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I want to talk to you about what is the reality of Siffin why does it occur what is the the happy huh we called it an Arabic where does it where does it come from ahead is very easy to understand if you understand the psychology and the physical differences that men have from jinn if you understand the jinn and the world of the jinn you will understand Sahel because see is the overlap between the world of men and the world of jinn very briefly jinn as we know are created from the Arabic calls it that a fire that doesn't have a smoke a smokeless fire okay and if you want to be technical we can call it a type of energy so the jinn has potential to go at the speed of light essentially the jinn has the potential to go through physical barriers because the jinn is not material the jigeon is not flesh and blood the jinn is not matter the jinn is energy so the jinn can go through material at the speed of light and the jinn because it doesn't have a form a lot of people say what does the Gendler clike what does a ghost look like what does it look like and the response is it doesn't look like anything it can take on any shape it's not a physical matter it can take any shape it wants to and be a matter be a dog be anything it doesn't have a particular shape so the jinn has the physical power to be much faster than man and to go through physical barriers because this energy like we have the waves of the telephone come through the the walls of the messages so to the jinn can go through and come out not a problem additionally the jinn very interestingly enough and we learned this from the story of Suleiman it has a very very amazing power I say Einstein's theory is proven in the story of Suleiman and the story of Suleiman we learned that the jinn even has the power to transform matter into energy and to take that energy for on one place to another and re transform it back into a matter in other words e equals mc-squared can be proven in his own way in other words what can the jinn do according to the story of Solomon the went from Jerusalem and to Yemen and took thee or promised to do this and said I can bring the throne back to you before you stand up right so the jinn said I can go all the way to Yemen and within a millisecond before you stand up as a millisecond within a millisecond I will bring that throne the throne would have been bigger than this podium behind this bigger than this stage it's a throne that was magnificent Allah says in the Quran while I have shown alveen the jinn said I'll bring it back for you by the time you stand up and you'll have it in front of you and the throne would have come I mean you're not gonna see the chair flying in the sky the jinn would have taken the throne and somehow in a way that Allah knows best take it in his hidden energy form and then bring it all the way to Jerusalem and then re transform it back into the throne the jinn had the capacity to do that the fact that Allah mentions the fact that this was impressive the fact that all of the jinn only one stood up it kinda sorta shows this is the pinnacle of what a jinn can do this isn't your average run-of-the-mill jinn this isn't the jinn living in Dallas or Houston or California this is one of the most strongest jinns of the entire world if not the strongest telling soon a man I can do that but the concept is there that jinn can go super fast speed and the jinn can go through objects and therefore when a jinn is able to tell you something that's happening in another part of the world what's so surprising imagine if you had a cell phone and you're speaking to somebody on the other side of the world and the guy tells you what's happening as he describes it would you be surprised no similarly if the jinn is able to just go and tell you there's a hidden treasure over there why is that surprising the jinn lives for a thousand years maybe on average or longer than that jinns live much longer than men and so if some man buries a treasure in the middle of the desert some Jin knows about it and they'll tell the word oh there's a treasure over there and when it's handy majoun is gonna say oh there's a treasure buried over there he's gonna say it to his you know a magician or whatnot and eventually they will find it so the jinns have abilities we do not have they are faster than men they are more powerful than men the average gin is more powerful than the average man again that doesn't mean they're super powerful that doesn't mean they're infinitely powerful only allah azza wajal is infinitely powerful but the average gin is physically stronger than the average man I myself have seen a little lady petite lady 5 foot tall literally it's just a young teenager possessed by jinn we were doing locally on her and 10 men were holding her down at least 7 when I say 10 10 to 7 men were holding her down and she's struggling to throw all of them off and my friend was who was then in the audience as well and he grabbed her he had to because she was harming people he grabbed her what do you call this lock what do you call that when you grab from behind huh the body lock right right he liked that one he grabbed her from behind cuz she was punching men and everything and this is a little lady she took her head and she wound right back on his nose and the cut is going up so this is I saw with my own eyes five foot and she became more powerful than seven men but in the end seven eight men eventually did bring her down she wasn't stronger than all of them physically stronger than the average man but still manageable you can bring them down it's not as if they're all powerful and