Sundered Souls | Monk Druid | Baldur's Gate 3

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so I think in terms of mechanics and roleplay this is my most versatile build yet let's dive in so disclaimers first like always this is a concept first optimized second style build building around a concept rather than the best possible damage playing this build has been in my opinion the most fun I've had in game so far so I hope you enjoy it too not optimization section today as this build already feels great as is also this build is incredibly narrative heavy so I didn't want this video to get too much longer I will share some final thoughts at the end though so if that's all after check the time stamps so this build has been a blast to put together and offers a few different ways to level I'll show you what makes the most sense to me mechanically and narratively I do feel like this is a good time to mention that if you haven't seen the short with the backstory it's linked above following that I do want to mention that this is not a case of split personality both individuals have been forced into one body as such they are aware of each other and are both wrestling for control after first waking free from your Cap's prison it is the strongest most powerful emotion that dominates all else Revenge this desire emanates from the Druid half of your psyche as such we are starting our journey as a druid your Druid half is hellbent on being cured and after suffering through such Twisted experiments cares little for the whims and problems of others you are rude and standoffish understanding the value of help but not friendship you will work with others because you must but you would much prefer to be doing this alone this notion extends to all interactions with one exception animals compassion is always your first reaction to any animal okay first roleplay beat done let's make this character so we are playing a half elf for this build unironically the merger of a human Monk and Elven Druid this felt the most fitting I would prefer wood elf for the subrace since it provides an additional 1.5 M of movement speed which is perfect for a mostly Mal combatant for our class we are starting Druid as mentioned allowing us to choose two cantrips the only two here that are likely to see any use are Thorn Whip and produce Flame the first will help us reposition enemies the latter will come into effect more later once we pick up an item around level six for our background none are extremely fitting the closest is probably acolyte giving us insight and religion proficiency abilities and we are going 10 strength 14 dexterity plus two here 14 Constitution eight intelligence 15 wisdom plus 1 here and 10 Charisma for skill proficiencies definitely nature although the other is a hard call they all seem fitting I'm going to go with perception finally prepared spells and you are a Divine Caster so make good use of your ritual spells out of combat I would probably take fairy fire healing words speak with animals and long Strider here finally before you hack your way off the ship and on to level two I suggest you find a scimitar on one of the corpses on the nordid since they are a finesse weapon and you'll be using it until level three you are well versed in the use of necrotic energies having studied the cycles of life since early childhood you have no issues using your intimate knowledge of deadly spores if it helps you move closer to your goal your other half rails against his confines trying desperately to assert control but you are not to let some doter stand between you and salvation level two and yes this week we are back to the spores Druid I know two weeks in a row don't worry we are unleashing the storm sorcerer next week however we are using spoil Druid very differently for this build so let's take another look at its features firstly we have Halo of spores this uses our reaction to deal 1 D4 necrotic damage to an enemy secondly we have symbiotic entity this costs the charge of wild shape and grants us four temporary hit points per Druid level while those hit points remain we add 1d6 necrotic damage to all attacks we do finally it also causes Halo of spores to hit twice for 2 D4 these count as separate instances of damage which will come up a bit later on second level as a druid we also get wild shape I won't go into this too much feel free to experiment while exploring but in general your wild shape charges are better spend on symbiotic entity finally on this level we do unlock bone chill as a can trip this will be your go-to action if you are stuck outside of your malet range and you still want to deal some damage level three and the other being inside you has been quiet they stopped their wailing some time ago and you have felt a strong sense of Peace washing over you ever since it subsided you close your eyes and look inward as if entering a trance you are whis away from the physical world and into another place across from you is a young man seated cross-legged eyes closed slowly you approach and as you stand before him his eyes snap open he stands in a heartbeat grabs your shoulder I am sorry he whispers as you feel the impact before you see it your eyes close and when you awake he is gone and you are trapped okay switch time as we are taking a level in monk firstly the monk half of ourselves is a selfless and kind man a follower of salune man I wish I could choose a deity for this in character creation but I digress so we will have to switch up the way we interact now how you role play this is up to you I'll go more into this in the halftime break but for now we are a monk one so as a monk we get a few important features going forward firstly key of course giving us access to a a variety of abilities as we level we get two points on level one and one point per monk level going forward right now we use these key points for Flurry of Blows which lets us make two unarmed attacks with our bonus action these are d4s right now but they will go up to a D6 a bit later and of course they scale without dexterity due to dextrous attacks the other important feature here is unarmored defense this allows us to add our full dexterity and wisdom modifiers to our Armor class if we aren't wearing armor combined this is a plus six for us right now which is a significant upgrade to our Druid robes so time to ditch the armor and find something else to wear for the time being or don't wear anything at all I guess up to you while you're at it let's ditch the Simer you can continue using it however you will have to get rid of it shortly anyway so might as well rip the Band-Aid off sooner rather than later so if it wasn't clear