Winning Every 4 Player Minigame vs. MASTER CPUs...

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recently i've been on a really big mario party kick the simple joy of running around getting into all kinds of shenanigans as plumbers princesses and donkeys is he just isn't he isn't he just a gorilla but there has been one mario party game that i've overlooked for too long mario party 10. when i saw how the board was being handled with every character grouped into the same vehicle all moving together i was immediately turned off but what i failed to ever give a chance was the very most important aspect of any mario party game chance to mini games what better way to get into the game than to play every single four-player free-for-all mini-game against the hardest difficulty master cpus oh yeah and one more thing i have to win each mini-game in order to move on to the next one well here goes nothing shy guy shuffle i think it's called he's got donuts on his head this one we need to follow this one i'm gonna i'm gonna follow with my pointer live that might help me figure it out oh he's the second one in there don't blink you'll miss it i think he's right here i'm mashing the a button oh it's your boy is that the mini game or is there more there's more okay obviously first time playing all these mini games and of course i'm playing on master i think it's this one again right oh baby give me them donuts final round okay they're probably gonna go crazy this time i lost it already how do you even what i'm gonna just go with two again i think it's two again we've been two every single time it's two again i thought i mean i don't know did i wow ah there's donuts together look at how heavy toad is all right toadette is not having it look at her this one actually looks really fun snake block party it's like a platform like i'm playing mario look at me yeah i'm running around playing mario yeah we have hearts down low i i assume we die if we lose all of them this is actually really nerve-wracking i don't know i i think it's a race i didn't really read all the instructions but i'm pretty sure it's a race to the end there's a finish line i know that much doing okay so far go snake block go okay we're gonna oh oh split path oh come on give me the dubski multiplayer versus snake block level dubsky for your boysky cheap cheap leap we just got a star and we have 30 seconds to annihilate as many cheap cheap as we possibly can they're coming in a row right now they're coming out i don't know how you plan for this how do you plan for this go for the big ones you gotta go for the big ones am i doing okay there's a gold one that one was huge giant line giant line of i can't even tell myself between toadette right now how did i do not good enough run it back okay we're ready for it this time round number two let's do it i still don't know what i'm doing but i know i'm going for big ones and maybe gold ones oh there was a gold one how do you know that it's gonna be gold though you don't that's the thing this is so silly big one big one give it to me oh giant line i keep bouncing on people's heads though you know what i mean i'm doing all right ah not all right enough come on come on give me big ones give me big ones oh i went in there come on yep move out of the way more out of the way get all these get the big i don't get any golds i don't know how to get golds how do you know there's going to be a gold we won that is what we're talking about baby don't touch the peepers people panic all right it's pretty simple you don't touch the people it's another platforming type experience which you know you know your boy likes the good platformer when it's all on the out everybody just got lit up there i don't know why i said ow reflexively i didn't even get hit are you sure that you put them on master yes they're on masters i'm serious me and toadette what if we kissed in the people oh no no no no sorry sorry sorry i started getting distracted here this is just a ground version of snake block party oh you don't want to get too far ahead of yourself because then you but everybody look at everybody pushing the front of the screen now they know because that's how you win you push the farthest bow why did you say that i'm pouty right now look at tori's pouty of a bounty none of this matters until the very end are you going people where are you going people where you going people where you want oh god i'm oh look at me go oh i'm running up against an invisible wall oh why why why why why why what i gotta shake my controller i'm trying to run up against the invisible wall at the top so i get first no matter what you can take a few hits okay i can't take any more hits actually i'm nervous i actually don't want to i love i'm just getting carried by the screen just getting moved by the screen i don't care pouting in my corner over here oh geez oh no no no we're good we're good oh no we're not good anymore hey mario all right i'm getting ready here the finish is coming up i'm trying to stay on top of the screen don't want to get picked off by a pipa at the very end though oh jeez oh everybody's rushing to the top now come on give it to your boy there it is wow that one snake block party is better than that one come on now balance ball brawl looks like you need to how in the