Exploring The Weird "Doctor" YouTube Channel...

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so a while back I think about well at this point years ago we actually looked at something called the play doctor videos right which was a set of videos that we saw appear reappear and actually saw in their entirety on the deep web series so these ones were basically just I guess to put into perspective it was essentially just a video of uh it was kind of like a deep web art project I guess if we're gonna be honest here and it was a play doctor that was flashing up signs and putting Morse code throughout the video and ultimately one really interesting part about it where there were little messages hidden within the audio frequencies of those videos now up until now we've only had two videos of those and throughout the years we've encountered both videos when they were popular and we've even encountered uh you know those same videos inserted into other Deep Web art projects so it's almost become kind of like a meme from that era in fact a lot of these really popular media pieces from the Deep Web like you know sad Satan or in the case this it does actually show that these are kind of like in that I guess you could say the lexicon of the Deep Web almost like it's part of that it's part it's part of it's part of the Deep Web as much as you know anything else now this video had originally came on a site known as gadget ZZ and in fact if you scroll down on the web site today you'll actually see what we're going to write now the reason why we're making this video particularly is because this Arg has actually been recreated not recreated sorry it's been updated about a month ago from now roughly now one of the original posts the top posts are in fact these these DS plague doctor posts now over here you've got a post from four years ago with nine hundred and seventy-nine comments on this in the original article about eleven B X thirteen seventy one which was the original file name I however emitted that when we were initially looked at the photo or the videos or whatever it came to it apparently they received a letter from Poland with a really weird CD written on the disk is what looked like a product key however upon examining the contents of the CD it's quite clear that this is a puzzle of some sorts and the more and more you go down over here the more and more you'll realize that they've got you know the video stills that they're showcasing it's actually a pretty nice investigative piece and they kind of detail a lot of the things that it's a good summary of the of the actual video in general now if you look at it nowadays this is ultimately an art project in fact if the project that belongs to Parker right on the YouTube page over here he's got about thirty seven thousand YouTube subscribers and if you look around you can see the original video that we had seen which is two minutes in length and currently has 3.4 million YouTube views 11 0 a 3 0 to 13 which will let's just take a look at real quick which was another video from that era and one that I don't think we've seen I don't think we've really seen this one but as you can see it's got that VHS filter to it and the production quality is actually fairly decent on this stuff too it has dramatically left views from anything I think time had passed enough and you've got messages that are sort of floating around and all that good stuff and the more and more you sort of dig in the more you realize that it is just in general a short weird art project there are slight links I would suppose between both of these pieces but at the end of the day you've got these two videos and that was pretty much what it was until now this is one video known as 11 B 45 one T 8 which is four hundred and twenty-three thousand views one month ago we actually had this uploaded and if we actually listen to it one of the tags on the videos as okie gara which references okie ghana forest in japan also known as a suicide forest so let's go sit down kind of hit play and we're not gonna watch the whole video we're kind of just gonna sort of skim through see what the really important pieces are so let's just do that real quick so you've got the plague doctor back again and yeah you've got like crazy crazy audio effects that are kicking in like it's it's without a doubt out there now one thing to know through is the production value again is incredibly high like this is kind of one of those things that weirded me out initially when we looked at it during the Deep Web because the production quality in comparison to a lot of the other Deep Web art projects that we've seen is substantially high so there's no reason why like this like that that was a reason to weird out usually when you look at a Deep Web video it's kind of like Minecraft it out like we're talking like 144 P maybe not even 20 frames a second ladies and gentlemen we're talking sometimes we get that 15 frame life going like original youth but you got them staring out and that's really what it is here you've got them just sort of it's got a lot of this still photography sort of look to it okay so at that moment in time you heard like audio like you heard like phones like like numbers given to you like through throughout that he's got handcuffs on reading through it like they've got multi legal recording it's obviously there's some weird sign being given through it I almost feel like the audio drivers are a little messed up the I feel like the audio just like it screwed up my computer audio real quick give me a second to check that no I just did a check on audio it was not that weird it was actually uh like that this is this is this is it sounds like this was that wait what is it doing so splashing up numbers as we go through that sort of a thing that happens