My Friends Hate Me Now... (Mario Party)

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so dudes today we're playing mario party and of course we explain all the rules as we play so make sure to stick around till the end and also if you've ever heard of mario party hit the like button down below the video show me some love and also hit the subscribe button let's do this all right boys you ready this is called mario party i have never uploaded this to my channel but let's do this here we go right you guys here all right so i'm mario biffle's yoshi sigils is loogie and nico is donk my kong let's do it what's my name donkey kong that's what i said i don't understand all right so for your new guys how this game works we'll explain it as we play so uh stick around till the end you know i'm saying this is a sick game second thing did i say first thing i don't know hit the like button down below if biffle has a big forehead yeah i got the biggest forehead in the business wow this is a very liked video third thing hit the subscribe button and again if you've ever played mario party hit the like button but we're gonna explain this this is a board game mini game style thing i'm going last because i'm free you know what i'm saying turn it on how did you do that i want to emote i got stickers with congrats we have a star like this oh it's a seven all right so biffle is is he doing it one two three four five three two oh oh yeah they're going right there so all right real quick before we are you keep playing right uh look in the in the corners right that's how much money we have are you gonna play you're just gonna sit there and see real quick before i keep playing no i said you play while i explain it what's wrong with you so you can see in the corners we each have 10 coins biffle has 13. oh you got a lucky space no don't get that money oh oh oh oh oh oh oh give me the word block give me the word give me the word trust me you don't want it you have to press a button i did trust me you don't want what does the wart block do swap space with a random opponent okay so there is a a star on this map somewhere and it's randomly placed so if like i get close to it and sizzle swaps plays to me then he buys a star right that's exactly what's gonna happen another one no don't get the word blocked don't get the word blocked don't get the war block or block oh ten coins dude so you can see now nico is in first because he's got 20 coins but the first person to get a star it doesn't matter how many coins you got the star is the lit you know what i'm saying the star is the lit bull oh all right he's gonna roll the one oh because you're a five out of ten welcome oh hi guys please okay okay okay i want an item bag or 12 coins or 15 coins give me 15. how many 15. oh what's in the bag fill up on items what wait you have multiples of the same items oh that's broken i got a triple dice i hope you know you're getting swapped a mushroom it's already toxic that's enough for like half the turns that is what i'm talking about boys turns nico oh we got a committee game now yay oh roll call what is that so count how many characters are uh milling about whoever is right when roll call comes wins what do you mean the ghost go whatever is on the screen one i'm counting right now oh oh hold on boys i think i'm right i think i'm right no i think i'm right how do you go backwards how do you go back down right you go it's b to go backwards oh my god you guys are awesome didn't even count he just copied us i said 23. 24. how weird yeah oh okay oh literally you guys found no no i get all the coins no i get all of your coins no no i counted correctly come on you guys are the worst type of people like you wouldn't do the same i wouldn't because i am a foot all right so biffle you can see underneath your feet you have 11 blocks to the star and i think the star costs like 20 coins check this out 11. that's not 11. that's a seven you're literally free which way should i get 711. which way should i go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where's this to the one coin okay and then the next person has to pay at least two coins to pass and check and put the price and someone sets a higher price but i'm not doing that you should have made it 20. wait did you get have it oh no but i have enough coins to get it next turn oh my turn no it's sizzle's turn crap what are you gonna do what are you doing well you know it wouldn't it just be fun if we just real quick random oh so is there anything else that i need to explain so they get the game oh yeah uh every four turns is a mini game oh also at the end of the game they give out three random stars to like different thingies it's true actually when there's five turns less also usually there's weird rules that start item oh what are you gonna use triple double plus five to dice roll or triple dice but i don't have enough money to get the star because i only have 20. so i'm only going to add five to my overall because i don't want to get it this time to start 20 the star is 20. right but i have to pay to get