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it's be back gaming back but another super video they were gonna playing as China and as always regular difficulty no iron man and with historical AI focus is turned on to per China he probably thinking hang on a second he but game has already done a super China and that's right I have it was a very brief video and he was like an exploit I'm using Communist China the flip most of China well unify my subpoena in a kind of cheesy way I actually don't let that still works but if you want to check out my super videos and to find out that so would give it a shot but I guess this one was that one was communist China this one is regular China the question is how you form super China as regular China nationalist China isn't called Nestor's China annoyed for it's called China okay first of all you need to expand as quickly as possible Marco Polo event will bring Japanese into the war against you and in that case you need to be prepared way ahead of time and to do that first of all we need to go for the three principles of the people and allowed you to go auntie communism and subjugate the Warlord's both of these will let you expand super fast so three principles is the way forward next thing you're gonna do is make the most of your very little research though a smart thing to do would be to go for mass assault and get the defense in depth which allows x-ray entrenchment an organization which is really good for your infantry only army and also pretty good is to get a basic machine tools and concentrate industry if you have really crummy industry but we're not gonna play this any differently today we're gonna play it very differently and we're gonna go for artillery and we are gonna go for about two core bombers what tactical bombers what are you thinking right so we're gonna do is go for the wall bombers notic obama's tend to work a lot better than close air support because they have significantly more range that's wrong way around this is your casts it has a range of 700 kilometers where the tactical woman since two thousand four hundred kilometers the the reason why tax a better idea is because you have lack of range due to the fact you've got a limited airports in the game also first of all we are good end up building our Airport in this tile here why cuz this is very close to Communist China and we're gonna be attacking them early on and having the exit air coverage is gonna go a long long way also we are going to build a lot of military factories to in areas which have five infrastructure so in this case this this tile and this tile are we thinking oh my god damn this is historically a tile that you would normally lose what are you thinking crazy we'll see in a second ok the next thing we're gonna do is select an entire army and we are gonna split them in half and you find that you've got two nice even stacks of 24 if you split them in half I think the best thing to do that I've found from experience is to kill off all the stragglers as like so get yourself a nice Field Marshal you've got two options you've got yourself who you'll me he's our favor because he's got for attacking he's also a defensive doctor which works out pretty well also gonna get two generals this one's pretty girls got five attack and this guy's also pretty good because he's got four attack which is always pretty good and these are the guys that's gonna go on this frontline for some bizarre reason it's created a really narrow frontline here but then a longer one so we're just gonna correct that now that's perfect the easiest hard to take when you're attacking call me China is the center one she can attack from two angles but the other ones you struggle think about it you can actually hit that one but that one actually turns out a little bit more difficult which will have explained in due time but overall these two the smallest division that they've got this one we are also going to exercise them all as well we are going to aim for combat width of ten we are gonna try out so the best to do as much damage with that as well into wall bombers and rifles all the way forward we've making a light cruiser which will finish and God knows how long but we're not going to finish that now we're gonna sort out all the Air Force is gonna be positioned here when we have time make sure to put them on the appropriate missions for them and here we go let's go go go go go the first tactic Obama is complete so we're gonna form an Air Wing with that 50 air wing size will be ideal and the Mon close air support it the first airport is complete so we stick all of our planes on this one tile a level one Airport will be enough you don't really have much of an air force anyway okay so one of the issues we've got with China as you start off with incompetent offices which reduces your daily command power game by 70% that sounds quite because you've got decent more support so we need to get enough command power to give this general organization first which gives an extra 2% reinforced rate you wouldn't believe how much reinforced weight helps you in the early days of the war because you've not got a lot of time to react that extra little bit of a TAC incentive and ability to arrive on the front line just a little bit earlier goes on the way okay we've got our first great organization first is a must now that our entire armory is trained and it is at level three regular we can stop exercise in them to get them into position and before I forget about this I am going to activate their plan to attack immediately I want them to do as much damage as possible and I am gonna put them on aggressive - you will see why very shortly Gate artillery is finished we are gonna work on improve into our artillery though the extra 10% soft attack definitely goes a long way because artillery