India's Best Breakfast Costs 14 Cents! Amazing Punjabi Street Food!

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it is like super flaky on the outside that is nuts I love the texture already and you're gonna grab some butter I can't even wait I'm sorry welcome to Amritsar in Punjab this is North India just a few miles away from the Pakistani border home to the great seat golden temple and tons of world-class food including street food that can be found almost anywhere this man has a restaurant on his bike today we're gonna focus on a classic of Amritsar chole in all its glorious forms ate locally renowned spiced chickpea curry that grabs your tastebuds and never lets go why does Emirates are love chili so much in this town chickpeas are in fashion and who better to show me the wild world of chole than fashion vlogger dick Shaw so he puts on some more butter guys calm down he will meet a chef putting his life on the line for our taste buds oh he puts it in my hand this guy is insane I'll be introduced to some never-before-seen ingredients what kind of pickle is that it looks like a little chicken egg and even iconic Street food that dates back to the Hindustan era when Pakistan and India were one oh we are going to have we go over top the recipe is before the partition of India and foxes today we're going on a food tour so epic even paparazzi can't help forget a peek of the action let's chole [Music] location one is bringing the heat perfect for cooking the best bread I've ever laid lips on in India but first fashion as a person of fashion what do you think about my Advent is it something that you would try okay I didn't expect any of that I sign from fashion today we are getting into food especially chole chole is a chickpea curry right this dish is famous all over the city why does emirate our love to lay so much will I be able to handle it mr. white right here it's not just about the chole you need a multitude of breads to eat it with pooja it's our best foods I think baby face by pity basically after this location you can stop watching because we went to the best one first all right let's go here the bread making operation is underway this is called pooja bread stuffed with boiled potatoes onion grated cauliflower coriander leaves and green chilies one stuffed and fall over to the cooking station this insane man risked his extremities in order to roast it up in a fiery hot tandoor oven and inside there's a ton of bread it is insanely hot oh he puts it in my hand yes this man has no hair on his arm it is so hot it's awful been burned dog I think you should try sticking one of the breads in there do you think you could do it you don't want to burn the hair off your arms okay I'm gonna try it guys Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam yes alright it's pretty good good once the bread is cooked it is slathered in butter what our meal is still missing the main course we've got our couch ah and here is that chale chale is made with chickpeas and then it's all about the spices including green chillies chana masala red chilli powder garam masala and dry mango powder sounds good to me let's try it out we've got our chole we've got our chutney and we need to assemble it we put it inside yes they put a busload of butter on here I will be really amazed if you can keep your white shirt white the whole day do you think you can yes I can okay let's eat so we're mixing our chutney with the chole we have to make a little vessel from our bread boring the chow Lane we have to eat this three more times today can you do it alright Cheers [Music] as unlike any chole I've ever had buttering rich toasty flaky bread and then the masala is just kind of gentle really good spice hmm it is so perfect this is one of those meals that makes you forget that you're eating vegetarian food I don't feel like I'm missing anything good choice this next place is like a short order fast food joint and these guys are fast and you've got to be fast too if you're hoping to get served this place is really competitive you got to be quick if you do manage to make it to the front of the counter you'll witness pure magic do you know what is so special about the chole here and so very good tool name good masala what kind of bread are we getting what is that something fancy Hey so they're making it right down here he puts it together in about two seconds it's a crunchy one on the bottom what is tomato same thing so they put this cracker on the bottom and then they put on some Chum a a little onion some chilies and don't forget the chutney sir thank you let's go eat so we've got our dish right here I noticed they gave me two chilies but why don't you have any chilies you don't like spicy food Oh Baby Spice okay this is a pickle what kind of pickle is that it looks like a little chicken egg what vegetable is it it's called um lava great and here's a google image of that oh it's very fragrant very pickling what kind of crazy vegetable is this here again Google Images so if you didn't see the first time that's what we're eating right now but the pickled version super savory super heavy so we're gonna break that crispy shell on the bottom ready 1 3 Cheers that's very rich very heavy right bris P fry kind of bread what do you even call it a cracker maybe what would you call me a cracker thank you