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[Music] so all right guys so first thing in this video series we're going to go over it's just kind of like a basic layout of materials that you're going to need to start your ghillie suit build all right first thing i'm going to go over is your base just as an example i'm going to use this pair of aussie cams you want to be kind of a good durable material just like what your camis are made of if you don't have a pair of camis and you have like some sort of like neutral or flat colored clothing that you're going to be making it out of for this this is going to be a three-piece ghillie suit that we're going to be going over you'll have your pants your top or your blouse and then you'll also have your veil which is going to be made out of a boonie all right again doesn't matter what camo you use try to stick on a camouflage that's on the lighter end of the spectrum like desert mar pad or multi-cam or something like that right that is that lighter color camouflage next thing you'll need is going to be some burlap right or some jute you guys can pick this stuff up anywhere lowe's home depot any local gardening store i would say i i personally like to get sandbags but in this instance i got a large roll of burlap and it'll work just the same you can also get kind of like artificial stuff but me personally i like to use burlap from sandbags or burlap from this this roll of stuff 90 of the time i have no idea what the i'm talking about along with that you're gonna need a bunch of 550 cord i'd say anywhere between 100 to 200 feet a 550 cord try to stick with a lighter color everything on your gilly shoots should be a lighter color whether it's coyote or you know maybe like a brown light brown or something like that stay stay away from black if you can along with that again stay away from black this black this is just as an example some mesh you guys can use a laundry bag i just got this roll of mesh off amazon but obviously we don't want to use black because in nature naturally there is no black so i don't know why i can't stop saying color um just try to stay away from black maybe get like white or tanner a lighter color again another thing some fishing net uh my net personally it doesn't matter how big it is uh you just don't want it to be super fine like the mesh uh the wider the wider the net is keep in mind the more it can probably get snagged on and stuff like that so i like to get kind of like a a net that has you know maybe three quarters of an inch to an inch spaces in between um each kind of length in it in it it's net when we get into kind of beefing up your your ghillie suit or kind of reinforcing your ghillie suit to prolong the the life of that ghillie suit you guys are gonna need some canvas or like cordura fabric um this is a thousand d cordura it doesn't matter honestly what kind you guys get just keep in mind that this is going to be on your legs and on your chest maybe on your elbows right all the places all the contact points where your body is going to touch the ground just to further reinforce your ghillie suit so you don't get a bunch of holes right off the bat in your ghillie suit last little piece of gear or a piece of material is shugu you're going to need a ton of shoe goo me personally every time i build a ghillie suit i burn up anywhere between 10 to 15 tubes of shugu you can get it at home depot or michael's or off amazon but you're going to need a ton of sugar it goes basically in every point that you want to reinforce from your your stitchings to where that kind of reinforced padding and stuff like that goes to the back back panel mesh kind of panel on the back anywhere you're going to need to reinforce you'll use shoe goo first little piece we're going to get into we'll talk about the cutting so you have your your blouse here first thing we're going to do we're going to start to dress our blouse up and just use some of that initial cutting so for my back panel all right all i'm going to do give yourself you know three or four inches maybe more depending on how big you want your back panel but you're going to cut basically a large rectangle on your back all right basically just cutting that out making sure that you don't cut into the front just cut out the back a small rectangle so once you guys cut that out all right we'll cut out our mesh um just for this again this is kind of a reference for you guys to see how big you want that back panel uh it's going to help when you get into kind of doing long movements or you're running right or doing any type of physical activity or it's hot out right the back panel is really going to decrease right the amount of heat and stuff that is retained inside that ghillie suit all right so now we'll kind of go to the suit that we're gonna be building for this all right so here's my desert marpat ghillie suit uh once you guys cut out your little vent all right for that laundry bag mesh like we talked about you'll lay uh your fishing net right over top of it and then trim it with scissors leaving yourself a little bit on the shoulders a little bit to wrap up on top of the shoulders as well uh once we get that done then you guys are gonna use your shoe goo all right and with that shugu we're going to tack down as many little contact points as possible when you guys do that it's going to be pretty shiny if you just let it dry on its own as you can probably see right now it's got a little shine to it with that once i once i put that hugo on there with a little flat spray paint i'm kind of adding a little flat spray paint to each spot to give a little mixture to kind of breaking up and lessen that shine of that glue so on the top you guys