How To Ghillie Craft A Balaclava - Step By Step Guide

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yo what's going on guys Airsoft steeney here back with another Gilly crafting tutorial this time we are going to be covering how I Gilly craft a balaclava or in this case the knob Rich sniper boonie now this is the Everglade boonie okay we're gonna go through the crafting process of this now I have added some Raffia that I was just testing as well as some artificial Ivy but that's about it on the side here I have a bunch of AGM now I will leave a link in description for this material you can find it on and I have pretty much all this AGM pre-cut so I highly recommend when you are Ghillie crafting just buy the AGM you can also go with the Le cover Halo screen mesh which is still good I'm not going to knock it but I will say that if you get the summer crafting kit for the AGM you also get things like coconut rope obviously more than enough cable ties and you'll ever need when crafting and then you'll get Cottons as well which is very important in my opinion and the Le covert crafting kit doesn't come with cotton so for the price I think that the AGM summer crafting kit by kicking Mustang and silly Gilly is worth every penny again I'll leave a link description for where you can buy this stuff for the sniper boonie I'm probably gonna keep it to the light green as well as the medium green here so I'm probably going to keep it to these two colors and basically I'm going to start with the darker Greens on the bottom and once we make it halfway up to the top of the balaclava I'm going to switch to The Brighter greens that's kind of how I like to craft balaclavas I like to go with the lighter on the top and then the darker on the bottom here a lot of people don't talk about this too often but you can get tunnel vision when you're crafting any sort of material or any sort of of concealment whether it's your top or your bottoms or the balaclava so what I like to do is just look at the balaclava here okay so we see some kind of open areas here where we can add some crafting material now the one thing that you don't want to do is just add your AGM or crafting material to the entire boonie and just cover it with this stuff that's not the point of how this actually works you want to create macro patterns of it now we can see here that there's macro patterns of the nobric sleeves right we have a whole lot of knowledge leaves bunched up in this area but then we can see some exposed mesh in between and these are the areas that you know we can kind of you know Bunch up the crafting material in so we can Bunch up maybe crafting material in here then right here maybe up in here and then the sides which we're going to get to but just know that you don't want to craft the entire thing with the AGM or any sort of Ghillie crafting material same goes for Leafs too right so right now what we're going to do is actually start by pre-poking cable ties onto the balaclava so I'm going to go ahead and do that all I'm going to do is just poke the brown 2.5 millimeter cable ties through and I'm just going to make little Loops like this and what I'm going to do is I'm going to continue making Loops in the general area the more isolated area where I want to start the craft so I'm going to go ahead and do that in Jump cut to show you guys all the loops that I create alright guys so I have now added all the looped cable ties we have about 12 cable ties that I looped in this isolated area so now I'm going to go through and I'm going to add the AGM the medium green so what I like to do is stack three or four of them on top of each other I Bunch them up and I just toss them inside of a cable tie like so and I Loosely I don't tighten it 100 so that I can spread all of the AGM out to make this flowery looking bud and the reason why I like doing this is this is actually a silly Gilly technique and then you can just fully tighten it down once you're happy with it is that it creates a little more surface area than if you were to you know just toss some AGM in here and just leave it and I see this mistake done a lot by amateur Gilly Crafters is they'll just toss it on and then they'll keep it like this and it looks like a little bow you want to be spreading it out like so which we're going to do on this one as well so I'm going to go through and I'm just going to add this medium green onto all of these cable ties and I'll show you kind of what it looks like when we have an isolated little spot of AGM and you know what I might even toss in just a couple probably two Max of the lighter green in here as well just to break it up a little bit so I'm going to even add one right now all right guys so now we are making some progress here so um here is the AGM applied to this area right here so as you can see we have the two lighter greens here just to add a little bit of depth to it and then we just kind of littered it with the medium greens all around okay so one thing I did want to mention too this leaf that I applied here is called the casa Snipes artificial Ivy so this is what it looks like it comes in these like sticks and twigs and you can there's wire in them actually so you can morph them to whatever shape that you would like and it stays there and it's really easy to apply this stuff onto any type of concealment and I absolutely love these because when Sun hits these they brighten up they get they become like this type of a light green but then when they're dark they kind of show up as like a darker green so they kind of adapt to whatever light is actually hitting it which is really cool so I did add before the video just some artificial Ivy to the side now the reason why I did it on the side here is because I like to get rid of the hard edges on balaclava so um the next area that we're going to move on to here on the draped over part of the balaclava is probably this side right here and this is just to get rid of these harsh edges on the side because that's what can ultimately