Stuntmen React To Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts 13

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ahhhhhh oh my god I feel like I can definitely see your body language and movement here. It was wild. Boom! This just feels special because they're doing a fight scene in a different way What's up guys we are back with another very exciting episode of stuntmen react And now we have Amy Johnston joining us today it is a pleasure and honor and a privilege hi guys hi there Thanks for having me here this nice couch so I Am a longtime martial artist and a lot of stunts and action and now acting you've been in like the star of a couple features right? I have! That's friggen awesome. Thanks, man. You guys ready to jump in? Let's do it. Let's go (fighting noises ) oh my god look at him! hahahaha he looks ridiculous They both look pretty ridiculous. What was he doing before this? He was halfway through his haircut hahahaha yeah Don't even try it don't do it again wasn't she also in like Operation Condor Yeah, Cynthia Rothrock was one of the her and Michelle Yeoh were kind of very prominent. Eighties hong kong's scene (high pitched Bruce Lee noise) hm heheahaha Bruce Lee? look at him go! oooh oh my god ohhohohohho you do not want to be kicked by sammo Wonder if they had her do it I've had a stunt they definitely on a stunt person. Yeah That's another dude with a wig I don't think he would have wanted to kick her that hard like that's full-on dang. Ouch The stunt man was probably gonna use the chair as like a cushion to break his fall But he went over it Oh for the chair that's called a taco, taco fall Okay, when your legs go *boop* you can like see tape markers to where the chair is supposed to be go up. Oh, yeah you're right haha Dude this little expression from sama right here. Love it mmurghn! hahahahaha she's fine just shrug it off literally HAYYYYAAAAAAAAAA! oh man oh No, you don't need a position ooooohhh! just dead (Bruce Lee fighting noise) (Big noises) *gasp!* oh many gaaawwwwdddd on the tile?! dang that's Above the head! that was above the head, right? *gasp* Oh, honey, pulled it down ow ow ow, I feel that. Oh my god That wouldn't look like there was some real pain. He did the full arch. She did a full bridge Usually you would kind of like roll over to your side and you go uhuguhuhuh and he went ouuuP! She was probably padded up right? that was definitely padded. if you're gonna get Hulk smashed by Sammo. Oh, you should pad damn Damn Yeah agreed. So what do you think is worse that or the sidekick? Oh that 100% cuz a sidekick you can like have a little more control This is hulk smash just mash onto your back. Have you had any broken bones? mmmmm No? I've torn my ACL How long did that take to recover from? umm six months. Damn. Was that part of a shoot? Yeah It was right before the lady blood fight was of my first feature film as an actress There's a lot of differences in filming like Hong Kong action compared to American action America, we have a lot of like Amazing pads and things that we do Here, I remember the first day I got to set they had like a Hello Kitty pad That was like this small for a stunt pad and I was like, where do you guys have pads? they were like "yeah yeah yeah, you know we have all these pads." and im like ohooohhohoc cool They kind of just have their way of doing things oh dang. look at that! hot and heavy dude! Runs up and punches you he's like winding.. yeah he's like winding from 4 spots back I still didn't see him I should have heard him! he's was like (footsteps) Oh boom! (noise of epic stunt battle) hah! the guy's running away from you and then.... Tackle! ow oooh dang should have tipped. that's the moral of the story 15% if you are enjoying the show and you want to see more of these episodes Please consider subscribing to the corridor crew channel helps us out and helps you out because we get you the videos you want even quicker outside of filming you for real doing a fight scenes. We've also been filmed by computers hahahah yeah yeah You've done motion capture for video games. Yeah, so I didn't motion caption for a lot of video games basically you get into that onesie suit with a bunch of balls that are on your Joints and different areas of your body and they have a reflective surface So there's a bunch of cameras in the volume which is where we record motion capture and those cameras are picking up the reflectors on the balls and then Syncing it into the computer and then you have like a real time Animation of my character movements that you can link to like actual character that's designed It's friggin cool. So you don't have to worry about makeup. You don't have to worry about.