B777F ULTIMATE COCKPIT MOVIE: Lufthansa Cargo Captain Rikard delivers two pregnant horses [AirClips]

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hello Erica viewers ready for the five 80386 second segment we had one nice night in tokyo mcquarrie district we all enjoyed some lovely sushi as always and now we're looking forward to making this trip to our flight okay guys we're ready for the walk around we need to do that before every flight working on the plane have a look that everything's okay certain systems and basically the technical status has to be has to be proven and once I'm satisfied with that I'll go up in the food all sewed up here for the seventh day so that the nose just get up on the boat back to that yeah looking good that the in industry General Electric hundred ten thousand pounds frustrated you rarely get to see these again this obviously expensive but they do the job of filling twinjet the triple7 they don't like to think of a free-living well better to use a for that good face again that I can beat it those cuts fires looking good but we get to view the backside of engine and I'll continue a lendeth wing right leg have a look at the navigational lights as say we've got these headaches discharges should we be hit by a lightning strike these static discharges need out the current office of to protect the at that with enough to me laughs in Samuraizer c'mere I can look at this inspector lightning very good sidesaddle the engine respectable man out to the lights under way looking all over overall good so ever like that it unobstructed where the area again let's dive higher studies work all ready for a flight join me in the carpet will make this fight together - so two hours take you there no time yessir my name is Francis on the hold room that means I'm in this cargo flight because we've got horses just behind we've got two mayors today coming back from Japan to send forth this is my job I flying average one to reach with horses horses cannot fly on themselves so you've always got an item that we've got verses on there on a freighter I will be taking care of them that means after takeoff I've been check everything's okay for them chicks and got enough hay to eat give them water because of Jeff like a passenger and I hesitated is one of the main to this present is the drink enough and there's a gay upset just be there to content down and tells them else it'll be okay that's a versus fly around the way this time if there are two mayor's who came especially from France stream not to go to be covered by a Japanese table so now they now is they are pregnant and they're going back to give birth next with this already in February in Normandy otherwise sometimes you got racehorses to travel to start jumping horses show horses lots of horse the endurance horses no that's what the horses like say I fly on depending on where I go different airlines today is who stands above it can be rather learned sages are you new to the time triple sevens you've ever got seven four sevens and see Ricardo Ricardo looks te m xi which are getting there now but which were very nice sometimes a330 wrong so I'm very happy to thrown tabular preferred suffice so in here with what there are two horses there are special containers made for offices you can load three horses there's a partition in between each horse and you can move it so today we've only got two so they get their brought extra space it's very well done you know the horses in the container on the ground and afters you load your company in the plane you ask the pilots for the temperature what you want they've got food they've got water they've got correct temperature so there we find flying in there yes this one is called impossible which is in French means impossible to overtake which is a quite good name for a racehorse on the ground I've got wood chips which is there for them be able to figurine and the droppings not to damage the plane I saw a cousin get out those who come to their business class for office very comfortable they're not trapped the main thing which is change with flying is the idea being in the skies I don't know so being in a struggle being in a plane is more or less the same the stressful part for them is more the loading into container and the loading is a container in the plane once we're up there it's it's great for them and they fly really comfortable you've got no ground about the brakes they can relax and yeah they've got the hay to choose who heads to relax oh that was even better most bucks but still fight zero Rikki's so we got the clearance I already accepted it so that the that's all right yeah we are cleared to [Music] Incheon Airport 1:6 right tetra six it's known of the departure check the points in the flight management system it's it's all correct yep and swapping three seven four three yeah very good next frequency 101 six all right I do print out and yeah then I'll then I render the performance data so we got a flat five take off taking the 248 2:48 and it says 87 1 2 86 6 that's fine all right so flaps 5 takeoff yeah what we want doing three nine hours people who do not have to do what everyone get way happy to hotel one when you smoke our water tonight are all right yeah that's look good possible yeah Eunice's come true you got that Sebastian the tears yeah okay great thank you so what for our departure yes everything Tetris six I have checked the our net points and they are as injured that's fine all right we have tetra constraint 12000 minimum which shouldn't be a problem with this weight anyway yeah yeah and the departure freak is 24 - you've pre-selected it thank you