give away a position when you are crafting improperly right like when we get to the top here as you can see there's a lot of sharp edges on the hood here where the eyes are sitting as well as on the top here like this I honestly want to craft like majority of this to get rid of these harsh edges same with even on the sides here as well so right now we're going to add again more cable tie Loops into this area and we're going to craft kind of this area right here now as you can see once I craft this area I'm leaving some space to let the novice leaves kind of do their thing I'm leaving a little bit of exposed mesh there and now I'm going to add even more material right here and what this does is it creates my macro pattern so we got our AGM here we got some open mesh in here novice leaves doing their job created you know a little bit of a macro pattern here of just leaf and then we're going to hit it with more AGM so we're going AGM mesh Leafs AGM so we want to kind of make it very spotty a little messy but being calculated right and I'm going to show you guys another technique with the Cottons and where when I would apply Cottons and where I would apply them after we're done applying the AGM and then after that we're going to add the Raffia so I'm going to go through make these loops and apply the AGM onto this area alright guys so now we're making some pretty solid progress so we got the AGM here now we have it running up the side of the balaclava so now what I'm probably going to do is I'm going to start working a little bit over here so because we have these Casa Snipes artificial Ivy running up here I kind of want to hit the side a little bit like right up here and into the lid of the balaclava so we're going to do that right now we're just going to run up a little strip of AGM right up the side here all right guys so we have the side here now crafted so when I look at this balaclava now I see that this side is crafted with AGM this one is starting to creep up there with more AGM but what I'm going to do on this side is probably hit it with more Cottons so this creates just a more disruptive pattern right you have AGM on this side of the head but then I'm going to fill this area with different colored Cottons so we're going to do that now and I'm going to show you the difference so I'm going to be using the lighter brown and these darker brown Cottons now what I like to do to prep for cotton is super simple I just take two at a time and I just stock them on top of each other just like so and I continue to stack them these are actually really long so I'm going to cut them there we go it's good like that this one's pretty long as well I'm just going to cut it up at an angle now with Cottons you don't always have to use the same color stacked on each other you can grab one cotton there in the light brown and then stock it with the darker brown now what we're going to do is apply Cottons into this entire general area now in between I might add some light green AGM and I might even do that just first so I'm going to add just one right here kind of mixing up where I'm actually placing them so we're going to toss one right here I think we'll toss another one right on the lip of the hood at the top putting them in random places but then filling the gaps in with the Cottons I take my two Cottons and I just fold them together in half place it inside of a cable tie cable tied down the middle not all the way and I just pull the Cottons apart like so tighten it down so it should look like a little bud it should go out in four different ways when you do it properly again fold it over go to another cable tie right down the middle not all the way tightened and butt it out like so fully tie it down every second cable tie I kind of want to mix it up with the dark brown so we're gonna go with the dark brown here butt it out now we're going to go with another light and we're gonna go right here next to this one now we're going to go back to the darker Cottons so you see what's going on here I'm kind of going back and forth between the two colors mixing up the colors a little bit just creating more disruption right making it technically a little Messier but again when we are crafting Messier is definitely better because it just adds more disruption to your patterns right let's start from the beginning here I'm going to show you guys what's going on with this Bell Club okay so we got AGM right here medium green with kind of little specks of the light green Casa Snipes artificial Ivy running up the side now we got more AGM coming up the side here now we have kind of a blank canvas in here letting the novice leaves do its thing now we're hitting it with a lot of Cottons right Cottons all over the place here now we come back down to some AGM all the way down the side and then we have strips of the knob Rich leaves right here so what this is doing is it's just creating depth right now at the end of this I'm going to look at it and say okay you know maybe I can add some Cottons here and there maybe some Raffia here and there to fill in these really big empty spots because I think these are a little too big for my liking I might add just Raffia some Cottons but not much I'm not going to overdo it I'm not going to do something like this where it's just a whole bunch of AGM in one spot I'm just going to put little bits and pieces to fill in the blank right here so we have the age GM coming from the front and into the back so what I might actually do is continue this pattern by just bringing a strip right down the middle here just boom okay and then after we have this done I'm probably going to make a patch right here on the back maybe some more Cottons on this side on the side that we don't have Cottons and obviously I'm going to be crafting a lot on these edges back here just to eliminate this line right here we kind of again we don't want these lines so we're going to kind of go through the sides here at the end we're going to also add some coconut rope