Mahoraga vs EVERY Jujutsu Sorcerer

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the trump card of the 10 Shadows technique and one of if not the most devastating creation to come from the zenan clan even as far back as the Nara or Edo period Divine General mahara was able to Aid its user in stal mating with that era's version of sataro Gojo a sorcerer with both the Limitless and the six eyes and with how it's held itself in battle against not only the current generation's honored one but also never being tamed by a single 10 Shadows user throughout history I thought it would be interesting to see how this Divine Beast of adaptation interacts with some other members of the jiujitsu Kaizen cast with the Dharma chakra wheel an item of the 10 sacred Treasures that encourages its wielder to fundamentally observe and adapt to whatever curse technique mahara gets put up against is there really anyone besides Gojo or sakuna that can stop the Rampage of this smoke demon make sure you hit the like button subscribe if you want to see more content like this and to help me make sure I don't miss anything in this video as per usual do I even have to say it what's up guys I got a fun video topic going to be putting mahara up against every sorcerer in the series to get things out of the way it's very clear that mahara being the trump card of the 10 Shadows technique and probably a devastatingly powerful character in its own right most characters that we talk about will clearly not stand a chance so we're going to go through the fodder pretty quickly and get to the more interesting fights as quickly as we can for starters we'll get right into it a couple people that mahara is clearly going to give a Smackdown to Arata Nita my zenin and broken ronin's favorite character miwa Kumi he twisted my arm here trying to put miwa with the fod but uh everybody that's listening everybody that's really locked in they know the miwa agenda already right I'll just say myi and Nida are getting bodied like extra bullet is not going to do anything to mahara no no adaptation needed just just got all one swing of the sword and they're uh they're both obliterated and then clearly another character that would be actually you know what he might be able to stop mahaga just by pure Riz alone we've got E I mean to be honest bro listen sure e got like one shot by harut right but that doesn't mean anything that that's not at all related to a scaling he got back shotted bro that's not fair yeah yeah I mean off guarded off guarded right um for sure for sure for sure but like on a real note III's Feats amount to making some cool telephone calls in the anime Gojo trusts him the most in the world I guess that's a pretty go feat you could probably use an iPhone better than mahara so I guess that's one thing you want to put on the list but along with aii mahara clearly just runs through a lot of jiujitsu Faculty members I mean what is utahime Yi going to do against mahara what's mayay even if you want to say bird strike does a really good deal against it what's mayay going to do ATU yusak cab that's another one of your boys kusakabe my solo I'm going be real with you I'm sorry to say but I will say one of the interesting things about like bird strike even if for some reason you thought it was like this technique that could hurt mahara which in the event that it doesn't one shot it's just like wow M lost the fight and that's what's so sort of impressive and scary about mahara in general it doesn't really matter how strong your one hit is if it does not immediately decimate mahara uh and like surpass the adaptation exactly and even people like shoko with reverse curse technique aren't really going to do anything the Dharma chakra wheel is just going to spin real quick and M haraga is going to do that smirk that he does every single time and he's just going to completely obliterate everyone in front of them even when you get to like principal level members of The jiujitsu Faculty gaku kanji the human amplifier what's he going to do now Yaga masamichi is someone that I'd be curious to get your opinion on the unregistered special grade if we were to say Yaga was able to come at mahara with the different curse corpses that he has we didn't really get too many Feats on Yaga I guess when it comes to Yaga the most interesting thing obviously comes from from his ability to create like an army of independent cursed corpses like Panda the thing is is like you have to just ask yourself how many pandas is it take to take down one mahara and I'm going to be real with you probably more than Yaga can make in a very reasonable amount of time maybe if Yaga started making these puppets or these cursed corpses since he first became a jiutu sorcerer preparing for this one fight against mahara what ises an adaptation to the cursed corpses look like does he just like gain the ability to body them much easier things of that nature mahara might be able to start seeing their cores very easily because we do know that some of maharaja's adaptations can be linked to like visual cues mahara really is a Divine threat moving on to the students just to stick to jju high for a moment I knew we said my zenin was already destroyed by mahaga but let's say the Kyoto students come to get revenge so people like kamo noroshi or maybe mechamaru and AI Toto I mean Boogie woie if in a 1B one not probably going to do much against Mahar it may disorient him for the first couple moments of the fight but I really doubt that that's not something that one mahara can adapt to in battle and two mahara can find a way to possibly just eliminate Boogie woie altogether unless Toto comes into the fight with two or let's say even a 3v one with his three classmates the only person I see besides noruto Shamo who is pretty much a one- trick pony and again doesn't stand a chance and can pretty much sit in the same kind of obliteration category with my and ultimate mechamaru maybe would be able to at least throw hands with mahara but as for characters like Toto um I think Toto ranks above like what a base mechamaru can do if you have like the Bots that he used over in the Goodwill Arc Panda was able to beat that up so I mean that's fine that mechamaru is getting bullied and I think Toto is strong definitely one of the strongest