Easyjet Inside The Cockpit Season 2 Episode 2

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let's go mercaptan without they want our progress easyJet it's now Britain's biggest airline hard-ons here has carried ninety million passengers last year faith but in 2019 this is gonna be challenging a thing times have never been tougher for airlines fly BMI blames rising fuel costs for its collapse staying top dog in these turbulent times [Music] means flying more passengers please don't get drunk on board an aircraft again on more flights there's various things we can't predict I just broke the wafer to new destinations Wow I can better name and that means hiring a new crop of young pilots we'll just wait for these two ducks okay that's time we're clear for takeoff who could be flying you to 30,000 feet minimum sooner than you think regarde / crucial six months relax relax relax relax relax our cameras have been given unique access inside the cockpit Bakewell following all the highs and lows so buckle up fold your trays away and prepare for what could be a bumpy ride [Music] more of us are flying than ever before 250 million extra passengers will take to the skies this year but with more and more flights easyJet will need to recruit another 600 new pilots this year alone once qualified these rookies could start their careers at any one of easyJet's 30 bases across Europe today 47 year-old Stuart Freeman is at Milan Airport for his first day on the job both with the less glamorous side of it isn't it in the dark in the way only two weeks ago Stuart finished his 18-month training business that's mine cool and today he's going to fly paying passengers for the first time it feels unreal that you're about to be trusted to fly this 50 ton plane for real good okay yep perfect well they did start you see this thing is working take a flight plan luckily for the passengers he won't be alone in the cockpit with him is no-nonsense swiss captain thomas finger and i hope you at the frequency so on VHF 12 while this 160 and safety pilot julian lambda for added backup normally what happens that the older paper comes to you and you organize the paid paternity that's your job is gonna be busy it's busy it's busy it's a busy job Stuart has four flights today captain Thomas will take the first leg to Bari in southern Italy then there's a 35 minute flight to Amsterdam and back which will be Stewart's turn at the controls so as [Music] when you start that first day it is a quite a nerve-wracking sensation I'm glad you don't a hundred percent know what to expect [Music] as Captain Thomas lands in a very rainy berry there's a problem [Music] and you check with your life anything rain is forecast for Stewart's first chance behind the controls so it's probably best that they can see where they're going listen it's India Victor Victor yeah I just broke the wiper with the heavy rain no copy dealing every year two percent or 11,000 of over half a million flights suffer a delay because of technical problems okay this is not the minimum equipment this year so basically it says the aircraft is equipped as well with a rain repair insistence along basically it's a chemical fluids you spray on the and the windshields likely you ain't you believe it or not there is such a thing as a minimum equipment list which tells pilots which faulty equipment they can safely flying with so we use the rain repellent instead of the wiper arm the wiper has cost them an extra 20 minutes on the ground and they've missed their takeoff slot nothing the Dare traffic control can't handle with a good dose of Italian charm they say now the flight is released for him that was pretty straight to the point anyway we need to write a new slot while stewards and Captain Thomas is stuck on the tarmac [Music] I've said to find my diocese 230 miles away at Gatwick Airport I'm sorry these are my crunchy glasses I'll find some nice no they make me look grumpy look at this nice lace frontal face I disagree veteran captain Emma Henderson and 29 year-old first officer James Tyne are today flying to one of Emma's favorite destinations Iceland's Capitol wreak havoc can you take off easy jet flies half-a-million people to Keflavik Iceland's International Airport every year due to its closeness to the Arctic Circle it's also one of the best places in the world to see the Northern Lights how's it going back there good we have lots of holidays on board yeah nextag dudes but seeing the aurora borealis on your trip is never guaranteed nobody said they didn't see anything just a story [Music] hopefully I thought I'd see the Northern Lights a lot more than I do and but you know they're frustratingly hard to see so part from the Northern Lights have you ever seen anything else yeah I've had some incredibly low twos a bit like probably two or three thousand people those whatever seemed credible right there I've seen lots of planet yes going across the sky Venus here in this my favorite tonight luck is not on their side and there's no sight of the lights coming true thank you please prepare the cabin for landing but on their descent and only 50 miles from the runway [Music] oh my goodness but now it's a nowadays fire yeah that's incredible a light show of a different kind amazing san telmo's fire is a weather phenomenon caused when a sharp object like the nose of the plane