very much initially we've got D heading straight out 157 minimum 600 and direct beams and then the body to the FMS basically yes we're moving through an area of MSA but do I lay down five and the highest is lucky one Niner five and a quarter to nine thousand yes in the north north where the western sector so that's pretty safe from the elder altitudes yeah initially it with this wait yes yes anyhow we've received a cruising level no we didn't yeah well it's on the clearance first the Sun maintain level 200 expect three four zero so we'll just to enter 200 yeah actually that's fine and before there was our file all the fields which we should expect so that's that's good confirming we'll switch to standard atmosphere in 14,000 feet yes and from there we'll just go to our level 200 and later on maybe whatever they offer us yes okay what else is there to say well with you've entered my engine outfits 25 miles you'll walk from the Narita x-ray to her height and there is a mean sea level level acceleration at 1700 let's let's climb 4,000 okay we've below land max landing weight so we'll just turn around work the procedures and non normal procedures yeah that occur and then we'll come back and land okay it's it's not a not a critical like weight-wise all right yeah okay very good any questions from from your side yeah just live in sorry we'll find an lnb nav oh yeah and the regular acceleration is 3000 here at Tokyo a noise debate we re-entered that one perfect and well else yeah I think with the wait they they sometimes offer us the right to Ted well you know that so we yeah if we have a good climb they're usually here an early turn alright otherwise we'll do the scenic tour a scenic to overthrow glance yeah okay okay what about our passenger in the back is he sitting yeah and feeling feeling comfortable all right after the horses which incidentally is on board to start items look at that trip 7.0 whoa yeah you don't get that every day no you don't go ahead before start to check this before start Kevin figured mobile off off em cpv2 162 heading now that heading is incorrect look at that five seven that's why we keep checklists because we don't keep it all up here so 1 5 7 and altitude level 200 as cleared yeah we - 162 heading 1 5 7 or 2 to 11 200 takeoff speeds V 1 1 5 9 ur v ar160 b2 162 we 1 1 5 mana we are 1 6 0 and we to 160 to city leaders really great eras in one particular tip he begins sort of little 10 people playing out other than one anything I'm believing in zero but up to a prefix check Mexican federal prove the basic notes in Sonya there is everyone rammed a Lufthansa Cargo 80386 heaviest and to10 fully ready request prospect just on the right of the 806 19 I'll have two eight zero but of the cargo 80386 pushback approved facing north crown front cockpit we are ready to push back parking brake is released facing north as I face to those we stop push button thank you so 25 on schedule as usual scheduled the airline never made it yesterday as well I think yeah so I'll just enter that 12:25 here we go Friday come girls go ahead Nigeria to stop Thank You starting up right down left Raja Korea Sartre right engine I never eat a wrap on upon eight five one seven five two to three requests perspex when you find five of them in that he's gonna stop dude face doodle credit push face north on i-95 one seven so we precious building that's good [Music] and 233 fuel flow and here we go light up yeah that looks good [Music] start left engine for a parent issue 9 request a key I'll go to the remaining four this time I can see sorry thank you for our competition right now I might not be standing by our coffee sir [Music] right dick so girls go ahead set parking brake [ __ ] break is set Roger please remove towing equipment necessary fit for taxi items lamps 5 all right [Music] I expect that we'll just go follow the greens up the app to whisk three Gateway and there and then the right right turn on them and either alpha 2 or alpha 1 full length yeah but we can't go at alpha 2 so we're good for both illative oh yeah all right yes sir go ahead system on the steady p.m. already Babu thank you very much give a hand signal right-hand side arigato and say nara which handsome on your right side professor are you those I pass right and then whenever you see maybe you could give him the thumbs up yeah he's waving yeah sorry very good I saw it as well the ant signal received that control trick [Music] [Music] rudder [Music] [Music] before taxi checklist before taxi anti-ice auto-recall checked flag Falls checked ground equipments clear checklist completes thank you progressive taxi most of the cargo 80386 request taxi 2003 six older sort of whiskey three gateway contact around one-to-one 9fi holding short whiskey three gateway and groundwater one Niner five cargo 80386 great today right side here display three year old computer night yeah heavy horses here we go all the cars are having maybe they're fueled up just to get going at the all right and our trusty crew bout it again yeah they about as always we're very well behaved here and yeah in Japan is it's for those who don't know it if you visit Japan it's a it's a different kind of experience very Kurtis a they bow and as we leave they they wishes farewell from the apron you don't get that at every Airport worldwide [Music] at some places you're happy they're just staying long enough and thought running away and after leaving you by yourself yeah okay left sides clear yeah well I contact rounds yeah we hold short yeah over there cracker drug dealer from Chicago 88 6 heavy reaching whiskey gateway without a car why stairs next night to