is your backbone of your army anyway we're gonna make one row of that and those aren't immediately okay we're gonna prioritize the interior which gives extra stability and it gives us option to go to war with calmly China immediately but one of the things you probably thinking right now is how are you gonna break through this this is gonna be a tricky way you're gonna go over a river you are gonna be tacking hills and mountains and you are going to be tacking to an area that has bunkers as well but it is going to be a really really tricky one to break but you'll see very shortly how it is done so we need to prioritize as much attack power early on as possible and I wouldn't usually at this point got a partial mow usually as a smart choice I'm a smart man so I'm gonna go for something really weird but as an infantry expert gives an extra 10% attack Ruy very shortly alright so a tactical bomber is complete now I give this a and it awesome amount of range for our attacks though we lose all the production efficiency but it is what it is because we need those rock-hard tactical bombers to get all the maximum efficiency in the air as possible as that you that will go a long way next we are going to work on reinforce right and go for radio so electronic mechanical computing is the way forward and we actually got enough command power for more aircrew so we are gonna do that as you can see we've gotten from amber it's a green from our tacticals and red to Amber for our fighters depending on the weather it's raining only storm and it's gone back into combat Ramba okay now we go to war so this gives us a casus belli our war goal against call me China and shake yank okay so we have now into our artillery and we have radio access so now we can still work in our industry the production efficiency camp is okay but we need it to go for concentrate and that's the sweet one we want to try and produce as many guns as possible okay we can now to go to war with commie China and we are going to subjugate the warlord straight afterwards as well we are going to go to war immediately if you notice the vast majority attacking into this tile there's also a nice chunk to go there so you probably got to see now why reinforce straight it's important so if anyone doesn't understand reinforce right this is a little guide for you the reinforce rate is the speed that divisions in reserve move to the front line once certain reserve they're dealing zero damage once they're in the actual fight and they're up front they're dealing damage so in this circumstance these divisions here are basically doing nothing but the higher reinforce rate they have over 2% in this case 2% to the base means they'll get into combat quicker and there are a few factors that can play into it one in this case the trait that I've added for this general radio is another one and another biggie is the speed of the division anything more than 4 km/h will increase the room frost rate that's why going for motorized or tanks is usually a really good idea as it gets them into combat like so fast due to the fact that they move quickly Oh blow in mine right and as you can see their mass assault as well as suddenly Shen to Yong Ming is also given an extra 2% due to his right on now we are gonna plow our way into the frontline here as such a this is not very majestic it literally me just shoving bashing my head against the wall but as you see this air control is making a big difference because I managed to bomb them and the bombings are gonna be what's going to crack them you hover over it says 12 days mother likely be less than that do so that's not that that number he's not taken to account easy bombings we are getting in quite a lot of XP here which is useful cuz we are going to improve this division to make it as rock-solid as humanly possible so we are gonna do the right amount damage and you can see this guy is just about to break now we've got one guy left and he is broken and that is perfect we are gonna nishal e.push directly on top of them here and we are going to move into these gaps here because we have to do our absolute very best to encircle their capital it's probably a good thing I say properly it's like I haven't planned it this way it is a good thing that we are running as their front lines in this case because we are gaining XP in Cobb XP plays a very important factor in how China's national focus tree works which we'll talk more about a little later and the Capitals fallen more than likely that causes the death of commie China in an accident immediately we do have a cassis belly against Ching yang as Oh cuz they're communists as well but you don't have to deal with that depending on if they get subjugated using the wall odds so from my personal experience of doing this several times I have found there are certain states that are more less likely more or less likely to join you I have no it's from experienced xingyang is like a good 60 70 % chance that they are gonna join you where I found that the Gwangi click is the least likely and it's kind of down the middle for little over three warlords this one this one and this one well the Guan Z click is what we're gonna go for next we're gonna move our troops over get a nice juicy amount of planning bonus make sure they're all railroading move our air force over to help them as soon as we can and the objective for this is when we declare war on them we want to grab this Airport as soon as possible so we can position ourselves in southern China's air zone which is directly in the center to give the maximum amount of air efficiency but we're not going to worry about that cuz we don't connect borders with them but we are gonna work on that soon ok we have currently 11 XP so we're gonna use this first of all to add artillery onto our divisions we have got a little bit of