The Master Key | Dutch Sheets

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hey i want to share with you for a little while about uh what i see coming share a couple of fresh dreams that have been sent to me i i love these dreams if you can't tell i think we've moved into a new release of the prophetic anointing and flow and part of that is is dreaming visions prophecy will go to to a new level words of knowledge will go to a new level accompanied by signs and wonders miracles gift of faith we're about to see some of these things engage again in a fresh way but at a higher level than we have ever seen before god is working behind the scenes right now to do things that are preparing the body of christ for what he wants to do he is working on us he is probably doing more to us right now than through us and i don't mean to us in a negative sense i mean within us to prepare us because he has to have a people that are ready for what he wants to do because he does it through us right so he is working tremendously and some of it we won't know fully what he's been doing until we begin to move in the fruit of it but that's okay we just trust that he's working amen and he is working he's working in wonderful ways i think i read a few verses from the book of acts that's kind of a revival book isn't it so i'm going to read a few verses from there just to launch us into the message and then share a few insights that i feel are right for us today acts chapter 2 verse 1 says when the day of pentecost had come my translation says a better translation would be had fully come it reached its fullness a fullness of time they were all together in one place and suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind i love the word wind there by the way because the violent the rushing wind in greek describes just that almost like a tornado cyclone wind they could hear the wind all over the city they followed the wind to the upper room that's why they went there to see what was happening because this tornado came through town but it landed on a building and the building wasn't destroyed so they came to see what this was then they saw fire on their heads it was quite a day for these people wasn't watching this but the word wind is a different word and it's a word that means a gentle puff of breath and so it's the it's the holy it's holy spirit breathing again the breath of life into a people it's the restoration of what was lost in genesis 1. and it's only used this word this form of the word is only used twice the new testament both times by luke in his gospel and here luke wrote the book of acts and luke was a doctor do you know that not a phd a medical doctor md and he uses this term because of his medical background because this is a word that is sometimes defined as the breath of beginnings because it's the word that describes a baby's first breath that's what happened in the upper room holy spirit came with tornado force breathing coming from heaven stood up 120 people and breathed into them the breath of life and the church was born it's coming again i'm going to read about that in a minute it filled the whole house where they were sitting there appeared to them tongues of fire distributing themselves rested on each one of them and they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit was giving them utterance look at chapter 3 verse 19. peter is preaching a few days later after the man has been healed at the gate named beautiful and a crowd gathers because the whole city knew this man oh the whole nation knew who this man was he was blame from birth and never walked sat there every day begging for alms when he was healed news spread so quickly that thousands of people gathered to the temple to this gate area to see him within minutes thousands of people were there peter began to preach to them took advantage of the situation this is part of what he said repent therefore and return that your sins may be wiped away in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the lord refreshing is also a word that has the breath word in it on a success it means the blowing of the breath or wind of god again intensely that's a literal definition of this word the blowing of breath again with intensity peter is saying what happened in that upper room wasn't just for us it's also for you and if you will listen and obey do what he's saying right now turn to him this saint that same wind or breath will come to you that's what he's saying to us today as well that he may send jesus times of refreshing come to the presence of the lord they may send jesus the christ appointed for you whom heaven must receive until the period or time and that's a plural word times of restoration of all things about which god spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets so he says here we're in seasons or periods of restoration or the reconstituting is a good word for that the the reconstituting changing things back to the way it's supposed to be the way it was written the way it was designed so we're in season after season after season where god is reconstituting things and he does it through the blowing of his wind we go from glory to glory faith to faith strength to strength revival to revival awakening to awakening reformation reformation reconstituting to reconstituting to reconstituting we're about to move into another season of reconstituting transformation reformation but the reformation won't come until the awakening comes when revival comes and the conscience of people is awakened they begin to they begin to respond to god they they want to know what he thinks they want to know what he says they want they want they want to know what the word says something comes alive in them it's written in their hearts