Stuntmen React To Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts 18

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I looked her up on IMDB. Her name is Lauren Mary Kim and she also stunt doubled for Joy Osmanski / Tigress and Meg DeLacy/ Shiv , as well as Yvette Monreal / Wildcat.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Liberwolf 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
but i can't help but keep watching his butt cheeks like i got to fight north mole yeah the actual darth maul uh-oh i love this scene i have my idea of what they did thanks to today's sponsor squarespace stay tuned to the end of the episode to learn how to get 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain hey what's up everybody we're back with another episode of stunt women react we are honored today to have our guest lauren mary kim with us thank you so much for coming down thank you tell us a little bit about yourself i'm a martial artist i train in several different martial arts i've been in the industry for about 16 years i doubled elektra on daredevil and defenders i also do a lot of mocap work mortal kombat 11 the last of us two we have a lot of really exciting clips to show you and to get your insight on so guys let's just jump right into it [Music] so i don't know if you heard of the show clone wars oh yeah we did a surprise season that was released this year and i actually had the opportunity to motion capture for ahsoka and i got to fight ray park which obviously everyone knows is darth maul yeah the actual darth maul yeah the actual darth maul it's cool that they like went to ray park for this yeah and not just like hey who's cheapest right yeah it's really interesting like it still has a bit of the like animated feel like they managed to bring that life into it even though it's also motion capture mm-hmm but i don't know if you've seen like their other fights as just animated fights they don't have the weight and they don't have the the realism and i think fans really noticed the difference in that fight versus other fights because it's real pretty much all right important question time yes if you have a double-edged lightsaber and you have a regular lightsaber or you can hold two lightsabers what's your choice what's most double stick i mean i like what ahsoka has but instead of having one short i would have both long personally [Music] [Applause] darth maul fighting over these giant pits you know it's just this thing did you guys actually have to balance on something when doing the mill cap i think we had lines on the floor that we were acting like they were little poles got you how long did it take to put that whole thing together ray and i had like two or three days of rehearsal and we got to make up the fight and then rehearse it you guys are going to choreograph it too yeah that's awesome what was it like working with ray park oh my god when it comes to all this yeah i mean he is one positive dude like he is so nice he has so much energy so much energy and like breath of fresh air really did he like slip right into his like darth maul oh my god it's like he's him always he's always moving and doing something like i don't know how he gets the energy dave fellonia directed this as well when he shoots it he can actually see the real room of how it's supposed to be so cool it's a virtual camera like a virtual 3d camera and so you can see like what shots he wants i mean this is the future i think i agree i totally agree i couldn't believe that it's happening now like in our day and age that we can do stuff like that like probably the career highlight for me for sure cool that's super cool i got something for you and i remember seeing this a long time ago i love this scene this is my favorite scene oh man so risky oh how on earth like okay there's there's obviously there's some shots in this scene right here that blow my mind you got three options either you're free falling into a pad like a giant bounce house down at the bottom or you could have a line or rope on and just have it be a taut rope and you hit the end of that rope and you'll be a mad dead man though that'd be that suck or you have a stretchy rope now i know there is a little bit of stretch in rock climbing rope for exactly that situation you know when you fall you don't want to snap your neck right i have my idea of what they did i think they shot this on a stage they built a rock wall i think those are all descenders descenders it's basically a wire system that descends a person with a line so it looks like they're falling but they're not it descends them literally so it's an assisted fall yeah exactly it's a lot safer the chat with them falling i almost wonder if they're static and it's visual effects to make the wall like slide down dude but then right there that yeah and that looks so real though i think that's a real person really getting yanked i i feel like you would be hurting so bad after this move like you're going terminal velocity and then you get stopped right there like it looks so painful that's like whiplash right there yeah that i think that's the roughness i think she needs a massage i think it really stands out to me also is like those guys fall and the rope catches their father across the midsection and so when he lands you can see like you can clearly track the rope you can see it around him and then they pivot around or the pendulum around him as if they're you know hung off of it yeah like it would really happen like that yeah so just the physics are so well done yeah does everybody seem quite like the scene this is like an awesome opening scene like it flows so well into the momentum's perfect like motion matching is perfect yeah it's like five or six different techniques all playing flawlessly with perfect coordination between each shot yeah that that's a really good one and of course you can anticipate the rest of the scene as they're all hanging there and the father's going you gotta cut the rope no no you think you gotta cut the rope and that's the trauma that takes them to everest where they have to bring the nitroglycerin somewhere and that's the movie oh what am i doing on my phone in the middle of this yeah nico what the heck i'm not looking at instagram i'm not browsing reddit i'm here looking at the sub count for corridor crew by the time this video comes out maybe it'll be over four million who knows but if we're not please help us get there and consider subscribing yes yes this is wildcat from star girl a double yvette monreal in this episode she just got her super hero outfit and she's trying to figure out what she can do [Music] all right