Winning All Minigames vs. MASTER CPUs! (Super Mario Party)

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super mario party but we play every single mini game oh my goodness who monty moley we got to play as monty mole matu why he slaps his belly it's the greatest thing ever not only are we gonna beat every single mini game in the game but we're gonna beat them against the master cpus this is a squad right here i like this i like that squad what a squad party time and here we are all the mini games okay let's do random choice we're doing random okay okay [Music] i just spent so long in practice do it wait wait hold on hold on here we go marching band let's go we got this i was never in the marching band but i can perform in suit no i can't no i'm done talking i'm not talking anymore screw up yoshi screw up even though we're supposed to be on the same team i feel like i need to win this are we doing it yet [Music] yeah belly slaps from monty he's just slapping it did we win oh we won okay toe the line me and goomba what a squad over wait hold on i'm going in i'm going in goomba yeah meet me here mimi yes nice okay we have to mimic the one in the middle here okay i gotta go outside oh kuma wants to go no goomba do the rest yeah yeah goomba just do the rest yeah yeah that was like an end i'm gonna go over here and then wow me and goomba sick them hammer them out i forget what it's called i just got hammered did we lose or win i think we won who won who lost yeah team auntie what does wario do with like a wario oh this mini game's just cruel i'm matimo you can look at him he's he's in panic right now you can't make him do this he just whack myself dude we're actually kind of killing it it's cause we know the moles perfect hi yoshi hi hey everybody welcome back to another mini game super mario party we gotta watch carefully pineapple pineapple lemon what do you want me to do oh how many tot how many how many pieces of fruit pineapple these are these are those are both fruits right me and goomba what are you doing over there you probably thought a mushroom was a fruit orange orange apple lemon pineapple lemon pineapple oh god oh god oh no orange orange that's not an orange that's an apple i think it was a pineapple good me or goomba me or goomba one of us has got it oh no it's probably 11 because goomba was on it no it was 11. no [Music] all right round three let's go goomba we gotta cheer on goomba i wasn't i wasn't paying attention i wasn't i trust you goomba you got this oh look at him he's just thinking about it two i like that i like that call the homie the homie goomba we're at two already is there another one there isn't yay look at how depressed yoshi is oh okay we got another team game we're playing with yoshi this time we're supposed to like blast people's friends off the back of their trains i'm just circling we're just circling around each other okay yeah oh no we we gotta still gotta hit each other i think i see we're all just trapped in a corner get out of here koopa okay we gotta suck up it's called dust buddies you gotta suck up the all the dust whoa dude koopa's going ham koopa's going guys over here over here over here guys guys the other side we might have just lost oh it's gonna be really close let's go blue team we're all facing backwards blue team rules dang are we undefeated so far all right it's called fruit forecast me and goomba are on the same team team red i'm just getting yoshi's leftovers here dude he's just getting everything sorry we got this i'm sure there's more fruit it's gonna fall there's just giant spiky bomb things oh it's a really close race so far we've all just got domed maybe they're not bombs maybe they're just okay oh team goomba monty is too good all right i'm high fiving i'm high fiving got a high five goom man okay here we go this one this is like the mario party i forgot what more part is mario play five there's like a baseball one just gotta hit the baseballs nice and easy baby let's go monty i think everybody's killing it out here come on what is that what does that mean [Music] oh perfect again okay i think it said bumper brawl it's red team versus turquoise aqua team oh my god we're just launching them off just bumping balls no no no no no me and goomer going at it dude oh i just launched them off bowser's gone everybody's gone get out of here okay what are you gonna do we gotta get the high number in this one five that's not bad that's pretty good dude you can't stop me and goom all right halfway there bang get out of here these destroyed their house they're trying to destroy ours but they didn't get enough look at look at koopa he's got like a little stool all right all right this is another rhythm game where i could barely talk during the whole thing you flip the signs up i'm doing all right so far go team go team i just need to talk in the rhythm of the mini game in the red thumb of the