Amazon Street Food in Belém - UNBELIEVABLE TACACÁ + 13 Lady’s Cooked Lunch at Market in Brazil!

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- Hey, everyone, I hope you're having an amazing day. It's Mark Wiens. I'm in the city of Belem in the state of Para, Northern Brazil in the Amazon. There's such a street food culture. There's an incredible vibrancy of local products and ingredients. Today we're gonna go on a street food tour of Belem. We're gonna eat some incredible Belem, Amazon street food. We're beginning this street food tour at the market, Ver-o-peso. This is one of the main landmarks of the city. It's one of the, it's a historical market, it's full of food, unique food from this region of the Amazon. I'm gonna share all this street food with you on this Belem, Amazon street food tour today. (laid-back rock music) Just quickly about Belem. This is a city in the state of Para, and Para is, it's still in the Amazon rainforest but it's more close towards the coast, towards the Atlantic, towards the Caribbean. But this is still part of the Amazon. This is one of the richest states of Brazil with the fruit, with the natural resources. They're very, very well-known for their acai, the best acai maybe in the world. just tons and tons of freshwater river fish. We're just quickly stopping by the main fish market area. This is where they sell fish, all from the Amazon, all from this region. But actually yesterday, the day before, and I'll link the video below, we came to this market, we bought some fish to cook. Today we're not gonna buy any fish, we're going on a street food tour but we're just passing through the fish market. It's always good to pass through the fish market. (market bustles) It's mostly fish but they do also have some shrimp, they do also have crabs, but yeah, really the main thing to buy here is fish. All sorts of different types of fish. (speaking in a foreign language) That's a big guy. (speaking in a foreign language) How many kilos is it? (speaking in a foreign language) - 25 kilos. (speaking in a foreign language) - I love the way he's like fileted, he's like staked out that entire fish, yet it's still connected. (chopping) (market bustles) Moving out of the fish section in, there's fruit stalls outside, there's fruits and vegetables. - [Guilherme] The herbs. - There's herbs, there's spices, blooming spices. This is the tucupi, right? One of the main ingredients, one of the main seasonings and sauces in this region of the Amazon and Brazil is tucupi and tucupi is the manioc, like a fermented manioc sauce. We will for sure be eating some of that today. Man the spices here, the chilies. I love how they just bottle the chilies. Some of them are marinated again in that tucupi. There's pepper, there's cumin, there's coriander seeds, there's all sorts of different peppers and chilies and chili powders. This is just a vibrancy, (exciting traditional music) a harmony of spices. (speaking in a foreign language) - An incredible stall, all-natural, medicinal store, there's perfumes but then also yeah, all the natural medicines. There's must be like a dozen different types of herbs and leaves, all for different purposes that she's selling as well. We made it to the section in the market where they're selling dried shrimp. (speaking in a foreign language) Especially used in a dish called tacaca, which is a soup that we're gonna eat later on today. One of the best dishes of this region. (speaking in a foreign language) - Cachaca de jambu. (speaking in a foreign language) - He's just given us some Jambu Cachaca. This is, cachaca is the sugarcane liquor and jambu is, it's a flower plus leaves that give a numbing sensation. Wow, oh that's good, that's like herbaceous, that's floral. Immediately you can feel your tongue kinda sizzling, tingling. Mmmm. (chopping) (market bustles) (speaking in a foreign language) - [Vendor] It's beef soup. - [Mark] Okay, let's try it, beef soup? - [Guilherme] Yeah. (speaking in a foreign language) - Right across from the jambu store, he is chopping up Brazil nuts. We're gonna try those later. But right then, the man chopping up the Brazil nuts, a very friendly lady, she came by with a whole tray of home-cooked food. She had two different dishes. One is the cow hoof stew, one is the chicken soup, she added in some chili, and I think we add in some of the cassava powder flakes. Actually it's not a chicken soup, it's a beef soup. Looks like there's some pasta in there. Look, Brazil nuts there too. - [Guilherme] Yeah, yeah. Mix. - Yeah you mix. - And you just eat it. - Yes, he is so awesome. We're eating off of his Brazil nut stall booth, he's so cool. First taste of the soup. (speaking in a foreign language) Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay. Oh man that is amazing. Cheers. (laughter) Cheers. (speaking