what not only Allah is all-powerful so these are their physically they can do things we don't understand but it's just like a horse can gallop faster than us like an elephant is stronger than us the only thing that freaks us out is that the jinn is invisible to our eyes Allah says in the Quran in Noah Rock'em who are a kabhi to whom anhydrite our owner whom they see you from a paradigm you cannot see them from they can choose when to show themselves to you they can see you from their world we cannot see them unless they choose to show us their world so there's nothing to be scared about Allah gave them certain powers he didn't give us like he gave animals other powers he didn't give us but Allah blessed us over the jinn how do we know this well cool night in Malaga this Jew duly Adam a facade oh Allah Alysse Allah told the jinn to prostrate to Adam Allah preferred the Adam over and Bani Adam over maniacae and jinn walaqad karramna bani adam' Bani Adam have been lifted up and put on the pedestal in the hierarchy of things and the angels and the jinn were told to bow down to Adam Adam is superior to the jinn why because Adam has something far greater than physical strength than speed then going at the speed of light adam has intellect and jinns don't have that level of intellect and this shows us by the way the power of the mind is more blessed than the power of the body the mind is more important than physical strength Allah blessed Adam with a greater intellect a greater farm animal in sanam Adam Adam Allah taught Adam while Emma Adam @s Mahakala ha the angel says subhanak Allah even Melania ulema Alam Tina so Adam was blessed over the Malaika and over the genie because of the power of the Apple because of the farm that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala gave and therefore intellectually speaking the jinn are nowhere near as intelligent as men are some have said they are like children in their intellect compared to men and that's what it is why they're so stubborn as every rocky knows just stubborn like a toddler throwing a tantrum and not wanting to give up hours go by and they're not going to give up that stubbornness is because of their their intellectual capabilities so the bani adam' are more intelligent than the jinn and Allah has blessed them above the jinn therefore the jinns from the very beginning have had what modern psychologists call an inferiority complex jinns suffer from a severe inferiority complex because the jinns felt hey I should have been there allah azza wajal tells us in the Quran that a belief says enough a Roman that was supposed to be me why did you tell Adam to be the one on the podium I'm the one that's supposed to be there right so the jinns always wanted to be number the gins always wanted to be the best but they're not so they suffer from an inferiority complex now given the fact that they have an inferiority complex and yet they are stronger and faster and physically more powerful than men what is the net result the net result is there is a world and that world was a fitna that Allah taught to early man the story of Babel in Babylon write whatever romantic love shelter a milky sulaiman wa makara sulaymana why like in the Shelton a kafir ooh yonder moon and NASA Sahara Rama unzila al-maliki needy babila Haruto a mile route 1 are you aluminum and I hadn't had their Allah in them an inevitable attack for in the nutshell of a story that how root and marut were angels that Allah sent to the ancient city of Babylon 5 thousand years ago or ten thousand years ago the earliest city of mankind was Babylon and Allah sent two angels to inform mankind because this is in Malaya mankind would never have known at all that we can communicate with the jinn so Allah sent how root and Marut and how to attend now Ruth were angels and they taught mankind that we are a test from Allah do not come close to us we are a test from Allah literally like the warning signs you know the carbon radioactive dating do not come close the angels are telling them our job is to test you get out of here don't listen to us but what were they gonna test them with the knowledge of how to communicate with the gym so they explained a methodology and they said if you follow us if you listen to us this is gopher in mnemonic and fitness one fella tuck for so all of the methodologies and mechanisms to call out to the Djinn they are methods that go back to this origin because they're different methods you have the Ouija board you have the dolls what they call though the voodoo dolls okay you have the the knots that are blown these are all different methods that all go back to the experiences of the Sahara of the magician's that goes back to the origin of how roots and Marwood in the city of Babylon so initially man was taught to this is what you do if you wanted to call the jinn and if you call the jinn it's a scoffer don't do it mankind didn't care they said we want to do it and thus magic began what is magic therefore magic as I said Saheb is the intersection of the world of men with the world of jinn these two worlds are not meant to be intersected these two wells are meant to be separate and if an accidental crossing takes place it is easier to repel as any roughly knows if a jinn comes into our world and causes some fitna and facade on its own it's much easier to repel rather than say her because what's ahead is is the following listen to me five minutes and you will understand magic and inshallah never be scared of it for the rest of your lives magic is an evil person who has sold his soul to the devil in order for the shayateen to perform some tricks for him it's like you