passes through an electrical field in the atmosphere causing static electricity well it's an impressive light show for those in the cockpit to return to your seats and fasten your seat belt thank you passengers are completely unaware 15 30 20 I really love it things that we see that no one else sees this never becomes boring is always interesting every day easyJet carries 200,000 passengers but with more demand and airports full to bursting easyJet needs bigger planes 7 meters longer than the current Airbus and with a whopping 49 extra seats the new Airbus a321 could help easyJet carry 2 million more passengers a year when you were going outside at Gatwick the team flying the new aircraft today our 26 year old senior First Officer Jenny Herbert and seasoned captain Simon Mattia but I think everybody loved his airplane is it's not as big as stable I was told it's really difficult to do a bad landing in Wright have a look at what you have in front of you does that all make sense you happy with that yeah despite having 3500 flying hours under her belt this will be the first time Jenny will have flown the a321 first she'll observe captain Simon on the outward leg to Rome and then she'll fly back herself aircraft that's why we're here this is 321 defects nothing being carried there's nothing on here yeah we're ready grants the full 5 kilo hotel question krishna stop but with everyone seated and ready for their Italian adventure [Music] hello that's okay okay dude so do we need emergency services okay [Music] so we've got a child traveling in a school party but a nosebleed that won't stop we're gonna have to go back on stand I knew you would be trouble [Music] you know my captain of well apologies we're not going anywhere just yet it's back to the stand this 90 million pound new jet may be the ultimate flying machine but today it's been grounded by an Italian teenagers nosebleed my only concern now is if you sever the APU running for too long we will need more fuel the APU is the power unit that runs the air conditioning on the plane if they keep it running Jenny and Symon risk adding a refuelling delay to their problems can't you feel about turning a peel for a moment you're such a cheater definitely going to have to black history I've been very lucky to be further have you so it's all going to happen today there [Music] if you taxi some people want to see you can you help them that they seem slightly with which one I want taxi in Bari Italy after 40 minutes waiting for a slot Stuart finally takes the controls for the very first time with 150 paying passengers on board and a broken wiper ok whatever you are take [Music] after a grade-a takeoff captain Thomas's letting Stuart attempt his first landing with passengers at Amsterdam am i okay to plug things in here always he'll be one of a thousand pilots landing on Amsterdam six runways today but this afternoon the huge airport is covered in cloud not the easiest prospect for a rookie pilot attempting his first landing on the job and word of his big day has spread to the cabin [Music] Vicki's is going very good once you see there only if you have doubts and that's around no we say us control okay I'm here for this this is my job this afternoon the cloud is so low Stuart will only see the runway 30 seconds before he lands giving him just moments to adjust the planes direction for the runway it's a very intense experience [Music] you're flying this 60-ton jet at 150 miles an hour or so towards the ground and things do happen very quickly that is the point where it does feel very real and you know that you're not in in a video game minimum [Music] the nose is too high if he doesn't correct it Stuart and his 150 passengers could come down very hard 20 [Music] [Music] at Amsterdam Airport new pilot Stuart Freeman is attempting to safely land is 150 passengers 23 Darth Vadar but he's misjudged the angle of the plane with seconds to spare captain thomas has taken control to execute a safe landing it's not the start Stuart would have wanted but passenger safety comes first yes that was hard work let's debrief this week a 200 feet we fly towards the aiming point did you fly to the aiming point we drifted high that came there I have control yes he calls then we stopped to fly the aircraft and the aircraft saw the three-tails Stuart has at least 50 more flights with a training captain so he's got time to perfect his landing the very last day of the landing wasn't quite right so Thomas took over on the last sort of 24 so [Music] Clyde has been a fairly intense thing [Music] maybe four five you know Hotel still stuck at Gatwick First Officer Jenny Herbert is meant to be flying easyJet's new extra-long plane for the first time ladies and gentlemen the captain here I'm very sorry we've had to return to the stands the two passengers will leave us a poorly Italian student and his teacher have had to disembark defaulted on my count but they still can't believe both passengers had bags on the plane and the flight can't take off with them in the hold it all depends on how quickly the ground handlers can get to us to get their bags out of their hold so at the moment we're unsure of the delay but hopefully it won't be too much longer they are on their way they've been stuck on the tarmac for 30 minutes and with the air conditioning turned off it's now getting uncomfortably