we are still maintaining symbiotic entity here that means we are able to dish out three attacks all doing plus D6 necrotic damage and we get Halo of spores dealing 2 D4 along with it during your time on level three your Druid half assaults your mind constantly desperate to be free you did not want to keep him contained like this but this world has enough chaos and you will restore the balance during his moments of quiet you enter your mind's eye and speak with him you begin with apology but are forced to retreat in the face of his overwhelming necrotic assault you request a truce to much the same result finally you offer an ultimatum order or chaos how will you be remembered you see a quiver in his posture for the first time something finally got through but in the next moment thorny Vine shoot from the ground and you are bound hand and foot you are right he says I will not be a villain but I will not become a mind flare either and I cannot leave my fate in the hands of another I do not wish this either you plead we must help one another after a silence that stretched for eternity very well we'll try it your way and he is gone so level four and we are going back to Druid now as a level three Druid we get our second level spells and there are a few here that are perect perfect for the build some that will play a bigger part later on but for now moon beam feels really great as your monk half sharing their power with you radiant and necrotic damage in harmony along with that moon beam requires an action to relocate and at this level you actually do more damage with your bonus action Flurry of Blows so relocating the beam on your turn isn't as much of a loss heat metal could also be a sharing of power and Spike growth as a pickup on the on the Druid side we don't have any skills we need to concentrate on as a monk so incorporating one could be a great option to spice up your encounters finally I just want to mention that your symbiotic entity is on 12 temporary HP now this is the last Druid level will take for a while so we'll go over dealing with that during the break level five and we are back to monia while uneasy with each other you are willing to switch the reain now depending on the situation you are far from harmonized in your purpose or abilities but you resign that you each have your own strengths and it would be better for you to each play to them for now so monk two and we get the step of the win Dash and disengage features letting us for a key point and bonus action use those abilities and also Jump for free we also get patient defense also costing a key point and bonus action but granting us advantage on dexterity saving throws and enemies disadvantage on attacks against us this could help you maintain symbiotic entity so if you are anticipating a lot of damage use it level six and we get our monk subass here this is where the build really starts to shine and all those level two spells you picked up can be really fun to mess around with we are taking way of the Open Hand now we don't care much for this subclass straight away however Flurry of Blows changes here due to the open hand technique becoming three separate variations all dealing the same damage but with different effects topple has a chance to knock your enemies prone causing the prone status effect which means you gain advantage on any additional attacks until they stand up stagger making the enemies unable to use reactions and finally push giving you a chance to push the enemy back 5 m this is great for pushing enemies off cliffs or into Spike growths or maybe Moon beams play around with these effects and see what you can come up with let me know some awesome combos in the comments okay halftime break and first thing I want to mention here this is is important if you really want to roleplay this character and not just use the build then you need to set for yourself a clear trigger when the personalties swap if you don't do this you will start a conversation as the Druid and end as the monk or vice versa I guarantee this will happen this will make your character feel really inconsistent and Bland as their personality shifts depending on the situation this trigger for me weirdly enough was haste potions I found myself using a bunch of these with this build and so every time I suffered lethargy after the potion wore off the other character took the Reigns either for opportunistic or support reasons this is not mandatory you play how you want but I feel this makes for a stronger character concept let's talk about gear though and it is essential that you get a pretty high Armor class in order to maintain your temporary HP fortunately your key and wild shaped charges are both restored on a short rest so you can get the temporary HP six times per long rest rest so you shouldn't struggle too much but I definitely recommend going straight for braces of Defense in act one this will bump your AC or armor class to 18 as early as level three following on from that other items I recommend in act one are the Sparkle hands increasing your chance to hit dealing lightning damage and granting you advantage against many enemies sentient amulet for key restoration and finally the graceful cloth this last one is a great pickup increasing your attack rolls damage AC and initi all at once some other items in act one that you definitely want to pick up but save these for later these are luminous armor gloves of belligerent skies and Boots of Stormy clamor these are spread throughout the underd dark and mountain pass so take your time going through the content and you should get everything okay act two and we want to make a Bel line straight to last Light grabbing the cloak of protection then onto callous gloring once you have your callous gloring I would swap now to equip the items I mentioned luminous gloves of belligerant skies and Boots of Stormy clamor this combo is pretty wild using produced flame as a light source you can cause something to take radiant damage from your glow ring and you start a chain reaction every instance of damage you deal causes two radiant damage which triggers luminous armor and gloves of belligerent Skies giving everything in 3 m radiant orbs reducing their chance to hit by one per stack and causing them to shed light also giving them two stacks of reverberation reducing their strength decks and con saving throws by one per stack finally boots of Stormy clamor triggered from the radiant orbs adding another two stacks of reverberation reaching four stacks and causing each Target to take 1 D4 Thunder damage and potentially fall prone you will be very strong for this period of the game because like I mentioned this