THE BEST GHILLIE SUIT- MIMTech Special Forces inc. Crafting Tutorial

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welcome welcome welcome on this week's episode we're going to be checking out some ghillie suits heart breaks and cries in the down this is how it feels this is how it feels this is how it feels this is how it feels this is how it feel this is how it feel this is how it feels to be for in America [Music] so first up can I just say that there's never been a time like this where we've had access to so many ghilly sits it's good to see that everything's being pushed on by competition more products more knowledge being introduced so overall as consumers we're winning so ghilly suits this week and in particular it's the MIM Tech now if you've been following my Instagram you probably seen me post up quite a bit because I've been quite enthusiastic about the brand I've met the guy is's really really nice we got to spend quite a bit of time at iwa just chatting concealment chatting about life chatting about family and it was a really really good vibe if you haven't heard of MIM Tech check out their website and their Instagram and just see the art that goes into the camouflage it's actually just a 2d suit I there's no 3D elements on it I've added loads of hello screen and some coconut rope MIM Tech are a true artist when it comes to camouflage rather than getting a suit and having to do loads and loads of work to it MIM Tech have optimized their camouflage patterns to work as best as possible in as many environments as possible and to help cater through as many environments as possible each suit is actually fully reversible meaning with a quick wardrobe change you can totally change the look of your suit to help suit your environment currently mtech have four suits available two snow based suits one spring summer and one Autumn winter [Music] [Applause] [Music] suit top row here is the spring summer version and down below you've got the Autumn winter suit and you can almost see the transformation of The Season's taking place round and around here I've crafted mine slightly but that's the reverse side the same as those triers and these triers are the same as that jacket on the reverse side to have the option of multiple suits in one suit it is a really really nice feature I've got my balava crafted here but as soon as I start entering a br site I could just pop it inside out and everything is reversible the balaclava the top the pants and the bot covers all just one quick little turn and Away you go as mentioned MIM Tech aren't designed specifically for Airsoft they're designed for concealment but the amount of effort that's gone into the 2D patterns the thought process behind the suits the features but also simple stuff like whenever you're trying to get changed there's Clips instead of velro helping the sort with that silence but the material is really quiet compared to other suits this one's relatively quiet whereas this one sounds like a Christmas tree so it's good that even the thought process behind the materials the reflectance management but even from a price point of view it's around £ 250 and you're getting two suits in one you need very little 3D elements to correct the 2D pattern and if you're lying down prone just loosen that hood throw it over your riff and suddenly you've got a rifle wrap so what do you get with your purchase well first of all you get this fairly compact bundle of joy and the sack that it comes in is actually one of two boot covers so slip these around your boots if you want that extra concealment Factor I'm not too sure how useful the boot coverings will be in terms of Airsoft we've all been to that stage where someone says oh we're seen your boot so the boot coverings are quite good the only thing is the bottom of them are completely sealed which means that it won't give you much grip so I don't know from a health and safety point of view obviously everything from MIM Tech is designed for concealment and it's not designed for Airsoft specifically you could probably mod them in such a way maybe cut the bottom of them off and add an elastic strap or possibly just even shoe glue these onto the tops of your shoes but anyway yeah two adjustable boot covers next up you get the balaclava this one's my spring version which is being very lightly crafted it's a pretty simple balaclava it's got the eye opening but it's also got these two ear openings so that's kind of good for whenever you're wearing comms but also if you're looking to stock people and you want really good sign rather than hearing the rustling of all your 3D elements or your Leaf suit on the front part of the nose you have a little bit of metal just allowing you to mold it around your nose what I do is I fold it right over the bridge and I pull my goggles down tight which holds that nice and secure there in place next up you get the MIM Tech bottoms now these have been designed in such a way to make it really really easy to access the reversible sides we have the adjustable elastic waistband and it's so well thought out that the elastic is actually done on Loops so you could just pull and that will tighten it in after you get changed they also come with Clips rather than velcro which is a really nice idea so whenever you're wanting to get changed on the field just undo the clips and that'll make the waistband pop right off really quickly and you can turn the suit inside out immediately below the clips you've got these holes this is just access your front pockets just up at your hip there is also a zip and that will allow you access to your combat Pockets if you're wearing them you have an upside down pocket here now this is for the boot covers I have seen a couple of people ler boot covers in airsoft games