get on getting around we won six straight and going some x-ray to an eight to nine on - take and hold a shuttle this case three get away for five minutes so cut the cargo eight three eight six units two nine nine six runway one-six right have your host short with three four five minutes x-ray cue to night our night at 6:53 good way thankful fix riot and information x-ray hold short of whiskey three times where you are tonight point yeah the holy point is in between whiskey and alpha so seconds five two three you are number one going to get that sleepy home find and hold a shoulder bit on my buttocks right number one cookies I feel the point hold photo from we won six right Turkish five three three connect start on my internet market over eighteen to thirty-five to you but like okay do text a bit faster please Turkish who's that convoys 3-xx horizontal whiskey three get away you are number five yes well yet was this the only show this could free gateway 618 to emirate three one nine nine have a good day good I'm good Nam p.m. no time for just again after Japan and I'm going to 7-6 7-3 or less like Sevilla out of father naughty boy Lopez the Congo III at six behind the span airline 767 right to an alcoholic 763 company auto-5 and ask you CEO Tom an old short 53 never got a 2 a 3 different cargo is behind us [Music] ready to ground on the point eight five one seven holding short three actually I'm a phony I'd buy a bond for the night I get on the runway one-six right and hold up what you shown for another three minutes hold position on upon each I want them Turkish is going [Music] while they're all heavy so should go go traffic avoid sex money got the heart on my introduce my cube monitor one way to look at the cargo Adriatic good night all right corner through their learned after a uncle ever 3:06 so departure frequency is pre-selected over here [Music] yeah recap Rocky IV freeze talking about a frontier for the commodity 24 days or an early right turn yes heading on traffic yeah I'll try and not make too much fighter pilot moves due to the horses yeah that's good yeah crappy fritters are in the vehicular traffic trace or get the protocol extended centerline basically yes Nina Analytics right line up and wait Lannie operating behind only one provider mostly when I'm away cause was o yet 600 thoughts six times kilograms of taxi so calculated its twenty nine point four we're almost there okay well for takeoff checklist man [Music] before takeoff checklist complete checklist complete [Music] yeah once again some cold coffee ip3 - they don't kind of forget about that good night they are clip views can't know this but we actually have an additional crew is handling the technical side of of this video and I drank his coffee that's why I would still have coffee I need to buy him another one David a319 er were in the vampire that blood erotic right cleared for takeoff Tobiah perform a teetotaller number-16 right turn up and away come by the paragraph in three minutes - to victory lap electronic super super make a row I'll just tell Francis message received very good I'll take weather yeah I'll take yeah well I'll take the terrain nevertheless since you're not going directly to the Fuji I think it's however though you never know the vile hateful Greenville called advanced robotics like we're the protocol now way once expect clear for takeoff fender 784 Lufthansa Cargo 80386 night atomic number one tech right line up and wait now husband cargo eight three eight six one six right line up and wait my terms Yeah right side is clear about six wide it's correct that 29.3 on the fuels so that's almost like calculators good Leviathan 84 under local department is for this multitude 24 to spend near 74 degrees [Music] first on the carbon 80386 windows electric blender once excite create a for takeoff other 1/6 right just take up most of the cargo 80386 ready wrap and rage flammable weight advantage right arrow from fission on takeoff thrust search thank you 80 checked anyone rotates buzzes right gear up Kira Elma Santiago 88 big product gabbatha what the for to look at the cargo a3 865 connect prosperous we have speed either radar good the even Anglophone psychic awaits we had six heavy passing water knock on window for the 806 dr. Deepak Ron I'm gonna make that available to settle down madam a tail every 200 tons a cargo 80386 I was wondering when we did the wakes yeah now it's time Philips one flap swap flaps up perhaps it sounds like unlike the three 806 one thing if there's an 1850 katana expect all right down Thank You Lufthansa Cargo 80386 press heading expecting right attitude very good I have to take off checklist complete it's Africa 803 806 turn right heading the three liner set up right on Eric to not zero loss of the cargo area the furnace the beautiful confession given current 3-3 referencing what retweeted more vickersontour 74 3 discrimination is Roger what 31,000 father's climate Oliver one five zero three million is no security for our radar contact maintain Niner Tasha returning and I wrote out the Korea there is a robot emergency 806 visible radiation detector cetera driver buyer exciting social about to drop our other guests etc and climbing level 200 when I said it insert next Waypoint tetra please what if I take security and a heart ailment it's a clear yeah as far as I can see it's pretty dark yeah look at the mood oh yeah fantastic nice christen el mouth and hold on to so they not very hitting the truth though they stop there be heading to dinner I'll call my future Nana yeah we will be relative 12,000 feet of test round yeah girl switch off the lights go ahead