heck oh my god it's motion controls i thought it was you move oh my goodness it's like bumper balls but but not bumper balls at all you know what ellie give me give me another try this one going straight down okay no going in no going that way oh get out of here toadette okay your boy's actually kind of making progress the problem is the two that i need are just on opposite sides of the spectrum over here i'm almost there no right down left toe that oh i hate running into people in this mini game i got a little bit more optimal of a route this time it's over already oh we have a different path this time i feel like this one's better let's go this way i'm already kind of blowing it dude go toad go buddy go okay i only got i only got two left i swear if somebody finishes right now come on toad what are you doing why are you going against them oh look at these cuts are you kidding me oh i hear a lot of drink ring ring i can't control this wii remote i got one i don't want to talk to anybody i'm not i'm not talking to anybody right now i'm not talking until i get my ball over these switches yep yeah i think i have two left i think i'm almost there but we're just colliding everybody's colliding balls come on one more it's right near toadette yes wow that was pure domination on that one why are you celebrating you didn't we didn't win toadette you did not win one's called bob bogey i mean they're going for like an alliteration on every single one of these why don't they say bob on birdie am i doing it you gotta hit the golf ball you just gotta shake wait am i supposed to hit that what oh no you're not okay you gotta be the first one it's all reaction what if i just oh oh i barely moved in dude get me out of here get me get me out of here man all right this is easily the most fun game yet i stink at it though i have no idea how you're supposed to react in time oh it's so tight the reaction time is so oh my all right all right all right just relax just relax first one's always a golf ball so just oh [Music] i barely how am i supposed to beat these masters how am i supposed to beat them when the half the time it's a bomb and they're just not gonna swing at it come on your boy oh stop it ah just take me out i'm going crazy i mean they're never they're just never gonna hit a bomb and they have computer fast reaction times oh motherf i mean it's a beautiful looking mini game like the graphics are like i love that i pretty much just have to guess come on come on oh i was i was expecting a bomb there come on no no no no no no i got up i moved what is happening oh my oh okay so the top is the number of golf balls i don't think oh we i had we had it i stand by the fact that i think this is the best mini game at least so far [Music] come on just stroke them falc don't even think about your score don't even think about no come on come on now oh your boy is not stroking them dude oh get out of town you seem to be vlogging nice and calm everything's fine first one's always a call come on ah hey when are you guys gonna hit one of these oh my god okay i mean rosalina has like a million points dude oh i'm not even talking i'm not even i'm so locked in get out of here with those bombs get out of here with the we bums off dude finally okay i think this one's called bouncy brawl look at toad spitting we just have to spin by repeatedly pressing two that's what the instruction said knock people off ow we need to get stage control i'm i'm out i'm out already oh i'm still in that was a miracle oh this is about to get heated come on get rosalina out what happened there i just got dizzy it got oh i got blasted oh my god this mini game is absolutely nuts oh we just launched toadette that was ah get out of town are you kidding me your boy just went off there they tied for third oh your boy went off in this me how did i even do that i'll take it don't take it i'll take it i'll take it all strategy baby i'm trying to collect some fruit right now i'm all about the fruit i'm going for the nano i'm going down oh it's okay you got to move i feel like you just got to move around in this one that dude just got three grapes banana melon more melon come on now give me some triples give me some triples no triples nanners triple niners no triple daters oh my god there's so many no no no no i kept missing them why was that funny dude we got a toad watching this time no more shy guy that's good for us that's good it's gonna cheer us on we're we're of the toad species give us three of stuff it's all about territory control too you know you want to be in this area where nobody really is it seems like oh triple apple just as i say that nanners me and rosalina work that out over there oh oh oh no we're killing it go just keep going just keep moving just keep moving how did she get 27 say what now this is all business this time all business give me some triples there's some troubles come on okay all right i've got all this territory over here if you just could be three fruit oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no oh oh oh i knew that was there i knew that was going to happen wow such a violent game for no reason let's all just get some fruit i feel like there's going to be a triple here soon come on now all right okay just going in circles now [Applause] [Music] so