- Oh, it's the best you just get to play I've come so far a lot of these stunts. What I'm actually doing is in the stage I'm running of jumping off of an Apple box and I have an actual ice pick in my hand And there's a bar above me and so I run I jump off that and ice picked the bar and like hang it's wild And like climbing with the ice pick it was wild And that we were cheating like that my body being horizontal like that All I did was somebody was holding a rope and I held the other side of the rope and then I leaned my body over And went back and forth on the volume and tried to like have the momentum of going from one side to the other like quick Quick quick slow quick quick slow. was it just running on the ground? Yeah And you have to land on solid ground or do you incorporate pads? So the amazing thing with motion capture is you can incorporate pads because you don't see them Yeah, so you can have all of these things that you want to play with like mini tramps and anything your heart desires It's like a playground So that was a trailer and I did all our all our movements for that But then in the game, there's multiple people performing that the movements as well as the voice actors so a lot of times like the motion capture performers will do all of the movement set and the voice-over artist will Just record and when everything is done and they can record over it other studios have the actors on set while you're doing the movement and They're saying the lines while you're doing the movement or sometimes they do the movement. It's Different with different studios. Feel like I didn't definitely see your- your body language and movement here in this fight scene like- that wasn't me that wasn't you? I'm kidding ahahahahaha Dang, yeah, it's really cool to see like when I'm moving or like if I know how my friend runs I'm like I always geek out when I get a do lightsaber stuff though like in Jedi fallen order I did a lot of a lot of stuff on that so fun to try to make it look different Because we've seen a lot of swirly or twirly lightsabers, we've seen the more gritty and I wanted to well we wanted to use like each other's weapons on each other and I like pulled a knife out of one guy's back and Threw it at the other guy wanted to really work with what I had there so there's no there's no one with like a fake camera or like a motion tracked like view finder on set when you're- uhhh sometimes. there is some sometimes they'll bring in the actual Camera to see the environment as we're going through the scene to get an idea of like where they want the movements It's pretty amazing technology and they can make you jump like 20 feet higher If you guys are like I have a scene that I want you guys to talk about We'll get a professional on and we'll talk about that scene because we love reading your comments comment or die BEEP Right? Cantonese: The first is to say sorry. The second- ohhh yeah don't grab his fingers yeah, oh my its going down this is good love it, love it! the crash pad is just people I always loved group fights because everyone in the background is doing the ultimate putty Where's that putty term come from? Power Rangers, there it is You've had to take Falls like that before, right? Yeah Thankfully now we have a lot of great padding that we can place Gator backs and things to protect our spine But in like the earlier days and a lot of Hong Kong cinema Like they really didn't use much padding. A lot of people say like, you know, I could fall to be a stunt person It's not about like if you can it's can you do it multiple times and hit your mark and still like act out the scene? That's what-that's what a stunt person does So how do you take a fall like that and minimize your pain? first? You have a good partner that knows how to throw you So like Jackie knows what he's doing because he's a stunt guy. He knows how to throw people in the right position It's just about landing in certain areas of your body like the more meaty parts of your body more muscle to protect you I'll stay away from your bones and you never want to be too tight to where your body's like tense You guys have taken Falls. I've seen you guys do things. We did a scene together. We did a scene together? What do we do? Oh, im sorry what did we do!? We like trained a week for it and You know Maurice I remember working with you guys I don't remember what oh, this is great worked like a few times oh We did that thing this tip jar episode yes. Yes. Okay. Yes, okay It's not a bunch of crazy stunts but it was really intense because it was all in one take yeah, this was fun I really like this. It actually made sense for a one-take as well Yeah, agreed a lot of people are obsessed with one takes but most of the time it doesn't make sense There's some solid like slapstick black and white definitely go for that Chaplin vibe. Yes, I you kicked me! I Know but the kick didn't connect though. Did you want it to connect? I mean it looked like it connected, right? Yeah, we did like 10 bottle breaks in a row Do those fake bottles hurt the softer somebody hits you with it the harder it hurts So I've had actors that like are afraid to hit you with the bottom like it's breakable The last thing you want to do is not go for it. Please go for it We can do this once and get it done. How many takes of this take you guys I think it took us like three times. This is an impressive long tag guys. Yeah, I love this scene. It's great It was fun. We totally did a scene together. Yeah, you totally forgot about this scene Mandarin: Neither