Stuntmen React To Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts 17

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/morto00x 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

I never noticed that either. Good stuff.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/reggiedarden 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh yes full anime are you in this I am double mr. anthony mackie that's hard as [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I did kick a buddy in the face hey guys we we're back stuntmen react we have a special guest today Aaron Tony hey guys it's super exciting to have you here thank you just give us a little bit about what stuff you've been in I've got probably about 15 years in the business I've worked on everything from Power Rangers to Pirates of the Caribbean so guys we got a lot of awesome clips today let's just jump in he's not eating the police oh yes are you in this I am double mr. anthony mackie we have good memories about this scene we were just killing people [Laughter] oh I got him oh yeah what is that a jumping spinning back-kick that is a jump spinning back-kick yes sir it looks so good Wow yeah that was fun we were on a wire and I had one placed in the front and the back and the costume is not the lightest it's made out of Cordura Cordura is a type of military spec fabric that does not tear so a lot of the costumes is made out of that the wings are CG um but I am wearing a rubberized backpack when we did this we did probably three solid takes and he's being ratcheted so it's me making contact with him but as soon as I even just tap he's gone yeah that's really good timing between you know the performer and these done triggers and we had some of the best in the business that's Michael Huggins his crew and I love working with those guys guys are amazing so in the original sort of rehearsals I kicked the the guy in and in the face I didn't but I did kick a buddy in the face and every time I'm on set when I I work with this group guys they always haze me about it like you remember that time you kick someone so in the face I'm like yes I remember you remember that time I asked to have a taller guy [Laughter] everyone's got a gimmick now see ya this was a scene that we all had to keep really hush-hush about we were shooting probably two to three months and there was murmurs and everybody was like don't say anything you say nothing because you know we're not sure if it's gonna happen but we got the word that we were getting spider-man and we all knew it we couldn't say anything to anybody that seemed in particularly and when I went to go ahead and tackle I tackled nothing hmm I literally they were just like hey you're gonna go and you're just gonna make make your arms and make sure that you don't close them because you're gonna attack tackle them and then you were gonna to take over so that's exactly what we did for that team but we did have Tom there to run dialogue sometimes set up for eye eye lines and such with this shot we actually you can't see it now but there was a huge high dense mat that they set up for us we were on wires that helped descend us into the actual war how close does your head come to the escalator was that actually that close or was it added later well I'm glad you asked that question because I've literally like we did it and it was on our last takes my buddy came up to me he was like hey man are you okay I'm like yeah man I'm good man he looked at me like he was white and he was like I had a heart attack I thought you hit your head and I looked back and I was like oh I'm in it this is all practical so I I almost clipped my head on the very last take it's true yeah Wow [Music] oh what an amazing seed like I worked on this and I still go although that's so cool I love it this was months and they built an actual tarmac and that tarmac we were shooting out there in summer and it was so hot pour a Porgy was in the black panther suit and I remember coming up to him because he had his harness on and he was cinched in and he I used to see him he was like ready to pass out and I was like buddy are you okay you needed some water oh man we all knew about this scene - can I talk about bad CG yeah what is going off my legs that's a leg replacement it's it's not even me that's not even me or Mackie that is full CG Falcon until he's standing there whenever I did landings I would always try to like think of parachute guys like they always tuck up in land and I sometimes would get flat from people about their like don't tuck up the legs and so what I see that I'm like that's better wiggle his legs like get out of here sorry there's probably get ratcheted straight back how do you just how do you not just smack your head on the ground the backpack helps so as soon as I'm going that backpack I'm like alright I know I'm going I'm gonna go ahead and assess typically don't put your hands down but I went so far I was like nope I'm gonna go engage okay tap enroll so I didn't smack my head as soon as I hit the ground I was like okay I'm good and I just kind of rolled over my neck on my head softly I'm on the grass weight is a factor with ratchets like this so if you are wearing a costume that's a little top-heavy sometimes it's better to be picked a little bit lower or higher depending on how heavy your actual legs are so for me they're like we're gonna pick you here and I do that I would have kind of went ass over teakettle and smacked my head so that that was a personal preference and that's talking with your riggers about how do you want to ride this it's a collaboration yeah yeah guys go ahead and subscribe because we got a lot of different react series in the works we have construction workers react the dantas react morticians react we have monkeys react to Andy Serkis so glad and subscribe for all those great shows coming out there's so much emotion in this fight scene Oh a lot so I know both of the doubles who worked worked on this you had Khalid gajil D and then you had Kofi yeah dome I did double Michael on reshoots and when I had to put the dots on yeah it was probably like like maybe six or seven appliances I'm like this man does this every day but it's nice that they they'll have to apply them like you know just dr. dot they literally had had appliances that they put a whole sheet yes interesting yeah this fight is really really cool though it's just intense you know it's not like a lot of full flip in it's more heart the fight coordinator Jonathan you say Bo his team and himself they used a lot of capoeira which is a Brazilian martial art they used see lot there's