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foreign [Music] and welcome to Crew live today we are playing Little Miss Fortune hello hi hi chat please do not sue us I see you guys in the chat guys so today Little Miss Fortune is a sweet but dark game I said Misfortune yeah so some scenes may be triggering so that's the morning before we get started this is like a horror Adventure game it's kind of like happy game which we played a while back so this is gonna be very interesting all of our choices in here will lead to consequences so the ending is you could have multiple endings and you guys are gonna help us make the choices right yep so are we ready for this chat ready okay let's start this story can I just say the thumbnail is so cute today thank you I worked on the head I kept on confusing this game with little Misfortune but it's not it's Misfortune so this is a very sad story are you sure you're ready for this No One's Gonna cry right shoe boxes or maybe let's do maybe I don't know let's switch to this and let's start our new game [Music] all right in this overwrite your save yeah I was just testing earlier is that a fox oh no [Music] it's a grim reaper fox is doing okay he's just minding his own business Draco why do I feel like that's you that's like you at night you're like scared like music yeah no I ran around with my flashlight do you think the fox has a Walkman or like an iPod Shuffle what's Sleeping is that an acorn Pinecone little demon it's a demon I think it's like forest fairy oh wait is this the underworld what is the fox so cool he's just like this to this stuff keeper you could just they like the Grim Reaper's helper yeah yeah they're like the transporter oh that bike so cool tricycle so sad welcome to my game hello I'll be your host and humble narrator okay for the rules of this game are simple play it until the end and you will be rewarded like Rewards I never believe anything narrators say there's always a trick that's just like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] let's see what more game it is paper mache is Miss Fortune she's a wonderful child from a not a wonderful family oh a little Sparkle for you and a little Sparkle for you so cute is today is the day she will die what oh what you can are you inside my head or something um well okay all right I'll call you Mr voice what do you say about me dying today die no nobody said anything about anyone dying today you're a liar Mr voice nothing you know I have prepared a game for you I guess really for me if you can reach the end of the game I'll give you Eternal happiness don't listen to Mr voice I guess I could give that to my mommy okay it's a deal oh my gosh wonderful what just happened fantastic ready to play yes your first mission is to leave the house okay I'm gonna do it everyone's Thank You by cream can we look around the room I don't think we should listen to Mr voice Mr Fox oh yeah you have a picture of Mr Fox [Music] she starts the Box talking to her oh impressive but why do you need a hiding spot I don't like it when Mommy and Daddy argue too much when I come here I Can Dream and travel far away I see look she has all this stuff she has a coloring book I love my coloring book [Music] um she's actually running away from home take it like everything and everything thank you let's take our coloring book with us I'm gonna take it with me if I get bored okay come on yeah I'm home guys no oh my gosh these look purest and most sweetest ah what the heck is the book under it oh oh creepy something nobody's allowed to read it want to see I like to play a lot with my toys I like to talk to them because it's fun oh my gosh I think Chad's going to the next page I'm already like sad I know I'm scared hello diary at school I drew and I drew and at home I was at my hiding spot talking to Bubsy and I heard it I saw a fox walking outside my room he's called Benjamin I think [Music] yes wait was he nice narrator knows the fox yeah hello diary my dad lied to me again not going out to the park today I made myself pretty but he doesn't care I feel sad I cried but told Mommy I'm okay oh my gosh why is it so sad okay I'm afraid if I tell her I'm sad she'll be angry sometimes I don't know how to feel nobody is teaching me how to feel I wish in school they teach us where feelings come from but for reals no fairy tales forever yikes forever hmm oh my gosh this is gonna get more sad I don't think I'm ready for this I mean if you think about it it's kind of true fairy tales always want you to be be happy happy yeah it's okay to have feelings for a fox that's what it is oh okay oh when you love so much you puke that didn't mean the fox came to visit when I was playing outside and we looked at each other and my heart felt warm and like if I was about to vomit but in a good way then he ran away because my mommy shouted that dinner was ready [Music] my Daddy hit mommy is that supposed to be normal should I hit people I love it doesn't feel right no maybe can't see he's hurting me too when he hits Mommy I promise I will never be like my daddy I played that today that I took a plane to Japan and saw interesting things I know about Japan because my friend is Japanese he likes Sushi her drawings is she's good look at this Sushi my Japanese friend speaks Japanese that's very problematic when we want to talk it's hard to understand each other it's confusing but I like him he has a pair of sweet boots and a cowboy hat his name is Hiro and he's a ghost oh he's a ghost he does have a very unfortunate story yeah with her family life okay are we ready for the next page no it keeps going all right let's see this later I love my glitter I love glitter too hello diary look I have glitter from school it's super shiny and we use it to make Christmas cards I think Christmas cards are pretty but I don't believe Santa is for reals don't say that if a man could give everyone a gift why can't he give poor people water and food I saw a TV show with my people from other countries having nothing to eat anyway I don't believe Santa is real but the glitter is amazing it makes me think that all that makes me sad and angry can be sprinkled with sparkle to look prettier that makes me a little less sad wait how long do I have to read out [Music] you're almost there hello diary I went picking tomatoes with my grandma it smelled so nice I saw butterflies some other insects too I ate two tomatoes and then I was stuffed I'm in a real nice drawing there you see yes yeah very nice I did a coloring too impressive the voice but the voice in the head sounds so nice right I was riding my tricycle we don't have money for the bicycle and I look straight in the sun oh what's the poem I am crying because it hurt my eyes my mommy said that one should not look directly at it don't look in the Sun how can you not look at the sun look at how cool it is true you can't look at the sun yeah Draco no one look at the sun okay your eyes hello diary it was fun today because I was at the lake and I saw birds flying and also fish in the water I felt like warm water came near my bottom um it's okay everyone does it don't pretend that you don't everyone same thing everyone did it yes everyone's at least peed in the pool or like once hello diary how are you I'm good too I have to do homework but I can't stop thinking about benches that's so cute I mean Benjamin's the only thing that makes her like feel happy right you know no