so this is this is crazy this is a really cool stunt that you got to be yeah yeah were you freaked out doing this move luckily i trusted my my rigging team because you never know what's going to happen so this it's called a capstan drop our rigging coordinator is free following me with the wire and then catching me at the end with these different loops on the cap stand that helps slow me down but then there's also a safety line that catches me in case he fails if he sneezes for some reason or anything yeah yeah it's crazy like what riggers do like you really have to trust them with your life the little wooden block that you backflip off of was that necessary for you to be able to do the backflip yeah because i have to like push off something the actual brick wall was like slippery so we would have to have pegs to help have friction so i have something to push off of so what i'm confused about is you're kicking you're kicking yourself away from the wall but you're getting sucked back into the wall yes so i have another person guiding me towards wall so i'm not too far away so i have to back flap instead of going back this way i have to do an angle so that yeah i love they went through the same effort to get really cool camera angles yeah and so another cool thing is our stunt coordinator walter garcia he's actually on a line too traveling down with me in some of the shots so when it comes to wires do you have any advice to upcoming stunt women listening to your coordinator and then checking knots know your knots harnesses are very painful after a while my my crotch was like bruised and raw by the end of the day it was cool because that was actually an apartment building and people were like there at home and watching me out their window as i like that's better than tv hey if there's a unique fight scene that you guys know about that we don't leave a comment down below we'll read it we'll break it down live on the show with a fun guest all right so this wouldn't be a react episode if we didn't have a jackie chan clip he's seriously one of the best i know wow i just love the choreography here it's so good i know it's so good but i can't help but keep watching his butt cheeks i know i'm right there with you my eyeballs are glued to the butt cheeks [Music] oh my god so good they don't make this anymore i know i'm not like the humor the creativity like i feel like everything's so serious right now yeah i think we need a film that's like more light-hearted like this again i agree like action films that are like light-hearted you're right there's there's no one that's doing martial arts action comedy no not at all everyone wants to be so cool the rock should do something like this so was he naked did he have a sock on i think he was just naked you think he just was free balling it there's a moment of full frontal right there we could we could see if we're going to go free by frame i kind of don't i kind of don't want to all right there's a sock no oh we're like sad why jackie i've done naked stunts actually yeah yeah wait what was the context for being naked i mean why not be naked so i jump off of a tree naked onto a moving car oh my god wow jackie chan camera work is top notch top notch it's all from a tripod it's crazy it's not nothing yeah like look they're panning and tilting for sure but it's it's locked it's it's all like stationary but they're following the action very specifically all the movement is happening in the choreography itself it's very smooth the camera works so smooth how would you even start choreographing something like this he has motive right so his motive is to cover his genital area and so he's just trying to find things and then jackie likes to use your environment which they clearly do this fight arguably has a a stronger motive than most fights like it's there's a very clear character intention in the fight yeah it's really strong it's like a cartoon too like you think about moments that people would really enjoy right 100 it's like a tom and jerry act that's exactly it i actually got to work with jackie once what i actually worked on rush hour 3 with him oh really yeah and i doubled su young and we did that fight singing yeah i got to see him fight and he was i was just in awe of him like because at that time i was still new so i was still trying to learn how to like perform for the camera and i was just trying to soak up everything that he was giving out so oh my god and he was such a hard worker on set like you know how you like everyone has a job on set so the guy that was sweeping the floors wasn't fast enough so he took the brim and just started swimming he's like okay let's shoot now and like he really gets [ __ ] done he's like full on hard worker like he was very focused and wanted to get stuff done because you know we're on a time crunch as well i was just so nervous i wish i got to talk to him more you know because he's such a god in our world that i was just like oh is he looking at me it'd be the end of the world if he got upset with you for like oh hurry up come on come on i know oh my god you're too slow god i almost broke my wrist doing that that that counts as a stunt right i mean i don't normally get to do these stuntmen episodes i feel very left out but i finally figured out a way to get into the episode today and that's by telling you about our sponsor squarespace squarespace if you will listen are you looking to build a website well squarespace has tons of great features for you to use such as simultaneous posting they can authenticate with your social profiles letting you auto post your content to twitter or facebook properly tagged they got audioblocks 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and some of the work that other people have done it's always such a pleasure to have talent people like yourself join us on the show yeah it was a lot of fun thank you so much guys thanks for having me that was fun also for those of you out there if you want to see some more of lauren's work she has her own fight series she's been doing on her youtube channel which is just lauren mary kim there's a link in the description below go check it out go tell her she was awesome for being here and she does awesome work thanks for having me guys
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,709,102
Rating: 4.9600277 out of 5
Keywords: stunts, breakdown, analysis, behind the scenes, movies, vfx, vfx artists react, stunt double, Climbing, Ahsoka, Darth Maul, Clone Wars, Star Wars, CW, Stargirl, Jackie Chan
Id: KlESZmw8oJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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