Stuntmen React To Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts 5

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[Music] that's right oh my god dude how do you do that I mean that was a wire gag for sure crap so what they did is big thanks to our flagship sponsor Squarespace for bringing you today's episode stick around to the end to find out how you can get 10% off your first purchase hi welcome back to stud men react here with Eric Linden he's joined us again to give us some great insight into the world of stunts and some crazy things you guys may not have heard stories of it's gonna be I think it's gonna be a good one but yeah sorry you comfortable yeah god I sure wish you guys had a bigger couch here say no more whoo yeah all right this is great Oh Eric's also back to set Clint on fire now this video is probably to come out always after that one but if you haven't seen it you should definitely go check that out okay [Applause] [Music] that's right oh my god [Music] [Applause] that's awesome dude cops information they're just driving on the street I got the whole time waiting pull out in front of them so cool yeah imagine it's really easy to lose it and like just a hundred percent they have to have a highly souped-up car to be able to do these types of slides a lot of times the stuffs tested in like say a parking lot or on a track when you get out into the real street like that you have manholes different variations into concrete and everything else you have to get some people that are like the best in the business some of these slides I mean he's pushing this so far it's like unbelievable with the car coming that close to camera look right feet that's like three to four feet away are there are there like stunts camera guys I'm assuming that this was a pursuit vehicle and it has this massive Russian arm type thing on top of it these guys are stuntmen in their own right the guy who is operating that Russian arm really knows where he can be he can kind of pull it up and the car will go underneath it when you pull that off you would expect to like jump out of the car and be like yeah well that's what's so great about a lot of these amazing stuntmen directors like cut that was amazing way to go we're gonna do it again he just gets on the radio he's like a copy going back to one like this guy gnarly driving [Music] [Applause] so are those puddles there so that he can lose traction on the car absolutely the puddles are actually like fairly strategically placed so that he can lose traction in a certain point and kind of get it back and then with the back the other direction away yeah so like that's pretty slick but how much says those trucks aren't there oh that's a good point that's right there the one that's backing up yeah it's so close yeah it's not almost looks like it goes straight through it the back of that truck looks pretty seedy it does look pretty CG but you don't tell in motion yeah thought the trucks there like the move that this guy is doing is insane because I like it he's got these walls that he can still hit and he's able to even pull that off there's nothing like a stuntman look I've gotten familiar with like when there's like bunch of dudes like holding guns I'm like okay there's this stuntman better hope he comes to that door and not somewhere else bullets are jam that's like the closest batteries ever come to using a gun right there we just cats batting in the back of the head I love that they grab his cape the worst thing that you can have is a the vigilante escape you stab that guy yeah yeah I think so this is a beefy fight see Oh beefy see you have this inherent problem where you need to get rid of people's guns and I think it was a pretty creative way to use one of his gadgets to kind of like disarm as many of them as he could dude how do you do that I'm gonna go with it that is some sort of like super hard rubber or something but there's a little bit of padding underneath it see how he's kind of prepped for it and his knees are bent he kind of is not jumping in the air he's just rotating straight to the floor I think that he actually did go for that for the most part and he's a nasty stunt man I'm sure he was like yeah we're going for it we want the shot to be sick now here we are talking about it like mission accomplished does it make impact softer to break through stuff totally so that guy didn't go through the wall just bounced off it that'd be a bigger hit than going through the wall I think crashing through something softens it a bit the definitely looks cooler crashing through something oh yeah well it's nice to see Batman get thrown to the ground because he's always just you know kind of like kicking the crap out of everybody and to see him get overwhelmed and how he deals with it and gets back to his feets pretty great when building a fight scene on set I've ever had the actor actually connect with her face oh yeah definitely when we were doing the daredevil Punisher fight I mean me and the stunt guide from daredevil definitely punched each other in the face couple times but ends up looking great so we definitely clipped each other a couple of times but we laughed that oh my god I'm so sorry I'm so sorry you're also kind of like pulling your punch too so like if you clip somebody it's it may not be like taking a MMA punch or something so we actually look at the stats for these videos in like 60% of the viewers who watch these videos aren't subscribed to the channel if you would consider subscribing it actually helps us out it helps the channel grow and it's a great way to take the fate of your video watching habits out of the hands of the algorithm do you want a robot telling you what to watch or do you want to decide what you watch remember the movie hot rod yeah remember when he's falling down that hill I mean that was a wire dad for sure yeah how how are they not breaking Ray's doing this man I think that one was a wire gag if you look at like the lone survivor whether they're going down the hill those guys just did that I mean they did it kind of sections of it at a time but all those hits were just you know those guys Pat it up and went for it a lot of that's that guy just just launching him so off-screen they probably have like a large pad or something like that so that like his momentum he can stop and not hit a tree or get really hurt I mean they have to be so sore the next day [Music] looks like his leg was backwards I mean that guy won a stunt award for that really in that stunt he was supposed to make it yeah he actually didn't make it and the stunt guy got hurt pretty good I actually had a chance to meet Andy Samberg like two months ago oh really asked him about the scene that really dude the dude cracked his femur yes you saying that the first ramp