close it was one still haven't gotten a triple yet but i'm eating dude i'm out here eating give me that triple coke just go just go just get just go [Applause] how did he get 36. i'm not talking anymore i'm not talking no more talking [Applause] okay koopa i don't even know koopa could show up over there koopa cheering me on good luck koopa you're good luck koopa i'm gonna do this because of you oh yes early three i have another one i have another three i'm getting a lot of singles too though ow so that's popping off i feel like i can't check the score oh come on come on [Applause] no it's one actually getting pretty lucky here with these spawns come on go up yup [Applause] that's that's good enough 24-24 me and rosalina are out here eating baby okay i i still don't know exactly what you're supposed to do in this mini-game even after reading the instructions okay find regular goomba find a goomba i found him he's right here there's more though how did you what was one back there did i find him yet hello there's one that was one over there i got minus a point oh one right there i'm lost dude oh i got one over there okay all right we learned we learned we learned regular goomba oh i just went to work early my god you guys are going in i got that one though hold on watch out for your boy ski how are you guys getting this what how do you what how do you i got that one though i got that one though i got that oh i didn't get that one i i miscollect i think i think they docked me a point for that i think i lost because of that i lost because of that all right i'm actually vibing with this game dude this game's fun give me that one oh rosa linda give me that one oh taught it this game is impassable got it got it got it got it got it your boy's going off right now oh no it's one short no way we're going for the goombratz this is our first brat game brat brat brat brett oh everybody's on him this is kind of disorienting to play so many rounds going for the regular goomba and then you have to go for the bratz uh i mean there's just what the master is so impossible in this game they're so fast oh that was a regular one all right galoomba buddy galoomba buddy where are you kaluma buddy i guess impressed that i know the name of each type of goomba you should be you should be impressed come on yup got that one there's another one this is such a bear oh there's one over here i didn't even know that was an option there's one there too no i meant to get that no i got that one though your boy almost i'm getting emotional during this game kalumba buddy okay everybody tagged him oh come on now come on now oh i found one i found one watch out for your boy dude come on give me oh how did they get that this game is it's so stupid but i kind of love it it's the music if it wasn't for the music man i would be raging i just kid the music's so silly and fun oh you know your boy has done that checking all the holes here checking all the holes oh you boys in that hole hole coverage oh your boy's on this one too your boy come on now oh i was on that oh are you kidding me no all right i'm good with the golumbas i've been on i've been hot with these i feel like i'm almost there i missed one i missed the beginning i missed the i missed it okay all right regular gooms regular gooms regular goons we like to we like you we like you it's just hard to play this game a bunch of times when they change all the time which one you're looking for oh come on you know i'm on that i mean are do they even exist your boy in the back your boy right there come on now not good enough i'm locked i'm locked i'm locked give me that one down there yep give me that one back there for six and that is a dump ski for your boys oh what is happening right now oh look at the little womp buddies kenny you just have to stay alone you just have to stay alive here that's what it's all about it's the name of the game no other moves other than moving into all bye toadette see you later i will avenge you all i mean surely it's gonna get harder right i mean surely it's gonna get hard oh geez oh no oh no me and mario can i shove them off ah well we both win all right so we need a mushroom here right is it the top one first okay now we need that is your boy kind of always not sick okay okay okay this time for sure this time for sure i'm locked nope that no no no i think i have to wait a rotation here oh does it not matter what order you get it in what oh mario how did you beat me okay this changes things so i just mash on the first one then i mash on that one and then i do oh almost and then i do there it goes wow okay this one's called fruit of the doom for sure i have a pair of underpaints that are called that so you gotta watch out for the urchins but also get fruit it's kind of like real life ow jump around get fruit i'm getting destroyed wow tell me your secrets rosalina what is happening right now are you oh my don't end up 36. you gotta just stay in front but also know when there's a purple spiky urchin in your face you know oh like that one right there like that like that one right there okay is this where we go nuts this is where we go nuts oh i don't know what to do here jump around jump around oh no oh your boy is getting that fruit though we're getting that fruit though for the urge all right lightning