when they hear it here something resonates in them here because his word is written in them and right now they don't care what god thinks but then they will care what god thinks half the church right now doesn't believe the bible is half of the evangelical church does not believe this is the literal infallible word of god but they will right now they think most of them right now think this is a history book and it suggests things but we have to take it and adapt it and we can't really take it literally today for uh for what it says because times change what have you how many of you know truth doesn't change truth is not relative truth is absolute so we have a humanistic culture that believes that truth is relative they're seculars they believe god and spiritual things should be kept separate from government and life in general it's for us a very limited time on a sunday morning keep it in church that's what secularism says and so that's what they believe but god will awaken the spirit bring it to life fill them with his spirit and suddenly and this is going to be the biggest game changer that allows us to reform and reconstitute a nation and change laws because we won't just be changing them on paper they're going to change here then when an issue comes up in society where people just want to debate and talk about it more people than not are going to be wondering what does god think about this what the bible says right now you tell what the bible says well maybe okay well whatever i'm not sure i care what that about that but they will care then because something witness inside of them and they become hungry for the word you may remember back i do when i came to the lord when i gave my heart back to christ in 1973 something happened to me i don't know that i could ever define it except something came alive in me and i wanted to read this book and when i read it it was more than a book and what would have bored me the day before i found myself reading for hours a day weeping over it underlining it writing in my bible because something came alive in me well that's what's about to happen and it's going to be a game changer let's read one more verse a couple of verses chapter 4 verse 29 they started experiencing persecution and they prayed and said lord take note of their threats and grant that thy bond servants may speak thy word with all confidence while thou just extend my hand to heal and signs and wonders take place through the name of your holy servant jesus when they had prayed a place where they had gathered together was shaken i wonder if that's gonna really happen i wonder if there'll be places where the power of god will come into the room and the building will literally shake i think in some nations where false religions are so entrenched and people we'll need they will need to know that they know that they know that this gospel is true god is going to show up with incredible signs to show them he's already started this dreams are happening by the hundreds in muslim nations i did at 15 recently on a particu and mentioned a particular muslim nation in the middle east i'm not going to mention it right now because of what i'm about to say but i started receiving testimonies about and i said i think god's about to move in that part of the world and i feel his focus on this particular nation and i received started receiving messages telling me what god is already beginning to do in that nation some people say upwards of 10 20 000 people in the in the in the muslim world are being saved every day so great signs and wonders began taking place but they weren't all with a person's body god did other things to manifest who he was and that he was real well when they prayed the place where they gathered together was shaken and they were filled with the holy spirit and began to speak the word of god with boldness amen i want to read you some dreams comment i was with flashpoint this past tuesday night how maybe you watch flashpoint also it's one of the programs on the victory channel gene bailey hosts it and once in a while they bring me on and they did this one live from brother copeland's convention the big uh whatever believer's voice is vic i don't know what they call the convention but that was interesting to be there and watch god bring the streams together and partner but i had a dream recently or get sent to me from a trusted prophet and brother copeland was in the dream so i'm going to read you two dreams but i'm going to read you the first one because in the second one he references the first one which he wasn't in how about that is that confusing did that come across okay i'll read you the first one because in the dream the second dream that he was in he references the first dream so a couple of years ago i was with chuck pierce up in new jersey and we were doing a series of meetings around the country under a very specific assignment from the lord and god was moving in really strong ways in these meetings and in this particular meeting we had an uh first nations brother share before chuck and i shared we tagged him in a lot of these meetings he'll get up for 30 minutes or so and then i'll get up for 30 minutes or so but this time we also added native american brother it's a friend of both of ours and uh just as a protocol thing we asked him to go first and share for a few minutes open the meeting etc so when he got up to share he spent about 20 minutes talking to us from his heart about what he believes is god's plan and dream for america and it really it kind of focused on all of the streams and all of the people groups coming together to be an expression of god to this nation and the nations of the earth and it was one of the most weighty uh messages i've ever heard and not because of a