow that doesn't sound divided to me music to his ears yeah we'll see what the numbers say I don't think the save crew knew how loud they had to get for that all right what do you say heckler in the crowd have that man removes and before they actually take punches badge [Laughter] there's a $150 dollar donation from rotary to bow first time viewer here I'm watching on mute but even I can tell that you're doing the run wrong just get a couple so this guy you just have to wait for him what's his name stuffy Shaq tools Shaq he's protecting the basketball that is spring balls so okay maybe like Reggie he'll tweet us out [Laughter] yeah what are what Shaq's doing right now so spring ball is just an item that allows us to get great height and like essentially jump in ball for him it allows for some really cool tricks later on there's like no way to speed that up no unfortunately not there's probably some crazy yes the word blessed with TAS powers worthless that would be pretty awesome maybe a good movie that all 1300 people here would watch we're not making it on like Fringe compilation are making videos just gonna be our run right here yeah we made it big yeah all right make a special video for this one so it's a plasma beam man strongest weapon in the game I guess yup and since we need all the tiles we may as well grabbing it speeds up a lot of fights so helps that align lower norfair yeah significantly time for donation yeah we've got a $100 donation from Topsy saying cheers to Oates the legend the inspiration the heart of the community do the right thing kill the animals [Applause] thank you a lot happening like no matter what it is he'd be like 1 million dollars from Bill Gates and there'll be like one guy in the crowd boom that's my favorite part cue Bill Gates yeah maybe I'll sit at home right now in bed just watching the leopard EU yeah it's kind of crazy now all we need is Jeff Bezos celebrity Oh like he's obviously watching with all your twitch Prime subscriptions that you can use in gdq chat right there support ready yeah yeah subscribe for free which Prime's just smash it we've got a 300 dollar donation from lone soldier saying could listen to poo beers laugh all day always makes me smile run a dollar to each of the couch choice for killing or saving the animals I think we're split 50-50 here so Oh Senor Tao man sweat no no we're good we're good to be honest I'm just as owning you guys out a little bit it's like a mosquito on my ear sometimes that rude not the crowd these guys we got $100 donation from cat lot saying this speedrun taught me it's better to be quality crisp than Christians fresh quality Chris you're coining the phrase already man quality Chris I already forgot about it but bring it back that's a great thank gosh thank you thank you that donator right there this is a quality crisp run though I will say nice and quality nice and crispy right now we're gonna get ice ice is necessary for not only damage but we needed ice to kill the Metroid's and saurian if you don't get ice you need to use power bombs and that takes forever so and you know it's the hundred percent map completion I kind of need this tile so as well sometimes I forget I'm so used to running other categories like 100 percent item collection and any percent so this is just like I need to do everything but sometimes I forget about them how many categories are there for this game yeah now there's quite a few this game can be played in so many different ways so yeah it's probably funny a dozen I don't know going on all right that's just main categories we're not even talking to move extended hikes yep got five an anonymous $500 donation I love watching s to the Q and I always look forward to the super metroid run put by the nation towards saving the animals yeah an update up to that save the animals has currently fifty-five thousand two hundred fifteen dollars on it and kill the animals currently hat has fifty two thousand two hundred fourteen dollars roof so saving the animals is still three thousand dollar and delete just need a few more of those 1k donations more a vote sweating Monica acid is where the game gets super hype right here Lauren or fair yeah it's a great music great time it's always warm and uh really cool stratz just warm yes yeah spicy evening so warm it'll get crispy quality so over that [Laughter] we've got a 250 dollar donation from Daniel : saying hey good luck on the run shoutouts to the awesome Super Metroid community and especially Safi on the couch and as always kill the animals thank you Thank You Daniel good spring ball strat nice job yeah yeah honestly I'm not so I'm not talking too much about the strats I don't want to bore people to be honest but if there's something cool I'll let you guys know this has been really cool yeah you just you just a matter no Tony we're not I'm always amazed by Super Metroid runners because like I play games where you only go left to right you guys got to go up and down you know you're right you've got like multiple movement speeds I never thought about it now guns yeah there's a lot more to it so this guy you can just angle up then you have quite a few pixels you can just hold L&R angle ups pretty easy stet quickly I like how you're like I'm gonna avoid explaining all