Novritsch Ghillie Suit Review - Most Convenient, Lightweight Ghillie??

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[Music] so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to the channel airsoft steeny here doing a review on the novritsch ghillie suit so this is the shoulder ghillie and then we also have the ghillie trousers so we're going to be doing a little review here see how it holds up in like an right before spraying going into spring environments so as you can see all the foliage behind me is um dead so the gilly that novritch sent out here is the amber gilly does it hold up to this type of foliage kind of sort of in my opinion this is better for like an early spring slash middle of spring however i think that we can still make it work and we're going to do some tests on it to see how it looks i do own a kmcs kicking mustang brown leaf suit and i do have it fully concealed and crafted mostly for uh summertime for like middle of summer when it's super green out here but for this ghillie suit i'm probably gonna craft it for the spring which i will have another review of me crafting this for our environment here as novritsch did send me some leaves as well to custom craft this ghillie suit uh the material on this is obviously um extremely durable like this isn't gonna like i'm really trying to rip it apart and it's not ripping at all throughout the entire ghillie you will see small mesh holes this allows for you to attach fake leaves raffia and all that good stuff with cable ties with small brown rip ties yeah other than that we'll try it on here real quick so as i said before i do own the kicking mustang brown leaf suit and the issue that i have with the kmcs suit is i don't wear my chest rig which is right here over top of my ghillie suit which a lot of people do i own this chest rig i don't use like a harness or anything so i feel that it's easier for me to just toss the chest rig underneath my ghillie suit and the issue with that is on my kmcs i have the whole upper body gilly covering this entire chest rig so if i ever want to reload a mag i gotta lift up and then i gotta kind of use muscle memory to kind of take a mag out here boom got my mag put the mag in muscle memory again find that mag pouch and then i actually have to like secure the mag pouch down um without even looking because my face mesh mask doesn't allow me to properly look down at what i'm doing that's one thing that i'm not too fond of on the kmcs whereas with the novritsch gilly with the shoulder ghillie obviously it exposes my entire chest rig so if i want to grab my mk 23 i can quickly grab it out right here boom boom toss it back on i don't have to move anything if i want to grab mags i have access to both of my mag pouches right here for my pistol from my mk23 it's probably my favorite feature of this gilly is just it's a half gilly and honestly guys like finding just like the cloak or the cape with an exposed front area here is kind of difficult to find especially at the price point that novritsch offers these shoulder gillies for but if you guys are looking to purchase this i will leave a link in the bio for this exact gilly in the amber color so what i'm gonna do here is show you guys another awesome thing that the novritsch gilly offers here so i grabbed some foliage from the ground here and the novritsch ghillie suit actually does have vegetation loops so yeah what i can do here is i can actually find a loop here so this one up front looks good and i'm going to toss the veg into the loop rough it around a little bit another area that i like to toss the veg at is kind of in the shoulder areas or like this upper area because then it kind of conceals the shoulders a little bit and that's what we're going to do right now here now i find that when i do add veg before a game play starts i like to overdo it a little bit so obviously this is like quite a bit but it does tend to shed like i only get maybe one gameplay just because i do crawl around quite a bit when i do play but as you can see like already starts to add depth to the um ghillie the loops seem extremely strong i mean i was kind of ripping at them and didn't seem like they wanted to come off which is good there's a bunch of them all around here like we got some on the forearm area on the shoulders as well so what i would do is actually take the ghillie suit off and then i would just stuff it with the veg rather than doing it while the ghillie suit is on it's a little easier to stuff the actual real vegetation throughout the suit and one other thing i'm going to mention here too is there are little cords here so you can tighten up the wrists here i believe novrits just released a full gilly suit so it's not just the shoulder one it's a full upper ghillie suit and those actually have thumb loops so they don't ride up your arms even though actually this is pretty good i mean even if i tighten these just a little more they ride up a little bit but not really that bad at all i'm actually kind of impressed with that i was thinking that they would ride up a lot worse than they do but no that's solid there's a little lip on the front here so it does cover the top of your hand however if you do have concealed gloves as you can see like that's pretty good so it does blend in nicely from the concealed gloves into the ghillie suit really really solid all right so moving along here we have my kmcs balaclava so i don't have the nobridge boonie otherwise i'd be using that but i do own a kmcs balaclava and i did craft it for the summer months so we will slip this on here and this is just to show you guys how you can conceal your head into your shoulders of the novritsch gilly really well if you do own some sort of balaclava and you have concealed goggles whether you have mesh goggles or for myself i own the turbo or the smith optics turbofan goggles and i have them fully concealed with a skin overlay on the top as well as a mesh mask that is actually zip tied i have the