lot of new information it was when he shared his heart you you you became conscious of the fact that this is god's heart and it came with this weight of glory on it it was the room was just really quiet and everyone there knew there's something very important this man is imparting some he's not just giving us information the holy spirit is trying to impart something to us through him and chuck jumped up when he finished began to prophesy and we just started praying in the room over what he was saying and it was powerful time so the next excuse me the next day a friend of mine prophet sent me this he wasn't in the meeting by the way i dreamed you were presented a key at the meeting last night in new jersey after the service when he went to bed he had the dream so he said i dreamed last night you were given a key and it was a skeleton key well the skeleton kate it was me this is one of these long metal ones that's kind of just got the little all of those were skeleton keys to me but that's not what a skeleton key is a skeleton key is means literally a master key and it can be like the longer old-fashioned keys or can be a small one like we use nowadays but but technically and if you google it this is what it'll tell you a skeleton key is a master key so i'm going to insert that i dreamed you were presented and he he did too by the way he had looked it up and he said in my dream i saw this and it was a master key so i dreamed you were presented a master key at the meeting last night well i knew it i knew what the key was the key was the revelation that this man shared with us of god's heart for this nation which included all people all races he said after that chuck prophesied to the to the atmosphere chuck began prophesying in the dream to the atmosphere and a keyhole appeared you inserted the key in the spirit realm up into the atmosphere and turned until a doorway was opened and a voice spoke from the spirit and the voice said welcome into an ancient pathway reserved for this time so this is planned this is old in the sense of god's plan but we're just now moving into it welcome into an ancient pathway reserved for this time here are the resources needed to complete the turning of the nation i prayed over that for a good while i've done a lot of thinking about it and praying into it i've re heard i've rehearsed the things my brother said that night and i've asked the lord numerous times to give me more insight on this and i feel like he is i feel like he's sharing what it all means but one thing that really i've locked into by faith is the statement here are the resources needed to complete the turning of the nation i'm going to paraphrase it this way you have everything you need now to turn this nation around let me say it this way god talking now everything i need to do in my people not done we have everything we need everything we have everything we need we have the understanding we have the revelation we've everything we need to turn this nation do you believe that now we're not applying it all yet we're not operating in all of it at the level we will need to but everything that we need we have so now part of this this that we need to be doing that god's about to help us do a part of this is going to be the various streams in the body of christ coming together this is why i believe brother copeland was in the next dream talking to me because we are a part of different streams in the body of christ we're not we don't we don't lead denominations but we have different networks and people we run with but we have mutual respect and appreciation for one another so there's not you said when i say a different stream that could that could imply adversarial or opposition or we don't like or agree with one another whatever but that's not what i'm that's not what i'm implying oh i'm just saying you know you just evolve around certain group and assignments and net network with people that are doing that and helping you do that and you just that's how this is how it works but you can do that and still cross over and work together with others right and appreciate them and and help them and and cross-pollinate if you will so god has been sending me dreams from people not just one person not just two three four different prophetic people in the last six months have sent me significant dreams that have to do with him bringing the the body of christ various streams together now that doesn't mean by that i'm not implying that then the dreams don't imply that uh we'll sort of shut down this and this and start doing everything together that's not what they say that's not what they're saying they're saying there's going to be a more intentional determination and on purpose effort to work together to bless one another to help one another to what can we do together because when we do that the bible says synergy occurs some people don't know this but the word synergy is a biblical term somebody wrote to me recently and said put using that word synergy on the post it's a new age word most of that new age stuff is just trying to copy him and pervert it so synergy is not a new age thing synergy is is a new testament word god created the word he created the the principle that power is multiplied when two or more work together that's what synergy means if you work over here and you work over here you add the ability you can lift 100 pounds you can lift 100 pounds added together 200 pounds but if you work together on the same load something happens scientifically i think supernaturally i think god created this law to show us how much he he demands and loves unity and cooperation and how much he will bless our working together in harmony because if we do it together the power multiplies so we don't lift 200 we live 300. that's