You SHOULDN’T hate the Blue Shell

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The Blue Shell is the most hated item from all  of Mario Kart. Players from around the world   have asked Nintendo to REMOVE  the Blue Shell from the game.   And yet, Nintendo haven’t. And that is because  in 1996, the Blue Shell actually solved one   of Mario Kart’s biggest problems. Here’s why  Nintendo will never get rid of the Blue Shell. The original Super Mario Kart has some  problems. Namely, that it doesn’t feel   very fair. If you fall behind in a race,  it can be really difficult to catch up,   and it doesn’t help that the CPU characters  have a huge advantage over you, the player. Let me explain how Super Mario Kart’s  AI works. At the start of a grand prix,   the computer players are all given distinct  roles to play. Behaviours that they must follow,   whatever happens. There’s one very fast character,  one fast, one medium, one slow, and 3 very slow.   And the computer players will do everything  in their power to stay exactly where they are   in that list. In other words, the outcome  of each race is entirely predetermined. But what about you, the player?  Well, you start right at the back,   and you have to force your way through  that predetermined list, desperately   trying to knock the characters off their set  course. It’s not about how well you drive.   It’s about how well you disrupt the  computer players from their set order. But, the computer characters don’t just sit  there waiting to be overtaken. They use items   to try and stop you. And, this is where the game  goes from unfair to downright cheating. You see,   the computer players have access to items that  you don’t. Like, Princess Peach will throw these   poison mushrooms onto the track. But there are  no poison mushrooms available in the item panels.   Even if you pick Peach as your character,  you can't use the poison mushrooms. But it gets worse. Not only do the computer  players have access to items you can’t use,   they can use as many of those items as they want,  whenever they want! That’s right, computer players   can spawn infinite items, even if they’ve never  driven over an item panel. So, it’s no surprise   that Super Mario Kart’s computer players feel  totally unfair. It’s because they really do cheat. Now, in spite of the game’s unfair AI, Super  Mario Kart went on to become a huge success for   Nintendo. And so, a few years later, developers  at the company began working on a sequel,   called Mario Kart 64. Now, the developers’ focus  this time round was to fix the big problem with   the original game: that if you fell behind,  it was really, really hard to catch up again.   Now, there were lots of ways the developers  tried to make sure that ANYBODY could win a   race up until the last minute. The CPU  characters, for instance - according to   the game’s director Hideki Konno, “The enemy  AI [...] is so much better than before”. Now,   better doesn’t necessarily mean fairer - the CPU  in Mario Kart 64 will absolutely still cheat! In fact, a YouTube channel called “superluigikart”  ran an experiment to prove that the computers do   cheat. Normally in Mario Kart, the camera  follows you, the player. But in this video,   the camera is instead following one of the CPUs,  Luigi. When Luigi gets far enough away from the   human player that he can’t be seen anymore, he’ll  disappear. And look at what happens to his speed   when that happens! Suddenly, he starts going much  faster, and navigating corners more tightly too.   So in Mario Kart 64, computer players only follow  the same rules as the player when the player can   see them. As soon as the player can't see them,  they can go faster and they can drive better! But this “cheating” as you might put  it, is all in service of the developers’   goal - to make sure anyone could win  the race up until the final seconds.   Unfortunately, there was one big obstacle in the  developers’ way. The Nintendo 64 console itself. You see, Mario Kart 64 was a processor hog. Sure,  Super Mario Kart might have pushed the SNES to its   limits, but Mario Kart 64 went well beyond them.  Huge, 3D courses, complicated physics and lots and   lots of character sprites really took their toll  on the N64. So, some sacrifices were made to get   the game running. Like, the framerate - Super  Mario Kart runs at a smooth 60 frames a second,   while Mario Kart 64 only runs at 30. But add in  a second player, and the cracks begin to show.   Certain graphical effects like snow  had to be toned down a little to keep   the game’s performance consistent. And complex  geometry, like the train from Kalimari Desert,   was simplified a little. In this case,  the 5 carriages were chopped down to just   one. On the whole though, the game kept  itself running steadily and consistently. But Shigeru Miyamoto had a request  for the programmers. He wanted them   to add races with 4 different players. At  first, he was told “that’s impossible”,   but eventually, the programmers did manage to pull  it off. Their solution was to slash everything!   