Micah 3:8 the Sikhs confessor yoke enthroned foods that are they funny thing what's a certified from Chicago 80386 good night okay air honker very good evening Lufthansa Cargo a tree at 6:00 passing 111 top 400 plan levels worthless paper the founder Kabul April 3 806 Tokyo control crime in game right the reader three four draw Muhammad a level three for Zavala from Chicago eight three eight six that's a recommended flight level yeah the comparator no violence fine we want to go Jochen throat thermal maintain their status soap opera safranin arriving 5.3 hot cocoa for everyone a Totoro variety 9r Tokyo control crime on Lincoln great derivative money total by higher yeah we won't see that lots of children know if there's a low cloud layer layer above the city but still you can sit up sends it through the globe the big city lights yeah seat belts still on should we leave the bots for the moment yeah I was gonna wait for level 200 to pass okay shoulder-straps oh yeah here we go yeah what for it doesn't matter what you there's another looking timewise a scheduled landing yes get ulis I think it's a scheduled landing the landing at forty to fifty and that's our schedule of mocs very good 8:03 8:04 a period across a bra it bought several of them Chicago 80386 forty-five execute yeah what I wanted to say yeah rather rude is a kind of long and solo just ended so maybe we're getting a few minutes left yeah last time I arrived they actually cut it yeah so anyway is flying straight away straight it straight ahead is yeah that's right three times in history today we're now please living I'm going to check the hazard behind each time we go in the back manager to take an action button as you don't have mass will come down the first I was a pressure problem some success he says that one step by Marisa and she isn't backing and their clips too as well team Abby stand on the flight versus loading in front of the plane so even if toddler is elated and loaded in sales are not moving and we're going to thank her afterwards once we arrive in Frankfurt verses are then about in the car there's only the place called animal lounge well facilities to chatter animal including horses there will be a vet check after custom clearance and values that we will know the horses and trucks and parallel reaches a stable so here we are in between our departure Airport Tokyo Narita International and the Seoul Airport Incheon they're cruising at 34,000 feet that's our cruising level on this short slide and we've got another roughly hour 10 minutes to go for a scheduled landing and maybe you were wondering well what does the cockpit look like and what are all those buttons for well I can tell you the Boeing triple7 freighter version is one of the most efficient cargo planes in the world and as a wide variety of uses you can go short whole long haul very good range and with two engines you're always better than the three or four engine planes it's always going to be cost-effective more cost-effective so let's take a look at the corporate it's basically the standards set up all just about any modern airliner but it divides itself into a various parts there is an overhead panel which is up here we have various systems that we can access and manipulate starting with the electrical side we have some lighting down here hydraulics fuel and to the right we have the air system air conditioning and some various additional systems that are important for various situations in flight we even have a compass backup pump which shows us the direction of light down here the electronic flight system to be exact a cheese it's an electronic flight instrument system we can interact with our autopilot which is the middle part here we've got the flight altitude and here is the rates by which we climb or descent we have a heading obviously and here we've got a speed indicator right now it's not showing anything because it's getting sucked by our flight management system directly but we could interfere and say okay I want to fly a different speed so I'll just push the button right now we're at an flight level where we fly by the mark regime which is a percentage of speed of sound or we can fly indicated airspeed and right now the flight management system is supposed to handle the speed regime so I'll just give it back to the computer and here we can call up various pages on our primary flight display which shows the position in space of the aircraft are we climbing are we descending are we flying a turn we get lots of parameters shown here for instance what mode what mode the plane is in are we in throughs or are we descending or reclining the various modes for each flight phase we have various ways of accomplishing a climb or descent we have the speed side how fast are we and read usually means don't go there it's an over speed and yellow is also a cautionary zone that means we're getting too slow and right now we're pretty much in the middle which is where we want to be down here we gotta confess rolls showing us the heading and track and for those who don't know it we fly through air so if comes from let's say from the right and in this case we actually have the air from from pretty much a headwind on the nose so something effect our course about ground but should the wind come from either side the plane is going to be it's going to move into the wind to correct for the drift because if otherwise the wind would push us off track so we are getting the track down here as I said the artificial horizon showing us the position in that way of keeping to stay in a equalised or what's the word I'm looking for it's the equilibrium basically