Kristen Schaal Has Very Intense Crushes - CONAN on TBS

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[Music] did you always want to perform you seem like such a natural performer did you want to perform like when you were a kid when you stood in acting yeah it was you know and high school I got really serious about it and I did a speech and plays and I was in this community program called break the cycle because my town of Longmont was a target city for the most teenage pregnancies in Colorado so we had tips I don't know if our teens were sexy or bored or probably both right and they're like we got to do something we got to have an outreach theater program and it was called break the cycle and I was in it couldn't wait and we did little shows and sketches about you know safe sex and stay away from drugs and domestic violence and we also had this diversity piece where we'd like start off in a seed because it was really artistic and then the music would come and we'd grow out of the seed you know and then we'd come out and each person would say like my name is Jason and I'm Native American you know just like whatever made them different and I didn't I didn't have anything so my director I was like a white girl who like loved play like I'm a white girl who loves plays my director wanted that you know drama it up a little bit so she's like hey how about you have AIDS so like you guy wanna you cut my teeth on this yeah well so we did the show you only grow out of this out of our seeding like I'm Jason I'm Native American yo I'm Suzanne I'm half white and half Mexican I'm Anna and I'm pregnant obviously and then like I'm Kristen and I have AIDS and afterward the bomb is is everybody was what they were except for me this poor woman comes up to me in tears and she's just like I just got a call this morning you're so brave my nephew is tested positive for HIV it I just hope you can get through this and what I should have said was oh oh you'll get through it thanks man but instead I was just like 17 so I was like oh no no lady I don't have AIDS that's just the play you know her report about a poor nephew in and the end like in that moment I don't think I've ever wanted AIDS more in high school normal life in high school cuz you you you know did you did you you know date guys in high school and I don't go out you know normal guys normal guys no no guys I don't know guys weren't into this it was tough I think guys in high school we forgot to do this supposed to go like this I think guys in high school are very insecure and they're just starting to date and they and they don't want to get it wrong you know wrong so they go by what's in select society considers hot not hot and I wasn't I wasn't hot I was like my own hot which was a very specific hot to me still rock you know was there one guy in your life there are several crushes look there was one that I really loved and I remember we did like forensics debate together what your audience will know cities and debate and it's it's really competitive and we were a team and I just everything he said I soaked it up and I stored it away everything and we were like riding back from Wyoming on the bus and and I said something like yeah that's like that time when you scratched your blue truck you got for your birthday and he was like oh you remember everything and I was like oh yeah I do I remember everything you've ever told me he's like yeah like what and then I just proceeded to unleash oh my god your birthday you got pink guy like it was coming out it's coming out it didn't stop for like 20 minutes and he was terrified like I was like what do you what do you remember about me like what I've told you he's like oh I don't I think you got like a brother [Laughter]
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 2,832,648
Rating: 4.9426718 out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity Interviews, Kristen Schaal, Bob's Burgers, Conan O'Brien, Conan, Conan (TV Series), TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco
Id: TvTqBkX7K90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2012
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