can see that um the multi-cam right canvas is just laid in on top make sure when you go to sew it in or you go to glue it in that you're gluing it in in multiple places sewing it in multiple place right you can see that i did kind of this x pattern across this it's super important you do that because this is going to be probably one of the first thing that wears out is your stomach now when we talk about the back of it um super important that you guys have netting basically on the entire back i like to cut it off about right there towards the bottom of your vent give about four or five inches from the bottom of your top and then up here as well you can see that i leave a little bit of netting forward and then also on the sides right we can see this little bit of netting that's loose right in here the purpose of that right is to dangle down and kind of block these v's and in a later video in the series we'll talk about the five v's when it comes to camouflage and concealment and the elements of visual perception so go ahead and leave yourself a little bit of material to drape over the front onto your shoulders so once you guys cut out the pieces of of that cordura or that canvas all you have to do is just sew them on if you have a sewing machine i would recommend using that if not you have to do it by hand so once your guys's glue has dried and you basically done all your little anchor points onto your ghillie suit kind of base all right with the netting we'll get into the 550 okay so i'd cut them anywhere between 12 to 18 inches if you go too short it just becomes kind of a pain in the ass and it doesn't really do anything or doesn't really benefit you you know when you're tying in vegetation so i'd say here's about you know a good length of one uh when you guys do this as well make sure you remove the guts from the 550 all right you just want the plain basic 550 cord okay and then all you do from here once you guys have it make sure you got equal ends all right guys um so now we'll just talk a little bit about the pants all right so um just when you're adding the fishnet to the rear of the pants as you can see i kind of ran just some anchor points up through the pants right just to kind of keep it secured on there i mean you could run it right now as it is but with the shoe i'm going to go in and just touch up little anchor points um all around to give it kind of some more support for the front side um besides you can see the front side right when we talk about the pads literally just like this out there on my legs we have the knees uh all the way up to kind of your upper thighs and then down to your shins right your entire shins are covered with that canvas or that cordura fabric make sure when you're doing this don't don't sew over your pockets right you still want to be able to use your pockets and stuff like that um you know maybe if you got a dummy quarter compass or there's something like that a radio or something in your pocket still want to be able to use your pockets i don't go super high up into like the the crotch right even though you probably should i just i just tend to kind of keep more of my weight on my knees right or my my thighs than than my actual crotch so i left that bare and usually i have you know my drag bag and stuff running straight down through here onto my cord and stuff and here later in the video i'll show you guys kind of the anchor point that i'm gonna sew on to the pants kind of to aid in clipping on you know your drag bag to your pants rather than just letting it run on a belt loop or a belt so yeah here's the pants um basically all finished before we start adding the tie-ins and stuff you can see as well just to kind of touch one thing i stopped like right here upper thighs right kind of by your ass or whatever you don't want to go super far down because our only goal is to break up this v right here if i go too low it'll tend to catch on my knees um or catch on branches and chill like that and that can cause for um you know tons of like overhead movement and like that in the vegetation so one little mod i'm gonna add to these guys um i just tend to notice over the years right with all my ghillie suits these front um loops on my belt tend to wear out super fast whether i'm uh you know using a carabiner to my belt to my drag bag right if i don't have a rigger's belt or you know if i'm shooting off tripods or in the standing position i'll i'll tend to you know have a bunch of going on with these pockets so all i'm going to do is just a modification i have some one-inch webbing and i'm going to basically sew in um reinforce one inch webbing loops onto just the front right here to kind of prolong the life of this ghillie suit so here in a sec all right guys um so here are those kind of loop modifications right you can see i just basically reinforced it um with that one inch webbing and basically all it does right is just going to beef up that you know initial loop that's under there right if i need to hook on a carabiner right or i need to shoot from the standing or whatever it is and maybe my belt's not a riggers belt you know i can definitely use these um to hook a carabiner on now and kind of support the weight of a drag bag right or support my weight if i'm pushing into a tripod so good little mod to have [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're back um so now that we have all our jute stripped from our sandbags or your burlap roller whatever you're using to get that material we'll just talk about size of the burlap and jute and stuff that you're going to tie on to your ghillie suit so i would say no smaller than 550 paracord in diameter and no larger than your index finger in diameter it's