in a foreign language) That is so good, sabroso, sabroso. (speaking in a foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in a foreign language) - He's right across from the-- - No, no, he's like talking about jambu liquor. (speaking in a foreign language) - Oh it's the jambu fruit, the berry or the flower? (speaking in a foreign language) And by the way, that soup is just, that's incredibly tasty, it's meaty, it's hearty. (speaking in a foreign language) Obrigado. He's so friendly, he just ordered a half a shot of jambu, which is the jambu, Cachaca de Jambu, which is the sugarcane liquor. To go with the soup. Immediately that just numbs your, (laughter) immediately that just numbs your tongue, oh, it's good. I'm gonna chase that with some more of the beef soup. (speaking in a foreign language) (lively traditional music) That soup is incredible. (speaking in a foreign language) Some of the actual, this is the jambu flower, but I'm gonna eat it sparingly 'cause this thing could be really strong. Keep it on my tongue. Dude. Oh, yeah, that's amazing. Okay, I'll take a little more. Oh wow, dude, the flower, oh that is amazing. Dude, I think it might be stronger than Szechuan pepper. Wow, my mouth is like fizzing and saliva-ing, and like I can't feel the tip of my tongue now. (laughs) Oh, man. And like citrus juices just flowing from my taste buds. - Oh yeah, immediate like a rush. Huh, ho ho! - That really plays with your mouth. Look, it's so dandelion or something. It's so similar to Szechuan pepper. Mmm. The beef is tender. It's so flavorful, and I can't feel my mouth or my tongue right now. (chopping) Oh, wow. That is incredible. It's so milky when it's dry like that. The nutrition, the fat, the oils just juicing out. And when you're in Belem do Para, come check him out. He's selling awesome Brazil nuts, he's such a friendly guy. Obrigado then, obrigado. (speaking in a foreign language) (chopping) (chattering) Here's the Brazil nuts, it's almost coconut looking. There's Brazil nuts everywhere in this market, and now we just came across, it almost looks like a coconut, that's where the Brazil nuts come from, in the tree. They hang in this little pod that looks like a coconut. Locally, they call the Brazil nuts castanhas-do-para, the like cashews of Para. (laid-back rock music) The sun is just all of a sudden blazing hot, so we stopped off for a juice. She's serving all different sorts of different fruit juices, local fruit juices. I ordered the cupuacu, which is the fruit that comes in that giant pod. And then they take out the flesh pulp, it's like pudding inside of that pod, and she's gonna blend that up into a juice. This is just the pure fruit blended, no sugar, no anything. Oh, man that's so refreshing. It's cool, it's sour and milky. Sour and milky, I like sour stuff, I think I said that already before when we tried the actual fruit. It's like naturally milky sourness. That is just absolutely necessary when we were walking around the market in Belem. (speaking in a foreign language) The cacao fruit juice from a chocolate pod tree. Oh that's nice too, sour and sweet. Okay and this one is the bacuri. Mmm. It tastes similar to lychee, lychee for me. Acerola, acerola, no idea what it even is. It looks kinda like a tomato. - [Guilherme] No sugar. - Similar to a very ripe guava. (speaking in a foreign language) Bom dia, bom dia. So we're just stopping by on the outskirts of the market. There's an entire food court system. Like a massive food court, all sorts of local Belem, Amazon foods from this state, from Para. We're gonna start eating now. (speaking in a foreign language) (speaking in a foreign language) - Bobo de camarao. - Bobo de camarao. - [Guilherme] Yeah, which is kinda like a shrimp yuca cream. - [Mark] In a yuca cream. - [Guilherme] In a yuca cream. - So what's amazing is that she has arranged for a number of the amazing ladies in this market to all cook and all serve us at her restaurant. So she's, this is amazing. We're gonna get to try a few different dishes. It smells so good. Obrigado, oh it smells so good. Obrigado. Moving on to the next stall to see what she is cooking. Cooking only for us. (speaking in a foreign language) - Yeah after she gets done with the fish, she's gonna cook our dish. - Oh. (speaking in a foreign language) And in the fourth stall, again, she's frying up some fish, but also frying up some shrimp. Putting them into a batter. It looks like there's some herbs and things in the batter. Then she dunks then into the oil. Oh, man, that smells so good. (sizzling) Yeah. Herbs and-- - Breading. (speaking in a foreign language) - Ah, she puts that under the fish. Nice, wow that's an amazing dish. (speaking in a foreign language) All of the ladies are so incredibly nice and friendly, and their cooking is