called synergy and he said that that is in operation when you pray it's good for you to pray in faith and you to pray in faith but if you pray together in faith i multiply power it's true it's true with a husband and wife you work in harmony together if you're if your marriage is in agreement there's more power there if you're not in agreement he said your prayers are hindered so god and the phrase is used to describe it's usually translated working together soon ergos there go the release of energy work soon together working together but it's used to describe people working together and it's used to describe god and people working together how about that coming to agree with him he said power's multiplied well i guess so when the streams begin to work together when the dew of hermann reigns on zion psalm 133 says you do know that's literal the dew of hermann rises as it gets warm in the day the winds come and blow the clouds over to zion and the dew of hermann reigns on mount zion so when we work together and decide i'm going to bless someone else's effort i'm going to bless what they're doing i'm going to partner with them i'm going to i'm going to see how i can help them or how we can work together when we do that there is going to be a synergy released that multiplies power and there will be there will never be a time when all christians make the decision they're going to do that because some have isolated themselves so much they've decided they're just going to work with with their people but there are other believers right now that have made the conscious decision i'm going to work together with the body of christ so that's a long introduction to the second dream i dreamed on july the 3rd can i get a bottle of water somebody of me for some reason really dry this morning don't you wish you could just ask for a bottle of water right now thanks let me get a sip real quick before i do this just sit and watch me drink okay ah that's awesome a dream july 3rd 2021 that kenneth copeland called dutch now we don't we don't have a relationship where we pick up the phone call each other that's this is just in a dream we know of each other we bless each other you know we appreciate but we don't have a friendship we just have mutual respect does that make sense i don't want to i'm not trying to imply that he and i talk but in the dream he called me and he said you must use the key to unlock the dam allowing the streams to flow together as one he said the power from the synergy of the streams flowing as one will be the turning of the nation by the way i've never shared this dream publicly before i'm doing it today because i believe it's time so let me read it again what he said you must use the key to unlock the dam so there are some things or something we know how it works you just get focused on what you're doing the group you run with sometimes it's division and you don't like the other people or theological things divide but sometimes it's just life busy i only have a certain number of people i can run with i mean how it works it's like you with friends so things stop this but he says you need to use your key to unlock the dam allowing the streams to flow together as one well the only way i know to do that is in the spirit it's a spiritual key certainly can't call the heads of organizations and ministries and say i got a word from god you know we need to start working together but evidently evidently i can do something in the spirit evidently i have some authority from the lord that would allow me to begin to pray and decree and start breaking this damn that is causing it not to happen and the streams begin to flow together as one i mean is that what you're hearing that's what i'm hearing you better be hearing it because you're gonna help me do it in just a minute [Applause] the power from the synergy of the streams flowing as one will be the turning of the nation i spoke i said the first stream in meetings two years ago i hadn't thought about it in good wow i did when when when i started reading this stream when the brother called me and told me about it and sent it to me i started doing exactly what i did in the dream i said i'm not sure what key you're talking about do you know how many keys have been given to me in my ministry hundreds do you know how many prophetic words have been given to me in conjunction with that dozens you have this key of this key it can isaiah 22 22key open and close doors so in the dream i said to brother copeland i'm not sure which key you're talking about he said the key you received when you and chuck pierce were on the east coast couple years ago and i knew exactly what he was talking about which is why i read you that one first and then he said this in the dream the key is for such a time as this it's for now now if god is saying do it if he's saying you have it and he says do it and it's time now we should know from that we can do it we can do it we can break we can at least start the process today of breaking whatever is would keep this from happening and imagine how god's gonna feel when this starts happening when his kids start coming together as family and doing some things together i see how good and pleasant it is when they work together it's like the precious oil it starts on the head of air and flows down did you know the word good and precious are the same in hebrew there that means he uses the same strong hebrew word to describe the anointing oil of holy spirit he uses the very same word to describe unity we cry out for the anointing maybe we should cry for unity because he treats him exactly the same the key is for such a time as this he said it has the ability to release the flow the key has the ability to release the flow that will turn this nation and release a flow to the nations of the earth i answered and said i know the key i will acquire it and unlock that which needs to be unlocked copeland looked at me and stated very intensely i'm reading from the dreamstead time is of the essence in other words come on boy get with it do it let's do this we're going to do this in just a minute but i'm going to read you another dream first in fact i'm going to read you two more dreams about the same person never shared these publicly either i'm talking to a whole lot of people today on live on i don't know how many are in here but sometimes 30 40 50. 