feed your horse or your Pony to go gallop fast the only difference is you're not feeding a horse or pony you are feeding a demon a shave on and the difference is that what the the satyrs is doing is giving the jinn the one thing that the jinn wants what does the jinn want your American Express card with expiration date your cash what is the jinn gonna do with your cash what is the jinn gonna do with your money they don't have currency in the jinn world what does the jinn what what has it always wanted sisters I want to ask you what did the jinn want superiorities are they going to get it what do you have to do lower yourself in front of the demon you have to become the slave of the jinn the biggest myth I want to destroy is the false idea that the Sahara controls the jinn nothing could be further from the truth it is the jinn that controls desire the magician is a filthy evil disgusting creature of a human excuse of a human that has sold itself and its dignity and it's RZA and it's iman and it's taqwa in order to do sacrilegious deeds for the demon and that's why these things of get a toad of a you know eye of a newt and go to the graveyard at 3:00 a.m. and get the blood of a donkey why because the jinn wants to see that Sahara humiliates himself go to the graveyard at 3:00 a.m. do tawaaf around the grave who's gonna do that only somebody who has sold himself to the devil so the Shaitaan feels a sense of ego look what I can make this guy do right run him around with the tip of my finger do whatever I tell him to do so the Sahara becomes the worshipper of the jinn not the other way around how can a human being control the jinn how can anybody believe this by what will a human control the jinn whips chain what how will a human control the jinn there is nothing that the human has that the jinn can be controlled by that's what Allah gave to Saleh man no other person has that power the jinn controls the human emotionally it tells the human do this do this do this the human does it in return what does the jinn do some tricks and trades to make the magician happy you want me to go and harm somebody I'll go harm somebody now you got to go and worship me in this manner you want me to go plant some bad stuff in a person's house or possess a body or a break up a marriage ok I'll go do that and now you continue to do worship Me the jinn does something utterly trivial for its world in its world it just does something that it is physically capable of doing Allah gave the jinn certain natural powers to be invisible to be super fast to do things hidden manner for example the most common type of magic is you Fredrik want to be here by tomorrow sog where a husband and wife are not able to have a happy marriage and if conjugal relations are attempted perhaps something supernatural perhaps the husband feels a physical pressure perhaps something happens these are things that are manifestations of the jinn it's not that difficult for the jinn to push a man back how is that difficult why are we scared of the jinn the jinn is simply like a bug an insect you understand it has certain irritable qualities but it's not gonna it's you understand it it's not something you need to be like supernaturally terrified of if you understand that the magician is the one selling itself himself to the jinn and the jinn is returning the favor and so why is the magician doing it the magician wants your money the magician lives in our world so you go to the magician and you pay the magician in American Express he'll accept American Express okay he'll accept Visa and credit card he'll accept cash in any currency give me a hundred dollars and I'll do the potion you give the guy a hundred dollars and the magician will do the potions that the jinn once and then the jinn will then go in basically listen to the to the magician only because it wants more worship being done now another thing we need to know is that work in gangs jinns are the mafia so the magician approaches the Godfather the dawn okay the Djinn approaches the dawn the Godfather and the Godfather sends its minions generally not the one that is approached isn't the one that will go and do the sending it's the you know the the worker the worker class of the Djinn they're the ones that are sent right because the Godfather Jin has an entire mafia under his disposal thousands and thousands of Jin and you just send the Djinn so that Jin will then be persistent for years decades and live in your house cause issues and that Jin is getting whatever recognition and I don't know their internal currency but it's getting a benefit from the dawn right is getting something from the big guy and so it's doing what it does and a lot of times it's also scared of the big guy a lot of times is terrified of the big guy once I was doing Rukia and I said to the Djinn after a long time why are you still here just leave and the Djinn said I can't believe I said why just leave and the Djinn said I'm scared if I go then he will kill me who is gonna kill you the one who put me here the one who brought me here meaning the hedge in whatever the dawn would be I'm scared he's gonna kill me he's gonna hurt me so I have to stay here so internally they're doing whatever they can and they're getting it done so bottom line ahead is merely the intersection of the world of men and the world of jinn once you understand the reality of this world you should not be scared of it in the slightest it is a nuisance it is an irritation but it's not something that brings about supernatural fear also realize this that the jinn is absolutely terrified of Allah and the name of Allah and the vicar of Allah and the speech