[Asura's Wrath] The HONEST Origins of Asura

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so when we covered Kratos on a previous episode of honest gaming history I thought we covered the angriest gaming character of them all the guy was tricked into killing his own family he was betrayed by the gods my boy Kratos had every right to be pissed about pretty much everything but little did we know that Capcom had their own bundle of anger just chillin on the sidelines well not really chillin more like punching the guy who was shown on the sidelines but you get my point this dude is the definition of angry so much so that he would give our boy Kratos to run for his money and today I'll be giving you his full raise fil story so prepare to face the wrath of what up class welcome to another episode of honest gaming history on this episode we'll be covering [Music] long ago the world otherwise known as Gaia was composed of cybernetically enhanced humans known as demigods and regular as humans known as humans the humans lived under the rule of the demigods under the leadership of the demigods the nations of Gaia united to form an advanced civilization known as Senkaku trois trium the humans worship the demigods without question and to add even more power under their belts they were the only beings that were able to control and manipulate mantra mantra is an extremely powerful energy source that was used to power pretty much everything on gaia without mantra Shikoku would suck balls Shikoku also had a large army those responsible for protecting Gaia leading this army were the ail Guardian generals a group of the most elite and powerful demigods they were kind of like the Power Rangers if the power readers were near immortal and had godlike abilities our boy Asherah was part of this group which brings us to the beginning of his tale Ashura story begins with him and his fellow guardian generals about to go to battle with the Goma in space because even though the story takes place in ancient times spaceships are somehow a thing the Goma we're creatures that spawn from the dark spirit of gaia they emerged because of the demigods abuse of mantra and Goma army has been fighting the demigods for years but the demigods have never truly been able to rid the world of these things however all that might change during this battle because Asherah and his squad start marking the Goma forces the guardians are all like we might finally get rid of these [ __ ] for right there and then the mother of all Goma known as vulture erupts from Gaia god [ __ ] damn it lychee begins to overpower the guardian generals but just when all hope seems lost but priests assumption koku Oscars daughter uses her high-level mantra manipulation skills to grant a Shura immense mantra assure he uses his atom a power boost to stop the Bleacher problem in the way that he will solve most of his problems in this story with the mean punch to the face unfortunately this isn't killed Litro it just kind of forces it to [ __ ] out and dip a day after the space battle Asura heads back home to see his wife Berga and his daughter me through y'all saw how a molly-whopped Bleacher [ __ ] was dope right then Ashur is told of the emperor of Qin Coco wants to see him I guess the Emperor wants a basket - - hey but when Oscar goes to visit the Emperor he finds him dead what the [ __ ] then Shikoku guards immediately blame Asura for the death of the emperor and attack him what the [ __ ] Oscar is then forced to fight off the Shan koku guards then runs over to his place to see if his family's good when he gets home he finds his wife all types of dead and his daughter missing damn bruh Ashura eventually finds his daughter in the hands of the other guardian generals asure is like the [ __ ] is going on here then Yasha assure his former brother-in-law is like bro just calm down let me explain everything but then Bey use another guardian general is like [ __ ] explanations then attacks Ashura it is at that moment that usher realized he [ __ ] up all the guardian generals betrayed him he was on his own in this fight but why though well that's because of Ashur his daughter Mitra because of meters high level of mantra manipulation the guardian generals wanted her to become the priestess of Shikoku as priestess she'd be able to grab the Guardian generals immense amounts of mantra making it possible to get rid of the Goma once and for all but I sure didn't want his daughter to join the war against the Goma she's to witness it for that mess so we told the other Guardian generals to leave his daughter alone and kick rocks but days was like well okay have that then he planned a coup against the Emperor and now he plans on using Oscars daughter to save the world okay I know the whole save the world part makes de you sound like a really good guy but trust me he's not watch this plan turn to something crazy evil just watch they used ten kinda-sorta kills Asura then kicks him off the land of the demigods twelve thousand years