right down at the bottom you've got this almost sportsware zip and again when you're wanting to get changed on site and you've got your combat boots on it just means that it's really easy to get changed next up you have the top itself fully reversible I'll turn it around to the brown side here so features of this suit obviously it's got the fully reversible camo print you've also got the hand coverings that cover your fingers as well and they've got the elastic just to keep them on and stop it riding the whole way up your arm suit has a zip just to make it slightly easier getting on and off and for those of you who want to run this more like a combat cape and wear a plate carrier there are these d-rings and clips which will just keep the front of the sit completely open so you can access your admin pouch or your mags or whatever and then for ultimate concealment just lower it back down over your play carrier following on from that we have this huge Omega Hood it's very oversized for the obvious reasons of throwing a d over your equipment whether that be a camera or your scope or your riff itself at the minute it's quite hard to handle because it's so loose but just give it a good tighten at the sides with the two adjust ERS and that'll make it a lot more manageable also I like to pull it tight here and here just to stop it sitting open and developing this lovely silhouette of your head with the Shadows on either side and then that's free for you to put your hood any way you want if you want it off to the side that'll hide some of the Symmetry the front of the hood has these two fall down Clips these are just for clipping into a baseball cap or a boonie or what I do is I actually pull them off to the side and I clip them into my airsoft goggles and that holds the hood nice and tight suit is oversized but it also comes with this lovely big long cape and that really helps with ditching some of the leg Shadow just having a look at the colors at distance this cool Brown side will be really good for Bear tree cover and I would say this warm side is for the Autumn and you will start to transform from this to this here Brown side bear in mind this is a bare suit no 3D elements so hopefully with a wee bit of time some 3D elements you'll really be able to increase the effectiveness of the suit but even on this Ivy Force floor the boot covers are actually doing a really good job by [Music] [Applause] [Music] themselves [Applause] [Music] this is just the jacket in case someone just wants to wear the jacket it's 1.8 and that's uncrafted and now let's weigh my crafted version be interesting to see how much weight the the 3D elements actually add to it so it's jumped up to 2.3 lbs now the whole suit so the bot covers the top the bottom bottom and the Bal clava is 3.5 points so this is the a version of the reversible camit we have a fairly cooled Brine and fairly cool greens but the greens are still quite prominent on it the other side has really nice contrast from the highs and lows but also this really warm midtone [Music] okay so we're going to do some uh crafting here on these balaclavas so obviously we're in a dark Forest here it's the middle of autumn so lovely warm tones but they're still quite a bit of green so I'm just picking out some Halo here and it seems to be looking like I'll use the dark and this cold can't remember does it have the stickers mint there we go so this is why you need the cold greens and not just the warm vibrant greens I've also got some TGs to maybe put on I'll just cable tie them on randomly we've got the snippers we've got scissors I've also got loads of nanoc screen here I'm using colds darks brights warms I'm pretty much using everything because on the force floor here there seems to be quite on array the other thing is last night there was a big downpour so everything is looking very very dark and saturated because of the wetness but the good thing about the nanoc screen is hopefully if I add some water to it it'll darken way down so that's looking a lot better already so being that it's slightly darker I'm going to go for the arcs but I'm just wondering should I use this side which has the greens or should I use the warm side I think at this stage it's it's 50/50 because we do have a lot of warms on the floor which this side doesn't have but I quite like the challenge of using this side so I'm going to go with this side which upon First Look probably doesn't make sense but let's see what it's like anyway so get our pack of Cub ties and rather than snipping off the end here which means that if you put these back in your rock sack they'll all pour out what I like to do is make a little hole in the center that way I can pull the cable ties out but it shouldn't fall out just looking at this color again I'm starting to change my mind should we go for the warm side or should we go for the cold side let me know in the comments what you would choose because at this point I'm really 50/50 on what to use okay let's go with the cool side just to be slightly different I think the obvious side to do is the warm side but upon looking at everything around here this may look slightly better you can always change your mind again but I'm going to go with this darker colder side but add some warms to it so the decision making how many cable ties do you use where do you put the cable ties how close do you put the cable ties together and the sad truth about it is it all depends there's times the scenarios will call for maybe a lot more Leaf litter just to get that broken Jagged rough effect on your suit and there's times where it may need very little but the method in my madness here and no is there's a lot of the warm bronze pushing into the oranges so with the prominence of the warm oranges I'm going to