friends no crying we have to hold the tears in okay this night we're just at the diary part this it didn't even okay so like narrator or Benjamin because she likes Benjamin okay okay I know her voice is adorable let's look at this look at this picture I was such a baby very cute that's what I am you are her voice is adorable that cake looks delicious me when I was younger time goes fast that cake looks yummy Halloween Halloween costume ideas little lady Fox he's so cute what if little lady Fox is just another part of her it might I mean that's what she feels like what are we like two minutes in and I already love this girl Oh I thought we could take it no we can't take it so we take Mr bubs with us she keeps talking about Mr bubs the guardian of the secret spot you see his eye he got that from a battle against a monster a monster that sounds scary it was [Music] you're leaving Bubsy with the scary book okay what else do we got oh yeah we need we need to find more stuff can we take our glitter with us I like to move my body that goes on forever yeah oh man let's go let's go okay leave one like if you're enjoying the story so far because it's just yeah and if you're new you can consider subscribing yet I know it's not even scary where's the fair part let's go I think the horror part is having to deal with your emotions all right yes oh yeah she Vibes let's go he's a mood yeah that's pretty we need to bring that everywhere that's the spirit of life [Music] oh my gosh that's hilarious I love her he's one Brave little lady toy with you you can only choose one shut up narrator your choice is much more important than you think okay this is up to you too if it was me I would have took everything okay [Music] I drank the whole closet why would we take Stone I might it could be a good weapon you know yeah break a window maybe a unicorn will keep you safe unicorns Draco what do you think Chad's thing I don't want anything stone for her she's all saying Stone I guess we're going wrong they're like the defense they need a weapon they're saying Stone I don't think we need a weapon oh my God become fabulous to everything everyone chose Stone though you the side of the screen remember I told you she was going to die today yeah [Music] Benjamin was in the window oh those portraits are freaky I love how she's so mature but she's I love her like she's just a kid no no no no no damn it it's a broken mouth that was a beautiful example of course and effect please don't tell on me don't worry you can trust me okay thank you guys she's a daddy okay maybe I could try to fix it [Music] I think you should leave it you shouldn't touch broken glass why or clay or whatever it is you're gonna cut yourself we're fixing it yep I'm gonna do it oh my gosh you should not be touching no put it down it's middle nope oh no the right piece goes I don't know the right piece goes in the middle right yes oh wait no wait that doesn't fall wait no that no no [Music] that's left I think oh no it's up wait away I don't know maybe another piece first oh to the bottom of the flower rail that's the bottom right there yeah no do the top oh no Autumn Leaves belongs to the bottom bottom left bottom left [Music] do you see that blank piece up there in the top he should take that one first yeah oh it goes right there okay [Music] oh okay it's easy now boom done and the flowers hey she's so crafty um you have glue though [Music] it looks legit the same okay Milla needs to know look that's me mommy told me I have to smile even when I'm sad no you don't [Music] yeah you don't have to do anything you don't want to my daddy's friend was a hunter and killed his moose his daughter Erica she thought he's coming um no no she said bang bang to her mommy and daddy and then her parents died and she was so sad oh my goodness is she still positive she's just so positive I feel like if she says anything violent out of her mouth I'd be like oh my gosh she's so adorable that's why you need to put your guns like cigarettes in here yeah hi mama she also likes to drink juice a lot well are you ready to complete your first mission yes I am I'm gonna get that price what price what's the message oh wait maybe they take something nobody alone I like them alive on it okay yes yikes forever oh you gotta glitter everything beautiful now glitter that pot ay [Music] that's so cute everything happy so she's the little Joy bundle of joy even though everything around her is sad [Music] I want to be just like my mommy no you know oh Mommy take some glitter see you later okay we're running away bye oh you have to tell Mommy you're running away from here a big leave some sprinkles wait oh challenge time chat okay we should tell her oh wait should we tell her Kaya I wouldn't feel like you should no yes or no mommy's a juice Drinker she'll probably be like what'd you say you know and she like look at the food hmm um Chad what do we think we'll let chatch aside yes or no and remember that's saying the chat saying she can't really understand all the dark things she's saying it's because she's too young it's true because she's very innocent still she's a kid yeah she doesn't realize that when someone knows then yes do we leave silently or do we tell Mommy goodbye see a lot of no no that's more no buy one yes or no you do a poll yeah tell her I think we have time for five okay quick pull ready yeah it's even it's like 50 yes 15-0 okay let's let's ask the poll guys tell Mommy you're leaving yes or no I don't know vote in the poll guys since it's time live stream I like it our choice I like it means something I'm not gonna lie my eyes are watery this is spicy it's spicy yeah who put like chili peppers are spicy ow Mommy we're leaving yesterday it's 5 000 yeah yeah it's yes let's go okay here it is yes Mommy I'm going out to play my mom spoilers figured it's off because there is a problem she doesn't dare she has a lot of problems all right where are we going go um around the house right outside my window I think he's really cute please Misfortune you should be careful around wild animals you shouldn't trust a fox they're all criminals wow does this narrator have against him that's silly that is silly silly narrator can we take those clothes this bowl smells like a toilet pickles when my body puked in it that was disgusting that is disgusting people throw glitter on it yeah [Music] Oh Daddy where's the Dad in there um glitter in the pool I don't think you can come on [Music] is that your kitty yeah come come get it cats don't listen to you Misfortune oh no no no okay I never get to pet the sweet animals that's because cats don't like people put in there you have to give it glitter so wait a minute before we continue you need to know the rules of the game is Fortune all right remember you will be given choices on your journey only consequences okay okay the prize happiness is yours is the cross this road all right well I can do that look to the left look to another one any course no gets a little misfortune the stream's over left and right he's fine handle it I can't I also just thought of something oh she might be in the middle ground if she said bye to her mom her mom wanted to know that she left she might not even exist anymore no she exists yeah that's true that's true of a very big one just keep going we'll have so much fun she keeps jumping from like the underground to the reality you mean she's gifted no no I think she's in the in