excess time here we have a total and extra 40 days so we're gonna exercise our troops with the new artillery pieces and that hopefully should get them prepared for the waters you ship we're only a few artillery pieces away from completely having enough equipment to sustain our entire army which is good news so now the hardest target has been destroyed which was commie China now we can worry more about our economy say worry care about economy take care of our economy look after our economy even the economy what it needs and we're gonna have a partial mobilization at the moment we get almost 15 factories which we can use to build more military factories the more mills you got early on the better I would never recommend making civil factories in a AI game of hearts of iron for for China multiplayer maybe I don't know the metaphor that so help me the comments blood you know the meta who were China in a house of mine for let me know by the way guys have I not said this already well I'm gonna say it now if you would like help me out please like this video goes your like super videos please like this video and also comment below with any other nations you'd like me suggest to play as super videos for hearts of buying for though I'm gonna click through all these really quickly and we can see really quickly who has said yes and who has said no and it also the glance II click has said no jingyang has said no and genex sheiks I came down sit has said no that is probably the worst turnout they have ever experienced but it is what it is but there are some weak targets though I can take out my tea quickly so that's good news and we are gonna declare war you immediately and I want you guys to capture that Airport straightaway this is definitely the toughest nut to crack due to the fact it's got the most divisions and it has the most resources so it can sustain a war for a long period so we have to knock this one out as quickly as possible and then we've got full air control right now so we are going to bomb them you give them hell put it that way going to give them right now think about it we are building quite a decent Air Force now we've also max the air wing so I don't want to forget about that so I'm gonna move our troops in immediately and move you here gonna move you here gonna move here I'll move you here perfect and if I could if I want to and I am going to I am gonna go for the capital here there's a total of three cities you need that one that one and that one if you take out all three of those you have captured all of the southern warlord they've got pretty much similar infantry than we have and just just kind of annoying that infantry versus infantry doesn't go very well mmm World War one you say hmm yes that didn't go very well infantry verse infantry ok we are done here ok so now we have two warlords to go for we are gonna go for you and the next one we are going to go for you and soon as we're talking to it once you've got two largest armies so we're gonna move them all into position and hopefully we should have to take them out relatively quickly ok next one we're gonna go for is military affairs commissioned an army reformed Almere Fromme allows us to get rid of our terrible army corruption losing in the massive amount of 50% attack on defense is frickin brutal it's really bad so in the minute we get rid of that and the more that we quickly get rid of that the better but now we can't get it but we'll go to war against Japan and then we'll be able to work on that at a due time the north is going a lot better we have research radio yay now we can start working on mass assault doctrine now though the only doctor on mass assault that we desperately need that will help us in the short term is defense in depth the extra org is awesome we fight longer he defend longer and Max entrenchment is extra defense so those two are key but sadly we have to go for pokey defense which is more likely most cases completely and utterly useless but you got to do it before you get the defense in depth haven't you now we can start working on concentrate industry too and the fact that we've got some puppets as well all sorts of speed things up which is also good the northern puppet has been an axe nice and easy those are good idea to keep an eye on Japan they go for their focuses like this they go for their liaison conference greater East Asian cost parity fear co-prosperity sphere and the Marco Polo in that order we have a little bit of a hard time to get rid of coming coming coming come come just a nice gun coming and now it's gone oh look at the humor it's like a it's like a it's like I'm a comedy youtuber now wow anyway so he'll finish now in the initial troops and the southern bit here and then we're gonna make a tack into shinyang now Duberman Caesar attacking with this army I am gonna go for staff off its plan and make sure we were prepared to attack and we are gonna attack immediately there's some reason it gives you the attack focus and the public focus we're just cover both of them it doesn't matter when I have forgot to bring in my puppet as well which is annoying there we go now we can attack and you guys can go go go go okay we are slow to concentrate to now so now we can work on unified industrial planning so that means we can rush concentrated to and concentrated three which is just insane that means we can concentrate our industry fully so you're probably wondering what you do about your coastline well it's easy you just liked all your puppets and steal all their divisions and they have eight divisions which mother-like it will be enough liked all those divisions add them here and more than likely will say to general who is a defensive doctrine which would be perfect for holding the coastline we don't have enough divisions that's not really a big deal in this case we