Sulaiman AS - King Solomon

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[Music] [Music] foreign man give me a kingdom that no one can have the likes of after it and o allah bless my kingdom and o anyone who praising this masjid do not let him get out without all his or her sins forgiven and the prophet salallahu said allah gave him the first two as for the third i hope that he did the youngest of the children of darwin he ruled approximately as historians say from 926 to 966 before christ so he ruled for about 40 years and the commentators said that he ruled the majority of the earth and everybody knew him and his kingdom and his authority he used to have ships that sailed in the red sea and to the west and in the mediterranean everywhere we gave him a spring flowing with molten brass and was subdued for him jinn who by his lord's permission worked before him such of them as swerved from our commandment we let them taste the chastisement of the blazing fire and so so they man inherited from their lord was only about 12 years old when he started to learn from his father the how to judge fairly and perfectly between people and the lost he gives us a story in the quran where two men came to that and what they said was one of them said i have some sheep and the other one says i have a land farmer and the one who has the land he says my props had grown and i was about to make profit out of it but he's his sheep he didn't look after them they crossed across the fence and they ate all my crops after hearing both of their sides he said well i rule that the owner of the sheep must give you all of his sheep as a compensation for your loss so sulaimani enters and he says oh father do you mind if i suggest another ruling he said go ahead he said get the person with the sheep to give his sheep to the owner of the farm and the owner of the farm give the the land to the other man the other man must plow and work on his farm to bring it back to the way it was while the other man keeps his sheep and benefits profit from them until his land is back to the way it was and then he returns back his sheep and each one takes their property and loved the ruling of surah and allah says it in the quran we let suleiman gain its comprehension to understand how to rule between those two people and allah says in the quran and indeed we have given a man knowledge and listen to what they said we are grateful and thankful to allah who has favored us above many people among his servants as worshipers who are truthful and believers what are they saying all this knowledge we have all this wisdom we have all this kingdom that you see us having all this authority and power is not from us it is given by allah and allah has chosen us so therefore people don't ever think that is from us it's always from allah allah says about him and so a man inherited from their word it means that sulaiman inherited the authority and the responsibility to look after the people that's what he inherited one who takes the role of him allah then says that sulaiman gathered the people immediately after the death of and he said o people we have been taught the language of the birds sulaiman could speak to the birds and he could understand the language of the birds we've been given the blessings of everything that you can think of allah has given me what i need and more this is truly the honourable favor allah says behold when suraman became the king in standing up addressing the people suddenly the skies getting dark with birds of all types falcons eagles everything and the earth being filled with people as far as your eye can sing of birds of humans and of jinns all soldiers and servants ready to serve the king suleiman and this was part of the kingdom of suleiman they are all there to serve him without disobeying him whatsoever in surah allah said and for a man we have subjected the wind in any way he made it which covered a month's journey in the morning and a month's journey in the evening so we subjected the winter it blew softly at his binding wherever he wanted it to blow so it wasn't harmful to his ship made it rock and fall it was smooth sailing allah also said allah subjected for him a whole wealth of iron and brass and precious metal from the earth but in the quran allah says and we made a fountain of molten copper to flow for him and he and he built a furnace that would melt the copper melt the brass not any of the metal any of his iron and he would use it to make his ships he would make anything he wants my brothers and sisters allah also said we gave him a spring flowing with molten brass and we subdued for him jinn allah made the jinns slaves to surah they made for him whatever he would desire and allah gives examples of some of the things he used to order his jinns and the humans builders and architects to make what did they make well built buildings amazing buildings ahead of its time and you'll see later on what kind we're going to talk about also he had basins like water throwers and huge built-in cauldrons that you put food in it massive and so used to be very generous to the guests he would make food and put him in massive brass cauldrons in order to feed a thousand people so he tells us that the prophet saw was very generous very hospitable he would always feed the people in thousands in one day now when did salam get all that kingdom and all that power he didn't get it immediately when he became a prophet it happened after allah had given him a few tests he tested him with certain things to test his gratitude and whether he will forget that allah gave him a blessing or whether he will be grateful to allah's blessing the first time he got tested was with horses surah man had a special love for beautiful horses so allah mentions that one day we tested him with the best of the best of type of horses which are very calm and quiet when they stand so one day they offered him and he saw them so beautiful and he said lo i have come to love this wealth on account of the remembrance of my lord and when the horses disappeared he ordered bring these