60 70 000 people watch these so this dream was sent to me in may you were sitting on a surfboard paddling with the sun coming up over your shoulders i'm thinking oh finally i get a dream about a vacation or something i'm going to hawaii maybe you were focused and waiting on the right wave well i don't surf but i understand the concept charles finney paddled up on a surfboard well you know who finney was maybe some of you might not if you weren't raised in church one of the greatest revivalists ever lived and probably did more to birth the second great awakening as a person than maybe anyone else i mean finney was just unique in his evangelism hundreds of thousands of people entire cities came to christ in his ministry and whereas today we have less than 20 percent of people that come to christ in our evangelistic efforts follow through and be true are truly transformed and become a part of the church less than 20 and some experts say it's less than 10 so that means for every 100 people you see saved in a crusade 10 or 15 or 20 maybe or really something's really happening the rest is just an emotional decision and a few weeks or months later they're nowhere to be found they're right back in the world finney eighty some say not over ninety percent of people saved in his media became true followers of jesus so we know what he represents revival he paddled up next to me on a surfboard and said stay focused the big wave is coming soon it's amazing and that's awesome stay focused the big one's coming he asked me if i could see a man on his knees on the beach i looked and said yeah but i can't make out who it is he said that's father nash and he's been here for weeks well father nash was the real reason for charles finney's success because father nash and another guy named clary who would last named clary would worked with father nashua good bit would go into places ahead of finney and intercede for revival so when they felt they were to go to a certain city finney he would send them a couple of weeks ahead of time and they would go and intercede day and night and fast until they broke through and finney wouldn't show up until he knew they broke through but when they knew they had broken through in the spirit realm that people would be saved then he would come and then they would keep praying while he was in the meetings and finney himself said later the real key to the success is not what i'm doing out there on the stage it's what nash is doing behind the scenes you should you should google father nash and read some of the things about him amazing sometimes people were close in in the house where they'd be staying would call for help because they they thought at times that nation his partner in there they thought they were having physical problems because the groans became so loud they they they said somebody got to get here and help something's wrong the travail they would enter into was so intense finney himself said he heard nash go in the woods once and pray and he said i could hear him from a mile away crying well in the dream he said that's father nash and he'd been here for weeks so what's that saying to us in the dream well nash is is a picture of the intercession that's going to create this and finnish shows up and says it's it's happening he's there this is coming people are praying there's reason 40 50 000 people will watch this because they're tuning in right now to places that are focused on revival and the ecclesia being the ecclesia and praying and believing and decreeing that it's coming and they're hungry for there's a reason why they watch 15 because they're hungry for that and they know that something resonates and then when we say it's coming it's here we've got a birth come on let's do this let's do this and they tune in because they know this is right this is true and god is showing up in dreams saying it's happening don't stop nash the big one is coming stay focused he said the big one's coming if that doesn't light your fire and then he said this after i get a drink don't look back to the wave that's coming well that's what you do when you surf right you try to catch the big one and he said nash up there praying and he looked at me and he said don't look back for the big look forward to where the wave will take you i asked him in the dream how will i know when the wave is approaching he said when father nash stands to his feet you begin to paddle in other words we're going to take our cue from the intercessors from prayer the intercessors the praying church is going to know and they're going to start telling us here we go get ready the answer's going to come through prayer he didn't say watch the preachers they said keep your eye on the prayer i said to him but father nash has his back to the waves how's he going to see it he said you see the other man way up the beach looking intensely out to the waves i say yeah who's that he said that's the nash in your life and he'll alert father nash in other words i'm going to have to stay connected to the intercessors and the nashes and listen to them and watch them and work with them and take my cue from them so i read you that so i could read