probably are lacking divisions so in this case we are going to recruit a few before the big war happens case we can recruit a bunch of rubbish infantry that's right we can make at least well division so we are going to do that we are going to sign them to this frontline and just for purposes are making it easy for me to see I'm going to select them as a light blue and defensive with a big keep okay so now they've gone for the Marco Polo Bridge incident so the way it works now surviving for I think it's lovely I think seven days you get an event the pop so that gives you a choice you can leave it for seven days and then it will automatically top option so that's exactly what we do we're going to move this over to here my tenant won't even sorry that's right it's not even there it's invisible ah we are gonna deploy these divisions on the front line to deploy them just a wee bit early but it's totally okay because a weak division is better than no division on the front line and the Japanese have chose to declare war now they are honours straight away straight away Soviet volunteers are the way forward and we are gonna go for a army defense genius he's not an expert he's not a specialist he is a genius okay so I'm gonna readjust to realign these frontlines just a little bit just to concentrate the east a little bit more than I did before just to get everyone in position and get them as organized as possible you're very careful with AI leaving gaps in the front lines that's going to cause me problems losing a Lib at the northwest that's not a big deal looks like the they've took Beijing when I had my eyes off it yet again not a complete defeat not a complete complete loss but it is annoying to have to deal with a lot wider front line means you have to move a lot of divisions around they're a very foolish Japanese division here that seems to have stepped outside these boundaries it's totally okay because we get a nice free encirclement one option here to go here and here where the AI be stupid enough to let me just walk in here I don't know you never know I always see like you should take your opportunities and it looks like the AI is just going to let us walk in and let us have troops in Mongolia's was a tank division just sat there in Mongolia well they can get encircled The Fool can we get there in time oh my goodness we managed to anyway no oh they've just locked us in place here it's like it looks like they secretly know what we're up to it's like they're know our game and they have we've managed to do it I can't even believe it Wow okay this guy now can't go for some absolutely awesome traits now inventory expert is nice the logistics wizard is God like literally God like this is probably the best trait in the entire game logistics wizard 20% is literally a level two logistics team which is like technology support equipment it gives you the three no charge free but we don't go for that one today we are going to go for oh I think I've selected several times we have got a Fame for expert remember we are an expert and we are commanding infantry so hence infantry expert right come on okay so the next thing you need to need to do is expand the arc a media a cue media ah hada me Academy keg that one 70% stability is needed without 65% the easiest thing to do to get more ability is hire this guy it's popular and he's a thicker head popular thing head god you won the most popular guy you gonna hire Boz probably go this is a guy fo you're right fifteen stability boom here we are expand Academy a kicky that one as a choice with most China games you always forget that you've got army corruption oh yeah I'm playing wake up the tiger army corruption that's the thing right okay so what you've got well hundred I'm XP you can go for army reform which reduces the penalty by seventy percent which is yeah and it takes 90 days to do it the pain but it is what it is okay so one thing to keep an eye on is the amount of Steel you have and one of the issues you've got with China is that you do lack the raw resources and deal is one of them so a 69 percent penalty for steel is Bruhl my advice get some steel from the Soviet Union not too much just three all do for now but that I'll reduce the penalty down significantly down to eight percent which is really going to help for you I can see your opportunity here so we can break into here and we can break into here too so I'm taking advantage of that we can also go for the second search lot - and my advice when you get your search loss is to work on your guns immediately and that's going to let you catch up to Japanese massively they've pushed into here and we've got a beautiful encirclement oh it's so beautiful three fully strength Japanese divisions that is in oh that's beautiful the options would be now is to start to integrate your puppets with inside of China in this case there's three steps to it it cost a toll of four hundred and fifty political power and toll so it's not cheap it allows you to really quickly an axe the puppets within China and in this case we're gonna go for this one is the army the administration and then full integration of the puppet a first step ninety days to integrate their armies this is making me a little bit nervous its landing on the very tip because if they grab that and get up or it's gonna be a problem but now I've looked at about 101 days okay they're not breaking now in the games just scare me with a red bubble Oh dr. ball the greatest trait ever and we Akash the graph improvisation expert as well this guy is an insane general the other thing I would desire this guy is if you had slightly more attack he's got a lot of Defense but what the hell it L do L do the opportunity to move forward here so I think I'm gonna take that opportunity because capturing this port is actually partly going to be really