horses back to me and then he began to gently stroke their shanks and their necks what does this verse mean i go with the interpretation when a squadron of fine well-bred horses was presented before the prophet sulaiman alaihis he said i love this wealth not for the sake of personal glory or desire but for the cause of raising the word of my lord then he ordered that the horses run a race and they disappeared from the site then he ordered that they be brought back and when they were brought back according to he started passing his hand on their necks and shanks with love then there was another test allah said surely we put sudaiman to the test and cast upon his throne a mere body thereupon he repentantly repented to allah and turned him and evan and i agree with this one that he said this was nothing but a test that we don't know the nature of but there is nothing that we can say for sure what it was and we give it that allah tested his prophet with something and then a man repented immediately and was grateful as a result of his repentance allah then says and then sulaiman asked allah oh my lord give me a kingdom and a power that will not be for anybody after me and then allah says some of the jinns he had to tie up because they were too rebellious and some of them had free and allah said do as you wish allah entrusted him and said you are trusted with whatever you do because you have been tested and passed past all the tests a beautiful story he was walking one day with his army he passed by a big home of ants and allah calls it the valley of the ants one little ant said oh ants enter into your homes don't let suleiman and his army step on you well they don't they won't even feel it they'll have no idea who taught the ant all of this this is a miracle from allah sulaiman heard the ant sulaiman smiled in laughter from what she said in all in respect in amazement in happiness in thankfulness and immediately he said of me oh my god please help me to thank you enough for all the netima the blessings which you have blessed me with and upon my parents and help me so i don't lose my way and i do acts of righteousness that you will be pleased with and make me enter the realm of your righteous servants he goes to uh jerusalem and he starts building al-aqsa mosque and after that he built his great temple called the temple of solomon and from there surah his new kingdom and gave the orders he gathers his counsel important figures in his army of humans and important figures of jinns including and birds including one called the woodpecker who had a special role he looked at the birds and he knows that the hood was not there so he goes why do i not see the hood among you today or has he decided to be absent without a proper or valid excuse [Music] or else he must come to me with a clear knowledge then after a little while the woodpecker returned and it was late because he had been somewhere far and it said to him i discovered something which you did not discover and i have come to you from sheba with a certain news a woman was ruling them she owns that kingdom she has everything like she's got all the resources that anyone could ever need for a kingdom and not only that she has a magnificent great throne what i found was that her and her people were prostrating to the sun and the shaytan led them off the straight path and so they can't be guided this is so intricately detailed by the woodpecker the woodpecker almost understands the psychology of human beings it did not say they chose to follow it the shaytan and his history of deluding their forefathers led these people to worship the wrong thing thinking the son is the god why do they not prostrate to allah allah says it is only allah there is no god worthy of worship but he he is the lord of the magnificently great throne now takes great interest in what the woodpecker says so we said to the woodpecker we will see a woodpecker if you are truthful in what you are saying or you are lying he wrote a letter and he says to the woodpecker take my letter and take it to the queen of sheba and then drop it and then retreat a little bit like go and land on a tree or something and observe when the woodpecker went and she dropped the letter down from the sky the queen noticed the letter or maybe someone had brought her the letter and had told her that it dropped from the sky that in itself the queen of sheba thought this is something out of this world she opens the letter up and reads it then she calls [Music] the intelligent and most wise of her service she seeks the opinion of her advisors before she makes a decision therefore this tells you she is an intelligent leader a great queen she says o people who are full of wisdom a noble letter has been dropped upon me and then she says to them before you talk this letter is from a man he is the great king of magnificent and phenomenal things that he does it begins with bismillah the way she understands the letter is that everything about sulaiman and everything about this letter is based on these words in the name of allah the only one god the source of all mercy the letter does not waste time straight to the point don't rise above me and come to me immediately submitted and submit any king who receives that is a threat it's an all out war but this queen didn't see it that way she said oh my wise noble people give me your advice give me your opinions in my matter i will not make a decision and never will my principle and my rule is that i will never make a decision without seeking your advice first their answer was we are people of great strength and great power and determination but the matter is yours so you tell us what would you like to comment listen kings normally when they want to take over a land they enter it and conquer it and they make its people who used to be superior become inferior and they cause them to fight one another and cause chaos they take away their values and they take away their language and replace it with their own language and with their own values and with their own religion and it makes the superior and