between wait that's a bad Omen oh glitter no glitter on it let's go now here just proves that your voice carry glitter with them everywhere you're not saying she's a ghost I don't think it might be or me uh she might be just walking oh why are all the birds dying around here I like the rock music oh yeah she's blooming everything almost intro credit all right I like it I like it what a sweet soul I'm saying she's happy no matter what see bad stuff is happening yeah [Music] oh she might just be very very unlucky don't worry oh her glitter's causing fire this must have been the glitter too much glitter she actually put a little too much that's what happened ah I used a lot of Sparkle back there anyway where are we Highway guys let's light up the chat with something oh hello puppy what a cute party hat now Focus no no no of the consequences all right what do you want to do with the puppy play with it or set it free oh thank goodness thank goodness it wasn't something I was thinking what do we do there's a car right here I don't think you should set it free yeah you just play with it none of these seem like really good choices because the owner's not around the dog already has an owner so why do we set it free right it has a dog play yeah yeah play with it if the owner's not around but chat the chat's also throwing glitter in the chat and like what are the consequence of you set it free it runs into those cars you can play with it chocolate it's gonna bite you yeah yeah play with it so we can show a nice time together yeah now throw the ball at it what do it not add it baseball okay that's weird oh true oh my God sometimes live you should have said it free yeah yeah I feel like either way something bad would have happened there's a puppy gonna pass anyways the owner of this I don't think George is having a party I think you have to go and tell him guys the glitter Sparkle put glitter literally was like is it gonna be something with a dog you know and it anyway whatever [Music] it's in puppy heaven oh my God wait wait the party hat the party house oh sorry I'm just I'm just winded by this also symbol of our friendship puppy doggy oh my gosh okay oh a friendship that lasted less than a second yes what does this say no dogs no dogs yep chat can you read it oh it's not like allowed oh really that's why they tied it there wait oh yeah I can see my footprints that's funny [Applause] it came out you know that's right I can't watch this anymore please let's keep moving let us explore our life yeah live our life all right where's the owner we have something to say on your dog is not our fault let's read it though you'll see all the crap flying around that's a good observations he speaks the truth though thank you this is why everyone should throw their trash because you know at the other side of this Lake you will be one step closer to the prize of eternal life really and the party right ah yes that too I don't think there's a party is lying once at this leg I got my head stuck in a plastic bag I remember falling asleep and waking up in the hospital yeah that's terrible yeah wait maybe Rainbow's right wait is she dead it's rainbow right and she already died I think she's in the in between her mood I think you're in big trouble Misfortune your unimpressed face these black curls are not a good sign yeah right oh how to break loose okay oh my god oh yeah chat chat or throw I want to kick it later right where it hurts but also glitter take the birds where it hurts or throw glitter in the Rock what is it chat what is it guys we throw glitter in their eyes they'll turn into doves no yes they'll drop us and then we'll fall either way we'll fall everyone is violent like me and we will take care everyone's saying kick it Savages yeah yeah we gotta kick him gotta kick him where it hurts because when you're in danger you don't throw glitter you know that's true that does nothing good that's that's a good tip I should keep them in the box oh my gosh all right yeah your mom was right but these are crows it's there's the same Anatomy it's the same Anatomy you didn't kick anything she did it oh my gosh look at her the art in this game is really pretty you love me like a storybook wow she's unimpressed we didn't even go that high up wow it seems to slow down when we are in dangerous hello hello yeah [Applause] that's laughing so rude why didn't I break my legs your magic toe beautiful sparkles so Mr boys is the party on the same way to the Eternal happiness yes yes it is oh that's convenient have you thought about how to break the news to George about the puppet yes I mean if you want to [Music] I think we're allowed to be sassy and we're allowed to be some things are better off knowing what happened and for the road you know you know yeah but we should tell them because you know for Eternal happiness are you sure well you shouldn't you shouldn't be a good person just because you think you're gonna have an eternal yeah did you just do what you think is best everyone in chat is saying yes all right we gotta do it guys yes of course that's the least I can do for the sweet puppy that's right thank you tell him the truth is always better than mine coming from unless unless it doesn't matter unless the unless the LIE doesn't hurt anyone yeah just a little bit farther away [Music] tell the truth yep a fish oh throw it back in the water eat it no bring it what if you you should bring everything oh wait she might get hungry though what what she can't eat it well she can't eat it raw she can't have Sashimi I think we should bring it with us I think we should bring it wait she might need food exactly you hate fish why would you bring fish with you we're not eating it we're just bringing it it's gonna die I'm gonna buy I'm gonna buy you yeah but like what if an animal comes and you need to throw the fish at it what if an animal chases her because it thinks she's food because it smells the fish and then the fish is a decoy okay Draco you went everyone who uses fish he has his decoy thank you you're coming with us fishy where's she putting it and he needs a new place to stay everyone's tired I love Rodrigo hi Rodrigo well he should be sad because look at what happened I'm gonna go buy you a fish and I'm gonna tell you Rodrigo girl she's so sassy if you say anything dark you can just go and it'll be okay as long as you're cute all right yeah we are the house of George I'm a bit nervous about introducing myself I was George leaving their dog so far away you're brave telling the truth about the puppy you know okay it's in the blue door we go ding dong oh this person does not care about their animals yeah yeah [Music] or knock they won't hear the knob knocking is full actually yeah classic let's do the color classics they don't take care of their pets I'll invite myself in okay that's right I think George is thanks for inviting us don't worry we're like the best party guests we add Sparkles and we're super fun I saw Emmanuel's floating in the lake heels like this Vision oh my gosh she's seen a lot of stuff and that's why he is not faced by nothing oh he has a son seems like it yeah what a nice picture I wish I had a picture like this with my mommy and daddy oh oh my gosh not as nice as it seems unfortunate children I don't think it's as nice as it seems are you sure this is the right house where is the party hello keep going keep going no no no he was very sad he's wearing a pair of sweet