characters I think we've mentioned however knowing how mahara can adapt to certain techniques for example being able to negate being attracted by Blue just leads me to believe that one of Maraga adaptations to Boogie wogie would just it not having it it would just be it not having any effect on him like Toto would be able to clap his hands and surprise surprise nothing happens mahara doesn't budge and then things start to get really bad for Toto because if he eliminates one of the targets that he can use his technique on his options that get more and more limited and wtto is extremely strong extremely competent as a fighter his finishing ability against someone as strong as mahara just won't be enough ultimate mechamaru could definitely be a somewhat interesting case not so much to say that I think he has has a shot at winning I do think though if for some reason he charged up like 10 years at once and just launched at mahara maybe that could have a fire arrow like effect I don't know right I have no idea I I think the anime does a particularly good job of showing just how devastating of an attack that kichi can pull off in his like massive Mech in all honesty it's just one of those things where if he does not One-Shot him or maybe negate his technique temporarily with simple domain it's one of those things where he's just going to lose eventually maaga is more than strong enough to actually break through the armor of the suit and he's probably more than durable enough to survive a couple of one year 2ear even 5year charges it really comes down to how the fight would go in my opinion because as you said one two years maybe even Vision Viola with 5 years would not be enough to actually take mahara out this is the same mahara that was able to survive 140 M malevolent Shrine so whether you want to say 10 years is enough to take him out unfortunately if mechamaru uses one to two years before he uses that 10-year charge or however many Chargers it is that you want to say is enough to take mahara out quite honestly possible mahara just adapts to mecham maru's Cursed energy and that's the end of the game and that's part of the reason that makes mahara so terrifying and you'll see as we get through even more characters on this list if you're not like someone like 15 finger sakuna that has multiple curse techniques no matter how good of a fight you put up at the end of the day you're kind of going to get washed and you'll see this even as we get into a lot more more powerful characters in the series cuz now I want to move into a different side of the student body which will be the Tokyo students and obviously the Tokyo students completely outweigh the Kyo students in power level besides Ali Toto at this point the first three-man Squad I want to go into which we basically kind of already said Panda doesn't really hold much weight would be how inumaki to interacts with mahara and I kind of want to give him a little bit of Spotlight cuz I'm curious how you think her speech would interact with the uh shikami I was going to say blow up and then you're just going to die he's lit like I think okay if you look at the feedback he got from anamy right when he's like trying to utter very powerful commands and how quickly got bodied kurur spirits and Chiki gami are probably pretty similar in terms of like their actual composition so that statement about curse speech being particularly potent against curses instead of sorcerers it would help inumaki here he's not the strongest curse speech user on this list we'll talk about the one who holds that title a little bit later I'm going to be real Mahar could somehow deactivate a technique just walk up and smack inumaki because it doesn't matter none of his abilities are going to like actually do much all he could do against Hanami is like make him stop or in his words blast him away never did any damage and mahara would just pretty much mirror the exact same reaction so adaptation or not right yaki's getting bodied with very very minimal difficulty are you of the crowd that believes mahar's overall power level is based on the person that summons mahara like do you think the mahara that Megami summons in shabuya is different than the suca summons in the culling game I guess by that logic technically speaking if mahara summoned by a weaker person could cursed speech affect it more I could see that argument because we know that sukuna affects the every other shikami we've seen right so like consistency would state that Mahar is affected and I'm not at all mad at that notion I would just say this if no 10 Shadows user has ever been able to tame mahara there might be a floor for how weak that Shiki gami is going to be I'm also curious about this person so I want to give them their own Spotlight as well Maki zenan of course the Maki zenan that we have in the current timeline fully awakened though this one is a pretty pretty interesting case I'm going to be completely honest with you because mahara physical showings are kind of weird right because 15 finger suca pretty handily beats the mahara we see in chibuya Gojo for the most part like thinks he can body mahara as well right while mahara is definitely broken and he is through hacks like an opponent that is like able to sort of like worm around his lesser physical abilities which I know it's crazy to call Mar his physical abilities garbage but like relative to sukin and Gojo I'm just basically trying to illustrate he doesn't scale he's able to kind of make himself relevant in those fights via hacks right because they don't want shot him immediately blah blah blah physically she's probably the first character on the list I'd be willing to put money on being able to box with mahara being able to go back and forth and I'm not really worried about her like getting blitzed in one shot before adaptation started does she attempt to on-shot him with soul s splitter or does she like attack him do damage and because of her lack of knowledge if we're assuming she's never seen mahara before if she messes that up right she's lost her main viable option of getting rid of him that answer kind of depends on whether or not you think that Maki like whether or not we're arguing that these characters know maharaja's ability because if Maki knows she has more one-shotting options for