How to make a Leaf Suit

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hello this is deliver a different video to the one i normally make obviously this is a crafting video yeah i've teamed up with kiki mustang to produce a crafting pack the winter crafting pack is available at empire airsoft in the uk and they ship worldwide i'll put a link in the description for it the pack is currently retailing at 60 pounds yeah that's 70 euros and 79.50 this is a bit longer than my usual videos so if you have already purchased pack and just want to skip ahead to how to craft it i've split the whole video into chapters and you can just flick to chapter three so for those that follow me on youtube may not know uh i make custom ghillie suits i thought i'd just do this video on what's in the box and also sort of a slightly more in-depth one than i think the one mustang's going to be doing slightly more in depth on on how to craft the suit we'll just go through what's in the box take it out bit by bit so these are the oak colored leaves they're the sort of lightest color of the pack yeah those are the warm beach leaves and a very small bit of really quite dark leaves within each of these bag of leaves there is a small variation of color and shade within them so other things in the pack so we got crafting mesh and i'll come on to that later that's enough mesh in this i won't unfold it but i will pull it it's enough to do a whole riff um easily i'll be doing a separate video on how to do a riff rap um so stay tuned on the channel to see that and if you've already got a riff cover there's loads of other uses you could use it for like equipment then we've got died raffia that has been thinned out to give it a more natural look and it's been cut to size as well this doesn't look like a lot of graph here i guess but that is actually more than i would ever put on a suit in the in the areas i play in i'm nearly always playing in woodland and obviously there's very little grass well there is grass but yeah whatever if you want more raffia um i can highly recommend dyed raffia from empire airsoft by mantis concept brothers and it's also available on his website mantis concept brothers then we got coconut rope it's got a really nice sort of textured textured look to it very kind of rough yeah you can see it's close to being i mean if you're a bit far away it's close to being very much like a stick or twig and then something some of you may have seen i use it a lot on i use it on it all of my suits this is acrylic ink and it's burnt umber um we did re-boss of it because the cost of one of these little bottles was extortionate but yeah that's 30 ml in there same as what you get in the little bottles and then a paintbrush to apply that and then of course we have all the cable ties and this 600 cable ties i would normally use about 500 on a suit and then not that many on the rifle wrap yeah there's a few extra you shouldn't if you run out of cable tires you're probably going wrong in the crafting process somewhere so yeah that's that's the sort of unboxing if you like get it all together so you can see it there we go so that's what's in the box now these should say on these leaves like they are there are more than enough to do a full suit obviously they're all pre-cut and rammed in these bags but they're very compact so it may not look like not a lot in this shot here but trust me there's a lot so before we actually get into the crafting as we see i thought i'd just go over like what we're trying to achieve overall with this kit um so we looked at the kmcs and we thought like what what is needed if we are going to craft it it's already pretty good out of the box but what are the things that's sort of missing and what can we achieve with the crafting pack so here's just a really quick sketch of the kmcs suit so one of the things we realized was because of the way leaf suits are manufactured it's quite hard to achieve something called a macro pattern and macro pattern is widely understood in camouflage it's basically just where large sections of the suit are going to be a different shade color texture to the rest of the suit and it's got to be really important that you sort of split these two colors up um a lot of suits you see craft these days just pile as much material on as possible and there's no sort of differentiation over the overall look of the suit it's all just one color so we thought we'd try and achieve that and also the other thing so is that and also the fact that the kmcs in quite a lot of environments uh seem to be quite gray or cold or not really as brown as some of the environments we'd like it for so first of all we're going to apply to start this whole sort of macro pattern off we're going to apply acrylic ink to just these areas on the suit this stage happens right at the start when you haven't crafted the suit it goes directly onto the bare leaf suit and that means anything on the suit already so if you've got a crafted suit bear in mind this pack really is meant for an uncrafted kmcs you can still apply the ink i guess but it's really not going to work as well it's going to get on the probably silk leaves or the other materials you've got on there it might not absorb in to those materials as well this is the best thing we've found for absorbing into the leaves of the kmcs another thing to note on the acrylic ink is it's not really going to work on other leaf suits apart from the north mountain gear suits and the novritsch suits the really cheap amazon ones and the mfh suits it won't absorb into the leaves on those suits very well uh if you're doing a viper tactical concealment first uh the best thing you want is molotow spray paint i'll put a link up for that just get some brands of that don't worry about the fact that you've bought acrylic ink in this pack there's so many other uses if you're getting into crafting acrylic ink can be used on all kinds of things like webbing the kmcs just meshes itself so it's the gun wrap and it can be used to recolor the cottons if you if you really don't like the colors that are on them already but there shouldn't be any need for that because these cottons have really been tested another thing to note on acrylic ink if you've got a suit that's been worn maybe two three times it is going to have picked up quite a lot of mud you can clean these suits and it is good the ink is going to seep in much better if it's a clean suit so the thing to do on that is obviously don't put it in the washing machine because that is going to sort of wrinkle the leaves on the kmcs and lose their sort of 3d form the way to do it is to soak it in