oats oh gosh yeah is she gonna pull him down are you gonna take his boots don't touch him I was Fortune don't do it hey Misfortune I think this party's over let's leave no Luna you're dead your puppy is gone I like the puppy bye oh my gosh and this is what happens to a live streams and the birds and the animals dangerous animals Misfortune you might run into the fox a fox like Benjamin yes but all foxes are evil so keep your eyes open all right I'm the voice should we listen to the narrator narrator seems evil to be honest yeah or should we trust Benjamin oh it's a little voodoo doll every Everything begins with the song of a jackdaw sorry all right take it take it interesting hey what do you have there nothing hmm shut up boys what is it it's Benjamin dangerous Fox Spider-Man I recognize that Blacktail it's Benjamin it doesn't matter attack it with what he kills you I don't think Benjamin will kill me yeah is your name Benjamin do you want oh she's blushing hmm oh wow Benjamin's cool Benjamin's so cool I guess Benjamin and what is this let's keep playing my game or scared of Benjamin nearby you need to find it Mama you go cave okay can we sparkle anything yeah birds thank you the narrator doesn't want us to focus on this why projectors no those are crows that saying do not trust The Voice yeah I agree no spoilers wait this is a crime scene someone definitely Maybe This Town it doesn't look bad magical just wait until you go inside you shouldn't go in random case okay that sounds evil I have a question what does this sign mean Avalanche Sparkles oh my gosh what do we do what do we do chaos chat when we do right I think this is a poll question this is um next question is what do you think would happen like everyone can Spirit size right now so enter the cave into the cave you get locked in stay in the forest nothing happens don't know like I feel like yeah what do you think if we stay in the forest there's just he's just gonna then Aries gonna Force Us in the cave anyways wait this this like forces us to you know oh that was 52 stay in the forest are we stay in the forest oh no well 50 50 again we can get 60 I think go come on guys oh wow thank you we got like 6 500 polls and they're all even so that's not good wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why did chat say well go finish the circle oh it's too late it's too late okay it's too late chat we have to enter the cave and chat doesn't trust the voice 8 000 votes in total you have to interact next time because we could have finished a circle it was huge [Music] oh no I think I recognize her she's the owner of the club back there really oh yes looks like she was robbed I bet it was that hamster with a black mask yes you're right looks like you helped the criminal Escape of course it does oh really no it doesn't please don't you were helping we didn't know it is safe with me thank you they're saying guys look in there there's candy nice try guys we're trying to prank us yes there's a comedian you guys are so you're so funny Chad anyways we should give her her um carrier back can we help excuse me do you need a system hey Miss Fortune we need to find a way out now the Eternal happiness is still out there okay I'll look around yes what a sister the big red button always push the big red button oh yeah [Music] you found the way out thank you hashtag genius mm-hmm [Music] don't really want to stay here [Music] I don't like it I don't like the ground well I could say this game keeps surprising me it's supposed to be surprised it's a good game yeah it's shocking it's very shocking yes what is this oh my gosh this looks just like a movie I saw on TV lobsters I think you're right we need to clear them now upstairs please Draco there's no time for puns over there we need to activate it yeah but how with a slingshot what slingshot this slingshot how does he keep giving stuff okay look I use these acorns as ammunition that's really clever Miss Fortune I know thank you oh rainbow you might want to disconnect something's happening with your mic it's going off and on oh really yeah yeah okay all right let's try slingshotting this Boop s how about now you're good I think that was close you're missing dude I'm trying to look um you have to hit the bells hey I barely play Sorry Hungry Birds Angry Birds Angry Birds close close that position but red lower did I hit it no and this like this there red a little higher full full strength yeah oh rainbow you're still doing it that's weird what you got like just like it's like air miking I don't know well done maybe lower your audio all right let's go space maybe you have to manually adjust your Discord I like how she says fancy fancy and see every time I watch The Stream why he's fine now because I'm not watching this house I don't know why oh the audio is really angry about it it's probably echoing oh lower your headphones listen to that story that's a lot of cash is this the Eternal happiness no no what makes you think that Mommy is the only thing that makes her happy well your mommy is wrong oh really okay how we go no secrets of happiness but it's not the only thing behind the ladder yeah we have nothing else is my audio better now yep you're good oh I was just bleeding probably because yeah I'm starting to think this town is um misfortunate on the other side of the screen listen I know it must be hard not knowing much about our little lady's future will Misfortune rarely die if so how will she die and when will the evil fox kill her will she find the Eternal happiness I what the heck she does act normal she's coming narrator we're on her side oh Misfortune you made it congratulations thank you where are we we're one step closer to the grand prize of Eternal happiness great because I'm not allowed to be outside this Lake you know don't worry it's not far from here great thank you narrator reminds me of like the Series of Unfortunate Events I don't like this maybe I should go back home bye I can protect you really yes all right um no I love how skeptical she is of this guy is my mic still doing that no no you're good rainbow hello okay I keep singing not the missing kid oh my gosh oh she got kidnapped she died my gosh what no someone didn't creepy in the car had her in the car there's a ghost don't drop you don't understand the story you don't understand pretty sure she was a ghost and she just disappeared we'll talk about it after the stream yeah it was that one oh my God why are you mad and I don't follow me Halloween time oh it's fantastic is coming to open field that's so awesome maybe we could find time to check it out later who knows don't play with my feelings now let's focus on finding the Eternal happiness first then we'll see all right I can't wait this would be cool if we could go here but I don't think so it's been yummy from the hoods in the world you know if you ever want to hang out or something oh this is available don't engage with that wild fox I told you foxes are dangerous let me handle this morning all right I think your earphones might be bleeding she should uh Benjamin's good this is Benji's stuff no it's not huge absolutely the best art I have ever seen it's so personal I didn't know Benjamin was so creative yeah Benjamin must be good guys do you think the fox looks like a child I think Benjamin's good he's warning people to hide their children oh I didn't mean it like that huh hey shouldn't we be focusing on finding the prize