fill the balaclava with the oranges first of all just to make sure that I've got enough of that warm tone but then I'll start adding the darks and then to finish I'll probably add a few highlights of the lighter Nanos and also some Halo screen just to mimic The Ivy this is how these Oak Master garlands come already laser cut so if you fold it over and do a cut you can then just cut here and here and that'll give you already a lot of big shapes so for the narrow screen I just cut them into this rough shape it's already laser cut like this so I'm just literally slicing along but sometimes I get a shape like this and what I like to do is put a little incision in like that so it gives the cable tie something to grip but it pushes out a slightly different shape then that's not looking too bad now and you can see the nanoc screen that I drenched in water versus the completely dry nanoc screen just gives a slightly different tone the MIM Tech mesh is actually really stretchy making it really easy to work with cable ties the other thing to keep an eye on is just be mindful that whenever you're doing your cable ties if you're doing your cable ties first the tendency is to always thread them the same way and that will give you always for instance a linear Leaf so just be mindful to vary up your cable ties as well obviously the mesh has holes everywhere so it's about picking up down left right so this cable tie is running left to right and this cable tie is running up and down so you can see the leaves are in two different shapes so there's loads of oranges about so why didn't I choose the orange side of the MIM Tech well there was just something against me that kind of went against the Green and it was to do with the brightness and the Darkness and the contrast this is the MIM Tech Autumn sort of brighter warmer side and it is excellent at showing off contrast you know you have the lights here and you also have the darks however at the minute because there's been a downpour everything is very very dark so that's why I chose to use the colder dark darker side there's quite a bit of Ivy about which is obviously green but also when you're at a distance these lighter colors and the lighter greens will also act as a natural contrast and outside 10 m you probably won't even recognize that they're actually green so that's way I used this side I don't think it overly needs it but I'm going to add some Halo just to show you guys by laying it down you can see that there's little floors of green beside each other but slightly spaced out so that's the way I'm going to do my cable ties and rather than try and guess it I'm going to do a FL and then do another one and then add the cable tie just to get it kind of sitting right um I'll probably do a couple here and some down here just to add some macro shapes of green so we've grabbed some mint yo here and in the starter pack this is how it comes you can see how already it reacts to the light it's class it Sparkles up white just like those ivy leaves over here and the other ones that are being caught by the Sun but I'll just show you a quick way of how I cut it so I take the sheet and I fold it in half and I don't need all this size so I'm just going to cut it so I have it in that sort of length once I have it like that a literally just scrunch it up in my hand and start cutting strips out of it going just scrunch this up like so thread it through the K tie put it slightly tight and pull it tight once I've spread it out a we bit also if you have these strips you can also cut these in half you don't have to use the full length and that'll save you loads of frabric so this is the next stage we've added some of the colder and darker Halo so this is it with the high contrast Nano which includes the darks and the warms I haven't really added any other color of Nano I've added the Halo screen I've gone for the cool colors because as you can see around here all the ivy is reflecting that light blue shine so if you look at this Leaf here and this here color they're very very similar so it's vital to have these colder colors in amongst the greens as well as the Browns this is quite a cold Brown here and this is exactly the conditions where I ditch my warmer greens and also with the Nano screen as [Music] well [Music] and with that I have to draw the video to a close I tried to pack in as much information I've had the suit KN for about two 3 months maybe apologies that this video took so long but I wanted to make sure that it was accurate and as beneficial to you guys as possible I hope you enjoyed the crafting bit at the end giving you a bit of insight on the high I do things if you want to follow L covert and MIM Tech they're the two guys that I kind of get a lot of inspiration from so make sure to do that let me know in the comments which suit you would have used to craft in that terrain maybe I got it wrong not too sure but it certainly turned out all right the way I did it takes me so long to craft the suit it takes me ages to film and it takes even longer to edit the videos so if you do get value out of it make sure to hit that subscribe button the notification Bell and do all those things just to help push the content a little bit further if you would like to buy one of the MIM Tech suits my partner evoa runs skirm shop. they also have them in skirmshop NL and of course reach out to MIM Tech I know he has a distributor in the US as well I think so in the meantime guys enjoy and [Music] peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Akastaten
Views: 9,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghillie suit, ghillie tutorial, mimtech, special forces
Id: gRhYRjdZ684
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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