Please Don't Destroy - Pimp My Ride - SNL

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-The idea is that he's afraid of the stairs. -Uh-huh. -And so -- -Hey, janitor guy, you're three hours late, man. -I'm sorry, Mikey. My car broke down and it's too expensive. -Oh, your car broke down? Oh, no. That makes me sad. Not! Let's go. I got trash to empty out. -Oh, my God. Poor Sergei. -It's just not fair, man. That dude works harder than anyone here, and his car is busted? I think I know how we can help. ♪♪ -Sergei, wait. Don't get on that bus. -But I have to go home. -Well, wouldn't you rather drive? -We saw you were struggling, and it just wasn't right. -Thank you. -So we teamed up with the crew over at West Coast Customs to pimp your ride. - ♪ So wanna be a player ♪ ♪ But your wheels ain't fly ♪ -♪ Gotta pimp my ride ♪ -What have you done? -Now, Sergei, I'll be the first to admit we don't know much about you. But we do know you're our janitor. Which is why we turned your van into a fully customized trash wagon. A fresh paint job, new decals, and a custom vanity plate. -Cleaning is just job. -Huh? -Since we know Sergei is the king of clean, we replaced his front bumper with a Swiffer WetJet. -We also tricked this thing out with three LCD monitors, two subwoofers, and because we heard you like cooking borscht, check out the center console -- we put in a Crockpot. -[ Laughs ] -And we know how much you love driving around your big-ass family, but they're going to have to find a new ride because we replace their seats with a bunch of mop buckets. -For what purpose? -Sergei, we also got a very special message from the GOAT of "Pimp My Ride" himself, Xzibit. -'Sup, guys? Xzibit here. Just wanted to let you know, whatever you do, do not drive that [bleep] car. -Ooh, ooh, turn that off. -So this one was hard, but, uh, we heard you were going to college at night. We know tuition isn't cheap, so we made a couple calls. We turned your side-view mirror into a DVD player. -Oh! -Oh! -Mother [bleep] -Sergei, what's wrong, man? Do you not like the trash wagon? -Does it even drive? -Brother, you tell me. -Sergei survived the explosion and successfully sued Ben, Martin, John, and Xzibit for $50 million. -♪ You've gotta pimp my ride ♪ - I am in no way associated with any of this [bleep]
Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 2,038,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snl, saturday night live, snl 49, saturday night live season 49, jacob elordi, snl host jacob elordi, ben marshall, john higgins, martin herlihy, michael longfellow, fantasy, please don't destroy - pimp my ride, pimp my ride, please don't destroy, saturday night live jacob elordi, SNL01202024, saltburn, SNL, Saturday Night Live, comedy, sketch, host, guest, season 49, Jacob Elordi, SNL guest, saturday night live guest, saturday night live host, Kissing Booth, Euphoria, Saltburn
Id: yA0hoxZCSAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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