game well what was that one in the rhythm of the game yay what okay i'm lighting candles i guess what i just got abducted oh you can like barely see okay they're gonna pick me up no i did not want to go to that one i wanna go to that oh oh oh oh there's one over there i might we might lose this one this might be the wait i don't get it i don't i don't oh we're all in the same team all right me and goomba we gotta get the the crests of the moon as many as we can bring them to each other hey buddy over here yes i'm only got three how big it okay just get all these why not four at a time oh what how did i miss it it's fine we got three this time give me all these over here four four yep you know what's good goomba goomba goomba buddy i'm here whenever you oh those things shock you apparently i just heard it over there dang bowser's eating up all of them over there i feel like goomba please buddy please buddy please goomba goomba goomba buddy goomba oh my god what are you doing oh my god all right well there's the first l i think we've been on defeat until this point oh my god all right goomba baby me and you this time we're back at it i could have traded teammates they gave me an option not trading teammates yeah so we're gonna collect four again it's probably too much to be honest with you i don't see the harm in doing it though we're like on top of each other goomba over here don't shock yourself you know let's just go over here this will be our spot no goomba you don't have to go it's over here just over here buddy i still have it oh oh they just dropped the ton goomba now goomba let's not get gravy nice nice and we'll get more now down here down here bud nope okay going to the electric guy again quick quick oh no we destroyed anyway okay it's called bopping spree you hit the the light balls balls with lights in them yup oh look at this oh look at this go oh look at this go yoshi goomba me to be do we do we win yeah okay we're supposed to like focus on the toad i actually don't know what i'm oh oh how about that was that good nice oh that one took me forever yeah all right we gotta wipe the windows i think i'm on the left side here we go wipe wipe wipe i'm wiping the windows of this establishment there's toads on the other side having meetings about important toad things oh the double well these toad meeting rooms how tall is this place it's really tall it's a toad skyscraper there he is belly slapping he's belly slapping this sounds like candy shake down i think you have to like shake all the candy out of the thing and a wiggle you got a wiggle wiggle wiggle come on go go go get out of there get out oh they're jammed there's a giant traffic jam oh there's two of them kawaii oh yes nice [Music] okay try carter it's called i don't really understand how this works suppose like gyrate the the joy-con here we go i'm gyrating i'm gyrating am i doing it i didn't do it well enough hey i got third i don't know what i'm doing man i know [Applause] okay oh my god slap that belly slap it baby it's over it's over who made that minigame oh my god oh my god okay you're supposed to supposed to dig around and vibrate i'm trying to feel the oh i have the joy-con rested on the mic for optimal vibrations you guys can hear any more vibrations over here oh yo we're actually killing it oh my god look at us go we're unstoppable after that tricycle level finish remember the cards okay we got the clubs i remember i see them i mean there's three of them in a row so like i don't know what you want me to do everybody got him oh i think this is a combined team effort you see the s there okay we got this squad spades you see him i see him they just switched two of them i'm gonna go for this back one right here we got him oh we got him hearts okay there's one over there oh you dog okay i'm going for that one that moved i trust you guys you guys are literally artificial intelligence all right there we go one more one more diamonds and then some fake ones some red herrings that's one okay back to middle i'm gonna go all the way back that's gotta be it give it to us there we go belly slaps belly slaps alert alert down there belly slaps okay team red boat over here team red boat just paddling paddling paddling keep pedaling a little less pedaling more pedal one more pedal more pedal oh my god we just wrote oh that was strategic though we blocked them we blocked them go go go go go go go ah no we rotated again oh my god did we win i think we did i was way too close okay lightning round you got to grab coins but also don't get shocked by this guy who's gonna shoot little electric balls out ah electric balls out of his things that was it we won wow okay we're fishing with a net yeah is this the squad effort i think this is a squad for s t here baby everybody knows that's watching this video right now knows that this squad is estuary which got to prove it to the game oh gold i mean