I'm focused I'm wearing a mask I told you it's a hard town [Music] are we going to the park yes um guys miss Fortune's edgy okay so she slept so too it's because yes Miss Fortune has anyone reached the end [Music] um of course lately happily ever after that sounds nice you know I want to win this prize for my mommy I wish I could give her some happiness my Sparkle doesn't work with her oh that's really sweet of you thank you would you like to try my Sparkle that's not necessary don't be silly here you go happiness to me okay now okay thank you anyway let's go find the prize yeah you missed out hmm what is this a park again that is a creepy sign yeah is there aren't going to be any more surprises look at the seagull it looks like Kevin's dad who's that he used to sit in the thumb box next to school he didn't have any clothes on and the police officer beat him with a stick fascinating remember that fish you picked up earlier Oh you mean Rodrigo my best friend forever you should give it to the seagull I'm sure appreciate some company hmm I guess that maybe that will be a first thing to maybe do I guess give or keep we'll just give it I'm pretty sure no gives a fish now's the best time to give the fish if you if you can use it like but I don't like listening to the narrator yeah yeah but like why would we keep the fish you know it's just yeah you don't need to keep the fish I don't think it's like in our inventory once we never picked it up chat what she do keep it or give if we give it possibly zika will eat it obviously or the secret will be friends with it keep everyone's saying keep yo I think we're gonna be selfish yeah keep uh yeah chat so much you're keeping it wait wait oh Chad's Gonna Keep the fish yeah everyone's gone but then what are we gonna save the fish for I don't know but we have to keep something else sorry we're not gonna give it we're not giving it we gotta keep it all right keeping it it is if you want the fish friend forever you need to find your own responsibility very mature yeah we're not giving that stop it would you like to ride the Royal Horse of the park yes oh no why not what have we got to lose yeah wow exactly see you later horse we're just gonna go past this place you don't want to get it why does the narrator hate cool animals don't be silly ducks are pretty cool and look he's carrying a Boombox this could be my opportunity to finally dance for reals would you like to show me some of your dance moves [Music] yes yes show off yeah you know what we did five in the room earlier yeah check this out oh yeah hey hey hey keep your smoke to yourself okay it's okay that was unfortunate what are you talking about that was normal oh stay so Misfortune has been through so much stuff yeah she is not phased oh another thing to play on like this one I feel like she's gonna get a headache tornado please don't make us feel sick okay yes I want to ride I hope it doesn't make us laughing oh no I knew it oh no he's [ __ ] dude the narrator is laughing at her pain yeah I told you that's why none wait where's the doll here pick it up he dropped it when the trees are naked when the wind is cold when the smell of rotten apple smashes against the stone when the trees when the wind is cold when the smell of rotten apples smashes against the stone nothing she just wants some apple pie dude what is this whoa oh is everyone wearing face masks what's that oh wait it's a drawing of that doll can you look at it it looks like they are they are I think it's garbage and it should be erased it's not what Mr voice looks like really I see great potential here he's obviously very artistic just ignore it let's play my game the prize is closer than you think really all right wait is the narrator that's making children Miss go missing it says hide your children uh I can almost feel the Eternal happiness good the last challenge awaits at the pet cemetery that's that sounds like the best place to end the game clean my thoughts I'm glad you feel the same way okay snarator is lying to you little Miss Fortune there is no such thing as Eternal happiness so I wasn't so many feelings mind if I ask you a couple tricking you sure I'm pretty good at answering questions great just answer as honestly as you can alright first question have you ever stolen anything no well how would we know we're not little Misfortune never never good for you second question that's true are you happy right now no I don't say no I don't think she's she's not very yeah I think she's like just she's optimistic yeah many things make me sad that's why I want the price so much then I can stop pretending I'm always happy well then do you feel loved now the honest truth yeah I don't think she does she wants yeah so yeah that's why I like my Stoney so much he's just a rock and doesn't get angry or sad I wish I could be like that sometimes thank you for your honesty you're welcome look we arrived at the pet cemetery wait is that her friend hero [Music] more kids are missing if I go missing how will I tell Mommy you won't go missing we'll go back home right offline find the prize I feel like the narrative people hilarious definitely evil he definitely steals sauce thing ready to find the prize of Eternal happiness yes what is it I have hidden it in one of the graves like right which one I'll give you a hint it's where the goldfish is buried the Goldfish all right must I dig with my tiny hands yet forever no use the shovel what trouble this shovel throw it in ah okay it's getting more demonic ah that travels okay wait can we throw the shovel at the narrator no I don't think so or if you dig up the heart yeah they're so cute little can we just dig everything surrounded by her loved ones in a fire crush all of them take all them except for the Goldfish it smells like cup dogs I guess it's not the fish oh it's not gonna tell us which one's the fish oh yeah we'll just dig all of them okay let's see little Lulu the first bug to ever struggle a man what oh no it's a pug you don't need to dig it where are you shake okay Lulu nothing take notes it and taking everything [Music] ah no price how's the grave digging going good I got this literally no fish anywhere it's probably whatever we're just gonna keep gonna keep going it says oh it's probably tiny doing what he loves it's simple yeah he likes forever okay probably nothing right ah no price in here just a bunch of little bones and you need to find a small grave with like a goldfish oh that's a goldfish let's say Roger The Magpie never saw that window coming huh some sort of pet s ah no friends in here do we have to open the Goldfish is that okay this is it this is it Mary is lying to surprise eggs okay it's this one here we go yes it's Mr Bubbles it's a fish name [Music] congratulations Miss Fortune you found the prize really yes you see the little box open it oh okay exciting it's a goldfish isn't it exciting times oh gosh Eternal happiness yes it says I stole your Eternal happiness why plants it's a plant the narrator planted that face liar I knew the fox was trouble he's lying he stole your prize what a disappointment I really wanted to surprise mommy with this what should I do now we must find the fox and get your house I'm sure it hasn't gone far away let's go find him yes let's do that Benjamin's a traitor oh wait wait we sparkle it yes [Music] it's so sweet that like even though she's sad she wants to give it to her Can you steal my internal happy