round lightning round come on come on please yes 31. okay so it's called fumi once remember seven platforms one one two a was a a one a one one one two a one a one one wait what was this one again one one dude i already forgot okay i'm not talking anything else i'm not talking okay one a one one two one a one one two one a one a one one two one one a one one two a one a wait what did i just say one one one one a one two one a one one eight what all right i'm not saying anything else there are no words that are uttering that aren't the inputs two one two two two one two two eight two one two one two two a two one two one two two a two one two two two one two two a two one a two and then there's one left and it's one how hard was that falcon come on now wow all firsts that's a pretty sight right there hey this minigame's in the mario party superstars okay so you pretty much just mash i'm pretty sure as fast as you can and then you like switch oh well ideally you don't hit one of the urchins ideally i ideally don't yeah so you don't really want to hit one of those if you can avoid it ow can you recover i feel you can make one mistake maybe in this one and be okay but maybe not ow no i had it i was off i feel like so many these mini games just require me to close my lips so that's what i'm gonna do right now your boy come on now that's what we're talking about that's when you close your lips lips closed win right there oh no not the bees not the bees i love the graphics in this minigame they look great okay so i don't know what's about to happen but the bees are gonna attack i think oh my okay stay alive it's all about just staying alive here are they gonna come in now all right ready and we're out peace what are you guys doing in there what oh okay i guess you can kind of just oh geez all right yeah you're not that scary bees that wasn't bad at all i can't wait to bloop how do i bloop like do i mash to bloop do i just bloop a lot or do i just how do i bloop am i blooping i'm mashing to bloop bloop come on the the instructions are so vague in this game it is wild how big they are it's gonna match i mean that's not doing anything how come they're getting big oh oh i think i figured it out i believe it's more of a rhythmic pattern come on bloop oh i got blocked oops rosalina oops is right oh no oh no oh i got boosted up yeah i blooped all over them look at that paintball battle we all have three hearts i'm going right for mario from behind oh we're hitting each other oh moo moo moo don't don't don't save yourself oh this is crazy oh this this mini oh donut we're mashing i'm in a fight with tonight right now oh no we all hit each other mario you're going down are you out toadette i got her oh my god your boy's cheeky and sneaky don't pick mario don't pee pee this could just be the best mini game we've played so far this could just be the best oh i play a little defense i gotta play smart here oh oh oh oh oh watch your boy watch your boy though i don't know dude i i i don't know what what what are the call outs who's who's in heaven uh rosalina i'm just mashing on this side over here to the left i don't don't think i've gotten hit yet could your boy just get the dubski by not getting hit is that true is that true the time is up we won that's the best one i think that's just the best mini game in the whole game first try falcon that's what they call me it's time to just rotate the heck out of this we remember oh i'm jumping what am i why am i jumping i'm supposed to be running i don't understand i'm going back and forth and i'm jumping how do you run without jumping my toe just keeps jumping pour it on oh i'm pouring it on is that the only time you need to is that the only time you need to run oh guys i think i figured it out i think i figured it out it only matters at the end oh this is fun now this is really fun now i love these little pink walrus characters they're my favorite okay now is when we put on the jets just wait oh i got hit really don't worry i'm gonna make up for it oh double slide pouring it on ah that's not enough i didn't pour enough it's a nice casual scroll having a good time here in the background it's great dynamic camera angle they're using a drone on this one they're going behind us slowly rotating high production value okay i can get hit once and be fine just don't get hit again oh the triple jump wait till i pour it on wait till i pour it on they're not ready for it [Music] looks like we are back with more goombas galoombas and goombratz who is the biggest group find out right now you guys watching i'm watching who is the oh oh he fell yo goombas right now gotta be goomba's right oh goombratz though oh i'm going with goombas gotta go goomba's final answer where the goombas was the banger i love this song goombas come on you guys know you wanna pick goombas cause your master and that means it's probably the right answer which means i go i got there first and i win i think is that how it works do i win ah there's another round okay oh is this the this camera angle's not as good dude what are you talking about oh a lot of brats there but galoombas oh what do you what i like the loombas the round boys in case you don't know what a gloom is it's a round ball right there i like them i like them on that one come on give it