the hard tricks but I'll totally explain this super easy yeah take away all the momentum I took you back here because you'd make me look good but you ain't doing that job doing that job I'm just trying to take away sandbagging Caleb over here man [Laughter] here we're gonna hear the best noise in the game over and over and over again the ScrewAttack yeah it's not particularly bad in this game some of the other Metroid games like anything in Metroid 2 is just horrendous I don't know if there's any Metroid 2 fans but it's the music's just tops here we'll just say that it's not wrong I sense sarcasm here it's a fun game though if you haven't played Metroid 2 you you definitely definitely need to do we have time for the nation yeah we've got a thirty dollar donation from Bo with arms this is the coolest most interesting funniest run of Super Metroid I've ever seen I can't believe you're gonna get all 1151 tiles thank you I can't believe it either another one yeah yeah a $50 donation from Dee breezy met 240 saying I'm loved I'm loving watching one of my all-time favorite speedruns it's definitely making my night at work 1000 times better or maybe 1285 rooms better this is good luck out kill the slaves and frame the animals like you would frame the animals at that point that's even worse than killing him I feel like one more yeah one more yeah a $250 nation from 16 O's I can't believe I've seen my boy CLE Bo on the couch for three runs already awesome to see oats doing 100% as one of her favorite games I'm so happy to see its entirety on display good luck to all the runners gleebo named Santos he said CLE Bo yeah maybe kuriboh yeah I guess I'm gonna start calling you that down Klebe oh yeah I guess it's my name know there's leave all right so here's Ridley uh luckily Ridley in this game it's not like fusion so you don't have to hit listen to loud screeching it's pretty pretty same still pretty loud there 20 shots with with a beam combination that I have in with moonwalk I get to have a cool fight everything's so stupid technical Hey [Applause] so this is normally where the baby Metroid should be but as you can see it's broken out it's funny I never actually paid attention to that until I was thinking about some sort of commentary and then I noticed the capsule I was like oh yeah that's actually the lore so Ridley brings him there then what happens gets out I don't know something like that I think he called nuber and just uber his way out that's interesting steering this game was in 94 but I mean the game does take place wait space ubers probably existed that would make sense convenient this is advanced technology technology they're not going back on the uber game like that's a pretty good theory yeah I believe it to have time for donation yeah we've got it $250 donation from mop it's not a true speedrun if you stop to save a few critters let's make the stomach game go really quick and kill those animals also here's an extra 50 bucks for efficient clucking car so there's an anonymous $100 donation saying kill the animals [Applause] the race also has gotten really close as killing the animals cap caught up and there's just $1,000 between both of the options that's pretty close I really starting to sweat saving the animals are still in the lead yeah we've got a $1,500 donation from suno saying best of luck in the run outs shout out to the epic couch and let us not forget forget to kill the animals we did now it's over the caps right now we've got plenty of time before we have to decide these poor animals Fame I'm just cleaning up what I missed before there's a few things you probably noticed earlier I missed the tile on the bottom right here just finished and cleanup we finished then after that meridia and then or on our way of to Torian I really thought that donation was gonna be for save so I just got you baby I just think about if like your pet was on a planet that was just about to explode would you want a bounty hunter to save your pet or would you want your bounty hunter to just let it die obviously then you have a serious attachment to this game I mean are they trying to appeal to the senses here it really had an impact are they speedrunning the animals they could be we don't know if we don't give them the chance to get off this planet we'll never know if no speedrun so we got a $50 donation from the 1168 tile congratulations on making it past phantoon but since you're saved before phantoon gotta save those animals all right we've got a 60 dollar donation from Korg ax how do it's always a pleasure to watch you run I hope you don't mind this year I'm spending your sub money on it GDQ I know you'll do the right thing and save those animals Thank You Korres [Applause] this is one area of the game that people really enjoy seeing it's called The Forgotten Highway you only see it in one of their category rbo but it's not really seen in any other so Michael why whenever you went through this room and didn't grab the tiles I was like wait is he gonna forget those right hold up funny Am I there was a HPD queue for the hurricane relief in Houston and uh I got I just moved States and I got like one hours sleep funds on my roommates couch and I did the run and I was missing so many tiles I felt so stupid but in that