the plane isn't in a stable position not getting faster not slower keeping the altitude and on the right hand side we have our altitude which also incorporates the rate of climb or descent and now it shows zero because we're keeping our flight level now we can put the air pressure down here we need to a local air pressure so we have accurate altitude readings during start and landing takeoff and landing moving over to the next navigational display this is a multifunctional displays we can show it in this format we can we can get it in rows mode so we get a 360-degree view from as if you would view the plane from form above and showing here we were maintaining a heading up to seven eight which corresponds to our here and that pretty much is our course above ground as well since the wind is not pushing us either side now here we're getting the wind reading and our speed above ground so obviously if the witness from from the front it's going to keep us relative to the ground we're going to be a little slower but the wind is coming from behind traveling through air is the same speed but traveling above ground will be correspondingly higher so here we go we can we can get various informations like airports or waypoints that we navigate by corners we're getting our radio navigation aids those are helping us during navigation weather usually on lamps or above water you're not going to receive them but above land we have various vo ours or ndb's they send on different frequencies and we can use them to position get our position relative to ground on top of that obviously we have global positioning as well and we have an inertial reference system on boards it's more or less at tree mix of three various reference systems that calculate one mixed position which is very accurate from there we have a standby instrument down here should we have a technical problem here we can still go there and get speed and heading and altitude from this part well we've cut the multi sorry the display select panel up here where we can get system information from the central Center pedestal up to either side if I push this left and I want to have a look at let's say the electrical system I'll just call it up by pushing it and I can have a view of the electrical system and then as for any system we have the hydraulics the fuel situation right now it is a short flight so we're not using center tanks in this case we're just using our left and right main tank and that gives us a reading of 19.3 tons metric tons nine point six and nine point seven so the sum is up here and the distribution is down here from there we can go to the air page here we need to control sometimes we have Freight like in this case we have live animals the two horses they need a certain set temperature we've put fifteen degrees so they horses like it a little cooler for us probably it would be a sort of a jacket on temperature but for a horse it's quite comfortable at fifty they generate so much heat and then we kept an overview over the door Paige on ground we would have the big cargo holds doors open and that would show on this schematic and from there at what do I miss the wheel page we can monitor pressure and the temperature of the brakes pressure of the tires and from their status page we can call up and see the oxygen levels so cute you can you can pretty much move the data to any screen where you want to view it and get an impression of your status at that time it's all get rid of that in the center on then you have to correct me or jump in if you feel there's something I'm overlooking so far so the lights over here is hell so well a senator here is the EPA cam display we get our messages should a a system failed in any way we would get it shown here down here and we would take action accordingly from there with down to the thrust levers that's obviously right now we're in automatic mode so it moves by itself according to that demand for the flight phase we have speed brakes the Boeing triple7 freighter version has the wider wings from the from the 300 version and the shorter fuse the launch of the 200 version so that that makes means we have very good aerodynamics and this can sometimes be tricky because you come in high and fast and you want to lose altitude you need this one this is your best friend it's going to interrupt the airflow over the wings and and this will take away some of the lift as we as we all know the lift fabula is the lift coefficient multiplied by half the air density multiplied by the speed square multiplied by the surface so anyone who knows that knows automatically you need this for the ascent of Boeing triple7 back here we can trim you have a level four parking brake we have the fuel flow engine fuel switches back here we have for a runway stabilizer trim is only for emergencies and so are these they are it should we have an engine fire we need to stop the fuel flow to the engines we do that back here and we've got the audio three units where we can tune in various frequencies we talked to ground via these radios and we can we have various bands which we can use the HF high frequency or VHF very high frequency and down here we can trim the plane rather trim and here we've got a transponder it's a secondary radar system which means it actively receives a pulse from the ground from the radar station and then sends a pulse back that way ATC on the ground can see us on their radar screen there see okay here is the Lufthansa Cargo 80386 moving from point A to point B under they can more at your air purity monitor the airspace make sure that we don't get too close to other aircraft yeah that's pretty