of us moved We fought the battle in our minds Well, they're imagining the fight yeah, what's in their head right now, isn't that beautiful choreography? Yeah, it's hard to like to find what makes choreography good. What do you think? I feel like it's a conservation of movement Like, you know when you hit their next move should be a balance or rebound and like into something else But also you still have come with like clever moves like it's hard to be like, how can you cleverly block a sword? Like I feel like a lot of the lightsaber fight in Episode one of Star Wars like had those clever moves in it We're also seeing like power like, you know, the spear bending is the power heads. Oh, yeah I love that I like that Right there you can see it it's crazy better dodge that Would you trust Donny to come at you with this beer? Yeah, I trust them I mean even I got clipped it be cool to say a Donny instead How'd You lose your eyes? oh ya know donny n Yeah something that's really subtle in This fight scene is that they've enhanced the weapons - they glow and really stand out the turning games like lightsabers You can really follow them with your eyes and see every move Just one move that ends it That's great you get the full fight scene and then this just this one master move at the end yeah, because he figured out all of his attacks on his counter-attacks, right this just feels special because They're doing a fight scene in a different way with amazing choreography But it's packaged in this very interesting like a story beat, you know. Mm-hmm the two artists who are Performing. The choreography is really what makes it special because their movements are great and perfectly timed They're not always just going straight attacks like they're using the environment They're going for each other's legs Not just the head they're able to perform specialty moves, but still have it make sense for attacks Are they imagining the same thing? I don't know as much Donnie yen's version of this is he is he winning or they both so in tune? No, they're both listen to the same song as a musician is dictating the flow of the fight the four Or in one one mind in one mind. Maybe we should film what's in the other that would be so funny, just like I'm gonna be on the beach drinking wait, whoa Well, sometimes when you order your merch to be restocked two months ahead of time Well, sometimes the restock happens in the middle of a virus pandemic when 10 million people file for unemployment, but hey Guess what corridor digital dot store has been restocked? So if you are one of those out there who's fortunate enough to still be working working in home you look for something comfy to? Impress anybody else. He's also in the house with you But if in isolation you head on over to corridor digital dot store We actually just restocked a bunch of our most popular things We have the corridor digital green screen blanket back in stock. So that not only keeps you warm throw it up behind you and make it look like you are in a fancy office or on a beach or on a mountain we Also have the motion capture crewneck back in stock. We have the joggers back in stock, which are a very very popular item They tend to sell out in like an hour. We have a new yellow long-sleeve shirt We have some backpacks left a whole bunch of good stuff I'm here to tell you guys that this stuff is really high-quality stuff each piece We sell is gonna be lasting you for years and see here this this corridor onesie on baby Gwen Well, this thing is gonna last for years to I bet when she goes off to college She's gonna have this on her back. Lastly. There's free returns on everything So if you know something doesn't fit don't sweat it sit on back and cover all the costs, you know in the future When when we get back on our feet we'll make sure to restock all these things once again should any of them sell out so that Those of you who want an opportunity to buy these but are saving your money right now Well, we'll have another opportunity again, but for everybody else out there if you happen to want a this stuff it's in the store Right now waiting for you corridor digital dot store go check it out. So, you know, it's crazy Aimee actually wrote a book called how to stunts in Hollywood and she did all the hard work for you guys She went on set and she went and visit all of her friends and she asked her friends all the questions Then you guys would ask and compiled it into a nice little book. its actually on Amazon You guys can pick it up if you guys wanna follow more of Amy's work. She's on instagram at Amy e Johnston So head over here some love. Thanks for coming out and doing this. Yeah. Thank you guys. It's been super fun. Yeah, absolutely I think we should fight now
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,041,883
Rating: 4.954905 out of 5
Keywords: Breakdown, Analysis, behind the scenes, bts, Action, Tomb Raider, Jet Li, Donnie Yen, vfx artists react, Jackie Chan, Star Wars, stunts, stuntmen, stuntwomen, react
Id: xeIwKpqoK8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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