on the back side as well as the sides of the balaclava to like you know break up the silhouette even further probably going to use four coconut ropes so yeah we're going to make a strip right here and then I'm going to craft up in here a little bit on the back side of the head now one thing I will mention guys is I'm not even going to touch the top of the head we're talking like this circle right here I don't want anything on the top I don't want Raffia I might put a couple little things of AGM like sprinkled in but this this part right here about the size of your palm on top of your balaclava I do not craft anything I feel like it's a dead giveaway when you have Raffia sticking up like you know half a foot up of on your head when you peek your head up behind cover the Raffia is kind of swinging all over the place I feel that it looks a little too unnatural in terms of like when you're moving around it's easy it's just a dead giveaway so again size your palm just don't Craft on the top of the Ghillie or of the balaclava so on the back side here we're going to get to this I'm going to Loop some cable ties and we're going to start crafting all right guys so we have now continued this pattern of AGM from the front here so it's coming up the sides and now we continued it into the back and made this strip right along here so next up what I'm going to do is start crafting this top area right here and then maybe we'll kind of go back to some Cottons in this area right here but kind of leave some strips and stuff exposed here so we're going to craft now the backs out of the head and I'll jump cut to show you guys a little patch of AGM right here all right guys so I went through and I added more Cottons on the top here and then some more AGM as you can see now it's like becoming a very disruptive pattern right you have the novice leaves the AGM the Cottons of different in colors we're kind of going from darker to lighter up the top we have some artificial Ivy by Casa Snipes now we're starting to see this really disruptive pattern so right now I'm really happy with how this is I'm happy with all the macro patterns that I've created and the depth that I've created so what I'm going to do next is literally just go through and I'm just going to apply like Cottons at random areas so like right down here I see like kind of an open spot that I can just add a random cotton right down here let's add a little cotton so we're gonna keep looking around here kind of on the sides is a little bear um let's add a cotton on the bottom here just to get rid of that sharp edge see what else let's add another cotton on the bottom here as well just to mix in with the AGM that's running up the side of the balaclava so as you can see guys once you create those like patterns and you're not tunnel visioned on where you're applying like your crafting materials after that is like the easy part because you can kind of take a step back look at it and be like okay like I need to add some Cottons here Raffia there like this is an empty spot here maybe I should add more of my crafting mesh like you know what I mean so that's the nice part about not getting tunnel vision just crafting the entire freaking thing because it just doesn't work that well if you just craft the whole thing by the way guys if you want to purchase any of the stuff that I've mentioned in this video including this balaclava I'm going to leave a link for everything in the description from the most reputable places that I purchase all these materials and um and stuff from so yeah check the link in the descriptions it's going to be outlined you'll be able to find everything that you need down the description there all right guys so I got a bunch of kmcs egm pre-comb Raffia pinch a few strands here now I don't use too much to be completely honest I don't like to use too much I used to use too much back in the day when I was kind of more amateur but now I kind of just use a little bit this is all the Raffia we're going to use for this entire balaclava don't overdo it see so many people overdo it and just just looks a little unnatural when it's just like too much now what I'm going to do is make a loop now I'm going to grab some of this pre-comb Raffia and I'm just going to make a loop like this okay I'm going to wrap it around my finger poke the hole or The Loop through the cable tie pull the excess Raffia through and tighten it like so and I'm going to tighten this down okay that's all we're going to do in areas like in between all the AGM just because it looks like the Raffia is kind of poking up from those artificial flowers or Buds and Greenery so that's what we're going to do here again making a nice little loop loop it through the cable tie bring it on through tie that down and I have another Raffia technique that I'm going to show you guys as well to make it look even more natural so this is pre-comb Raffia it's already combed for you so you have to go through and split it so what I'll do is just I'll Bunch it up roll it with my hands and leave it like so now some of these strands are a little too long so I can go through and snip them that looks pretty good like that so I Bunch it into a ball then I roll it with my hands that's what kind of even breaks it up further now this is another technique that you can do and I absolutely love I take a wire brush so this light green Raffia is the Nova trafia so I'm going to Bunch it up here just grab as much of it as I can and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to comb it out with the wire brush I'm going to get it pretty good I'm gonna go with probably like eight passes through it and this Combs it out and makes it like pretty much as thin as hair and I like this look because it adds a different distinctive look to the Raffia right and it takes a lot of the contrast out like I do this to all my Nova trophy I feel like the Nova trafia it's just like the colors are kind of they're too vibrant for me for raffia they don't look too too natural so