across it oh right you guys got a small brain okay so i'm 13 to the star you can see underneath all right here we go oh get out my way idiot which way you're going huh where you going oh that's going to land me on a wait that's landing me on a lucky space what does the lucky space do that's what he got last time you gotta get lucky pay okay two coins yeah oh look at that double lucky three questions two coins wow we gotta make sure he loses next turn no dude i'm about to get that i might have to get the start right here dude are you though i don't feel like you are you know i'm ahead of you yeah by one yeah but i'm prettier no i'm pretty dumber give me what are you looking for 10 coins 10 coins 10 coins nope you got a warp block all right mini game boys four player mini game there's also like 2v2 and 1v3 and 9v9 minigames too over here dancing that's the only way i know how to dance don't think i've seen you dance before it wasn't fun yeah it definitely wasn't fight through the dizziness to grab the clefs hovering above the record collect the most clefs to win what's a clef oh your controls are backwards all right well there's gonna be a w invite i'm about to dump it up you know what i'm saying you ain't gonna dump nothing okay i'm i'm back where am i oh i got one where am i i got another one wait oh my god why is he so good at being dizzy how do you get this oh give me that dude it's so backwards wait i got i got how i don't know i can't tell where it is i got it no no oh i got this on it stop it i'm a ground pound you boy guys i don't know where i'm at i hate that dude the backwards controls dude i gotta fight dude those backwards controls i thought i was luigi for a second i got colorblind that's not no it works wait hold on since i won that minigame i get to go first right no i don't think that's how that works i'm pretty sure it is i don't think it is i think your boy's about to roll the tent here we go i have to rule something low you're gonna get a one you're gonna get a one you're gonna get a one oh my god no he took the star who's gonna get all right so biffle is currently in third right now but as soon as he gets this no he's in fourth as soon as he gets the star he's going to put him to first dang it hey biffle let's make a let's make a back room deal let's make it back room all right let's talk about it in front of them though okay uh what is this steal coins for free but if i had 50 coins you could stand uh how you guys doing huh who's who wants the piece of that it's not the most oh wait how many do you steal let's find out smash ten of their coins give me what i need give me the warp give me the warp seven quarters that was probably that was the best turn in the history of mario kart that was not fair i agree with the agreement i don't agree with that i'm not even agreeing that much i agree at all nine yeah oh you want to go that way oh yeah where is it where is the star wait what is that item shop no it transfers no wait curse plot you can buy it you can buy a double dice thing let's see how much money do i have how much money do i have oh i built it dude you got no money at all you bought another one that's random yeah yeah well you're random got him that's toxic i'm literally a toxic person okay here we go here we go here we go boys boys don't wow the rich get richer huh hey yuki i'm in third huh what does that mean oh well first mean guys what does that one start mean what does that mean guys [Music] why would you go that way because the star is that way no it's not how does someone exist like him do you know yeah i don't understand how his brain operates at a performance level okay i have where else would the star be i'm confused oh it hit a block again how yeah and yeah that's what i thought all right you know you know you know you know let me look at the board let me look at the board see there the blast doesn't move okay so i'm that wait the star didn't move that's what i've been saying no he's still stupid though i'm my best there's only two spots [Applause] [Applause] third place over there has a lot of coins let's just steal it from sigils though because he's a dum-dum and he won't even be able to spend it on [Applause] uh nico your controller unplugged yeah your controller are unplugged your controller just unplugged nico your controller nico your controller unplugged why oh no i had it better give me that i'm getting slightly better guys i got nothing not enough to get another star though idiot well i gotta go all the way around i'm gonna win like four more versus 17. what are you versing so i could defer somebody battle is battle it out in a mini game where everyone's coins are on the line everyone's gonna get coins depending on your ranking to start three coins will be given to mario for landing on this space it's only because his name's in the title yeah and i'm pretty yeah true what all right what do i do now if that is how much we're gonna that's lame i thought i could put in an amount no that's a different thing you dummy you're dead 20 coins going the wrong way give me one coney