mahara obviously being the soul uh the sword that it just cuts your soul as well right just Cleaves through people so that would kind of be the basis of my argument if she doesn't and she fights more in character I personally think Maki shown herself to be much less thorough in her kills she punches Nalia's face into the ground doesn't make sure that he's dead she stabs NAIA with her soul splitter at first NAIA turns around and attacks her then she brings it up she's not very like overwhelmingly aggressive with getting the job done if she thinks she has the advantage I think if if Maki stuck in a punching match with mahara she'd be pretty effective but mahar's resilience and like continuous healing ability at least at a faster rate than monkey's sort of leads me to believe that she does not want to get into a war of attrition with him she needs curs energy to get rid of him so she still needs a curse tool of some sort so at the end of the day her physical abilities almost are IR relevant if she can't finish the job with her sword and I think her best case scenario is either bringing it out immediately and going for the kill or saving it until she realizes okay damn this thing is real okay I'm going to bring it out I'm going to finish the fight with this I think if she gets in a situation where Soul splitter is adapted to and it just won't work on on Mahar anymore she loses if she's smart enough to avoid those situations then she wins if that is the case do you think because toi is much more efficient in his kills and probably feeling off and knowing he has to take this demon out in one shot right away from the start do you think that changes the outcome for toi with toi I mean toi might come into this knowing what maharo already does two reasons one his character is so overly cautious about everything and two he's a zenen right he might liter literally know that mahara adapts to things due to like being part of the clan that the 10 Shadows originates from and to be fair Maki might also have that knowledge so that would color um your perspective on whether or not she attacks like that inverted Spear of Heaven plus Soul splitter is going to be such a clutch combination you just negate the cursed technique and then just go to work with your like durability uh negating sword I think toi could definitely get the job done I think he probably has like a slightly easier time due to variety and if he wants he doesn't even have to get close to mahara to negate the attack just hook that spear up to the chain start swinging and get to work moving on to the first years with Yuji itadori whose one trick only is unfortunately at least until we get a little bit more clarification on his curse technique whatever that may be is straight up hands despite yuji's ability to tap into cursed energy we can kind of agree he's kind of just getting turned to dust by mahara yeah listen I'm going to tell Yugi this right before he gets into the ring with him listen Yugi here's the only way you're winning you know what you did versus mAh though that 100% charge like your 120% potential black flash you hit at the end right okay listen don't even try hitting him with normal punches all right go in there and land a black flash and maybe live at least if you're someone I know like there are many people that have like different interpretations about the fight went if you think Yuji is like kind of more relative to Maki post his like enraged power up versus suca which I'll just leave as a neutral potential interpretation that's kind of its own thing but like if you think that's the case that's cool but he's got to finish the job quickly cuz I don't think very many characters last in a prolonged 1 V one versus mahara mahar's abilities lend to it getting stronger over time well you are losing stamina and cursed energy over time even against black flash like cuz I definitely agree that after eugi loses sakuna there was definitely some kind of power up enough for him to not necessarily compete with Maki cuz I feel like Maki definitely out stats Yuji yuji's always been one of the more significantly stronger people in the series um and I still feel like he holds that title if he can take a black flash from Gojo of all people I think Yugi's black flash isn't really going to do much going forward with that I feel like someone also that we don't need to spend much time on is Megami himself considering if Megami could have beaten mahara he probably would have [ __ ] done it in the anyway so uh in story Megami brings out mahara for characters that he can't beat so like I feel like it's one of those self-evident sort of things we don't really have to see them go at it to really speculate on which one of them stronger I recently saw a meme of like how often meami just resorts to using mahara and I think it was like eight or nine times in the series and I was like damn this guy really does throw this [ __ ] out listen bro Trump C for a reason he said all right I'm about to die we about to die let's do it speaking of dying and already being dead no augas saki no matter how you want to phrase it even if you want to say residence trips mahara up at first which I definitely think it would because resonance is kind of an anomaly it's something that was even able to affect mahito there are many realities I can see in which nobara does not even land a residance like she brings out the hammer she brings out the nails right she puts it in front of her as she usually does and then it's just like oops he smacked you he backhanded you through a city let's say if she does Land residance O you know mahaga he he falls down to his knees a little bit right residence couldn't even onot like a full power ESO and catch ISU you know what I mean we're talking about mahara right now clink turn that wheel and then noar will be no more moving forward to a little bit more of a professional side of things and then kind of work our way into the most powerful Sorcerers that really are going to have the most opportune chance of taking mahara out just to run through these people real quick Tumo Eno Kento nanami gto's entire curse user family the inverse curse user and The Necromancer granny after talking about toi and Maki who could be the strongest people that she ends up summoning I feel like it's