the highest people become lowest so they can beg and the only way they will survive is by going to them so they become like slaves and all they can think about is their survival so her statement is huge it's got so much meaning but also she's saying you know he can do that to us as you know but i don't think he will he doesn't sound like those types of kids so she goes but listen i am going to send him a letter i'm going to send him something a gift it means let's negotiate but at the same time i'm more powerful at the same time i have a lot at the same time if you accept it it means that you think you're equal to me or it means that you lack something they knew what it meant so she sent it and when the messenger arrived and gave him the gift from sheba he said immediately are you trying to support me with wealth i don't need it allah has given me is far better for what he gave you your intelligence is inferior to what it should be by looking at your gift of something worth of value go messenger you return back to your queen and we shall bring an army that you will not be able to uphold and not be able to face and then when the messenger left uh turns to his uh his advisors and all that who if he was able to bring me that throne of hers the quickest allah says and jinn who was the higher ranking jinns more powerful jesus called our feet i can bring you her throne before you leave this council now as he said that a human being stood up immediately and said i can bring you her throne before you blink before surah even blinked the throne was in front of him now what i want you to do with this throne is i want you [Music] to play around with it a little bit make it look like slightly different when she got the threat from they suddenly found her that she was coming to the kingdom of sulayman when she arrived before seeing suleiman the throne was in front of her someone said to the queen sheila baruch is that how your throne looks like so the man was to see if she can understand the message behind it not what she sees in front if she can see what's behind something that i will understand that her worship of the son was just a pure misguidedness and she didn't know any better or that she feared her people will turn against her but deep inside she knows it's wrong so i want to test it so she looks at the throne allah does not use the letter fat for it immediately she said which tells us she was not hasty allah says which means after a little while of thinking she then said i can't say it is and i can't say that it isn't it seems as if it is amazing when she did that she is an intelligent woman who can be guided she doesn't fall for just what she sees on the surface she came and stood before suleiman and the first thing she said to him was suleiman we have already received understanding of your knowledge and we understood it before i even arrived here us and my people and we have come to you in submission you don't have to do this test for me i already know you are something beyond this world and i know that you have a message beyond any other person in this world so sam says okay come with me someone said to her man it was said to her enter the palace she looked at the floor and at the walls and everything and she thought that the floor was flowing water she took her shoes off and she lifted her dress slightly until you could see her shins she was going to step in water she thought it was water and then sulaiman said to her it is a palace and the floor or made out of crystal she sat on her knees and she said i believe in allah along with sure and i follow his religion with my people and she also said i have been among the wrongdoers she said finally my lord i have wronged myself and i have submitted with man to allah the lord of all the words what the quran next talks about is goes back to govern his land and what happens is that he had ordered the jinns to continue building in his temple or buildings for people or whatever it was and he was approximately about 50 something years old so what he did he found that among the jinns there were rebellious ones and what had happened was that he realized that some people in the land had started to develop a false belief about jinns they started to think that jinns had powers of the unseen and the jinns were helping people to do that because something rebellious they wanted to overthrow and sorcery and magic voodoo was creeping in so they used to tell them false information about sulaiman and his kingdom is not the one who disbelieved so therefore using sorcery is disbelief in allah and you'll find that the jews themselves they talk about man as a man who had magic and sorcery there's all these bizarre in the bible it talks terribly about surah anyone who thinks that prophets taught people sorcery and magic you are wrong when she said i saw this he told them get into hard labor and do not stop any of you whose thought shall be tortured and imprisoned and to do that so lemonade salad had a stick he sat down and placed his chin on the stick watching them with his eyes open and it was the will of allah that salam died the angel of death came and took his soul while he was in that position with his chin on the stick and his eyes open the jinns were working and they're looking afraid of so they know every time they look they notice is looking at them so they couldn't move they kept working and working for but it could have been decades or it could have been months allah says in the quran the jinns did not know that surah man was dead until if it wasn't for the worm or the termite or whatever that insect was that it was eating through the stick of sunday man it ate through the sick that the stick broke and saw a man fell that the jinns found out that he was dead now allah says a very important message he says had they known the unseen they would not have remained in their painful torment you
Channel: Islamic Guidance HD
Views: 32,308
Rating: 4.9433627 out of 5
Id: QiWYLze0N58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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