island courtney island storm rapid if you've ever dunked on a dunk girl hit the like button what move okay accelerate oh you have to go like super fast oh you got to avoid the the mines got it got it got it got it oh this is gonna be not fun for me because my i'm not good yeah right now okay so you press a and it boosts you up you can see behind your little raft the the speed that you're going the lights but you also have to wait what it's also on the top left is it oh no that's how far you've gone no that's the speed you dingle i don't believe in dingles i'm going max speed the whole way through boys me too oh i didn't make it inside something no go faster go faster i'm second how dude i'm only pressing it once but it's pressing it twice oh my god i'm literally hitting everything known to man no no i am two go go go i'm on the right boys i got this right i got no i wasn't looking yes i got a second guys i finished right guys i finished because i finished yeah no one even cares about luigi no one even cares about him well how many coins i get for easy thanks to you you she yeah thanks yushi thank you great thanks sushi thanks yushii shout out there's still a moment one more space can you go one more space no what does that do oh wait that that explanation that makes this star go on the other side right yeah don't do it i don't know what that means another race what is this wait l and r oh my god it's like it's a walking horse race boys you're going i gotta spam it race to a wooden horse if you speed up too much you will get it'll get tired so watch out watch out oh it's hungry you see the hunger going oh look at the hunger in the bottom right oh i'm ready boys i don't really get it i grew up on a farm dude dude all right i gotta get it so you gotta click the button you can play i'll bring your time it shows and then the hunger goes down the faster you why am i in the lab why am i laughing i shouldn't be playing a pro controller i'm last why am i all the way back there that's cheating yeah because yeah let's see a boy cause you're on an inside track no no that's not how that works that's not how it works inside inside okay so you can see in the bottom right my hunger my horse's hunger you want to keep it low but not too low because then you'll you know you go too slow and i'm saying i don't care guys why are you guys so far back why did i get a head start he's cheating why did i get a head start oh that filled me up that filled me up no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh infinite how did i i am full forward how are you so fast i don't get oh i got infinite speed time can i turn on my auto clicker no is that okay come back how am i so bad at this i don't understand whatever whenever you get that little thingy it gives you that's cheating by the rules get out biffle no no track is always faster let's be real no that's not how math works i was in the olympics dude that is stressful i need a better controller i thought i almost broke this thing yeah this thing was holes hey look at this thing dude give me that oh i got three coins let's go wait question what's the first mean does anybody know like the one what is the what is the one well i hope we don't become friends after this i hope we weren't friends in the beginning oh yeah we'll guess who's gonna get another star uh your mom got him excuse me what watch this ten that's a seven how many sevens am i getting not on seven this is another seven don't push me oh you can get a lucky i guess go across with angels oh dude you got that bowser spawning yeah yeah yeah yeah i believe what's happening this 15 to the star yeah that's crazy how that works dude almost dumped in my sunday andy's i mean doesn't do that often oh that's embarrassing oh whatever it's fine no oh did you tell him about what happens when you land on the red space no i didn't oh hey he's not gonna get an eight he's gonna get a four he's getting a four hundred percent four i told you wait a two that's good for me oh no one way okay i'd have been so mad okay how many how many how many how many spots are the start 19 landed one lander one lane on one lane one orlando one line the one okay no triple dice please triple dice no please go here we go here we go if i get a if i get a 999 that's 18 28. how many is that uh 27. are you good sorry that was close oh okay go go go get seven okay seven eight nine i need a ten here pucker pucker your foot pucker your foot ah you've gotta be kidding honestly no that's going to make me land on a red space oh my my crunch came out don't you shove me dude i'm right there i can literally smell it don't smell you are 2v2 2v2 since two of us landed on the red space ooh puddle paddles let's do puddle battle all right i'm down no wait who's on my team who was it sigils i don't get it no we both have to do whatever like pops up same time at the same time sigils okay nico go go go go go go go go go go go go go you have to say anything you just gotta feel the ball he's gotta feel he's gotta feel it just gotta feel it yeah look at this dude in the same team you know