appropriate to talk about her Ronin are any of these people having a different fate besides what I just described to nobra um no and as a res anomy hater I just wanted to get something off my chest right of course here it comes nomy would land the ratio technique plus a black flash while being in overtime and mahara wouldn't Flinch there is no hope for that guy I just wanted to single him I have to live up to my reputation it's actually like a contractual obligation you know what I mean so sorry inverse like a wasaka is interesting not cuz he wins like obviously not right but I think the sort of the interesting thing I would like to wonder is like obviously inverse has its limits right if it was something too low wind resistance would kill him and super high Lev techniques on the other end of the spectrum can body him it's like do you think mahara qualifies like he hits hard enough to just go over invert like aasa's level of like durability even with his technique activated say the swipe that sent sua through buildings right is that just crushing aaka where he stands regardless of if that first takes aaka out because it completely nullifies his curs technique because it's just so damn high in attack power or he hits him mahara is like well that's an interesting technique the wheel turns and then he hits him again which is very clear will happen I don't think inverse curse user is sporting really any impressive levels of speed durability the inverse curse technique is pretty much the only thing that keeps him around when he's fighting both Yugi and Megami if not for such a hacks ability he wouldn't have been able to stand against two teenagers that are only first years in jiujitsu high speaks to a level of where these curse users are at even Necromancer granny who relies on other people's power takuma Eno who also relies on his auspicious beats to gain a sort of level of power that lets him even stand against the grandson of the curse user Trio out of all three of them the inverse curse user is the only one that will survive one hit at the end of the day I feel like being generous to him of all people will make us seem nicer to the people watching this video Sean's Granny's like she's not getting that off I'm going to be real with you not even yeah the charge time it takes is just kind of absurd and I mean that grandson is not holding mahaga back let's be real gto's family Miguel with the black rope it's cool maybe mahara won't be able to adapt but just one black rope will run out of sort of like the thing that makes it up anyways it literally just burns away from usage it's not like the inverted Spear of Heaven in that fashion yeah I don't know if Miguel's really putting mahara to sleep I'm going to be honored with you Miguel is is not going to want to stay in Japan for very much longer yeah first he gets beat down by Gojo then he's getting beat down by mahara he's like look Japan is not the place for me I need to go back uh to where I came from not even in like a racist way just like I can't be here they're not very welcoming over here I don't know why I keep getting beat up for the last batch of pro Sorcerers the clan that mahara even stems from to begin with could mahara pull aaki and annihilate the zenan clan is anyone from that family janichi rant or even including if everyone's here naito or even naoya with projection sorcery all of these people without any kind of switch up in their tactics whatsoever single curse technique using people let's be real janichi bodyi and like oie body like I'm not infered to Nito in any way all right bro you got one shot by Mak blazing courage that's what you're going to need the only ones that I think are even worth sort of having talk about is like now naito naito more so because he's like the second fastest sorcerer all right let's see naito is blitzing mahaga from the jump and he's just laying into him I mean bro said wow even with two other characters fighting with me I can't beat up Dagon now imagine if he steps to mahara the wrong way he's hitting them he's hitting him nothing's happening oh mahara is starting to see you move in 24 movements in a second and then then what you're going to get hit you're going to get an Alid I mean after that it's over naito's best usage of projection sorcery in this fight would be to flee it would be to run away at top speed if Maki of all people can adapt to projection sorcery then mahara can definitely do it Maki had to sit there and get get her ass beat while getting Frozen while Noya was whipping her around everywhere in order to count the different frames that were happening mahara literally has a cheat sheet that will turn and he'll be like all right this isn't going to work anymore and then noo or Nito I guess because they just literally have the same technique which makes it easy for the purposes of this video do their best to speed up towards mahara cuz obviously at the very beginning he might be disoriented he's going to grab them by the head and squeeze that like uh a watermelon mahara is going to be the new head which will be interesting for the world of politics I want to focus now on the culling game we'll go Colony by colony of course we just took care of the zening clan so he filled Maki shoes already he doesn't even need to deal with vengeful Spirit Noya because he would kill him with cursed energy so to make it fun Kirara hakari I don't know if Kirara literally stands a chance because mahar's adaptability makes me feel like after a minute or two he wouldn't even have to try and figure it out like he would just completely be like I don't know what's going my wheel just turned and now I'm able to hit you so boom KRA doesn't really have much attack power considering they need to actually hit something or touch something with their curs energy to mark it for offensive purposes which just means that if they're not around anything or they're not around a nuclear warhead that they can mark with their cursed energy I really don't think kiraa stands a chance so obviously this conversation is going to have to focus around hakari I mean I feel like hakari discussions always go this way it's like does he get jackpot yes or no mahara probably does not kill hakari for 4 minutes and 11 seconds the problem that I think would occur next time hakari would