Top 3 EASY Ghillie Crafting Techniques | Using Adaptive Ghillie Mesh

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all right guys so these are the top three methods that I use when applying any type of Ghillie crafting mesh to a suit or a rifle wrap Etc so um first off we're going to be actually using the Adaptive Ghillie mesh here that I went over as I mentioned in the last video the AGM is actually zip tied at the top out of um by the manufacturer and I'm going to just comb it out and I'm going to snip it off of the end here which I'll show you how to do so I just roll it off here so I'm going to grab the AGM from right here grab it by the top and I'm going to take my scissors and all I'm going to do is just snip at a very narrow angle upwards oh I missed some there that's okay toss it there snipping at a very upwards angle boom now we have a bunch of AGM there ready to roll all right so you may be wondering how many pieces of AGM or crafting material should you use on the suit so for me personally I like to use three I think that that's like a pretty good number of mesh to use so I'm going to use three right now and basically all I do is I stack three you can use four or even five I think five is a little excessive I think that three is the sweet spot but four doesn't hurt so we're gonna stock three on top of each other just like so all right guys so first off when you do go to attach the mesh to a suit what you're going to do is take your brown 2.5 millimeter cable tie you're gonna poke it through the suit like so and I like to just keep the cable tie resting right in here poked through so the cable tie has been poked through two holes and it is sitting on the suit just like so so now I'm going to take three pieces of my AGM one two and three and all I'm gonna do is literally take the middle and pinch so I'm going to pinch it into a little bow like this and what I'm going to do is place it over top of the cable tie I'm going to take the cable tie and I'm going to fasten the cable tie down and I'm not going to do it all the way okay so we're going to Cable tie this down and we're going to leave a few clicks so it's not fully clipped on there super super tight now next what I do is I split the bow up so I'm taking the bow and I'm splitting it up into each way here so splitting it up and what this is actually doing is creating a little flower looking bud so just a really natural piece of veg and as you can see the bow is kind of going out in all directions and this just covers a little more surface area so you do actually use a little less of the AGM material after you've adjusted the bow you can then proceed to click the cable tie all the way down and I always recommend to keep the ends of the cable ties unsnipped so you can you know go and add a piece of artificial vegetation let's say it's this novice lc2 Leaf you can actually take the leaf and place it over top of the cable tie and check this out now we have the AGM underneath an actual Leaf right here by novridge so we're going to slip this out and I'm going to show you another way to attach the suit now if you don't want to attach a leaf on here all you would do is just take the cable tie and snip it now you have your AGM attached to your suit alright so next up we have the basic bud so I'm going to attach another cable tie through here super easy bring that through and I'm going to grab my three pieces of AGM 1 2 and 3. now what I'm going to do I have my three pieces of AGM I'm actually going to pinch the middle here so I'm going to come right in here and I'm pinching all three right in the middle as you can see right here I've just pinched right in the middle and what I'm going to do I'm going to give it a little twist and I'm going to flour that out and check out what this is done it's created like a little bud looking natural piece of vegetation when I brush it out so what you're going to do is again twist the bottom here and you're going to attach this little bottom to the cable tie so I'm going to do that right now so simply zip tie it on here nice and secure and you can zip tie this all the way down and then I'm going to flour this out like so so as you can see it looks like more of like a flower which is really really neat all right so the third and last technique is actually using an Airsoft BB like we have right here so what you're going to do is this is another bud technique so we're going to grab three pieces of AGM these ones are kind of small so we got one two and three pieces of AGM and what I'm gonna actually do is take my Airsoft BB I'm going to place it in the middle of the AGM right there and I'm just going to wrap the AGM around this Airsoft BB like so so what I'm doing is I'm creating a little bud but the BB is right inside of here at the bottom of the bud I'm going to give it one twist and what I should have done is placed a cable tie in but that's okay I'm going to place a little cable tie in here so now we have the BB at the bottom and all I'm going to do is just cable tie around that BB I'm going to give it one twist and then I'm going to Cable tie so the BB is on the right side or left side of the cable tie and then the mesh is pinched in between and the BB will keep the shape of the bud and just make it a little easier to attach the bud in there and now I'm going to kind of flower it out and now I can go through and I can snip the tops of these cable ties a little technique for snipping the tops of ties just so you don't cut any of the AGM or leaves that are attached is I go to the top here I clamp the scissors down slightly and then I just pull the scissors down to the bottom snip done then you have your excess cable tie there I'm going to do the same thing here boom done so here we have our three different techniques for attaching the Halo screen mesh to our two hour suit one thing I will mention here as well is that some of these pieces of AGM are just too long like they just look a little too unnatural they're too long what I like to do is like to snip upwards like a very narrow angle so I'm going to snip snip and kind of shorten these up a little bit okay and you want these to be as rough as possible they don't have to be perfect that one actually looks pretty good this one's a little long I'm going to snip down at it again I'm trying not I'm purposely not trying to make it perfect because Messier is better when you are Ghillie crafting see this one is way way too long see how much this comes out I'm just gonna snip it at an angle just like so so we have a few different techniques here um in my opinion I like the bow technique I think that this is the most natural looking but I do like mixing up the floral technique and getting these little buds kind of in between there as well because this really does just create a macro pattern at the end of the day and then obviously the BB one here is more so for beginners if they're having issues with clamping down the um Gilly crafting material to the suit by just pinching the bottom and twisting it you can just place a BB in there as well and it will securely fasten a little easier than just clamping the bottom of a bud or doing the bow technique even though the bow technique is actually pretty straightforward and simple and that wraps up our tutorial on how to apply Gilly mesh to your suit or to Rifle wrap [Music]
Channel: Airsoft Stini
Views: 11,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 3 EASY Ghillie Crafting Techniques | Using Adaptive Ghillie Mesh, adaptive ghillie mesh, kicking mustang, how to craft a ghillie suit, ghillie suit crafting, ghillie crafting tools, ghillie crafting techniques, ghillie crafting tutorial, how to craft a ghillie suit tutorial, ghillie suit tutorial, ghillie mesh tutorial, how to make a ghillie suit, how to make a custom ghillie, ghillie, ghillie suit, airsoft ghillie sniper, airsoft ghillie suit, airsoft, airsoft tutorial
Id: vKkg-4IvaRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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