hot okay now stick it on a passenger is starting to panic in the cabin so Jenny ventures out until they get the bags removed nobody's going to be saying arrivederci to Gatwick 200 miles north is John Lennon Airport in difficult it's an important base for trainees who want to become fully fledged pilots co welcome everyone to your base training are you feeling excited these cadets are at the final stage of their course and soon we'll be flying a passenger jet for the very first time it's a big day for you I realize that it's an absolute privilege to be with you and sharing this first day after 18 months learning to fly in light aircraft and in the flight simulator today they'll be tested on their takeoff and landing skills sayst a fear me yes excellent this is it this is your day to enjoy a little bit amongst the trainees is 31 year old Steph Byrne you're allowed to smile you know Stan it's meant to be fun the only passengers today will be her fellow cadets and watching every move in the cockpit is training captain Rob ball drop Thanks left-hand circuit clear takeoff two seventies I grew up in Gateshead it was my mom and my sister and me me my sister were told we could do anything we wanted to do as long as we worked and paid for it I certainly am I used to work my absolute socks off just just to pay for 20 minutes in an airplane although you only need five GCSEs to become a pilot he will definitely need up to 120,000 pounds to pay for it and the selection process can be tough my dad until all probably is more than 70,000 pounds I imagine it's a lot money so start your descent now we're gonna be able to anticipate about three degrees so don't drift yeah we're just a little bit less than three degrees yeah preset three the Greens preset three group to be they'll be coming before doing the grid our reason our relax relax - relax relax relax okay the nose of the plane is too high radar captain rock takes over and brings the aircraft into a climb to stop the tail hitting the runway Neera okay 170 okay yeah we'll get there mate we'll get there don't be disheartened not a problem don't let it annoy you you're thinking about it too much if Steph fails the final stage of the training it will mean going back to the flight simulator at Gatwick captain emma is back on her favorite route to iceland this time with first officer Benjamin Collins girlfriend okay so absolutely completely off the record if you keep pretty good at marry her or you don't get about to be saved by a call from the cabin just to make you aware we have one gentleman who's a little bit too much to drink the passengers next to him said he's a little bit over friendly sounds like Emma's not the only one getting to know the person next to her story so this stop serving responses let us know in case it escalated what do you say the passage is around him instead he's friendly okay [Music] whilst many enjoying in-flight tipple kamakiri thank you for Bella California please being drunk on a flight is a criminal offense spoilers reverse tree and it's something captain's like Emma will not tolerate bye-bye thank you so you've been you've been a bit of trouble okay sorry that you had to put up with that and thank you for dealing with it so well I just don't be for moving can I just let you know and it's actually an offense to be drunk on board an aircraft so we we've been quite lenient with you now but if you drink that much when you fly back you well it's just the amount of our coop had two drinks just I'm glad you've had a good time and I'm only letting you know we don't need to hug but you can have a good time please don't get drunk on board an aircraft again behave yourself always so much more than flying the plane [Music] these nicely [Music] yeah cadet Steph Byrne is flying above Liverpool on the final stage of her flight training hey happy Steph yeah you should be happy I just knowing myself damn worried she's now completed six landings but only three were good enough so start your descent now we're gonna be able to anticipate about three degrees [Music] so wings level now get yourself on the sense line [Music] 50 40 30 20 [Music] that's more like what I haven't expected [Music] on her seventh attempt Steph finally makes it through I'm happy you happy yeah brilliant then we're done congratulations her next flight will be with paying passengers where she'll have to get it right first time at Gatwick Airport it's meant to be first officer Jenny's first flight in the a321 with captain Simon but they haven't even left the tarmac all I'm just having a lovely evening a sick passenger has left the plane and they're now an hour behind schedule right captain Simon decides it's time to break out the emergency rations open the Percy chicks they didn't even shoot the Beast there's Percy pigs in the flight deck if you need some sugar right ladies and gentlemen very good evening the good news is we've found the two bags I'm trying to sort out a tug which we need to push the aircraft back again when we find this tug we'll be on our way the 90 million pound a321 is crammed with state-of-the-art technology but like all aircraft there's one thing it can't do reverse unless captain Simon and first officer Jenny get the help of a tug no bigger than a farmyard tractor flight easy why eight two five seven won't be going anywhere hello there Simon