there's traces of that in in the fights as well and this is a lot of the actors actually doing this and they these guys did an amazing job I'd agree like so many times when the actors do it it looks so janky yeah so you actually have to put in the work to make it look good in it you can tell here that these guys did that yeah you know and and both of them Mike and chadwick are exceptional athletes I remember working with Mike for reshoots and he was really good about picking up choreography quick I feel like there's actors out there that are really good and when they understand the intent behind the movement everything else is easy I see a lot of stunt people that come in and they go and run runs into fight and they're okay they're just kind of like I just gotta remember the moves and then when you get an actor and they go okay well what am i selling this and my my hurt here already actors will go ahead and play up extra things that you didn't even think about maybe he's he's playing when he gets hit and stomach he's playing to a gunshot shot wound that he had so he reacts it a little longer before he goes back into the fight that to me is a sign of a good performer because those things you're telling the story through the action and that's always important and so I always hold hold of that when I do anything you are a performer first you're not just a stunt person you are an actual stunt performer I like to say I worked on this when we called Tom jung-geun yeah you worked on that I worked on that I doubled Latif Crowder for that fight just do the tail into that fight Latif um hurt his Achilles and so he couldn't finish the fight so flew me in I had to go ahead and eat a bunch of food and gain gain weight I still don't get as big as Latif but I finished that that whole fight this is that capoeira yeah you're freaking eddie gordo look at the speed on the man this is probably one of the best actual capoeira fights in history and though the way it's being used like everything is that has functioned purpose he makes it look so easy that's hard as [ __ ] yeah yeah but he just makes it like it's like no big deal yeah I'm just gonna bow down bounce on my hands that's easy you show-off it's right here he does what's called a batido switch so good oh hey Aloha oh wow clean it like pulling his Achilles you said yeah he rupture ruptured it when he backed up in pun punch fronted apparently it just he did a couple of them and he landed but he was done after that and then this is on me you see how that's you right there yeah you see how skinny you got so the moment they swap out you just get your butt kicked yeah ass whuppin he hit me on that but they they used a different tank he literally 720 kicks me in the face and he had a padded shoe on and it was the first time that I seen that ah they they took his converse shoe and they put a big piece of just high dense foam on the bottom and he went full sand on his and his kick and I just remember I own one of them I kind of blacked out for a second and came back he was like I'm going down and I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay it's interesting they don't hold the slow-motion for the pole Contech I don't know why they didn't I don't know it was weird and like I walked up the walk out worst ending I was like ah it's the worst ending ever but that fight is steel boss tony got his best man so when doing full contact hits the he's not pulling it at all or he asked you a little bit like it's a little bit there's got to be a little bit of NART to it not just beating the crap on your dudes yeah or is that just so there there's two different ways to go ahead and stash that a hit sometimes you're getting plowed through it depends on where you're getting hit at so say if you're taking a hit to like like like the chest sometimes what they'll do is you'll leave the pad up or you won't pan up and literally it's more of a sort of it's more of a direct sort of push through as opposed to if I went like that you feel that more if I do that at full force you're gonna feel that but if I go like this and push that's better and that's something that's attributed to like when you when you train in like martial arts so you train too much to let you learn how to go ahead and pull pull pull your power so that's really important and that that's what you know someone like Tony Jaa excels that if you guys have a cool action scene or a fight scene or a crazy stunt doesn't even have to be from a movie can be from anything please leave a suggestion down in the comment section below [Music] yeah this is mine um I I directed this it's called thrown some solid Wesley Snipes going yeah who do you recognize who do you recognize oh I know that guy oh wait I know him who on the Left Andy Andy Andy and Brian I'm allies in there we've got a bunch of all-stars oh I went ass full anime dude it's all internal defeat good oh sweet day that's rad I'm a huge Soul Calibur fan so I was like mine was like he was like you should do sword trills and I was like you're right so Chris Calvin shot that did that that question he did of course he did that is a challenge shot man I was like Callen put your sauce on it bro and he did it dude I love your choreography it's awesome thanks brother appreciate it if people wanted to go see that short film where'd they go to see ya they would go to my YouTube page Aaron Tony and you can see that you can see primal and I've done little viral things like the fight challenge you started that I did Wow good stunt man fight choreographer meme Lord [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] what's going on so I've been finding myself the bottom line is equality Aaron your insights were awesome I love your attitude of how you approach Dunson like the art like your passion clearly shines through here I love this business yeah appreciate you guys like I've watched you guys for years you know it's funny I'll have to admit this I don't subscribe but I watched all your stuff I'm sorry okay I will subscribe now man he's one of them he's like he's watching everything but he's not subscribe me when it's sharing I will know okay damn it I will make some smash bros heck yeah all right let's go let's go
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,002,916
Rating: 4.9775124 out of 5
Keywords: stunts, breakdown, analysis, behind the scenes, movies, vfx, vfx artists react, stunt double, Marvel, Falcon, Captain America, Civil War, Tony Jaa, Anime, Black Panther, Michael B Jordan, Anthony Mackie
Id: n7qr-OxU8XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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