mouth not cool whoa and yummy give me back my happiness run after him we can't let the fox get away again he stole your prize this narrator sounds aggressive with me oh I hate Benjamin so much oh it's the doll that's saying sauce yeah super size well I'm loved children in darkness search for what they have lost for why they're in pain is Benjamin evil I feel like it's nice something Misfortune no you're imagining things Benjamin can betray us no he would never should keep eyes open know how to hide all right does anyone hear that theory music yeah yeah this is where it gets scary what is this oh no no no keep going what else is the door that's where Benjamin is right I guess we gotta go in here sure what could possibly shake out this Stone it's different from regular Stones I'm telling you I think you're right I'll take it for Me Maybe it works somewhere else okay [Music] oh and this there's nothing here nothing at all took it third bird that hole looks very much like where the fox would hide the prize so I should go down there yes crap don't worry nothing bad will happen nothing bad at all okay you sound very sure I'll Trust you I'll trust him and you go around nope I wonder why Benjamin will steal my prize maybe he's not happy himself wait I have to go back okay yeah is there another option Chad's telling me to read the thing I didn't read it fine I'll put the eye back in I'll put it back Chad said you forgot to read it okay we'll read it first The Game of Death is what fits the Shadows I think the narrator is playing the game pick out the eye the narrator is very very evil back to the little hole [Music] but I need that happiness myself and for Mommy hello anybody down there trip of course we trip on our non-existent blue shoelaces oh gosh oh great I'm gonna say sauce I was a pretty big full hello Mr voice are you there wait where's Mr voice Mr voice is gone I don't want to see Mr voice what is that is this Mr voices nice a weapon that's lucky uh them I drove it oh no no I'll find it again pick it up again can you pick it up nope nope box repellent you don't need that so weird it's like a setup ten I can't deny the bottle sweet style I'll take it it's a princess bottle yeah it's just so sauce oh no what's gonna happen to her [Music] there you are oh guys it's Benjamin what are you doing I'm trying to talk Benji can you talk I'm scared oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no yeah Benjamin no oh I think Benjamin is good I don't want to be back to him but like but like no for once he's he's actually talking to us but Benjamin ignored us too many times so this is Revenge literally did not it's true Benjamin you think so who ignoring ignoring Miss Fortune all the time take it in your eyes wait Chad's saying no but 54 yes on the polls okay let's wait a little it's waiting to know okay it's a no did they vote yeah it's no yeah they're all saying no okay we like Benjamin thing I mean are you kidding me Benjamin how could you okay choosing her for this eating glitter who does that he's judging natural shut up [Music] your voice you have and well that's that's great yeah the dangerous Fox attacked you Benjamin attacked me so he really is a bad Fox see I told you that's awesome to you we still need to find a fox and take back maybe we could find out where he lives yes give me a minute to figure this out and oh my gosh narrative sucks that go back this way well Benjamin and you just ran and then the girl tripped on her yeah non-existent newspaper newspaper is there anything about the missing kids [Music] let's see what's new wait is that oh wait that's George 's the artist right this side went missing you know with the animals mm-hmm I actually made a quick Google search I found out the fox has a cousin in the zoo oh really we could go and see if he knows where the fox lives but how do we get to the zoo it's like really far away why we take the bus of course they should bus stop nearby okay no we need like hold on hold on wait a minute wait what the the newspaper says 1993 and the narrator said they Googled it did Google even exist in 1993 thanks maybe yeah maybe Google's really old huh how did I get to the town center I carried you here but you're just a voice in my head no I can do more than that you know prove it I don't need to prove anything to you whatever you say Mr voice fine you really want to see what I can do yes [Music] Mr voice is Mr boister that's us not us no he's strong did you not see that that did you see I'm not just a voice in your head Miss Fortune oh what I'm sorry I had a shoelace problem the narrator is clearly evil yeah oh so I read some of our fans in chat said that everyone wears masks here because they're trying to pretend that they're happy even though they're not they're all happy masks [Music] she probably ran away from home she will turn up soon yes okay so this town's supposed to be happy but this woman doesn't look so happy her mask is not happy no okay hi oh their mask is cracked that man just dropped his wallet what do you want to do [Music] yeah we turn it we just said we don't steal stuff [Music] let us know thank you see us they don't see us be sad guys for me a lottery ticket cool thank you we're not supposed to have lottery tickets is it a winner we have nice nails no It's gotta be a loss maybe next time one time mommy took me here and forgot me I got to play inside all night until a security man found me he thought I was a raccoon well that sounds like it was a fun night for you yeah except for me crying a lot but it was fun happy happy face let's face it sometimes we're just too tired to smile use happy face and stop pretending guys okay that's very dark isn't that pretending though yeah close this door oh who is it can you see that who's Casey up front from school haven't seen him for a while though oh my gosh all the kids go missing come on well it's right there there's more look even more missing children posters so many I wonder what they're missing oh don't you worry about them I'm sure they will all turn up one day of course I don't know Mr voice this is starting to smell mysterious can we collect anything here or no no we no we can't don't think for the toy here we put sprinkles sparkles Sparkles don't work nope [Music] here we are have you ever taken the bus all by yourself before you afford the bus I haven't I'm not sure what to do do I need a ticket let's find out there's an information board hello oh the button there's a button or maybe we'll check the information first it says that all children under 15 years old can ride the bus for free nice so I'm good great oh she's so young now that I think about it maybe you made a bus ticket you're so old yes more or less how do you say your age now more or less a lot more we have to wait two minutes yikes forever I'm gonna tell her bubbly Benjamin behind and that Benjamin should be ashamed that sounds great how she says yikes forever can we talk to the ladies no we can't oh we can sit what else can we do though shake this out that street is called the coms Road yes we got a little message well the thing is she's a kid yeah just it's in their nature hi hello why did you take me to the Skype with your friends so you know because of you I can make to the party oh everyone was good okay we need to sit down um chat's laughing at her pun but that's the same time here's the pun again here's a pun again guys hear the pun double up should I see