much my side what about your side do you have anything yeah but basically my side is quite similar to your side yeah that - screams and while we're basically also a both work on the overhead pedestrian the center desk roll two important things we need for landing later on are the flaps and the gear you haven't mentioned that yet it collapse all over here we can set them to different positions for landing we are allowed to use flaps 25 or 30 so since its you're like oh they're gonna do it 25 landings hopefully later be used flaps 25 for landing and take us earlier Tokyo we performed the flaps 5 and again I'm sorry I'll jump in there again this has to do with the lift formula so we're the speed squared is is a huge factor for left generation this means if speed comes gets lower we need to get slower to land aircraft and if it if it reduces with the speed square we need to compensate that so in final phase to reach the speed we want for landing we need to increase the Factor s surface so the slower we get we we then move outside of the flight envelope and to stay within the flight envelope safe flights having enough lift we extend flaps and slats making the surface of the wing greater that's basically to keep it in a simple fashion that's what we do yeah and the other thing I just mentioned is the landing gear you might have seen it when we took off that Narita that's that handle which the same well it's formed like deer legged like a wheel so a good way to remember is it whatever she kind of River let's go here and we have Auto breaks yeah we've set them to one thing between 1 and 4 curing landing or we can set it to Mack so it's like the shoulder harnesses that's right so we do to that especially not with the voices so real since the yoke well that's not that important isn't that important now I'm just kidding I totally forgot how do you actually - do I apply how do you fly the plane yeah yes go ahead try it yeah though the basic function I think it's just we call it I don't turn it right now because warning sounds that's the light with a wheel to be 70 push push it forward and the patient you might have noticed on the yoke to get airborne well why don't we demonstration why don't we demonstrate that real quick so what weapon was saying you need to right now in automatic mode the plane is getting its data various sensors and from our program to pipeline if it is connected there's going to be or a siren telling us okay guys your the ultimate automatic flight up here now I know I so if you pay attention to the artificial horizon here if I fly a right right turn it's going to move and show the way the wings meet and I'll fly back on track one minute irritate the ATC too much I'm flying back to track here my altitude if I if I pull I don't have clearance for any other altitudes I need to stay on altitude but if I if I were to climb now I need to pull the yoke towards me and that would take us to a different higher flight level lady lost 20 feet on coming back there we go once we're back on track i'll reengaged autopilot and I get the confirmation here autopilot engaged the flight director is not you got anything else well first of all my slide to pretty much clean yeah okay laughs - 20 feet yeah yeah one last thing we could mention over here Alaura charts or an electronic flight bag which is the official name cohdon it's the the charts on here percent our flight plug route that in circle over here is current position the data comes from the airplane and the next point to suffer that's the boundary between a space it's just I'm just the one who [ __ ] up that I'm not connected anymore to the year so that the location won't be up so the circuit doesn't move you're less than virtual speaks yes I've lost declare an emergency yet another function we used earlier was that takers performance our speeds which we do have to take off I already got the landing page updated so that we the information actually on that note I might jump in right we do this make life easy and just say well we'll just always going to go with full thrust and we'll just have to look to stay within max takeoff week but this would this would scream the engine it would cause a higher fuel consumption and higher maintenance costs so what does is we can that we need for that that single flight in this case if you're light and there you've got a you obviously don't have to give so much trust so that factor is saving the engine and into life for which means a lot of you if you consider that one-third of the cost of a plane goes for the engines that's a huge cost factor so as long as you can save using less thrust it's going to be economically viable I just wanted to point that here for for our flight planning it's just got implemented so that we get our operational flight plan on the iPad as well exactly we got it in the crew bus right in there the electronic version of the tried to document yeah we get to at the hotel to the internet and looked at the data during the the feelers from the hotel to the airport whether at the NOTAM switch runways are closed or other special things we are on the way to getting an official use we still have to use the papers plan which we have a look on and Frankfurt for example or earlier the colleague of the station that one for but more Moe gets hey telescopes that's the name at the keyword the key yeah so next one two years everything that we made out of the iPad okay guys we're heading towards the top of descent that's where we start descending leaving our cruising altitude descending towards Incheon and what we have additionally we did show you some of the systems some something