Street Fighter Red Tape: Guile

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[Music] uh guile American war hero guile America just you just exclaimed America USA USA USA it's in office nobody wants to do the USA chant um just as a general note could you T this down sir flat top tank top two American flag tattoos we get it you're American sir I am just representing the country that I love yeah so is Ken but he's not dressed like a Japanese tourist going to Manhattan for the first time okay gu the reason I called you in is there's a discrepancy on your application it says that you fought in a war yeah I fought in the War a war I'm just going to need to clarify that I fought for America and I defeated the enemy with my flash kick see that's where I'm losing you is I I can't see someone with your specific set of skills fighting in a war where there are guns you're just flipping up in the air like a skate shoot you'd be dead in two seconds there was no guns in this war a gunless war it was the no gun war of 63 where where was the no gun war of 63 it was the Europe War the Europe War the one in Europe the Europe one that war sorry what branch of the military are you in again Old Navy Old Navy and what's what's the name of your General Mills the the people who make cereal okay that is so ridiculous I'm actually going to give you another chance to lie the name of your general was Mike General Mike General Mike Mills all right look I'm too fascinated to stop asking you these questions that you have to make answers up for where did you go to boot camp Camp boot you went to boot camp and Camp boot m Old Camp boot home of the boot camp yeah I'm just going to go ahead and save both of our times and just change your application to a not lie and say you've heard of a war not fought in a war I have heard of War I don't believe you but that's what we're going to put I'll just change the form real quick if I could just you know could you just lean forward just a little bit thank you thank you that is perfect am I free to go yes sir you look like a Toby Keith song G [Music] Joe
Channel: Pete Holmes
Views: 3,966,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy Sketches, Street Fighter, 'The Pete Holmes Show, Pete Holmes, The Pete Holmes Show (TV Series), TBS (TV Channel)
Id: 94Vb_4mntv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 36sec (156 seconds)
Published: Fri May 02 2014
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