Tommy White unless you please okay thank you foreign you have very small feet yes I'm a little lady that's what I am check those old ladies out they're a little scary don't you think honestly I've seen worse really aren't they here you know my mommy also uses the same mask she likes to hide her smile and tears behind it would you like to have a mask like that maybe I don't know the bus is here hey the bus driver doesn't have a mask love yourself touch yourself this bus trip might take a while are you okay with that it's okay Hiro is keeping me company who is hero he's my friend from Japan he's a ghost you know he's always saying what does that mean I have no idea there is no such thing as ghosts I love cows where's the cows do you see how it's so forced everywhere for everyone to be so happy [Music] hello um you can say that oh so what what hero is saying means where is the Fox right oh didn't I give you a ticket earlier what no you didn't oh dear I'm sorry I'm not totally forgot do you have any ideas on how to get inside you know without paying well make the cashier look somewhere else you know fool him okay let me think what I think so all the chat is saying is the cow okay does the cow look okay the baby cows I don't think I don't think anyone would be okay after that okay this girl is way wiser than her age she's a little lady guys he's very wise little lady this is breakable like like with a rock or something oh you can't use your friends for evil oh Pony can I get inside for free [Music] oh I guess not oh come on she's a kid yeah she's a kid kids get stuff for free come on yeah hey remember what that is what are you talking about nothing [Music] what are you talking about he doesn't remember anything she told her because they have an agenda throw the Rock must be another prom for missing he looks really sweet just wait and see Miss Fortune wait and see can we get the rock right there okay nothing where do we go hmm You Gotta Throw Mr stone at the window oh how about the missing children here here huh they know about the missing hmm oh oh oh we then said we didn't do any of these I mean I mean we don't want to break the zoo's property right yeah but we might get caught by the police if you break the window but that's causing me telling your lies better though and I won't hurt anyone right yeah what do you think you're gonna lie about how do we get inside the zoo should we break the window or tell a lie everyone's saying tell a lie yeah breaking a window lying a kiss you don't want the zoo to get hurt like you gotta pay yeah just tell it lie I'll tell the light so he believes it a lie Misfortune are you sure you want to do yes I mean that's the only way to get inside trust me all right let's go help our lie works I mean she's smart I think she'll figure out a lot excuse me there's one of them instant children at the bus stop I just saw her you may want to go and check it out technically not a lie yeah yes it worked okay she did see that that was easy we didn't break anything [Music] it's so successful by the way you did a great job not getting caught by the vendor very impressive but now we should find out were the wolf exhibited why we're looking for the fox [Music] yes remember he knows where the fox lives it makes no sense yeah I guess their voice you're making no sense at all Mr voice is making so many stories so many lies look at that little carrot wow strong carrots Pirates oh what what did you say to me give yourself a [ __ ] oh those Fortress mean oh dear we need to get your happiness back as soon as possible oh misfortunes she's losing her temper after she gonna just be like a pirate she's going crazy it says this kind of Arrow lives across the entire world they talk much but say very little they usually work together with human Pirates Natural Born thieves founders of The Liberation Front such is that a wise owl [Music] look this bird seems pretty smart it is is that Duolingo [Music] why you rushing rush it says oh delicious these owls normally hang near libraries bookstores and coffee shops although they seem incredibly smart they're huge self-centered lifestyle drives them together useless information I live off wait why is this kind of low-key true this is like the Animal Crossing like the museum no yeah he carries useless information what is this is that not true Animal Crossing blathers yeah blathers I'm sorry the thing is all these all these animals kind of relate to human personalities too yeah I guess they give them a human tree okay it's just a bird nothing oh no just put it down you gotta read it wait so it's doing it on purpose of course it's a very high right with different partners it has nice nails though it does have cute nails they don't care about anything as long as they are occupied by Mindless entertainment ah that feels kind of targeted what are you saying what are you saying we spend too much time on Tick Tock huh steal the bread seeds yes wait can we go back and feed the bird yeah let's go feed the birdies hello always eat the pirate wait I want to feed all of them but if you don't have enough for all of them you can always take more you're welcome hello lathers I think there's blathers the first laughing eat your food yeah guys this Fortune is hilarious all right all right wait where's the third one you're gonna give it to the pirate watch a bit of sarcastic a bit of evil [Music] are you enjoying the food you like it she's so different side she's like you like your food well I don't care I'm just gonna keep throwing it anyhow a little Misfortune is uh so much to see him do find the wolf area you know where to go but we want to where but we go here no try again yeah I'm angry yeah okay let's do all of it yeah do all of it try again make him look like try again they're there try again no try again seven no no no it doesn't look like this is gonna try and whatever and you see so boring three you see great job let's hurry up now uh-huh why are you gonna keep rushing us I just wanted to be annoying what's happening to me wait what I smell hormones waking up inside you what no hormones oh okay what's that your body is preparing to create life inside you being annoyed isn't just normal it's just being annoyed five days from your vagina each month for many many years and Society did you like garbage out narrator you're so mean the heck I know all right let's look at this there are coins at the bottom of the fountain wait can you glitter this those are people's wishes come on play for wishes people nowadays think they can buy everything with money I wish I could throw a coin and ask for my happiness but also the Benjamin transform into a good book because I will totally go out on a date with him if he was good are you done here a misfortune yeah okay I see ice cream you glitter the fountain yet oh hold up maybe you can oh which one is the glitter oh Benjamin oh boy ice cream [Music] ice cream oh my gosh I want to eat ice cream what kind of game where they'll give us ice cream I want ice cream so I could sell my cute postcard to my friend hero but where does that goes live stop lying Miss Fortune ghosts are not real you're useless because you don't have a ghost friend yeah ah look at those sweet blushes they could be all my babies don't get too attached those toys [Music] um yes let's go then you narrator you suck whoa oh what the heck is something in a good cage before then oh my God looks like this area is closed