met it on my cow for a gatwick how are you I need to get a kettle on I'm parched you've got all your paperwork haven't you 30 minutes later and finally the tug arrives let's do it before start checklist now that it's kind of calming down well I've got perfect yeah if I think you should do this [Music] yeah get foster like just one [Music] check ninety minutes after they last set off for the runway they're finally taking off for Rome [Music] safely in the air at last everyone can relax legendary captain with an update on our progress well for those of you on the left-hand side before I continue it's worth pointing out we have a lovely view of Paris and if you look directly beneath this you can even see the Eiffel Tower it's open very clear tonight here we are sat just becoming stable now with Rome in their sight captain Simon demonstrates how to land the longer play ironically that skank going as usual it just makes more time to master [Music] he said y8 2:57 finally touches down in rome 90 minutes behind schedule while the passengers can get home to their warm beds the captain Simon it's a different matter I won't say no how to send a message otherwise she'll lock me out of house for the crew there's 50 more passengers than usual to disembark [Music] oh alright mr. captain Simon and First Officer Jenny are in Rome preparing to head back to Gatwick after an eventful outbound flight made them rather delayed a ladies and gentlemen very good evening captain speaking - Aden matchy running for about an hour and a half late began with we had a very sick passenger of bleeding rather profusely every day right so your turn unbeknownst to the passengers this is 26 year old Jenny's first time at the controls of the a321 NOTAMs a few taxiways closed they're not going to affect us on the way out the aircraft 321 yeah [Music] Jenny will need to take the planes extra-long body into account when taking off to make sure she doesn't hit the tail on the runway its luggage to get off the ground keep having a through 10 degrees let's do something was it fun whilst jenny concentrates on launching the 45 meter plane into the air in the cabin the passengers are still in holiday mode it was my 21st birthday [Music] would you like anything I'm gonna get ya the a321 cockpit has over 900 controls monitoring every aspect of the aircraft [Music] up but one of these is flashing red flash system that doesn't sound good here so if I control flat system one fault all claims have control flaps yes that's the technical term they're used to help slow down the plane when coming into land so quite useful now if the other one fails then ends up becoming significantly more exciting there's every doing a flat forestland thank you yeah I'm sure when it comes back usually I would say they've got to yeah a thousand miles northwest Cadets deaf burn is in Manchester preparing for her first flight with passengers really excited for today this feels like a long time comment this is the great feeling [Music] 27:24 7.17 of the absolutely fine thank you she's in the cockpit with training captain Simon white sir please can you tell me the triple sorry yeah but it's Steph who will be taking off and landing the plane today I think today's just hold on to your house and just get through it trainees must complete their first 12 flights with a safety pilot sitting behind them to step in if something should go wrong bound for Paris today's passengers are feeling the magic [Music] take off after her struggles during the training flights steps hoping she can deliver a fairytale ride Milan visa without beam please sir thank you so much brighter 45 minutes over there there's a little bit get a smoothie back [Laughter] [Music] captain Emma Henderson is back in Iceland for the workout I had to turn the first officers torch on at the Raymond gay she's preparing for a nighttime flight back together [Music] there's never a good evening to all a very warm welcome aboard the sea steps like my name is Emma Henderson it's my pleasure to be your captain on board the flight this evening and my lovely colleague Ben has the pleasure of flying me back to Gatwick with a flight time of three hours so far on her Iceland trips Emma's scenes and Elmo's fire and a drunken passenger but still no Northern Lights there's one more thing to mention which is that the Northern Lights are forecast to be quite strong tonight enjoy the sights and Spiti see [Music] I can't wander cabinets gift angle there changes perfect [Music] to climb six hours of adapter jack we're very very good and having Aled I'm just becoming aware that as I get older it's not getting any easier to stay fit healthy while the flight crew relaxed into their journey because I love bounties that's my favorite topic in the creepy always leftovers in the cabin the passengers are poised for what promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience no one really understands why they are happening what 30 minutes into the journey however and there's nothing but darkness outside but then there is I think definitely oh my god is amazing there was a street with quite bright blue just certainly left one Friday we're very lucky to see this because I mean you do get it sometimes but we're very lucky to see it quite like there that's pretty impressive you can see there and I thought I would like make it come true