[Mortal Kombat] The HONEST Origins of Sub-Zero

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we all know how crazy Mortal Kombat is it's the only game franchise where you can take a kunai to the face and still get up ready to give out them hands bro shouldn't you be dead well with Mortal Kombat 11 on its way we thought it would be a good idea to help you guys get caught up with the stories of some of these brutal last characters in good ol honest gaming history fashion and since we already covered scorpion in a previous episode which you should definitely watch by the way we are going to use this episode to give you guys the origins of another one of the color coded ninjas on this episode we'll be covering sub-zero [Music] alright don't cheat before we begin I'm gonna need you to I know I know it's Raiden not riding I'm not trying to get yelled at by more Mortal Kombat fans I just making sure so before we get into the current timeline art is going to give you a quick recap of everything that happened before Mortal Kombat 9 it's not really that important anymore but we didn't do it last time and a few people got mad so basically beyhan was the first sub-zero at a young age he and his brother quite Liang were taken into the Lin Kuei by their father in order to be raised as assassins with beehad growing up to be a more cold and ruthless killer and quietly and growing up to be more on the chill side get it cold chill cuz that shut up doji as an assassin working under the Lin Kuei Beyond was tasked with murdering Shang Tsung the prisoner responsible for the first Mortal Kombat tournament be Han Jordan the first tournament but failed in his mission because or peein an undead assassin from the sheer AI Ryu clan who blamed beyond for killing him before this bodies ass so beyond death and his younger brother Kwai Liang was like well I can't have that then he joined the second Mortal Kombat tournament for revenge but unlike his ruthless brother he spared his opponents scorpion noticed this and decided to act as Liang's protector since he did kind of kill his brother sea scorpions a nice guy when he's not throwing a [ __ ] kunai at your chest afterwards sub-zero leaves his clan because they're trying to turn everyone into cyborgs and he's not about that life later on in Mortal Kombat 4 he is forced to fight scorpion because scorpion heard through the grapevine that the Lin Kuei killed his clan so wait what happened - scorpion wanted to protect this sub-zero I guess things change when you murder somebody's family scorpion wins but sub-zero tells him that he's got the wrong ninja scorpion then finds out that Quan Chi is responsible for murdering his clan so sub-zero's life is spared moving forward sub-zero discovers that his brother was a ride as a corrupt inspector named no sub-zero tries to help his brother out but noob doesn't [ __ ] with them then long story short mortal kombat armageddon happens and pretty much everyone except for shell Conde [ __ ] Andrade in the dündar God died we know we skipped a lot of things in that quick recap but like I said before litora stuff really matters anymore because everything that happens in well combat 9 and afterwards takes place in a completely different timeline still like that being said let's talk about the Sub Zero from this timeline I so after Armageddon Raiden sent a message to his younger self basically telling him to make sure none of that [ __ ] happens thus creating a new timeline in this timeline however beyond and quietly Aang were straight-up kidnapped by the Lin Kuei they were still trade to be the best ice wheeling assassin as though this brings us to the new first Mortal Kombat tournament being held by Shang Tsung where just like before bihaan is a participant and just like before scorpion kills his ass because scorpion believes that the Lin Kuei is responsible for killing his clan and his family and also because Quan Chi is the biggest instigator in the world Quan Chi is that one dude in the friend group that talk [ __ ] solely to start some [ __ ] you don't want him in your squad so to avenge his brother Quan yang takes on the sub-zero title and joins the second Mortal Kombat tournament being held by Shao Kahn and his best friend snow comes through to back him up the two assassins separate to cover more ground but they are both apprehended by Lin Kuei members who have succumb to the same cyber initiative that took place in the previous Mortal Kombat timeline both of them are not trying to become cyborgs so they beat down the cyborgs that are after them and continue looking into the murder of bihaan sub-zero then runs into Sonya and Jax from earth realm they both win us the events of the first Mortal Kombat tournament so there's a process see sub-zero alive didn't you die bro sub-zero listen know that that first sub-zero was his brother and that he's trying to find out who killed him the earth wormers let him know that scorpion is responsible for B Han's death then they directed into the Coliseum so he can get his revenge so sub-zero runs it to shao kahn in the Coliseum and the man's that he be allowed to fight scorpion shao kahn is like [ __ ] I'm shao kahn you'll find this green dude and you'll like it so what tile shows up and sub-zero bodies him then sub-zero's like I must say this one more time bring me scorpion Orma have to give you these ice cold hands so shao kahn's like I broke chill then brings out scorpion scorpion is confused bee because he knows this is the difference of zero from the one that he killed but sub-zero gives no [ __ ] that proceeds to body the kunai throwing spectre before he could finish his opponent over cyborg assassins from the Lin Kuei show up and stop sub-zero scorpion flees and Shao Kahn is like nah nah nah hold up who gave you permission to interrupt my tournament the Lin Kuei cyborgs apologize for their interruption then offered their undying loyalty to Shao Kahn and Outworld as long as they're allowed to take sub-zero back home and turn him into a cyborg Shao Kahn accepts these conditions then the cyborgs dipped with sub-zero in their custody and smoke is stressed because his best friend is gone later on our world starts their invasion of earth realm because Shao Kahn was to combine our world with earth realm and ruled over them both also cuz the dude's kind of a dick during the invasion cabal and earth realm defender runs into a now cyber eyes sub-zero who was working for out world cabal defeats him than the rest of Earth realms defenders including smoke went into the two combatants smoke is glad to see his friend again but it's also tight because sub-zero is