we're on the left there on the right ready and go go go let's go go go go you're president too fast so are you biffle that was you that wasn't down come on you're obviously i'm getting all the go christmas and oh no boys we were right there what do you miss oh okay hey how is it in there how's that how's it nice in there what does win mean how do you say win backwards i'm confused wait what's first mean does any biffle do you know what that means i'm confused does anybody know what that means so like a one st does that mean something special and listen oh you're once oh one right here right here in this moment yeah i'm going to ruin it for everyone don't you do it before don't you four oh you guys guys i thought it looked like that if you didn't everybody lucky give me my one mushroom give me oh no oh that's golden that is golden he's gonna land on the next place oh no that's all worked now boys he's not going to get though he's going to get a 3. he's getting a 3. a 4 loot all i do is get scores it's so embarrassing i don't think i've had anything higher than like a five today go mario go oh he's gonna get a star again should i use the wart block yeah yeah go ahead two real quick am i not gonna i can't i may get a zero here yeah if you do i'm gonna laugh at you and it's switching sides perfect that's perfect that's perfect for me no no that counts as one no on the blue yes what does two stars mean it's going to be on the side after i can i'm going to scream i'm going to scream what is mario oh you're landing on blue you're landing on blue because the star should be one it's not though it doesn't count as a space it doesn't count oh my god wait i think bowser yep oh no nico's right there by the way so is scheduled yeah hey boys having a good time playing mario party with the boys or what angels you should use your warp block again okay so coins are worth two times now oh and it's oh you're all that time of the day already give me the monkey belts money belts [Music] oh dude that was too good i'm sorry boys yeah that feels bad i did it on purpose i did it on dolph what does this one do move grab as many coins as possible don't fall off of your loose can you jump yep yeah yeah oh and the coins you get okay so i'm mario i'm the i'm the redstone it's hard i need to get more money than him that's all that matters no i think this is like a money grab game so like no no no oh yeah let's just get more than him i'm with you always get more than him so he's up there he gets first dibs we can't jump why would you steal from me what dude give me that money coin bag that's what i'm talking about that was five wait why am i grabbing that i'm literally walking over it oh we got more money than a voice oh i can't get it we get this last one i'm getting the left all right you get the left one i'll get the right one dude i got a money bag so like it's so hard to stay up on that out there get him let's get him get him get him so much money right now we have 26 money back get that money back donkey kong no 33 it's three to six that is his damage no no no no no no no he's sick why did we get 16 dude we have so many coins because it was times two oh yeah one day i just need a discord uh i'm gonna steal a star from biffle what what happened oh halftime what does that mean in first place sorry can somebody tell me what shut up what does that mean what is the second place dude we have so many coins oh no sizzles where are your coins you have to hit stay before let's hear a competition what is this this time let's hear from this spiky character okay circumstances being what they are victory for luigi is a shirt how he's literally dead you heard it right come on out luigi what does this mean doesn't he get like a buff golden pie what that item takes him straight to the star that's the dumbest thing i've ever seen hey toad how about you stop being a mushroom foot wait oh okay yeah mushroom float okay wait oh everything's been doubled everything's been doubled the red spaces are worth negative wow also if two or more players land on the same space a duel begins oh okay all right boys we're about to hit an uppercut all right before go ahead fourth i don't use my block of many purposes so i can go forward immediately or i can go past that so see one two three four five six seven ew i'm gonna go seven exactly actually under seven exactly don't do it you don't want to go seven what happens if you're seven exactly oh you'll see oh you think congrats oh thank you because i'm about to get a star is that why don't get the star what's this what's this about to be a superstar hey hey what's it what's it mean being in first though i'm confused i don't know what that means let's let's find out if you stay that way well i don't know dude quick match you know yeah we're gonna stay that way i know okay cause i'm about to go on a lucky space idiot you got a lucky space yeah no he's gonna take it oh give me not barefoot give me that give me the swamp troll wait no no i don't want that give me no it's half just half warp [Music] we're about to get toxic in