later Asura wakes up in a place called Baraka with none of his memories Naraku is pretty much a place between Gaia and Hell in Naraka assurer is greeted by a golden spider the go-to spider is all like damn son you gonna let them do you like that asure has amnesia right now so he's like [ __ ] what then the golden spider is like listen man I know you confuse right now but I would start climbing up if I were you cuz if you fought this [ __ ] right here you die like for real die so assure is like welp can't have that this starts coming up in the raca then awakens on Gaia there he is welcomed by a barren wasteland void of human life so she just got worse after the Guardian general has tried to kill Asura onshore journeys to this new version of Gaia eventually he runs into a small village of humans surely after Ashur enters the village an army of Goma show up and they humans start losing their [ __ ] Ashur is like I don't know what's going on but I suddenly have the urge to punch these things so Asura starts wrecking the Goma invaders but then ash and Coco ship appears out of nowhere wiesen one of the former eight guardian generals jumped out of the ship and takes out the largest of the Goma wise uns like we meet again Ashura oh sure is like who are you wise it's like really bro you don't remember me ah sure is like I'm pretty sure I remember a fat ass like you but nah bro sorry then why didn't begin to explain how a sharor was a traitor to the eighth guardian generals and how after he was sent down to Naraku they changed her team name to the seven babies I sure could care less about why is this story telling so he just punches him in the face the two dead begin to fight with Asura easily gaining the upper hand but then wiesen explains that thanks to the power of the priestess Oscar's daughter the newly named seven daddies have reached a new level power-wise and then shows uh sure at that power by morphing into a giant that's so big he can hold a freaking earth in his hands in this new form wise it strikes Gaia with his finger one solitary finger Ashura uses all of his trick to stop the finger but wise UNS - friggin big but then oscar begins to have flashbacks of his past he remembers what happened 12,000 years ago he remembers how his so-called comrades betray him murdered his wife and worst of all kidnapped his daughter Oscar then taps into a whole new level of rage and strength they starts to beating the [ __ ] out of license finger and the beating he delivers is so strong that it completely obliterates wiesen that's how you really give these [ __ ] two hands but assure his onslaught caused him to lose both of his arms worth it after that battle Yahshua appears to top down on what he thought was Oscars corpse but then Ashur gets up and attempts to fight Yasha with no hands say that [ __ ] to my face bro Yasha gains the advantage and cuts ashore right down the middle as he walks away Yasha tells offshore to stay dead this time but I sure doesn't know how to do that so he wakes up in naraka again five hundred years later there our boy the golden spider shows up again the goda spider gives asher a somewhat motivational speech then Ashur starts running up maracas so his soul can return to his body he awakens on dive with his arms back but he notices a girl that looks strangely similar to his daughter me through daughter is that you that doesn't answer my question while officer is wondering where he is and who this random chick is gonna appear and kidnapped the girl that looks like me throw a Shura ends up saving the girl and lands in another village being attacked by the Goma whoa guess I gotta show him the hands again ah sure are easy takes care of the Goma trash but as he finishes up Shikoku ships appear above the village Shikoku soldiers land on the village along with a hologram of Cairo one of the seven day tease camera starts talking that [ __ ] to a Shura about how he's a lowly traitor and blah blah blah yawn but then Cal ro and structures and cocoa soldiers to do something odd the soldiers start murdering the humans ah sure is like brah the hell are you doing then he stops this in cocoa soldiers attack on the village meter his twin is all distraught because her whole village is basically dead but Oscar goes to her and is like don't worry fake daughter imma give all those bastards these hands aw sure of them single-handedly starts to take down the Shikoku ships one by one on one ship he finds a machine that is harvesting human souls Carol explains that this machine is meant to turn human souls into montreux pissed Ashur rushes to Cairo to finish him off but he escapes scratch that tries to escape as Cairo was leaving in his escape pod Asura jumps on it and slowly starts crushing it Cairo begs for his life but usher is like killing humans is not cool then completely crushes kal Rome after Carol's death onshore crashes into a mountain is knocked unconscious but he's found by August his former teacher and current member of the seven-day tease August