in fact we might be able to see it so if we go frame by frame on YouTube section which actually allows us using the not arrow keys but sort of that not not the executor keys on your just the arrow keys an F to the next to the shift like the less than and greater then we can actually see a message that has popped up I believe yeah so we've got wets yg is ye FP t dr c zu VK e VV r I believe vq g b XY LW z lan MBR s ee v w um MX u x and it's it's actually a little hard to read because of the opacity like it's it's it's a it's blending really well like you a have no color in the video and like the the text is so like like just stuck in there it's not it's not working the way that it should be it's kind of a little hard you would need some editing software to kind of look through it then you've got the same sign sort of flashing right over here and we've seen it we've seen those symbols before and my god the audio is just terrible to listen to this might be the worst audio in the plague doctor series without a doubt what was that flashing image over real quick yeah we've got symbols of an eye shaped on the sideways triangle pointing downwards with what believes like a little handle at the end you got a skull to the left and it's almost like a weird schedule that's been placed what's interesting to note is this video keeps getting Florida and like reverse like it keeps getting like the the track like the the tracking on it keeps going backwards and forwards too so notice that as well you can see that with the trail of smoke actually God dude that audio so anytime you hear pieces of audio like that in this situation it's safe to know that there's a message embedded and that's a big deal when it comes to these videos it's almost like the truth out of it too so let's let's take a let's take a quick look at that so while there's plenty of tools you can use to read a spectrograph I just kind of stick with Adobe Audition because I use it on our professional basis anyway so this in Pro Tools and Adobe Audition actually has a really sweet way for you to view something too so basically what you can do is click this little button on the Left which shows you spectral frequency display basically what a spectrograph in video or audio terms is is that it allows you to find words that have been spoken phonetically and you can hear specific calls or sounds through a spectrograph almost consider it like a heat map of audio sort of sort of to speak but over here you have photos that are hidden now this might be censored in this case but one of the important things about the Deep Web hear about this video series in particular is amongst this because that audio sounds so weird it's actually because messages and photos have been embedded and that's why you hear that weird crackling all these weird and audio effects so over here you can see a symbol straight up embedded in this piece so if I can just kind of run you through as this piece of audio is playing you get this symbol and you can just scroll more and more to the left real quick again there is actual like pornographic material that has been put into this so I can't exactly show you at all in its entirety there is pornographic material that that the audio that the video maker has put in so around over here what this this is censored but this is what appears to be a vagina like a woman spreading her legs at this moment in time that is censored out that is straight pornographic material and despite this in particular it's this despite sort of how illegible it is sexually it's actually encoded pretty well so you can actually see it in its entire in fact that that is that is without a doubt what is in that new video so in okie Gaara what you've got in the video that we just saw was straight adult material put into it so you can actually find this video if you found an mp4 or four video floating around you can put that video into a spectral filter and view it for yourself so it is just straight adult content in this situation it was speculated a long time ago that there was like you know death footage snuff footage in this and I could never confirm that but I mean I guess I can try and look into it as much as I can I think last time I think I did see it but it is one of those situations now over here you also have more images that are encoded in again you may not be able to see it I may have to censor it because it is very difficult to kind of see what we've got going over here but it is hard to make out again I'm not going to rely on how YouTube acts in the situation I'm just kind of got kind of give you what I'm seeing in the general sense here's another video over here you can see that around here in accordance to the waveforms there's nothing really being showcased and the more and more you go around here if we open up the spectral pitch for instance we don't really see anything either so we actually have to see it in the in the spectrograph and to do this a fair bit would deep web videos that we watch anyways where I view their spectral pitches all the time just because there could be a message embedded within it so that being said that was sort of the big highlight of this video series and I guess to be a little speculative back in the day when this first came out in 2015 we thought it was like a message given by some like weird people like as a threat to like world governments or something like it was crazy back in the day like there was some conspiracy theories being fished out of nowhere then at the end of the day turned out to be just a deep web art project by an individual write or add the most and advertising by some Polish company that kind of wanted to go a little avant-garde route if you will now of course I don't want to just leave this video where it's at one of the questions that I got asked