better to do a lot of little sections of the jute rather than just a few larger sections scattered throughout so go ahead enjoy the process it takes forever um i know just grab a beer or something kick back and tie them up so after it's cut out guys you're just gonna get some of the fishing net cut in about a circle shape just to kind of go over the top of your veil um you'll get some shoe goo and um you'll sew in different anchor points around here just to make sure it's on there then usually i trim the excess off and then after that we'll talk about the actual veil portion or the cape depending on what length you're going to cut for that all right so all you got to do is tack that on all right so now once you guys have this uh top piece kind of sewn on all right we'll talk about the cape uh so with the cape all right all it's going to basically be is the part of the veil that's going to drape down kind of towards your back or onto your neck to cover kind of those v's on both your right and left side of your of your head all right so um i'll break down a couple different lengths uh in this little next little kind of diagram but i'm going to kind of go with a medium to short veil in the past i've done long veils when it gets wet right or when i'm kind of crawling around and like that it tends to get my face a lot whip me in the face and stuff when i'm running the kind of pro to that though if you do make a really long veil you can spin your booney or veil all the way around and then use that draping stuff off there to cover your optic cover your face if you're you're facing an objective and you're just trying to break up the outline of your face and stuff like that even more than it already would be so that's kind of a pro to having a long one but i'm gonna go with a short to kind of medium length cape on my veil alright guys so just put on the cape portion of my veil again i kind of went with like that that short to medium length um tape on my veil uh reason being right if let's say this is the objective you know that way this would be the back of the veil if i need to to kind of conceal my face or anything a little bit more i could just spin the veil onto my face's stuff with jute and the 550 and vegetation and stuff will kind of break up my face even more than it is even after i cami painted it and stuff but then again when i'm just walking or crawling or i'm on on movement whatever it is this stuff's hanging back here if i start to run the shorter this is right the less um kind of interference i guess you'd say i'm gonna have with it whipping me in the face right because as i run it's doing its thing adds you know jude and stuff off of it it's gonna be moving quite a bit especially when it's wet and stuff like that um another thing too if you guys get a boonie that has um this kind of let's see here i'll focus it in this kind of a hollow channel i would say around the brim of the boonie you guys can get basically some like chicken wire right or some like thinner gauge wire and just to kind of help manage all the stuff that's going on on your veil you can just start to feed it right through that brim all right and i just i usually do this honestly on every veil i i make i just kind of roll it right through there kind of takes a little bit to work it through um but i just push it through there just so you can get an idea here's like a little portion right so you can see it's in there now if i need to right i can manipulate out of my face right however i want to do it i can kind of manipulate it with that wire in there all right so once you guys get that uh that wire through there it might take you you know a little bit but you're gonna have kind of full control of what your boonie does right i can manipulate it any direction i want if the stuff is in my eyes you know or whatever it is and i'm you know this would be like the front view i can roll it up right to get all that stuff out of my eyes you know bend it up however you want to manipulate it right it's just kind of a little easy hack right to do on your veil so you don't have a ton of in your eyes when you don't want it in your eyes sweet so once you guys get into you know adding tie ends and like that onto uh your veil easy way to do it right you can get like a mannequin head if you want i just use my knee um and then you go into the monotonous task again of stripping the guts out of the 550 and tying them in all right you're going to tie them the same exact way with my veil tie-ins though i tend to do them just a little bit shorter because i'm not going to be tying super heavy veg or super big veg into my veil i like to layer the vegetation into my veil rather than do like you know big chunks of it so the smaller ones will be fine i usually do them probably about 10 to 12 inches um so that way it gives me you know a good five to six inches of uh of stuff i can use to tie in vegetation with and i don't go crazy um with uh with the jude on here but i am going to add quite a few times because um most times the veil is going to be probably the most important part of the ghillie suit if you have you know a good back and a good um good bottom kind of set up for your ghillie suit that'll be perfect um but when we're stocking and stuff we're on movement and whatnot you know nine times out of ten you're gonna get busted for your head um not being vegged up enough so go ahead do yourself a favor add a ton of those 550 tie-ins all over your veil so i'd say that's about good guys um you know making sure that you have 550 kind of tie ends wherever your hand is right i can grab one um again 10 to 12 inches i'd say that's probably a good mix um next thing we'll go into is adding the jute to your veil all