triggers from every source of damage meaning up to five times per turn if you include three unarmed attacks and two hits of Halo of spores on to act three and our first first pickups here are likely to be boots of uninhibited gigo and cloak of displacement increasing our damage by our wisdom modifier and making us much harder to hit best of Soul Rejuvenation and mask of Soul perception are next increasing our Armor class to 21 increasing our number of attacks if the enemy misses us which is likely and increasing our attack rolles initiative and perception checks finally we finish the build off with gloves of Soul catching adding another d10 of force damage to our tax plus two to our Constitution and a choice between a d10 heal or advantage on our tax every turn Okay gear progression done and on with the build so level seven and we are a monk four you have noticed you are starting to find it difficult to differentiate yourself from your other half you meet and talk every evening in your mind's eye getting to know each other and effort to remain sane you notice ever so slightly that whoever is not in control is growing hazy almost ethereal where they used to be solid this has you both nervous what is happening what are you becoming so short level here but that's okay since we have two big ones coming up this level we get the slow fall ability which lets us gain resistance to Falling damage also on this level we get an ability score Improvement and we are taking dexterity here trying to reach the cap as soon as possible if you choose to keep the graceful cloth and braces of Defense here instead of the Luminous armor approach you would be capped on dexterity now and have 20 AC this is another great option level eight and this brings us to monk 5 this is a big level for monks as they get the stunning strike feature this ability can be problematic since it is a constitution save by our enemies to our wisdom based DC however as I mentioned earlier reverberation lowers our enemies Constitution say by one per stack this makes stunning strike much more likely to hit also on this level we get the all to amazing extra attack giving us all the punches we could need in combat this etherealness is only getting worse and you fear you are out of time unsure if this is what the Mind flare is intended for you you are recognizing memories thoughts feelings that are not your own where before you were separate you are now practically one you don't know where you end and they begin you both fight with everything you have to hold on to the drags of yourselves but you both know that any day now you will cease to be two you will be only one level 9 and as your minds merge together you begin to manifest a more potent connection to the two primary forces of your beliefs your soul connects to the radiant glow of the Monk's power your body to the necrotic energies of The Druids your mind however is still playing host that God's forsaken parasite on this level we can manifest these energies adding them to our attacks we can choose between psychic necrotic and our main option radiant the damage is 1 D4 plus your wisdom modifier so 4 to S on this level additionally these strikes become magical with the key empowered strikes feature better late than never and wholeness of body is the final feature on this level this ability is once per long rest but it is a Powerhouse topping up our HP along with our key and giving us two bonus actions for three turns resulting in more uses of Flurry of Blows more attacks is essential for this build since all our damage is built into hitting with those attacks level 10 and I leave the fate of our champion ion in your hands now as we take another level in Druid so there's no great options for the cantrip here pick what you like as for the ability score Improvement we are of course maxing out dexterity level 11 and we are taking another level in Druid getting level three spells there are a few fun ones here to add to your Arsenal plant growth could be a good option quartering your enemy movement speed if you're being overwhelmed or call lightning if you really need to AOE some distant enemies finishing up the build on level 12 and we are taking a final level in monkia getting evasion and Stillness of mind the former causes you to only ever take half damage from spells that require dexterity saving throw if you succeed on that save instead of taking half damage you take no damage Stillness of Mind however automatically uses your reaction if you are ever Charmed or frightened to remove that effect for a micro optimization note here if you wanted to scratch the last two levels and go two levels of fighter for Action surge go for it one other thing I did want to mention is the option for a single level in light domain cleric you would want to take this early on maybe level four or five and this would give you the light C trip which you could use before combat to make sure everything you're hitting is not obscured you also gain the warding flare ability which would sacrifice your Halo of spores damage for imposing disadvantage on enemy attacks personally I would only ever consider this as an option for choosing salune as a deity and the role play that that offers to the build as the features are good but I prefer not to delay your abilities any further than we already are on that note though that's another build done man I love this build and it was so hard to come with the narrative there were so many options like the Druid uses the necromancy book in act one to sap the life force Knowledge and Skills from the monk making a full necrotic build or they battle each other till the end eventually becoming a mind flare or the monk calms the vengeful Wrath of Druid focusing the build on maximizing Moonbeam and natural Magics I'd love to hear how you spice up the build and make it your own let me know in the comments that's it though thanks so much for watching I'm planning what to do for all you awesome people as a fun way to say thank you to everybody for the incredible effort getting the channel to 1K Subs so keep an eye out for that look forward to the storm caller build next week and until then see you [Music]
Channel: MrSoulbound
Views: 6,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, character creation, official release, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate 3, crpg, larian studios, mrsoulbound, soulbound, ideas, fun build, excited, hype, characters, world, guide, multiclass, mushroom, spore, druid, circle, monk, way, of, the, open, hand, radiant, selune
Id: h_XLaRp8GdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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