I'll go through and I'll pre-comb the Raffi with a wire brush specifically especially the knob Ridge stuff and I'll do this because it makes it really thin like this love this look and we can even do this to some of the AGM Raffia that came in the AGM kit so we're gonna pre-comb this out here on the side thin thin wrap I absolutely love that look we're going to do this to a few more pieces of the Raffia here I like doing it on the box here we got some thick pieces so pre-comb this all right so we got the coconut rope here what I'm going to do is make a loop over top of it and then I'm going to grab my AGM shove it in the loop try to get it to the middle and then I'm going to tighten it down but I'm going to pull it to the end of the coconut rope then I'm going to spread it out I'm going to butt it out like we normally do fully tighten knot now I'm going to go to the opposite side I'm going to do the exact same thing I'm going to Loop this through grab some AGM poke it on through don't fully tighten it and we're just going to flour this out now we're going to do one more let's use a cotton though so you can apply Cottons to this as well I think that's really smart actually to do I personally like this technique so we're going to toss one cotton here another piece of AGM next to this one maybe somewhere along the lines of rate here maybe about three inches apart I'm gonna grab my balaclava where do I want this placed probably on the sides right we want to create some disruption on the side so I like to do it on the sides of the head so I want to pinch the cable tie on the middle of the coconut rope I don't want to do it on the side you can do it like this I'm going to show you that technique as well but I like to do the middle if it's on the sides of the head if we're going to use like an actual bulking disruption technique the coconut rope hangs off to the side and it mimics kind of like a twig right so I really like this technique we're going to leave that there now we're going to go to the side here and we're going to do kind of a similar technique but a little differently with the coconut rope we can have it pinch it on the side but what I do is I actually go like this I pinch it together like this and I cable tie around this part right here so we're going to do that right now show you guys kind of what this looks like so I I really like this this kind of um technique too just because it really shoots the the uh the coconut rope out now we have these two smaller pieces of coconut rope with the AGM attached so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to Simply attach it and I'm just going to attach it from the side that doesn't have any AGM toss it in here securely fasten that down now we're going to go maybe let's see maybe unlike the front yeah let's go in the front and let's do it like somewhere in here that's a little kind of more open that is looking great can really really solid cheese okay all right guys so we're tossed on the balaclava I guess the knob Ridge Everglade sniper boonie and what I'm going to do is I'm going to see if I can tighten this up a little bit on the bottom to my face obviously you can still fit your goggles in here I might do a little bit of trimming around here just to make sure that the peripheral is a little better but as you can see looking pretty good I'm pretty happy with this here's the sides sides now as you can see we have you know the coconut rope which is adding more you know silhouette breakage right here we have the Cottons all over the place and we're just creating this very disruptive pattern all over the place right so I'm really happy with this I think it turned out awesome this is kind of just my process for you know um crafting balaclavas I do this with my kmcs balaclava as well as the Norwich ones the last step would be just to trim all of these little cable ties the ends of the cable ties off once you do that you're basically good to go you can make some adjustments again guys you must field test all of the stuff that you can seal right you'll want to always take your concealment to the field when it's just bare and you don't want to have any crafting done to it throw the balaclava or maybe it's your Ghillie top your trousers just onto the floor bed of where you usually play on your field and test it see if the natural pattern and color of your Ghillie actually matches your environment if you're playing in a green environment maybe don't go for a fully brown suit or if you do go for a fully brown suit maybe you should be inking your suit Green in different macro patterns and parts of the suit to match your environment better and then craft something like AGM on top I really dig this crafting job I think this is solid I'm actually doing this for a customer of mine so I'm sending this off to them if you guys do want any custom crafting work done on anything I can always Source the different concealment parts and then obviously the crafting material you can email me which I'll leave in the description down below so thank you guys so much for watching again if you do want to purchase any of the materials or this sniper booty that I just talked about throughout this whole video I'll leave direct links in description down below thanks everybody for watching again I'll catch you guys on the next video peace
Channel: Airsoft Stini
Views: 2,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to ghillie craft a balaclava, balaclava custom crafting, airsoft balaclava, airsoft ghillie suit, airsoft ghillie crafting, how to custom craft airsoft gear, how to custom craft a ghillie, how to make a ghillie, airsoft ghillie sniper guide, airsoft sniper guide, how to make a custom ghillie, how to make a custom ghillie balaclava, novritsch, novritsch sniper boonie, novritsch everglade, novritsch everglade sniper boonie, novritsch balaclava, novritsch ghillie suit, airsoft
Id: 7HCUmjF421E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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