useful watching that tank division on the other hand is gonna be a bit of a problem though we can't pierce the tank and it gains in a 50% attack bonus is a little bit annoying it looks like we have managed to break the tank division just by charging it with raw manpower it what we're aiming phase to capture this Airport we can capture this Airport here that's gonna be a win for us and we have that is beautiful now we move our aircraft up here and overall gain more air efficiency and that means that this area is way more secure than it's ever been of course always keep an eye on army reform I can't do the final one there's army reform cuz I need a total of 100 XP and but we're almost close to integrate in fully the zai SanMar he got was right they actually design science and math well I think that's correct those guys from the crowd there is hope for all dyslexics out there in this case I think we want to try our best to produce as much artillery as we can what we can do in the meantime is make a very very nice division in this case we're going to go for juicy artillery infantry division brilliant how we're doing right now for men Chukyo we're currently at 89% well those things we're probably not gonna have to make a break on them right now but if we get a nice encirclement that would be sweet so we are gonna make a little shuffle in the center here we should be able to get in circle went looking into mountains ha mountains I don't care about mountains we've got a we've got a doubts of all guys worry about mountains when we're adaptable do we boom Ilyn activision it's not really much of a tank nabisco less than 30% strength due to the fact that it's in very low infrastructure areas which is not a good idea as Japan I must admit in the Japanese Chinese war to begin with Chinese are actually in the most advantageous situation due to rain being absolute shite in China all right guys it is time to launch our glorious attack even though we don't have an attack order power it's gonna push you guys here bath office plan you guys they're gonna push on to the capitals of man Chukyo man 2 go okay boys this is it this is the moment the blue army is ready to attack and here we go [Music] always good idea to try and sneak around the back of them as we move forward - it was a good idea and we do that that looks of things we can oh they managed to break away but it's all good and we managed to sneak into this mountain mountain verse hoarse denied and men Chico has been destroyed so at this point user look for spots where you can make in sir commands so this area here is land that we've captured due to the encirclement so we are going to go here and you guys are going to go here and that should create an opportunity to encircle these divisions in the center we are going to take at this point you want to knock out Manchuria that case just grab all those victory points they've got lots to say see sure if not the map pretty easy and as you know is the divisions that are floating so that means you can just wipe them up and clean them up with ease right new frontline go here back when you're ready boyos and the war is over and japan has chosen to go for peace peace peace though as soon as we got an opportunity just to eat more of their divisions just for the laugh thought I'd take that opportunity remember the way it works is if this event pops up on screen it means that it will select the top one automatically but he won't select it immediately so in this case we've got a little bit of time just to play around with Japan do cheeky things with them so I'm gonna do that hopefully get some more divisions out of them the plan anyway I'm getting a lot of time here so to be very very careful and then they have officially said we cannot do anymore the war is now over the reason why I held back and killed the division is tried to get their army as small as possible in my little test run for this I got them down to four divisions this is something I discovered if you are a non-aligned nation and you fabricate on another nation to annex them France and brynn won't guarantee them what discovery of a lifetime right okay so so what's going on there so the only way you can fabricate on Korea and Tibet to do the final annexations is if you're over 50% 50% will attention at this point you're gonna kind of take a little breather you lean back in your chair you're gonna chill out build up your industry and just relax you know relax okay first of all is Tibet Blair coverage launch our initial attack and we are going to sustain 3,000 casualties almost four thousand four thousand and seventy four from our end that was almost a flawless victory okay now we don't attempt something very special we are gonna attempt to take out Korea with their one division without sustaining a single casualty it is possible that they do on my rehearsal game here we go there we go attacking Korea and our attack there we go if I activate makeshift bridges is there any rivers I need to care about how long is it lasts for seven days if we engage them then I will and we are attacking with our main air force which consists of almost four hundred tactical bombers two from way if we do engage their army it will be like instantly a defeat by them they LD org immediately put it that way but can we actually get round them we can engage in engage it engage then do we take casualties though that's the question raise it morally something but some bizarre reason I actually can't get the wall screen to load up and I don't know why okay so I can't even answer that question how many casualties we sustained I don't know you won't let me select it the game has bugged anyway regardless I most to invade career before and I to say like I dealt like 20,000 casualties to them in toll and I ended up with zero this is zero it must mean that when