Stuntmen React To Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts 19

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he knocks himself out dude this exchange right here is so smooth and quick and powerful if you guys are wondering as filmmakers what not to do here we are thanks to squarespace for sponsoring today's episode stick around to the end to find out how you can get 10 off your first purchase hey everyone we are back here with stuntman react with the man that started it all with us eric linden you're probably wondering where he was this past couple months eric where were you i've been quarantining like everybody else and uh i just had a baby in november so i've literally just been smashing weights and changing diapers so great it's been amazing there's some clips that i've been saving just to show you i'm so excited yeah i'm so excited too let's jump in follow me what is this you didn't see birds of prey what is this this is a perfect example of something that looks good on paper in reality it's just god-awful rosie perez should never throw a punch ever i've worked with margot she's actually very good she does some stuff here that's pretty cool but unfortunately this movie doesn't show it [Music] none of these hits are like takedown hits but they're all being acted as if they take down nothing feels like it hurts okay here's what it is it's like the stunt performers these bad guys coming in they're coming with 100 energy and they're just going in for a flip you know just for a fall the actors here are just throwing their legs out the stuntman's job is to make the actor look good they're throwing mediocre kicks and punches so the stuntman sells it and makes them look really powerful but i think this scene is a great example of that going too far the stuntmen are doing their best to sell these hits they're doing flips and taking these crazy smashes we're just not seeing that from the actor's side like they're just not at all delivering the kind of hits to sell the reactions that this stuckman are given if you guys are wondering as filmmakers what not to do here we are eric what do what would you do what's the number one thing that you would do that would serve the most impact and get the scene that much closer to 100 i would use stunt doubles i mean my goodness they probably did not give them enough time training if they did have enough time they may have reached like the peak of their talent and that's where you need to utilize stunt doubles because it's not their fault they're there to act i'm not expecting them to be amazing at action but when it's time to step off just let the person that's professional get in there and do it hi carly has some you say icarly [Music] that's right icarly has a hard hit man i forgot gibby oh yeah give him he knocks himself out dude he bounces when he hits the ground it's like he bounces and then his soul stays here oh my god i heard he broke a rib doing this thing you can tell he just unconscious yeah and how are they standing there composed i shouldn't be laughing that is all real and he's not on a wire he just they just dropped oh my god there's no foam padding he just hits the concrete dude what you know i've done things that are similar to that you kind of like have your knee pads on hard knees hard elbows and you want to land four points of impact and you're probably like up there like hanging like okay i'm ready and they're like three too what's going on here what okay driving a car through a ravine is that michael douglas yeah [Music] what are we gonna do oh what there's people in there no whoa whoa get out he started to jump they did this for real they just literally just send this thing over the waterfall i mean there's nothing necessarily controlling it and you get to the point where you're just going for it so you better not land on that car or underneath it how do you make that as safe as possible check for rocks i guess yeah i mean you know the water safety guys and scuba guys they all i'm sure went down check the terrain make sure there was enough room for it to be as safe as possible they're in a real waterfall so terry got sucked under and had to get saved by the safety divers oh my god yes it saved his life wow that's insane you know this is a perfect example sometimes you can rehearse a fight scene for a really long time and become an expert at it and pull everything off and then there's some scenes where you just have to be a stunt man and uh this is it the person doubling michael douglas his name is vince dedrick jr and fun fact he's the guy that does icarly really wait that's the same guy same same guy the person doubling kathleen turner is a guy yeah it's terry leonard he's a legend you can't do that now it's like called wigging the time that they have done it i believe most recently before it kind of became like a faux pas was kick-ass hit girl is a little asian man who is doubling her for all of the the hallway run scene and it's amazing but like literally you can't do that guys we are only 95 million 970 000 subscribers away from hitting 100 million subscribers so definitely take part in subscribing to this channel it helped us out a lot and we're going to get to 100 million together we're going to be t-series we're going to be pewdiepie it's gonna be easy so we had a master swordsman luke lafontaine come in here and he broke down a bunch of fight scenes with scott atkins scott if you happen to be watching this love to have you on the show if you'd be interested i guess this is an early clip that you're going to show us from his movies yeah i know you guys talked about scott previously and how amazing he is but i thought it would be fun to smash on him just a little bit and take it back to the beginning and show how far scott and michael j white have come as stunt performers martial artists and just filmmakers in general because this is atrocious oh man scott we love you but as a brother we want to make fun of you a little bit and now that all the others have taken the fall only you and i are left you know i've said this i think before big pet peeve just ridiculous like out of nowhere 360 that doesn't advance your position whatsoever and doesn't help the fight at all another one it definitely feels like theatrical yeah you know you know i don't have any problem with 360s in film but they need to have a purpose [Applause] you know a lot of this they are swinging to miss their swords are just clacking out here in the middle instead of it like coming over here to where there would be some sort of danger and that i then block it and it appears as if i just saved my life when luke was talking you know when it comes to real sword fighting it's about time you know it's you want to make it so that your time to get your weapon in for the kill strike is shorter than the time it takes there's to do so scott does the same move twice here where he hits once from the side and he just pulls the sword back a little bit and goes for another hit and michael j white rather than just keeping sword there and blocking twice taking sort of flips the whole thing upside down and that's just a good example where like that defensive move takes so long that the offensive move just looks awkward waiting for it the other thing is even though you know the moves you need to appear as though you don't so the best thing to do is keep your eyes on what's happening and you