open up that domain mahara would stab it with his sword and it would just shatter we've seen him do it with yosu and we've seen him do it with Gojo mahara would just sidestep dealing with Jackpot by eliminating it from availability after that domain expansion it's now just normal basic Cari versus mahara and uh no fever just the the cold release of uh going to sleep I he'll meet kurara soon I'll put it like that the odds are are definitely not in haki's favor as soon as he tries to use that second jackpot and even for the people um in the comments that are going to say that hakari could definitely take mahara out in the first jackpot while I definitely think that his Advanced reverse curse technique is going to let him throw hands back and forth mahara and kind of contend with him as much as he possibly can I mean this was still granted a man that could volleyball hit a shipping container back and forth with kashim Mo Hajime and we'll get into him later trust me this is still a character with as strong attack power as he is I don't see him Landing a hit critical enough to take mahara out in one shot speaking about domain expansions unfortunately for mahara he can't adapt to things preemptively he does have to take the hit the first time and without any kind of shenanigans that Shenanigans got Star Wars any kind of shenanigans sakuna uph where he can put the burden of adaptation on someone else to completely ignore the effect of the ability can't happen if mahara is fighting on his own if we're using that for this video up against higuma haromi could potentially just void and take away the Dharma chakra wheel completely before it even has the chance to adapt now I don't know if yaruma is going to be able to beat mahara physically after that but mahara does just like win outside of the domain expansion like Guma opens it takes away the technique maybe mahara doesn't get the death penalty and in that event it's just they're just fighting outside and I personally am going to take the 12T monster with a massive sword tied to his wrist he might just get the death penalty right no technique and a one-hot sword but I don't know if he puts his life on the line to get one poke just one swipe if mahara tries to block it like mahara isn't like Gojo or sukka in terms of like combat intelligence if he tries to block the attack he might get cooked and I think it really comes into contention where can mahara really be held accountable to if any crimes that he commits because realistically he's just an extension of whoever is using him at the end of the day mahara is just a power of the 10 Shadows technique whether you want to say he's more relatable to a cursed Spirit or maybe he's more similar to hanamy where he's a natural spirit that just takes on the will of whoever uses him that is definitely the biggest part of whether higuma could get the death penalty or even confiscation yeah in the event that like higuma cannot get any charges to stick it's not looking good for him I'm going to be real with you under very specific circumstances that are somewhat favorable to him he can actually get a replicable w he's just got to go for the domain death penalty curse technique restriction obviously maharaja's flow would be somewhat messed up and then he just has a land one blow right he doesn't have to go back and forth it's just if mahara blocks one it's up after that so for being a sorcerer for all of what two three weeks he definitely puts up an extremely good fight you know the law is very adaptable business is business especially when it comes to receipts and contracts and my man Reggie star and even if you want to include hazan noi Yori the Lackey um and chiaro the extended Nails who I don't think we need to f focus on too much cuz obviously explosions long nails are not going to do anything against mahara I don't even think no matter what you could possibly buy on paper again unless you're using nuclear warheads and that's a whole another discussion on mahar's durability and and even if Reggie could get a receipt for that be it as it may I think it's pretty safe to say Reggie is someone who doesn't even really need to Warrant much discussion I mean he drops a house under Mara like slices it in half and then it's over Reggie will not be having very much fun oh did you lose to Mega me cool I guess we know how your fight with mahara goes nice just an absolute joke for mahara and speaking of jokes in comedy another person that shows up in this Arc is going to be fumihiko takaba the man whose curse technique was rumored to potentially rival Gojo satoru whenever we get to talk about in a video like this we usually like he finds it funny in like bodies it might like the comedy or comedian curse technique might get countered by this right I don't really know how it works in fact I don't think anybody does besides Maybe gaygay but let's say it's like just equal to potency in terms of like the Limitless or whatever mahara has displayed in this most recent fight with Gojo you give him enough time to adapt he can get used to it right you have to oneshot him and if we're you know uncharacteristically looking at takaba in a serious light I mean he didn't even One-Shot heni right like obviously he wasn't really struggling with him but he wasn't immediately going for the kill either for all things considered for how weird taka is he's not really like a bloodthirsty or like super tactical fighter and if and he doesn't even know his curse technique right if he try if he makes a joke and like it hits mahara oh clink uh-oh now takaba is just some guy I guess takaba could think like the technique isn't there if it's like a joke but that has to happen before the adaptation and it's it's honestly two really weird techniques going up against each other I'm going to be honest it all comes down to who gets priority I guess you could say does mahar's adaptation take priority or does taka's comedic value like you said specifically on the takoo rivaling Gojo satoru uh segment basically means that because of the comedian clearly takaba is as we see through his fight with hazan noi unable to take damage from pretty much almost anything that gets thrown at him at least that we've seen so far he's able to heal without reverse curse technique if he does take damage and from