of Allah the jinn is terrified and that is why if ever in your life you feel the presence of a jinn use you see something supernatural it will be terrified if your bravery is manifest to it because of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the fact that you have no fear and I have experiences another all of the Rockies and the audience know this firsthand you stare at it straight and you just say as the process and taught us to say memorize this race bismillah Ana Abdullah Oh Raja I do Allah three phrases memorize them bismillah in the name of Allah I'm not powerful I'm not gonna do anything I am connecting with Allah bismillah I am the servant of Allah I speak with a laws name now I'm not speaking in my name I speak in the name of Allah get out o enemy of Allah you say this with firmness and you will see I hope meld protects although you hope you don't see but if that ever happens now the opposite and I understand it's a bit terrifying but put yourself now in the psychology of the jinn if you start wailing screaming cowering what have you done brothers and sisters what have you done to this psychology of the jinn louder empowered it empowered it that's exactly what it wants to see you groveling in the corner terrified that's what gives it the power and that's why Haditha abu dawood our Prophet SAW said there was a man who was on his camel and the camel for no reason reared backward and was about to throw the man off and the camel said Leinart allahi allah shaitaan a las curse be on Shaitaan the problem said don't say that when you say that Shaitaan becomes so big he's bigger than a house because you have mentioned him as the cause of your animal rearing upwards rather the sensitives say this milah and Shaitaan will shrink until he's smaller than an ant this hadith shows us when you connect with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala what you're doing is you are shrinking the power of the jinn you're eliminating the power of the jinn the only issue comes with this we conclude I know much more can be said what's a hair it's not that easy to kick it out because there is a binding that takes place there's a knot that has happened there's some type of issue so it requires long sessions with a professional or yourself feel free to do it with yourself as well but just know what you're doing ask us an expert or what not and you can do it okay up on yourself there is no easy way to battle say head have you guys done the symptoms of say hell have you done the symptoms of say number one symptom of say head is bizarre scary dreams number two system as a symptom of Saheb is you feel somebody is there when nobody is there you have your conscious there's an entity or a power number three symptom of Saheb is inexplicable problems or disasters that cannot be explained okay anything that science can explain medicine can explain is not saying you go to the doctor the doctor says oh you have this issue that's not said if the doctor can analyze it and the doctor tells you this is the problem that's not saying say head is supernatural problem say head it doesn't make any sense you wake up and there bruises on your back you wake up there's marks here you're having constant miscarriages and the doctors like everything is normal I've done all the tests and there's constant miscarriages for no reason and every doctor scratching their heads you're totally normal and the third week fourth week you know always there's a miscarriage around the same timeframe this isn't a symptom of sahel that you don't know what's going on between husband and wife everything seems fine and that all of a sudden when there's some romance all of a sudden extreme anger or inexplicable feelings or pushing or whatnot these are supernatural symptoms when these exist and only when you find them otherwise if these symptoms don't exist it's not safe to say this most of what we think is ahead is our imagination it's not actual said so if you are not sure about a supernatural sign then assume it is not said there has to be something palpable bottom line with this we conclude don't be scared of these entities there are creatures of Allah like all other creatures and if you turn to Allah you are more powerful than these creatures these creatures are terrified of Iman of taqwa of vicar of the Quran they can't stand it and if you show fear that fear empowers them if your heart is trembling cover it up and speak with a voice and say bismillah I speak to you in the name of Allah I am the servant of Allah get out of here enemy of Allah you say this with Iman and thicker and you are going to be the one who is powerful Allah says in the Quran while you flee Sahara - Atta the magician will never be successful wherever he comes the one who does dhikr and the Quran the one who turns to Allah will always be the one who wins over sit in the short end of the long run may allah azzawajal protect all of us on her families and loved ones may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala allow there to be barriers between us and the world of the shayateen may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala give us all righteous children and righteous grandchildren that are firm upon their Iman and are protected from the world of the jinn and the shayateen Musa Qala Karuna Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh you
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 1,058,605
Rating: 4.9385986 out of 5
Keywords: merciful, servant, themercifulservant, jinn series, jinn, sihr, sehr
Id: oLPooLHkbT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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