to your boy first try gulumbas take me home yes that was a great minigame that was one of the one of the best mini games one of the best minigames i never played this game well it was on the wii u so yeah that probably that probably uh that's probably why i didn't play it all right we need to be getting some apples this one sort of reminds me of the mario party 9 uh boss rush game where you okay all right um uh send it send it i want those three apples yep yup yup give them to me baby love that huge move there all right i'm gonna say no oh rosa linda hit one okay linda oh i don't even know i'm to say no because tony's going to want to move that okay all right all right oh this is big this round's huge right here i'm going to say yes give them to me give them to me yes linda i love you linda she always is moving it a lot of mind games a lot of mind games on this one i'm gonna say move it i mean worst case i get an apple i mean maybe not worst case but still we get three baby all right we're up by two on linda mario has literally no apples i'm gonna go say yes again give it to me oh my goodness we are eating today gonna be keeping the doctor away with these apples i don't know dude i'm gonna say sure what was that team you abandoned me oh what no wait no it's still it's still first still first still first you move on back you move on depressed depressed we're good me and linda you know we deserve to win that one together okay can i jump can i punch what's what what's the moves here you can't jump you have to just okay all right and now i am isolated in the back there better be an option here okay i have feelings like musical chairs like pretty soon they're gonna start oh they're gonna lower the amount of platforms ah rosalinda what's happening oh can i push what's happening oh there's one over there oh i got pushed into it but it's fine i almost oh oh wow that's cute look at this look at this look at this we're hanging out we're just friends [Music] okay meanie match remember as many as you can they're in the rainbow oh jeez k g b s g kg wait i already forgot the order kg something sb urchin k okay don't nobody talk to me in this one i i i just i can't i can't man kg b b s b s is boo that's boo oh bullet bullet smart smart up there linda i don't know what's going on on this side of the hopefully we don't get there we're probably gonna get there yeah do that yep nice yeah guys go on that side i don't know that side kgb boo boo baby boo baby all you all you okay we should only have to do one more i think oh urchin no that's not where urchin was what are you doing linda linda's out urchin is still in the game okay i know urchin it's up there you know why because it's light blue and water's light blue and the urgent's in the water and you see sea creature you know what i'm saying okay shy guy matches the red we like that we'll take it i'm taking it to him with urchin here poor urchin buddy didn't didn't get in his right spot now he's gonna be in his right spot there it is this is getting intense good good i don't know where the heck that one was oh my god they have extra enemies they have more enemies than there are spaces kgb sg or what was it squirrel the squirrel goes here it's the freaking squirrel can i win it can i go on a walk-off squirrel come on yes yes great game great meeting one of the best one of the best mini games in the game great game pound town baby let's go oh it's up here mario what are you doing oh my god people are going under me you can't do that that's cheating what i don't like this game not one of the best games in the game not one of the best ones coin flower i'm over here what is this oh my god my brain cell my brain cell is just what that wasn't it what is happening dude what is happening all right it's your boy we got this is a this is a great mini game here we go my boy come on i don't like the bouncing on people mechanic i don't like it what's over here oh your boy all right we're in the game we are in the game can you get multiple i didn't even think about that this is it we could win it right here you're waiting right here what i was okay all right all right all right okay all right all right here we go nice and easy here oh i just did a little short hop ground pound i keep forgetting that you can go for more than one i keep forgetting that okay all right we're in a good position right now let me tell you let me tell you your boy we locked it in right did we lock it in locked it in all right and we all just relax oh my god what happened tonight went in toadette woke up this morning and chose violence no but at trying to seem all innocent here he goes for the jump kicks oh your boy get edge guarded dude look at these aerials look at these aerials i'm wave dashing on them oh no oh no oh oh come on that was great one of the best mini games one of the best city games in the game right there why do i feel like this is like uh falk's redemption arc it really is it's like when the plants get planted themselves this is amazing i'm getting revenge big big mash on a here oh goldie goldie goldie goldie i'm having fun with this this is great oh get this guy's getting beaten oh goldie goldie my freaking thing disappeared goldie goldie goldie goldie i missed him i missed him because he went back in that's okay your boy