being controlled against his will to did a cyborg transformation so with the help of smoke Raiden and the rest of Earth realms defenders they reprogram cypher sub-zero to give him back as free will as cyber sub-zero he attempts to implicate the Outworld HQ but sector seizes something is all so cyber sub-zero takes him down see zero that helps earth realm by freeing military soldiers from out worlds custody then defeating some of out worlds fighters everything goes well until he runs into his corrupted revived brother noob saibot who just like in the last timeline still doesn't [ __ ] with them so si0 defeats his brother and craves bayar no longer brothers then he reconvenes the rest of the earth drums defenders but the efforts of Outworld citadel shows up and kills a bunch of Earth realms fighters including sub-zero after this when Raiden tries to fix this whole earth realm verses out world nonsense it's revealed that Quan Chi now has a hold on sub-zero soul and is planning on using them to do his bidding daddy luckily Raiden does manage to defeat Shao Kahn and put an end to the Outworld invasion but this is a stop Quan Chi from carrying out his plans why we thought Quan Chi was working under Shao Kahn this whole time he was actually working for the Fallen elder God chin up under shinnok's orders Quan Chi carries out the second earth ramen with the help of his NetherRealm forces and there are five bodies of the murdered Earthrealm warriors revenant sub-zero who was turned back into his human form is a part of this invasion and he and scorpion detect the current defenders of earth realm they lose and retrieve back the quan chi's and Chinooks base but the earth run forces stormed the base reseal shinnok within his amulet than defeat quan chi best knocking sub-zero unconscious later sub-zero awakens free from quan chi's control thanks to Raiden and go through a Redemption arc in which he takes a link way back in the cyborgs and rebuild it in his own image all of this is covered within the Mortal Kombat X comic book but basically all you need to know is that sub-zero became a good guy again and he's also the Grand Master of the newly formed blink way after a few years of leading the Lin Kuei sub-zero invites scorpion who was also now in his human form thanks to Raiden to make amends for their past at first scorpion doesn't want to hear anything from the Lin Kuei Grandmaster and things get worse when sub-zero's disciple frost attack scorpion out of nowhere yo frost chill get it chill cuz still not funny doji so sub-zero proves his peaceful intentions by stopping frost attack the two assassins then take a seat and sub-zero reveals that Quan Chi was responsible for killing scorpions family and his clan yo Quan Chi is such a [ __ ] so sub-zero and scorpion form a permanent truce that scorpion kills Quan Chi but you knew that later on when the new generation of Earth rubs defenders is doing what they can to protect Earth realm sub-zero participates in a training exercise for the team he shows them the relevance of teamwork and how to properly take these hands and the last we see of our boy Kwai Liang is when he and the Lin Kuei stayed the new gen fighters from the grasp of Outworld ask for what happens after this they're not sure sis Terran no more scenes with sub-zero and Mortal Kombat X but don't worry the new gen fighters managed to defeat chinook after he survived a second time and sub-zero is definitely still alive since you've already seen him in a bunch of Mortal Kombat 11 videos but as for what's next for sub-zero well we're just gonna have to wait till April when MK 11 blesses us with his presence and that is it for subzero story guys I know this video is a little bit shorter than most of my videos are but there is not really much to talk about because in most cases when you're covering character from a fighting game the story is pretty convoluted and short luckily MORTAL KOMBAT it's one of those fighting games where the stories are a little bit more straightforward so yeah anyways I am super high for Mortal Kombat 11 which is why I made this video and I cannot wait to see how they flesh out both Scorpion and sub-zero story in the future with that being said if you enjoyed the video please don't forget to like it share with all your friends and subscribe if you haven't already let's try to get this video to 2,000 likes in 24 hours I know we tried doing it before we got super super close but we didn't quite get there yet but I'm positive I am positive we can get there this time in the conversation let me know who else you want to see me cover in honest gaming history shout out to all my dope pages that make data that is possible with their very kind donations and if you are not already a patient that would like to become one find out how you could support the channel for as little as $1 a month on my patreon page in the description below I never quite said that line like that before I'm surprised I got the whole thing out but yeah patreon page and description below also follow me on my twitch and all my other social media platforms which is also in the description below and like below me because I put like a little thing with my name under it right here somewhere so you should be able to see that [ __ ] over there so yeah also last call for doji Merc this is the last video I'll be able to announce doji much because the doji merch ends at the end of the month which is next week like Thursday or something so yeah if you want to buy some doji merchants weather-wise some doji gear check out the website there's a button somewhere on the screen where you can check it out and buy a shirt if you want to buy a shirt if you don't want you it's cool more shirts will be available but right now I'm putting an end to it until I think about more ideas for different shirts so yeah I think that's it and that's all I gotta say alright so with all that being said be easy stay lit and take care
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 74,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Origins of Sub-Zero, Honest Gaming History, mortal kombat 11, mk11, sub zero, scorpion, mortal kombat x, mortal kombat, sub-zero (fictional character), scorpion (fictional character), origins scorpion, mortal kombat original sub zero, origins sub zero, kuai liang, bi-han, mortal kombat lore, lore mortal kombat, mortal kombat story, story explained, raiden (fictional character), mortal kombat (video game series), mortal kombat explained, full story of sub zero
Id: Q4_p1TukLZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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