doesn't really care about what the seven-day eighties one so he and Ashur just chill in the hot spring and start chopping it up he tells all sure about Davis's plan known as the great rebirth days was to kill a large amount of humans and harvest their souls to create mantra he will then use that mantra to power the ultimate monter weapon known as the Brahmastra this weapon will be able to permanently rid the world of the Goma thus leading to an era of everlasting peace but August doesn't care about any of that [ __ ] he just wants to fight so at the challenge for a bit Asher and August head to the moon to commence their duel the two demigods are equally matched until August pulls out his sword August and extends his sword and uses to push a Shura back down to Gaia what kind of sword is this Asura finds his chance to break the sword and uses that to slice August open thus finally defeating him but now Asher has no arms again after the battle Oscars Goma in the distance yo can I get a freakin break ah she runs over to face Tacoma then he dies maybe I don't know there's an explosion and then his fake daughter finds him a few days later the girl brings Asura to her other village bare Asura finds more humans but like the last two times Asher found a group of humans she ship show up without being invited these ships were being led by Olga another member of the seven-day eighties under Olga's command the Shikoku forces completely marked the human village assure survives the attack but realizes that this attack killed his fake daughter but she didn't even do anything son enraged onshore powers up to a level that surpasses the 7-day tease his anger transforms him into a completely different form berserk Ashura and he somehow gets his arms back again using this newfound power asher destroys the majority of august fleet and forces her to retreat sometime after this battle Jasha and sergei another de d that hasn't caught the hands from Ashera traveled through gaya to collect more Souls however as they are collecting Souls Asher shows up and body Sergei Yasha watches in horror as a Shura holds the body of one of his fellow deities but then Sergei starts talking some [ __ ] like all the other daddies that usher erect Sergei tells the officer that he is the one who killed Yasha sister Durga who in case you forgot is also offshore his wife so yeah bad move Sergei I'm not sure for sure I heard this but after that comment Ashur immediately crushes her gaze head another day at he down Yasha tries to reason with Ashura but oscar has build his berserk boat so he's still trying to murder people so Yasha contemplates killing Ashur right here and now but he has a sudden change of heart he realizes that Oscar is not the bad guy and maybe murdering humans to save the world is not the best idea so instead of killing him Yash it knocks Oscar out of his berserk state but this para in a coma in his comatose state Asura is once again greeted by the voice of the golden spider hey it's my boy the spider tells him to give in to his anger it is his destiny to use his rage to save the world but usher is like nah bro I'm not gonna lose myself then Ashur awakens from his slumber and makes his way to his former home to take care of the rest of the deities there he finds Yahshua and day-use already in the middle of battle I'm sure it tells y'all should have backed the hell up then he tries to fight days by himself and he actually gains the upper hand but then days retreats to the Karma for sure the headquarters of the seven-day tease that contains all the mantras that they have collected over the past twelve thousand years there they used fuses with the fortress to obtain even more power Jasha and Ashur decide to form a temporary truce then make their way to the Karma fortress after getting through Davis's defenses they finally make it to the center of the Karma fortress where Davis is waiting and meet there is being held captive the three demigods engage in combat and after one of the most epic 2v1 battles in gaming history Ashura manages to defeat days afterwards he finally reunites with me through everything looks like it's gonna be okay until Vliet theory emerges from Gaia Jesus can I get a [ __ ] break so Asherah and Yasha try to take down believe throughout but they're just not strong enough so meter there's something hella useful and bestows all the mantra that was thrown into the Karma fortress onto Ashura thus allowing Asherah and Yasha to bust into the core of Lyra where they meet bleachers true form a beam that looks oddly similar to Oscar when he's in his berserk mode the two demigods manage to defeat this being thus permanently putting an end to Vleet row now Asura can finally reunite with his daughter and girls remember Olga right ah [ __ ] well Olga swoops in and holds me through a hostage god damn it luckily the golden spider kills Olga before she can kill me through but that doesn't mean it's on Asherah side instead of giving meter back to Ashura it wraps his webs around her