mesh mask plus the goggles all in one here which is awesome and then i added some novritch leaves some fake ivy and a bunch of raffia that was actually made by novridge onto the front so i'll slip this on and as you can see instantly conceals my chest area right so this does add a little bit of concealment that hides your pistol all you can see on my mk23 is the suppressor which is concealed and honestly when you have your rifle which this is a novritch ssg96 this is my main riff that i use and have it all concealed again using a lot of novritch leafs halo screen and whatnot so when you are an airsoft sniper not a lot of times will you be actually standing and shooting like this so a lot of times you're going to be bent over like this behind cover and you're going to be picking away at your targets one by one now the reason why i like the kmcs balaclava or even novritch i believe carries a boonie that or like a headpiece that actually drapes down a little bit and conceals your chest a little more i like it because when you're using this shoulder gilly your chest rig is obviously extremely exposed and a lot of the times when you're taking cover and firing at your opponents and trying to be really stealthy in your ghillie suit a lot of the times it's going to be from the middle of your chest up to your head that is going to be shown so this gilly suit paired with a either a kmcs balaclava or the novritsch balaclava is really nice because when you're when you're peeking up you still have all of this concealment if you're hiding behind covers i mean even when you do conceal your rifle a lot of the times your rifle is in front of your chest rig like this you're always carrying it like this or you have it hugged up against your body so it does actually the rifle even helps can further conceal the front chest rig area which is pretty solid in my opinion all right so last but not least i do want to talk about the um novritsch trousers here so we have the ghillie trousers these are really solid now the thing i like most about them is and i'm gonna uh maybe rip my chest rig off here so i can give you guys a better look at the novritsch gilly trousers all right guys so we got the chest rig off here as you can see i'm showing you guys the novritsch trouser so my favorite part of these gotta be straight straight up is the um the loops here so again i do own the kmcs and all it has is these little loops on the side which if you want to you could attach these to your chest rig so they for sure will not fall off however if you're wearing these like this this whole the whole trouser system is not going to fall off it has adjustable loops on the side here so yeah it does have two loops here so if you are a pretty tall person these are 100 still gonna fit you if you're short like me i mean i'm five eight but um not too short but um i'm gonna bring these up here and like this is super super solid these aren't coming off and the thing i like about these is it doesn't just go straight up and then straight back it actually criss-crosses on the side like this so this just ensures that they're not going to like slide around too much i mean what for 60 euro like you get really high quality durable gilly pants which is awesome because a lot of people don't invest in the ghillie pants because it is quite more expensive than you know just purchasing a gilly top a lot of people you'll see will just purchase the gilly top and they'll skip the trousers just because the price but i think for like i think it's close to 100 euro you can get pretty much a full gilly suit another thing you're going to notice too exact same as the shoulder gilly is that it has natural loops for your vegetation boom it's that easy i literally took me like all of five seconds to stuff this in but you have the 3d irregular leaves on the gilly all around you and again you do have the mesh holes on here so you can custom craft um you know knowledge leaves on here halo screen whatever you want to use to add some more depth to your ghillie suit novrich if you are watching this thank you very much for sending me all of these products originally these products were actually supposed to be reviewed on my tick tock page airsoft steeny if you guys want to go check out my tick tock account i recently blew up on take talk on my airsoft page again airsoft steeny have over 300 000 followers on there and that is kind of where the collaboration process started with novritch and super fortunate for them to be sending me um products in the prairies in canada of all places so um yeah expect a lot of reviews on the naughto birch products on tick tock i'll be going into in-depth reviews as well as entertainment style videos using their products and last but not least i'm gonna go out into the bush i'm going to fully conceal myself i will be using my kmcs balaclava with my goggle system and i will be i'll probably have my rifle with me as well and i'm gonna lay down somewhere and we're gonna see if you guys can spot me in this uh early spring dead foliage i've been the same [Music] i wish [Music] we always end up right back in the same [Music] place [Music] with all that being said guys thank you everyone for watching make sure like comment and subscribe for more airsoft gameplay videos reviews and more catch you on the next video peace
Channel: Airsoft Stini
Views: 34,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novritsch ghillie suit review, novritsch review, novritsch ghillie suit, novritsch ghillie pants, novritsch ghillie shoulder piece, novritsch ghillie suit review top and bottom, novritsch fake leaves, airsoft prouct review, the best ghillie suite for airsoft, top airsoft ghillie for airsofters, best gear for airsofters, kicking mustang ghillie suit, the best ghillie suit for airsoft, novritsch ssg96, kmcs balaclava, kicking mustang balaclava, airsoft stini
Id: q4L1Ct7J9S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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