shining. (festive traditional music) I kinda like the sauce, the salsa sauce with fried fish and rice. (speaking in a foreign language) (speaking in a foreign language) Ah, okay. Obrigado, man. (speaking in a foreign language) - [Mark] Thank you. Bom dia. - Bom dia. (speaking in a foreign language) - Jambu rice. It's just like a never ending sea of cooked food here. The next lady is making jambu rice, you know that jambu flower that we tasted that numbs your mouth. Those are the leaves cooked with rice with a stew like a stroganoff-style stew. Okay. - Eleana. - Eleana, Eleana. Eleana, she is an amazing, an amazing-- (speaking in a foreign language) Obrigado, obrigado, she is amazing. She is taking care of us. (lively traditional music) Eleana is the most amazing lady ever. She knows all of her friends at the market, and instead of having to go to every single stall to eat a different dish, she's arranged with all her friends to prepare a dish and to bring them back to her restaurant so we can try all the diversity, all the different dishes. She is an amazing lady. (laughter) (speaking in a foreign language) (lively traditional music) (speaking in a foreign language) Eleana says this is the best acai in the market, the puro acai. We were trying to look for the white acai but it's not season. I've never even seen it before. But he's got the purple acai, we're gonna have a cup here. Just got to, when you see acai, the pure thing, you have to. It's so good. This one is so thick. Wow. It does remind me of avocado, blended avocado. It's so creamy, it's so rich, it's so mmm. It's amazing. That's so thick. Wow, that is pure acai, that is amazing. Acai do? - Leo. - Leo, that's the spot. (speaking in a foreign language) - [Guilherme] Tried the fish, shrimp, and tried the beef flower rice. - We've stopped over at Eleana's mom. She is the oldest, the longest lady serving food here. For 47 years. The ladies here are legends of Belem food. She wants me to quickly try the soup which is jambu and tucupi which is the manioc. Mmm. Oh wow. That's sour at first, then kinda sweet. (speaking in a foreign language) Eleana is now preparing her main dish which is like a paella, like a rice mixed dish. (speaking in a foreign language) Shrimps, mussels and crab all go in, which is all deshelled already. - Tucupi. (speaking in a foreign language) - Tucupi. (speaking in a foreign language) (speaking in a foreign language) Remember the tucupi that we saw throughout the market? That's the fermented manioc, cassava like by-product juice. It has a sour taste, and it's used in so many different dishes. That smells so good. (speaking in a foreign language) (speaking in a foreign language) Jambu, jambu. She added in some of the jambu leaves, this is one of the greatest rice dishes. (speaking in a foreign language) And then she topped it with crab legs, crab claws and shrimp. Obrigado. (speaking in a foreign language) That is an incredible dish. They have literally set out an entire like, street, like, right net to the river buffet. All of the different dishes that we saw being cooked, all of the different dishes from her friends. She even just told us, like it's an honor for them. And it's even, it's a massive honor for us to be here. The different dishes, the cooking. They cook with so much passion, so much love. The hospitality is, it will, it touches your heart. This is some of the most amazing hospitality, some of the most amazing ladies in the world, There's so much food, there's such a variety. We're gonna just kinda do a buffet style, get plates and just go down the line and get a little bit of everything. (lively drum music) I almost forgot, I stuck the fork and spoon in my pocket. - [Guilherme] No, it's fine you can take it. - [Mark] How is the food? - Delicious, everything's so good. - Man, this has been like a three-hour session of running around the market from box stall to stall, feeling the love from every single lady. Oh, wow. The shrimp, the batter, the herbs, the sesame. Mmm. And that sauce. I just don't know if I can even come close to remembering all the names, all the different ingredients with all the diversity of food. Mmm. Oh, wow. Obrigado. He's adding on, sprinkling on, something on to my plate. Oh, sesame seed. That is service. That is hospitality. I think this is another tucupi paste or something, manioc paste with shrimp in it. Oh, wow. Mmm. I think that's the shrimp with the manioc paste, it has a gummy, sticky texture to it. That tastes incredible. The fresh vegetables, the chilis in there, the fried fish, again the tucupi and the jambu leaves. Oh. The fried, crispy fish, the sourness of that tucupi soup. - Pirarucu, this is the one. - That huge fish, right? This is a nugget of the pirarucu. It's so crispy and that fish is so pure, it's almost like chicken, like fried