The frame rate was now down to 20 frames a second.  The clouds in the background layers, these were   all removed. Frappe Snowland had its titular snow  taken out. The trees were gone from Moo Moo Farm,   and the train from Kalimari Desert  now had no carriages at all.   Oh, and on top of that, the  game’s music stopped playing! But, even with all of these changes, the Nintendo  64 console couldn’t pull off something really   important. According to the game’s director,  “having eight racers on the screen all the time,   didn’t work all that well. So, because the  processing power didn’t exist, we weren’t able to   create the racing environment we wanted.” In other  words, the game’s developers wanted to create   races that were so close, that anybody could win  them… BUT the Nintendo 64 console had trouble   displaying 8 racers on screen at once, which meant  that close races were impossible. Or were they..? You see, the solution to this problem was a little  thing called the Blue Shell. So if you don’t know,   the Blue Shell is an item that seeks out the  player in first place and attacks them with   a huge explosion. And, this Blue Shell solved  pretty much every problem the developers faced.   If one player was lagging behind, they could use  the Blue Shell to attack the first place player,   helping themselves to catch up. And if a player  was way out in front of all the other racers,   well… the Blue Shell could drag them  back into the battle. This item turned   the races from the original Mario Kart, where  if you fell behind, you could never catch up,   into races where ANYBODY could  win, and no-one was safe! In the words of the game's director Hideki Konno,   “it would enable even whoever was in the back  of the pack to still want to continue the race,   to still want to keep going. Something that  would allow them to still have that feeling.” Now, ever since Mario Kart 64, the Blue Shell has  been included in every single Mario Kart game that   Nintendo has created. And it’s become hated by  a lot of players. You’re about to win the race,   the finish line is in sight, and suddenly a  Blue Shell comes along to crush your dreams.   It’s no surprise that some people  find the Blue Shell frustrating.   So why won’t Nintendo get rid of it? Well, in an  interview, Hideki Konno explained that every time   Nintendo makes a Mario Kart game, the developers  step back, take a look at the game’s balance,   and decide which items they include. Which means  that so far, the Blue Shell has continued being   useful for balancing out the game, to achieve the  goal of “races where anybody can win”. But don’t   take it from me. Let me read out a quote from  Kosuke Yabuki, the man who directed Mario Kart 8. Something I personally really consider is the  human emotion element of the play experience.   So for example playing Mario Kart - if  you have something that feels unfair or   makes you feel frustrated or makes you angry...  Everyone is different in that respect. What you   will feel is unfair might be different to someone  else. As far as possible we want to avoid those   feelings of frustration. But because everyone is  different, and it's an emotive thing, you can't   pin it down with a set formula. Ultimately, in  the longer term, although everyone might feel on   one particular day that they're so frustrated  that they're not going to play any more Mario   Kart today - keeping the experience enjoyable  enough so that you might feel like that today,   but the next day, the next week, you'll still  go back to Mario Kart and still enjoy it.   We're always experimenting with what new elements  to [include] or what elements can be removed. We   have tried - or we are trying - to see what the  game's like without the blue shell. When we've   experimented without the blue shell, actually  it feels like something's missing. Like there's   something not quite enough in the game. So for now  we've kept it in. You know, sometimes life isn't   fair. Sometimes in life you have something where  you feel that's not right, and that's frustrating.   [But] I think things are more interesting  like that, with the blue shells of life. Hey, this is Thomas, thanks for watching my  video! As always, if you want to see more   videos like this then subscribe to my channel,  and a huge thanks to my Patreon supporters for   helping make videos like this possible.  Alright, I'll see you next week, bye!
Channel: Thomas Game Docs
Views: 1,442,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thomas Game Docs, gaming, Mario Kart, Mario, Nintendo, Blue Shell, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario Kart, Mario Kart 8
Id: fPVH_aGvfzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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