that's really important for aviation is our weather radar and we've got it down down here it shows basically it actively sends a pulse arrayed our pulse in with a progression in front of the plane and shows if there are any echoes any radar returns coming back to the plane and depending on how much water is in the cloud the the radar signature will be more profound and if you have a look here on our navigation display you can actually see it it's a green outlined spot with yellow and red in the middle red being the part with the most turbulence and the most activity as far as up winds and downdraft and the yellow part of it is a little less and green is usually not much no severe turbulence but we do need it for we don't want to fly straight through it because that's gonna it may may depending on what's in the cloud it if ice contents or lots of water it may damage the plane even we try and fly it around its circumnavigating for a smoother flight than just to save the equipment let's and finally there is yeah let's see if we can see that it's getting a bit cluttered now because I've increased the range of the navigation display you can't really see it very well there but there a couple of the radar and co take the for data I can't can't really reduce it much more you see it here there's two cells right here and we're going to try and keep the witness from the left so we're going to stay on a stay on the wouldn't side of the track coming in just the just southwest of the cloud and continuing past it so she shouldn't present any obstacle for us for the fight let's start did you sit down right say I'll do it with the initially here with vertical speed stall you could see the flash perhaps you even caught it we just have flashes from lightning coming from that cloud that we're seeing on our our navigation screen we're leaving a340 descending level one eight zero and then would you be so kind and request the heading of let's let's make it three hundred for the next four zero miles okay guys agencies calling us we need to Paul inch on our soul Korea so we need to get back to work thanks for paying attention to our little chaps I hope you learned some and any last words for you you know what Android lending it's going to be a perfect landing yes anything anything less would disappoint see you guys [Music] briefing we've got 5 8 grits 5 9 routes towards the airport if we take a look at Incheon Airport we're expecting the Gupta arrival we have checked the points and the constraints the speedruns strength and the altitude constraints all looking am good coming in I'm expecting a shortcut to do the approach yeah yes so that should take us towards the full-on or the Tomo point which has a constraint of 3600 or above and from there within inbound course of the triple 3 corresponding to runway three three right the 11 miles will leave 3600 with a 3-degree glide standard a final altitude of 2600 passing years own at a minimum borrow two three zero set on both sides yes and got to perform a flap 25 landing with an order break setting of two please that's set landing distance required has been calculated and is well above it everyone and in case if we go wrong we'll just go straight meaning first about go on takeoff Goren thrust yeah positive rates flaps 20 from 95 gear up and that will climb straight out six miles maximum 2 3 0 sir if you want to 1 0 to 1 0 speed but with this weight we might do it with slacks extended but that's that's okay okay we'll do the acceleration once we reach the Goron altitude 4000 after six months they want us to turn left towards Ranji which is above water we have a highest MSA is over the city 3900 and way we've fly back around we won't interfere with that maybe as a pretty relationship before you try to Tokyo confirm one video wouldn't missing my little Koreans is quite important yes yeah that's right and then we'll go from there we'll see if we need another approach or if we divert to one of our ultimate airports oK we've got cooked dough level one eight zeros looking good let's go see on an avoiding heading which makes sense and since there seems to be quite a lot of activity in that cloud you still got it on the ride yeah a lot of lightning yeah very very light and I think we're getting it it looks like we're getting into clouds already yeah might catch a little bit but should just make it past anyway it's good heading for now so go ahead provider descent recall Chek learning data for two one for one party three days tamale I'm Patrick Reed and power is power 2 1 4 X - 3 0 we were of 25.5 to minimums power 2 3 0 briefings completed checkers completes well you're familiar with the airport rent so I am 3/3 bride should exit probably Delta 6 and then go southbound from there yeah I would like to mention is last time we were here we actually parked on the northern cargo apron - oh so we didn't go down too Yankee 4 and Delta 3 but we actually parked that depth of via Delta 4 okay good to know it could could be the case this time I'm a bunch of why if it's full video we live up here a little C but I just wanted to mention that last time we we asked the control twice are you sure never parked there and then they said yeah that's it okay so I am shows we turn on the signal sabi is everyone sitting and the Francis Lee is sitting down feeling feeling comfortable okay go ahead seatbelt signs on yeah runway turn-offs you can turn them on now not standard the other I put on the ring layer the wing lights all right so today Lufthansa Cargo eight three eight six heavy passing one answer descending one at Civil War in setting three hundred and be observable over the