so much I'm gonna get another big bite here we go the cracker is soaking up all that chole super savory it's kind of like making the cracker have crispy half soggy on the inside the onion in there very oniony is this like kind of a Indian food Oh an unexpected breakfast it's very energy pack our next location offers a dish akin to taking a bite of history with a recipe that predates the hindustan era we have reached our third destination right behind us and guys I hope you're not sick ctrl-a because we're having some moral night what's so special about this place well we are going to have develop roots ah it's quite drenched culture within sunny the recipe is before the partition of India and Pakistan so this is very unique Pakistan and India where one country called it Hindustan is that right when did that division happen do you know yeah sure go try something yeah we're in line here and I'm not a host I'm just a regular guy in line for food hi there okay I don't know how this works he's wearing completely all-white just like you that confidence here the control and precision to be able to work all day with these kind of brown sauces and just be flawless like an angel it's amazing do they have just one thing on the menu here no they have me might eat anyone which one are we getting we are getting Vigo one oh this one okay so he puts her bread inside this huge bowl of chickpeas puts the bread back onto a plate more chole on top then onion a chili a pickle and what is that sauce thank you honey oh that is heavy it's really soaked up that sauce let's go eat it here it is you go oh I like that and it is what it is heavy this thing is massive as it has a lot of mass do you like eating with your hands or not you prefer food me too I got a tiny bite right here and I like to just get a little bit of a taste my audience loves a guy who takes big bites I like food ready Wow mmm it's a nice bread the last place was very crispy this is kind of doughy mmm can I request you okay the masala it tastes a bit similar to the last one right we're not shooting the same thing twice in a row we're shooting it four times in a row not twice I won't see how big of a bite you can take we all know that you are amazing at taking really small bites is that my audience is feeling a heartbroken and disappointed they really appreciate a big bite that's pretty big can you do it and save your lipstick - okay go for it boom [Music] Indian cooking styles are just as versatile as the food itself from street side stalls to mobile bicycle restaurants and this man is delivering a Tour de France of flavor we're at our final chole destination what dishes is he serving here he's having fun honey it's an Indian burger bun it's like a hamburger bun bun and we put Sunny's inside bunch all day that's easy to remember how do you order it don't bunch under here's the bun here's the chun day or chole put it together and you've got so he puts on some butter guys calm down this key so inside here I see bean and I see potato boy honey potatoes onion salsa got in the car and this is a certainty what kind of chutney yeah is he gonna kind of mash that up whoa turn the buns and then he's got this nice little machine here for squeezing in some fresh citrus now he's stuffing have a good fun with the chole thank you sir [Music] so we have our Indian burger here I'm gonna show you guy right here I mean would you take a look at the beauty that is all that stuffing in here crispy on the outside it's hosted in that ghee I'm so pumped we're gonna try it out are you ready yeah let's go for it [Applause] mmm a lot of flavor that is super salty maybe a little too salty for me but I really like the big chunks of onion in there and it's a little crunchy and the potato - what kind of people are eating here well I mean good just anybody who wants a cheap treat 14 cents only and I do like the bread is very nice on there it's very convenient you could drive to school while eating this that's a good point [Music] with how satiating filling and just plain satisfying all this food is it's hard for a meat lover like me to believe all we ate today was pure vegetarian if you have a chance don't miss the tandoori cool top with about half a stick of butter taste wise it's like looking into the eyes of God wow what a treat getting to tour all this chale with you so I do a shirt check stain free that's pretty good you made it through four locations of this soupy brown food and ended up clean on the other side if you want to check out more about dick Shawn she is on Instagram right here thank you so much for joining me today and for you guys this video was made possible by one trip Vietnam one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including Hanoi new Chang Danang high m and Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about long trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time peace [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 6,051,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indian breakfast, india breakfast, indian street food, street food india, punjab street food, best ever food review show, sonny side, chole, kulcha, punjab food, amritsar, amritsar street food, cheap indian food
Id: I5mn4l6RGtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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