it's pretty much whenever i do it i don't think they have any influence whatsoever right now right yeah now no goldie no oh you know that's zestier 94. look at toad over there he's like what is going on right now he just leaves napping he just look at his hat okay pop pies in your face launch pot monty what are you doing throwing it all the way over there uh we're gonna lose we're gonna lose there are not enough cream pies in the world that can save us this is the part where i just shut up and grind the mini game until i actually pull it off i'm getting blasted my big flubber mole body is just too much all the time oh goomba why did you take that oh did you see yoshi they didn't count it i feel like one strategy might be like hide behind your partner they can only hit one of you maybe goomba come hide behind me buddy we're doing all right this time we're just blasting each other whoa we went hard all right it's barrel roll in time baby you want to get as little of the grass i think as possible it seems like i might find some wild pokemon in here or something i don't know i don't think i want to go on the off road either i just want to get on the regular grass look at these cuts look at these cuts oh cuba okay we need to get this yup yup we need to get that too or not or not whatever or we just block somebody that's going to hit it all right now that was clean that was clean the hell yeah okay i got to put the put it on the microphone oh oh is that a lot i don't know if that's a lot or not i have to compare it that seems like a lot that also seems like a lot that seems like nothing that also seems that seems like more i don't know dude are we good did we win yet oh there go with the nuts the nuts are out oh oh it's going to be close no we lost we need maximum nuttage here she'd feel the vibration this one's pretty good yoshi don't even don't ruin this for me yoshi oh oh ho ho-ho yes there we go okay we need to not get blasted by by a goomba goomba's gonna try to blast us we're just look at us up here we're just moving around he's so far been missing every person oh uh oh we're all together now spread out everybody's spread out we're winning so far oh no no no no he's coming after me now no no no no no no no no okay all right just keep drastic movements drastic big movements he can't catch up he can't catch up look at us look at us move around on that cage okay we gotta skew [Music] skew [Music] she's skew what is that fruit is that a lemon skew skew skew from lack it to oh you missed goomba skew you i'm one of the few who knows how to skew [Music] perfect okay we actually played this one recently you gotta not trip over the bananas i mean you could they could be strategic trips like that right there does that get us getting close that takes forever oh no these are not strategic trips strategic i don't even know where okay there's an arrow there's an arrow my big mole body is too big where am i supposed to go stop it there's too many oh that was strategic though that one was strategic dude hello second again oh oh oh strategic strategic come on baby oh yeah this is the one this is the one bananaless so far bananas banana-less banana banana bananas wait hold on no it took too long there's so many i went the wrong way i totally went the wrong way mr second place oh these oh look at these lines oh my god i got banana watch this watch this that was strategic and now i'm going to go up no oh oh no no no no no no no no no belly slaps belly slaps for the win okay i'm supposed to go deliver packages apparently and yoshi gets to use the freaking amazon drones to like get them but i don't but that's okay because we have multiple people he just stole one from me what i'm bringing it down i'm bringing it down it's okay is that package still gonna get to the same person we have no packages that was the first one yoshi has five the robots are taking over the world before we even know it watch out for us goomba just gotta double anybody in this floor no anybody on this floor i don't want to go all the way up to the top all right we got him next time we got him next time i got the robots now baby you just press a all right oh no you gotta bring it back you gotta bring away your bring back this is so much easier it's not even funny what can i like steal it from them watch this watch this oh no never mind i guess i can't maybe i can but he was too close uh don't mind if i do koopa don't mind if i do all right we got this we got this yep thank you very much they're using the right side which is actually really smart because their things there and and my thing's over here i'm actually going to lose i lost no emotion just packages be the package as soon as he grabbed it i stole it hey koopa nope i'll take that all right there we go that's a bit more like it okay we have to like throw darts at him or something i'm i'm red apparently he's got like maybe three lot oh