Summer Ghillie Crafting Tutorial - Using Adaptive Ghillie Mesh

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all right what's going on guys Airsoft senior here back with another video in today's video this is something that you guys been requesting a lot now that summer has come around I want to drop this video I'm talking about how to properly summer craft a ghillie suit so today's video we're going to be using a cam CS Brown 2.0 so it's kind of an old ghillie suit but they're still amazing if you can get your hands on one of these used or Barely Used it's still worth it even though the 4.0 is releasing now in 2023 coming up now I have actually gone through and done some modifications to this prior to actually hopping on camera and talking about how I'm actually creating these suits and how I'm properly concealing them for summer so I'm going to lay over a shot here as you can see I've Inked the suit in different various areas all over the suit now I'll leave a link for the exact same acrylic ink that I did use I just dipped a paintbrush into the acrylic ink and I literally just painted over top of the brown suit so I literally just made patches is of green all over the suit and created my own macro patterns of green patches and ink now this is something that I actually learned from silly Gilly is to actually wash your suit beforehand so fill up your tub with cold water toss your ghillie suit into the tub as well as the trousers balaclava anything and just let it soak for you know upwards of six hours drain the tub and let this thing hang dry in a cool environment and it could take upwards of 24 hours to fully dry however the best time to actually ink your suit is when it's still a little damp just make sure that when you squeeze the suit you know there isn't water running all over the place just when it's a little damp it's still kind of cold and cool that's when you want to be inking the suit that's when it's going to contrast really nicely on the suit as you can see here so step number two once you have Inked your suit is you're actually going to litter your entire suit with cable ties and loop the cable ties to apply adaptive Gilly mesh material onto the green area so every single area that I Inked on the suit that is where I applied the cable ties this helps contrast the base of the suit being green like in different patches of green and it just UPS the contrast of the AGM as well as the green on the base of the actual suit itself so I went ahead prior to actually shooting this video and I just added all the cable ties to the top of my cam CS 2.0 as you can see I'll Place Another layover shot any time I pull looped a cable tie was literally over the green patches which is the ink now on any of the brown parts of the suit I actually left plain now when we actually start to craft you're going to start to see that contrast and depth that is created when the brown parts are brown but then the green parts that are Inked are covered with AGM as well as maybe Cottons Raffia Etc now you're probably asking what do I toss in the brown areas that aren't Inked that is when I like to go through and add coconut rope I like to add different colors of Cottons in between and of course I'm going to field test it and that's the most important in part when you're Ghillie crafting is you want to be field testing your suit and I'm even going to show you guys what this suit looks like just in a random kind of area I'm going to toss it on the ground and it's going to be pretty easy to see just because it's you know it's just Inked Green in various spots it's brown it's very green and vibrant green out here so it's not going to fit in that's why we need to add our adaptive Ghillie mesh now before we get into the actual crafting tutorial I'm going to go over all the different materials we're going to use so we have the AGM summer crafting kit it's going to come in this light green material a medium green as well as a darker green here and then we have some coconut rope that it comes with so this kind of acts as Twigs helps bulk out the suit breaks silhouette a bit and then we have a bunch of kams yes silly Gilly Raffia that comes in the kit we have some cable ties just in case and then we have brown Cottons a lighter brown cotton and a darker brown cotton and just for fun just because I really like this crafting material and I'll leave a link for it description down below is the casa Snipes artificial Ivy so we're going to be using some of this as well and we're going to craft probably just the front of the suit and go from there all right guys so we're going to start the crafting process here so I'm going to grab my AGM my big lock like this and I'm literally just going to cut up and all we want to do is just create small little pieces that we're going to use to craft now I will say that I like to personally it's because of my environment again this comes down to field testing is use the lighter green AGM just because the tops of a lot of the leaves here are kind of like a very vibrant green so I kind of want to litter probably from like the middle of the chest up to the top of the balaclava area or like Hood I do want to have just a lot of the lightest Greens on there I feel like that just kind of fits best for my environment your environment could be different so just keep that in mind not everybody's environment will be perfect and keep in mind too that just because your craft looks good in your basement doesn't mean that it's going to look good out in the environment that you most commonly play at so I'm going to be doing is just attaching the AGM to the cable ties which are already placed all over the suit the nice thing about crafting your ghillie suits or doing partial like areas of your ghillie suit in the actual field that you play at or in the environment you play at is that you can instantly field test it you can add some AGM add some Raffia throw it into uh you know into the environment that you most commonly play at and boom you can you know make adjustments right on the fly right then and there to see if it's actually working so that's why I brought my suit out today and that's why we're filming this video for the channel because I thought you know what it's better to make a crafting tutorial if I'm actually out in the woods where we play out here in Canada then if I were to just show you how to do this in my basement I'm going to kind of skip ahead here and I'm going to add a bunch of this vibrant green AGM into one area here and we're going to jump cut back and again guys what I'm doing here is I'm literally just