a cold bath for half an hour let the water really soak in take it out and then use either your shower like cold water from the shower and just spray the whole suit down and sort of try and run the water off it like that or the best thing that i found is like a hose outside so you go outside put your finger on the end of the hose and create like a jet of water and then spray the whole suit down just running running the dirty water off it once you've cleaned it the suit will still be damp and that's the point where you want to add the acrylic ink it seeps in a lot better when it's a bit damp when i say damp i really don't mean like just come out from the wash um run your hand over it and if you look at your hand and you've actually got water on your fingertips then that's still too wet what i mean by damp is like a cold feeling when you touch the seat when applying this ink i'm just going to put up a time lapse of that now um don't forget if you're wearing webbing on the front you are going to want to not put any ink on the front of the suit where that webbing is going to sit because you want to use this sparingly i mean it's as you see it's only a small bottle um it's 30ml in here you can dilute it but only by a tiny bit so what i would do is i pour this whole bottle into a cup and then fill this bottle up halfway with water give it a shake just to get any ink that's left in there so residue in there out squeeze that in so you've got sort of a whole cup a whole bottle of ink and then half a bottle of water and that's all that you can really do to dilute it so just one thing to note on uh applying the ink to the kmcs um you don't want to put too much on the brush so just dip it in and then lightly tap any sort of excess off it's on there and then find a strip like this strip we've got here running and then dab the sort of main bit of the ink on like that and then spread it out sideways along the sort of jagged leaf strip like so it is going to look really dark when you apply it but that's just because it's still wet when it's dry it'll look something like that here's two suits side by side uh you can clearly see the right hand one has been inked and the ink has dried it's only a very light touch as you see so it's only really forming the foundations of what we're about to do so when you come to actually applying the materials to the suit um bear in mind there's four colors all together or three there's these these two sort of packs here and these are the sort of darker warmer really quite warm colors on the suit so this is a sort of ready brown and this is a sort of just overall dark leaf we're only going to apply these bits to the bits that are inked and that's going to leave enough contrast hopefully to differentiate itself from the rest of the suit these two here the two larger packs and these are quite similar to the kmcs leaf although they are again a tiny bit warmer these are going to be only applied to the uninked parts of the suit these cotton leaves have different properties to the sort of polyester coat polyester leaves of the kmcs they're going to absorb water faster so they'll darken quicker in a wet environment and they're going to give off a different reflectance to the lead on the mcs we're going to start to apply now the cottons to the suit bear in mind you want to try to really create as much contrast at the start of the craft you can always go back and sort of adjust things but so that you don't lose these sort of dark streaks and patches this is what we're going to craft first so you can see i've sort of put in just on this sort of little section here about six cable ties and we'll just go up that dark streak there as well so we're just going to apply these warm colors in there and these are the sort of ready brands now this is the bit that um i guess is a bit kind of finicky and technical i'm going to bring the camera right in for this so just to be clear we've got we're just applying the two darker shades of the leaves right now this is a warm beach color and the sort of darker leaf when you apply these you get two together like that there's different ways to do this but you can just scrunch it up in the middle of the two things so you'll notice on one of these leaves you have a straight line there and a straight line there and then the jagged edges are cut on the ends um it really doesn't matter about these straight lines because when you're putting it into the cable tie you break that straight line up uh so you get two together just put them on each other roughly like that and then just scrunch them in the middle put it in like so and then we're gonna tighten it but not all the way so i'll just zoom in tighten and leave about three four clicks left on the cable tie and then we're going to open it up into a basically like a sort of flower i guess like so like that then we go in for like full titan and as you see that really looks pretty natural i know this is a slightly more time consuming process i guess than just clipping a maple leaf on but um it actually can be really fast so yeah i'm obviously a bit used to this but you can do it pretty fast the size of the leaves in this crafting pack are really meant to work alongside the kmcs leaves they're not meant to cover it up so the next stage is just going to be clipping all the cable ties off the section that we've done and then we're going to do the uncrafted section the reason we do the suit in sections like this is that it's very easy to get tunnel vision when crafting a suit because it's such a long process what i mean by tunnel vision is if you get involved in a very small section to suit it's very easy to say oh it's not working the only way to really test the suit to see if it's working is field testing it at distance and after maybe you've taken a break from looking at it the whole time i'm just going to go over now really quickly with pair of scissors some of these leaves can for some reason like this one here is a bit too long don't worry about that just clip it back a tiny bit uh probably put it in the cable tie wrong or it was just a slightly too big leaf it's always okay to have something too small in a sort of leafy environment but once you get something too big uh it stands out so with the raffle in the pack um there's plenty in there and you don't really need that much um the first thing you want to do is kind of screw up the ends of the whole bunch together like that this will kind of uh give it a more sort of less straight line and then like for actually applying it to the seat you really only want to do it in very small amounts it's already thinned for you it's already