i oh oh oh come on come on i gotta get involved here i gotta get involved here from downtown yes okay we have to shave ice should i just keep going the entire time or am i supposed to wait i'm getting it all over the penguins heads i'm just going man i'm just rotating i'm shaving do i run out i might run out oh we ran i ran out i ran out i shaved too much goomba finish it off for me buddy oh that's gonna be really close i think they won okay now we know now we know how to play shaving not shaving oh we're good now we're good oh we're getting up there we're getting up there okay that's all i got that's oh i still think that one damn we both did better we got a lot of time time is not really much of a problem here it's just efficiency of ice shaving look at that but you got nothing left homie you got nothing goomba oh i didn't use enough ice oh [Laughter] are we killing it or what okay i don't know if we're killing it wow yes we killed it oh my goodness okay there's there's fruits and you got to match them up all right so yeah apple on top banana on the bottom i'm up here wait did i screw it up i think i screwed it up right here get that yup oh we did it [Music] yup yup they did it they'd be doing it they'd be doing it okay this one's called cruising for a bruising and you just gotta run there's like two options you gotta run and hope you don't get the blocks i got the blocks should we just stay top the whole time what do you think we're just gonna stay top the whole time never mind i'm switching up i'm going bottom i'm bottom guy now oh a lot of blocks i'm going top again i'm going top somebody get knocked out man oh yo she's got knocked out i'm staying here oh no oh no oh no this is bad please no blocks yes we gotta find big rumble big rumble i can't find a big rumble yet how big does it have to be is that big enough i don't know dude oh i was close that's a big one that's a that's a violent one you have to love that one come on there it is there it is the daddy fish oh he's like surfing in the sky okay so it's called penguin pushers we had pushy penguins now we got penguin pushers pushing all the penguins in the middle is this a team effort team effort i'm gonna round them up over here we need somebody to scoop them in you want me to be this the striker here let's go i'm gonna scoop them all in you guys go get them scooping them in all right we're doing pretty well so far there's three buddies over there ah they're so cute look at them oh my god they went past this is not good this is not good we need s how do we get s i'm pushing him pushing him pushing i'm pushing him there's one there's one buddy running away buddy just getting the goal or whatever this is called that's not s it's s what okay it's called like get over it you gotta jump [Music] over a little spiky wheelie swamp buddies and not get destroyed it's me and koopa at the top they're coming faster no i meant to oh i moved the joy-con and it jumped for me are we gonna lose because i got two we got one oh there's two they're too good they're too good down there everybody's too good this is all the master cpus they're all just like two they can't be stopped oh oh oh oh they got blasted at the bottom okay it's like the prisoners dilemma mini game everybody who are you going for what are you going i'm going i'll go top left my selection is in my belly's been slapped me and okay all right me and goober don't get any goomba don't do this again i'm going for the other one the two coins oh my god goomba okay well i clearly need to go down if i want any chance of winning oh what hold on hold on hold on [Music] you already know i'm going to the right you already know koopa just don't go koopa we're winning how many rounds left final round should i go mid am i pushing mid if yoshi pushes mid i'm going i'm going right i just need yoshi not to go mid we tied we tied that's a win there it is baby me and goomba were just colliding in the beginning and then we just take the dubski okay i don't oh my god i already got blown up i don't feel good about this one i just gotta get the rhythm i just gotta get the rhythm rhythm rhythm baby oh no i got blown up you lose all of them oh just gotta get in the flow state the flow state just let one pass flow state let one pass flow baby that's okay three yes solid solid okay we gotta hit everybody with the chain chomp oh this this could be hard they're so little look at how little they are how am i supposed to do this oh the fake out oh watch me oh oh hold on hold on i'm going to get in there little computer heads i'm going to read them i mean there's nothing i can do there come on one more come on yoshi they ain't living this time they they ain't living this time this music is actually a banger get out of here what oh my goodness how does he do this how does he do it i just i messed up the control it's so weird how do you control this i can barely control