the last five rounds business go luigi he's gonna get oh you don't have a wart block do you oh we'll just get this out of the way real quick no he's gonna get a zero right here [Applause] you don't want it you know listen you're a pity star so how this game works whoever has the most money at the end wins not stars stars don't matter i'm winning anybody know what third place means does anybody know what third place means no i wouldn't know what that feels like actually i've never been there never been in third place i've never you know i've never been in third place man i don't know what does two stars mean does anybody know hey don't push me oh what is that oh you're doing great we're all very proud of you please take time why people who's proud of you nobody your mom isn't even proud of you you already landed on that one this turn that's bad luck no no i don't like do not give him an item back do not give him an item back and wait for it wait for it don't get it ten coins more coins dude you know what i need those i need those guys literally just got your money back from that star yeah yeah sure did you call the investing let's go oh no floating free in the ocean i don't want to buy her floaty i don't want to buy her floating take the bowser tube the highest quality floatation device money come by you heard me say money can buy right fork over 14 for that what does that do is that an idea ah it's not fair oh you were too chunky nico it popped already i bet you're used to that he just stole 14 coins from you no returns really your money dude that's embarrassing but you got okay i gotta check six points back i'm gonna check something i gotta check something i gotta check something i don't know i gotta check something but it's a place checking him i gotta check something he's checking the board he's talking about board i'm already bored of this two three i need at least four i need at least four here need at least four at least four you have items oh i know what he's gonna do i need at least four [Music] oh no you're about to find out bud this is a bowser space are you ready for some fun no half your money lose one star oh my god please lose one star give me mini games give me a mini game okay that's not bad okay you got so lucky i almost dumped in my what second place made does anybody know yeah what's that like man i wouldn't know [Laughter] oh one of these bring it give me the money belt oh you'll get wait this is one v three tug-of-war that's not fair wouldn't even be fair but it's 3v1 you know rotate this to oh bowser wait hold on rotate guys we're really weak against them though i'm going to be the fast rotator in the west boys i think we're done for okay here we go look at him he's got a bowser suit on wait boy are you just doing it what guys why did you guys do it i was pulling what did you guys play the game i balled literally dude in a circle i don't know what else to tell you do you know what shape a circle is i can't yeah it's the one you are does anybody know our first three shut up you shut your mouth right now yeah somebody in the comments to explain to me one first why did i ever think it was a good idea to play mario party with you anything 25 to 25 to get to you huh four block is that fun oh no please no there's a chance i light on bowser i think please no oh oh wait what is that good or bad i don't even know if this i don't even know where the star is 21 is sorry not a big deal if you hadn't used your custom dice you could have oh wait shut up no oh what is that you let it a bowser did you just bounce yourself oh and reversing and reversing oh what that means the same for a duel wait and you get the bowser shut up don't talk choose how many coins to wager biffle biffle oh we can sewer each other right here biffle now's your moment wait no i didn't mean to click that you're an idiot how many do i need to make sure i get the lead good game i'm going to say good game to him i'm dropping 30 coins on this 30 i'm doing pretty we're doing 30. no that's a good what if i don't agree too bad but you have to agree dude 30 biffle so the winner gets 30 gets uh 65. pretty much total of 60 coins who will take it all oh no bethel yours you ready to what is it what's the mini game i'm about to uppercut you into next year yeah well guess what i was in next year and it's what is this it's a it's a speed it's like mario kart oh and you have to hit the speed buffs got it you can rotate your body to go like faster ah hit the thingy with microns dude that is so cool all right let's do it let's do this i'm on the right down it's mario versus yoshi i gotta go let's go down boy go yes that's so good for me oh i'm owning you right now shut up sigils whose side are you on that neither hit that dude he's so ahead of me hit that hit that one laser ruined me well yeah he hasn't hit a laser yet hit that yeah one more laser yeah one more laser oh we hit those oh no i was right there where are you though shut up get the blue shell dude that's not fair 60 coins are you kidding me my god i bet that many coins i'm about to lay it on