run I had to backtrack a ton so I'm glad I'm a little more experienced now I feel better getting it out the beauty is that he has a world record in it already so just humbling stories I think that was kind of a reason that was one of the reasons I kind of wanted to get world record cuz I felt really bad about that run like I still finished and had a decent time but yeah 20 dollar donation from master c99 year who if the animals were Yoshi's would you still want to save them no I'd kill them then this is different this is completely different okay Yoshi's aren't are barely even count as animals they're basically tools used for double shopping that's rough man yeah that's well I mean in here these are basically tools to teach you how to wall jump they're teaching you which puts them on a personal experience you know she's don't teach you anything they just smile and just smile there's no greater honor in a Yoshi's life than dying for Mario from poohbear birth for their whole life shed us the yoshi's watching Yoshi in bed watching right now yeah I'm sure Steve are sick of that more minutes I was worried about these tiles actually some tiles some hecklers well we'll get them we'll get them so one neat thing here is not that hold on hold on hold on no hold up the wraparound so what that does is that essentially just wraps the beam around the screen opening that door so I can choice work all the way across long sparking the game thank you spot it's Apple at last eating of the game the last East Hank yes are you always gonna pick up eight no sometimes I pick up seven it really depends on my health and health management sometimes you'll really need an extra e-tank at a certain time during the run sure so we've got a $500 donation from jdw 135 safety animals because I'm not a monster like the rest of you yeah the runner has goats in this name for goodness sake yeah I guess save the goat stop cable you can save him now that's fine there are the goats of their planet make me feel bad man there's some hot bomb jumping thank you so about the star points no you can shoot the bombs up in the air if you just hold down a chute the aesthetic that's pretty pretty neat yo you just blew my mind with that well no literally I guess that was in a rhenium anchors I think that was in Israel yeah so this is really just inside me for fourth of July [Applause] keep it there stomach gargling ASMR this section is yes it's a pretty technical section we need to have a certain amount of super-missiles after this so what I'm gonna do is a grouping strat which I attached these guys to me and that allows me to use the lost ammo for the same amount of drops as ammo counts really important because whenever he goes to break open the mother brain if he doesn't have the proper ammo he can actually softlock due to the glitch he's going to perform so he needs to have a certain amount of ammo whenever he goes to do that correct and that would not be a good thing as many supers is that like the minimum is 15 to 10 we have 15 in 11 so we have one super missile despair coming off is a pretty neat trick that was I think refined by kottpower and showed us the kottpower and what allows us to do is skip this cutscene coming up with a baby Metroid [Music] she literally just avoided yeah yeah it's just a jump rope you know [Music] [Applause] the baby Metro just wanted to give you a little kiss not this time it's a pretty big smooch you seen that man yeah we've got a 250 dollar donation who seems really emotionally attached let's avoid a breakdown here and save the animals at the end of the room I'm gonna save anyways that's my excuse there are a couple things with the stand-up glitch I could softlock the game and I'd prefer not to do that well I just did right there it's called SEMATECH glitch the way I had to do is very specific because I have a screw tech on without screwattack it's pretty simple but what screw attack you don't have any iframes so you need to do it the way I the method that I used can actually get short there if you try to shoot the super missile the wool turret can actually block your super and end your run yeah yeah it's really terrible so we're actually optimizing some of the runs like any percent all right so it's 16 shots before the infamous ketchup and so what I needed to do here is damage myself down to seven e tanks we're gonna get hit by one rainbow beam I need to stand up immediately and then damage myself under one that activates this next cutscene here and just like that looks kind of goofy yeah it's like you're suffering over there on the right any you have to keep jumping no you don't I just felt like you know I didn't say stop so what this allows us to do is fire plasma beam shots into the gray phase here of Mother Brain and this is actually dealing damage to the third phase of Mother Brain which speeds that up pretty pretty significantly taking a little bit of damage because I don't have enough e tanks okay you kind of jump out of them you follows [Music] Oh y'all are sad for that one but don't want to save a few little bunnies yeah that's the fight pretty quick so the cutoff is right now so save the animals one with sixty one thousand US dollars whoo how close was it kill the animals trailed by five thousand oh wow okay