chicken. (speaking in a foreign language) Is he selling something? - Yes. Fresh dregs with, he throws in music. (music plays from vendor) (speaking in a foreign language) - I have no idea how how spicy this chili is. Oh, wow. That's pretty spicy. Oh, wow, that's flavorful. Okay, next up, I'm gonna try this fish. Shrimp sauce. Or maybe, I think they're served together. I think I'm gonna grab a shrimp, and I'm gonna scoop up a piece of shrimp with a piece of fish. Mmm. Oh, the fried fish, that like shrimp sauce, you can taste the herb or vegetable in there. - [Guilherme] Arroz de jambu. - The next dish is arroz de jambu. Which is the jambu, I already tried, this is the jambu flower, but the jambu leaves also give off a numbing sensation and that's just folded with jambu leaves and then served with some kind of a, like creamy stew. Oh, wow. Mmm. I haven't felt the numbing yet, but you taste a slight bitterness of the jambu leaves. I need to have some acai next. - Having a bowl? - Okay sure. - Yeah, yeah yeah. - Oh that's a beautiful color. You cannot get enough acai when you're here. And add a little of the tapioca, which is, I think it is a product of the cassava as well. But that's very very light, like popcorn. Mmm. (lively traditional music) Even after like three plates of food, there's still dishes I haven't tried yet. I'm moving on. Try some more of the fried fish. There's some cassava and shrimp. There's some more vegetables as well. Let's try some of this. This one is shrimp, you can see if you look really closely, you can see these little baby tiny shrimp, dried with some of the cassava powder. Mmm. The vibrancy of that shrimp shines, salted dried shrimp. Like, tastes like shrimp paste. I found a little bit more of the tucupi chili sauce which I wanted to have with the dish. Mmm. Oh, this tucupi sauce, you can taste the ferment again. The tucupi, the fermented manioc. But the chilies in there. Every dish different, every dish from Para state, the flavors, the vibrancy, the amazing ladies who prepared the food for us. That makes your mouth, like, that just gives your mouth a whole 'nother dimension. Not only mouth-numbing, but like mind-numbing flower. This one is the fried filioche, and I'm gonna add some of this relish to it. It has like tomatoes and onions in it. And then chase it with a chili. (exciting traditional music) Those chilies will wake you up. Ooh. It's lunch time now, about noon or about one and just now the stalls are just packed. This entire area, the ambience, the atmosphere, the vibrance, the friendliness, next to the river. It's stunning. I'm just blown away. I don't even, I can't even say anything anymore. Muito obrigado, muito obrigado. (speaking in a foreign language) Obrigado, muito obrigado. (speaking in a foreign language) Obrigado, thank you. From our heart she is awesome. When you are in Belem, it's not even a choice. You have to come see Eliana. Her stall it's Eliana B. Kelly? - Eliana Kelly. - Eliana Kelly. And she is-- (speaking in a foreign language) Box, so they call the boxes the stalls, box 49. Possibly the most friendly lady in all of Brazil. Muito obrigado. - Muito obrigado. (speaking in a foreign language) (speaking in a foreign language) Numero 37. - [Guilherme] Buriti. - [Mark] What is that? - [Guilherme] She made it for us. - [Mark] Obrigado. The food is just never ending. Aunty has-- - Vino de buriti. - Vino de buriti? You just take it from the bowl? - Yeah, yeah. It's kinda like buriti wine, it's cold. It's a fruit. - Oh wow. That's so thick. - [Guilherme] That's this fruit. - That's this fruit? - It's sour, its thick, it's like, hearty. Oh, man, that is beautiful. Try this man. - Oh what is that? - So many new things. - Fresh. - Dude it's this random fruit, another fruit. Another Amazon fruit. It just does not stop. - It looks like carrot. - It's like pumpkin juice. She is box number 46. Muito obrigado. Ciao, ciao. Ciao, obrigado. Oh, man, this is. - [Guilherme] Mustache. - You what, a jungle pumpkin mustache? Oh, yes I do. (laughter) I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I'm just like, oh, man. This has been one of the greatest days of my life, I think. - It's well beyond words, just-- - [Mark] Yeah, it's unexplainable. - From the heart, thank you. - Thank you guys so much for arranging that. - Yes. - You're welcome, always. - It's been, this has been-- - Please come back. - Incredible. Absolutely incredible. - I wanna come back already. - I wanna, I wanna just stay here. (laid-back rock music music) There's Guilherme doing a little dance. Yeah. (laughs) From here, we're walking back to the car, and there's a couple of afternoon and evening street foods from Belem that we've gotta try. It's about 4:00 p.m. and just after 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon, this is the