a bowser spot why don't i have a hundred air dude wait you're gonna lose you're gonna lose a star aren't you oh no don't you're gonna lose this oh my gosh you have to roll with the ball ricky bobby do not put that evil on me you gotta roll the bowser so you landed on my space wait that's still a thing yeah uh i'm not if i don't stop it i don't have to i don't have to right i don't have to press the button anybody know what second place means does anybody know what second what second place means he went from does anybody know what second place means i don't know if anybody knows i don't really hate martial sorry for you i know we're doing another mario party later but i can't do it does anybody does anybody know what second place means i'm still in fourth i'm not gonna lie i panic because i hit my desk and my screen went black so oh come on he's right there boys yeah let's just go up one more this is how we do it all right boys how the mighty have fallen yeah he finally could roll oh you got ten for that dude nice maybe they're more proud than they give me more than ten dude that was stressful if i almost dumped my undies shut up man where are you going oh i thought you were going to land on the exclamation point oh dude that would be great could have been cringed in my crotch okay dude i can't i need at least a 147. well yeah 10 so that's pretty good wait he has so many listen listen listen listen listen he's in second place so you want to ruin him okay your rng has been awful in this game so i'm going to leave it up to rng no please oh god i'm safe [Laughter] how i'm sorry for yelling but no hell how are you gonna leave it are you gonna leave it to argentina that's what this fourth mean i don't know i don't know what that means with four things shut up all right and then we'll go this way so i can get another star pay a coin for that okay okay we're gonna pay one coin obviously i'm playing one going dude i need my money you know what you know what we're gonna we're gonna live a little we're gonna live a little bit i don't feel like living right now oh no oh that's so we're gonna put it on dude really yeah the next person has to at least pay 11 or ability you you should have done like 60. no dude i need to buy this next star next turn people couldn't have paid it i sincerely hope that you stubbed your toe later ian [Music] 1v3 hate this game man coconut conk what was that this one's actually my best one is it what is it i've never played it i don't know wait prank oh i have to roll okay so we're up top you can see us up top so we got a jump and ground pound oh then we drop coconuts we gotta drop them on you dude this is gonna be all right boys we gotta work together me nico sigils we gotta work we need to work teamwork dreamworks we're about to get dumped on boy okay right in the middle go left go left go left goal everybody on the left side everyone on the left side i read him like a book read him like a book that's impossible man guys come on i can't be like you guys are already hitting me while i'm down does somebody know what first means does anybody know what's happening three stars people you can't even afford to get the star steal i'm just sad i'm a sad boy yeah i wonder who i'm gonna still coincidentally i did random i did rng no i did rng i did aren't no i don't even care i'm gonna spam it guys he's not quick enough he's not quick enough oh how many was that 12. i wreck you and you suck dude i used my auto clicker too yeah mine was rng don't even yeah but you knew my rng luck was bad so what does that mean item space you're going to get a golden uh thingy i'm going to be selling what is this what does vinnie spin oh it's a spinny spin oh give me the glove what is the hand oh that's a fight what's the baby bowser get the baby boxer get the baby bowser get the baby boxer guys tell me when to press it now okay double die double double down because it's a double dice i mean don't forget at the end we still get more stars so you know i'm about to get out i wonder who's gonna get more stars i'm about to dub it you know what i'm saying eight out of ten what the w i don't know what that means 14 to the star where'd you land he landed on my spot we're gonna duel bring it up to inventory please take a look no 25 i haven't landed on that one oh no no he got another golden pipe okay you didn't land on me okay this is gonna steal the lucky space is gonna steal a star okay give me give me let's see what i want oh oh oh oh oh dude up give me give me no that's so good ian no no you're not you're not you're not coming back you're not coming back you're not it's not gonna happen what is happening dude he could make the comeback that's what could happen literally wait two oh my god he's gonna lose the star he's gonna lose the star he's gonna have one stop getting rolls that are under five this isn't haha no better dude guys what's bowser's face me and i've never heard of it oh no bowser 100 receive 100 stars what there's no way it lands on that though there's no way it ever lands way all right nico it's gonna be bowser