this thing can i just target yoshi because he seems to be a problem oh swiped dude swiped come on swiped come on oh he's too good yo she's too good dude it's almost like he's a computer of course of course i mean who else right who else come on yes okay i gotta not get smashed by the giant hammers oh this is kind of crazy this is kind of intense oh my gosh my body is too wide what a little battery no just gotta dash dan's gotta stay moving stay moving at all times at all times i mean i can could i go outside of this little no i don't wanna i don't wanna i don't wanna try i don't wanna try okay this is the longest we've made it this is this this is come up what happens if i go outside of it oh no i go should i start talking now because this might be this successful i am this might be the one this might be it we're talking now here we go five seconds okay dude okay hear me out for a second i'm just watching koopa move if you watch koopa you can you can track his movements it's better than watching the hammers i think i think i think i don't know i think come on koopa koopa yes we did it start okay you gotta shoot the giant block cast we're the one on the left we have the big j what that was massive we have the massive cannonball oh my goodness we are absolutely destroyed okay it's like a little bad mitten game but with the bombs and you shoot them over the other side and there's only one of me and three of them and i have no idea how this is gonna work but we're doing it we have a giant racket that could help i don't know if it's going to help enough i i feel like i feel outclassed should need to make big big hits oh my god i'm getting launched quick oh oh this is going to be close this is going to be real close i have to let that one drop oh yes wait did we win or we lose we won okay okay okay we gotta make a face that's the eye right is that good koopa buddy is the height good here maybe down a little bit okay how about how about that uh all right mouth it's so hard to tell where this is gonna go i like that let's go a little bit right buddy little koopa you could've you could've you coulda look at the other okay come on oh my god [Applause] it's a tie no we gotta run it back we gotta run it back okay we got mario this time mario but that maybe a little left koopa maybe a little you know you do you though you do you down there there we go buddy all right maybe you know maybe a little right koopa maybe a little right koopa i feel like the height's pretty good [Music] maybe a little right no oh okay all right you do you mouth maybe a little maybe a little right in the we'll run them out there okay how about that oh and that's everything it's a nose oh we totally won that give me like a 95. are you kidding me look at these what no not that far to the left dude i'm starting to get a little there we go probably even more so than that oh okay that's pretty good how do i mean i don't even know what to believe anymore about this mini game 97 okay we gotta go get uh get the lettuce lechuga toad you're blocking it oh my toad okay lettuce koopa's getting that one let's go cooper we got this easy easy dubski okay good sandwich there oh another one another kind of a vegetarian special sure whatever dude how many sandwiches do i need to make oh we got tomato yellow pastrami a little pastrami get the lechuga go we out here making sandwiches one more koopa for the fans one more sandwich for the fans cooper what are you doing ah it's a tie okay we gotta block other people don't let them get it throw them get it block goomba blog okay we gotta rotate the blocks to fit them together i'm gonna be right here nice what the heck with this one [Music] right there oh my goodness oh it's gonna be close come on koopa right here i gotta press a every time hello what in the heck do you do with that oh my goodness cooper you're not moving your thing nice nice nice this one we always get jumbled up what in the freaking heck what are you doing down there hey whoa we did it yes all right it's called slaperazi slap each other to get in front of the photo trying to get a good angle oh booty shot oh that's the angle right there you see that that was hot all right slap them slap them let me be the star of the show here i got a little belly belly shot there we got this we got this oh plenty more pictures to be taken do it for the gram look at me look at me out there oh i just slapped somehow slapped everybody i'm just slapping everybody in a row oh oh you got me mid-slap this is a really fun mini game i actually love this one get out of here my photo oh another good angle just get everybody out of the way everybody out of the way it's all me everybody can see how violent i am everybody else is just posing i'm just mid punch every single time there it is at the last one yeah okay easily easily one of the best mini games in the entire game sizzling stakes this game first came out i