need to see it coming towards you and then initiate the block because that's how a fight really goes you see something happen and then you react to it i mean there's a lot of ways to approach a sword fight but there's kind of like two things i feel like make a sword fight pretty at least when i approach the occasional sword fight that i've filmed one is you know when you're clashing swords you go for like the rebound of energy so like if you're coming in for a hit and you hit and you bounce and you let that bounce take you into the next hit the other method is you go and you hit and then after the hit you then knock the weapon away with each version you're dealing with a momentum that's like flowing through the fight but this fight doesn't really have either of those so these moves don't really flow into each other from a kinetic point of view so now we go hand to hand that cat stands look at this like what was that gonna do that's like the yo-yo kick this fight scene just needs to be practiced more so the choreography disappears yeah i'm not sure the choreography would disappear here though some of this stuff you could make it look better it's just a performance thing it just goes to show you how far these guys have come as performers obviously they got way way better yeah so anyway hopefully you enjoyed us kind of like smashing on scott a little bit we were gonna go through all the stuff that makes him look super awesome and amazing but i'm going to let him just come on the show and do that himself so scott feel free to come on here and completely redeem yourself we love you hey guys a lot of these clips that we see in the show are inspired from the things that you found so i have requests for you for stunts here please leave a suggestion down below of the coolest stunt from a foreign film that you have seen that way we can look for some clips here that might be unseen by a lot of our audience and shed some light on how they're made we're gonna cap this off with a piece that eric made yeah so the story behind this thing is i directed this in between punisher season one in season two dude's sick nice oh man so he's like very quick and deliberate with his shots yeah it's not too flashy oh oh that was that was a nice little exchange right there yeah the guy just gets manhandled that's awesome i really like how you flow through the movement you know you get hit and that inspires you to take a shot from the hip and then like you have to fall backwards while keeping your eye on the guy like yeah well actually right here i miss and that was choreographed on purpose because everybody just is so perfect like i want to like try to like be firing and re-correct and then get my shot online yeah nice another thing people don't pay attention to i was trying to prove that i did was that specific gun holds nine bullets in the clip and one in the chamber when it's racked so this whole run i shoot exactly ten bullets that's cool so because you're wearing a face mask are you just going to underneath you know i feel like everybody's timing's really on and part of the reason that was is because i brought an armorer in and uh they're not airsoft guns we were shooting blanks it was super loud like the first run i did was completely screwed up because i fired and i was like oh you know knew i was using blanks but just was surprised at how loud it was gonna be so everybody was able to react to the actual gun firing also we could use some of the muzzle flash to help us with embellishment and cg yeah another thing i liked about that little scene is that you are establishing the geometry and using that geometry like when you go behind the container the other guy's around the corner and he goes to look where you were and just do the simple flank maneuver to the other side that's the thing i really miss in a lot of gunfights in film is that usually just show a guy shoot show a guy get shot but the use of the layout of a room as the puzzle that you're presented with as a person trying to do a gunfight that's what makes gunfights interesting otherwise you're just watching explosions happen on different sides of the screen where would people go they wanted to see the whole thing we put it up on fx and post fix it in post uh who did scene 38. i'll say that with mine huh okay look while the guys are out filming another stuntman react episode i've got something i need to get off my chest eric i'm gunning for you man and i know that you have the top spot as stuntman de excellence in this whole series but i gotta say that spot that's my spot that's right and courtesy of today's sponsor squarespace i've created one of the most robust training montages that anyone's ever seen the guys are going to be willing to give me my own episode [Music] now maybe you have your own services and you need a great online website or maybe you have your own store and you need a great store if you're looking to do something new this year or to do something robust consider using squarespace to help you do it they are award-winning just like this training montage that's right they have beautiful award-winning templates they also have 24 7 award-winning customer service next thing you need to know squarespace has wonderful traffic overviews tools that give you analytics on everything related to your site just like the big boys do squarespace has you covered you're like jake i need to take it to the next level just like your training montage well guess what squarespace has you covered once again if you're looking to do email campaigns to your direct audience through your site squarespace can allow you to craft beautiful templates to send out to specific parts of your site audience it's a very good thing to have just like this training montage so if you guys are interested in getting 10 off your first purchase head on over to corridor crew and that's exactly what you'll get that's corridor crew or click the link in the description below [Music] do you think of my stunt reel my training montage eric thank you so much for coming out i missed you it's been so long haven't been able to see you cause the pandemic or anything i'm glad i finally got to play these clips for you that i've been holding on to for like months and months and months it's crazy like between when you were here and you helped us start the show and now it's like totally transformed what we do on this channel yeah it's a different world man it's it's crazy i'm just glad everybody really likes what's what's happening over here i think you guys have had amazing guests on thank you i think it kind of shows the stunt community as a whole and uh thanks for having me back like i hopefully we brought some stuff that's interesting to you guys and i felt like we all got a kick out of it yeah dude thanks for coming back man so if people want to check out your stuff you're on instagram at eric linden yep yep and then you have that's correct but eric thanks again for coming on dude i freaking love you man it's so good to see you yeah good to see you guys
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,029,653
Rating: 4.9527626 out of 5
Keywords: stunts, breakdown, react, vfx, behind the scenes, hollywood, movies, analysis, stunt double, birds of prey, margot robbie, punisher, icarly, vfx artists react
Id: RbxF-s5dvCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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