what Reggie says his cursed energy flares up so quickly when he goes to attack heni it's pretty easily stated his attack power is relatively pretty strong as well usually in most debates or discussions around takaba I always say that when it comes down to him fighting someone like Gojo or Sak even if takaba can nullify cleave dismantle Limitless in any way shape or form however he finds it funny however the technique actually does work like you said g is probably the only person who knows how it works if he even knows the domain expansion as we know completely overrides the curse technique if you're inside of it which is always a way that I've said people like the honored one and the Fallen one could beat takaba regardless of how his curse technique interacts with powerhouses like them I feel like mahar's adaptation because obviously mahara doesn't have a domain expansion is his way out of the comedian technique but again it all comes down to whether you feel like taka's technique takes priority or the Dharma chakra takes priority someone that also makes their appearance in this Arc before we move on to Sendai Colony characters would be hanuk kusu an angel and obviously she's not much of a fighter her character completely comes down to Jacob's Ladder do you think mahara would be affected whatsoever by Jacob's Ladder is mahara considered an evil spirit I know this is all kind of subjective cuz it depends on how you look at it but I personally feel like Mahar Raga would be unaccountable for his actions I feel like he is passive a neutral Spirit despite the fact that he clearly enjoys beating the [ __ ] out of the people that he does if you do think that Maha is like uncount like not an evil spirit then Angel and huku lose right it's just it's very simple very clearcut the interesting thing to me in the event in which mahara is considered an evil spirit and he does get hit with like Jacob's Ladder it doesn't immediately kill like a very severe barely weaken sua immediately in fact like sua is able to like survive a lot of that and then like put up an act of like hey I'm back already right now I don't know if we've ever seen an example of like mahara adapting while he's getting hit with an attack it's not like we've actually seen Angel ever land Jacob's Ladder on a very Ong guard opponent maybe mahara like he's getting hit he's not dying it's damaging him but you know you'll wait a little bit you wait those 30 seconds and then you hear that very very ominous clink and uh it's up it's it's over but I guess it kind of depends on interpretation but more times than not maharo wins I'm going to take all the sound bites of you saying clink and put it in my goo vers auna video just so you're aware so moving into Sendai Colony ryui Shori drw vck deala and takako yoro even though they're powerhouses in syai Colony I do not want to underestimate these characters and I don't really want to undercut them either but I personally don't feel like any of them really stand a single chance against the divine in general isig Gori he simultaneously benefits from being a very simple curse technique in my opinion in this specific fight and sort of loses out because yeah on one hand it's just cursed energy right it's just cursed energy output once mahara if you think mahara can adapt to that just raw energy output then yeah isor is done for I don't see isig Gori getting like pieced up the same way that Gojo did to mahara H hit him with a crazy combo before trying to land red isori might be severely concussed and have brain damage for the rest of his life if he even survived that right mahara just like drools on himself a little bit then went right back to fighting there's levels to this right there really are levels to this let's look at the difference between mahara getting hit by 15 finger dismantle and cleave and isig Gori getting hit by 15 finger Su can of dismantle and cleave right one looks way more intact than the other oo would be even though I don't think she's stronger than isig Gori I think she provides like a somewhat more difficult is kind of gassing her a lot it provides a lengthier fight cuz I could see Sky manipulation for something that is relatively simple-minded in terms of combat like mahara I could see like oh my arm's all weird and wobbly or whatever like it works the first couple of times right and then clink and she just gets bodied the question is okay do you think these characters last a little bit longer because of X Y and Z not do they win and again not to undercut these strong characters at all two of them of which we know have domain expansions without multiple curse techniques it's really hard to stand a lick of a chance unless you just have that overwhelming destructive force and that one attack that can just obliterate matter itself however specifically in regards to what I'm talking about the winner of sundai colony someone who I'm really excited to see what you think would be the outcome of UTA otu the one who supposedly second to satarug Gojo the one that actually ended up killing mahara UDA is at the bare minimum very confident that he can do it after seeing mahara fight UDA like in fact mentions he's like me and ra will go and fight mahara and agito will 2v2 it not even I'll just go handle mahara light and Gojo's load whatever I will fight most likely he was going to fight mahara if I had to just guess R will handle aito I don't think UDA is an overly confident character personally he shows like a very willingness to defer to others he's like a car stronger than me and whether or not you believe that's the case who cares right whatever he acknowledges that Gojo's stronger than him in the most recent chapter of jjk at least by the time we're recording this video he's like yeah kusakabe you were right if I was there I would have hindered him UDA is not someone who is unwilling to admit weakness or unwilling to admit sort of like inferiority for him to say listen I can't fight suca but the shikami me and ra can handle that what is necessary to take out uh someone like mahaga a one shot ability which UDA may or may not have in a specific instance right or it's a lot of variety which we know for sure he has he has a lot of things in his bag that he can cycle through mahara does not adapt to like super complex curse techniques