grinded this i got it sick time i think it was world record but i don't even know hello did i get the double i'm washed i'm so washed it's not even funny what is going on right now come on okay all right all right i couldn't okay if you weren't hungry enough snack attack it's you know simple you gotta get all the uh popcorn and not the giant boulders that are falling from the sky more over here more over here i want a popcorn shower oh oh there's a lot here there's a lot i'm doing all right i think i don't know if we want we definitely did not win i'm in the middle i got a popcorn yep okay this one i want just the one of the popcorn showers right here okay oh my god all right it's getting hectic it's getting hectic here comes all the ow no okay the beanie is just the beanie's easy to process and then it just gets absolutely wild can't see anything anymore boulders popcorn i don't know the difference between boulder popcorn all right this is the one this is the one bring it to me live baby bring it to me live here we go did i do it yes okay it's mashing time baby they are going so down it's not even funny easy belly slap time okay i i didn't really read the description for this one i just assume we're not supposed to fall in a pit like right here okay we got a lot of our cronies a lot of our cronies are alive team aquamarine blue turquoise not doing too hot i can only control myself oh no oh no oh no no no those are our people final round oh they got doubles okay i don't know how you're supposed to hop stay on the inside you can cover more ground we all we all fell oh my gosh everybody is just embarrassed they're just like oh man come on oh it's a fatty this time okay not a double split that's actually better it's not better oh luigi and peach up there okay we got this it's time for some football or soccer strike it oh oh come on goomba you got to let that go it's an open goal oh my god who where's our goalie dude or dewey i don't know i don't know i don't know all bonds bonds let it go buzz they're too good oh we missed okay where's goomba where's my man goomba come on baby come on oh oh he just went right in what is bowser doing all right all right come backable come backable come backable over here your boy oh no oh no stop it we need one more we got 10 seconds luigi come on brother all right fine fine fine bye oh dk with the body dk you had it he oh he wants falcao messi to have it he wants me to have it he wants me to oh my god i just hit it at luigi i'm taking control of this game we're taking control what am i doing yeah oh and it's just a cakewalk now goomba again for the hat trick i think i don't even know oh man oh man domination all right lip potato uh you press the button to move the bomb around i guess i don't i don't know oh no oh no our squad is dwindling you got this watch this this is going to be great i'm pressing a as fast as i can it's not over yet final round i assume i don't know if this is the final no it's not it's not it's not goomba bubby goomba you got this oh goomba with the quick moves goomba with the quick moves one more goomba versus yoshi it all comes down to this the master cpu is back at it again yoshi looks incredibly nervous goomba menacing confident look at his face he's got this for the squad sort of fun it's called sort of fun ah sort of fun all right we'll see if it's very fun or sort of fun basketball give me give me oh i gotta be spacing him i gotta be facing him soccer no mother i didn't mean to no this is not looking good for the s crowd in the background seems unamused i play i didn't mean to put it in the basket all right back at it again baby still basketball [Music] right here right here right here yeah yeah my basket my basket my basket my basket over here basketball dunk it yes can we get 11. no get us though okay it's called home on the rang you just gotta go believe this is also a co-op one we're going for s tier obviously at this point i'm kind of just chucking them as [Music] oh get that one yoshi i'm trying to throw it they're not letting me yeah [Applause] okay come on koopa come on oh look at these lines all right let's go oh you know what i kind of love these co-op minigames where we all just get together and go for the s rank come on goomba you got it i assume that's solid that's gotta be okay giant hot air balloon thing with toad in it he's happy i think you just you just gotta press it to blow i think you just wanna go as hard as you can okay i actually don't wanna press any this time didn't do any that time no no goomba you don't want it no okay okay just be yoshi calm down calm down nice no i should have done more i should have done more oh cooper went hard dude can we have one more balloon or what how many how many do we get no no no i'm not yeah no no ready yeah ready no no point no point [Music] don't look so happy gentle gentle and a little kick at the end yes cooper come on baby