revolutionary for this time time to get all mixed up wait no things are about to get interesting just try to find you right now no what happens wait what no where are we oh we switched places you just got put on the opposite side and i'm right here okay so i'm 13 away wait do you have a i have a little block that's it but i can get an item oh but you can't use a durian hat idiot right but i can get it for next turn oh no i'm working give me that give me that golden five no wait he goes for oh give me that sigil how did my bowser help up people yeah i know right okay that's fine that's fine i don't care i don't need it i don't need that money i want to go coins man no i'm not no i'm not i don't get it i still get it right of course oh all right you guys are going down river riders raiders i didn't sneak oh hide and seek i invented this did you how do you play what is this solo side finder rivals team side hide oh easy okay boys follow me follow me follow always follow me follow me follow my hands we wouldn't know follow me follow me follow me follow okay i got my spot i got my spot i'm scared i'm scared wait oh nice work nice work wait i thought i did nice work idiot you didn't put it then he picked me then the elsa oh wait he's watching though no he doesn't actually see it oh you just pressed buttons i thought you had to run there you're sore [Music] i was trying to run there dude yeah but the tutorial said [Music] stick around to the end to watch the dabs and i'm saying if you're not still here then damn you know what i'm saying to the star yeah and i have what why don't do i have oh yeah oh yeah we getting double die we get ours we're getting our first star of the game guys we're gonna we're getting started here maybe come on oh he's not gonna get it oh i'm getting okay barely barely literally by one bears hello can i buy this star please i have what it takes to be a superstar here you go i'm poor now what's third main buffalo what's third means [Laughter] [Music] did you just golden pipe it on oh no he's gonna have two stars but i have three but then at the end he could get more oh no this is gonna be a close one oh this is gonna be real close wait you didn't get it you didn't get enough yeah you're right i didn't know dang it press b yeah yeah you'd like that wouldn't you no say no thanks don't conform i would never so he's going to start he got another stop so i know what second place means 2 and d is that me here's what i'm thinking here's what i'm thinking wait you got 10 more no [Applause] wait does that mean wait wait wait he moved it [Laughter] dude i was gonna try to go for the double uppercut a chance hold on i want to check something really quick i want to check well would you look at that you're an idiot okay will you do that sigils i can okay i want to check something it's not my turn is it ever my turn no because you're stupid because you bad at rolling seven i'm just doing my best one two three four five six seven he switched it are you kidding me yes he switched it hey i can do the double uppercut okay let's try for the double uppercut why are you kidding me i did it on purpose let me try with the double everything yes you did would you look at that bowser the star switch places okay how many spots no way just oh i know what he's doing no but i don't have enough money unless i get okay okay i need six or above right six or above or i could use an item six or above come on boys no way no way and then he golden pipes if i get enough money i go up and pipe and get another one he has to win the mini game that's what it is by the way he has to win it and i have to land on something good here and he has to land on something good but i'm pretty sure oh no come on four stars oh come on okay everybody targeting everybody what is that luck okay i still need to win again i don't even know no you get like second or third though now yes yes i just need to get second i just need to get a second or above and i get another star bouncing drowns dude this is an emotional rollercoaster motion here move big jump okay oh and they fall out it's like spliff knock your rivals into the playing field got it got it got it i got it i don't really know how to play all right i gotta get second gotta get second at least second at least oh gosh stay back stay back i'm just staying up staying up oh later no no wait no wait stop knock somebody off oh yeah you just secured him the wind nico nico well that was yeah oh dude this is an emotional roller coaster dude i'm literally he got 10 coins he's got exactly the amount there we go 27 with seven left over five stars okay it doesn't matter you guys can switch it back and forth you guys can do anything you want i can do anything if i put my mind to it that's what your mom will be the only thing i'm not gonna say it i'm not gonna say it i know what's it i know what it is i know what if i land on it no no no nobody can hello can anybody land on me niko can give me those ten coins right now no no the only way that i can be blocked is if nico lands on me and then duels me for all my coins