instantly so he's going to be able to get a lot of uses out of one curse technique but he's also going to be able to use multiple abilities as they set up for like a final hit or something like that that but I'm kind of inclined to think that he might be able to eek out a win against mahara you kind of have to draw a pretty hard Line in the Sand on if you think mahara is made up purely of curse energy cuz if that's the case reverse curse technique blade might go crazy like just all right cool you're dispelled now it depends on what you think about that I won't make like a horr claim that it does or doesn't work but that's an option curse Peach at an extremely high level he has AOS Sky manipulation he has the uter blast he has a domain expansion he has many many cursed tools he has a lot of different ways to really try to get at mahara and put him down and even if you want to say that UT was only saying that he'd be able to at least hold mahara back for Gojo to come in and do the final blow I completely disregard that statement by saying this is the one and true character you even said it yourself that's able to use all these different curse techniques in storage after synchronizing with ra and with knowledge of mahara as a whole I feel like Utah would be able to overcome that battle it may take a lot longer and be a very high difficult battle for him much harder effort than his Sensei would ever have to put through I don't think he's going to be punching mahara in the face and making him spit out gargo or whatever the [ __ ] came out but I do think that with his sword and with all the different curse techniques that he has utu could definitely Edge out a win special grades truly make all the difference when it comes to this the amount of curse energy you have that influences your durability your attack power and we'll get into the last couple characters we have on this list you'll see that regardless of how much cursed energy you have versatility is really what makes or breaks this fight against mahara how do we feel like kosimo haime works out with mahara this is more of an analogy rather than trying to draw an exact one to one conclusion kosimo versus mahara kind of goes like how sua and shabuya went and I'm mostly talking about the first half before the domain right where it's like okay you know initially it's getting zaed it's getting paralyzed whatever cool cool cool fine oh you're adapting to my lightning that's sick like you adapted to the initial stage it's like you know it took multiple rounds for it to like fully get used to dismantle and cleave and like slashing attacks in general to me that's kind of where Kimo sort of gets in hot water he's like extremely strong extremely durable proficient in hand toand combat all that stuff pretty good but not at all a good mat from Mahar ruga specifically one trick pony I guess would be the way to put it um so far his lightning bolts are pretty strong and I could see that maybe like doing some significant damage the first time as many of the character's abilities can do he's going to start off good uh it's not going to end so good for him though in order to say who definitively wins in this fight or not really comes down to whatever the hell Kimo's curse technique ends up being cuz clearly without it unfortunately he kind of sits in the same aspect of power where hakari does where hakari inside jackpot which is able to go head-to-head with kosimo so I can say they're at least somewhat equal in power whether you want to say one's stronger than the other I'd say they're somewhat relative even though he's kind of in that consistent jackpot for not just in the 4 minutes and 11 seconds he's in it for longer than that without any significant healing capabilities without any real way to switch things up as you said he's pretty much only got the one lightning bolt and good hand to hand if his curs technique doesn't end up being something that's powerful enough to one shot kill mahara then our statement of him losing will kind of remain unchange so going into that does might make right uh especially against a character that can adapt to anything that you throw at them specifically in regards to a battle against Yuki sukumo who is able to just virtually control imaginary Mass add to her attack power to which she's strong enough to kick her Garuda shikigami into the giant special grade Cur spirit that kju summons and literally just obliterate it wholeheartedly into pieces and then follows that up with the speed that's able to catch Kaku off guard and then with a punch that's able to rip through both of kaku's arms and literally have them hanging on by a thread Yuki suumo with her overwhelming destructive force does she have regardless of variety and not having an additional curse Technique we don't really know her domain expansion either does she have that attack power to take mahara out in one blow I think when it comes to Yuki she is very much like the antithesis of UDA in the sense of like how she goes up against mahara she does not have a lot of variety in fact basically none right she has a Garuda and she has her hands you know that is already kind of puts her at a little bit of a disadvantage however I will say her fighting style like you're very aggressive approach to combat does lead me to believe that it's possible that she just obliterates mahara before it has time to adapt Yuki like making guda shrivel up into a soccer ball and just obliterating a special grade curse in one hit reasonably speaking that special grade curse is likely far weaker than mahara however I do think that the fact that like she starts off a fight like that against kinjaku so aggressively and then she follows It Up by immediately just going up to like punch him or whatever I think that does speak to her ability to kind of like maybe just get rid of mahara in like an extremely quick fashion I would would argue kinjaku is one of the strongest characters or entities that we've seen in the series thus far so to basically take his arm off in one hit is extremely impressive this is also a person who has access to reverse curse technique and durability at a level that when they're going up against kinjaku someone who you just said is one of the stronger characters in the series we see that after taking kaku's