this is the one oh my god yoshi you always do too much here man okay i got some of that yeah yeah yeah yeah goomba okay okay we got s we got us oh 201 yes oh okay minor setbacks we don't have any setbacks whatsoever in this one we work as a team we got some diamonds or crystals or something we gotta not get hit edward we're gonna get hit oh we gotta knock it plan oh you need it dude that is a huge setback what do you mean minor setback that's like three seconds of hits done we're trying to keep the s oh that was it oh i think we did it i think we did it yeah all right okay last co-op game of the video let's go let's finish strong with the squad passing them off to koopa you got to get all these little diamond things again goomba where are you going oh i got to hit this button koopa what's going on over there yoshi you're just standing still he's being he's on button duty i'm on button duty up here why do i feel like we're not doing that well i'm cut off i'm cut off we just got a we just got yeah all right we're good come on goomba finish strong yes all right all right all right we got this one try come on baby you just gotta hit the coins or the blocks you get the coins from the blocks that was early i can't talk stop talking what the heck [Music] i meant totally missed one oh you could just go hard on this one oh my goodness i probably shouldn't be setting no no we have to play on hard we got to keep playing on hard [Music] oh baby oh baby there we go oh my god waluigi oh my god okay here we go we just gotta watch them [Music] oh [Music] let's go dude i'm a mole riding a [Music] okay we still got it done though we still got it we gotta pull the tablecloth in time apparently [Music] oh oh okay come on baby wait no i popped off too early no i didn't get the perfect ah okay we got there's spheres and you got to drag them back i'm i got a magnet oh i definitely going for the gold one are we doing okay there's gold one over here i want that goomba's fighting me for it goomba stop boomba okay let's get some other smaller spheres hurry up no oh wow okay that wasn't even close oh the belly slapped okay here we go i gotta count the amount of toads i probably should already be counting okay all right we got this we got the scraps i'm gonna count the ones in the seats first [Music] oh my god oh my god how do you even hi oh my god they get out of their seats and they get back in are you kidding me i'm gonna go with a crisp 18. i'm going with a crisp 18 here i have no idea what i'm doing it's probably more than that oh i was thinking of adding one more one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen are there really that many are there really that they run across the screen this is insane i think there might be one more actually i think there's 25. i counted 25 then i got nervous like [Music] come on be confident be confident yes yes finish hey mole what's up ready to win this minigame with me let's do it you gotta climb up the pole as fast as you can i keep like sometimes i keep missing that's okay i feel like we're still like they're going so slow over there what do you mean what they're going huge bro look at look at how far they're going on their things i don't get it i'm gonna try this one more time one more time hopefully it's not gonna work it's not gonna work it's not gonna work this doesn't work this doesn't work all right okay all right we're getting serious i just googled this and they say to stand up i'm standing up how i'm only doing little how am i what all right here we go can take pancake don't mind if i do i would love these pancakes they look so good the ones they got a star on it no no i wanted that one no no i wanted it oh that ain't it that ain't it never you never want to be the one that uncovers the star one you know you never oh baby all right okay what are we what what okay all right i see what's going on here they're going to shuffle them around let's go i'm ready are you ready watch along watch along [Music] oh come on oh cup yeah what are you playing for a fool [Music] there we go okay this is the gardening i think you just pump the joy-con i think it just goes fast as possible i don't know if it's a rhythm or you just go hard but i'm going hard i'm glad i don't have the face game on [Music] okay okay okay gridiron gauntlet you get tackled three times you're out everybody knows football three strikes and you're out so they're coming from different directions i'm a big mole guy of course no no no no no no no no no no no ow i got one one tackle okay cool nice is a fuzzy fuzzy flight school this one looks really fun move around with the joy-con baby or the red one is there more oh my goodness okay we tied for first even though i think did goomba even get hit okay so it's called soak or croak i like the look of it these blast people with well i just blasted goomba i'm gonna try to blast him again oh i got a refill i gotta