Senkaku in 360 BC sorapus register a triple in expense one a treaty right is not photon expecting we provide avocado a sweet six modified fallen direct execute el mouth Nathanial Adriatic to be expected lower in ten nine Republic are graduating also ten miles yes might get a little bit I might get high yeah but that's was almost too to be expected right now usually did a shortcut here all of a sudden you're missing out on like subtle 15 track miles here but as soon as you as long as you know it it's gonna be fun the Sanjay Kapoor Adrian 6fa cross pollinate our above cemetery include at least 23 July at Ross pollen $7,000 broth near Thailand which be right of the black cargo 88 so thrust flight of a change speed and Oh a cute honest we provide mr. beard is on the lights approach checklist brooch ultimate us one zero three one seven thousand four hundred seven one three one seven thousand four check please I'm going to use some man speed break just to yes facilitate the deceleration chase so I'll astute Rivard already identified general in the rope yeah on my side as well what happened enough it said or maybe in a moment Charlie remember from the left side for the missed approach said six months to 10 left turn Roger Lufthansa Cargo 80386 net10 one stream great sponsor one freedom as a cargo it creates it selected to be two three zero okay as he : 7,000 we may win Sanford we may send yeah that's right now that would have looked great about it's daylight so freakin antsy it's out surfing okay here we go ground oh yeah just wait a few more miles activate the approachment okay yes yeah what tasks vocalizing Clutton of armed flaps one laughs what speed of the ten flem's five laps five miss approach altitude 4000 look at the cargo a three eight six and stepless Thailand you'd be right Chicago 80386 a vacant carriage flux 15 flaps 15 and it flies and your thrust speed cursor to laughs 50 let Sofia speak all right Oh disregard that's what he go around yes order seems [ __ ] pretty much yeah there winters reporter calm at the crowd so jokowi 386 of a contact our 108 is mature one way to look at the cargo a 3/8 good night night it's our good evening Lufthansa Cargo 80386 heavy be three rides 12 mile just intercalary ACH in fact all continue to Rebecca dictator cut did you have brought the cargo in three days here now get out Bob's 20/20 carry on fire I know fenugreek Taylor relied on Oh waitron it we to left Korea near three of our laps 25 laps 25 and since mate 2,500 Landing checklist we go 603 package my website check is called by black pipe laying activity the name which is nudey landing clearance runway head inside yes [Music] the Seneca boy today 16 to 17 retreated a bit better each time he tried to land without the tiger three eight six you voted 5-2 the country what 47 from aerolite the fourth paper cover one for 87 what what is another thing today 3 1 5 into 6 2 0 8 3 release which will have to clear for takeoff clear for takeoff or a drizzle of green SEO bar 1,000 checked checked' approaching three three right correct five hundred or 51 first context artificial occupy - my left back contact told about your one through five one five learner three one five a day three hundred minimums content two hundred 100 40 30 2010 beep brakes up I'll reverse brothers cattle of geryon six four seven a heavy operating particle kinetics 417 Chandra except the hood in front of a Twitter API Piper vault-tec to holding point alone a turtle appear out before creating a six or seven so that's six yes just give it a three the Seneca way 360 right on their test expenditure Roger data six a total of tons of cargo 80386 perfect there are 60 knots welcome to Incheon for international so three versus running so right with a right turn onto Delta yep did she say Delta six she said Delta six and Delta so and then not nothing L don't know yeah probably the next controller after learning items no fu or hang on let's make way they viewed you to the horses and horses yeah that's a good point as always with this kind of light weight the triple7 just goes get it fast getting fast quickly so first to the left here yes [Music] cookies 901 can pick one one too quick so I can take power or money day for Tuesday ma 3 2 3 April prospectus preface north make 68 good it is great to three eyes on a 3 a 7 a Polish biggest out of 387 yeah the guy is standing almost on the building there I concur except and engines cut great I hope you all enjoyed the short flight to Incheon International now we're gonna have a look here if the horses are feeling fine and the rest of the crew we're certainly looking forward to some Korean barbeque and kimchi right we do hallowed ground I don't father how are you yes we're fine thank you how are you fine thank you please stand by for the trucks and external power yeah that's fine we're gonna leave the APU on for the two horses that we've got okay I got it thank you aircraft is fine thank you go ahead okay toxin position please releasing the break Park effect released thank you thank you shut down checklist shut down parking brake released checklist complete thank you [Music] very good why and already back on the ground according to plan both to frickin horses now Korean barbecue you
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Views: 909,152
Rating: 4.8504972 out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips], air-clips.com, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, view
Id: z9ruG_9NFjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 47sec (5807 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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