pre-cut and they're all kind of different lengths already but if you are worried about like having them different like like different lengths you can just do that with your hand and there you go they're all different lengths so the first stage curl it around the finger like that make the loop like that put that through the cable tie and then back on itself like that that is on there for good and then split it like that and half of it goes back through the cable tie and then you have raffia coming out both ends of it now if you really want to get like picky with this you can then apply another cable tie to that cable tie and this is going to send the raffia in a different direction i learned this trick of famer hp and there you go raffia in all directions you can also put a leaf in there cover the origin of the raphael so it doesn't look like it's all coming from one spot there we go and uh if you place them in clumps so like two or three cable ties of raffia next to each other that's again going to be pattern on a bigger scale um and it will look i think more natural so we're outside now doing the first uh field test see if you can stop it it's there so um like this is why we do field tests you can see that i've i've kind of overdone the dark patches a bit on the size of them it's just gonna need sort of there there and there just one or two of those like lighter leaves in amongst them uh so we're gonna go and do that and that'll be it but at least until i see another problem you can always go back and change like a one of these seats never really finished but yeah i know this is not really a fair test because there's nobody in it but it is still important i think to do this test just to sort of check how the colors are doing and where you're at really in terms of the sort of macro pattern so here's the sort of other side of the seat which i haven't done yet the front i think it's interesting just to show like what we've achieved from uncrafted to crafted hopefully here you can see what i mean a bit about the cold the coldness of the color this is sort of grayish as opposed to uh grow anything but again we haven't covered all of that up there is still that color in the environment so we're going to do the bataclavanay uh if you're going to be wearing the hood then there's really no point in crafting the upper section because it's all going to be under the hood and it's just going to be an extra layer of insulation that you really don't want obviously you want to try and bush out the sides of the head as much as possible to break up the form don't put anything on the top because uh that's the bit of your head that's going to poke above if you're behind cover it's going to poke above before your eyes can see the enemy they're going to actually spot you before so only only really bulky at the sides you mean you can put a tiny bit on the top but for this sort of bulking out process we're going to use some of the coconut rope so what you can do is apply to the ends of the coconut rope a bit of the cottons so this might look like a time-seeming process but there's no difference between putting this on the balaclava and putting it on the coconut right um so it's just as fast as attaching it to the seat really and then you do one at this end now the sort of benefit of um you could argue here yeah you could just use like maple leaves and stuff but the thing about all these fake leaves is they're made of silk and silk when it brushes against uh itself it's very noisy and if this is right by your ear which is going to be on the head um you're not going to hear anything and you're not going to be aware of your surroundings so this is why we use cottons and things that when they rub against each other don't make a noise another tip if you're just using a if you're using a bad carver i mean i do it on all my bad accomplice i cut holes in them uh where my ears are gonna be so i can hear you they're always gonna hear an enemy before you spot them if they're close just bear in mind you don't want these obviously flopping in front of your eyes so try and place them in a way that when they sort of they do flop uh they're not going to become in in front of your eyes so sides of the head only remember so there we go that's you can imagine that the line of when i've got my leaf seat on the line of my shoulder is going to kind of join about here with the balaclava and it's going to disrupt that look of a head all right so i took the balaclava actually to a game because i just needed a new brown bella carver and i just thought i'd show one thing about the cottons you can see they're quite clearly kind of wrinkled they've taken in moisture and they now have that really nice sort of crumply look to them this is completely expected from cottons this is just what they do it gives a great texture i know they're not quite as bulky as they once were but they definitely have a more natural look when they're like this um this little thing here is quite a useful little tip that keeps the two things together so that the skin doesn't really show on the goggles obviously there's other ways of sort of combating that but that's one of the tricks you can do if you haven't got crafted goggles yet i learnt this trick off hawke's eye the other mods that i deal on battle club is i mean bear in mind this is a kind of permanent mod and you might not like it but um i trimmed the corners off the sort of bearded section especially on the kmts it has a sort of um square bit there so i've just trimmed those off to make like a point and the same on the kind of neck piece as well it's pretty simple about all the same methods as the whole suit apart from obviously these bits so that is the end of the video if you have any questions just leave a comment and i will go back to you or you can send me a message on instagram and probably more responsive on instagram at the moment um so yeah i hope you enjoyed the video good luck with your crafting
Channel: Silly Ghillie
Views: 118,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to, make a Ghillie Suit, KMCS Winter Crafting Pack, kmcs, kmcs ghillie suit, ghillie crafting, ghillie tutorial, how to make a ghillie, what is a leaf suit, leaf suit, novritsch leaves, crafting leaves, camouflage, airsoft sniper, airsoft, ghillie suit pubg, sprinter custom ghillie, stalker leaf suit, stalker ghillie suit, Sharpshooter, Airsoft Ghillie Suit, Airsoft Ghillie Suit Crafting for Sharpshooter Gameplay, airsoft war, leaf suit vs ghillie suit, amazon leaf suit
Id: zDHub4p-WS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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