time when people in Belem eat a dish called tacaca. And this is one of the dishes I was most looking forward to eating coming here. (speaking in a foreign language) - [Guilherme] Her name's Diva. - [Mark] Diva. Jambu? (speaking in a foreign language) - [Guilherme] Wow. - She not only has the tacaca, but she has like some full dishes as well. But mainly we came here to eat the tacaca, which she's gonna prepare right now. I'm ordering a tacaca and a vatapa. I love the names here, but you can get so confused. (laughter) - What? (speaking in a foreign language) - [Mark] Vatapa first, okay. Vatapa. And then some of the jambu leaves. - [Guilherme] Jambu. (speaking in a foreign language) - That's the dish. (laughter) Ah yes. Oh man this is a gorgeous, gorgeous dish. One of the most beautiful dishes I've seen in a very, very long time. But this is one of the main dishes of Para. The main soup broth is made from tucupi which we've had already today many times. It is made from fermented manioc. So it has a kind of vinegary sour taste to it. But they take some of that soup, they put it into the gourd, it's always served in a gourd, then she takes some of the manioc gum, very sticky, very pasty, that's the thickener as she adds that to your soup. So that's gonna make it heartier, thicker, richer. Then she adds in a bunch of the jambu leaves, you know that jambu flower that we were eating and we already had jambu today? That's a numbing leaf, flower, plant, amazing, and adds that in and then adds in some chili, usually just some of the chili juice. But we got some of the floating chilies to make it extra spicy. Then some of the salted shrimp and the fills your bowl with the tucupi soup. I've seen people just kinda drink it. And you get this little stick fork to eat the jambu leaves. Mix that around. Oh man you can smell the chilies, you can smell the sourness. I think I'm just gonna, I see lots of people just drinking the soup first. I'll try the soup first, just drink it. (speaking in a foreign language) Oh, ho ho ho ho, oh wow! Unbelievable. It has this sour vinegary taste. Immediately on my first sip, I can feel the, just a slight numbing, it's not like a huge numbing sensation but you can feel your tongue tingle. And then the chilies, because she added in all of that chili juice and the chilies floating. Oh wow, that's just soothing and stunning. And you can feel, like the thickness, how the gum of the tapioca has sort of thickened already. Mmm. Absolutely stunning. They have a texture similar to spinach. But a little tougher, a little more, not quite as slimy. Oh yeah, oh yeah some of the gumminess is still in there. Can you see that? Some of the gumminess. I'm gonna add some of these chilies try some of that gumminess, with a, maybe with a shrimp now, do that. (lively traditional music) That's a very salty shrimp, because it is a salted preserved shrimp. That contrast, the sour soup, the tingling soup, the salty shrimp, the chilies. I think I'm just in love with this dish. Okay let's try the tacaca. No, let's try the-- - [Guilherme] Vatapa. - Vatapa. Kind of like a a thick, starchy looking paste. I've never had it before, but she topped it with shrimp, more of the jambu leaves, rice and we got the deluxe version, I think with crab claws. I'll just try some of the Vatapa first. Whoa. Mmm. That is like a very sticky, extremely smooth texture, but the flavors are amazing. It's like gummy, it's really sticky, not quite as thick and sticky as peanut butter, but like a very smooth peanut butter, almost. Okay, crab claw. Oh that almost has a bacon taste to it. Mmm, mmm. If you were gonna eat this whole plate, it would definitely fill you up. I'd like to taste that with some of the tacaca. This is a stunning, stunning dish. - Cheers. - Wow. Oh man my mouth is on fire. She added in so many chilies to the special bowl of tacaca. My mouth is numb. Mmm. For sure one of my favorite dishes in Brazil so far. I'm just sweating with happiness, right now. (speaking in a foreign language) - Something like that. (laughter) (speaking in a foreign language) The best. - Crazy delicious. It's the type of dish, if I lived here, there's no doubt I would be in the habit of eating it every single afternoon. There's no way I could not. Obrigado, again an amazing, amazing lady. Diva, come to see her when you come to Belem. - Obrigado, obrigado. - Obrigado. That was spectacular. Wow. What's the next place we're going? - Rosario. - Rosario. - We are go to eat lateown, which is like pork and a type of hotdog that has ground beef. (laid-back rock music) You can choose the French bread or the hotdog bread. - It's one of the most well-known street food stalls in the city of Rosario. They serve two main things. One is like a hotdog with ground beef topping. One is slices of the pork, like that's a