placing the AGM on top of all the areas that I have previously Inked green on this suit so the AGM the green AGM is being placed on top of the green areas that I've Inked on the suit now the flowering technique that I'm using for the AGM I do have a tutorial on this on my channel if you guys want to just go through my channel look for my Ghillie crafting tutorials of how to actually apply AGM onto your suit I do have a full-blown tutorial on that super it's super short but it's really easy to follow and it'll teach you all the different techniques I use to actually apply AGM all over my suit all right guys so as you can see I've applied the AGM kind of to the top half of the back and I'm now going to move on to the lower half here so I've actually switched over to the medium colored green so yeah we're going to do some crafting here with the medium colored green I'm just switching it kind of contrasting it from the lighter stuff on the top lighter AGM and now I want to go to the medium here just so it's not like the same color all the way through I like to kind of mix it up a little bit and once I hit that halfway point on the suit even the front as well that's when I like to switch over to the medium green alright guys so this is really a solid kind of right now however what we're going to do is move the suit more or less I kind of want to we're just gonna craft the back side of it I don't want to do the full suit because that's going to take forever we're going to kind of place it right in here and just take a look at it we're gonna this is this is called field testing all right so we're going to take a look at the suit we're going to place it here so it's the back side of the suit now what are we missing when we step back and we look at this I want to make sure you guys can see this on the camera here so when we look at the suit from back here so this is where I'm standing behind the camera I'm looking at it and I'm saying okay too much Browns going on if anything I would probably want to toss some Cottons in between but I do need some more AGM so I would need some more like in here probably maybe bulk out kind of this upper area as well so even in here too is what I'm going to do so and as we can see too there's a lot of vibrant greens going around on the floor bed so what we're going to do is just toss a little more of the bright Greens on the suit and then we're going to toss maybe a few more of the medium greens just uh just to contrast it up a little bit add a little more depth and kind of go from there so we're gonna have to poke some more cable tie holes all right so we got some cable ties here um now just looking at this definitely need some more green here Bunch this up a little more up here a little more bulk this out even more with some more AGM with a little bit even though we haven't Inked this area I still just want a little more green now of course guys we're gonna have to try to field test this from a further distance as well because you know it's good to field test it right up close but it's also good to feel tested from like a solid you know 10 meters away that's kind of like my sweet spot because like if somebody hasn't seen you from 10 meters away chances are when they walk a little closer they're probably not going to spot you so I like to do that 10 meter Mark personally alright guys so we added more AGM and now it's kind of starting to blend in a lot better here all right guys so next up what we're going to do is start to apply cotton so the Cottons um so I'm going to pick up a leaf here right now that I just found on the floor bed I don't know if you can see these two leaves but we're going to compare it to a cotton from the summer crafting kit so as you can see I mean the colors are pretty much spot on I would say so if we're finding these darker Browns on the floor bed which I don't see that many of them we're probably only going to apply Maybe I would say maximum five or six of these darker Cottons but then litter the rest with these lighter ones as I can match up the lighter ones a lot better with what's actually on the floor bed so what I like to do with Cottons is I fold them I put two together I fold them in half and then I Loop the cable tie through and then I spread the edges apart and that just covers a little more surface area so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna add some cable ties onto the suit so where I'm going to add the Cottons is in between all the AGM so all the areas that are kind of in between all of the green AGM is where I'm going to Loop the Cottons and I like to use a decent amount of Cottons personally I think that it looks super super natural which is kind of what we're going for right so another thing too is like it might not look super perfect right now or maybe it looks like I'm kind of not using enough AGM or material in my opinion like you don't have to overdo it right you don't have to overdo the AGM and keep in mind as well that I do run a fully crafted like I pre-crafted like an entire chest rig so that goes over top of my ghillie suit which like has a lot of concealment on it as well so I don't really have to overdo the top of the Ghillie too much and I do recommend if you guys you know are wondering like yes you probably should be adding pre-concealment or concealing your chest rigs with AGM with Cottons coconut rope Etc it just really helps break that silhouette it's really easy to access all your gear as well when you're just wearing a crafted harness over top which I'm going to make a video of like how I exactly go about crafting a harness but yeah that'll be coming very soon all right guys so we're going to start applying the cotton so again fold them in half find an area poke it through don't tighten it all the way and then spread it out into each Direction now we're going to take a different color fold these together find a tie toss this bad boy in all right guys so we've applied the Cottons and it's uh kind of starting to come together now a lot better I probably would have to apply a little more AGM onto this but I think it's looking pretty good right now next up what I want to do though is add some Raffia now I have some Raffia from the summer crafting kit as well as the winter crafting kit trousers are we'll use the one from the summer crafting kit because this one is from the winter crafting kit and it's kind of like a lighter straw color which we're not seeing anywhere out here at this time of the year maybe a little bit on the floor bed but we're seeing a lot of this like this looks extremely natural like I would put