quick there's also a really important announcement to make we just reached five hundred thousand US dollars [Applause] yeah yeah yeah yeah ups today is he you know that was a Stratfor iron G manipulation of fans hearing again yeah it's for your next run on this cart yeah yeah he's right it into the SRAM you know so can we do a quick donation yeah Bluegreen Mikey donates 14 dollars and 28 cent here's the donation of 1 cent for every tile you need to get don't miss one thank you our killer right now we're saving for sure saving saving there you go here's your hard-earned money what I like to do sometimes is I'll open this then I'll just kind of like leave take a break and then let them die with me but we're not we're not gonna do that this time just throw the chat off a little bit but yeah that's saving the animals so you can see they go getting a little spaceship of their own yeah so if we did it right here at the end we should have a twelve hundred and forty five tiles so we'll see well you're making me nervous you know pop up at the end hold on this comment there we go I was awesome it good right so if you notice here at the very end one thing they still have it up the animals will leave the screen to the right some people don't notice that but you will see a pixel just a tiny speck and then they make it suffusion $500,000 pixel GG man thank you yeah good game is awesome that's great yeah I guess just uh I want to say thank you guys for let me run this category thank you for all the donators shoutouts to Allegiance and my teammates and yes and you didn't die to phantoon yes you broke the streak that's a big thank you guys [Applause] yeah I didn't realize catch you to the music for this game too [Music] what I've been wondering what other game hasn't every game every game every game that I speak and every day same ascetism oh yeah girl program 16 oh great that's that's awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so thanks again for oldsen goats bringing a super metroid 100% map completion it's been a great run it's been great fun and a really amazing couch next up will be hello - on legendary difficulty by Rena bandana so stay tuned we've got a $50 donation from la she's saying nothing [Music] from PCs to Akkad's and consoles all the new world 9 gaming aims to provide the highest quality video gaming experience to events in the Midwest and beyond with our dedicated stuff tournament expertise and expansive collection of games and consoles wealth 9 is ready to take your event to the next level for information on booking and upcoming events check wealth 9 gaming comm so right now we'll be taking down the stream for a quick moment but stay tuned we'll be right back again welcome back to summer games done quick 2018 we are a charity and benefit Doctors Without Borders or MSF Doctors Without Borders or MSF is a medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries around the world MSF is a private International Association MSF provides to assistance to populations and distress to victims of math natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict they do so irrespective of race religion creed or political convictions find out more at Doctors Without Borders org we currently have a bonus game incentive going on there's an incentive for Super Monkey Ball - monkey ape all we will need to reach $36,000 and currently have just over 10,000 so bring in those donations if you want to see more Super Monkey Ball I would like to take the time to quickly thank power up audio there are an indie sound studio from Vancouver Canada and worked on games such as Super Meat Boy forever and hot lava the entire team is here at sgdq and is donating a time 24/7 to make this marathon possible so thank you to powerup audio just an anonymous $10 donation saying left donating every year and love watching the awesome runs money goes to paper mario glitch expo that's also currently an incentive going on you can have i'm glowing up some glitches in paper mario this one will need to reach $15,000 and currently have reached six thousand eight hundred eighty nine so getting those donations if you want to see some glitches and paper mario studio trout tails donate $30 we've been watching every GDQ marathons since 2012 and they are still highlights of the year keep it up runners and stuff you there's currently a bit war going on for Legend of Zelda you can choose to file names they're currently Volker is winning by a landslide of $20,000.00 leading with twenty thousand six hundred twenty one thousand six hundred thirty four dollars over long with 1911 dollars and Miao with a bit over thousand dollars so if you want us to if you want to have it named anything else then Volker get in those donations we've got a $100 donation from William 72 Royale rogue donate $30 saying now that the super metroid run is over maybe now we can focus on important things like showing everyone that amazing yo annoyed to FMV intro
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 300,759
Rating: 4.8894563 out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: 59nyyuXLJ00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 54sec (5994 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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