maybe when I was older and so being able to see lucky yeah 30 20 spoilers the first screen [Music] lovely job did you enjoy it was a beautiful tape it was a massive tree and if I never see it again in my life when do you take care bye I think some people would say it's always Nick's peers they don't forget flying with me [Laughter] watch 180 miles away 31 year-old rookie pilot Steph Byrne he's on the return leg of a flight to Paris she's moments away from touching down in Manchester in her final assessment she struggled and had to make several attempts to nail a good landing obviously can't see a runway I'd be coming in very shortly today with paying passengers on board shall have to get it right first time if the landings not quite perfect to instantly beat myself up because I want to be great at this job there we go concentrate PC would get that nose down on today flight director minimum you've got your aim inquire so just minor Corrections now 50 40 30 20 [Music] boilage straight up hold on [Music] Steff executes a near-perfect touchdown well those stuff much to the relief of her passengers this is a cool job you know you're flying a metal tin can through the air at 300 miles an hour you don't get a cooler job than that I just love it - later sorry relief now Steph maybe on the ground but captain Simon and First Officer Jenny are on their way back to Gatwick flying over France and a warning light has started flashing the flaps which slow the plane down when coming into land may not be working on one wing on previous carrots eight legs ago it's highly unusual and they suspect that the warning is a false alarm but they won't find out for sure until they actually come into land we will come in their scenario there's no idea and then they're free 20 right it's pilots we always plan for the worst and aim for the best so we're the ultimate pessimist so with that you are always thinking about the what-if and you can have months or even years without anything happening and then it all comes at once they're not rain water part of 1 & 2 at both flat channels folk there's no everyday First Officer Jenny and captain Simon a mid flight from Rome to Gatwick it's the first time Jenny's flown this longer plane and they don't know if one wing flap is working obviously the weather is rubbish when it cracks out but it won't be doing that so they need to perform a manual landing and for that they need good visibility but Gant wix2 cloudy so Jenny and Simon need to find a backup Airport Stan says overcast 300 Cardiff broken at 100 so where we go in there unfortunately low cloud is blanketing much of the UK nice is nice Leon loons noise the alternative airports are miles away from Gatwick but Ginni and Simon are not going to worry the passengers just yet hey gentlemen boys and girls from flight deck sausage mmm they can give regrets our drop using it for 36 just under 11 5 should be landing in approximately an hour and a half what's the best one there then Birmingham so you've answered that there is it does keep us in the UK yeah and we can coach everybody but with only 13 minutes to landing Jenny and Simon get a weather update from easyJet control center broken at 6 now it's good news the clouds have lifted just in time for Jenny to make a manual landing at Gatwick 6000 metres rain broken 600 so she's here sit nice and early with 635 but until she's in the middle of her descent Jenny won't know for sure if that wing flap is working it would take that to be nice and early we'll almost expect it so then if it comes we just know that we just need to figure a little bit earlier with it pilots are trained to land claims even if a wing flap isn't working checked my idiot taboos compared to having fun back [Music] shame it's a dark yeah let's go flaps so it's the moment of truth [Music] it's a very dynamic situation you never know what's going to happen and there are a lot of people's lives in your hands and actually that's a huge responsibility [Music] that was a moment wasn't it 500 the flaps may be working okay but she still has to land the longer plane for the first time and in lashing rain if you're not happy about anything do call it out get down [Music] 100 above that skank minimum [Music] 50 [Music] forty fuzzy 20 [Music] Jenny's had sick passengers long delays bad weather and a faulty warning light to deal with despite all of that she pulls off a textbook landing oh that was that [Music] it's been a difficult day with the a321 but there are no hard feelings to fly it's much more stable than the other aircraft says it's really nice really good very good next time Wow you see that that was massive like straight ahead of us female passenger she's feeling faint she's throwing up she doesn't look quite right to me there's thing--they is there we've got some big footprints this is going to be challenging love love love that show don't miss the final one of the series next Thursday evening at 9:00 it's a bold series of scientific experiments to delve deep into the way children experience life across Britain in the world today it's new it's called planet child and you can see it on ITV hub [Music]
Channel: 4K FAN
Views: 2,602,177
Rating: 4.8941889 out of 5
Keywords: Easyjet Inside The Cockpit Season 2 Episode 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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