it maybe like right here that looks like a piece of grass so we're gonna bust out some cable ties now I see a lot of people overdo the Raffia they just put too much by that I mean they just use way too much and then you know half the suit is just fake grass and just doesn't look very natural so what I like to do is just grab one strand and I Loop it through through and I just securely fasten it on and this is pre-comb Raffia that comes with the kit I'm going to securely fasten that there and we're going to go through it in a little bit and kind of fix everything up but all the parts that aren't ink green is where I'm going to add the raffia so in between all the Cottons even it's probably only got gonna toss it in like three different areas of the suit to be completely honest I don't want to overdo it like I said I really don't think you have to overdo it especially if your environments don't have like a whole lot of like natural grass just on the ground that kind of looks like dead grass I guess which we don't really overhear so ours is very bushy bush so all right guys so we've applied the Raffia in some various different spots now what I'm going to go through and do is just break it apart even further now again this is pre-combed but I like to comb it out even more just to make it super super thin I personally feel it looks a little more natural by doing that so that's what we're going to do right now and what I actually like to do once I do this and kind of pre-comb it a little more is I'll actually grab it so I'll grab the whole bunch on a single cable tie and I'm going to ball it up right bottle up scrunching up we're just doing this pulling it apart makes it look a little more natural now another thing I will mention here too everyone is that um sometimes the Raffia just looks very unnatural if it's way too long like you can see so I just go through and I trim it so it's about two inches Max each strand I feel like anything more than that just looks a little too unrealistic personally yeah it's not really my vibe so I just kind of trim it down a little bit make it look a little more natural looking and then I'll spread it all out here all right so last but not least to fill in some of these gaps like right here and maybe down here I'm going to add some Castle Snipes artificial Ivy super easy to apply this stuff you just cable tie it on so we're gonna do that in these kind of open areas just to add a little more green as our environment is just insanely green right now so all right so we applied some there we're going to apply a little more now so last but not least guys we're going to go through and we're going to snip the ends of the cable ties then your craft is basically done well I mean after that you would have to field test it which we're going to do right away here but for now we're just going to snip all the ends of the cable ties off you do want to do this unless you want to attach some artificial leaves on the top of there underneath and have your AGM underneath that's always an option now I will say right away I personally am not a big fan of artificial leaves anymore I used to be back when I just wasn't as experienced when it came to Ghillie crafting but you know over time I've just come to kind of grow out of it and just strictly use Raffia AGM the cast of Snipes artificial Ivy is about the most I'll do in terms of artificial leaves now I mean novrich does make pretty good ones at a pretty affordable price but um it's just not really my thing anymore I feel like I can make them far more effective ghillie suit by literally just using AGM Cottons and Raffia so yeah we're going to snip all these cable ties and we're gonna go field test all right so we're basically like I don't know a meter away from the suit it is breaking apart maybe I could add a little more greens on there but it's looking pretty solid we're going to back it up now so now I'm about maybe five meters away and it is right here we're gonna back it up about 10 meters away so now it's starting to really break apart like I can't really tell from here like it depends on the angle I'm gonna move over here now this is when it starts to really work so I'm gonna try to zoom in here so it's sitting right about here and it's really tough to see like when you're scanning an environment for example you're scanning an environment right and you're starting from here let's say I'm an enemy player I'm scanning scanning scanning like it's pretty easy to miss that right in the middle there right in the middle of the screen so again it's field testing once you get a little closer to it boom we see it another one I like to do too is to go into shaded areas so like this would be a really solid spot it's kind of a little open we're gonna toss this right here that is looking pretty good I'm gonna hide straight across in this bush with my back facing you guys I'm wearing the an average Cruise otter pants and I'm going to lay down here as well and for the most part guys try to focus a little bit more some more or less on the top half the Gilly here I'm gonna lay sideways so guys that pretty much does it for custom crafting a summer craft on your ghillie suit doesn't have to be the kicking Mustang one I showed you how to do it on the cam CS Brown 2.0 which is pretty old but you can use it on any suit I think the most important takeaways is inking your suit in various places green and then adding your AGM on top of the green Inked areas and then you can start to add things like Raffia different colored Cottons as well as things like artificial Ivy from Castle snipe if you guys have any questions about anything that I went over be sure to leave them in the comments down below as I do answer every single question and be sure to follow me on Instagram at Airsoft steeney you can also DM me questions on there too I respond to every single DM thanks everybody for watching catch you next video peace
Channel: Airsoft Stini
Views: 3,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summer Ghillie Crafting Tutorial - Using Adaptive Ghillie Mesh, adaptive ghillie mesh, AGM ghillie suit, how to use AGM, ghillie suit tutorial, how to make a ghillie suit, airsoft ghillie sniper, airsoft ghillie suit, ghillie suit techniques, kicking mustang, summer crafting ghillie tutorial, summer crafting ghillie tips, how to summer craft using agm, how to summer craft a ghillie suit, how to winter craft a ghillie suit, how to make ghillie suits, ghillie suit, airsoft
Id: cLE1Mhd6vcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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