right guys um so here is the completed veil make sure when you do this right you keep that chin strap we added the wire right around the brim so you guys can kind of manipulate that brim however you'd like make sure you have your 550 tie-ins again for the veil you can have these a little bit shorter i would be cutting it in 10 to 12 inch chunks as opposed to the pants and your top where you want those to probably be about 18 inches same goes for the jute when we go and do a break-in for this all right a lot of this kind of bulk of this stuff will disappear right and these will kind of condense and and kind of do their own thing so add a little bit more than you would think don't go crazy overboard because keep in mind too once this thing gets wet it's going to be super heavy but on that same note right a lot of this material will if you do a good enough break in right it'll disappear and leave you with just kind of the strongest strongest stuff going back to the cape all right with this cape you can give yourself a little bit more jute on it me personally i don't like a long cape right because i don't want that stuff to whip me in the eyes as i'm running but yeah there's your completed ghillie veil all right uh here's your guys completed ghillie top all right you can see there's quite a bit of jute on the back of this um again just like we talked about with the veil uh give yourself a little bit more than you think right but don't go crazy overboard with it a lot of this bulk is going to disappear um that main purpose right of your gilly top is to break up this v right here right basically if you see on my arm we're trying to break up this v all right so make sure you don't miss those spots give yourself a little bit of material down the arm make sure you guys are adding a bunch of 550 as well make sure those 550s are 18 inches in length and if you do the tying technique that you guys saw earlier right it'll give you about nine inches of tying kind of material on each side for those tie-ins take a look on the inside right you guys can see that inner vent i put in there make sure you're really reinforcing that that's going to help your ghillie suit breathe when you get super hot out there when you're running or crawling or whatever type stuff you're doing and then when we look at the front all right make sure to give yourself some sort of reinforced material seabag canvas cordura right whatever it is make sure you guys put that on the front as well to prolong the life of that ghillie suit another thing on top of that as well right if you guys are using um buttons all right make sure um on here you don't sew down and and lose the functionality of these buttons all right so yeah there's our uh completed ghillie top all right last piece uh we got the pants right so just taking a look at the back making sure all right you guys block that v in between the legs um because that'll be if you're standing right just see how that material is blocking that v we understand that can be a giveaway if you're not properly vegged up just like the top right make sure you give yourself those good long tie-ins right i rarely honestly ever tie stuff in to my pants maybe grass or some small branches but personally i don't like a lot of vegetation on my pants i more rely on the jute to break up uh that type silhouette and stuff like that um pushing back over to the front um so when we do the front these are going to be probably the most important thing to reinforce right i added a bunch of corduroy on here and i made sure to stitch it a time right if you guys don't have a decent sewing machine or you don't want to take the time to do it by hand make sure right you guys are doing x's right or some sort of pattern in there to reinforce it as much as possible with the shoe goo on that note right try not to be lazy it's a ghillie suit it's going to last you a long time if you do it right so put forth the effort and it'll reward you long term last little thing right we'll talk about these little belt loop mods um you know me personally right i'm going to be using my belt loops a lot right whether it's shooting or dragging a drag bag or whatever it is it's like to beef those up if you guys notice um you know any spots of failure on your ghillie suits in the past right make sure you're beefing those up uh usually my knees as well right see a lot so underneath this you can't really see it underneath this i did a double double layer of quarter up underneath there so yeah there's the completed pants all right guys so now basically every piece of your ghillie suit is put together um all your 550 cords on everything's glued and sewn in place uh you got all your jude on again with the jute uh a little goes a long way there's honestly a lot on this uh on this gilly suit right now but after we do the break-in it'll thin out by quite a bit so give yourself you know enough with that in mind awesome guys so that wraps it up um thanks for watching i hope you learned something if you guys have any questions or or anything like that about the ghillie suit build um go ahead hit us in the comments below um yeah follow the series they're probably going to be about four or five videos in this series we'll go over camouflage and concealment nine elements of visual perception um pain your face using vegetation right and then an actual break-in of the ghillie suit so you can use it in the field so yeah go ahead hit that like and subscribe button as well we really appreciate it thanks for being here peace out [Music] you
Views: 76,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o9P8pAUoV8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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