you this this came to me a couple days ago i dreamed this prophet says august 3rd that father nash asked me to travel with him to see something as we were caught away to the location all i could see for miles was people praying and interceding that's awesome there's so many people in agreement with us right now for this revival it's so encouraging everywhere i go everywhere i go i watch you feel i'm i'm praying with you every day i don't miss a day everywhere i go air airports airplanes campgrounds guy walked up to me a couple days ago are you dug sheets i know dutch sheets you got you related to a guy named doug not that i know of man you look just like him i watch him every day on facebook oh yeah what do you watch something called 15. i said that's me i'm not doug i'm dutch he said oh watch you every day well at least he watches i don't care if he knows my name ah he said i don't miss it people are praying that's why they're watching it you know that don't you you watch it once you know it's not the charisma or the set i just sit at my desk my bookcase behind me with a little microphone a little camera about this big in my t-shirts and ball caps sometimes you know they watch because they're praying and they know it works there must have been at least 200 000 people he says their intercession sounded like water at niagara falls it was penetrating all through this mass of people there were people waving appeal to heaven flags there were also american flags beginning with the earliest one to the present one i asked father nash who they were and his answer astounded me these are those who came through ellis island to establish their newfound liberty in christ they came for the freedom that established america and his father god's original intent their intercession is for god's will to not be aborted and for the ecclesia has war brigade to battle as they never have before so they were praying for us and god's redemptive purpose for america to be accomplished as he finished speaking an american flag large enough to cover the entire mass of people settled on them the flag was soaked and dripping with blood fresh blood in the dream this man asked is this is this blood that will be shed again on our soil father nash said no no my faithful friend this is the blood sprinkled on the mercy seat it never grows old he said mercy mercy mercy mercy let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy it's new every morning mercy he then signaled nash signaled them and they all stopped praying he instructed them to pray for dutch that would be for all of us typically in these dreams i represent the praying church pray for him and the war brigade that's the ecclesia to continue to be transformed into his special force needed in america he said pray for them that they continue to become a fully functioning ecclesia in this nation the legislative governmental arm of god his kingdom authority functioning in the earth pray that they continue this why because it's working because it's real because it's true and because if we keep going we're going to get everything he's promised us the big one is coming [Applause] the big one is coming uh i was reading another dream sent to me a few months ago and i'll go back and read some of these things this one this one talked about rachel won't you come on up and play i'm getting ready to pray in just a second here this one talked about the wave of prayer that began the east and rolled across america thousands of people in this wave of prayer and this wave of prayer was plowing into the soil of america and cleansing the very land well what does shedding of innocent blood do it defiles the land it's not only people that come under curses and judgments the land itself does so this wave of prayer is rolling across america and it's plowing up evil and in the dream demons would come out of that furrow and scream and leave and angels were with these praying people and angels were taking out demons everywhere when you get all the way to the west coast and the dream we look back and we expected to see chaos like a battlefield [Music] and everything was pristine healthy and beautiful and then the land she said not just the dirt all of nature in this dream began to sing and the the streams were singing [Music] and the trees were singing the rocks were singing and dirt was singing she said the kid singing it is well with my soul [Music] it is well with my soul three times that course it is well with my soul at the end of the dream the lord shows up i love this street and he says i have done this and he goes back to heaven [Music] it's coming to heal the land it's coming [Music] i was going to read you another dream don't have enough time but it's one of the past revival leaders who shows up this is the mantle that i had the whales the welsh revival it's gonna be much bigger he says the one you're gonna have because i asked god for a hundred thousand souls he said and god gave us whales but you're gonna need one much bigger than what i had [Applause] and the mantle on him started growing angels came took it off and put it on the people he was talking to [Music] the big one's coming [Music] i think sometimes when we start praying for revival or even the salvation of a loved one we lose focus on the fact that god desperately wants to do it that he loves them more than you do that you're not trying to talk him into doing something that he's hesitant about it that he's just saying i need some voices to begin to cry out because that's how i work in the earth i am released through your intercession so don't try talking me into it just say come on god let's go he says yeah let's go i'm about to launch this thing because she's been working behind the scenes working on the church working in