refill i gotta ah refill it you're just you're so vulnerable you're just so vulnerable when you oh oh this this game this game is intense don't like the iframes that you get like that's kind of not fun oh i just waited out as no oh no no no no no my stage control all blasted he gets a free he gets a comeback i don't i just i don't get it i don't get it man oh blasted let's go okay looking for love look at the heart okay you just look up oh you get it's reaction time mother dude i went for the red one this is bad oh they changed colors okay all right i get it now that's not a heart dude stop it all right run it back run it back run it back i don't even know what's going on yes sporty all right absent minded you gotta figure out who is missing [Music] let's keep this one live editor let's let's let's let people play let's let the people play along here we go baby round two who's missing uh that guy the pixelated versions are in the top left [Music] final round who's missing oh god diddy kong let's go baby don't wake wiggle you got pet pet him but you don't want to make a man i'm going last which i think stinks to be honest with you i don't really understand how to win this game because you got to go maximum here okay now i think we have to hope that koopa pisses him off come on koopa do it i don't know who knows who knows goomba went hard for the 10. okay so my only chance is to do maximum pets and there's just there's just no way yoshi don't yoshida yoshi okay here we go please please do i go to 10 i'm going to no no no i'll stop i'll stop because i can tie i can win assuming it's he gets mad soon assuming yes all right there we go okay we gotta throw the balls in the mouth oh geez that was too long mole throws little throws i'm just throwing i'm just throwing them who cares man i'm gonna keep throwing yeah yeah just just just spam it no little ones no little ones no little ones no little ones yup yup yup yup [Music] no i didn't mean to go deep dude the joy-con oh baby 50. [Music] okay we played this one in a video recently i'm notoriously bad at this one i'm gonna go with long boy what did goomba climb the long boy before me oh i'm upseti spaghetti ah all right i'm gonna tour this uh oh gosh okay okay we're gonna play it out this time we're gonna play it out i don't know i don't know how are you supposed to tell real okay okay all right relax we got this ew i just picked the smallest one dude oh my god that one's big that one's big oh that one's chunky though the blue one i think we still win no no yellow finish oh i mean come on i mean come on oh that other one's oh these all look big nah dude nah we in there i don't know i don't know my guy's pretty thick right okay all right all right respectable i don't know i don't know i don't know it's a stressful minigame i like that i like uh oh i don't i don't like that anymore whatever dude whatever whatever whatever i'm over it oh oh oh why do i pick the worst ones okay i don't know that guy's long it's the bottom one or it's green i don't know it's it's not mine [Music] it's mine it's mine okay here we go rattle and hmm maybe turn the gain up on my mic a little bit i'm vibrating on top of the microphone i've got the joy-con resting here we go what okay that was the bomb i mean come on dude all right okay it's gonna get more difficult though all right welcome to round number two feel free to play along here here we go [Laughter] oh that's similar to the first i think that was the most recent one it's gonna be the football i can't even my cursor is on the other side yoshi's a fiend oh my god dude okay i think that was the first one the last two were the most difficult ones i think it was that what's his name that guy yes that's such a fun mini game i love that minigame and just a domination from your boy with the vibration vibration domination that's what they say oh okay everyone the last mini game against master cpus in super mario party the problem is the money sometimes pops up behind you it's weird it's got to be alert at all times not get knocked out by these things too oh oh my god they're all over the place they're all over the place [Music] they're going for them coins over there but you already know there's gonna be more that pop no i finished without no it walked me into the finish we still won there it is every single super mario party mini game against a masters hope you guys enjoyed this might be the last video until the new mario party comes out i'm not sure i can't wait i'll see you all then that's it that's it that's the end of the turn off turn off turn off i'm walking away we did it we won
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 1,764,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XftVmgmBvYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 53sec (3233 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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