massive pork plate. They fry it up, they out it in a bun. They season it. This is beautiful. There is tables along the sidewalk. And chairs, plastic chairs. It smells so good. And this is gonna be the final thing that we eat on this tour today. They have been serving this for 47 years. (sizzling) - [Vendor] And all they want is hotdog. - What's amazing about food like this, about a street food like this, is I think every single culture around the world has some formation of this. Meat stuffed into a bun with some kind of mayonnaise-y sauces to go with it. (lively drum music) - There you go. - Wow. (speaking in a foreign language) This type of food, this type of combination, this type of construction is just, its universal. It crosses all cultural boundaries. It can be enjoyed by everyone. They're beautiful, just tucked into a handheld bun. Just take a look on the inside here. That's like a coleslaw, all of that pork. Oh wow. That is quality. You can taste the lemon juice on there, the lime juice. The coleslaw almost like just kinda melts into it. Now we just need to try some of that sauce. It's seriously incredible. It's so like, not complex tasting but just perfect, as perfect as it needs to be. This sauce is delicious as well. A little bit spicy, you taste the sourness of the chilies, like the, I'm just guessing, tucupi. Since this is a tucupi city filled with hotdog, and oh, I loved the move, he actually sliced the hotdog, maybe into threes. And then he wiped, he swiped in some butter, did you see that (laughs)? Dude, he swiped in a bunch of butter. And then fried it on a hot plate. - And ground beef right? - And then the ground beef came on as a topping. The ground beef, yeah what a move. What a genius hotdog move. Let's just get a look at that ground beef in there, just, yeah that is absolutely awesome. I'm just gonna go ahead and apply some of that. (laid-back rock music) That is amazing. Oh wow. The hotdog, the ground beef has kind of a spicy cumin taste. The tomatoes, the onions, the tucupi chili sauce. You're just gonna want that sauce to just flow out. (speaking in a foreign language) Moving back over to the pork sandwich and this tucupi hot sauce, like it doesn't seem hot at first. But then you're lips start burning. It's actually decently spicy. It is amazing. I wanna fully hydrate it. It's really good. Like the hotdog is awesome too, but the pork, the roasted pork, this is really the standout one for me. You're gonna wanna lick your fingers, you're probably gonna, I know it's probably not appropriate, but I would just squeeze this into my mouth, it's so good (laughs). Amazing. An amazing way to end this entire Belem, Amazon, Brazilian food tour. I cannot even begin to explain this unbelievable day. The hospitality, the amount of people that we met, all the way from the beginning of the day in the market to the lunch in the food court to the, to some excellent pork. - To the final end. The final end. - The finale. The final end. (laughter) All the pure steak. - Delicious. - Have a bite. - [Mark] Yes thank you. I gotta choose it. Oh nice. - [Guilherme] With some tucupi. - [Mark] I wanna shower in that. - Yeah. (laughter) - I just wanna say a massive thank you to all of our friends in Belem and also yesterday, if you haven't seen that video, I'll have it linked below. The acai fish day. Harvesting acai, it wouldn't have been possible without all them. So I'm extremely grateful. Belem is amazing. Para, the food in Para is outstanding. Finally one more thing, if you haven't already watched this entire Brazil food series, we're traveling around Brazil, just learning about the incredible diversity, the food, the people have been so amazing to us. I'll have the link in the description box, but you can watch the entire playlist, all the videos. I wanna say a huge thank you again for watching this video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below. I'd love to hear from you, and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe now and also click the little bell icon, so that you can get notified of the next video that I publish. Thanks again for watching. Good night from Belem, an amazing city in the world, and see you on the next video.
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 6,059,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, street food, Brazilian street food, Amazon street food, Brazilian food, Brazil, Ver-o-peso Market, Amazonian food, Amazon Rainforest, Jambu, Cachaça, Cupuaçu, tucupi, Tacacá, Belém, street food videos, Mark Wiens, travel, travel videos, food videos, food travel, South American food, South American street food
Id: 8yfkENiAXFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 7sec (2287 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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