the nations getting things ready for the right time i gave a prophetic word recently i couldn't believe i was saying this i checked all the leaders in the room later i said man i just know that was god but you need to help me was that god i said the reason some of them you've been hearing these words about prodigals coming and the reason not many prodigals have come in yet but the lord said i don't want to i didn't want to bring him into the church as it was so i've just been protecting him because i wanted to bring him into the new era church that i'm raised up because if i brought some of them back into what they left they'd left again that's what he said but i needed them to come in to this new expression because they're going to be infected with it immediately [Music] then he said now get ready [Music] because i'm going to bring him now i see we we've got to remember he wants to do this was he really going to save america you know is he really going to bring us he wants to do this [Music] and he will not be stopped [Music] the big one's coming [Music] so we're going to pray into that now [Music] specifically we're going to pray against that damn that is keeping the streams from working together the way we need to because he said you have a key now that'll unlock that that key has to be authority what else could do so you have a key that can do that and when it happens the synergy's coming that's going to be the turning of the nation well that's what you know so i believe that so that's what we're going to do [Music] and it's going to be fun to watch god do this [Music] are you ready to are you ready to pray with me why don't you stand [Music] father you said take the key [Music] the authority that came through the revelation of your heart for us to work together as one first nations people black white asian americans latinos everything else in between lord your heart that we would work together and become an expression one expression of who you are in the earth and oh how demons fight this but you said we have authority to unlock it so we open we unlock it and we open the door to this and we say no man can close this door this door we are opening now nobody can close this door [Music] we close the door to the to the mindsets and the demonic plans and strategies that have that have hindered this from happening we close those doors and nobody can open them [Music] and we release [Music] the spirit the very spirit of harmony and unity we release the anointing that starts at the head and flows to all the body [Music] we release the anointing of holy spirit to all of our brothers and sisters that are not a part of our stream but they're part of the river they're part of him and we bless them we honor them we love them we will fight for them we want them to succeed and prosper we unlock this door we say to the damn that's been holding this back from happening you you are now you are now uh cracked and breaking and you can't hold this flow back anymore [Music] and now lord we ask you for the synergy to come we ask you to speak to leaders that are part of movements and cause something to rise up in them to begin to think differently how can i bless this tribe or this tribe this stream that stream how can i bless this these people that people [Music] i want to reign on not my own part of israel but i want to reign over on zion so lord we command this into the spiritual atmosphere of america [Music] we see every religious spirit that fights this [Music] you are bound in the name of jesus and the blood of the lamb from the mercy seat is being applied to us even now to break every barrier to break every lying spirit to break every spirit of religion and separation doctrinal division and we say you will not keep us separated you will not keep us separated and america will prosper now and america will prosper in every way that god intended for us to prosper and we will fulfill all of his purposes for this nation [Music] we will be the voice he's called us to be we will catch the wave the big one is coming we're going to catch it the intercessors are still on the beach praying [Music] they're not going to get off of their knees they're not going to get off of their knees until the big one comes [Music] they're birthing it even now we thank you lord for them [Music] we thank you for them we say energize them keep the father gnashes on the knees reinvigorate them give them energy fire fortitude strength perseverance we say to the praying army we speak over you life and energy and faith you cannot stop now ekklesina you must persevere [Music] let another wind come lord pentecost wind let the house shake signs and wonders be done through the name of jesus in the face of all of their threats we pray with the early church make us even bolder [Music] grant with all boldness that we speak what you say while you extend your hand to heal signs and wonders be done so we just say the wave is coming the wind is coming the rain is coming the power is coming the great awakening is coming the harvest is coming oh say it with say the big one that's coming come on agree with finney will you say the big one is coming stay focused the big one's coming say it again stay focused the big one's [Music] coming you
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 46,493
Rating: 4.9379044 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, prophetic summit, angels and decrees, prophetic word, pray for america, the hub, oc, oasis, apostle tim sheets, give him 15, a wave is coming, revival is coming, the master key, stay focused, look forward
Id: cqFkgPtMBcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 44sec (4484 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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