and reveals enough to be chakravartin chakravartin explains that he is the one true god he created the dolma as a way to test the people that live on Gaia this test was meant to find a successor so that he would not have to watch over Gaia any longer so everything that's happened so far is his fault as usual huh sure and rushes in to give this dude the hand but he is severely outmatched to protect her father meet their blast Ashura back to Gaia and tells Yoshi to protective along with them the Karma fortress begins crashing down to Gaia Gaia Yasha realizes that the only person that can save the world right now is Asura so he gives an unconscious on sure the mantra reacted that was inside the Karma fortress and his own mantra reactor after Ashura wakes up Jasha challenges Ashura to a duel to decide once and for all who was the strongest is now really the best time they decide who was the strongest demigod when chakravartin is out here trying to destroy the world after a long battle between rivals our Shura ends up winning he realizes what Yasha did for him and now with newfound resolve he goes to face shop of art in the God tries to destroy guy in one blast but oshiro blocks it by using the power that Yasha has blessed them with to transform into a new for assured the destroyer he engages chakravartin and after their first battle the god asked Asura to become a successor and watch over Gaea Ashura smiles of him then punches him right in the face [ __ ] your world [ __ ] your plans and [ __ ] you I just came here to save my daughter that's it anchored by Oscars answer chakravartin engages Ashura again but this time Asura forces the God to enter his final form they commenced their third and final battle after a bunch of screaming and a whole bunch of punching Asura finally gains the upper hand but just when he's about to deliver the final blow meet through a stops him Mitra tells him that if chakravartin dies all the marcher will go along with him without mantra Asura can't live Asura understands this and still delivers the final blow because he knows that killing chakravartin will allow his daughter to live freely Asura then fades away leaving his daughter with no family left nice one Asura real selfless of you thank you so much for watching this episode of honesty and history guys I am so sorry for how long it took I'm going to try continue releasing on his gaming histories on a monthly basis mainly because I know it's something that I can stick to instead of trying to do a weekly or once every two weeks because these take a lot of work to do as you know there is research there's actual recording there's the editing there is the rereading my script there's there's a whole bunch of [ __ ] that goes into these videos and it takes a while because of all that [ __ ] that I have to do and I'm juggling that with my job so you know I gotta find time and like you know work things out so that I can actually get this stuff done on time but best for me to worry about now you guys I hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to Like comment share and subscribe if you have not already for more honest gaming history and make sure to hit the notification bell because if you do not you will never know my videos come out because YouTube is [ __ ] up that way check out some Mike O'Donnell Tyreke Cunningham and all my other don't patrons that make videos like these possible but they're very kind monthly donations if you are not already a patron but would like to become one three to go to my patreon page in the description below and find out how you can support the channel for as little as one dollar a month and the next character that will be covered is Nathan Drake from the Uncharted series that script is gonna be so [ __ ] long I can already see I'm gonna to summarize so much [ __ ] because that that that series is so [ __ ] complicated and it's so [ __ ] long [ __ ] but yes I'm gonna start working on that right now I'm gonna post on the community page on this channel exactly when it's gonna drop so you're prepared and lastly do not forget to comment who you want to see that's how I decide who gets put on these polls and look out for those polls guys because the polls are how I decide who's actually going to get covered so yeah that's all I got to say as usual be easy stay lit and take care
Channel: The Black Mastadonte
Views: 1,043,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asura's wrath, the origins of asura, honest gaming history, origin story, the black mastadonte, asura wrath, asura's wrath ost, asura's wrath gameplay, asura's wrath berserker, honest gaming history Asura, the black mastadonte honest gaming history, asura's wrath, ps3, asura's wrath story, asura's wrath story explained, asura's story, asura's story explained, asura' origin story, playstation 4, cyber connect, capcom, playstation 3, asura's wrath full story
Id: o_McN_BqF5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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