is supposed to collapse and the guy hits the side of the truck that was what was planned and you watch to the scene it collapses but the guy has so much speed he goes over and Clips the other side of the ramp with his leg crap practice femur every onset was like oh oh no we have the rule if somebody hurts themselves use a shot apparently the Lonely Island guys are the same rule and they use that shot in the phone I heard that Patrick Swayze got like really into skydiving first movie he was skydiving before this oh really you know they get to when they want to film this and Swayze wants to jump like he wants to do it on his own you know for production reasons they absolutely would not let him jump so what they did is on one weekend Swayze literally was like good buddies with the stunt coordinator second unit director and some of those guys and like that shot right there they him and his buddies literally just took the camera and did this rogue likes off so they got all this footage of Swayze jumping out of it on their own time that's absolute gold that's amazing you can clearly see it Tim you can clearly see that's kyani like on some blue screen and whatever man this is a lot about like your passion for filmmaking these scenes would not be nearly as memorable without like the actual actors flying around and then I mean that's actually what happens when you get shot you know people take these huge reactions like the bullet just goes through you pretty much don't move unless I would say it's like a super high caliber round from like a rifle or something like that yeah but it looks awesome like I'm all for it I love that that's awesome I love how he wipes his face off yeah that's bull send out the door is the great ketchup Massacre like a gallon of milk just so good I wish all movie squids were like that there's a thing that Digital blood hits like never can do as much as I love John wick I you know it's like I wish they would do a little bit more practical blood and stuff like that I mean typically with the squib special effects guys gonna talk to you and be like hey you know it's this much of a charge he's gonna say it's gonna feel like you know a light punch or it's gonna feel like somebody flicking you like just depending on how much is in there and you'll get like a pad or you know you can take a flat knee pad and put it underneath there yeah and it should protect you from that the first time we did squibs we learned that you can't have people's arms in front of them yeah there's a little bit of what like gunpowder in there and it can literally like burn your arm it's hard though with a gun fight scenes ever he's aiming or shooting their guns and they're gonna take center-of-mass hits it's gonna blast into your arm so you know it's like when those guys open the door no it's like there's one guy just standing there like this with the gun in his hand just like wide open like no one has their arms in front of their chests or like the getting shot the shoulders they're like way over here I love all the backlighting - most people don't know you need a like backlight squibs to get them to show up both sides oh yeah do the entry-and-exit squib that's like the classiest squib look at this girl just waiting for her ratchet I can I can almost guarantee that the stunt coordinator was like look this completely defies all physics and it makes zero sense whatsoever go ahead Tarantino he's like I want to do this and like okay I mean I almost was just like yanked her into the doorway and had her clip off of it what makes it funny is that it's so fast she's there and then she's not yeah you know yo too long if you would like to follow Eric's work ask him questions he can follow him at Eric Linden did you get overwhelmed last time I did you know what I promised I would respond to everybody I responded well over three messages oh my god I get a lot of how do I get started in stunts how did I personally start so I literally just for you guys went and typed up a manifesto if you will on my website and I've been firing that link to people just have pure efficiency thanks guys yeah thanks [Laughter] have you gone my turn all right you see that sweet stunt anyways thanks for sticking around to the end of the episode today's sponsor is Squarespace and I'm gonna tell you all about how you can get 10% off your first purchase but first a joke a businessman a lawyer and a dentist walk into a bar now only one person uses Squarespace can you guess which one it is so the answer is that it's the bartender and the bartender is the real winner here he was able to create a beautiful website that got the dentist the lawyer and the businessman into his bar in the first place because he used the beautiful award-winning templates that Squarespace has another thing that bartender did is he posted about his awesome bar on Squarespace and it did simultaneous posting on to his Twitter profile the next thing that savvy bartender did is allow multiple contributors to contribute to his website he didn't just create the whole website himself he had one of the waiters get in on the action he had a mixologist get on the action and you might be wondering wow it's really hard to get dentists into bars these days but using squarespace's traffic overview system this savvy bartender was able to understand a little extra about his marketing techniques to get them in their mouthwash shots anyone we all know it's super easy to get lawyers into bars I mean trust me but one thing you might not know is that it's really hard for lawyers to pass the bar and it's even more difficult to get lawyers out of bars unless they commit malpractice using iron bars think about that one but anyway what you probably should know is that this savvy bartender talks to all those lawyers in his bar and he found out all the stuff that he posts on his Squarespace website belongs to him that's because Squarespace gives content ownership over everything you post on their platform and now finally let's make sure we talk about that business man that business man well he's the smartest one of the bunch because he went on over to slash corridor crew and he got 10% off his first purchase that's right slash corridor crew get 10% off your first purchase hey guys its Lucas I wanted to let you guys know about my favorite Instagram account that's at corridor digital you know we have this pretty sweet face filtered that red made maybe you can look as cool as me
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,015,662
Rating: 4.9567943 out of 5
Keywords: Batman vs. Superman, baby driver, stunts, stuntman, hollywood, react, vfx artists, django unchained, point break, ben affleck
Id: VLklyHpGFl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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