fullblown domain expansion gravity attack having her leg and arm like completely Twisted barely her body is just completely contorted at this point she is still going up for Kaku for seconds and throwing hands with him to a level that he needs to be on the defensive she could completely reverse curse technique herself and heal herself but she chooses not to because it is the most opportune time to lay damage into Kaku and will completely throw off her battle strategy if she does this so this is a special grade who is able to completely forgo her better good for the outcome of the battle specifically to win what Gojo was talking about there's a difference between you know dying to win or risking your life to win even if you don't think she has that overall attack power in Just everyday battle if she wants to end the battle in a draw we do see she has that capability because I don't know if mahara is going to be able to come back from a black hole if he can't survive Gojo's final explosion Hollow purple I definitely think that Yuki has the chance to win I don't think she may have as many wins as UTA does in a scale of 1 to 10 it's very dependent on aggressive you think she starts off the fight but if she's like she fights basically the same way she did versus kinjaku she can win six to seven times out of 10 in my opinion and this is also a Yuki who again we don't know what her domain expansion is so if there's any kind of love or Victory we can give Yuki in the afterlife be it this video praise be honestly the last character on this list because anyone else that we either haven't named is pretty much either a forgettable fodder and an easy wash or B we probably already saw them get demolished by Mahar araga which would be the case of yosu honorable mention right there Kaku suguru ghetto the person that I'm sure is on everybody's mind for the finale of mahar's Gauntlet here kinjaku is a very interesting character because he's like he has a lot of the variety probably on par with that of udas he obviously has Cur Spirit manipulation which already gives him access to just a plethora hundreds if not thousands of different Cur spiritual different abilities things of that nature he is the like anti-gravity system that he uses specifically the reversal love for Gravity manipulation and Yuki kind of hypothesizes that he has one more hidden technique that we don't ever really get to see from him but we also know that he has like an open barrier domain expansion which obviously was able to even with only like one attack being gotten off almost completely annihilated Yuki's body so we know that like even though we haven't probably seen the limits of his arsenal we have seen a large portion of what kinjaku can do it's interesting because I don't necessarily think he has the same amount of hacks as UDA nor do I think think he has the same immediate finishing power as Yuki but it seems that he has a pretty decent blend of both I think that domain expansion in particular would probably be something that could put mahara down because we only see a very small portion of what it can do since tenen dismantles the domain so quickly Cur Spirit manipulation I think gives Kaku or even ghetto a significant amount of variety against a character that has a pure vulnerability against characters that have more than one technique be it as it may with curse Spirit manipulation ghetto was even said to have up to potentially 8,000 different curse Spirits whether you want to say that all those Cur Spirits were of a high enough grade to have a curse technique or some kind of ability that would even be able to be used against mahara we see even team ghetto was able to summon two curse spirits that rainbow dragon having the strongest hide possible kisaki Ona having the innate domain that was able to be casted and those are only just a select few honorable mentions of the curse spirits that ghetto suguru was shown to use Kaku who had the curse Spirit even though it did get destroyed by Yuki completely that was just able to tear the elite United States soldier first aunder and only leave their dog tags we don't even know what happened to them I think it's fair to say that curse Spirit manipulation is also a huge key to netting Kaku a victory in this battle one even if he did not know what mahara did already which I'm going to be honest with you guys very hard to believe right if characters like mayay and like choso or like wow this is the trump card of the 10 Shadows curse technique blah blah blah kju knows right kaku's been known he's probably thought about hm what would happen if I fought Mah haraga so I definitely think he puts it away probably he I mean probably nine 10 times out of 10 like maybe you could 10 times out of 10 might be a little wild but I think at least nine times out of 10 like he's winning an overwhelming majority of the time just going based off what he shown what mahaga shown and like the weaknesses and sort of limitations that the adaptation ability has all right guys well thank you all so much for hanging out with us and discussing mahara on The Gauntlet of jiutu sorcerers mahara is really only defeated by special grade Sorcerers at this point it seems like actually all four of them are the ones that beat him and no one else funnily enough the characters that exist outside of like the whole tearing system of sorcerers in general the Heavenly restriction users being toi and monkey I hope you enjoyed the video leave a like for me and most importantly go subscribe to Broken ronin's Channel because not only will you'll be able to find more collabs like this on my channel you'll be able to find plenty more on his and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: No Operator
Views: 330,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, jjk, mahoraga, jujutsu kaisen mahoraga, sukuna mahoraga, megumi mahoraga, mahoraga vs, mahoraga vs sukuna, mahoraga vs gojo, mahoraga explained, mahoraga jujutsu kaisen, mahoraga vs rika, mahoraga jjk, mahoraga vs yuta, mahoraga abilities, mahoraga adaptation, how to beat mahoraga, mahoraga dies, divine general mahoraga
Id: Xf7AzyLcXWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 27sec (2667 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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