to the public you will have to sneak past the janitor to get to the other side don't let her see you otherwise she will lock you in and call your mommy maybe that's better people hide behind those boxes right great idea hide behind a box until she turns her back to you all right I'm ready let's do this ninja time well done Miss Fortune now wait for her to turn it back to back and then kill her from behind the crow what all of them well this isn't a movie so just do as I say when she turns around you can jump out and keep moving she's a crowd okay we got this we got this wait let's go no no no no Daddy turns ready wait what happens if you get caught no no I we're not getting caught up come on turn around go go go go go go go go go go go bruh shoelaces there's one more box you have to sneak sneak you better watch oh the polar bear looks sad this way we don't want to get caught ninja ninja skills go [Music] thank you come let's go to that wolf we're getting pretty close oh yes oh something to read it's the same thing puzzle this one looks like the other one that didn't look like the other ones you sleep yes so you know yes is Twisted by the malevolent games from the beyond what above Twisted to work don't pay any attention to these stupid rocks probably talking about how they're narrator what up don't pay anything okay we're gonna take this back yes [Music] run run here we are and nobody's else coming you really proved your ninja skills back there misfortunately but I'm pretty sure I was the best at hiding back there no that doesn't sound you're not a little lady like me oh yeah no okay you're sounding scary dude much more than that however now you should go and meet the wolf maybe put up and get Benjamin's address like a ninja foreign we don't want to get involved with the blue I'm stupid stop hitting Mr voice stop there's a note it must say where the fox lives we need to take it I can't reach it from here we need to find a key to open the cage that it won't eat her right yeah it looks like a mean wolf [Music] what do we find the key you know that's fluffy folks with the most serious big boys um I don't know anyone called Johnny who's that I'm talking about Benjamin he's this sweet looking Fox that ended up still in my happiness I'm not that into him anymore maybe stop talking to him and find a way inside the cage Miss Fortune ah all right I'll be back wolf and about Ben ji house the first thing there could be a king there I don't know go and see quietly like a little ninja got it like little lady Misfortune the ninja lady [Music] little ninja lady has entered the room we need to find the key now I told you already I'll find it you'll see watch and learn how to find a kid [Music] oh what's all this stuff and it is inside the bucket ma oh there's a voicemail looking inside these boots are made for walking [Music] misfortunately Focus okay okay come on let me listen to that voice no we can't touch it oh like down there no oh look I found a paper with some numbers on it it might be helpful down foreign [Music] for handling the big bad wolf if the wolf runs at you ready to attack um you should not have any regrets about your life because you will most probably die it's like I don't have regrets the world will let me pet it what on the floor okay all right nine four hey wait wait wait that was only four numbers that's five oh chat was there I think you two eight nine four five and guess the last one [Music] oh yeah maybe maybe maybe it's five maybe it's eight nine four five from the top five four eight six guessing oh no I guess you don't have to come over where's it five four eight four five eight four five why do we do the opposite thank you [Music] another dog when broken hearts are chosen to receive the gift from the Bayonne Mr voice is totally the Beyond when broken [Music] wait have we collected all of those dolls you've seen so far we have okay good computer I feel like yes sure I don't see why not check out my computer skills okay who is this one nine four five if you're holding the paper upside down don't interrupt me I know what I'm doing quiet yeah shut up what what okay wait what's the arrow six it's a six it's not an eight six four five oh oh it's because the password guys no no five four six eight it's five four six eight it has to be [Music] wait where's the code oh two seven five eight one two five seven oh oh let's get it two seven five eight one two seven five eight okay we got it two [Music] bye eight one one nice yay nice [Music] yes I'm the best little ninja lady I got the key [Music] Misfortune very impressive thank you so wolf is nice yep let's go we do anything else we're done exploring this place all right should we pet the wolf or no I don't well we'll see we still have our box repellent maybe it works come over this is a bad idea do not do this [Music] okay oh my gosh unexpected he wanted her to die away from me oh my gosh the narrator sounds like exhausted with her he's like yeah it's like he's planning to uh you know get her in trouble address Fox oh wait is this when we end this stream um all the stream froze for us um [Music] good now we can get that stolen happiness back all right sweet it looks like the fastest way to the fox is [Music] oh yes we're going first I always wanted to go yes and that means for another round of questions sure my question answering skills are or warm up great great and as usual just be honest and you'll do fine first question have you ever heard this question before all right wait and here wait wait hold up have we ever heard this question before I don't even know what he asked it's a trick question no no don't end it second question have you ever lied to friend yes we technically lied but it wasn't a friend well no I do it all this time in school surely still believes my daddy comes and picks me up after school I also behind the trees and sneak home when she's not watching so sad if you say so now for the last question have you ever seen someone die technically yes yeah you did it was very calm not like in the movies it was different I told him to come hunt me there he goes but he hasn't done it yet thank you for your honesty again Misfortune you're welcome we're getting really close to phantasmagoria now yeah I come here exciting uh-huh oh there you go oh I'm sorry that's it menu well guys that is all for Little Miss Fortune we hope you enjoy did you like it did you like it guys did you learn anything did you learn anything were you surprised I definitely was but I was I I like this game this game this game is pretty good it's different has a good story we will be streaming part two next Friday live so make sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already so when we go live you can you know make choices be there for part two yeah part two other than that leave a like if you enjoyed the live stream And subscribe if you're new that is all have a wonderful weekend we are crew and we'll see you guys on the next one bye-bye [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,309,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, krewlive, krew livestream, livestream, little misfortune, little misfortune krew, little misfortune itsfunneh, little misfortune funneh, little miss fortune gameplay
Id: P6mKvHdtQeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 36sec (6636 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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