that's it but he's not going to be able to get it he's still getting coins he's too bad congrats i'm getting money all about that money my name all right luigi where are you going where are you going lugi hold on let's just you know what let's see is there anything cool is there anything cool this was a stressful game boys yeah it was what you know what you know what you know what you know what you know what what it was free for me oh i just saw what i wanted to do okay uh i don't i don't i don't give a what does he think is going to happen i don't know i don't he's he's oh just wait just wait i got i got i got a little surprise are you good to the other side you're going to switch to that i got a little surprise i got a little surprise okay where's he going uh-huh well that doesn't matter because i have a golden pipe no remember the one that nico had a hundred stars he's trying to go for a hundred stars there's no no there's no harder star there you just got played wow okay okay okay yeah you just ruined yourself sounds revolution thousand revolutions it's been thinking everybody's so focused on coins but there's much more to life maybe you'll understand if you're all equal with the same number of coins no thanks and say josh wait look how many coins nico has wait oh he's not going to take our totals [Music] so i was at 27. how much am i at now that makes a total of 265 coins i'll split it up equally with the massive delay i was like half of the coins all the coins thank you i didn't even get this schedule you made it worse hey so i didn't need to win that last minigame just kind of throwing that out there apparently not now you just gave us so much more oh dude my face hurts from laughing dude we win boys how does that happen at least i got more coins oh nico you're gonna get a star yay [Laughter] nico i'm so proud of you for getting started just so emotionally done let's go watch you finally got a star boys let's go let's technically i could still lose this if sigils gets all three bonus stars he wins because i'll have left less coins that's true that is true but he has to get all three of them man and i don't think that's a possibility use the uh a warp block no no no no no no no no no no no no we're gonna make a random look around i'm gonna go ahead and use this dude no way does he have the golden pike face okay that was good that was good after me too oh and i'm gonna roll a 10 here and get to that other spot that gives me 10. all right that works too this is the one just the one oh you barely got it definitely it takes to be a superstar what's a what's what's five mean this is the dumbest game of mario party i've ever played in my life this is way worse than the last time we played somehow yeah that was bad i don't understand how this is okay so you if you get three stars sigils you beat me i don't think that's happening even if no wait no if we do money belts okay oh you're like doesn't matter doesn't matter i still win this i still win he is not gonna get all three stars it's not possible what do we do okay we have to shoot at him hold for power shot oh so we hold oh i have to block them oh i get it oh we gotta get ten points got it okay oh easy dude he's like dude he's not he's like he's like what he played with swimming dude he's got this i'm going to top right corner going top right corner he blocked it got one oh i hit that crossbar got one i'm just gonna hit the same spot every time dude i haven't scored one yet man blocked it he's really good at this just start shooting i'm hitting the crossbar though does that count yeah you gotta go left power oh easy easy boys i haven't scored for all of us that's not true i have two right there look at the range guys i've done all of this i'm red there's so many five six seven i scored i didn't score a single one thanks bubble for adding to my lead i scored seven of these guys you're welcome you're welcome oh why don't even help you why did i help him alternatively good job everyone all right bonus stars if sigils gets three i lose the first bonus is mini game bonus the bonus is for the top tier player who got first place in most mini games oh no don't be me it's gotta be me if it's me it's over are you kidding me no i still have a chance i think no i think niko has a chance there we go boys let's see if guys as this is playing out hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did it let's see who wins hold on let's see let's just see who wins just give me the give me that one that one's mine hey wow are you just tied it's just not you at all austin oh i got a star too wait where what's that right everyone about me wow good job i'm so sad i literally doubled my stars oh my god and now it brings to the final announcement i wonder and the winner is wait who won oh not him oh not him is it me no it's not gg it's not fun i hate you
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,917,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 20sec (3080 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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