planted the plants whoa one of the best mini games okay this mini game looks absolutely wild i'm supposed to be tossing explosives and start a chain reaction so i just throw i'm throwing this one in the middle we're just gonna see what happens first time playing the game oh okay wow i feel like going first is a massive advantage here what the heck what is happening am i am i winning son all right i got 25. oh okay they get to okay they can replace the pops oh this is interesting okay how many times is it is there one round oh she's gonna die out soon come on die out over there that ain't doing much right what are we doing stop that all right that'll do it mess up mario mess up mess up oh that looks pretty crowded oh no no he went too high i think it's going really high oh just a seven for mario oh toe that though i feel like she's scheming oh my god okay not much so far but you never know oh no oh oh oh oh oh there's so many wait die out over there yes dubski is there one round dubski solidubski just one of the most explosive mini games in mario party 10. put up baby pump it up you've got to pump it up pump it tone puppet toad puppet i mean i feel like i'm pumping too hard how how hard is too hard pumping it pumping it oh this time it's a freaking watermelon how how much nobody else is bigger than mine just had to go for one more pump all right this is the one right here this is the one this is the one giant melon okay oh rosalina's going huge oh you just gotta watch she's gotta be careful oh i'm gonna lose one more oh everybody put them all on at the end i got blasted in balloon blast the end of this mini game is just absolute chaos oh freaking freaking oh it's boo it's a boo balloon [Music] dude what are you talking about come on now everybody's going little i gotta go like two more three more one more oh my i'm getting worked at the end by rosa linda oh come on they're just gonna pour it on now one more your boy tell me it's your boy on that one i got a huge apple come on now oh my god we tied me and linda that's fine that's fine that's okay i'm in a cloud i'm lacking too falc and we're trying to get clouds we're trying to accumulate more clouds we're just ramming into each other ow ow dude i'm running out of oxygen or whatever the heck is in a cloud probably not that i need more i need to stay alive i'm just hugging the top of the screen oh i got a huge cloud over there stage control stage control mario just got oh oh oh what happened there she's getting targeted okay it's me and linda it's always me and linda this is bad this is bad what do you mean i what are you kidding me okay i'll take that wow i didn't even know there's a finish line i thought you just had to last long in the cloud okay all right okay we've played this one in mario party superstars i've never played in this game obviously or have i i don't know maybe i have for that one it doesn't matter it doesn't matter you basically gotta get on the podium and then pose and then not get smushed but then you get a lot of times you get smooshed and you just lose stop it just just just stop it i'm telling you right now this is not one of the best mini games in mario party 10. that's right i said it and i'm actually surprised this is like the only one of the only ones that they added to the new one but you know whatever uh get in oh you're boy come on the scoring makes no sense in this mini game by the way look at that man i'm posing [Music] oh it made sense we won yeah that means when it when i win it makes sense this mini game when i don't it doesn't make sense that's how it works flash forward everybody just getting whipped around okay all right it's called sword to score the final four player free-for-all experience and we're just gonna try to whip whoa okay i was too early let's see linda [Music] let's see let's see linda linda what are you gonna okay oh mario oh two let's see what you got today i'm feeling a hundred out of toed oh well your boy not exactly let's see what is with my get that out of here i always gotta go first [Music] legend legendary we just gotta hold dude we have to hold whatever dude not a hundred oh mario's sneaky cheeky on that 80. for that oh i'm nervous i'm nervous i'm nervous i need at least 80 here i don't even remember when i hit a okay you know what that's actually really kind of difficult to get 100 i'll take i'll take 180 here linda with an 80. we have the lead here comes mario oh oh my god you might just realize we're going to win either way even if today i dare you oh she didn't nobody nobody joined me with the 180 and there it goes mario party 10. four player free-for-all experience thanks for watching if you want to see more money already 10 or other mario party games let me know in the comments below bye
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 331,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party 10, all mini games, all minigames, all bosses, boss rush, mp10, mario party, superstars, super mario party, wii, nintendo, switch, every minigame, winning, master, cpus, master cpu, mario vs luigi vs peach vs daisy, mario, luigi, peach, daisy, toad, toadette, rosalina, redfalcon, red falcon, mario vs luigi
Id: qzPsuF6b0Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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