to that moment is like how do you do this in any video how do you how do you get this going well one of those things is you can actually do this yourself fairly easy now there's this piece of software you can get called coagula which by the way it's free where you can download it again I don't recommend you know do a couple virus checks on it just saying again you're responsible for what you do on your computer if you get a virus it ain't my fault but you get a program called coagulum and so over here let me guide you through this so this is a selfie that I took this is just me over here dressed up like an old man now in this situation we're gonna fire up coagula and it comes with a light package and it looks like this so it's got sort of like an old classic like Windows XP style programming interface to it and if you open up one of the images in this case so you got a desktop let's open up this image in particular and you can see this is the image and what it looks like so let's convert this into an audio piece so in this what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to like tools and or options in this case sound we're gonna go to render without blue what this is gonna do is it's gonna render this piece out so if you listen to it it sounds weird now as the pass goes over my face you can see the audio gets a little different now that's that's all fine and dandy once that's done we're gonna do save sound as and I'm gonna save it as a test piece and it ends up being a 430 kilobyte file so it's not too terribly big again to listen to it it sounds like this that's where my face is where it like sort of starts to like narrow up a little bit because there's actually data being recorded I guess that's different now let's put this file into a sound to audio sound program and let's open up the spectral pitch real quick so we have the wav file and over here it's just your standard waveform so that's what it looks like as you can see in the middle that's where my face will be now if I open up the spectral pitch you can actually see my face is right here so if we sort of in if I just sort of pull this up over here it's not perfect I'm sort of I'm sort of spread out a little bit but let me just extend it so you can see that's my face over there now not a lot of data got pudding you got to remember when you're putting a message in here it's not as easy you won't get a full color reproduction of it in fact you'll get sort of whatever heat map you're spitting out of course nothing around me was ever put in no none of the none of none of the back details of where I would standing in fact you just see me and it's not even that super clear however you can make it out so yeah that that's kind of how you do it on your own ladies and gentleman that's that's how that's how you make up pulling it as you can see this is both channels of audio so even though I look slightly dark in the bottom section it's actually reflected in the waveform so you can actually kind of see if you look closely the top waveform which is the left audio signal is a little bit more I guess you could say fuller a little bit more spread out from top to bottom versus the right audio versus versus the right audio channel which is sort of a little thinner is there a reason for that I really can't be the one to explain it to you I guess that's how the the image is encoded into audio but yeah that's kind of how you would send a message in secrecy to another person embedded in a video file I don't know whatever you want to call it but yeah that's kind of like that James Bond Mission Impossible style way of transmitting a secret message now I got to say it was fun to uncover this as time went on and it was fun to see an update to this situation too and I do like Parker Wright's content for sure all shout out Saul you know this is this is his content just gonna point that one out there and I would definitely invite that you go to his channel and give the guy some love you know he's got a web page over here for you to go through again there's not much that I'm seeing on this web page but Parker does in fact have a patreon and for the quality of content that he's making and the short little pieces and puzzles that he's producing do cost some money to make so you know if you do like what you saw here I would highly encourage you go to his patreon and help support the guy a little bit so you can keep making these kind of weird pieces of content because I do enjoy this as time goes on and of course those deep web art projects are gonna be a little more fuller the more this guy makes content I guess you could say that that's kind of how it works Parker you become a meme to the deep web in a way so yeah ladies and gentlemen that is the interesting side of these video series you know I didn't think I'd be returning to play doctor in a long time but it seems like we've come back full circle almost maybe maybe another circle I don't know the more this guy updates the more I keep seeing this the more I kind of have to cover it so Parker big ups to you buddy but that being said ladies and gentlemen this has been the plague doctor video update and it's weird weird weird side of the internet I must say but if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe this leg of you dislike it I hope you learn something today so you can hate me all you want sometimes but you might you also learned something for each upload I hope that being said ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 159,402
Rating: 4.958703 out of 5
Keywords: exploring, the, weird, youtube, channel, youtube channel, doctor, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, some ordinary gamers
Id: EYjb_Xtx9MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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