we engaged our armies they instantly D org and then we might have encircle them and actually do damage remember if they D orga media Lee as well that tends to mean that they aren't sustaining casualties they're just instantly just running away and breaking away it looks like we brought up the war screen even though it's already over wow it looks like they were clicking them and keeping them in the in the bank anyway guys this is it this is super China look at that how beautiful is that how glorious is that so apparently Tibet is a colony not a core I don't think there's a way of making it Cory they even when you get on the bottom here of the focus tree there's not an option to for it there's an option to invader conquer Tibet but not a way of coring it there you go boys that is China so it's currently 1940 and you have a fully unified China I say fully the only bit you've not unified and they play is Macau and Hong Kong and that one and also be technically want to get really accurate on that I guess technically this tile as well because apparently this was contested at some point between India and China and you do get claim on this if you follow the national focus which falls down to where is it oh there you go now renounce the Macan online and that gives you a claim on that state which bames in hats of home for practically mean nothing other than the ability to fabricate a little quick and declare war which against the raj is not a good idea because you're gonna be fine the entire allies you can see are doing pretty well right now and include USA that will be pretty nasty rumor goes this is a super video I never explain what a super video was Brits ability to unify a nation without starting World War two in this case I am currently at war with no one and I have created a nation that is extremely more powerful than one that existed around this era in the 1940s it was 22 July 1940 we have 156 factories I always like to go for 100 military facts still live civilian factories that gives us a monster economy as you can see - we do have a lot of resources as well as one of the issues I did run into too is for some reason because we they hold Macau more letters get relations high enough for Britain or France which I think it might be a bug because in that case we could never get relations good enough to focus down the focus tree better the Soviet Union is the one I did purchase tanks experimental mechanized unit combined arms and you can renounce the treaty then you can finally get off free trade and that means you can have a balanced economy without need to import lots of materials one thing to note as well is you only at the start of the game only have two naval yards tell a lie you only have one I've got two right now because I capture Korea and that means you're not going to get a lot of convoys be aware if you ship these convoys to the bottom you're producing non or if the top people are producing some or something better than nothing put it that way as I made you aware that I would recommend in this case to switch off your infant reproduction and go for excavation I was about doing research also doing synthetic oil and that allow you to capture and probably by the end of game get some heavy tanks rolled out you have got quite a lot of chromium in the south so it is usually a good idea ago for Eddie tanks which usually work out quite well you also got options as well as when Japan takes out India China that you can declare war on Japan and gobble up all of Indochina its aim for me to say it but the bottom of this focus trick should do some really interesting cool things but it actually doesn't it just gives you a shin to declare war a bunch of other nations getting some extra war support option to try and integrate try to flip over India by giving them more autonomy so they can break away quicker maybe they leads on some some extra events later on maybe I'm not sure about as immoral that's all it does it isn't really that interesting and doesn't benefit that much as China's it doesn't really give you interesting things so yeah you've got the option to take out Japan around to with Japan take out in new China maybe invade the mainland by doing paratroopers or a naval invasion with a bunch of submarines maybe you get air control you can bomb they're all their ships off the coastline which would be really sweet you've got another option to invade India which would put your wall with the Allies which ought not recommend and finally you can Abed the soviet union with Germany if you want to and you can might create a Siberian China which would be a colossal a massive China which would be really freakin sweet a powerful novel guys have enjoyed this video don't forget to like you don't forget to subscribe click or bring your ding-ding that Bell we notified of future super videos if you enjoy super videos tell me in the comments below you reach the end of this video comment below saying I reached the end of this video I love super videos and then I will know guys I hope you have an absolutely epic day and I will see you guys next time he sad boils see you soon [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 382,429
Rating: 4.8966327 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron iv waking the tiger, how to play as china, hearts of iron 4 china, china, hearts of iron 4 strategy guide, hearts of iron 4 advanced guide, hearts of iron 4 how to attack, hearts of iron iv gameplay, hearts of iron iv waking the tiger gameplay, hearts of iron iv waking the tiger gameplay pc, hearts of iron 4 guide, feedbackgaming, dave, davefeedbackgaming, paradox, podcast, Paradox Interactive, video game, playthrough, gameplay, feedback, how to, Walkthrough
Id: iZgrmiCYatk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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